PUBLIC SALE. Monday and Tuesday, Feb. 19 and 20. trim subscriber intending to quit fanning will I sell at Public Sale, at his residence 1-4 mile kouth of Quincy, in Quincy township, Fronklin county, Pa., ore,. Monday and Tuesday, the lgth and 29th days of February, 1866, the following property to wit: 9 WORK HORSES . p one of which . is a fine Bay •Mare with foal; also, 1 Black Mare - for - riding or driving and noted for speed, - ' 16 11110 fl CATTLE; 11 OF WHICH ARE. EXTRA. FAT STEERS; I fine white Bull, also 1 large Cow which will be fresh about time of Sale; 24 Head of Hogs, 3 of Which are large Fat Hogs; 23 head of good Sheep; Nair., I large heavy four-inch tread, with wood Bed ; 1 Plantation; 1 one and two horse and 1 Spring Wa gon, 1 Carriage, 1 large English lied with Bows, 2 pair Hay Carriages, 2 sets Dung Boards; 1 good REAPER, ‘Rerby's patents), 1 first Rate Spring Drill, 1 Hay and Grain Rake, 1 Revolving Rake, I GOOD Thresing Machine, With Horse Powei; patent Rake and Strap. 1 Wind Mill, 1 Screen, 2 Corn Fodder Cu tters,,3 Plows, 3 'Barron's, 2 Corn Covers, 1-2 doz. double and single Shovel Plows, 11 pair Breechbands. 4• pair front Gears, 1 pair double and 1 set Single Buzgy Har ness, 6 good Bousens, Bridles, Collars, 1 Wagon Saddle, 6 Fly nets, 1-2 i doz. Halters and Chains, Cow Chains, But and Breast Chains 3 Grain Cra dles and Mowing Soy the 3 / 4 1 dot. Sickles, 1 patent Wash Machine, 1 Wood Chest, 1 patent Chain Pump, 1 large Dinning Table; 1 Secretary, 2 sets Chairs, 6 Bedsteads, 1 Settee, 2 bbls. Vinegar, 1 large size COOKING STOVE, 1 good Blacksmith Vice, I.good Copper Pump, 1 pair Buggy Wheels and Axle Tree; 2 firth Chains and Spreaders single, double and treble Trees, also 100 bushels Potatoes. a3e!) ts-Vczauca , cm•CE" 4 loads of Top Fodder, 100 bundles of Rye Straw, 200 bushels ‘l, heat, 50 lib's Corn, 100 bushels Oats, 75 bushels Rye, 1 Corn 13raker, 2 Grindstones, 2 sets Slide's for Saw !Wilts, 1 set of Guides for Car riage, 2500 good, Chesnut I?ails, 400 or 500 heavy Chesnut Posts, 20,000 R. Lumber, 3. inch, 1-li to 2-2 f to 3 and 4 inchs, also, iut of Scantling different sing, lot good Table Legs, Plastering Lath and Broom Bandies, a lot of old Iron and many other tutitles too numerous lo mention.• And also on the second day of sale I will offer 21 ACRES OF GROUND, more or less in Quincy, o'n the Southwest Corner of the Diamond. The same will be laid off in lots to suit purchasers; This is a desirable lot of ground being delightfully situa ted for building lots. Sale to commence at 9 o'clock on said days, when tt credit of 9 months will be given on all p ersonal property except Fat Cattle, 'lleep and Grain, on which there will be a credit of thirty days only, G. V. Along, ? Awls. J..R. Smith, Jan 12 —ts PULE Sal WILL be Fold at the residence of the under signed, adjoining the borough o f Waynes- boro on Thursday, February Slh, 1860, the following property, viz: FIVE HEAD 'OF VALUABLE WORK . HORSES, 1 BROOD MARE, heavy with foal ; 3 unsurpassed plow or wagon leaders. 3 FRESH COWS, two with Calves by their sides r *.-70 c two fine Sows, one with pigs; one.large Boar ; five large and small Shoats, THREE HUNDRED BARRELS OF CORN ; 200 BUSHELS OF RYE ; 600 BUNDLES RYE STRAW; 500 BUNDLES FODDER; 6 TONS CLOVER HAY. . ;114:.aa[a u.a.(m4,0 one elegant 3 fl 4 inch tread, one narrow tread, one one-horse Spring Wagon ; THREE WAGON BEDS, ono Plantation. 1 Market with haws and cov..r and one Stone bed ; I pair Hay Carriiges, 1 pair Buy Ladders; calling-top Buggy ; 1 I.3uggy pole. 1 Spring Grain Drill, 1 spring Grain flake, 1 Superior THREE-HORSE PLOW, :3 double and 2 single Shovel Plows; 2 Harrows; 1 Corn Coverer; single, double and treble Trees; 4 Chain Jockeys ; 2 pair spreaders ; 2 bog Chains ; butt, breast, cow and Chains of all descriptions us ed in farming. 1 Jack screw, 1 Wheat k'an. I ELEGANT IVI COIELMICIE REAPE R and MOWER combined, (late patent); 1 Cutline Box, 1 (;rain or Itag Wagon, a lot of flakes, also, Hay and Grain Forks; 86 two and three bushel Hags, most of which are good as new. ELEGANT SET SILVER MOUNTED 31:9c50uar).143 TOCrianatpsass o , with checks, collars and bridles ; 4 sets Breechbands 2 sets Front Gears, 4 sets Plow Gears, 6 Fly.nots, 4 Bensons, Bridles, Collars, Chain 491ters, 1 Wa gon Saddle, 1 Wagon Whip. 1 four horse Line, I large string of Sleigh Bells, 1 ern ill do ; 3 good Grain Cradles, Mowing Scythes and sneads ; 1 bbl. of Tar; 2 halt bushels, 1 dinner Bell ; 100 CORDS OF WOOD, 200 Te-chee of Building Stone; 44 ACRES OF GRAIN IN THE GROUND. 934 LAB, 'situated near Germantown, Washington, co., Md., atljoiningdontis of Daniel ktolsin •;cr, %Vm.Johnson and others. Also ayariety of - • .11,0USEHOLD FURUITURE 'Salo to cammenro at 9 o'clock on.said day, when th a terms will he made known by J A MM., H. CLAYTON. GEO. V.,M0E17, And. , EGARB. —Fine assortment of tobacco and ea gam; good segues sold it 42110 per hundred. ' liosrEsTEß, REID I& Co. CALENDAR FOR 1866. o 4 1 1 It:' s O •i= 2" .14 1 i P CD .Ow t 4 • ' January, 1 2 3 4 6 6 7' , 8 9 10 11 12 13 . 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 28 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 • February, • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27- 28 March,' , - • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9' 10' 11 'l2 13 14 15 16 , 17 18 19 .20 21 22 23.'24 ,25 26 .27 28 29 30- 31 April, 1 2 3: 4 5 6• 7 . 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 . 22^ - 23 24 25 - 26 - 27 28 29 a 80 June, 1 2 3456 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 'l9 29 21 22 -23 24 25 '26 27 28 29 30 July, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7, 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 . 15 16 17 18 19 20 21. 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 August, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9• 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 .27• 28 29 30 31 • September, 2345 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 28 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 • October, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 • 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2S' 29 30 31 November, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 -13 14 15 10 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28. 29 30 December, 2 - 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 - 6 27 28 — . 29 30 31 PUBLIC SALE. A. S. hiONN, MHE undersigned intending to remove to the I west, will sell at Public Sale at his residence, on the farm of Joseph Sollenberger, 3 .miles north of Wayr.esboro', on the road leading to Chambers burg on THURSDAY the Ist of FEBRUARY, 1866, the following personal property to wit: FIVE HEAD OF WORK HORSES, among which are two good brood mares; 1 two and 1 one year old colt; 7 DEAD OF MULCH COWS, four of which will be fresh about the time of side; 1 fine bull, 6 head of sheep, 1 sow with pig 10 fine shoats; 2 rAnivz WAGONS, one 4 and ono 3 inch tread, also bed, bows and cov er, 1 one-horse wagon, 1 good rocicaway buggy, 2 pair hay carriages, 1 first-rate threshing machine and Morse power, one GRAIN DE11.1., 1 spring rake, 1 McCormick reaper, 1 good windmill, 4 bar shear plows, 2 two horse and 2 three• horse do., 2 harrows. 3 single and 3 double shovel plows, 1 corn coverer. 1 basket sleigh, 1 sleigh box; 2 sets breech bands, 4 sets frmt gears, 3 fly nets,• in good order; 3 sets plow gears, 5 blind bridles, 6;collars, good six horse lirie, 4 bend halters. 1 set Harness, collar and bridle. 1 pair check lines, fifth chain, butt traces, halter chains; &c., trebble, double and single trees, spreaders, log chain, 9 cow chains 15 good bags, 2 grain cradles, 4 mowing seethes, 3 gond dung forks, rakes, forks, &c. HAY BY THE TON, also 60 ACRES NM II THE GREM, and mnny other articles too numerous to mention. to commence at o'clock on said day, when a credit of eight months wilt he given on all sums of $5 and upwards. JAcort BONEBR -IKE. Jan s—ls.] G, V. Moen, Auct. PUBLIC SALE. I IIE. undersigned, residirm nbnut 11 miles north ' east of Quincy, Quincy township, Frunklin co., Pa., will s& II at Public Sale, on THUIrtiDAY, JAN VARY 25th, 1868, the following persot al property',' to wit: FIVE HEAD OF GOOD WORK HORSES, 3 much cows, 2 head of young cattle, 1 fine brood sow; ONE BROAD-TREAD ROAD WAGON, 1 broad-tread plantation wagon, 1 one him wagon pith bed, 1 pair hay carriages, 2 sets dung boards, 2 barshear plows, I single and 2 double shovel plows, 1 corn coverer, also double, trebblo, and single trees, log chain fifth chain, halter chains,cow chains, &c.. also 1 wheat fan, pitch and dung forks, shaking forks, and rakes, 1 grain drill, 1 TURESDING 101A.C11111iE, 2 sets breechbands, 2 sets front gears, 2 fly-nets, 4 housens, collars, bridles, I four-horse line, 1 plow line. 1 wagon s addle, 1 riding saddle and bridle; • ONE 11.U2Illi1ED BARRELS or CORN, 1 falling-lop buggy, 1 set of blacksmith tools, one screw-plate, a lot of old iron. Also household and kitchen furniture, such as 1 large cooking stove and fixtures, 1 sink, 1 safe, 1 wardrobe, 1 large meat vessel, barrels and many other articles too numer ous to mention. IM'Sale to commence nt 10 o'clock nn said day when the terms will be made known by •_ Jun. s—ta AT COST, AT COST, milE subscribers would inform the public that I they are now selling off their stock of MT IN. TER CLOTHING for Men and Boys, at COST. Persons in want of Clothing of any de scription would do well to give them a call, next door to Sibbet's Hotel. Dec 1] FELLHEIMER & STRAUSS. CA" paid for Butter and Eggs. Ilosrsms, Hsu) & CO. rigra_has_a_nice_leq.uf Pocket Books T .- '- X July 14 SPERM OIL—A jp:l** . le for 'sale by sep 8 ) 's4rrTgB, Eno &Co "A? •23 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 .28 29 30 31 DAVID SUMMERS. U. V. MONO, A uct. CO NIFECT.,dIOIVAn,Y GROCERY pia subscriber would inform the public that he 1 has opined a Confectionary and Grocery in the dwelling house of Mr. L. S. Forney. His stock in part consists of the following : Cakes, Crackers, Candy, large lot of Christ mas Toys: . ) TOBACCO-Navy; Spun, Congress, Nature Leaf, Fine Cut, Chewing of all kinds, Smoking To bacco, Fine Out Smoking, Snuff; Segars,Pipes,&c. English Cheese, Layer and Cooking Raisins, Baking. Soda, and Salemttrs, Ground Ginger, Lem ons, Prrmes, Figs, Dates, A mons, Cream Nuts. English Walnuts, Pea Nuts, &c. superior Rio Coffee, Prepared Coffees, Essence of Coffee, Drown and White Sugar, Pulverized Su gar„ Baking Molasses - , fine article . Syrup, Fancy Casteel Soaps,,,pabbits Soap, Harrisons Soap, Pow der, Shot and Caps,Coal Oil, Chimneys and Wicks. Pepper Sauce and Tomato Catsup, prime Grain Pepper, true African Pepper, Indigo Blue, Ink, Steel Pens, and Lead Pencils, Pickels, Salt Dairy, Ex tract of. Soap Lye, Wheel Grease, Stove Polish, Shoe Blackning and Shoe Brushes, Matches, Can dles, Lilly White, Mean Fun, Hair Oils, and Per fumery of all kinds, Stationary, Note Paper, Fools cap, Envelopes, Cprn Brooms, &c, &c. Dec. 15—tf GEC. F. LIDY. TIN-WARE, SHM-111011 BRE, ITC. THE subscriber would inform his customers and public generally, that having, with other busi ness men of Waynesboro', adopted the "cs.a.som gism - smr3lnvr.,” he is now. prepared to sell at shorter profits than formerly. Persons in want of any article in his line are respectfully invited id give him a call.— His stock of HOUSEKEEPING GOODS and KITCHEN WARE are complete r and will be sold at such prices (the times considered) as cannot fail to give satisfaction. All kinds of TAM W_7W._l!!!o_ embracing the latest and, moat approved patterns, for eithet wood or coal, constantly on hand. • VirSpecial attention is given to putting up Stmut• big, made of the best tin, for houses and barns. Remember the sign of the "Bin RED HORN" D. B. RUSSELL. August 26, 1864. CARRIAGE MAKING' JACOB ADAMS WOULD inform his numerous customers and the public generally that the war having ter mtnated he is now preparing to carry on the Car riage-m-tking business more extensively *.. ihan ever, and will have constantly on hand BUGGIES of every description ; 'Ac".Amuom, new and second-handed Vehicles of all kinds-- ILV'Repairing done at short notice, He will employ none but good mechanics and use the best material. Persons wanting anything in his line will do well to give him a call before-purchasing elsewhere. JACOB ADAMS, Church Street, nearly opposite the Al B. Church, June 9—U. $1.500 ePvEerßywYhEereA to R ! e sell o w r a n t C u agents $2O Sewing Machines. Three new kinds. Under and upper feed. Warranted five years. Above sal ary or large commissions paid. The ONLY machine, sold in United States for less than $4O, which are fully licensed by Rowe, Wheeler 4- Wilson, Grover 4—Ba ker.. Singer 4. Co.. and Bachelder. All other cheap machines are infringements and the seller or user are liable to arrest, fine, and imprisonment.— Circulars free. Address, or call upon Shaw & Clark, Biddeford, Maine, or at No. 823 Broadway. Nev. York; No. 236 Carter St. Philadelphia, Pa.; No. 14 Lombard's Block, Chicag6, 11l ; No. 170 West Fourth St., Cincinnati, 0.; or No. 8 Spauld ing's Exchange, Buffalo, N.Y. • Dec. 22-1 y $9O ted Po l r six entirely n l ez A u G a E rttle ' sB,wjaunst out. Address 0. T. GAREY, Citylluilding, Bid deford, Maine. " Dec. 22—ly NOTICE! THE almost universal cash system prevailing in every department of business in this communi ty, in connection with the high prices for every ar ticle of consumption, espe ially the high price of medicines, renders it necessary that we require the settlement of all accounts every six months. All bills therefore will be made out and be.ready for set tlement by the Of January next, when those indebted will please call and settle. JOHN .1. OELLIG. FR A NTZ & SNIVELY. E. A, HERING. J, A ROYER'. H. X. BON EBRAKE. Wayn^sboro', Dec. 22, 1865, 6m. • EAGLE HOTEL. Central Square, Hagerstown, Md MHE above well-known and established Hate! 1 has been re-opened and entirely renovated, by the undersigned, and now offers to the public every comfort and attraction found in the brit hotels.— THE TABLE is bountifully supplied with every delicacy the market will afford, THE SALOON contaios the choicest liquors. and is constantly and skilfully attended. THE STARLE is thoroughly repaired, and careful Ostlers always ready to ac commodate customers. JOHN FISHER, Proprietor. ITagerstown. June 2 tf. "ROCK FORGE" PILE WORKS I ALL persons desirous of having Files . re cut would well ly sending them to me at once as I am going to remove my works to York, Pa., the coming spring. Address M. L. BELL Box 146, Waynesboro', Frank, Co, Pa Oct. 27,186 i, FIRST NAT, BANK OF WAYNESBORO', THE annual election for Directors of Ibis Bonk, to serve for the ensuing year, will be held at the Banking House on Tuesday the 16th day of Janu ary next, between the hours of 10. and 2 o'clock. JNO, PHILIPS, Cash. - December IR, Ism. WOOD! 71/0 - 1) ONE hundred cords of wood on the ground, al so all kinds of building lumber, for Pale by W. W. WALKER. STATES UNION HOTEL, OPPOSITE TIM Leb. Valley & Peinsylvania R. B. Depots, HABRISBU'R PA. L. B KURTZ & CO , Proprietors, Successors to .1. W. Taylor. Dee. B—tf. Furs! Furs ! Sable,_ Fitch, Coney and_ Mink Furs comprising. Muffs. Bertha Cape.' and Victorines. just received at PRICK Or Ilovnsca's. Dec. 8. G ENTLEMEN'S undercloth in g c t.. fi l t ireFtir ifs rioRD, CORD, a Leavy piece of li mb cord at PRICE & -11LUETUNIAMITESNE W are still al -11141 1 1 41 Stand,en Second Street, between the l litil and Washington House, South•side.,, 'MLR SLALL[ MITE subscriber inten.ling to quit fanning, will I sell at Public Sale, at his residence two miles northeast of Lcitersburg, near Welty's Church, on the farm of Jacob Winter, on WEDNESDAY the 31,431' OF JANUARY, .866, the following person al property, to wit: 7 1110 OF YilIG CORK RIM four of which are briod mares, one of them with foal; 1 one yearling Colt; 15 HEAD HORN CATTLE, five of which are Mulch Cows which . will be fresh by the Jay of sale, one young Bull, the balance young Cattle; •;- 21 HEAD OP HOGS, two of which are Brood Sows. also ono Cheater Boar; 3 FARM WAGONS, one four-inch tread, nearly new, two three-inch tread, 1 Spring Wagon, I Carriage, nearly new, for one or two horses, I Buggy Pole, 2 Hay ,Car- Tinges, 1 Wood Bed; '1 1111 PROVED lITCORMIC REAPER, 1 Grain Drill, 1 Spring Rake, 1 Wheat Fan, 3 Barshear Plows,3 double and 2 single Shov el Plows, 1 Corn Coverer,2 Harrowsi2 sets Breech bands, 4 set new Front Gears, 6 sets Plow Gears, housens, collars, bridles, 5 fly-nets, trebble, double and single trees, 2 pair spreaders, fifth chain, 2 log chains and cow chains, 3 riding saddles, 2 riding bridles, 1 chop chest, a lot cornfodder; Potatoes by the bushel, a lot grain bags; 1 SET NEW BLACKSMITH TOOLS; grain cradles and mowing scythes, forks, rakes,shov els, rakes, !roes, t dinner, belt, and many other az 'tides not necessary to mention. Also about 70 A cres of GRAIN IN TRH GROUND. t'Sale to commence at 9 o'clock on said day when the terms will be made known by DAVID M. STONER. JACOB BOWARD, Auct Jan. s—tsj HEADLEY'S HISTORY OF THE GREAT REI3ELLION.—The late Re bellion stands out peculiar and extraordinary in hu man events; and the maynificent scale upon which the war has been conducted, constitute it one of the GRANDEST AND MOST BRILLIANT CHAP TERS OF THE WORLD'S HISTORY. Mr Headley, of all writers, is perhaps best quali fied to portray the stupendous features of the migh ty contest. His previous-works-on-less-momentous themes have placed him in the first position, as a graphic and powerful delineator of war scenes and characters, and the magnitudesknd grandeur of the present subject, impart to his pen the fire and vigor of a yet more exalted inspiration, and furnish am ple scope for the highest exhibition of his peculiar genius for military discription. Under his power ful pen the stirring scenes of the War pass in re view with the vividness and distinctness of a pres ent and living reality; while his great talent for con densation enables him to embody everything of im portance in a compass just suited to the public want, From no other source can so clear and comprehen sive an impression of the grand march of events be obtained, so easily and agreeably, as from Mr. Hind ley's work. Other Histories have been issued before Grant's WeVert and other Official Documents were submit ted,to the Government, and are therefore unreliable Mr. Headley has delayed the completion of this till those DOCUMENTS SO ESSENTIAL tO AUTHENTICITY and CORRECTNESS could be obtained. The Second Volume . , completing this Work, will be issued in March, 18t6. Agents wanted to en gage in its sale in every town and county in the U. Statesi Libertil in3ucements offered. For partic ulars apply to or address, • AMERICAN PUBLISHING HOT. SE, 14 5 t Asylum Street, Hartford, Conn. SCRANTON & BURR, Agents. EIGHTH QUARTERLY REPORT Of the condition.of the First National !dank of Waynesboro' on the morning of the, first Monday of January, 1866, RESOURCES. • Bills and Notes Discounted $53,090,21 `U. S. Bonds deposited to se- cure circulation 75, 9 00,00 U. S. Bonds and other U: S. Securities on hand 58,800,00 Due from Nat. flanks 29,547,05 " " other Banks 212,27 • Cash in Legal Tender N3tes and other frac . ' currency 17,772,44 Cash in Notes of State B'ks. 23,00 Cash in circulation of this Bank 340,00 • Specia, Rev. Stamps and cash items 248,90 ----$235,033,88 LIABILITES. Capital Stock $75,000,00 Circulating Notes received from Comptroller (17,150,00 Due to Depositors 84 910,89 " " Banks 193,34 ' Surplus and Profits • 7,52:3,15 Dividends unpaid 256,50 $235,33,88 The above statement is just and true to the best of *my knowledge and belief. JOHN PHILIPS, Cash, Sworn to and subscribed before me. January 2, 1666. ..1. F, KURTZ, Notary Public. Jan. 6 6t. ' DICKINSON COMMERCIAL COLLEGE AT CARLISLE; PA. A MODDLE BUSINESS INSTITUTION, . EDUCATION ADAPTED TO ALL. The Farmer, Mechanic, Artisan, Business or P,o. fessional man. Course of instruction, thorough and comprehensive, combining theory and practice, as applied and practised by the bent theorists and bu siness men of the country. ACTUAL BUSINESS. In this department legitimate transactions of Trade and Commerce, ere daily practised by making pur• chases and 'sales in the Model Stbre, connected with the College; supplied with samples' of Dry Goods, also, a reguar Bank of Deposit and issue with a working capital of $lOO,OOO, (consisting of finely engraved Bank Bills.) in which students fill in tutu the positions of Cashier, Paying and Receiving Tel ler, Discount and Check Clerks, ike. &c. BRANCHES TAUGHT. Doak Keeping in all its forms and applications. Business Calculations, Correspondence, Forms, Mercantile Law, with regular recitations Penmanship in every style ofthe art. Phonography, Telegraphing by regular circuit of Wire and Instruments. For further particulars ad dress A. M. TRIAIME 12, Carlisle, Pa. [SEND FOR CIRCULAR.] December 29-3 t) BARBEING ! BARBERING ! THE subscribers would inform the public that, they hive associated themselves together in the Barbering litisinesv, and arc now prepared to do hair cutring, shaving, shampocning, me.. in tho best style. The patronage o, the public is 'respectfully solicited. Sept, 15 ItENJ. FPANIZ. N. U. I N. KIIVELY, 31. D. DRS. FRAN & SNIVJMY having associa ted themselves in the ptactice of Medicine and Surgery'would - sructlmrtlity are well prepared — o treat all medical and surgical eases. Persons in debted to either of the above will please make early settlement to the time of their association, as they wish to close their old books. Office in 1)r. Frantz's -residence in the room for merly occupied es store room by Mr. 1. Heaver. 14--tf ri IHE BEST "lIVOY MUSTS" and the largest a•Bortment in the Stale, at riOg 4 ]At.rE & Ilavnnw's. PRICE & 11069LICIPS NEW FALL AND u la It GI ra I.HE undersigned tender to the c o mmunity their thanks for past patronage, and would also take this opportunity of reminding them that they have lately received from the East a splendid selection of goods, which for beauty and style cannot be surpas sed outside of the cities. Their goods have been selected with much carp us regards durability and price. LADIES' GOODS The attention of tho ladies is directed to their handsome ityles of SILKS, ALPACAS, MERINOS, DE LAIN ES, BARATHEAS, COBURG S, PLAIDS,_ POPLINS, • They libe some beautiful patterns of French Merino and all wool Delaina that are hard to beat. arauautaa . aucx co Black Silk, Black Alpacas, Black all wool Delain,double width, " French Merinos, it English French and English Crapes, Mourning Handkerchiefs, Black Jack Flannel. An attractive line of Wrappings, such Its Plaid and Plain, Long and Square Shawls, Breakfast Shawls, Hoods, Nubies, Scarfs, &c. Jowvin's Kid Gloves, Gan:tense, Lisle Thread and Merino Gloves, Hosiery in abundance. as they pass along, and they feel assured that they the goods to suit them in pattern and price. Tweeds and Jeans, Cords and Satinets, Shaker Plane], Opera Flanel, Plaid Flanels, Striped Flanels. rir Ladies wha areiin want 'of a nice Coat or Cloak can find the article at their establishment, with all the necessary trimmings. such as buttons, gimps and cords of different patterns. Ladies' Gaiters, Balmoral Ties, Head Netts, Cor sets, Corset Clasps and Collars. Plain and Barred Cambric, Swigs, Tape Trimming, mErhrAna_&, BEST RlO, IMPERIAL TEA, SYRUPS MOLASSES at GO ets per gal, Window Shades, • Curtin Fixiure:, Boots and Shoes, Gum . Shoes, Umbrellas. When you want Stocking Yarn both wool and cotton just step in and you will find a good assort ment. • rirrhe subscribers kindly ask the public to vis• it their house and inspect th"ir stock before pur chasing elsewhere, as they feel confident that their ?ices and - goods will pleaQe n 11. _ _ _ WM. PR Tel. C. RHOYITAL MITE subicriber informs the citizens - 6f' ,‘ l. l7,4pert• boro' and the public generally that ho hapatien cd n slop in the room adjoining the Barb4fßitiop, next door to the new Grocery Store, where ho will rry on the - Tailoring - husirms. Garmintirfirmen and boys cut out and made to order at reasonable rates. With the advantage of many yenis experi ence in the business' he flatters himself that he can give general satisfaction. EN' The lairs. city Fashions regularly received. . I .ICOII REININGRE. Oct. 21.—tf. T IQUID Rcnnet , Corn Starch, Rice Flom 'l'a piocn, Saga, Pearl Barley and Cooper's "Gela tine at KURTZ'S; COLUMN 1 011011 S! GENTGEMENS' GOODS; They ask the gentlemen to notice tfieir fine stock COATINGS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS Table Covers, Shirting Flannels and Flannel Shirts, Drawers, Neck Ties, Balmoral Hoop Skirts for Ladies and Misses, Linen and Pa- per Collars, all sizes, Buck Gloves and Mittens. WHITE GOODS : Velvet Trimming and • Veils, Cambric Mike, ose, QUEENSWARE, Cutlery. poons, Cedar Ware, Brooms, Baskets,' ucketg. Kerlerq, Carpet, Oil Cloths PRICE & ROEFLICII. TAILORING! Ruffling. Edge Eibbone, Buttons, A. & CO. NOVEMBER 24th, 1865. SECOND SUPPLY is h, foilvAlA igor?mltA ClOtS!! DIBERSON, BENEDICT & CO'S. SerWe are now 'receiving our SECOND SUPPLY, SECOND SUPPLY, SECOND SUPPLY, Mk Mt -1 1" Ca-1:C. GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENS WA RE. NOTIONS. LADIES DRESS GOODS LADIES LADIES LADIES' DRESS GOODS, DRESS GOODS, DRESS GOODS, LADIES' DRESS GOODS. LADIES' DRESS GOODS, LADIES' DRESS GOODS. ISIE lIE .241111kT , Mii M.ATEn r, (3101 Cloths, Cassimeres, Sattinet ts, Cloths, Cassimeros , Sat t inetts, Cloths, Cassimeres, •Sa ttiim tts. Woolen Goods, Woolen Gooch, Woolen • GoodS, Notions, Notions, Notions. GROCERIES! SUGAR; COFFEE, SYRUPS, SUGAR. COFFEE, SYRUPS, SUGAR. COFFEE. SYRUPS;. FISH, TOBACCO, FISH, TOTIA(100, TOBACCO. , O.IIEMIMIII linilffillit EN. QUEENSWA RE, HARD WARE, UEENSWA HARDIVA QUEENS WARE. HA RD WA R E; NOTIONS, NOTIONS, NOTIONS. IMVra call the attention of our customers and the our stock of now goods, and at tho same time return.our thanks to all for their liberal patronage, a**,yvill endeavor by fair dealing with all, to Matta enntinuanee nt the slum AMDERSON, lIENEDIC I' & November 24, 1:11G4.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers