VILLAGE RECAilit 'ISMT 414.:1ir ILW lIIE Pi t . tots Jtinuary 12; 1866 i SALES.—We invite Spacial atteni iidn to the sales of valu a ble, personal prOper iy advertised through the coltimob of the RECOIID, which occur. ilroilbvia David Summers, Thurtality,Jandary 25th. J. 11 Miller, Saturday, January 27th.. - David M. 'Stoner, Wearies - day; Jaritztai 31st. . aboki Bolhrbrake, Thursday,Febrifiry . , . ay inrsday, reb Bth. A. 'S. Moon, Monday acid Theaday, Feb. ,tuary 19th and 20th. Harrisbieg hiegretelt, • speaking On this subject, say's '"Every e conomical man, every jiist and reasonable MAD, is aware that the stipend \AM the gov ernment pays as a pension for the support of those Who were disabled in . its defence,isut trrly Deld_a a & e tt l 4-i lla d iter t, - .row e khe, podre - st itird most ordinary subsistence,- he great •inajority of those who went into the army were well doing mechanics and laboring men. Such as these had families, maintained them respectably by their daily toil. Our disabled soldiers who now make up the pension list, belonged to this class of 'mechanics and laborers. These soldiers are .iacapacitated for _labor,_totally- so, or -:the -great majority would spurn all offers of a pension. To an American, there is nothing BO repugnant es an appearance of partperage; - and however honorable the exceptaneo of a pension may be and is, nine•tentla of those who now receive such support, would rather be in a condition to maintain themselves.- 131 t this they cannot do, and therefore it is the duty of the 'government to provide as I liberally as possible, for the support of those bravo men who parilled all they had of life and love; that the government might live !. A bill has been in preparation for some time, for piescotation to Congress, protiding for ati increase of pension which makes it --ihTtibile-Ftlfift-no-w7p-iii-dt--1-t-firthe-d-trty-ofthe goi-ernment to protect its mutilated defen ders from the insult of charity, The soldier Who disabled himself, in the cause of a good government, should be made a monument of the gratitude of the people. Every comfort every honorable means of providing for the independent support of the disabled, should be accorded with liberality, so that those wbo while preserving shed glory on the country, mny live and die blessing the govortiment for which they struggled. TIME'S CHANCIES.-A cotemporary pithi ly remarks that the reader of Pennsylvania history will remember that many thousands of poor white Germans, Irishmen, &0., were formerly bought and sold to pay their pass age. They were Called Rectemptioners, and for a time were looked upon with scorn, and denied equal rights and privileges. Now, however, their cieseendants_ are among our best, most independent, respected citizens.— Formerly the Jews Were everywhere spit up on, and as a race ostracized, and denied corn men rights. Now they are almost every there treated as human beings should be treated. In like manner the Africans, late ly subject to life-long bondage, will ultimate ly attain that honor and respect to which they shall be entitled by their merits, and should therefore hibor to become virtuous and intelligent, and to possess property. 11=== FATA L RESULTS OF A JOKE.—TSTO or three days ago, (says the Harrisburg Tele grap7t, a lady residing on the other side of the river, was informed by a thoughtless wo• ban, who desired to pert Citrate a' joke, that her.,busband had been killed on the railroad. Upon hearing the statement the wife was so shocked that she fainted, and hdr system st as so completely prostrated that the poor wo4 man died tin Sunday. What must be the feelings of die thoughtless perpetrator of falsehood that resulted so fatally 7 rr A t a temperance meeting recently held in Allegheny City, Prof. Wilson remarked that he had beep informed by good authori ty that the wholesale and retail dealers had raised a fund of $25,000, to ho used at Har risburg this winter in obtaining the passage . of a bill to transfer the power of granting licenses from the Judges to the Clerks of the Courts. bribe execution of Marschall and Frecke, th'e toyd's Hill niurdcrers, will take place at Pittsburg today. Mrs. Grinder, the Pitts burg pointer., will be hung on Friday, the 19th inst. Owing to the absento of the Governor,, it is not probable that there will be a respite granted to either of the above ' parties, and they have been so informed. Curtain death appears to await them. tr The records of the Tre . asury Depart inent show that during the last two years the Goverutenut has realized from the sales Of confiscated and abandoned cotton, sugar, 'etc., in the State or Mississippi over six mil lions of dollars. CirA bill has been iuttedneed hi the Ohio hygislature , to give 41.013 to every re 'enlisted veteran soldier, a (itizen of that Stati,' who voived na boility • barthe brncc General Joo liooker; "Ftrielceri - aid) Oralybitt.' =IRO LOCAL ITEMS . SELtII443 Oki At Ont.—L.l4 direct atten tfo'n to the advertiseinent of Mt. Cook, mer chant of Mt. Hope, iii another column, ROid .NATiItOW 'ESOAPV.;--We understand the man with the r.big, feet" made a narrow es cape from the Oliitehes.of one of the Police the. other night. PaivettANG.--A disease known as the Mumps is now prevailing among our juven Ski popu!ation. Itch it is said_has also b'fo ke_u_ont,_in several lonalifiesr — W at nii ? SERMON TO YouNa Mi4.—We have been requested to announce that the Ittr. Mr; Wightman will aoh a • sermOu to young men in he Un'oa Church, on Sabbath — the 21st in t., at 3 . e'eldelt, P. I.IX. DEATH or Ma Cpous.,—We regret to announce the death of the Rey. Dr. D. D. Cark, formerly Pastor of the. Presbyterion rtion-of-this—plooehic --- o - cuarret recently at Moveytown, in this State. • R. COMMUNICATION.—WO haVO re ceived an able and interesting communica tion upoti the proposed Railroad extension from Gettysburg to this place, but too late to appear in this week's parlor. We Will give it in our nett. to DI. - IY - ENNINCIS for us to state that his arrearages at this office have been fairly and squarely-- settled, and that-we-acquit him - of any intentions to de frauds us out of the sum for which be was indebted. SOLD.-TWO vacant lots of ground in this placer; belonging to Wm. H. Miller, was. sold Saturday last. One contained one acre and seven eights, was purchased by IL M. Sib : . bet, .Esq., for the sum of $436, the other a small "truck patch," by Francis Bowden, for $126. INCJNBISTENT.—TiIa Valley Spirit class es Gen. Butler with the Rebel Gen. Bearly, Payne, and Quantrill, as an' "infernal scowl'. " — Th is is corobinirrg — cons ip ten ey—wi inconsistency._ The epithet as applied by our cotemporury to Butler is consistent, •but to the other trio certainly inconsistent. No I kicking out of the traces. Mr. ;Spirit. ' .00 IP ••• - - - - DARING ROBBERY.-WO learn from the Shippeosbur New, that Mr. Thomas Lindsey, from Greenvillage, in this county, Was robbed on the 22d ult. at the Nunnery Mill, near this place. it appears he bad been, in the neighborhood of Quincy during the day, and on his way home was suddenly accosted by two iudividuate, one of whom seized the reins of his horse, and the other presented a pistol at his breast, and peremp torily demanded his money or his life.— Having no means of defence he handed them his pocket book containing upwards of $2O, and was permitted to pass on. Were it not an established fact that a portion of Quincy township has for sometime been infested with a gang of thieves we might be inclined to discredit the report. R. R. COMMITTEE.—What has become of that large and respectable R, B. Committee? Several weeks have not eittpse4 without any report as to its doings. Have these gentle- Men too, so recently enthusiastic on the sub ject, inbibed the spirit of fogyism, and con cluded to let the great enterprise go by de fault We flattered ourself that the com mittee was at least composed in part of work. log material and trust that our expectations may yet be realized. Perhaps sickness, the cold weather or something else has interfer ed. We trust however that the impediment, be what it may, may bo speedily removed, and that efforts to secure. the required a mount of stock may by renewed with a zeal and determination equal to the emergency, so that our part of the contract may be, by some means, fulfilled in the few months yet reinaieing for the work. We can view this matter in no other light than as a last chance for a Railroad; and every citizen of ourlown and country, within at least fire or 'six miles, with any public spirit whatever should aid by his subscription and individual exertions the, work of securing the required amount of stet& We have the material wills which to succeed, setting aside . those who are anti railroad and anti-progressionists generally.— The "wait-a-whiles" and those who could not make up their minds upon the subject, ex attly, should now be ready, when called on, to say yea'or nay. order to test the advantage of AD VERTISING, just give 'our wife or daughter or sister, a handful of greenbacks, and tell them to go and buy what they want, and then sec if they don't go directly to the store that has the largest advertisement in the Village Record. - Cause why, the,, read the papers. CrIANIIIERSBURG Paitht.,—Both the Re pository and Spirit appeared last week in a new dress and enlarged - .form, looking as bright as new pins. Unless the proprietors have struck idc, or something else, business must bo on the inareaso at our county seat. Wo congratulate them upon this evidenceiol their prosiierity. BEWASE OF ltioT AsuEs.--The largest brick school house in Adiuns county, but re tautly erected in Mummasburg, was totally destroyed by fire, on Monday biorniog.— CnuErC- 7 -Tiol ashes. SerThe following . letter front - DA t# Wtw,Esq ,of Gettysburg, to Mr. poudtis, - ono. of the individuals selected by the it; R. Committee to canvass for the sale of stook in this section, has been handed us for pub lication. _Mr. a gentleman of candor and what he writes can * be relied Upon : GETTtSSURO, • Jan, 9, 1866. , JOSEPH DOUGLAS, Esq —ll4 Dear Sir.— Oa uty return from Now Yokk on . Saturday (havinebeen absent for a Week,) I found you letter of the 39th ult.,, and was somewhat surprised to find that-yo*-think •mueople_ --ttawilling-toleolt - tv - t Mut. ow n in terests, and do something to get a railroad to their vicin ity: I hppe you will not be discouraged with one effort but continue your work. I can • assure you, as.l. did before that the road shall be eitencled to your place, as proposed, if your people sribscribe liberally, but I must cogess that if you desire your locality to be favored with an extension of this Railroad, you will be much disappointed unless your people do their Share towards it.- Your peo ple cannot expect others to build a Railroad for them. and thus enrich them, when they look-idly-on-and-do-nothitrg . Your only plan is to g et subscriptions, and by a eonstatit, united effort, you certainly can accomplish your purpose. I. now, can didly say, that your people will find that they have delayed the matter too long, and past hops if they do not, this spring, present a Wand reasonable inducement in the shape of subscriptions, for the road• to be extended to Waynesboro'. . I -want it to go there, but cannot control against the feelings which would away if your locality does not do its duty. There is no fancy or speculation about this matter but all reality, and I hope your people will take it as such and believe me. I remain May we not trope that the friends of this enterprise, after perusing the foregoing let ter will see the neeessity of immediate and united efforts To let this opportunity pass unimproved through a Wind spirit of selfish ness to our own interests, would be a lasting stigma upon our business and agricultural community at large. IRON CITY COMMERCIAL COLLEGB.---A few weeks sines we charged this institution with defraudiag•us uut of an advertising ac - count. We have since received the "collat and evidence conclusive that sue not the intention. of the principals of the . in stitution, The delay or mistake on their part oceured through the settlement of an account with the Westchester Village Re cord for the same advertisment. We there fore most cheerfully aCquit the gentlemen of anyt ung t. t. °nest intentions stitution enjoys among the country press a reputation for liberal advertising and prompt payment. COLD.—The weather for several days past has been most excessively cold, the mercury at sunrise on Monday morning indicating 4° below zero. The streams in our vicinity have since been tightly locked . up, and •the finest iee is being brought to town. A day or two more Will enable all to supply them selves with the usual quantity for - summer 1.180. For somo years ice in the treatment of summer complaints has been found almost indispensable. All must therefore be grati fied with the prospects of a bountiful sup ply. i BDO'M tOti. fittt iY.W tuArt.-Botne body gives the following bit of wholesome advice, which we commend to our readers: "Keep out of debt. Pay as you go. Buy nothing except the money is in your pocket. Have no account current at - the grocers or butchers. Go without new clothes till you can pay for them Give your note of hand to nobody. Eschew credit. Deal for cash only." BLitnici M'itoutNE.—We acknowledge the receipt of an improve $2O Sewing Ma chine from Messrs, SHAW &CLARRi Bidde. ford, Me., which, for family use,_ we regard As invaluable. It does its work admirably, and is so simple in construction that even a child can readily operate it. Any of our friends desiring a machine of the kind can call and examine fot themselves. THE POLICE. —For the information of the public, boys especially, we will state that the individuals appointed as an evening police by the Council are, WM. F. " llonNEn, JOAN STRALEY and JACOB BREN MAN, Ben.— They have been regularly on duty between the hours of 8 and 11 Aloof( since Wednes day evening of last week. Boys mute as mice, and no arrests, to our knowledge. XttirA. dusty, rusty. musty, crusty, gusty, old, cold, sore and ineurable bachelor says that as Russia has been described as a des potism tempered by assassination, so marri age i 4 petticoat despotism tempered with pud dings, kisses and Misses. Tax the wilful wretch—tax him. WHO FOUND IT ?-14ast week we stated, by request, that several bank bills—fourteen or fifteen dollars—bad been lost in this place. Presuming the finder, iinot a rogue, failed to see the notice, we renew the proposition of a liberal reward fir the lost money. BUILDING LOTS.-Mr. A. S: MUNN re• cently purchased of Mr. SPESSARD a vacant lot of ground on the southwest corner of the diamond in Quincy, containing 2} acres, more or loss, which is admirably adapted for building lots, and will be sold as such on the second daY of his sato of personal property. LARGE SALES.--WC direct especial atten tion to the large amps of property . adinirti4ed in to-day's paper by A.. S. MONK and 48., C'r.4lrox. Yours Sincerely, DAVID WILLS Cold Weather. lireto York, ;Tan. B—Noon—Dee TA' e. e egrap s a lons,: nor au wes dated at eight o'clock this morning, show that the thermometer ranges from 30 degrees below to 1 degree above zero. In this vicin ity, at that hour, it was 10 degrees below ze ro, and at noon ranged from 1 above to 2 de , grecs below zero, accordin g to location. New York, Jan, B .— Th ere is considerable fielding ice oti the East, and North rivers, causing several vessels to drag their anchors. The ship Escort was. cut. through by &Ming ' ice, and was run ashore to prevent her from sinking. _ 1 2 iiivideiwe, R. _I, Jan a —4'rofessor G r aff; welt, whose rgefeorological oheerrations on College Bill, in this "city, cover a period of thirty-four years, reports the thermometer at . 17 degrees below zero on Sunday night, be ing two degrees lower than ever before re corded. Louisville, Sy„ Jan. B.—Thermometer• 10 degrees above zero bete, and in the country from two to six degrees_ahove. Ilunisutlle, Ala., Jan. B.—The wind id strong from the northwest, and it is freezing very hard in the shade,' Thermometer thir ty degrees above zero. 'Wilmington, N. C., Jan, 8-9 P. M.— The weather is very cold to-night, the they mometer marking twelve degrees above zero this evening. - Lieltmond, Va., Jan, B.—Mercury eight degrees below the freezing point to-night.— In the vicinity of Drury's. Bluff the ice blocks are piled up and stopped by the obstructions in the river. Petersburg, Va., Jan. B.—The Appomat tox river froze over lastnight. Belfast, Me., Jan. B.—Since the unprece dented cold term of January,lBs7, the weath er has not been so severe in this State as du ring the last few days. Yesterday the ther mometer indicated 20 degrees below zero in city. , Bangor, Jan. B.—The mercury stood at . 30 .degrees below zero this morning, bdt this afternoon the cold is not so intense. New Raven Conn., Jan. 8.--'The ther mometer at 4 1. M., stood at 20 degrees be- low zero Pctersburg, Va., Jan. B.—At sunrise the thermometer marked two below zero, at noon - ten -- above; sad-at-6-PH-41,-the-weather-was slightly milder. The sky was cloudless, with a high wind all day. Washington, Jan. B.—The temperature at sunset was sixteen above zero, with clear weather. I The Secretary of war, in compliance wit a reso talon of tto ouse o epresen tativos, has furnished a statement of the number of volunteers called for by the Pres ident at various petiods. Maine N. Hampshire Vermont Massachusetts Connecticut New York New Jersey Pennsylvania Delaware 'Maryland W.' Virginia D. Columbia Ohio rodiana Illinois Miehigan Wisconsin ' Minnesota lowa 3lissourt Kent ucky Kansas Total, ASTOUNDING 11.0BBERY NEW lIAYEN, Jan. 7. To the Aieoeiated frees i The safes of Adams Express Company 'en route from New York to Boston, on Satur day night, January oth, were rifled of all their contents, with the exception of two par cels, which the thieves in their haste over looked.. The extent of the loss is not yet ascertained, but it is supposed to be not less than five hundred thousand_ dollars in money and,bonds. 11. SANFORD, Superitflendent Adams Express. FURTHER PARTICULARS. 11 . EIV BAVEN, Jan. 7.-7'he amount sto len from the iron car of Adams Express Company, on the Boston mail train, on Sat urday night, as near as can be aesertained at present, is about. 5500,000. The car was probably entered while at the depot in New York, The thieves pried off the lock on one door of the cars,and also the locks to two of Adams and Co.'s safes. They left $BO,OOO in greenbacks and $OO,OOO in Qovernmelit notes on the floor of the car. They got out with their plunder at Croscot bridge. The officials of the company are investigating the matter. The robbery was not discovered till the train arrived in this city, FA:itxr.r LosT.—During n heavy gale, on the Xlosgnito•Coast, Capt Wm.. Thompson, formerly of Baltimore, was drowned, in the 42d year of his age; also his wife Eliza, in the 36th year; and their four children: Ada, aged 7; Emtua,,aged 5; Helen, aged 3; and Edward, aged 13 mouths. Mr. Stanton has notified the Select Com mittee of Congrers on the death of Presi dent Lincoln, that he. will bo unable to ac cept the invitation to deliver the oration be fore Congress on the occasion of the memori al services. It is stated that George Ban croft, the eminent historian, will bo invited to take the place of Mr. Stanton. A man named Richard Owens, fr o m Zanesville, Ohio, committed suicide in Bos ton last Saturday. Before committing the deed;he talked quite strangely, and said, he had served with the guerilla Moseby, was con nected with .Booth in the plot to assassinate President Lincoln, and that lie endorsed Booth's course. One of the largest slave holders in South ern Kentucky has gone mad on account of the liberation of his slaves, and is uow an in mate of the Lunatic Asylum at Ilopkinsvi)le. lie owned over 200 negroes, and had ecru= mulatcd by their labor a large fortune. fie was worth $lOO,OOO independent o f his slaves. I=2IO=ZEMSE The first and tho last days of 1865 wore Sabbaths-o.ollm Stind,ls in a.year, The following is the message of Gov. Cur tin, prepared before lthr departnre•for Cuba; and transmitted tcr the Legislature oti Wed ' nesday of last week: , atolles from To the Senate and ,flotat e of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. GEIqTLEMEN:—the toils and anxieties of the last four years have from time_ to time brought on me severe attacks of' disease.— From the most neVere of these I ant now slowly struggling towards recovery. I find that to gift MS , constitntion an opportunity to continue • this, struggle, it is absohitely necessary that 'I should, withont delay, make a short sea Voyage % and sojourn in a trader cliMate. tinder the pressure of this neees sitY Igo 'to the Island of' Cuba. It is Any hope and intention'tO return in good season to welcome you on your arrival at the seat of government. ' But, if it should be found indispensable visit to Cuba should be prolonged to the early part of February, this message will serve to lay before you the cause of my absence at the commencement of yoUr session. In this case I feel sure that you will adopt such course as shall' consist with your wisdom, and with the affectionate consideration which I have always `received at your hands. It would, however, not become me to for get that the issues_of life-are-in-the - hands of "One above all, and that many have found death waiting for them on the foreign shore to.which they had been sent in search of health. Should such be my fate, I shall draw my last breath with a• sense of the deep est gratitude to the people of the Common wealth and their Representatives for the cheerful, manly, unfailing support which they have given during the labt four years to the great cause of the right, and to me in my efforts to maintain it, and with a prayer of thankfulness •to Almighty God, that He strengthened me till the end of the cruel re bellion, and thought me worthy to be permit ted to continue to that time as the Chief Magistrate of the people• of Pennsylvania.— To have my name cohnccted in that relation with such a people during such a time, ought to be enough to fill the( highest pleasure of any man's ambition, ANDREW G. CCRTIN. Executive Chainber, ilarrisbuTg, Nov. 27, 1845. • A poor man by the name. of Morrissey has a obtained verdict of $2,000 against a rich neighbor, in La Salle, Illinois, iu action for slander. The defendant called him u thief, and couldn't prove it. armer an us tvir— au ie, from Kansas, wifilF crossing the St. Joseph, last Friday, in a wagon, after reaching, the channel of the riv. er, broke through, and the woman- and two horses sank to. rise no more, the current car rying them under thejee. The man was res cued. 71,745 34,065 35,246 151,785 _23,711- 57,270' 455,568 79,511 366,226 13,651 49,730 30,003 16.872 817,133 195,147 258,217 90,119 96,118 25,034 75.860 108 773 78,540 20,097. It is estimated that from sixty to seventy millions of feet of sawed logs, valued at 81,- 000,000, drifted down the SuSq,uehanna on the 28th ult. during the flood. This is the heaviest loss ever sustained by the lumber men of that section. Minister Clay writes from St. Petersburg, that the Russian cattle plagUe is fearful—;- cattle dying by hundreds, and sheep by thou sands. lotbing is done to• avert it, as the superstitious villagers think that would be a sin. At the lowest estimate there are now in the District of Columbia at least 50,000 ne groes (6,000 more than in all New England) against about 80,000 whites. David Smith, convicted at Hagerstown, Md., of the murder of Patrick Conner, has been sentenced to the penitentiary for ten years and five months. 2,653,062 A Jew, named Josiah Cohen, has been ad mitted to practice law irrthe different courts of Allegheny county. The Pittsburg papers speak of the fact of the 'first Jew ever admit ted to tho law of that city. During the year 1865 ; 275 divorce oases were granted in Chicago; of this number 177 were applications from wives. The medal for Mrs. Lincoln, for which a popular subscription was taken up in France, is to be presented on April 14th, the anni versary of her husband's assassination. General [dickey, chief clerk of the United Stases Senate under ?Ir. John W. Forney, died at eVashinglou•on Friday last. Ile was seventy years of ago and had been employed in the Senate for forty•twe years. . Illinois produced in 1805, one hundred rod seventy-se4cn millions of bushels of corn, twenty-five millions of bushels of wheat, eight hundred thousand bushels of rye, one million of barley and twenty-eight millions bushels of oats. Sarno Printing'Departtnent.of the Treas ury is engaged in printing $500,000 of the new issuo of fifty-cent fractional cerrency.— The amount will be ready for delivery in a few days. Over 1,000,000 gallons of wine was man ufactured in California last year—more than four times the product of the United States in 1800. A poor blacksmith in' Ohio recently in vested a few dollars in two acres of oil land, out of which, in a low months, he made $1.40,000 During the past year 195,075 immigrants arrived at New York, against 132,915 iu 1804. A French newspaper says only three of its subscribers are bald, nod they aro in ar rears for subscription. The plague killed forty thousand cattle in England. A good house in Japan costs thirty dol lars. In ono of the letters opened at the dead letter office in Washington r ,were 6200,000 in bonds. A miser recently died in Olio from grief at his heavy incente Stewart, tho New York dry goods prince, owns four theatres. The Ohio Legislature adopted a resolu• tion requesting the members of Congress from that State to vote for teem suffrage in AO District of Co!wale, . • ant. Curtin's IVie;Ssate r== The priCe of cotton hi 'declining in all the great cotton marts of the South. It ii . Othssitod thit tie cost of re-estab: lishing,ligbt-lioutiiiidestroye'd by the rebels teach 02,000,00,0. Two English deteetites bato just arrived in Washington hi the purpose of procuring informiltion of Fenlan-n3ovements Five thousand troops were obtained for the regular arinif month ; ' ' ' The new fiftpeetit peetateuriatioy, ing printed' . Ea-Preisident Millard Filmoro and wife sailed for Europe last tvenk: ' ; , SPECIAL , NOTICES. .1 DECHERI"S Hat, Cap and Pai Store in on North Second St., near the Waeithigton House ehanibetsburg, Penna. EV'FURS ! 'FURS ! FURS ! Sable; Squirrel, Fitch and Mink Furs for the ladies, selling at low er rates than last season, at DECHERrS, North Second St. Charnberebrag Pa. rarDELmONICO ! Dasher! Faust! Sheri datr! and• all the- late styles Of Hats at DECHERT'S; NerflrSecoM St. (Tharobersburg Pi. rarrii E. CAP that "capped the climax" or any other kind of cap can bo bought at DECHERT'S, North Second St. Chamberaburg Pa.; Nov. 17--,2tni tar LADIES' FURS!' LADIES' FURS! Our FALL Stock of Ladies' FURS comprising all kinds, qualities and shapes for Ladies and Children are now open for_inspection ' in addition to our large stock of FURS, we h ave FUR TRIMMINI4B, MUFF TASSELS, ENDS, CORDS, BUTTONS, &c , dr.c. UPDEGRAFF'B‘ Glove Factory and Fur Store, - Opposito Washington House. rirFALL FASHIONS ; IBM. Fall styles of HATS and CAPS for Men, Boys, and Children,. are now toady comprising every t hingi popular in the way of "Head Gear" together with a nice as , sortrnent of CANES, UMBRELLAS. GLOVES,. PORT MONIES, LADIES' CAI:IAS; Traveling BAGS, •Ladies' FURS, &c.. &c. UPDEGRAFF'S • a t• Menu factory, Opposite ‘% ashington ITCH !• ITCH ! ITCH ! SCRAT CHI - 50-R-A-TOHISCRAT CH! Wheaton's Ointment IViii Cure the Itch in 48 Boars. • Also cures SALT RHEUM, ULCERS, CHM. BLAINS, and all ERUPTIONS OF THE SKIN. Price 50 cents. For sale by all Druggists By sending 60 cents to WEEKS dr. POTTER,. So e Agents, MI Washington street, Boston ) Mass, it will be forwarded by mail, free a pail of the United .States. - Sept. 22-6 m. -9C" 1-3 C JEI ALILerM.A.3O O n the 9th inst., at. the Waynesboro' Hotel, by tho Rev. W• E. Kreps, Mr. JA— COB THARP, to Niss i►IAIt'THA MIL LER, both of this vicinity. pi 7 Wok :-.loqie n4l PHILADELPHIA CATTLE MARKETIJanua- - ry B.—The arrivals and sales of Beef' Cattle , at the Avenue Irrove Yard reach about 1,-- 700 head this week. The market is m o re : active, and prices have advanced le ip lb, with sales of extra Pennsylvania and West— ern steers at from 17@18ic lb, the latter rate for choice: fair to gaol at 15@16ie,. and common at from 111 It as 'to quality. The market closed firm within the , above range of figures. Cows are unchanged; 175 head sold. at from 635@100 per head. Sheep.—Prices hate advanced; 9,000 head sold at 7®B&c lb, gross, fur good fat Sheep. hogs are in better demand at an advancek 8,000 head sold at the different yards at from 813@15. the 100 lbs, net. PILILADELPIIIA, Jan. 9.—The Flour mark. et was very duff to-day, and prices unsettled and drooping, there being little or no .de mand for export; the only sales we hear of aro in small lots, to the retailers and bakers, at from $7.50@8 for superfine; $B - 150®9 for extra; $9©9.25 for Northwest l'amily; 5k ,610.5 U for Pennsylvania and Ohio do. and $1.1.®12 bbl for fancy brands, as to quality. Rye Flour is selling in a small way at $6 bbl. Corn Meal is dull, and we hear of no sales. 'GRAIN.—Prime Wheat is scarce, and generally held above the views of buyers, who purchase in small lots only, to supply immediate wants, at 225(in285c for good and choice reds, and 250@)275e `%g bushel for white, as to 'quality. !tye' is dull and 'selling in a small way at 95@105c w bushel for Delaware and Penna.. Corn is less active ; 4,000 bushels new yellow sold at 82( .. (983e 7 6) bus, in store and in the cars, closing with more sellers than buyers. Oats continue in steady demand; 3;000 bushels Peu'oa. sold at' 52c, in store . and in the cars. SEEDS.—Cloverseed is very dull and rather lowe,r;,small solos are reported at $7- @8 'ft bus. Timothy is also dull, EtAcid we hear of no sales.. Flaxseed sells on arrival at $3.18(63 20 7 1 9 bus. ------------ - 11MUSE:A.VD LOT 14111.131L1AL.11E4. THE subscriber will offer at Public Sale, his House and La of ground, situated in Wayr co hort), on the old Hagerstown road, on Saturday the 27th day of January, 1866. The improvements are a UNN AND A HALF STORK Log House , Log Stable, a good Cistern. Bake Oven, with Peach, Cherry Trees, Uropes, etc., on the lot. Bale to commence at 1 o'clock on said day when the terms will be made known by . JOHN M, MILLER. Jan .12—to. Goo. V. Mona, Auct. SELLING ifiT COST! • rr fig subscriber intending•to quit business, in forms the citizens of Mt. Hope, and the public generally, that he is now closing out his stock of la or °lama clitset • at FIRST COST. His stuck embraces Dry Goods, Groceries and Hardware, and all articles usually kept in a country Store, Persons wanting bargainis shuuld not fail to give him a call. Jan. 1:'66. JOHN M.'COOK. — ltlentzers Horde a Cattle Powder. Air M. STONER. having purchased of Mr. jtl • Mentzer, the recipe '.for making the above far-tamed Horse and,Cattlo Powder . fer Pennsylva. ale and Marylan - d - , -- takciiibli — rin7thod of informing the farmers, drovers, dm, that lie hos on hand and intends keeping a good supply always on hand.— Country merchants and others keeping such articles for into, would do well , to supply themselves with a uantity. Ile will sell it on commission or fur cash cheap. Orders will be punctually attended to . January 3k. postage, to any
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers