THE LATEST ARRIVAL OR EMS, MY GOODS &C J. F. KURTZ IEITISHES to Inform the good citizens of Way, nesbore and vicinity, that ho has just receiv. md from the East a large and full assortment of fresh Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints, Dye Stuffs Window Glass, Putty, Brushes, &c. &c., which he is prepared to sell- as cheap as they 'can be had at any other house in the town, and which, in regard to quality, cannot be excelled. Ho h.s also on hand a large assortment of • TOILET ARTICLES comprising in part the following articles, viz : Toilet Waters, all kinds, Eau do Cologne, endless in variety, _____Ekiractw_for-the handkerchief, Fine English Pomades, Baudolines, 13ear's Oil, Fine and Fatiejr Soaps,' Tooth Brushes, • 'Nail ‘, • Combs, &o. &c. For Culinary purposes he has Coin Starch; Pearl Barley, Pearl Sago, Flavoring Extracts, viz : Lemon, Vanilla, Strawbcry, Raspberry, Pine Ap ple, Orange, Banana, Celery, Pear, Peach, Nut meg, &c. Fresh Spices, Black Popper and all oth er articles in that line. He has also something to ,please the • CIIIILDREN• A fine stack of Toys of all ki' ds, a large supply of China ware. IPatearat IVlCe.clic,l22.43Es. He lens Drake's Plantation Bitters, lioffland's German do. Sand's Sarsaparilla, do. Ilitesliew's Cough Syrup; Diarrhoea Cordial, Frey's Vermifuge, Vermit'uges, doz. kinds. Pi Ils—Wrigh Cs Judron's, Spaulding's, Ayer's, Brandretit's, Morftes, McLane's, liver; Mrs Winslow's Soothing yrui - Dr. Parishes do. Keroseoe Oil, Lamps and Chitn, news always on hand. Thankful for kind favors aLteady bestowed upon him. he solicits a continuance of the same, hoping that Ly trying to please he may win the confidence of the people. As much care taken in waiting up on adults as children. Physicians' Prescriptions promptly and carefully Compounded as hours. J. F. KL'RTZ. Auguet 19,1861 ,It is. IVISPOM and ECONOMY to Insure in the BEST COMPANIES, and there is none better than the Old Insurance Co, of North America," In corpora led -1791. 1791. INSURANCE COMPANY North America ; PHILADELPHIA. E Abstract ot the 142nd Semi-Annual state r»ent, showing •the condition of the eoinpany on the 2nd day of January, 1865, shows the Total Assets to he :f 1,715,171 71. 10'71 Years Successful Business Experience ! Prompt Payment of $17,500,000.00 Losst ➢std Reputation for Honorable Dealing Unsurpaai. 11 - 7'And Cash Assets exceeding 4 ; 1,700,000,00J Claim the References of the public (or this, the OH est Insurance COP nnnv in A merica.- DIRECTORS : Arthur G.. Coffin, Wm. Welch, John Mason, titimi W. Jones, R. D. Wood, G.L.Harrison Jahn 1,. Brown, Win. E. Bowen 'F. R. Cope, Chas. Taylor, Jos. N. Nelson Ed . H 'Pfeffer Ambrose White, S. M. Waln , Ed. S. Clarke Wm. Cummings, T. Charlton Henry. A Fern LIR G. COFFIN, Pres't. efIAS. PLATT, beery. . Nov. 24 6m] Jos. DOUOLA., Ag't, Waynesboro' ANT IE T AM Wood Wo irking :anal SB.ZLIATIZT4Or • ESTABLISHMENT AND MILLS CI TILL continuing UM manufacturing of aII lOkit.ils et Building Material, such as S A S El , laporx, Shutters, Blinds, PACING, MOULDINGS, Door-Frames, Window-Frances, FLOORING, &C. &O. • NW; By mill mill and circular saws of every description.— Asking a continuation of favors. I promise still to sell on as equitable terms as pos.ible, considering times and prices. For further particulars apply to the subscriber and proprietor. Factory 2 miles b'outheast of Waynesboro'. April 1, 18f14, TAILORING rpHE subscriber informs the citizens of Waynes bore' and the public generally that he has open ed a shop tin the room adjoining the Barber Shop, next door to the now• Grocery Store, where be will carry on the Tailoring business. •Garmentsfor'mca and boys cutout and made to order at reasonable cotes. - With the advantage of ; many years!experi ence in the business he flatters himself tbat he can give general satisfaction. • rir The latest city Fashions regularly received JACOB REININCIER. • Oct. 27—tf. $1.•500 e P r E my R w Y h E e r A e i t!) Is l4 e o 17 1 l i t iar a u g o e v n E 6 i, $2O Sewing Machines. Three new kinds. -Under and upper feed. _Warranted five years. - Above sal ary or. large commissions paid: The, ONLY machine, sold in United Staten ler less than $4O, which are fully licensed by Howe, Wheeler Wilson, 'Gips& 4 Baker, Singer 4- Co.: and Bacheldei.• Alrother cheap machines are infringements and the seller or user ale liable tolsrrest,„ftneiand Circulars free. ' Address, or call upon Shaw Zr, Clark. Biddeford, Maine, or Chicago; Illinois., "- -',cl)ec. 22-1 y : i• .• • — lt • _ . .. . . • 'Opt A lyloNT. j H LAGE,fre wen- NW fted ter inx•enttrely new articles, just out. Addretie 0:T, GAREY, City.l3uilding,,lliti &ford, Maine. Dee.:2.24-4.lf' OR o :, cak . (3,4)f floc , ?3, 0 714 you ErArst'g°,l4.vii,.;i FlBll r- T tlhad, 'Macke:Ado:iv. Herring-jot receia• to/by, - Rzwi& CO. • PrIVIEJIEST 4 , 1100 r SKIRTS" and- the largest -softtlientin the- Eitate,.* . • • ; .es 441 . / 14 Fre 4 jilr#;!St.':lfiTilif#WW. . - Hair " D. F. GOOD •-• J. MIL.LER 5 8 LATEST OP SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. -------0---- ll„ltli 'll atg r e e Tn r rc d he f i r c o u m as t s l o ie rtm E en nst r7 Dry Goods, Queensware, Cc darware, Hardware and Groceries, which I am prepared to otTor with much greater in ducements Shan heretofore, pikes Leing much re duced. J.ll.ll.Et' COBBS. Billrs,all wool POlaincs, Printed 'Dela ince, A Ipaccaa Ginglinms, Hoop Skirts, Collars.' (mug ) Ruffling, Hosiery, Cloaking Cloth, Hopp mo hair, Puplins, Armuro Delaincs, Linen Hdk'fs. G Ett.. N 'S GOODS • Fancy anti Plain Cassfineres, Block Cloth, Italian Cloth, Tricot Cloths, Vestings, Shirt Fronts col lars, Neck 'Pies, Cutts, Blay Linen, Linen Check, 'obirts. DOMESTIC GOODS: Furniture Checks, Bed Ticking, fine Bleached Ta. We Diaper, Bleached and Unbleached Cotton 'Ra lik Diaper, finel.inen 'fowling, Napkins, Ameri can Towling, Bleached and Unbleached. Muslins, Umbrellas, Carpetting—all wool, Ingrain and Rag; Oil Until, stair and floor. QUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE, CEDAR WARE, HARD WARE, Tubs, Churns, Buckets,Knives and Forks, Table and Tett Spoons—curry combs, horse ezirds and britshes. G-ROCE 2 lES. Syrups, Molasses, Sugare, Bin Coffee, Tobaccos, Cigars, Tens, Spices, Concentrated Lye. Ex't of I,ngWood, Corn Starch, En. of Carve, Babbet's Soap, Fancy Soaps, litrosette 011 and Tanner t'il. The above stock r mbraeos all-the latest - styles of goods, which have been purchased with great care and with a view to t.uit in quality and style• the tastes of all. All we ask is a cal; and eitntiftnation of nur present large stock to convince those wish ing, to purchase that we are enabled to sell us Cheap as coy house ebewhere By strict attention to bush:Ts and a desire to please in all respects I hops to 'rec. he a• continua tion of public patronage. J. V. April .t:O, 1,866. LASH lONA BLE Et ES OUT FOR I. I.TE:ef STYLES OF Tr 3 aN'Br - V - E1 ir 3. L. DECTIERT, MAIN STREET, TT AS fitted tip the• finest T-Tnt Store this side the Ea,tern Cities and is selling at greatly re.lue- NI prices His stock embraces all the Infest styles Fine Silk, Derby, French Felt, trilacli Piaster, Light Fre Web • Felt, Win!t Planter o ke Farmrrs who wear rho Broad Brim, old style Ru sia can flint a superior article that cannot fail to give satisfaction. • Hats for old and young men, boys and children, of cap ry style and quality, nt prices to suit all. IT' Store Room on Main street, opposite Eyster & Bros Dry G. , ods Muse, Chambersburk, Pa. April 20-14 y. "Waynesboro'. Hotel." P,ROPRIFITOR, W' f h l e l . s ll:l T : come inrni to i t i l s 3O f c onclusionrie a nd p t li t) biic ti I th ftT the present, but will continue the Hotel business bctt:r than heretofore. Having made considerable improvements in the house and stabling he feels confident that he is able to give every comfort his guestc, may want. His TABLE and BA R shall altvayi: he supplied with the very bestille mar ket ran John Richardson having attache.] a Livery all ran be,aceommod.ted. He his also improved •his RESTAURANT in the Basement, whore Ladies and Gentlemen can he aecommodeted with curry delicacy that. can be had in the 'city or elsewhere. With many thanks for past encouragement ha hopes by strict attention to business and a desire in please all, to receive a continuance of public pa tronage. May t FIRST CASH DRUG STORE ,WAYNESE3ORO,' . PA. IYX; M"..5T.0.111131i, rri.IiNKFUL to his 'friends arid customers for the verylibeial ewouragement received in his "old business" an I he hopes that the introduction of the cash system will their interest , ' and his aq- NantagtOn continuing , theirfavors: Ile belie/es a distinction .ought to her:made. between cash'- and credit and be misrule. to exhibit it in'tlie.prices.of his Articles igrared;,fer .sitle,:; Call and ^see; , and it :not so; purchase Where'everlybhcan get the eheop est; the best article h t.the ;lowest Trice. , His assort ment'is more general than is Usually found' in.coun. -try Drug:Ptores. quite a 'variety of Brinks, 1t c., which he will dispose of cheap ler cub, intend ihrUmbarit;ronsidonurit novrato-I l is Nuances, mid hie ridOPted this: te Nto„" live ,cialet ',life, sup port and supporting , ; - • ' 41: - M:"STON Aug. 191864, White Pia filer, ,131?.1...L'S ALTERATIVE OR Condition Powers FOR HORSES, CATTLE AND' SWINE. PRICE 25 CENTS A PAPER, OR $1 A BOX. rHE immense sales of these powders during the sbort period they 'have been before the "publicds a sukficient guarantee of "their treat popularity. and the decided benefits derived ficim their use. They are confidently recommended not only as a preventive, but as a complete cure for all diseases incident to the.fforse, Cow or Hog. as temper, hounder, Yellow Water , Heaves, Loss of • Appetite; 4 c. ' By their use the lierse'S appetite is improved, derangement of the digestive organs corrected, sett'- toning the shin, arid g.ying to the coat a sleckand shining appearance, arid tnay be used with perfect safety at all times, as it contaian no ingredients which:can injuie khoise, whether:Welt or W4ll. These powders also, possess ieculinifoinkfties in increasing,the quantity; of milk 'in cows, thereby giving them an impontance and rattle 'varlet should place theta in the hands of all interested. For fattening cattle they are invaluable. In all diseases to which the Hog is subject, as Ulcers in the Lungs, and Liver, etc., we guarantee their urn.' ctencj if once fairly tried. -0_ GREATEST LINIMENT IN USE ]3ELL'S WHITE OIL. PRICE 25 CENTS A BOTTLE A Powerful Okagans Compound for the Cure of , Rheumatism, Strains, Sprains, Numbness of the Limbs, Wounds, Frosted Peet and Hands : - .lmvins, Saddle Galls, Poll Evil-Ring - Pruises, Swelling of all kinds and in fact every Disease - • for which an Em brocation is applicah'e. The Cleanest and Cheapest Liniment in Use It is extensively used in many parts of the coun try, and being a compound of the most valuable and efficacious remedies, the proprietor recommends it with the utmost confidence as a safe and certain remedy. Sold in WayneFblro' by P. Fourrnm.ol, ant' by DruggiLts and Storekeepers generally. Prepated by W. D. Apthecary, (Graduate of Philadelpbil College of Pharmacy ) liageistown, April 20-Iy. tS At,. X-4 1.1 M!' AL. ML IVZ FOR SALE. la p subscriber offers at Private Sale the follow it ing described Real Estite, situated 2 miles Southeast of Waynesboro', on the road leadiog from Antietam Junction to Ringgold, to wit: A Tract of first quality Limestone land, containing 'THIRTY-NINE ACRES • and 28 Perches, adjoining lands of Rev. D. F. Good David Stoner, a ,, d other lands of the subscriber.— The improvenaents ore a TWO-STORY LOG 111$91USE • with Basement and Cellar:a new Bank Barn, with Wagon Shed, Corn Crib and Granaries attached, Stone Black:midi Shop and all other necessary out. huildings. There is also a never-!ailing well of good water near the door, and a fine young orchard of choice fruit trees on the premises There is also on the above prethises a ono and a half story with Basement, a Log Stable, Smoke House and other ne'•e:svey out buildings, and a fine young or chard, embracing a variety of the choicest fruit trees —a well of water and cistern near the .'nor. The above is a desirable property and well calcu lated fur a mechanic. Persons wishing to view the' property can call on the subscriber living near it. ' March 30—tf.] . A BIM BARR. N. 13. If the above properly is not sold privately on or before the 14 day of •A ugust next, it will then b'e olThred at public sale LIVERY si-irLAL-E-E, E subscriber would infirm his patrons and I the public generally that he has recently large. ly increased his Livery stock, and is flow pr, pared to accommodate those wishing to hire with *either .it , ROUES G D VERIELES at lhe shortest notice, all • ''' . .;•,lt / hours. Persons desiring Horses or Bug gies, for rifling or driving, would do well to give him a call, no his stock has been selected with great care as regards gentleness and fast tray. cling. Hie vehicles au, s7w,fashionable, and ride easy, having been bought wiih a view to accommodate the public. Parties conveyed to any point desired, ac companied by a careful driver. Persons wishing tiorses or Boggies.night or day, will please apply at his father's Saddle and Harness shop, Main Street, 2 doors west of the "13nwtlen Ifonse, ° where an attentive Ostler will always- be in attendance. FRANKLIN WRAGLRY. April 27—tf - - - - - Teeth Extracted without Pain! DR. rr. FRENCH, 1:1030MeT "MX MSC', TRACTS Teeth without pain ikon Wednesday and Friday of each week, or on any other day of the week if thirty minutes reifies is given. ThroUgh the influehee of Nitrous Oxide Gas the Most a greeable sensation is produced during the operation Those who have had teeth extracted through the influence of the Gas aeclare they will not have a tooth ettractea in any other manner.' Beautiful and durable teeth inserted mounted on gold, silver, vulcanite or amber ha.e. Particular attention "given to the preservation of the natural teeth alike (until futher notice) the first two weeks each month at the Photographic Gallery of Mr. J. B. Hamilton, in Waynct.blro . , the balance of the time at Brown's Hotel, in Fayettville, Satisraction guarantied in all operations. April 13 DISNJ. FRANTZ. M. 1) PPS. FRANTZ & SNIVEL having' associa ted themselves in the practici of Medicine and burgery would shte that they are well prepari'd to treat all medical and- surgical cases. Persons debfed to either of the above will please make early settlement to the tirDe of their. association, PS they wish to close their old books: ' Office in Dr.' Frantes residence in the room for merly occupied as store room by. Mr. J. Beaver. . _ April .14—tf BARBERING ! BARBERING I. rirtHE subscriber would inform his bust= riin'od 1 the public generally that he purposes contin uing .the 'Barbering business, nO4 door to the New Grocery, having, • purebnsed the interest_' C. C. Rhoytial in th 6 Shop'- and is now prspnred to do hair cutting, nhiAting; shnnppening. etc., in the".best style. • The lintrnnage' 01 the' public is respectfully '• t• • • • WM. A PRICE.. Match 2 1866. STATES ONION 'HOTEL • OPPOSITE TEN , Valleyrii Pennsylvania B. B. Depots, ,1 travarsaung: . Rthiirietor; • ,Oucc-cavr,to,J.,.W. Taylor,- 7, I- pal "AO,- 7666.• ' • ' • -; --!, Farmers will please look at the great advantage In Thrashing Grain , with - SHPREGULATING GRAIN SEPARATOR, With the latest Improved Triple-Gegred Horse Power, driven either by Gear or Belt. 'Phis Machine is conveniently , arranged for hauling and threshing, being permanently fixed on two wheels. One Man can easily Move 'os• shift it about, so that it is tiot , half trouble in a barn floor as a common thrasher and shaker. It i& cam easily put in operation. It is simple, easily managed, •cliable, durable, compact and cleanly to work by when in operattor., not milking near the dust as the common machine or other Separators. Farmers can rest assured that - this machine i§ nu humbug, and judging from the high recommenda tion of farmers that are using them, I must conic to tlfe conclusion that it is the very Machine that far mers want and will have as soon as .they have, an opportunity to appreciate 'and nttest its merits, for whieh) hope they a ill give me an opportunity, as I um willing to be responsible if it does not perform as represented in, this Circular. No. 1 is a eight-horse power, with cast iron thresher frame rind wrought iron,and wood cylinder, six teen inches in diameter and thirty three inchei long. Trunk-has ten inch rake 'crank and seven rakes, is thirty-five inches' wide, and delivers the straw on the second rake, these carry the straw out on their tops, and deliver it on the starker, which will deliver about thirty-five feet beyondthefectler, on a stack filteon to eighteen feet high, and can'be easily managed to carry the chatl' with the stra tv, or deliver it in a separate place. The bunk and fan sides being deiced, to confine the straw and chaff, remedies all thiliculties in cleaning grain' against wiroy-wenther. It bags thegrain bf yeasunable management, suf ficiently clean for market, and its capaeity,,under ordinary circumstances, is frortt twenty tb linty' bush els per hour, using eight horses and the same number of hands; but to force the work under favorable circumstance, it will thresh Irons forty to fifty bushels per hour, and with more ease and agreeableness to hangs than any other machine now in common use. The No. 2 Machine, fully represented in thecabove cut, is• particularly odapted to the farmer's per; is intended to apply to any common lever or riiilliray power; weighs 1,300 pounds; has an iron thresher frame, and cylinder, 12:} inches in diameter at d AS inches long; delivers' the clean grain in bags, 'or if desired ;inaha If bushel. It delivtrs the straw fifteen feet from the feeder, or if desired, can deliver the slaw and choir together; will thresh and clean, in good grain, ready for market, from 100 to 175 bushels of wheat, or from :300 to 1 - ,00 bushels of oats, per day. using ft ur or six horses, and the same number of Nandi; but to force the work, under most favorable circumstances, good grain, dte., will thresh and clean cotsiderably more. The Machine will threah and clean all kinds of grain generally threshed with the common machine, and requires no more horse power, but in ninny cases does not run so hard. It will apply very well to a two-horsy railway power Shop Prices of Machines range from 8210, to 8595 mi. warrant the machines to Le as above represented; also ngainet and• reasenable defects of materia workmanship, &c. . • EF'llaving now taken a room to keepltepair Castings onliand, I have also selected and am prepared to furnish a variety of - other agricultural implements, Abe latest and beet improved. and such as are best adapted to the 'wants of the fanners of this part of the country : Such as the Hagers town (Miller's) Clover !Stemmer, Huller and Cleaner, which is proVing by its own merits to be one of the best machines of the kind now in use. The latest improved BUCKEYE REAPER AND MOW ER combined, with Dropper, and the Mower alone. The American Hay Fork and Knife combined; Day Rakes, Fodder Cutters; Cider Mills , &e. &c. &c., which I will furnish on short notice and warrant therii to answer the purposes !Or which they are intended. EV - Orders solicited and promptly attended4to.. For further particulars, circulars, &c. address liiIELISIER, Waynesboro', Franklin Co. l'eun'tt. GEISER'S PATENT 'Sr:TX-REGULATING GRAIN SEPARATOR, CLEANER AND BAG GER. AND THE LATEST IMPROVED THILESHER AND TRTPI'LE•GEAREU HORSE POWERS, DRIVING EITHER BY GEAR 0){. BELT, ALL' FURNISHED. COMPLETE, READY TO I'UT ON WAGONS. I, the undersigned, desire to call the ationlon of Farmers and Threshermen of Franklin and adjoin ing counties to this machine. It has been before the public for a number of years, daring which •time hes given general satisfaction, and the patentee has made some very important improvements which rent der it still more comp'ete, Loth for e'•can separating and cleaning, and also for the ease of draught and fast threshing. I take pleasure in recommending it to the public knowing that it will give the best satis faction. lam manufacturing two sizes, viz : The largest is eight -horse power and will thresh and clean from 200 to 500 bushels per tiny. The smell size. See the above which fully represents the machine, also full description, price, &c machine. Persons wishing machines should send in their orders in reasonable time to insure their being IVIP4TtIaCZIV TO aa4:44. 1.- atwat aarTaaaka- I,am mannfactu'ing different sizes of Sugarcane Mills (to be driven either by water, steam or horse power) and Evaporators and fixtures for making Syrup; also Portable and Stationary Steam Engines for driving Mills, Threshing Machines, Sawing Wow.", ace. I am fully prre•pared to make the above to order and on short notiee; also GRIST AND SA lV MILL GEARING, SHAFTING AND PULLEYS, IRON BRIDGES, CAST IRON IVATER-WHEE LS. IRON KErri,Es, &c, Stoves and Plow eastingS,also cast iron and wrought iron pipe for steam orwater, and Brass castings of every description; in a word, I am prepared to do everything usually done in a foundry and machine shop. Having supplied myself with the latest improved 'machinery, such as Lathes, Boring,Planing end Drilling Matbines, persons can rely on having their work• done in the most satisfactory manner. I am iilso prepared to manufacture to order machinery for wood, such as Tonging and Gro:ing. ma chines for flooring, Surface. Tenout and Molding machines, arc. I also offer to the Public a new and valuable' improvement in my steam engines, made within the last year, viz: for the economizing of fuel, and the regulation of speed, which renders my new engines far superior to the old engines. All my machines are sold under warrantee. My hands are all expert anced workmen in this line of business, and I use all good material, so that I am perli:ctly sale in war ranting all my work. I am also prepared to do repairing in workman lit and promptly attended to. All orders sent in for red For particulars and circulars descriptive of mach NEW LEATHER I EMS S. FORNEY & SONS, would inform ljthe public !hat they have this day associated themselves in the liminess of 'Farling and Curryirut, tiesido have also connected with the above business a Leather 'and Finding t.tore, at the house of I. S Forney, where they will keep constantly on hand an assortment, as fellows : N. EINIV . ELT, M. D Sole Leather, Rough Skirting, Hemlock and Spanish Sole, Calf Skins, Freud) Call do , Sheep d 0.,, Freneh and .lens 11.1nrocco, • Lining Skins', all kinds, Lasts, every style and size, Threads Boot Webing, Laces; -Galloons,- Size-Sticks, Measure Straps, • Deer Bones, Burnishes, Heel-Shaves, Last Hoops, Peg Floats, Double Catters, Welt Knives, Nails ,and Tacks, Wax, Clamps, Crimp Boards, 13uhbers, Bristles, I.q3tit)g Irons, Ink. Powders,; San Paper, Compasies, , Boot Trees, Pegs,Knives. Ilommers, yarious kinds;.:Rapps Files u la' and :11 undies, Collis Irons, Long and. Shoulder• Sticks, ,Eyoletts, and , j ,Eyelott .1- I. unche,B, Strip A uls, And all other articles usullly. kept in such stores. illaheoCcash price paid for II idea and bkinat..._. Also, 509 cords - bark wants d. . • . • ' ,Mar:•,l6-Iy..] ', F,ORNEY & S ONS J O {SETSprings at METCALF.P 4r„ 11ITE§ITE W go East every month, - the year round, .to purchase goods;, thcy-therefore have froth slick Uri,d lates' styles all the time. ' 'lmpror - q - ,1700 . •h* .- . t. Jr#l.o,o:':: GRISERS' PAT.ENT„ CLEANER AND BAGGER. May 4, 1866.] Waynesboro' AND MACHINE AND MANUFACTURE.RS 01? SYRUP Or DANIEL Ggisca, Proprietor of Territory and so .edS :Il—tf. AND FINDING STORE ! • }. ; f Pnicx & Foundry SHOP, o manner, on the shortest notice. Orders solicited airing must se accompanied with the cash. no, address GEORGE PRICE, icitor of viers, Waynesboro,' Franklin Co. Pa. NgVif FIR M NEW GOODS ! GEISER & RINEHART, Successors to 11. Stonehouse in. the Hardware and Cutlery Business. THE subscribers having perehased of 11. Stone house his Hard Ware Store they would inform the old customers of the establishment, and others, that in, addition to stock on band, they arc just receiving n large and well selected stock, con• ninting in part of . , IRON AND STEEL, SHOE FINDINGS, SADDLERY AND CARRIAGE WARE, CEDAR WARE, OIL CLOTHS, HOLLOW WARE, PAINTS, GLASS AND,VARNISHES, .AGRICULTURTL IMPLEMEN7S, We jut Ito the nttention of the Farmers to the PREbIJUM for the'eale:of which we , are the-sole aigente f , ' 6016, •—• • - All Mir goods were'seleeted with front cap and we invite an examination of them.. " Moy 26,1865. ,-CkE4SER 4cifITNEHART. 11]I) A KING MeNelms, else some flue Syrups nt EV, •. ; 'Nies &Holmes% y 'AX)lES'eqreet4 and kipring dkistecat. 1.4 4 .'";••"' r"••• , ';'. 1 ' filict'leflotiriaonPa I • prefilit *AU* ' J. W. BRADLEY'S New Patent DUPLEX LIR.TIC (or double) SPRING SKIRT. — THIS - INVENTION ibesists of Di:iCix (or t% ELIPTIO PORN Merlin') ST,ENL SPRINGS, ingenious BRAIDED TIGHTLY and newt togetherounno_to BF -making-the-Tocumsr, meat -rnatxnuati ..suatinct,) DONADLN SPRING ever used. They seldoin'nesu ansen, like the Single Springs, and consequent preserve their perfect and beautiful shape more th , twice as long as-any Single Spring Skirt that e' Has or Can benatide." THE wonderful flexibility and great comfort pleasure to any Lady wearing the Duplex Skirt will be expetienced particularly in-all crow, Assamblitie. Operas, C,ariiagett, R ailroad„ C . a Church Pews, Ann Chairs, tbi 'Promenade HOure Mess, as the Skirt can bei,foldeil useto occupy a imall place as and4bonvei ently as a Silk or Al uslin"Dress: A Lady having. Enjoyed the Pleasure_, Omar and Great Convenience of wearing the Duplex " liptic Steel Spring Skirt for a siegleday_will Net afterwards willingly dispense with their use. F Children, Misses and Young Ladies they are sups rior-to all_others. : THE HOOPS are cevered. with, 2—ply, daub) 'twisted thread and will wear twice as long as tt Single yarn caering which is used on all Sin& Steel Hoop Skirts. The three hottom rods on ew ry Shia are also double steel, and twice or doubt Covered to prevent .the covering from wearing Mr th rods when,diagging down Mains Stone Steps, etc. etc., which they aro constantly subject to when in Use. ' All are ITO° of the new and elegant Corded Tapes, and 'tire the beat quality in tiVery part, giving to the wearer the mast graceful end perfect Shape possible, and aro unquestionalq the lightest, most desirable, comfortable Und• economical skirt' ever made. 131'VSTS' BRAUtEII & CARY, PROPRIE TORS of the Invention, fina SOLE - MANUFA C ! TURERS, 97 CHAMBERS; and 79"& 81 READS STREETS; New York. FOR SALE ih all. first-class stores in this City, and throughout the United StateS and Canada, Ha vana de Cuba. Mexico, South 'America, and tho West Indies. Sir - Inquire for the Duplex Eliptic ( double) Spring Skirt. Feb. 18,:3m. SAFTY AT LAST THE PARAGON OIL LAMP ! No Chimney, 110 Smoke, No Smell, No Gr•eose And Non-explosive Call and see,thtm at the sign of the ' ‘ i 14.4.14' ..lEtta a 3E±Cilts.l:l.4 7 D. B MUSSEL, • Solo Agent for this Township. A large assortment of COOIING STOVES, . . of the latest improvements, the best in the market. Just received and for sale at the cheap. Tin and` Stove Stare of ' D. B. RUSSEL. ' large Assortment of Tinware of every doi•erip tin, made of the best Tin in the market and wax ranto at the sign of the "ii Hi RED HORN." ' D. B. RUSSET, keeps constantly on hand and for sale a general assortment of HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. Pure No:1 Keroscno 0:11iirl Luz* of Ole la t 1 improvement. • WASIII NG MADE EASY By calling at the sign of the "BIG RED . HORN'' and getting Putnarn's Clothes Ringer, of. D. 13 RUSSEL, Persons in want of Stove's of any kind or good Tinware, or House Furnishing Goode generally, can do well by calling on MIL RUSSET., Sign of the "BID RED HORN." Waynesboro', Pa. AfimErliniT lirnU thnt nre wanting the best and cheapest Mtcrcre. tha is in the market will do well by calling at W. A 'TITLE'S TIN - AND STOVE STORE. There you will find the LARGEST stock of atoves and Tin-ware in Waynesboro'. The subscriber tenders to the co:nmunity hia thanks for past patronnge arid hopes for a continu ation of the same. • Chill arid hear what induce ments he offers for you to invest, fir in your deal ings with him you will be dealth with with fairness You will find a good stock of Brass and Copper Dippers, Brass Ladles, Sheet-iron ware, Iron Wash, Kettles, Iron Bread Pans, Brass Kettles, &o. All kinds of Copper work dons and rep iirs made. You will find among his stock of stoves those splen did Cook Stoves, the Niagara and Combmation They have an extra large oven, extended fire•hox, taking a long stick of wood, square top, good draft, and in all good. Bakers. In fact just the stove a good housekeePer wishes. Don't forgot to call, and examine his stock. It will pay. No:teapot. to the Post Office Feb t6] _ NOTICE! Talinost universal 'cash system prevailing in I every department of business in this communi ty, in connection with the high pricesfor every ar ticle of consumption, espe•ially the high - price of medicines, renders it necessary that we require the settlement of all accounts every' six months. All bills therefore will he made nut and be ready for set tlement by the Grst day ofJanuary next, when those indebted will please call- and settle. JOHN J. OELLIG. FRANTZ & SN I VELY. E. A, HERING. J, A ROYER. 11. X. BaNEBRARE. • Wayn-eboro', Dec. 22, 1865, Gin,' J -0-S E-P-11- D.O II G L . A. S , ATTORNEY AT LAW, "DEM licensee! ns CLAIM,: AGENT, REAL •lIESTATE'AGENT and LAND - .WARRANT BROKER'. will attend to appvications for Pensions, l3ounty and, track -Pay, and all claims •:against tho State or Natinntil Gciverninelt. ` As Real Estate Agent will !ease, sell, of Eitilehaso lan& in Fran' lin. County; or exahange"therelme Yit astern Lands —nlso will bay and 401 Litrt) ' Weoite:irs. ,Cott. yarn rlctso—Deedo,' Agre ementa: 'Lawler+, c. executed as•hereitoforo ' at' moderate prices. • - ' Oct 21-9 m.. -• • • • • , - $) P14, , ,§ 1 2nd. Herring, il,athns, 45tc..,.racckyed Ovcry Friday neon. We . warraitt them tintkink andliceh. • March 9. ' • Hrerrwiratt REID & CO. PrFE'and,grey.hlvkete.a.t.• I 1 J vv •:. • LADIZS' Morino vcaito at, - - . - Pates dt. liccrracrfa: A' lctt of-Country Etacim at 3'itFt - rlc 4t, gPEPV9B'e =EMI A. & C. W. A. Thri'lia
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers