SPEIIALNOTICE pomeat to , Eveybody 1 J. A::FttIIER;MERCEANT TAILOR ,AND cI.OI . IIIER has just returned from tho Eastern Cities with one of the largest and best selected stock of CLOTHI4, tIASSENERES and V ESTINGti that hos been brought to•Hagerstot+m since,* out. break of the , late War, Also, OVER ()OATEN° ul the hest qua ity all of . ..which will be made to or der in the most Faslponable and Substantial man ner (-heap for Cash, or sold by the yard to suit pur chasers. fly motto is Quick dales and Short Profits. Also, a good -•tuck of • CLOTHS FOR LADIES' CLOAKS and in oonneetion one of the largest stocks of Wool and cotton 111‘ DELI SHIRTS and DRA W. - FIRS in - the county; also, TIES and €3l, 4 otetiTs bf the lattst r.tylCs: floe SH urrs, over shirts, wool and coital 1 811 Hose, ruspenders, Silk, Linen and kitten Pot ket Handkerchiefs, Heavy Wool Jack ets and every thing else in the way of Furnishing goods. Also a stock of HEADY MADE ULOTH- Iri All work goaratdeed to fit and be well male. I return my thanks to my Frit nds and the Pub lic generally for their very liberal patronage extend ed to me, and hope by strict attention to business to there a continuance of the same. L. A FISHER. 2 doom Weft of the Hagerstown Bank, Wash. innton Street.. AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST CO!', Corner Fourth and Walnut L-tiects, Philadelphia Incorp,nat I 1860. Charter Pt rpetual Author ized Cavita I, 9>13110,et:0. Paid 1 7 p Ca pad, $260,000 Ploiladelphia, Feb. 4, 1864. The Trustees have this day declared a Dividend of FIFFY PEE CENT, on all 'premiums received . NIL:117o. PoLteit s during ,the year ending De -01 DI ci alit, 186'4, and in force at that tinte, the a .ove arreiliPi to be cn•ilitell to--said Policies, and have ..Is. ordered the Dividend of 1860 on Policies s. th. t veal to be paid, as the annual tem ills uu v:tie Policies are received. °PEWEES President--‘l(•xandur Vl , In ." , terr tar)) and Tieasurer•— John S. AVi!son Actuary--.lohn I.• OA la.) OF TR! STEES.—AI ex:miler Whin. r Thorn4 ,, n, Goorge Nugent, lion. Jas. Tholloels. Albeit '. a, I,lifiitun .1. iron. .1()Hpli :1-11p uri T Lintlmo, .ItAin inan, Charles F. lot; 18:cle li;,7.lchurst.. • VI, Ni (; IN 1.1 11, I h. 11 r:1 , 1117, Pa , i the general II:c nit., icon Lilo; I I.hijr. nee Dl:] 7.r1161. 8 , 111) ,111:‘, i.,r l'l,:ttk lin (:n. .1 . 4 q, I of (,i,As .1\2,1 ut tiir NV:1511114)0n; and idii. RE. ,E'R.C.:\ CES.--JonN Pnturs and WiLmost tr •lii.olll, a!) t.:::11 anti get a painplih . l. jozsAIOUGLAS, Agent Ort ta, 18 ly A.P ICA T O,C E B, OTS & SHOES FOR Tii 1 , 3 0: L ii:\ill It I \TER TRADE ! :=ZIC==I I 1•:1 .111:\ Irv% e• jll,l. rt.e , ive(l i prime slot k ti iurthr fitll and wintt r fra le, I.g a van, I) eil 11,11 , 13'b and Bo) 9 1300IS:.:111(1 i, I ) i il'i AND MISSES. BOOTS, , .(::.it r..; ni h clii;drens spurs of all ' it r. a. , 0 a splendt,l ar114.1,. 111 Ii, WS •,1 a al tl Colton Gloves,lla LA 1,, rs, rte•ristit--, cotton and wooivti ry of kituis, a frebli ra•hortrneot WWI <t it brgiteli TlifisiSh Hu:di:lH ic:11 1 I :r gr. at. t 33r.nttti,r and rc.iorcr of ‘it- ago. ii.or,ovcr a.r have received a new 151.1.p1y achcs, Cloe Jctirelry nine; ,rs, scuffs, trunks, valis. - s, Bask et-, it ...c.s - al .1 n ts; ...esti supply of cal Ake,: `I.• articles 11-ually kept in a "Variety .... and Jewelry repaired at e It e itele all our fri ,, r.tis and ens- Lae'. ott crs in Deed of anything in Our line us a call, I..:ling , ansficti that we can give or I rite. bartains titan can he obtain• ...Ii t tiotc.e for Cilt , ll. DI huh r 13, 1865. lIM=M9 FIRM -•' F\V ( 1 ( v )is ! il chi El . -40 Lit as. iiixEict. reT, .Suecegsors to 11. .S7onellouse in the Hardware and (.'ulle Business. .11E ruh erih r, havirni pureloozed of H. stone h,)l.l, 1" H:l,lwhxe Store they would inform toe ohf em , tomeri. of The iiitahfistpoent, and others. LI, L t u . w ofin o u th. l irie i.totk uu Mind, they are I St rcit•i%ing a 1:..rg0 titock, cop bishin; lii p,rt of .te.ox 117.1 23 ST Eiv".. y ; ; — SADDLE 6Y - AN 0-C-A hafi [AGE WIREi'-- CEDAR WARE, I, () 1,01 1 11 S" 11til.:,()V1 )1% , Mil:. :IN P. , . S I), VA - lINISIIES, A I; IC 1,71, ie.iL 1.11 LE' .11E .V 7 S, e t,t‘ artentlort the rartnerB to the 15:\ 1)1.:1,1,'s 11;1,%; Ili NI 11\1( FOliK, , lo: voc,ldt• of trio it We ore the soie agents. ;he-, Polk, 1.'07 Shovels., Grain Cradle-, Alt iiur goad , win iwiecti.il with great care arid twin. • y 3f,1565 " T E, L E CLL.t.ral Square, Hagerstown, Md above well-ktiown and established Hotel been rt.-opened :Ito] entirely renovated, by the un, cr.tt ned, and now offers to the public every condor. and attrseuen 101111E1 in the hest hotels.— ;:t: TA BLE 43 bountifully supplied with every tip lu a-y the toarset 'will afford, I'HE SALOON tdio,eliaiee.t liquors, and is constantly and diLendeil. 'I HE 1;1X is thoroughly d, and ear , rui Ohtlers always ready to ae c,lnottclate eUSLUIII,I”3. JOHN FISHER, Proprietor .11..errstowri, .101)0 2 - tl ilcatzer's - Horse d, Cattle Powder. BTOIIEII having purchased of Mr. 211' 0 Nleplzer, the recipe for making the above in,t,•med Horse.und Cattle Powder, for Pennaylva :oh art.; . Maryltutd, takes II is method of informing drovers, .&c., that he has on hand 'and T . ;,•:- Let rtag a good supply always on ~-I,llny membautt and others keeping such, articles 1,,, , oto , would do well to snpidy themselves with a He sill soli it on commission or for cash `l.l:i 1 , 0 lAkrlt toady attended to • r 1 htti I , wU Want to ,inotte a tine Sopa., go.to It f;.r and very Im- MS, EMS, PANCY GOODS, &C • F. • aurttz ..,- ~TB3DES to Inform — the goOd citizens of Wny. V V needier& and vicinity, that he has just recoiv od from-the Bast..a 13fr . ge rind Jun, nvortment of fresh Drugi, Medicities, Spiki WindoW Glass, Putty, Brushes, &c, &c., which he is prepared to sell as cheep qa they can be had at any-other, houSe-in the -frkwfr., to quality, eanneOie excelled ! . lit 'Aso Ith hand a large assortMeni 'et TOILET ARTICILEN comprising in part-the following articles, viz Toilet Waters, till'kin44 • Eau de Cologne, endless in' vii'riety, Extracts for the handkerchief, Fine English 'Pciniadesi; , Bandolines • Bear's Oil, • Fine and Fancy Song, • Tooth Brushes; rail cc • Hair " • Combs, &e. &e. For Culinary purposes he has Corn Starch, Pearl Barley, Pearl Sugo, Flavtiring Extracts, viz: Lemon, Vanilla, Stravvbcry, Etispherry, Pine Ap. pl c, Orange, Banana, Celery, Pear, Peach, Nut meg, &c. Fresh 'Spices ' Block Pepper araall oth-. er articles in that line. He has also something to' please the 4 CIIILWREN. A fine stock-of Toys of all kicds, a large supply of (Mina ware. . i = "ElLit 6xit 1 43 , 1.32.43 lle has I.l6oand's German' Sand's Sarsaparilld, - . Bairi 40. Ifiteshcw's Syrup, Diarrhoea Uordial, Frey's Verinifuge, Vernainiges, doz. kinds. Pi Ils,---- righ t's Judron's, Spaulding's, Ayer's, Braudreth's, Norse's, McLane's, liver; Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrul.- Dr. Parishe's do. Keroseoe Oil, Lamps . and Chico, net's always on hand. . Thn nk In I for kind favors already • bestowed upon him, he solicitma. continuance of the same, hoping flint by trying to please he may win the confidence of the people. As much care taken in waiting up on adults as children. physicians Prescriptions promptly aml carefully compounded at all hours. J. F. KURTZ. Aue;:tet id, 1864. TIETIR Wood Workink :and ESTABLISHMENT AND MILLS ! i:11 I'll,l, continuing the manufacturing. of a ii ot Building Material, such as S Door? 4, Shaatters, CING, MOULDINGS, Door-Frames, Window-Frames, 11,00RM°, &C. &C. LEW By mi!l and circular saws of every description.— A,king a continuation of favors. I promise still to :441 on as equitable terms as possible, considei ing times and prices. For further particulars apply to the subscriber and proprietor. Factory 2 miles :Southeast of )A'synesboro'. April 1, 1 8 / 4 . 1). F. GOOD. TIILORING! r '.l-JE subscriber informs the citizens of Waynes• born' and the public generally that he has open ed a Shop On - the room adjoining the Barber Shop, next door to the new Grocery Store, wi,ere he will carry on the Tado,ing business. Garments.l4 men and b ye cut out and made to order at reasonable rates. With the advantage of ~mrtny years lexperi en. ein the business he flatters himselt that' he can give general :ati4action. rid' The lates. city Fashions regularly received JAUUI3 H.EININGERVI & a ELDF,N Oct. 27 tf. e.) PER YEAR !We want agents • uv everywhere to sell our InenovED $2O J wing Machines. Three new kinds. Under and upper feed. Warranted live years. Above sal ary or iarge contnlisslons paid. The omx nrwiaitte, :;old in United stales for less than 4140, which are fully licensed by Hwer, Vihrebr llilson, Grover 4 Baker. :_sin..fer 4. (a.. and llachelder. All other cheap machines ate infringements and the seller or usrr are liable to arrot,fine,and imprisonment.— Cireulan• free. Addre.s, or cull upong 1. , 11.tw Biddeford, Marne. • Dec. 22—ly Oft = A MONTH ! AGENTS wan- Igor lor six entirely new articles, ju4 out. Atinrebs 0. T. GAIM V, City Building, Bid deford, Maine. Ike. 22 ly . . TIENJ. FRANTZ, 31. FIRS. FRAN iZ & SNIVELY having associa ted themselves in the practice of Medicine and aurgery would st.te that they are well prepared to twat all medical and surgical cases: Persons in debted to either of the above will please make early settlement to the bate of their association, as they wish to close their old Looks. Office in Dr. Frantz's residence in the room for merly occupied as, stole room by Mr. J. Beaver. Alai! 14—tf rrirE subscriber would inform his customers n lid the public generally that he purposes contm ping the Barbering business, next door to the New (;locery,. having purchased the interest of C. C. I:hoyual in the :Shop and is now prepared to do hair cooing, shaving,.shaniporning. etc., in the best style. The patronitiK„n the public iq respectfully solicited. - WM. A NOCE.. March 2, 1866. PITOSITE TIM Lob. Valley & Pennsylvania B. IL Depots, • lIARRISBUR PA. L B KURTZ & CO , Proprietors, Successors to J. W. Taylor. Dec. B—tf. THE sum 'fslooo on mort 16.1.0005" . " . gage is wanted on the first of April next. Enquire of the PRINTER'. Fob. 23—tf. . • rA N tIY AllTlOLEd.— Combs of all kinds, for Ladies and Gentlemen. Pocket Books new and fanny assortment, and numerous .other fancy articles. Feb. 2, 'V , BotrraTTRIT, REID &CO. I. N. EINIVELY. M. D BARBERING! BARBERING ! STATES UNION HOTEL It y .- t -- -.,:- i t : r% j.;,T: . - ,T7 - 77 - --, - 77 7 7 ''.:. .; -: - ' -7 : -.."-- , - 77 -- .7 - 7 - 7 - r7 - 7 : 7 7--- , F; TT , :''M r ; - . lil.''' , li I, ' - •,, , ,,t al;,1 : Impr.ofwil Threolgtnif' aettitie r . . . . , • Farmers will please look at the great advantage in Thrashing . !Grain with C ‘EiStRS' QAT,:V.,NT, G RI A 1 'Nit P Al-001- SELY-R,EGULATING CLEANER AND BAGGER. , . At a time like the present, when labor is very scarce, it' " lir importhnt that' farmete whcf , are 'interested should give attention to the above improvement, whiCh will considerably reduce the expense of threshing grain over the common way. This machine has been before the public for a number 44645, but,rot very withily 'ph/fettle*, al,; though it has compete& with . all the best of the different patented Grain Separators; arid: pebyc4 a.ilecid. ed advantage, and now has the reputation of being the best - Sepnrator'eYer before-the-trubliew.' In order' to prove this in new neighborhoods where it is not known, Fam willing to forward a machine for a test to any person desiring a trial, and have its merits tested; and I wish• to' have .it•unylerstooil Atiat I put the machine upon its own merits, and want farmers to judge for themselves. _Wit does not t ruly meet their wants and they do not wish to , pcgrchase, I am perfrctly willing to Dear all expenses of alappir4.' The machine is particularly adapted to farmers firr their own use, and will apply to lever or railway, power, will thresh and clean, in good grain, from• 100 to 150 bushels per day, using four to six horses aii& the same number hands, but under very favorable circumstances will thresh more per day. It cleans the grain thoroughly clean by one operation, which is not generally done by other Separators. Grain cleaned on this machine, with much light filthy matter, is worth ono or two cents more per bush el than if cleaned in the common way. There is also a great saving of rain, in straw and chaff over the common way of thrashing and cleaning, and also over other lieparato and Cleaners. The machine is conveniently arrangel for hauling and threshing, t,ei permanently fixed on two wheels. One man can easily move or shift it about,-so that it is not half he trouble in a barn floor as the common thresher and shaker. It is also easily put in operation, being mple, easily managed, relia ble, durable, compact, and cleanly to work by while in operation, not ma g near the dust as the com mon nTthine-or-ot 2 rer-epaltitors. Far ners can rest assured that this maeliirTe - liTiiiSluiribug, and - kridging - fronrthirtrigh - recommentlation from farmers that are using them, I must come to the conclusion that it is the very machine that farmers want and will have as soon as they have an opportunity to appreciate and attest its merits, which I hope they will give me an opportunity, as I am willing to be responsible, as already stated, 'Price of Machine at Shop, (all complete, ready to attach to belt Lever or Railway Power,) • 81,75. cash, $lBO in three months, with interest from date. As material for manufacturing advances, there may be a corresponding advance in the price of ma chines. The machine is fully represented in the above cut. I warrant the machine to do as above represented. Orders solicited and promptly attended to.: The machine is manufactured in Pennsylvania and Maryland, at different shops. , For further information and description of machine, address . DANIEL GEISER, Proprietor, IVaynrsboro', Franklin Gounfy, Penna. Sep. 23—tf.] iVeynesboro' AND MACHINE GE:SER'S PATENT 'ELF-REGULATING GRAIN SEPARATOR, CLEANER AND BAG GER, AND THE LATEST IMPROVED THRESHER AND TIIIPPLE-GEARIIO HOME POWER:S, DRIVING EITHER By GEAR OR BELT, ALL FUIti)I.3IIED COMPLETE, READY TO PUT ON IVAGONS. the undersigned, desire to call the attention of Farmers and Threshermen of Franklin and adjoin iflg counties to this mac hind. ft has been before the public for a cumber of-years, during which time T hus given general satisfaction, and the patentee has made some very important improvements which rent der it still, more Complete, both for clean separating and cleaning, and also for the ease of draught and fast threshing. I take pleasure in recommending rt to the public knowing that it will give the best satis faction. l urn rnanutlicturing two sizes, viz : The largest is eight-horse power'and will thresh end clean from 900 to 500 bushels per uay. The small size. See the above which fully represents the machine, also full description, price, &c ;of machine. Persons wishing machines should send in their orders in reasonable time to insure their being .1142a4availav AND MANUFACTURERS OF SYRUP I • I am manufacturing difibrent sizes •ot Sugarcane Mills (10 be driven either by water, steam or .horse power) and Evapirators and fixtures for making Syrup; also Portable and Stationary Stearn Engines for driving Mills, Threshing Machines, Sawing Womb &c. I am fully prepared to make the above to order and on short notice; also GRIST AND SAW MILL GEARING, SHAFTING AND PULLEYS, IRON I3RIDGES, CAST IRON WATER-WHEELS'. IRON KErfLES, &c. Stoves end Plow eastings,also cast iron and wrought iron pipe for steam orwater, and Brass castings of every description; in a word, lam prepared to do everything usually done in a foundry and machine shop. Having supplied myself with the latest improved machinery, such as Lathes, Boring, Planing and Drilling Machines, persons can rely on having their work done in the most satisfactory manner. 1 em also prepared to manufacture to order machinery for wood, such as Tonging and Une.ing ma chines for flooring, Surface, Tenout and Moo'ding machines, &c. I also eller to the, public a new and valuable improvement in my steam engines, made within the last year, viz: for the economizing of fuel, and the regulation of speed, which renders my new engines tar superior to the old engines. All my machines are sold'under warrantee. My harms are all experi enced workmen in this line of business, and I use all good material, so that I am perfectly sale in war ranting all my work. lam also prepared to do repairing in workman like manner, on the shortest notice. Orders, solicited and promptly attended to. All orders sent in for repairing must oe accompanied with the cash.' • For particulars and circulars descriptive of machine, address GEORGE FRICK, Or Dionar. GEISER, Proprietor of Territory and solicitor of orders, NV ayilesboro; Franklin Co. Pa, .e,tB • FEST (121 DREG STOR2 IN WAYNESBORO,' PA. M. M. STONER, Druggist, rr MUM . , to his friends end customers for the I . very liberal enlouragement received in his "old business" in I he hopes that th' introduction of the cash system will add to their interest and his al vantage in continuing their favors. Ho believes - a dictinction ought to be made between cash and credit and he intends to exhibit it in the prices of his articles offered. for sale. • Call and eee, and it not so, purchase where ever you can get the cheap f est, the best article at the lowest price. Ills assort ment is more general than is usually found in coun try Drug t.'tores. He has quite a variety of Rooks, &c., which he will dispose of cheap for cash, intend ing to close it, considering it no part of his business, and has adopted this motto, "live and let live, sup port and supporting. lier. M. STONER. Aug.,191864., Z‘aa - uanz mltcal,co EAST SIDE OF CARLISLE STREET, GREENCASTLE, PA. T Ii E undersigned respectfully announces to I,,the traveling public that this Hotel has been REMO DDLED. The room are large and comfor table and are well furnished with good new furni ture.. Persons stopping at this Bali can have ei ther do' ble or single Rooms, with or Without fire in them. The TABLE is always supplied with the best in the market, and his BARR filled with the choicest Liquors. There are also a fine lot and o pair of Hay and Stock Scales connected with the Hotel fur the accommodation of Drovers and Butch ers. His Stable will always be provided with lined wholesome Provender for Stock. and attended by careful oatlei JOHN H. ADAATS.. April 15, 1864 ] Proprietor. 16 ft n bottle of extract, "INight Blooming Cc. r rug," 'extract "11yacinth,"eltract "White Pond Lilly,"-go F . 4 Olt o crake offine Soap, you mint Qo to K 1 RTZ's ►I AHE !argent HEST "HOOP SKIRTS" and the !at . 1 "araortinent in the State, at bug 4 ] MEIVALIFft & HITWITIRR.B. 13 . AgFENT FLASKS—Justiiiething for bottl : mg wine and catsup, at sep 8] HoSTETTER, REID & Co's. SPERM 011,—A good ofticla for sale zep 8) HOSTETTER, REID & Co. Foundry SHOP, TO THE runmue,T W E s f l a t I v n e o just nt o f r t e ,l e n e o i a cr e new a o which wn t o y irt,sh to direct the attention of house keepers. Granite ware (several pencil's) in sets, or by the single piece. Pitchers, V.'ashbowls. Tureens, Teapots, Casters, &c., beau tiful styli s. We hive the finest Cranber - ries brought up this B'llB. n, Fresh Fish, viz: Haddoe, herring, and as the SChSI)II littinlnCeti will of fer other vuncties, as soon es they can be bought in the ca.:tezn cities. Oysters in the oh. l'. La" Keepers of Resta uraids, and those keeping ta bles at sales, supplied . with Op tern , Crackers, Pick les, dishes, mid other goods to sell again at the low - ebt eholesnle rates. We keep up a regular lino. di rect from Philadelphia and Balihnore, and can and will do what we say, HOSTETTER, REID & Co. Jan. 26- 7 I tn. o 112 ECIE! THE almost universal cash system prevailing in every department of business in this communi ty, in connection with the high prices for every ar ticle of consumption, espe balky the high price of medicines, renders it necessary that we require the settlement of all accounts every six months. All bills therefore will be made nut and be ready for set tlement by the first day of January next, when those indebted will please call and settle. JOHN J. OELLIG. FRANTZ St SNIVELY. E. A, lIEUING. J, A 11. X. BONE:BRA KE. Weyn. shorn', Dec. 2':, 1865, 6in. JOSEPH DOUGLAS, DE=518521 REING licensed is CLAIM, AGENT, REAL ESTATE AGENT and LAND it ARRANT BROKER will attend to applications for Pensions, Bounty and Back Pay, and all claims against the state or National Government. As Real Estate Agent will tense, sell, or purchase hinds in Frank lin County, or exchange therefore Western Lrinds also will buy and sell I.•Nr, WARRANTS. CON' VEYANCINO— Deeds, VI ills. Agreements. Lens's, &c. t Necuted as heretofore at moderate prices. Oct 21-Bm. • COBBLIAGICOB - BLING: SHE undersigned hiving opened shop for the ji purpose of Mending Boots and . tihoes, respect fully 'enders his services to all aho will favor him with their custom. The best or material usea.— All work neatly done and chargeri moderate.— Shop on Leitershurg Street. nsx t door to Mr. John Beira Pottery. C. C. R.IIOYUAL. March 16— lf. , 6 , "I'B el. Th.& °lett tfibention'itir theltge , ih , ~s„ i . Py.SKI4, J. W-..11A 1:11.tr. J'S' "Ne; DPLEX -!,1114111110167r4o,uble); tiMAIN,III 1 0,1114 T.: , , nil3-'IN VENT-10N t oon i iota of Minix . (or!Itso) ttatlielPutia Rgrittin Sysigt:. Somas, ingeniously. inxtrion - narvrwranaluncrtogetheromorto kno', midtirgriltatTotintntar, most ntexitittn i *Last°. And attialluta•Seniti4l3rilr They , seldom nsain ) dr BREAK, like the Single Springs; and t consekoently. Firnakir 4 M f TheiY. ferfil et /and , beautiful bkape More thud ItyiFe apf tang as my/ Single Spring i Skirt that . evek Ras or Can be made. iilib'vantlerful flexibility and 'great comfort"anil pleariuiii:to- any! Lady wearing the r, , Dhplex, Eliptic. Skirt . wild .be txtuiriencell particularly in all crowded Assemblies. Opera 5,.. Cturnagesi: "Railroad ar e , Chuith Pewit' Airn.:Chairs, for . Promenade, and House Dressias•the'Skirt can be' folded. When in we reinceupy" a small piece as easily • and conveni4 enily ae 1 ti‘Silltror Nuslin Dress:,:! - A' Lady !laving Enjoyed the:iPleasure, Comfort and Great Convenience of wearing the Duplex E liPtie Steel Spring,,Skirt for a single day will , Nover afterwards willingly dispense with the:r. use. Ohildrpn,ldisses tind-Ybung:llAtidies: •they are supe rior to all •others. f,•••• ; • 'lllt 'HOOPS are coveted with' 2 ply double twisted tined and as• long as the Single yarruco'rering Whichis 'Used' on all Single Steel 'Hoopflitirts. 'The/three bottom rods on eve ry skiit are'also double steel; and tilde : - or double coyi.red to prifiAnt•thcieoVerinfy•from 'Wearing off the Irods when :dragging kaaiiii stairs stone. steps 'eta., '',etc., which they are constantly subject to when in MEE BMW= • All are .:mnde lof the.ne* and elegant Corded Tapes, and areuhe. best quality in ovary part, giiring to tho wearer !the most- graceful-arid-perfect shape possible; arid are UnqUestionably the lightest, most desirable, comfortable and economical skirt' lever WESTEVARADLEN 'PROPRIE TORS of the fhieinion,,and SOLE MANUIPAC: 'PURE RS, 97 CHAMBERS', and 79 S . ALRE ADE STREETS, New 1 k. FOR SALE' in all firit•tlass!storerisin this City, tin& throngliout the.United'States and Canada, Ha vana de Cuba. Mexieoi South America, and the West Indies. Inquire for the •Duples Eliptie (or double) Spriug . Feb. • ; / to &C. • .RARE CHANCE FOR LADIES! -0 -- Mrs. C. i[A.:III.I3iLLINIMERGER Practical Dress Cutting ! I_,)Y which every lady is enabled to cut and fit her own dresses. Grounds of Economy. There is no waste of materiel in cutting by this system,,as you adhere closely to the rule, conse quently there is no 'Jeering off; as untl.sr the old system of cutting. The ease with which it is ac quired, combined with the perfection of the systerri, revers it the most desirable ever offered to the pub lic, This is a rare chance for young ladies. Agents can realize in this business from $2OO to tf2so per month. Ladies'are invited to call on the subscriber at her Millinery Store in Waynesbriro', Pa.; and examine 'the system for themselves. No charges for instruc tions unless fully satisfactory to the pupil. NEWFIR - • CARRIIGE ILIKINV! 'THE subscribers would inform the public that thev have associated themselves together in the Carriage making business, an I that the business hereafter will be continued nt Jacob Adams' old stand under the firm of An47.Fts & HAWKCR. They will have constantly nn hand BUG- W vw ES of every description ; new and second-handed Vehicles of all kinds. Repairing done at short notice, They employ none but good mechanics and use the best material. Persons wanting anything in our line will do well to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. JACOB A11AM:1, GEORGE B. HA WKER, Church Street, nearly opposite the Al E. Church Jan. trIlE sub scriber would return thanks to his cos- N .tomers for their post liberal pntronnge snd so, licits a continuation of the same to tho new firm.— Those indebted to him by note or book nccount are 'requested to coil and settle, as it is necessary that all old seem, nts should he promptly claw!. Jan. 26-2 m. JAUOB ADAMS. DR. T. 1). FRENCH, ..z)3oo.7.Arri.xisvm, EsrEurFui, ix offers his cervices to the Ity citizons of Wa yruAnro', Fayetteville and vi entities, commencing on the "Igt of March '66. He may be found in W aynesboro' the first two .weeks of each month at the Photographic Gallery of J. Hamilton-11m latter two Weeks at his own resi dence next door to Browns Hotel. Bet:m.6lli! teeth inserted mounted on Gold, Sil ver and Vu:cnnito or Amber Base. Paihiceirr n tterstion given to the preservation of the natured teeth. Teeth cnrefoily eztrncted either with or without the ngency of Aom+thetirs. Satisfaction guaranteed in ail operations Ft,b. —tf. AEW LIVE!! STABLE ! ("VETE suhscviiier would infirm the public that he has opened a LIVERY STABLE in Waynesboro', and i; - ; now prepared f .. to furnii,h good Riling or Driving Her - sec, which ho can recommend ns perfectly safe for nriving. His VEIIICLES are all new dud in good condition. . - Persons wanting horses or vehicles will apply at the saddler ehop of W. P. Weagley. lIIEMNIM Itißs M. C. RESSER announces to the Ladies of WaytteAlero' and vicinity that she has just returned from the Eaetern.Oitics with a fine Itstort• merit of new MILLINERY GOODS, such as Bonnets, Bonnet Trimings of every decerip tion, Ladies and biases Hats &e., &c. Ladies are invited to call and examine her new stock, scp tf. Ak. Tt. R x it . THE subscriber announces to. the 'public that he purposes giving his attention in the future ex clusively to the treatment of diseases in hort-es and anti cattle. From a long experience in the treat ment of Lung Fever. Thislow, Ringhone, Spavin, Polo Evil, and other diseases common among hors es, he flatters himself thnt he can give general sat isfaction. Medicines, such as pills, powders, lini ments, blistering ointment, etc., con be had of him. All calls promptly attended to and charges moderate step 1— tfj A liitA HA M SHOR I. Ti - nuiCA::: - V6TtiOdti Pat. Sieve-Latest thing of • U the age, at the , Gaucitar STOPS. I(URTZ has a nice lot of Pocket Books. July 14 BACON, bought and sold by HOBTATTSB REID dt Co LADIES' Morino vests as Paths SI. Hear Lion's. - TPAOREIt OF FRANKLIN WEAGLEY 40_1t9PV1. 1 , 11 1, 1 E, 1 _ NEWik • 1 13 91 v iANI 5 Yti N • ji f Nl3t.pr, •• • FOR NAN() Dial 4 00, 4 4= . rir WARIIANTFIV-4 . 0 '..CURE:ahenthatfrint,...% Nimble, Swelled Joints, SQI Throat, Frosted Feet; ':•Poison, old Sores and Bruises, Fresh Cute, Corns NutopsifFiriteij i bii,ncii (Pie . Siveeny, oft an tipladak;iii t .olii; Gall s , . )), is temper, Scratches, b r ,.pp Horses and and all Diseases re,quirffigint E terns! Remedy. , The attention of the public is tee fully direct. 'ed to' the above' Preparation, • as: being o of the best and most efficacious, exterharireinedies in use. This feet is basialtipon the.teuttimany of the 'lands of persons wholitive used From the:yogi *Mount of good this ,Linienent has done in all Casts wherein it has been used; and.the frequent application made for it, the/preprietor" has been induced to place it' befortiz tliti.publidi and let jt stand upon its own.goo.l merits, keoViiing that in ,every',case where it is used, it., will rename/tend-it self All lie asks' is a fair arid • impartial trial ' s tind' if used according to directeons,'iiiid chargei - ItavingstiehiinliinifedtWriddence in its cu rative powers ;11e.lias , eirected his;;Agents to refund the money- in , idtCriseti wherelb isoloinimen t is used with no benefit, the,trottle with a portion of its con- • tents to be:returned to,the Agent. .1 -It will be.fdltrid a ,Siire retnedy, for Rheumatism, Sprains, SWelledjolatiroicii.*ll in fact, for all that he claims for it, fee.iccels airy tirticle of the kind yet tried. It is alsO 4 ah "infallible mire-tor many diseases of Horses, such as .iticke, Snags; Sivellings, Sprains, _OltLadies, Seratehes, eill diseases requiiinirim external remedy for Horses. and Cattle, it has 'no equal "• "- ThiS Liniment' should be the hands of every particularly where there - are Children, as Sore Throat, Searlitina. Croup, Quincy, Stc., are diseases that curry Many Children to their graves. This Liniment will be Muir(' a , sure and speedy re-, lief in every case where it- is' 'applied in time. As this Liniment is warranted to give satisfaction all cases, no one can risk anything _ in trying it -- and if the bottle is bred yob will' lever be without it in the house—se pinchase a bottle and be conk winced of the filets above. (live your Horses STI IN I • BRA K DR'S W )RSE AlvD CA'ITLE POWDERS, if you want fine and healthy horses, and you are sure to-have them. A safe, sure and speedy cure for Coughs, Colds, Distempers, Heaves Hide bound, Worrits, Bote, Scurvy, &c.,in Horses, Loss of Cud, Black Tongue, etc., in Cattle. By the use of these POWDERS the appetite of the Horse is improved, all derangements of the Di gestive' trgans are 4:orr . ected, and the sluggishness of the animal disappears, he becoming lively end spirited It softens the skin giving the hair a sleek and shining appearance. The great superiority of these Powders over all 'others arises 'from the face that they are compounded of medicines that have lexati , e, tonic arbi purify iii - g - properties, -- The la - xa. live removes all impurities from the stomach anti— bowels; the tonic adds new tone and vigor to the system of the horse, by which the appetite is won-. derfully improved, and the purifying medicines con tamed in them clertme the blood from all impure matter, and give a healthy 'rind vigorous circula tion; they also improve the wind, and are a sure preventivenf Lung Fever; Yellow Water, Founder, Loss of App-tile, and many other diseases incident to the horse. It is also invaluable ns a Conditi , n Powder for Cows, increasing the flow of Milk and preventing disease. All persons ownins.; cows should ask for STONEBR NICER'S HORSE AND CATTLE POWDERS, as it is very important through the winter that they should he used to improve the con dition of the cow. They have no equal for fatten ing cattle, es they give them an appetite, and loos en their hid by which they thrive much faster. • These Powders are a sure preventive of HOG CHOLERA, anti are particularly adapted Co the diseases to which Hogs are so liable—such as Coughs - , Ulcer of the Lungs and Liver—causing then' to improve Much faster. They should he used in the beginning to fatten Hogs, as much feed may be saved. These powders will be found much strong er than the most powders now in use, and at the same time the most powerful• tonic ever' used for Horses and Cottle of any. kind. All persons are particularly invited to try these Powders, knowing they will continue to use them. RATS MADE TO COME OUT OF THEIR HOLES TO DIE. , Great Doetruction of Rats! Eery Box warrantrd a dead shot! No one can risk ar.y thing in . trying it, as it will destroy all your Rats, liaarhes, Julice,Ped and Black:Aets, or you can have your money refunded. fiot dangerous to the Unman Family. • Try it---:and if it don't lay all your rats 'lx. you can get your noney refunded. flrFror pale by Dr. J rry A. ROYER. Druggist. Waynesboro', and by Country Dealers generally. Oct. 6—Em „It is WISDOM and ECONOMY to Insure in the BEST COMPANIEY; and there is none better than the Old Insurance Co. of North America.” 1794. Incorporated 1794. INSURANCE COMPANY OF North America, PHILADELPHIA. THE Abstract of the 142nd Semi-Annual State ment, showing the condition of the Company on the 2nd day of JanuJry, 1865, shows the Total APeirtki to be $1,715,171 71. Years successful Business Experience ! r:V'The Prompt Payment of *17,500,000,00 j.osse Or A Reputation fur Honorable Dealing linsurpass ed ! !grind Cash Assets exc•etling .1;1,700.000,00,! Claim the References of the public for this, the Old est Insurance Company in America. DIRECTORS: Arthur G. Coffin, Wm. Welch, John Mason, Sairel W. Jones, R. D. Wood, G. L. Harrison J a h n 1.. Brown, Wm. E. Bowen F. R. Cope, Chas. Taylor, Jas. N. Dickson Ed.H Trotter Ambrose White, S. M. Wain. Ed. S. Clark* Wm. Cummings. T. Charlton Henry. ARTHUR G. COFFIN, Pres't. CHAS. PLATT. NWT,. nlov. 24L ein] Jos. Doveys•, Waynesboro'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers