AT WAYNESBORO', Friday, April 20th, 1866, EXHIBITIONS : Every geMoon at 2 o'clock, every Evening STIIIIIIOIIS , COISKIIISI I .... , ---.... i. ,. Two Separate • and Distinct Shows in the same Tent, for one Price of Admission. DAN AR'S MAMMOTHMENAGERIE Under the immediate Supervision and control of Col. Dan,Rice. SPECIAL NOTICE.—In or der to accommodate those who de sire to witness the Animal Exhi bitions, without coming in con tact with the Circus Performances Mr. Rice has arranged tLe follow ing programme, Which will b e strictly - observed Immediately after the Opening of the Doors, the Exhibition of the Menagerie Will commence and continue for one hoer, during which time Mr. RICE will deliver an interesting and succinct Lec ture upon the Animal Kihgdom. After, which On intermission of five minutes, giving those a chance to -retire-that-do-not wish to witness the performance in the Arena.— At the close of the Animal Exhi bitions the performances will take place within the Circle, by the North American Urns Company in which Dan Rice will appear in his Great Original Character of the American Humorist. fl(latinion to Both Shows ONLY 50 CENTS . , Children under ten years of age 25 Cents. The same price will be charged to either exhi bition separate. 18 CAGES OF LIVING WILD ANIMALS. Langworthy's performing Lions, Tigers, Cougars, Educated Buffo,- lo and •Dromedary, Trick Ponies, Monkeys and Mules ! •Qacred Cattle of India, Flock of Pales- tine Sheep, the Wondeful Blind Talking Horse Excelsior, Jr., the Beautiful Arabian Trick Horse Douglas, the Monster Elephant Romeo! the largest Elephant ex . P. S. This Elephant was talc en about six years ago in his na tive country by his present Keep• 1.4.-4;,,,\..., er and Trainer, Stewart Craven, . . 0 4 ii, :., a VI Esti , and is the only Asiatic Ele• -iz i ..".' ( IC .phant ever seen on this continent. •':'"'"-r!"' ; 5 . ..r5.',1 1 t cl: 4 :- i 7 k ,. ' A Gratd array of Ornithologi , -- , :. , ..7.,..-:••• cal Specimens, or Wanderers of •: — .‹ . ...4.. . *lhe upper deep, comprising Birds .a..„,.. i of rare and gorgeous plumage, or every laud and dune. questrian and Gymnastic Department t 11I'lle IDk, Miss Annetta Aymar, Mrs Sam Stickny. Sam Stickny, Jr. S D Balwin, Monro Bros. k eederick Barclay, Gen Darinus,H King, , . Young Henderson, Mast Dan Clark, Lazo& Brothers, &c REMEMBER DAN RICE Appears at both Exhibitionr: Ist• As Lecturer in the Menngerie. 2d. As Clown and Jester (Mr the first time •in —many-piers) in the Chcus. Everything - about this establishmrnt is entirely nrw, and fitted Up in a style of Magnificence and Dazzling Splendor hitherto to/attempted by any Manager, either in Europe or America. This be ing characteristic of the liberality of the IStatestnan, Patriot and ,Humorbd, whose name stands at the bend of these con-olitlated Exhibitions! rirThe Gorgeous Procession at l 0 A. M. . Teeth Extracted without Paint DR. T. D. FRENCH, IZIMIVT.ICE3O, XTRACTS Teeth without pain 4 ., nn 'Wednesday and Friday of- taken week, or on any other day of the 6 " a a Week if thirty minutes notice is given. Through the influence of Nitrous Oxide Gas the most a greeable sensation is produced during thy operation Those who have had teeth extracted through me influence of the Oas declare they will not have a troth extracted in any other manner. Ileautiful and durable teeth lima:lied nicunted on go'il;ei , vcr, vulcanite or amber bee. Particular nitration girvn to the prettervation of the natural teeth Ofii.:e (until futhcr notice) the first two weeks o each montu at tho' Photographic Umfiery of Mr. J. B Hamilton. in Waynebb/ro . , the balance of the time et Brown's Hotel. in Fayettville. IS atisraction guarantied in all operations. A nil 13 T oneE is hereby gir-n that Leiters of A dmin. istrafon (with the Will annexe.) en the E zu Er of P Regain!, late of Waynesboro', decd, have been granted to the undenligue.l. A leo Let ters Testamentary on the Estate of E, Rei;corl, la of said Borough, All poisons knowing themselves indebted to said Estates will please make immediate ipaytuent. and those having claims will present them properly au thenticated fur tettlethent within thirty days. sp St] ' F. TH UM AB. D lAIKERS, ; us% received at 'AO Punt & Ho. Fla' Xs._ at 7 o'clock. ANt NORTH AMERICAN NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS. THE Telmer, of Franklin Citinty will-please take take notice, that I,will meet them at the follow.' big places for the purpose of receiving thrt.,'State, County and Military Te eft for the yeas lB6l, viz QUINCY—At Mount Alto, on Monday- the3Oth of April, at the house of Ephraim Shank; et,Qtrin cy, on Tuesday, the let day of May,• at the hbuse of H. M. Jones. WASHINGTON—At Waynesboro', : on ' Wed.* motley and Thursday. the MI and 34 of May, at the house of V. B. Gilbert. ANTRIM—At Greencasde, Friday and Sat urday, the 4th.and sth days of May, at the house of 'John H. Adams. MONTGOMERY—At Welsh Run, On Monday, the 7th day of May, at the House of Jacob Elliott; at Mercerabnrg, on Tuesday the Bth day of May, at the House of rhomas M'Afee. rar We have learned since collecting the County Taxes that the State Personal will also have to be collected. — Those who have raid the County Tax , will still owe the State Personal, which was ordered to be collected since, if any State Personal , appears on their notice. Busineee Men will please Be prepared to lift their licenses. 113 r Positively nothing but Government end class home currency Will be received for Taxes. WThere wilt be -5 per cent. deducted from County and State Personal Taxes • the 25th day of April, by order of the Corinty Commie-donors. .301iN HASSLER, Treasurer. GZOBGE 3. BALBLEY, Agent. Ap. 13. L - a-s-t—N-o-t4--c e NOTICE Whereby given that if the accounts standing open in the Books of Israel Baer, are not settled before the firol of May next ensuing, suit will be brought without respect to persons. • HENRY BAER. sP 13--At • E 3 Ali AL IA I-• -V' db. it WIC FOR SALE. TAE subscriber offers at Private Sale' the follow ing 'described • Real Estate, situated 2 miles Southeast of Waynesboro', on the road leading from A ntietam Junction to Ringgold, to wit: A Tract of first quality Limestone land, containing THIRTY-NINE ACRES and 28 Perches, adjoining lands of Rev:D. F. Good, David Stoner, and other lands of the subscriber.— The improvements are a -- TWO-STOltr LOG HOIIISfE with Baseinent and Cellar, a new Bank Barn, with Wagon Shed, Corn Crib and Granaries attacfred f Stone BlackstnithiShop and all other necessary out buildings. There is also a never-failing well, of good water near the door, and a fine young orchard of choice fruit trees on the premises There is also on the above premises a one' and a half story I:ol2l2.Z3Zraa. with Basement, a Log Stable, Smoke House and other_necesaary_ontbuildings, and a fine young or chard, embracing a variety of the choicest fruit trees a well of Water and cistern near the elite.. The above is a desirable property and well talctr lated for a mechanic. Persons wishing to view the property can call on the subscriber living near it. March 30—tf.] A BEM. BA RR.' N. B. If the aboto property is not sold privately on or before the Ist day of August nett, it will then he offered at public sale. 'A. B. FIRST NATIONAL BANK aynesboro', rranklin Co. P Capital paid in 875.000. Collections made promptly and remitted for at lowest rates of Exchange on New York. Director.:—W. 8. A mherson, A lex. Hamilton, George Besore, George Jacobs. Daniel Mirkley, , John Price, Henry Good, James H. Clayton, Joseph Price. Correepondente :—The First National Bank of Philadelphia and 9th National Bank of New -York. W. 8. Amnasson, Prea't. Jao. PHILIPV, Caah. NINTH QUARTERLY REPORT Of the condition of the First National Bank of Waynesboro', April 2d, 1866 RESOURCES Notes and Bills discounted $51.916 12 U. S. Bonds to secure circula tion 75.000.00 U. S. Bonds and other U. S. securities on hand 59 500.00 Due from National Banks 16,711.13 " other Banks 82 65 Cash in Lego[tender Notes 89.733.50 " " Nat. flank Notes 4 310 00 " " State Bank Notes 285 00 Rev. Stamps and cash items " 441 96 • Expenses and Taxes raid 1.167 rs Over Drafts 8.73 --.—5232 146.74 MA1311,111 ES. Capital paid in $75'000 00 Circulation outstanding 67 055.00 Due to Depositors 78 644 90 Due to other Banks 1 999 02 Profits and surplus 9.447.82 ----$232.146.74 The above statement is just awl true to the best of my knowledge and belief. JOHN PHILIPS, Caih. Sworn and sulperibed he'ore me. April 2, 1066. Ap. 6-6t] J. F. KURTZ, N. Public. GREAT REJOICING Oh ! Bow glad the Citizens of Franklin county are to know Mat METCALFE 4k, HUITESIIEW, CHAMBERSBURG. ARE - selling goods at "O I, U PRICES ," Calicoes at 10 cents. The same quality sold a month ago at 25 cents. , Ca Imes for 12k. very good, Pant colorp, new styles; the best that is made. ?dusting " 12 2 yd. aide, good. - .16 .6 15 " very beery. " 20 one yd wide, splendid. " 25 eta st thnt is made.. Delains 182- " good quality. " 2b " new and heautiful styles, best in the market. All Wool Detains 271 cents. Never sold cheaper. f.:00 yds. Spool Cotton for 5 cents only, any num brr or color. We keep it full assortment of Carpets, Oil Cloths Straw Notting, white and checkered; Table Oil Cloths, Stair Oil Cloths; a beautiful •aasortment of Oil 14 induw Shades, new etyles, and in short every • thing belonging to the Dr) Goo Is and Notions' Du. siness, all of which we are selling at greatly reduc ed prices. M'Retraember this is tne place gouda are selling Bo cheap. _ _ _ IWLTCALFE & HITESHE W. LEMMA IN. 13. You who mu - Atha best Sewing AiLtettine in use go to Metcalfe & litteshow acid buy .3ittger's Improved. FRESH LIME. I I HE subscriber would inform his customers and the public generally, that, they eta be supplied with a superior article of Wood buret Linie for tt hitewashing, Plastering, Sm., on end after the 2nd 4)f April, 0168, at hie welhknown Mtn, three mike East 01 Waynesboro'. Mardi 30—Int.1 JOSEPH/Oh lIESS• FIN E.' Nu. i fresh Mackoril At Palos & lingrues. B AKING Mulaskes, also some fine Syrups at • PIMil ISG Hon': tees. I A DlE§ Comte and Elliptic Siring skirts at J Fake & Haarmou's L; (1...51;:l' ;Springs-at NNE & TIOEFLICLO3 REDUCED PRICES! NEW SPRING.AND munmun GOODS! PHU & 11 OMICII HA,E jaet received from the Eastern Cities one of the finest assortments of Goods ever offered' for sale in Waynesboro', which they are prepared to-sed-at—greatt3r_reduced_ratev. having purchased their stock at a time when the markets were at e lowest rates during the recent decline in prices. LADIES' GOODS the latest novelties in the Ladies' Dress- a department may Poll de Chevree, Percales, Repped Mohnirs, Linen Lan Toppling, Armure Delray, All wool Deloins, All colors, Bilks. MILLION'S GOODS •In the Gents line of goods we have an extensive assortroent of • Tricot Cloths, Vissinreree. Dentine, Linen Deck, Cords, Prints and Brown Muslin! from 12i cents upward, together with a host of other goods at correspond ing low prices. gEitEnIES. A gnod article of Brown Sugar at 18} tts per Ib Rio Coffee, Cheese. 14.11 - m4O 11111_77119 All Wool, Stair, Rag, Hemp, Ingrain, Baskets, Shoos, Bags, Figure l / 4 and Plain Oil 'Blinds. The subscribers kindly ask the Common ity to call sod see their handsome stock of goods now open and will vouch that persons will be convinced that "prices have fallen," end greatly too, and to con vince yourselves of the riots just drop in and make an inspection of goods and prices. PRICE .Sc HOEFLICH. April 6, 1806. COME AND SEE ! SWOPE'S Patent Cold Oil Lamp at the sign of the "Big Bed Horn." D. B. Rumen, agent for this Township. Also a splendid assortment of Cooking Stoves, Tin ware, imputed ware, Iron ware and House Furnishing Goods. Mar 30] D. 13. RUSSELL. PUBLIC SALE. .SHE subscriber will offer nt Public Sale, on the premises. on SATURDAY, APRIL 14TH, a TRACT OF LAND, situated 1 mile-from Hope well Mills, adjoining lands of Jer. Monn and Sol Harbaugh, containing 23 acres, 10 of which are cleated end in good order, 2 being in grain, the balance well act with thriving young timber. The improvements are a Story and Half LOG HOUSE with stone apartment, Stable and other out•Suild ings—a fine young Oorchard—also a stream of run- MIT water near the premises. Al' of his personal property will be off: red at the same time, Sale to commence at 9 o'clock when the wins will be made known by URIAH 1111.11 ER. Mar 301 J. R. SMITH, Auct. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. XTOTIPE is hereby given that Samuel Frantz, 11 of Washington township. has applinted the undersigns .1 Assignees, under a deed of voluntary assignment for the benefit of cr doors. All persons Levi g claims against said Samuel Franz, will pre. sent IA sm. duly authenticated rwr prittiuent, e nd thn'e hid bt.•d sviil make payment without delay, to the undsragusal. W. 8. AAJLIERNON, LIRAH A VI FRANTZ. Assignee,s. M lurch 9—rt X ekelf7J,rgl - , ZZZehexittrort;eysz,zei X f r. oi . 11l ,11,11E111T, X . L 4: DRAPER. 5.4 till / - 3.r• ._..1(1.4 ennalaully Pr guile a full aeaarlment al GOODS. jar Gentlemen's ware. O P 'l..stost City Fashions always on hand. V lirayneeloaro', Pa. . LN.NNAVVI4.,...N .X,V,MIXtVV,VI;.TiNiNV i Popplinett r Awns, Meheire Cangfiame, Detainee Alpaccae, Valencies, Coatings, Cottonades, Spice", Cedarware, ko Msttiog Bagging, Umbrellas Damasks. NEW SPRING Alli lik JMIIEiC~d:CuI~~~ GEORGE STOVE HAS RETURNED FROM PRILADEL PHIA WITH' A SUPPLY OF DRY OOHS, NOTIONS, QUEIINSWIII GROCERIES, NV" To *hi' he invites the attention of of his patrons and the public generally. March 30, 1866. SAFTY AT LAST 1 THE PARAGON OIL LAMP ! No Chimney, No Smoke, No Smell, No Grease And Nan-exploof ye. Call and see them at the sign of the Red. 3Er0.1V.73.." D. B RUSSEL, . Bole Agent for this Township, • A large assoitment of • COOKING STOVES, of the latest improvements, the best in the market. Just received and for sale at the cheap Tin anti Stove store of D. B. RUSSEL. 4 4a l .1:9 1 N3W AZa EMi A lam e Apeortment of Tinware of every dotcrip tin, made of the beet Tin in the market and war ranted at the sign of the "ii 10 RED HORN." D. B. RUSSEL keeps constantly on hand and for elle a general assortment of H.,tit4E FURNISHING GOODS. - Pur e Ke roecne Oil and Lamps of the lan St improvement. WASHING MADE EASY 133 i calling at the sign of the "BIG RED HORN' ' and getting Putnam's Clothes Ringer, of D. B lUJSSE!. Persons in Want of Stoves of any kind Or good Tinware, or House Furnishing Goode generally, can do well by calling un IS. D. ROSSI: 1., b'ign of the "BIG RED HORN " Waynesboro', Pa. FARMERS LOOK TO YOUR INTERESTS! EVERYBODY HIS OWN BROOM-MAKER ! ! Brougher, Hammer 4 Middleton'A Excelsior . Broom Head or Wropp#7, Patented December 26, 1865. TIE article to which we call %our attentim is very simple, light and strone,,weighing but sev en minim s. The firming community have long needed an article of this character, and the high price of brooms together with the simplicity, dura bility and provical utility of this invention, mu kes it more useful than any other article of kinJ er introduced. UW The undersigned are the only authorized a gents fu the manuriciure and sale of this article in the townships of Washington and Quincy-- To he had at tuc store of Gno. F..1,11:1Y. in Way or.,'. I,IDY & rrICKEL. Mar 30— tr - CI UILTS, Counterpanes, &c., at Awes & Iloznacies. • __• - • A fine noun trnynt of Queeneware at PRIOX & How KVA. rSOH a bottle of extract, "Night blooming t.le rug," extract "Hyacinth," extract. , White Pond Lilly," go to Uttl'Z'S. F OR a cake of fine S,oap,yot mat go to 1V FEN 'c , rtt want In fi! e STgar, go to fur is. _ , -, -7-:::: : 1 . ... , ... , , 1 .. . 11. - 111'... . ',. , .''... ' .:; .i: 1110010 MM POURTIEMAN ITAVING purchased Mit Drug Steno of Dr. .11 11. A. Royer, formerly kept by himself, would call the attention of the citizens of Waynesboro' and vicinity to his large and well selected stock of DREGS, MEDICINES, &C. 'comprising everything found in the Drug trade.— My stock consists in pad of Drugs, Paints, Oils t Varnishes, Fancy Soaps, Fancy Article; Brushes., Glass, White Lead, Carbon and Paregon Oil, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS Snaberger Scotch and Rappee Snuffs. Havana, Principe and Common Cigars, Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal pur poses, Cosmetics and every de scription of Toilet Articles. Usinemy utmost exertion to secure the - Bost and! Purest articles of Drugs and Medicines, I can as sure the public that 'they will find here only such as cant,* relied on. Purchasing for Cash ! AND Selling at small Profits ! I offer my gouda at4one pries and that the very lowest. *-hysicienst-P-iescriptions—c-ompowul March 24, 1868. PRIVArg - tALE. 'TIRE subscriber will sell at Private Salo twenty I acres of land, more or less, adjoining Mr. Jos. Garver, Mr. Jos. Rohrer, and others, on , the road leading from Smithburg, Washington County M 41,, to Waynesboro', Franklin County, Pa., one.and a half miles from the former and five from the !elfin place. This is a very desirable property, The int. I rovements are A ONE-STORY BRICK HOUSE with six Rooms and Kitchen,' Cellar, Stone Spring Howe, Smoke and Bake House, with one of the most desirable springs in the county within, sixty feet of the kitchen door, a Wood. House, Bog Pen, and Corn Crib. There is also one of the moat coat dlete Barn and Stabling on this property all in good order. FR ClT.—Such as Apples,, Pears, Peaches and Grapes. The land is divided into .five enclosiere. There Is on this properay a light water power, which could be applied with. very little expense to run small ma chinery, say five or six horse Power. Any verson wishing . a cornfintalJe residence near Churches, Stores, Mills, &c., will please call on the subscriber on the premises. Address Smithburg, Washington County, hid. JOS. P. MONO. March 2—tf. NEW LEATHER FINDING STORE! EWIS S. FORNEY & SONS, would inform JUthe publid that they have this 'day .associated themselves in the business of Taning and Currying, besides have also connected with the above bneinees a Leather and Finding store, at the house of L 8. Forney, where they will keep constantly on hand an assurtmetar i , as felluws Sole Leather, Rough Skirting, Hemlock and Spanish Sole, Calf Skins,Frach Calf do., Sheep da, , French and Mens Morocco, Lining Skins, all.kinds, Lasts, every style and size, Threads, Boot Webing, Laces, Galloons, Size Sticks, Measure Straps, Deer Bones, Burnishes,:Heel Shaves, Last Hoops, Peg Floats, Double Cutters, Welt Knives, Nails and Tacks, Was, Clamps, Crimp Boards, Bubbers, Bristles, LastinF. Irons, Files, Ink Powders, Sand Paper, Compasses, Boot Trees, Pegs, Knives, Pinchers, Hammers, various kinds; Rasps and Files, Auls and Handles. Collis Irons, Long and Shoulder Sticks, Eyeletts. and . Eyelett Punches, Strip Auls, And all other articles usually kept in such stores. Highest cash price paid for Hides and tikins A leo 500 cords bark wanted. Mar. 16— 1) ] FORNEY & SONS. NEW TOWN ! NEW STORE! NEW FIRM ! NEW GOODS LIVERY two weeks at ROUZER 4. AsHOG.K. Pike.,vi'le We flatter ourselves that we can yell as cheep as any store in the county and pny as hiuh cash prices for all kinds of country pro duce, viz: PUTTER 41 Deign APPLE% iO roc's 13 I Sin DIM CHICRRIR3 25 _ . 1.A , , 1) 10 . BLACK I.lla 14 Ed 15 TALLOW 10 RABPIII.4III - 20 RAGS 4 Pam: F RA LRD . , t . 16 ktosP 10 . LF88.1218 . 11 L.V'All we ask is fo tie public to givens a trial. Our stork consi.ts of I kinds Of goods. Mar. 10—tfj RA/VEER & ISHOCKE Y. EGA RS. —Fine assortment of t ohanco and to Ogars; good sepias sold at $2.110 per hundred. HOSTESTER, REID & CO. CASH paid for Butter and Eggs. liorrmen, REID 454 Co. Nyr HITE and grey tdaokV it e i g _ 6, Hosucu'a. NIW - ::STORL WOULD respectfully inform the eitisens of Waynesboro' and vicinity that they have re coked is new and extensive stock of Dye Stuffs, Chemicals Perfumery Zinek, . Linseed Fish Oil, ES FISH.—Rock , Pike, Chad, Herring, Haddoc, &c.. received every Friday noon. We warrant them sound and fresh. March S. llosri.Trra RID & CO. ETCALF:IiI & HITESHEW go East every month, she year round, to anti goods; they therefore have fresh stook anti latest styles all ate tame. [uum 4 I - IQUID , Rennet Com tltarch, Ittce Floar, Ta- Ow% Saga, Pielcl" iMey mai Cooones Gal. rirzi at i :2." KURTZ - 6; JF. KTIRTZ baakhe finest aesoritpant of Poc. * Sumer. in town. A • lot of Country Bacon at Paws & Hour ►cn'a Fxr EN E, thy great v are for Connum!itto I at J KURTZ's thug. ',tom. 11!OSTETTElti REID & 800 1 HOCEINS, Embracing in part— SYRUPS, SUGARS, MOLASSES, RAM TEAS.—Hyson, Imperial and Oolong, of the finest flavor. SPICES, ground. and eneround, and BAKING articles, warranted fresh and pure,and of the best quality QUEENSWARE AND GLASSWARE, a very heavy stock, to which special attention isin vited. Fine ware in setts or by the single piece„of the, latest styles; Cut Glass Goblets, Tumblets,.&e. KEROSENE LAMPS of every pattern, a large assortment. Shades, (new style) wicks, chimneys; spring hinge burners, al ways on hand. Also No. 1 Kerosene Oil. NOTIONS., WIVE, A thousand and one fancy, useful and necessary its ticks, used in every family and by everybody. TOMO EBB Aill Willett's Cong, Navy, Nat. Leaf, Mich Fine Cue,. and all the best chewing and em )king tobaccos.— Havana Cigars, good common do. Sanitary and. Neotric I'ipea, latest thing out. SALT AND-FISH; G. A. Salt, Liverpool, large sire sacks. Pickled Shed, Mackerel, No. 1 and 3, bbl half bbl., quarter bbl , um. - MBEE'r till'A. Being in connection with Hostetter dc' Co, of Greencastle, which firm have a Market Car on the it. It., we are enabled to supply our customers with the choicest luxuries of the Eastern markets in their proper season. riff By strict attention to business, furnishing: the best articles In the market, and doing all in our power to accommodate customers, WO hope to re ceive a share of public patronage. 1V trouble to shout goods IrrTerms...Postrivinx CARET. We buy our goods for cash and roust sell them in the same way .— Country dealers supplied at wholesale prices. HOSTETTER, REID & CO. Waynesboro', Aug. 25, '65. I SAFE IiVEMMT, /115 that are wanting the hest and cheapest Y .t4: - .:lrlire) that is in the market will de wen by calling at W. A TRITI.E'S TIN AND STOVE STORE, There you will find the LARGEST stock of Stoves and Tieeware in Wayneshoro'. The subscriber tenders to the community his thanks for past patronage arid hopes for a continu ation of the same. Call and hear what induce ments he offers fir you to invest. fur in your deal ings with him you will be dealth with with fairness You will find a good fitock of Brass and Copper Dippers, Brass Ladles, Sheet-iron ware, Iron Wash Kettles, Iron- Bread Pans, Bran Kettles, &o. All' kinds of Copper work done and repine made, You will find among his stock of stoves•those splen did Cook btovoo, the • Niagara and Combination. They have an extra large oven, extended fire-box, taking a long stick of wood, square top, good draft, and in all good linkers. In fact just the stove a good housekeeper wishes. Don't forget to, call and examine his stock.' It will pay. _ _ A'exi d'oor to the Post Office Pelt 111] NEW CLOTHING STORE ! EORGE BENDER has opened a New ctoth uf ing Store, at the old stand, and would most re spectfully invite the attention of his et:strm:Es and the pubic generally to his large and' well selected. stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING and furnishing goods. Pis stock consists of Over Dress :uid Cassinier Coils, Vests and Pants, Shirts Drawers, (:logs Handkerchiefs, Neckties, Sr.c. Wayis show', Feb., 23, 'e6. CHEESE, - COFFEE, CHOCOLATE, DRIED BEEF. W. A. TRITI.F:-.:.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers