REDUCED PRICES! NEW SPRING AND GOODS! PRICE 110En1011 RAVE just received from the Eastern Cities one of the finest assortments of Goods ever offered for s ale in Waynesboro'. which they are prepared to sail at greatly reduced rate; having purchased their stock at a time when the markets were at the lowest rate a during the recent decline in price; Among tho latest novelties in the Ladies' Drees Goods department may be found , Poll de Chevres, Percales, Pepped Mohairs, Linen Lawn, Poppline, A rmnre Delano, GENTLEMEN'S - GOODS : In the Gents line of goods we have an exte naive assortment of Tricot Clothe, Cassimer ea Denims. 0 Linen Duck, Prints and Drown Muslim; from 12} cents upward, together with a hest of other goods at correspond ing low prices. CnBBEALIES. A good article of Brown Sugar at 126 as per lb Rio Coffee, Cheese, Teas,Spices, Cedarware, L • r... 1 Di• All Wool; 8 fair, Rag, Rugs, Baskets, Shoes, . Bags, Bagging, Umbrellas Figured, and Plain The subscribers kindly ask the community to call and see their.handsome stock of goods now open and will vouch that persons will be convinced that ”prices have fallen ,' and greatly too, and to con vince yourselves of the facts just drop in and make an inspection of goods and prices. PRICE & HOEFIACII. Juno 1, 18130. AT THE "TOWN HAII!" WELSH has just received a full assortment of Goods, in his line of business. His stock consists in part, of all the latest styles of men's and boys HATS AND CAPS,' Men's, Women's, Mime's, Boy's and Children's BOOTS GAITERS, SHOES , and / and Slippers of every description. Ladies and lblisses Bonnet Frames, Trimmings, Sundowne and Hate, Press Trimmings. Hoop Skirts, Hair Nets, Hair Coils, Hosiery, Gloves, Parasols, Sun Umberellas. Fang, iito. School, Blank and Missellaneon. Books, Station• cry of all - kinds; Notions and Fancy Goods. MI of which will be sold es cheap as the cheapee. June I—if. .1. R. WELSH. DIVIDEND. THE Waynesboro' and Maryland Mato Line Turnpike Road Company have declared a Div idend of 3 per cent, on the capital stock of said coop pany,,,which will be paid to stockholders-on or altar the 10'h instant. by Geo. Bfttore, Treasurer. By order of the Board. June - I -4w. ALEX. HAMILTON, Prep t. SANK DIVIDEND. rpHE First National Rank of - Way - nesbero* -have declared a Ifividond. of Er per cent. for the last 6 months payable en: and after the 30 inst. May 26. JOHN PHILIPS, Caith. Qli o cake of fine Soap, you 1811.—elhal; Mackutl,& Hereing just secOiv. JC,ctrby :11oarerrEit, ItinD & Co. SUMMER Popplinett, Angora, Grlnghams, ()belies. Delaines Alpaccas. All wool Detains, MI colors, Silks. Valencies. Coatings, Cottona des, 'Tweed* Ilernp, Ingrain, Matting Oil Blinds, Damasks. K i IRTZ43 Ar... AIL riv lea ®T MAT IST 1866. B. ; CO. NEW SUMMER GOODS!! AMBERSON Mohairs Are now receiving their SECOND ASSORTMENT MI It. Ir 431- C) 00 MP SS . Ladies! Dress Goods. DRESS TRIMMINGS, DRESS BUTTONS, DRESS CORD, DELAINES, TISSUES, Collars, Cambries, Muslins, Gloves, Hosiery, Shakers, swiss Edge and Inserting. MAI VECAA COTTONADBS, CASSIMERES, BOOTS AND SfIOES, GLOVES, COLLARS AND HOSIERY, CLOTHS, VESTINGS, TWEEDS, CORD, JEANS, DENIMS. Also a full stock of GROCERIES! SUGAR, COFFEE, SYRUPS, TEAS, FISH, CHEESE, and all kinds, of Groceries allingilli, HEW, ETC. QUEENSW ARE, HARD WARE QUEENS WARE, NOTIONS. CARPETS CHECK MATTING, PLAIN MATTING, V ENET IA N, INGRAIN, - - STAIR, HEMP, RAG. We respectfully request our customers and all o thers, wishing to buy or look at a good aseottment, to call and examine our stock t knowing thit goads era lower now than they have been fur some years, and believing they will not be lower for some time to come, we feel assured we can give satisfaction. AIVILIEIit3O/Y, June I, 1856., Register. E STRICKLER, of Antrim - Township, will be a Candidate fa the Office of REGIS TER AND RECORDER of Franklin county, sub ject to the decision of the next union ,Nominating Conveutien• I►loYlQ . A full stock of All kinds of QUEENSWARE, HARD WARE. HARDWARE; NOTIONS, NEW STORE. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! • COON Jo BTONEHOUSE WOULD respeetfally inform the public that they hare now opened at their new room,on the south•west corner of the Diamond, • in. Waynes boro', a large and•wett selected stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware and Cutlery, Iron, Steel, Nails, Coach-makers Goods of every description, Queensware, Cedarware, Shoes, Car pets, Oil Cloths, Paints, Glass, Oils, Varnish Brush. es, Fish, Salt, and all kind of Goods kept in a well regulated store. Our goods are all new and fresh and have been bought firs cash at the late decline in prices. We - Ratter - usrselves - that - from — our — long espe - ence in business, and a determination to sell gt,otls at small profits, we shall be able to offer unusual inducements to all buyers who desire to save mon ey. Please call and see for yourselves. We have a large and well assorted stock of sta ple and fancy Dry Goods, embracing • Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinetts, Jeans, Tweeds, Cottonadcs, Cords,Den ims, Stripes, Checks, Ginghams, Linin and Cotton Table Elopers, Crash for Towels,Calicoes,Delaine, A !passes, _ FINCYIREStINDS Tinnings,tET , s, Brown and Bleached Sheetingd and-Shirtings, Tickings, Linens, Flannels, White Goods, Gloves, Hosiery and Notions. We are re• ceiving new goods every week and will supply any article wanted that we have not on hand in a few days. We pay the highest market price for all kinds of country produce such as Bacon, Lard, Butter, Eggs, Dried Fruit, Rags, &c, • May 25, 1866. THE HARVESTER OF 1866. MMUS CORM HOER & MOM, WE call the attention of farmers to this justly celebrated Harvester. As a combined Ma chine, we can safely say is has no equal. It is **.a perfect Reaper as a Reaper, and MoWer as a Mow- The "Russel" is a double wheeled machine with folding cutter bar. The Reaper is so constructed that by removicg a single bolt the platform, reel, &c., swings to the rear, thus making it as conveni ent to pass through a gate or over a bridge as a wa gon. It also has the Dropper 'attachment, which for several reasons is much preferred to a self-rake. The "Russel" claims to be superior in the following essential points,l via: Lightness of draft, in the regulation - ot - the — speed — otthe — reelTapplica power, durability and general finish. These Machines are manufactured at Massilon, Ohio, by superior workmen. Those wishing good Machine, and all lovers of complete mechanism, are invited to give it an examination and judge for themselves. We hope to have—it-on exhibition - in - Waynesboro' in a few days. C. V. WILSON, Agent, Greencastle, Pa. May 4—tfl CHAMICERSBURG. NEW GOODS AT THE Stone Front Cash Bargain Store of METCALFE & HITESHEW. ......_ 0 ...-- xil IS is the third arrival this spring and the larg est that has been brought to the county since the war. Remember anything you want belong ing to the Dry Goods and Notion business, you can get at Metcalfe & H iteshew's. The low prices at which they are selling accounts for the great crowds that throng their store daily. METCALFE & HITEBHE W. May 18, 1863. NEW TOWN ! NEW STORE ! NEW FIRM I NEW GOODS EVERY two weeks at ROITZER 4. SHOCK• EY'S, Pikesville, We flatter ourselves that we can sell as cheap as any store in the county and pay as high cash prices fur all kinds of country pro duce, viz: Duran EGGS LAUD TALLOW R eas SOAP Allvro ask is for th Our stock consists of all k Mar. 16—tf.] RO USEFUL FOR ALL THE Grover a & Baker Sewing Machines of dif forent kinds, both family and lock stitch, at va rious prtces and for the different kinds of work, viz: Tailors, Saddlers, and Coach Makers, and for fam ily sewing genenally, are liept constantly on hand and for sale at my room next door to Stoner's Drug Store, where an operator will at all times show how the work is done. Havii g obtained the agency for part of Franklin Co-, l'a... also Washington, Fred erick and Allegheny counties In Md., I am prepa red to furnish machines injany ol'theso counties. May 11-40 HENRY BELL. ERRORS OF YOUTH. AGentleman who suffered for years from Ner vous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effecta of youthful indiscretion, will for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and directions for making the simple rem edy by which he was cured. Suff rere wishing to profit by the adver'iser's experience, can do so by addressing, in'perfect confidence, JOHN B. OGDEN, N 0.13 Chambers St, New York. May 211-3 m. NEW STORE ARRIVAL OF NEW GOODS THE subscriber would inf)rm the public that he has opened a new store near Rears' Factory, and has opened out a stork of Dry Goods, Grocer ies. Queensware, Urockeryware, Notions, Hats and other articles usually kept in country stores. These goods ore all new and just fresh from Philadelphia. A share of public patronage is respectfully solici tech PHILIP WIESNER. May 213-4 t. xreateremzezmawarsommez-- --;•,, sa T. J. FILBERT, 1‘) l i t DRAPER. ..4 iHas constantly fin salsa full assortment of GOODS for Gentlemen's ware. wrirLatest City Fashions always' on hand. S A V Waynesboro', Pa. imnammx-ozawssamoraanal B ACON. --We offer fur Bale this day choice lot of Bacon, Sugar Cured Hams, Coun- try Sides and Country Shoulders. May 4, 1866. liostErraa, lieto &'CO. WMalt FOR.—Thosa clump rasa. line at Metcalfe and liiteohew's. Chambers burg, very heavy for 12i guetl liuinE muslin for 10 May 38. - 11:6,t;eutIterinuica, &c„ at Patox 4 tioaructei. NX/ PEN you wont tu smoke a flue Begar, go 1.4.! T • KURTZ'S for it. . . _ i . fine assoittornt of Queenswnro at • ~.---.---.-----7---- Pimp dr MEP' Icie;• Durso Arms " - 10 SEF DEL) CHERRIES 25 BLACK BEIM= 16 Raaramentsq 20 PE:scurf; PEA LED 16 CALIISKINS , 11 lo public to give us a trial. Inds of goods. "Z ER & SIIOCKE Y. 1866. FOR SUER. 1866, ^O---- Hostetter, Reid & Co. WOULD respectfully announce to their cue._ touters and the public' generally that they have just received a new and complete stock of 'goods in their line, purchased at : the last dgeline, and which they offer at panic pncea.' Their stock of man, bracing - in - part RIO COFFEE", P.R7SUGAR, t r(4 SUGAR ® 10, 12, WHITE SUGAR, PULV. DO., BEST SYRUPS PRIME BAK MOLASSES, MOLASSES ® 50 CENTS, TEA-11., IMP., KIK, SUGAR CURED lIAMS, Ci i 1 4 : E S 1 4 1 x..- MASON ' 8 CRACKERB. Queensware of the newest and most beautiful patterns, in sets, and otherwise. Common ware, good assortment, and pikes reasonable. SPIC - ESi - drc;= - -- Ground Ginger, Pepper Alspice Cloves, Cinnamon, Pepper, Pepper, Mustard, &c , . These are all puro and ground expressly for ourselves.. 13. Soda, Cr. Tarter, Roisens, Dried Currants, and other Baking articles of best quality. Pepper Sauce, Tomato Catsup, Pickels, Cider Vinegar. WOODEN WARE.—Buckets, Tuba, Boles &c, FISH.--Mackerel, all grades, Shad, P. Herring. From our connection. with Market Care sunning to the Eastern cities, we receive regularly VIUBTABLES, FRESH FISH, FRUITS, &c. Everything in this line in their proper season. We will ,order goods of this class for parties and deliver them at short est notice. Country Produce bought and the highest market price paid. Terms positivehi Cash. ' N. B. Thankful for the liberal share of custom we have received, we trust by fair dealing, and earnest efforts to please arid accommodate, to in crease our trade still further. May 181 HOSTETTER, REID & CO. IMPORTANTNOTICE IT will be very pleasant these beautiful May mornings, to take the cars and ride to Chambers burg, to visit the Drown Stone Front Cash Bargan Dry Goods Store of Metcalfe & Hitcshew, on Main street, 3d door, South of the Diamond. Where you will feed an immense stock to select from. We have Ladies Dress Goods in great variety Dress Trimmings, Dress Buttons : Parasals, a large and beautiful assortment•direct from the manufac turer. Grecian Hair Pugs, all colors. Gloves, Hosiery, and fancy dry goads of all des criptions to suit the ladies. FOR THE GENTLEMEN ! We have Cloths Cassimeres and furnishing goods at prices to suit all. CALICOES AND MUSLINS at prices that will astonish the natives. CARPETS I CARPETS I CARPETS! Oil Cloth 1 yd., 1+ yd ;!I yd., 2yd wide. Also the celebrated Bull Hoop Skirt, from the quarter style up to four yards wide. All of the above will be sold nt prices that defy competition. Please call and examine our stock and satisfy yourselves that we sell cheap. METCALFE & HITESHEW. • Chambersburg, May 18. NEW FIRM! CARRLIGE 111AKING! TUE subscribers would inform the public that they have associated themselves together in the Carriage making business, an I that the business hereafter will be , continued at Jacob Adams' old stand under the firm of ADAMS & Hawstaa. They will have constantly nn hand BUG GIES of every description ; new and •„-:, iv • second-handed Vehicles of all kinds. 4 0" . .A...4 . "Repairing done at short notice, They employ none but good mechanics and use the best material. Persons wanting anything in our line will do well to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. JACOB ADAMS., GEORGE B. HAWKER, Church Street, nearly oppoaile the 111 E. Church Jan.26—tt. FANCY ARTICLE S .—Combs of all kinds, for Ladies and Gentlemen. Pocket Books new and fancy assortment. and numerous other fancy articles. Feb. 2, 'B l ' HOSTIITTEII, REID &CO. tHEAP, Eligant, and beautiful Calicoes for 121 cents. Good fur 10 cents at May M. ' MrroAus & HITBSEIEVB. CLIPSUNI 011.—A good article for sale sect ,8] - . IIOSTETT2II. MID & CO. 14 1 111:E No. 1 fre.iii gad:oral at Pines di llasnaca and Glassware LATEST ARRIVAL OF GROCERIES. •t) - - LIDY & DI - C4iL VrAVING just rec eived from the Eastern mark• eta a fresh supply, of Groceries, ete.,*. thoy are now prepared to sell at reduced prices. Their otock. embraces in part the following Syrups; Cheese, , Teas—Young Hyscn Sugars, Coffees, Imperial, Molasses, Chocolate, Oblong, Spices, ground and nnground, Baking articles of all kinds, warranted fresh and of the best quality. Korosene Lamps, shades, wicks and chimneys. Also No 1 Kerosene OiL 't l E . CO liM CM3 CM Ez . H. B. Navy, Nat. Leaf, Fine Cut, and all the best 1 4 Con., Brands of Chewing and Smoking " " Spune, Tobaccos of sixteen different kinds. " " Oys. sheik • Salt and Fish. fi A. Salt, Dairy, large and small sack,. Maelire! No t and 3 by the barrel Confections. cakes and Candies, Shoo Blacking,' Water and Su-. Crackers, " Brushes, 'Oranges, ' Horse " Lemons, Wh't wash brushes, . Raisons-, Wast.boards, . Figs, Clothes lines, Prunes, Corn Brooms, Almonds, - Hickory " Walnuts,_Painted Buckets, Cream Nuts, Brass Hooped " Pea Nuts, Bushel Baskets, • Pepper: ' Clothes " . TematolCotsup, Ladies Tray. Baskets Pepper Sauce,Chip Baskets, &c. Brown's Troces, STATIONASY. BabbitCe Soap, Envelopes, Harrison's " Note Paper, Bobbin's Electric Soap, Fools Cap, Castile Soap, Fancy Soaps, Barlow's Indigo, Gallager Soap & Oil Paper Collars, Prepared cloffee,_____ - Robert's Embrocation, Essence " Hoover's Ink, Frey's H. Powders, Matches; Carpet T J eke, Gun Caps, Powder .and Shot, Machine Twist. Sewing Silk, S. S. Block Cotton Thread, Spool Cotton, ' Needles and Pins, Darning Needles, Singer Machine Needles. Hair Pins, • Shoe Strings, Lead Pencils, SteeLPens, Pocket Knives, Pen Holders, " Combs, Long Combs, Lilly White, Ladies' DresoiComLs, Mean Fun, Hair Oils, . Perfumeries, Nerve and Bone Liniment, ' Cocoa Nuts. And connected with the Grocery we- have Flour and Feed which t we will deliver at Mill prices. • 112 r The highest prices paid for Butter and Eggs and all kinds of Country Produce. We are thankful for past favors, and by strict at. tention to business and a desire to pleose all, hope to receive a liberal share of the public's patronage, for we feel confident that our goods and prices will compare favorably with those of. any other house. LIDY & DICKEL. May 1 l—tf. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS E. & 3 ELDEN NAVE just received their new stock of goods for the spring trade, consisting of Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Trunks, Valises, Baskets, Mats and Pails, also a fresh supply of Notions, consisting in part of Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, Gents Cotton ,and Domestic Hose, Gloves,Neckt ies, Butterflies, Pa per Collars., Brushes of all kinds, Penknives, Razors, Photograph Albums, Portmonaies,Comos Briar Pipes ' -Fans, Foolscap and Letter Paper, Envelopes, Steel Pens, Pencils, &c., Rabbet's Soap, Toilet and Shaving Soaps, Perfumery and Hair Oil; a. fresh supply •of Retrourey's Turkish Bandolenian Hair Tonic, tie greatest beautifier and restorer of the age. Tobacco, Cigars and Snuff Oranges, Lemons, Nuts, Candies, Raisona, Popp'd Corn, Prepared Coffee, Essence, Stove Polish, Barlow's Indigo, Blacking and Brushes, Match- es, Powder and Shot, Watches. Clocks and Jew dry, together with Benton's Gold Pens. IteirWatches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired. Thankful for past favors we solicit a continuance of public patronage, feeling confident that our goods and prices will compare favorably with those of any other house. • E. &. J. ELDEN. May 4,1866. THE VERY LATEST, And most Important to Mankind, 18 that J.'A.FISHER, Merchant Tailor, has just received the Largest Sock of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES and VESTINGS in the • town or County, By either Jew or Gentile, and don't except even Fenians or Carthagenianv, or any other man ; and if you don't believe it, call and see for yourselves. I will make them to order in the most Fashionable and substantial manner, or sell them by the Yard or Pattern to suit buyers; CHEAP for CASH.— All work guaranteed to fit or no sale. Also, a com plete stock of Gent ' s Furnishing Goods. it is not necessary to enumerate the articles, as it is well known that you can always find a LA ROE STOCK of FURNISAING GOODS on hand at my store. I return thanks to my friends and the public gen erally for their liberal patronage extended to me,and hope by close attention to business to receive a con tinu•ince of the same. • J. A. FISHER, Opposite the, Weshington House, ' West Washington Bt, Hagerstown, Mil; P. B.—The Celebrated BINGER SE WING MA- CHINE always on hand, be% Family and the Manufacturing Machine. J. A, F. May 18, 1866 Fashionable Millinery GOO D S MISS M. U. RESSER OUIIIO inform her lady friends of Waynes boro'and vicinity that abe has just returned from Philadelphia with a complete assortment of fashionable Millinery Goods, embracing among •6- ther articles, BONNETS AND BONNET TRIM MINGS of every description. Ladies are invited to call and examine her new styles. Residencci on Mechanic Street, first house-north east of the "Washington Inn.' 9 IA p. 27—tf POI'OMAO HEltitliNti by the vette', utsW 1, 2 and 3 Mackerel et the store'of May 25.1 Pawn & Roc,Lira. ROMER'S CELgIittATEDHA rtlillt far sale at the store of Noma Atotaisv. HUGS - M EDICINES P. POURTECDEJLN TTWING purchased the Drug Store of DT. J. JOLA.'ltoyer, formerly kept by himself. would call the attention• of the citizens of Waynesboro' and vicinity to his large and well selected stock of comprising everything fowl& in the Drug trade,— My stock consi_sts in_ part of ' Drugs, • Sundries: Brushes, Glass, Linseed Oil', •h Oil, Carbon and Paregon FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS Bnffi.BTEIDM, Using my utmost exertion to secure the Matsui!' Purest articles of Drugs and Medicines, I can_as- sure the publlcilat t as can be relied on. Purchasing for Cash I AND _ _ Selling at small Profits r. I otter my goods at one price anti that the very lowest. UP' Physicians' Prescriptions compounded with care. March 24, 1668. , Newest, Best, Cheapest GEORGE BENDER Stir Has recenCy opene3 up an entire new stock of 311L''' MIL IL .7411:0" HATAFAE, MI of which has been obtained from the justly celebrated house of A. JARRET 7, Bal timore. Every article sold is WARRANTED to he of the best custom make, and the materithl just what it is represented to be. , A lull assortment of GENTS - FURNIS GOODS always on hand - , such as Under Clothing. Cloves, Handkerchiefs, Hose, Collars, &c. AR wo ask is, that you give us one trial, and you will always buy, for remember we do not keep badly made clothing and the goods are all of the latest style. • GEO. BENDER, May 4—ly] W synesboro'. FIRST NATIONAL BANK Waynesboro', Franks in Co. Pa. Capital paid in 575.000. Collections made promptly and remitted for at lowest rites of Exchange on New York. Directors :—W . S. A raberson, Alex. Hamilton, George Bosom, George Jacobs. Daniel• Mickley, John Price, Henry Good, James H. Clayton, Joseph Price. CorreapcFeeteni :—The First National Bank of Philadelphia and, 9th National Bank of New York. - W. S. Museum; , Pres't. Jso. PHILIPP. Cash. NEW LIVERY ! lIIHE subscriber would inform his friends and the j public generally, that ho has opened a Livery at she Waynesboro Hotel, where ho can be seen.— He has a fine selection of ‘ 'VEHICLES AND HORSES to hire on the most accommodating tern* with • or without drivers. • Passengers conveyed to and trom all points at all hours of the day or night. A liber al share of public favor is solicated. In hie absence V. B. Gilbert will act as his agent May 4-6 in "JOHN RICHARDSON. Prothonotary. EN3OURAGED by numerous' friends, I offer myself its a candidate for the office of Prothon tary of Franklin County, subject to the decision of the Union County Convention. .ING. A: Mercereburg, April 27—tc. Prothonotary. IT SHANNON TAYLOR will be a canal odate for Prothonotary, subject to the decision of the Union Convention. • (op. 27—te. Moppos l-. 74 . , ,L i . b 1 e i,„0 . j ..),, v iN e .ll ii l ii ß o G uw FD ! ,..l%f a a t in at a n t, supplied with the latest styles of itillinery Goode 'lay IS DUGS, MEDICINES, &e. Paints, . Oils, VaTIII9IICS, Dye Stuffs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Fancy Son par Patty, White Lead, Zinek, Bnaberger Scotch and Rappee Snuffs. Havana, Principe and Common Cigars, Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal pur poses, Cosmetics and every , de scription of Toilet Articles. ley will find here only suclr CLOTHING AND SUMMER rTVT in' MVP VT-Fr=9
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers