tr-AattocZ.K..olli....r/tTri ., EINV When the hence 4 stilll, and the dui hl',, And p.hestara axe out aloft, ' I Ait the'fai‘iitig .fixo along), . And I think of the years tligt ate put ( mi l gone, Many a time and..oft, • I dream of thaty,illage heelde ;the neat I dreaim of that seat by tho tryating-tree;: And of one who will !wrir comeback tome, , llht inry a time When the city is hush'd, And the chimes are still, When the voice of the crowd is soft, My thoughtsmander on at their own wild will, And my tears fait fast, and any heart Many a timenndolt. I'dreath of 'the hopeiallfaded arid PIA, " Oft the vow thJ4 is ,broktn; . the shaft ,that js -sped, And of one to whom I forever an; ~d. Ali! pinny a time and oft! • . ~CK9t:lket In p.,Qt.tontlwF; ; ,. ~-1 , , 'I never but . once,' said the l ,l2.6lniiel . , lies in what lean' a real,getirtine ,tplandlty-;.4t was during-=my..-electioriebring-ftir-clo h gress,_ rit which 'timelstrolled , 'inout iii,theltroblie, _so_partioularly_pestered:with_palities_that_L ! forgot my rifle.; 4.ny ,man ma,,yforget his —ritle,-you-know; - but - it.isn't7o.very„Mak - Wit ten make amends t'or h p forgetfulness by his faculties,. I pess. It choced„thst I- was strolling along considepably„dcep in 'congres.- sionals; the first thing look ply fancylWas the snarling of some"' young hears, which pro ceeded from a hollow tree; •bht 1'03.00'0.0d , that'l could not reach' the enb c iC.*ith - niy Suidk a._ - so'lwent feet foremost; to see .if I could raw them up.rby 'the toes, I': hung , at the top of the hole, straining with. all `might to reach ' them, until tit - last My ; hands blipped, and down I' went 'More 'than 20,feet to the bottom of the hole, and there I found niyielf almost 'lip, deep in a family of young bearsi:., ~,, ~• • '` . ,. f.' • c Lsoon futintAbat I might. as well under takeoto climb the greasiest part of a rainbow, as to get back, the hole in the treeleing so smooth and blippery ,frorn the rain. Now, this was a real, genuine quandary. If 1. was to shout, it would be 'doubtless whether they would hear me at the settle ment, and if they did it would' ruin my elec tion; for they were of a quality too cute to vote fora man that ventured into a p)ace that he couldn't get himself out of. -- Well, now; while I was calculating Whether it , was . best to shout for help or to wait in the hole 'until after election, I heard a kind of grumbling and growling overhead; and looking. 'I 'saw the old bear coming down stern foremost up , I, Iva s was `:o ahead' and as soon as she ldwered herself within my reach . I got a tight grip of her tail in my left liana, and with my little buckhorn hat ted pen- in the other, .I . confineneed spuriiiig her forward, I'll be shot if ever a nienibor of Congress rose quicker in the world than I did ! - She took me out in the shake of a la üb's Freemasonry and Gridirons • A worthy police captain—says a corres pondent—entertained a fancy to become a free mason, and was accordingly proposed and elected. A friend. accompanied him to the place of tnecting, which was in a• building the lower part of which was used as a place of entertainment. The neophyte was lest in an apartment *next to the servant's room, while his friend went up 'stairs to assist in the opening ceremonies. A Celtic maiden, who caught a glimpse of the stranger, resolv ed to take part in his initiation, and, procur, ing a gridiron placed it over the range. It was not long before the captain, looking through the door; saw the; uten sil, reddening in the heat. The recollection flashed through his mind of masonic candi dates and some peculiar ordeals which they were unable to encounter. "What is that, liridget?" he eagerly in quired. "And, thurp," replied the Hibernian vir to place over the coals." "Who told you?" asked the eager cap . "And was it net the gent/e . than who mute with 'your "What could he want with it?" demanded the captain. • '"And Shure I can't tell," 'replied Bridget. "They are often using it, it belongs to the people above, stairs, I always heat it when they want to make a mason." This 'was too much for the excited cap tain, and taking to his heels, he soon put a safe distance between hiurself and the lodge. An OWego ,(N Y.) correspondent furnish es the three following A good one was lately told 'of 'Johri'.— He had presented a yocrng lady with a nice case of perfutaery;:and, meeting her a short time alterwaliS, he asked,— • 'Well, Miry, how did you like your per fuineiy ?' '0 Jelin !' replied she,, her eyes sparkling With pleasure and thaukfulness; 'you ought to Just smell of me !". The same girl nuts One -day 11Opting very steadily fA , ,hx mother beeb boxing a,_long time,radLlV-h djus t hene dali - tle sigh of wearinezis, when ,she,saill: . 'Ma, I you would feel .better if you would got up, aud stretch your logs r - A 6TIpONG gentleman who was waiting lifon' , 4l . -Pintig lady waa-inaing fun Of a suck which she wore, ‘l.fiiu'tribeJitcr critic Cor I . ll . ,; the •: • • • ‘li.ehonlel•beniost-liappy,' , was the . ' reply; 'if you.'would.l , ivicie tg ine as it 0 yburkil rn iG.• • . • There as a Quaker at. .I.laDdhpstor •whoLii pubh •ari vocate ftir • ppcel that 4p wilt n tit Awe a AloplEip,hjs ,howptrocattsp it;strikes. A "I.l' 9°, !IP r ar In - t Ip,, certaP 2 :vices Jo ,4,yquag inan,, like metes 3 ;Pon 3 .44 -ekie, opets:' , I-„, •A - :.bousemaiti the other othtslipped from", it chair ig whietenhe was temporarily Stand ing, and telt headforethost ioto'n hirrel nf' 'flour.. To show the effect or mental agony, lig will sta:to,thot!heoamo'l idstantly White. .Not . , - J "the:ißpri agfie Id Republican -says; ea ALTAo79;74,,solow'iii .4ll l 3 tie& r'' tidal& 1,1 : 4h if' tip werf,t vsy,,k,pw we hould: • " ~' .! ~‘ , - 4 ,' ' , ..i / . .,1 it ereasuti tne clitantiti of Milk - in CcWB, ll 'll l 4l', it an Importance and vane yrhich shoild ' place it in the hands' Of eve,fy person keephig a Cow. By actual experiment Wiles proven . that - it will increase the quantity of Milk and Cream twenty per cmat., and make the Butter firm and sweet. In fattening Cattle, it gives them an appetite, ' loosens their hide and " makes them thrive .much, faster. , . ...A • /raGl3.l Iu all Diseases of • ~' •• ~._ . ---___ the Swine,. such as , , ' ;„..i - , -__ -,--, sZ, L f- Coughs, Ulcers in 4......: -- :t - .. - : - , - ,.:. -- _ < • .t , .-.i.---...;- ,-- . the Lungs, Liver, - 4 =-..,1- -- .- . ,,... 7 . - .:1 • kc. By putting ' s- , ..igecl-- - ----.. - from half a paper ~ to a paper of these — , i !; •,;.-.;••-- ~ *Powders in .a bar- -,„, - 7--±„,,_:..,- - --.. ,---,--- rel 'cif : SWill , ' the ' '..:- --11-- fr'. -- -:-. .._ ..... aboi,e Hiadases can lie &red or efitirel • pre. vented. By using hese Powders . the Hog Cholera can be prevented. . . Trio e 25 ots. per Papero or 5 Papers for ta. WHOLESALE DRUG AND • ; a ztrlialtizrameT - Itd. . For Sale by Druggists and Storekeeper. throughout the .United States. ----- EtThTriitro . watrs can be hairif. 'Manufac turer? prices of F..FOURTHMAN,, Waynesboro'. Johnson; Hollowly & Cowden, Philadelphia. ,I. Bender & Co., Pittsburg; Laughlin & liushfield, 'Wheeliiig, , fDie. THE WAR IS OVER ! NOW IS TIIE TIME TO BUY. DRY GIES lIJ CHMODISEIIIik METCALF .& HffESHEWS, w LEREtteTareeitg them for one half fomerniees. l eykeepeverytkinain the Dry Goode and Notion BUGLE BUTTONS, is was OU LADIiS' COATS, Just received and of the latest styles. Also Ladies' Cloth, all colors anti prices. METCALFE & 11ITESHEW, 2d St., just above the Jail, West side'of the street. •14 SPRING AND SUMMER FASHIdNAiiit A ' 7 I;;Iii:EMPORIIJM 4111 1 4 , PIEPEER. M T s stock cp a r ey tegi l l z it s tieits i t n styles andF a o n f ey Plain augssmitiamacst.u4aikan a . Min - and Tit n'ciIrESTIN6S, of "which 401 be ovule to order in the most fashionable anti work ins% tt like ntannlii;'br . 013 in . Ptitteins to suit—cue mers. a u stock 01 READY -ItrADH CLOTHING , Alpo one of the best selected stocks or GENT'S FlinriistaNG,Varops itt ittialbivi--fini Shirts, Hoisery, Gloves and lies..M..endass variety. ' cl?tha f ar.rd cßpsipliFes phich, ye made 0 0eF t4e Plifif.t.l4T4ta.7.J • r: . • ,0P204 NFithF l lo9o ,119Asg. Hagerstown, M i d. ••1 • ,I• ••i . • " HOTEC - „,:,• cippo s itek f Ilit'.', • 101 J „ _ Ff,psy vawas .nopt,s ; .„•l.e. MEAL AND 50 ,Csbirs PEIZ • • Ap. 7-I,y] _ 'dons. ilium, 3L t, griiIIB,:•VII,ANCfZiScSNIVEtt having , sik/cis,. Ajied themselveirin then Prattide "of Medicine and , surgery, would state that they are - well prepared: 'to -treat-all surgical' cirses.:- , Persons' in. debletlito tither of the ilbove:will please'rnake early settleinkatitcilli6tiiiitilor their associaileiii , as 'they wish to close their old books. - .1' 1. Oil ec in Dr. Fr 'the- rooni - for merly, pcdiiiiii;ilti e s'litOre'fOoln April ; • , kamp/t. Wringet 16,40,Rfk1p'14 : die 9411; of„th'e Big _Red 'HOB 9.,. „ r I • D. B. Itcrssi LL ! county. •, 121:2EMITI S. A. FOUTZ &.' BRO., AT THEIR EDICINE DEPOT g , S.tCKS, CIRCULARS, GOODS, lavausgony z epr, PA. T4Ywit, • ~ ; prop/Jel:ww MIMM EMI=ME== " :401:r.: • • KENKEL'S BYTTES.WINE :OF IRON. . • • PURE and .poWbfill TONIC, Corrective and Alterative, of wonderf#l efficacy in disease!, of the tErI2XUCH, JIVER and BolvpLe.. • ' , Cur.e-i3 i yspep • • Liyet. Coniplaints, Ileadachp, General . 'Debility, Netvonsnees;Be, pression of Spirits, Constioation; An . terraitent Fever, Acidity of he Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fullness t or, Weight in the Stomach, SirdtinfsorPluttesl.4; at the Pit or !WI StOniach, mmidg thernemf, Dideult,BintithingiYelloWe ness of the Skirt t — u.Al - Eyes, Fever and Dtill pain in the geed, Pain in the Bide, Back, Chest and_limbs, will cure every case of %conic or Nervous Debility O.. ..:_partes_Of.ibiatidatfygift i ttta And Diseases arising from a disorder- - ed Stomach, . • good formal° - or female •'‘ or young. The most bepeficial medipMe.,knoym-gives bet iter satisfactsm.arid cures InOrriitliseases than any a ,her preparss,ion 'offered tO , Public. Preen ed solely by . ,B, A: KUNKELad'B 'RO. 118 Market street, Harr isburg. For salula Druggists spl.Dealerapverywhere, BEWARE - OF ,• so-,ConWerfeits -Kaa As Kunkela •ine Of Iron lathe only ewe and eftectuaLremedilh the inownS'yierld for the permanent eute of Da*" epriii there aro a ntUnber orheitationa offeted•to the Pub. Ireo we vtioxlld 'baution -- the cbteinungY-to purchase none - hut - the - genuitte-article,nanufactured_by_S. A. KUNkar. Bao., and has their stamp on the top of the cork of every bottle. The very ract that others are attempting to imitate' this remedy, prores its worth and spettks•voltintep in its favor. The Bictir Wine of Iron is put up in 75 cent arid $1 bottles, and' sold 'by all respectable druggisst throughout they country. Be particular that every bottle bears the fac airgele of the proprietors' signa ture. This Wiue includes the most agreeably and effi cient Salt of Iron we possess; Citrate of Magnetic Oxhide combinecli;with:the most , energetic of vege table tonics, Vette* , Peruvian' befit"- The' effect in many cases of debility, loss of appetite, and gener al prostration, of an efficient Salt of Iron, combin ed with our valuable - Werve - TunicTis - raoatitappy.— It augments the appetite, raises the pUlse,., takes off muscular. flabbiness, removes the pencil. Of - debility and givesalbiri d 'figure to - the - eoutitimancee GENERAL DEPOT,_ -- 118 MARKET STREET For sale by all respectable dealers' throughout the country. . For sale by J. F, Kuntz, Ditiggist.' • April 29—ly. IN TIE T 111 Wood Working and ,. SBLAWITVar ESTABLISHMENT AND 'MILLS' OTILL continuing the manufacturing .Of all kiutis of Building Material, ouch as . A'S , Doors, Shatters, minds, . FACING, MOULDING'S; Door-Frames; Wi11a9t94 1 r4n141 3 , FLOORW, &0: &O. tow _zit,. =. 'I4T By mill and circular saws of every description.— Asking a continuation of favors. I promise still to sell on as equitable Wrote as ,possible; considering 'times and prices. For further .articulars a ..1 to t a sutscri. er ant proprietor. Factory 2 miles Boutheast 'of Wayneaboro'., April 1, 1864. DR., W. •D. LEMUR ANNOUNCEB io his-friends, and the public senerolly that he is now in possession of all the late and most improved instruments, and is well prepared to pOrform.all DENTAL operations. He will be happy to wait upon those who may require the services of amminerienced Dentist. All opera-. tions upon the mouth and teeth performed in a sci entific manner. Teeth inserted according to latest improvements in the art, and at moderate rates. Office in his residence on the South Corner of the Diamond. . Ap. 11, '62. FEST USE DM STORE IN WAYNESBORO,' PA. -31t.,1511. ;STONER , Druggist, THNKFUL to his friends and customers for the very liberal encouragement received in his "old business" and be hopes that the introduction of the cas. systh — m will add to their interest and - ' , his ad vantage in' Continuing their favors. He believes a distinction, ought •to be made between ,cash and credit and he intends to exhibit it in the prices of his articles offered for sale. Call and see; and if not so, purchase where ever you can get the cheap. est, the best articlq at the loweit,price. His assort mentie more gentiiil't44 *initially found in coun try Drug .tor as. Be has qiirte"a variety of Books, &c., which be will dispose of cheap for cash, intend ing to close it, coasidering it no partof his bdsteese, and has adoeed . thiallpotto, "live and let live, sup port ana l *OPP,Orif l2 o,i ig• rl F B W °llk3/1 * AugABItl04;;: : :c szsmad z4zazzazgarmatioosztrem w il t - FILO/NUT -14. , . •A.: 7 DRAPE Nifaseenglantly for aale a fultassorlmeo,'l , for Gengelten'a,tgarg., tar Least City Fashions always on hand. Wayne.Oaro', NVNNX,NN=a;:X;MINMXNI.4.IZ=NA MILLIN - E - RY GOODS! MILS. C, L. HOLLINBERGER , Ur) ,PleD infarmhar, laAki friePtla9f 2 WaY• y •• Kleabrgo - and v t ieinity that Otit 4aa just ; Pt.graed , frc!ia P l 4 l ,aflalPhia.:Yith a ,icatalllicie eg.itartato4l4. ,AF . aeopole 1 1 1 9,08 be sock, WO, "itala4 ,ffiFilata4t,istyles, of. 4 33 • C). X\T V I , Ail lurgg as. sortmeßt 4)f It iLkuni .othet.. Bennet - Viditiniiitii, LiticOttlyittptithig Batigfat, tttp. Ladies arp invited lirt.stuck. May r? ti. Farmerknlikpifafai 'Oak at the great advantage, In Irtirambitig Grain With ' ' • • •- • _ . ,~ , • ... , ‘ ,,,•iGETsygs':TAi.'rFii.:x::T......i , ::. BE - IlitBill6 - Ast - IN6 GAA:ll:s,)oWitlril.4,olii „ . At it time li&ie tbirPtesent,whertiabor is very scarce, it' is important that 'fernier.; who are interested should giie-alention to - tbe above improvement, which will considerably reduce,the express of tbreshipg grain, over the cominon way. • 3 ' ' This machine has been be re the public for a number of years, bat not very widely circulated, al though it has competed With all the best (if the diffe•ent patented Grain Separators, and proved a decid, ed ailvantage,'and'noW has the reputation of being the beat Separator ever before the public. In order to prove this nilighberhoods where 11 ii not known, I ern willing to forward a machine for a test to any,persbn 'ditsirini:a•trial, and have its merits tested; and I wish to haie 'it niderstriod that put the machine upon its OWh merits,' and want farmers to "udge for themselves. If it does sant fully meet their wants and they do riot wish to purchase; I ati per eetty wtjling tp ,oear all =Roues efshipping. Fhe machine ig, pallet:44 i ad apted , to ,farmers . or their own use, Aid 'will apply ItiVer'biiiilway power will thief* geed grain, train 400 t 0.150 Imshele per dayorsing•six bore& and the Same number hartils,init under *eV, favorable circemstances-will thresh more per day, . It, cleans the i grairt„thoroughly clean by, one, operation, which is not. generally dean by other 'Separators. GraM - eleined - oh this 'nittihhie, with ritueb light . filthy Matter, is worth oint or.two. cents untra.per bush el than if cleaned in the common way, There is also a great saying of ,grain, in straw and Chair over the common Way,of thrashing and cleining,,and also over other Separators and Cleaners. The Machine is nenVenioritly arratiged for hauling and threshing, ,being permanently fixed on two wheels.- One man can easily move or shift it about, so . thst, it to not half the trouble in a barn floor as, the common threader and 'halter. It is also easily put in operation, being Simple, easily. menaged, relia ble, darable, compact, and cleanly 4 Work 14 . while in operation, net making near the dust as the gam mon machine or of Sepal-stmt.' ' , Farmers can rest assured that this machine is no humbug, rindjgdging from the' high recommendation from farmerwtkat acing them, I motit'come to the conclusion Oat it is the very machine that farmers Want and will have,as scion ar they have an'opportunity to appreciate and attest Its Merits . , which 1 hope they will give me an opportunity, aril am willing to be responsible, es already stated, Pried' of Machine at' Shop, (all complete,,ready to attach to belt Lover or Railway Power,) • i - $1,75 cash, $lBO in three months, with interest from date. Ae material for manufacturing advances, there may be a Corresponding advance in the price of ma, chines. The machine is fully represented in the abov,e cut. ' - I warrant. the 'machine , to do as. above represented. Orders solicited and promptly attended to. l'kemachine is - manufactured . i 4 Pennsylvania and Maryland, at different shops... • For further information and description of Machine, address DANIEL GEISER, Proprietor, Waynes6 aro', Franklin - Coiinty,'Penns.' Sep. 23--4f.] 7 .. . ,• , •• . , . . ~ GEISER'S PATENT SELF-REGULATING GRAIN SEPARATOR., CLEANER - AND BAG GER, AND THE LATEST IMPROVED 'THRESHER AND TRIPPLE:GE ARE D HORSE POWERS, DRIVING EITHER BY GEAR OR BELT'', ALL ' FURNISHED COMPLETE, • READY TG PUT ON WAGONS. ~, • „ I, the Undersigned, desire to, call the attention f Farmers and Threshermen of „Franklin and adjoin ing counties to this machine. It hate been before, the ,public for a number of years, dtiringivhich thee it has given general satisfaction;and the patentee hits made some very important improvements which ren-, der it still more coutplete, , both for clean separating anti cleaning, and also for the ease of draught and fast.thresbing. I take pleasure in recommending it to the:publia knowing that' it will gibe the best satis faction. lam manufacturing two sizes, viz : • • The largest is eight-horse power and will thresh and clean from 20,0 to 500 bushels per nay. The small size. See the above which fully represents the alachine,•abto full description, price, &c., of machine.. Persons wishing machines ahould send in their orders in reattoriable time to insure their being filled. . . 'ii 4,l?aztaitav Ito aslaitaaa -- 3 tioulin AND MANUFACTURERS OF sygzfi! I am manufacturing different'sizes of Sugarcane Mills (to be driven either by water, steam or horse power) and EVaporators and fixtures for making Syrup; also Portable and Stationary Steam Engines for driving Mills, Threshing Machines, Sawing Woou, &c. I am fully prepared to make the above to order and on sink mitiCe; elect GRIST AND SAW MILL, GEARING, SHAFTING -AND PULLEYS, IRON BRIDGES, CAST IRON WATER-WHEELS. IRON KETTLES, &c, Stoves and Plow ciatingsollso cast iron and Wrought iron pipe for steam orwater, and Brass castings of every description; in a word,. I am prepared to do everything usually done in a fours dry and machine shop. Having supplied myself with the latest improved machinery, such as Lathes, Boring,'Planing and Drilling Machines, persons Gen rely on having thelework done in the most eatist:ictor,,v manner. 1 am also prepared to manufacture to, order machinery for wood, such as Tonging and Gros ing ma chines for flooring,-Surface, Tenout and Moulding machines, &c. a:oo in o 1.8 pu. ic a new an va us. e In-.--- -- ---... steam HAB.IIIIIBUR6, PA, also otter to the public a new and valuable improvement 111 my steamligines, made withiatha last year, viz : for the economizing of fuel, and the regulation of speed, which renders my new etlg i nes far superior to the old engines. 411 my machines are sold under warrantee. My hands are all experi enced workmen in, this line of business,. and I nee all good material, so that I am perfectly safe in war ranting all my work. "' lam also prepared to do repairing inivorkman like pi armor, on the shortest notice. Orders solicited and piomptly attended to. All orders sent in for repairing must oe Sccompanied with the cash. For particulars and circulars descriptive of machine, address D. F. GOOD. GEORGE IlgaCK, Or DANIEL 6E183E, Proprietor of Territory and solicitor of orders. W aynesboro,' Franklin Co. Pa. .eds 30—tf. eaaaatia =no EAST SIDE OF CARLISLE STREET, .• GREENCASTLE, PA. TH E undersigned respectfully announces tp the •traypling, public that this Hotel has been IttIMODDLED: The room are large and 'comfor table and are well furnished with good new furnk ture. Persons stopping at this can have ei ther double or single Heoms; with'er without-fire in them. The TA.IILe. is always supplied with the beef in the market, and his liAltH lilted with the thoiCeet Liguori. There:are also a fine lot apd a pair of Hay and Stock Scales. connected , with the ri otel for the aeconimodetion of Drovers and Butch ers. " His Statile will alivitys be 'provided with • good wholesome Prevendor for Stock, and attended by earefulostlers.• JOHN H. ADAMS. ' April'ls; 1861 " " .-Proprietor'. DR. J. 411111Ntt'S 1100 it ,l fltlFl S. • • . rlNUS,:arncie, welt, owl, by reputation for • hiVing„eurrsd soins.of'the, worst. casei'of,Tet sr.; Ocrolpia,, and allianiantY ,too Btocul, is ways on hand at,FonTitunsn's Vim; Spire. 1' lig has just roceiisd, ft fresh'Suppiy of ilia', above article and.o.ll.llcaogopod4Oltis,ctistornsrs,, Jane „ „ ,Elll3llll 11111. • pilr'ililbseilfits .StroulldVoro?:, t e yo ckliaaro .of — . l . —Wayneaboto awl eurrOunditi coutit6 that lbpyThave',9mctl: - Clotbing — estotiTuThyti , Au9triapx.t,dpgr .ap.o).Vate4 an a t o OrX store. ; ,l 1460' ' O ft. fipsts.of latent ; ,. • ••• • — M • 1 " 1 t, .ahif FURNISILINGI,4IOOI%, .1 True V 1111.44; TY:ay Orne - Biti,'lla ts, o. T4131i 'goods tiaitoojuit bo3.nbratight fiddil'ilii adelota and will be unit, at!gtaatl)r reduliedlir Pinona wanting• aOtbinirdni their line would ainPaxannue stock. bafore.,yur chasing a haeithesa:: , I: • 'May 6: ' j PT4Adlas:. -!s*VtrUkOZAAro:)MA.ririg B .4' „ v ' rilLtE subscriber hay tas.w2treadlt 'fps. plittairiglt Is'rge selection of taweetpouito gest : variety, the Aced • baying &tin -puii•based *the city. • . W. ttisicq- May LI. „ • . fS. t. - .., r , 3 , - ~ • ('-' It ~.'1! V LIVAN'ERAND - B - AGGE Vra,ynesboro . AND MACH! oundry suP. THE WE OP 1776, THE name ..!Continental", sounds more dear to the American heart, than any of the,lloyrl blood even should, it be a prince., 18p all you-that want a good Cooking Stove that burns either coal or wood, call ,at 7EITLES ands's - k for the Continental, which is 'one of the beet stoves in market, and by far the cheapest. It takes a long stick of wood and ie provided With ire briek to burn coal. It is one of the best baking and cooking stoves that has ever been offered for sale. It - is, dfinrir cooking '. 4 Stove• easily ,Ainkelean allays have a lirge aritiortinent On hanoVand give'bettor - bargains than any other houssein the country.-tso to prolirst thy loams - is - rtot - Gerr 'tim id, cof rind Bee, i for yonrself.. - Alio on hon hand ' Hea H e ating ' Stoves, such as EN RITE AIII COIL STIIRS, - • • for shop or parlor, all of whechl will iell- very low. Xo, 4 Z4U:alaialiall a largi aa!o4:arnt of zzausiv . witleCoppgr„`lAlase arid,FSheit: 7 lrol?:Warq,. .w ;94 all f •?Wa / R a liPi* rhicb Nta.bala,P,K.Rl 4 P, caw" AP,OO faMrijoefla Etßyilic4Pv DYOw . ,•repleirlyr /I.loomadit 0-- laity44prifoAll4M4iNiantr,aariluig irk Mt linft4gva me, IL , gnAlk PO: S th9it lli . atiitt4 "a o . liop (p 4 unreels, aext„iloor„to:;lo44',i 810/a., , • , . • e • - Manes 4 ,til, of y ozy ilkonkful for, t many - foq:ire.'t rocoti.ed frOlk ,ttw p,A1)114,,f would' lip 'to give ti:all;for 'then you can fcir‘y:oursi:ilv" where to get,bigattincl._ • Old metirtialtik. or 'Foundry .Priceo4ri exchange for newrltovio: ;.L-' rW. A. TRlTasp , maims WOrtiaboto',. , Army And Navy ADltte_4o. , , Aiecitiey 'et; I; it w if Waybelipia&`:, being liC.Citillui_Clirnit A • gent will procpie - P ensionwßounty, Bounty Land-. arrountgeelit .add:elbthin&Uzid.all label:101°7- 4=40 idtteleattion and. soldiete,%their hors ns replier senta*Ms• • ; • . ,-, •:t Jr To pig r) t: .13 Isp a it id 4'50 • gi • ,t. r:11. •' , oi.( , ':' , tr• ;i::f 4i • • P ;;If •I 112: 4 OA ,f ,, ei...";:t/ Vie/1410,tovhd - qtm„, the ,geddidtifienefer-Wayki. 21eibieti end thaite pee just teeepp. ad from - the East a !me and" MI: aistetiaitit"of fresh Drage Medidiried,:.ol,7,:raifttaalyt St et s, - Window °faint Putty, Brushes, &c, ace., which he frlizeTated lola Ainiffict, Sa.;11€1" bti( 1111 0 tar other, house in the,town,.4n4. w iiio t 44# teluality; aanuot„,he, ex4e11‘4,..4 0; 1 4 e1 ai!u:f4 ; •-• a lama liegorlatent . " J 9fOILET . ABIPICIAMV comPri*g44,rFeOe,f44Ag,/ 1 1.14# 1 4 14 r*1 - Toilet Waters, all kinds, ' • gitu de,Colognveadlessittimtrietz, Batracts for the•haalkerohier, • fine Baglidi. - POnnides;. ' ' 2 Blitlolinea; - oat's-Oil,. ' ' Fine 04 AMC . Y €(00, 1 • Tooth-Brushes, Nail " e . Combs, For - Oplinary'purposee be haircovii ;Pearl Harley, Peal Sago, Flavoring Extracts; via: :`, '• Lemon ) ; , Strawtiery,.lla9berripPinktifiv„ ple, orange, thumps t Celety; Pear, Peach;:Pir t r.i meg, dri. Fresh ktricis„,Black Pepper arid On anti ,er articles in that line., 11e hie also something to pleise the CHILD RE Nana stock of Toys of all kinds, a !alto stlppi? of China ware. , .1 20 e i teozit -1141rfeat011XVIP9E‘:. He this • Drake's Plantation Bitters, ; ) • • 'Eroglartd!s German:, ; do. ; ' Sand's Sarsaparilla, lleZll}g • do. .• Eittshew a Cough Syrup, gg Ocrtdial, Prefe Vormiinge, VeinOnges _dotaiteile.:' • Pius—wt i g ht'a, . „, Jadzon.'s, Spa ng ; _. , .Ayer's„ . lirandretiea, Morse's, McLane's, liver; .3fra. ,Iyineloyr!e, Soothing. Dr. Pariahs's do. Keroseoe Oil, Lamps and ahem,, neys always on hand. . Thankful for iii4fairors alreadOestowed gra him, he siicits a continuance of, the same, hopinik, that by trying to please he !bay Win the confidence.. of the people. As much care talten in,waiting up-- on - adults as children. Physicians' Prescriptions promptly and carefully, compounded -- aiiri ;; • . r • August 19, 1864. MISIS, LE 111 YOU IMIEM WE the undersigned intend to pukup • Cain, Mill and Evapoiater to manufacture Syrup, at Ringgold, Md. We call the attention.of farmers. to the importance of raising the Cane. Emit is be , lieved by persons who have raised. it to he the most, valuable crop that can• be raised. U. yieldsfrom two. hundred. and twenty-five to two hundred and seven ty-five gallons of Syrup-tothe acre. The, Cane is, best planted on hills. • The seed - shona be sprouted before planting it. Persons wishing to gganced can,: get it at Charles Hiteshow's store,. Ringgoid; at Charles Hiteshew's store; Smithshurg; tit,Ground Logan's store, Leitersburg;. at Geo. StOve4s. store,: Waynesboro'; at Daniel lVlentzer's Mill, at. Samuel, Frantz's Mill, at Geo. Besore's Mill, in the Week, Corner, and at the Nunnery Mill. Feb. 12, '64 —lf] • • - J. &B. FRICK.. MILE,.SHEET-111111 int it. HE subscriber would in Inrm his customers and, Tpublic generally, that having, with other busi- . ness men of Waynesboro', adopted the 66 0.41,JEUEC ISIVASTMC,?! . he is ,now prepared to sell ,rit shorter profits than. formerly. Persons in want of any article in his. line are respectfully invited in give him a call.— His stock of LIOUS.DKEEPING GOODS and; . A !replete, 'vd will-be-sold--- at• such prices (the, time considered) as cannot fail to give satisfaction. • All kinds of Mil '317 41:10 31E7 MN .embracing the latest and most approted patterns,, foe eithet, wood or (soil, constantly on hand. , CrSpecial attention is given to putting itpSpolit . .. in t o, made of the best tin, for houses and barns. . Remember the sign of the "Bid RED . 1114Ofr • . D. B. itUI3B3L. A u k ,73.3t 264894. CHOPPING MBE subscriber siould inform the publjc that he a has purchased- of Y. U. Gilbert, the well-known sawing -and ,ChOpping Mille, situated About, one quarter or mile, from itear,'s Factory, and io now prepared to. saw. order, by mill or eircu- ! lar saw,. arid is also prepared to chop corn, oats, Ski" at .short, notice.- Ca' ,Persons wanting WATER WHEEI,B can have them•unde to ,order et short notices Noise, but .the best material will 'ors seed for this, purpose. -By punctuality and attention to business he hopesi to merit a liberal shots of the public's patronage. ____JOHN_L.. METCALF: •P. S. The subseriber offers „for sale . a new FRAME BuiLDma, JO by 16 feet, suitable for a backbudding, wqsis house, stable, etc., all ready for roofing. • N0v..4„ 1136‘ :..; , , , • ; Te HEttuipscrib f r infoyns his Ammer +alum! and tlehUtblic - geneitiUY,l4o lu @ . brie re-cktiMuced t BARBERING businel f in :the,room formerly occupied by ,thi Post Office, and is now prepared to do Bldr=culting and 814644 in the' best stYle: " . ~ , ' ' 'GEO. Hi P.RIOE3 1 '"OctObi! jl6' Identzey 9 6.llorse - &,, , tattle , Powder. - STONER haSing pinch:wed 'of Me, ly • Mertzer, the recipe for majcine:thei &Wye fartan4d. Horse And: Okrtits. Powder, for:Pennaylwir. ink and „ takes Ibis =gelled ; pf jnfonsking the ,fannora,,droreze, - .&e:, that he lusi on !}aril and inteds keep i ng goodilara y n Ott - Ctiiinliftlieraiiiiita rotheniiiiopuatiubliiirtieles for side, , atoold &Jimal. Urisppli'theinselias :with a quantity: lit:Will asill4Con vino:4o*ton forAnoh cheap: Orders will be porkc f!l,i, • 31. , - '1 : 1 TORlakatitaYl' .74 :,—::i:'T IFORMtRLY A. 4. liarieiny U.B:A4 maid -aji atainisitargeo; Ilorfallt;fhb , had' taint atailoaed+the klataptoti till*pltal, Fortreii NW}, roe, has, non* sue, praalica at Mikdicitus.-aa, 4 6utteir 'thirphice Ind wilf - attitlietranittitlr to all callsr apylicatiorilus WO:madam, ~ lalt7pffipp W I M a ki treat, ' next" ttiltolittlalitia'w ilinig , Is ..: . • • • ~ ''' NTY T.REASAIRE,U. j 7;1: Lil - • !;;.lievtiNiOrtfiiendl fortheiOtficoO Treasurer, subject to , thoPilecidonqi that ominating y, !Way A-9 WM. niNAGLII.k itt ounty Union 9u- ;) !ftki, Hair 44 .T:~:
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers