EXCLE OIE L; Central Square, ilageretown,. Md. THE , elmse, well•known and "established ; Hovel, bus leiti:tempenitd end entirely, r enovated,' by, inulenditieil, end noir offerie to the public every comfort and attraction found in the best hotels.— Tim TABLE is bountifully supplied 'with every delicacy the market will afford, THE SALOON contains the choicet liquors, end is j 133 n e t a n t ly and skilfully. ittendel , 'THE S'IABLE As thoroughly repaired, and coedit! Ostlers always ready to ac commodate ctistoMere. , . . . . , JOHN . FISEER; Proprietor . , • it sger etos;n,,June 2,—tf. D T -LS VieVot 1 PR,'R.:-.) W. B.HAVCOOK;grirgeott Dentist; would respeCtfuily "inforin-the peoPle of :VVejrnesboro' a d vicinity that he bah opened ti'n'Offibe in Rages' building, Second !Street, CIIMIBERBIII3II3. Pao; where he is prepired lo 'perfotm all operations hi ,Bsturts- TRY with care and attention. Chaiges moderate and satisfaction gnataiiteed.; _June 2-3 w . , ~ „ Co UV I a 3EI r ESTATE of Daniel Gehr, late of Washington Township dec'i. Letters of administration hav ing been granted to the subscriber, he hereby nod - ties all persons indebted to saiddecearted to make payment thereof, and all creditors to present their claims. JACOB S. GOOD Adm'r. June 2-6 w RGEind small•ShakeriTat June 2 Pines & FT MIAMI'S IS- ES Hooped' Skirts at Jane 2] Palos A ' I " 0, the genuine attiele, end only place to be had at NICE & Hcent on's PRIME article of Cheese at Paie & Hterma's ings tßiliNq and Mad - 4 - a, at & Acertion'it S ILK, Poplins at URTAIYFUTITHES --with card nad.tasse s at . PRICE & ticenicyes. , LAPIEW Fancy Kid and Lasting Gaitors at Paws & HCEFLICR'B• S UN Umbrellas an ° SYRUPS, Sugars and Co SUMilkai Da!morals aid !Striped Skirting at Naos SL Hoginna's. OIL CREEK AND GORDON'S RUN Petrtoleum Company ! Or:WI, 407 WALIACT STRIVE', PHILADVAPIIIA. .CAPITAL SSOOAOO. • .00.000 Shares, par matte and subittription price 81.00 per Share. WORKING CAPITAL $55 000 President, M. 3. BYHDIS, Treasurer, r. BERN= • Seeretary, J. L. REGISTER Superinteadent. THOMAS C. UM W% Director*, M. J. 'MIME, Philadelphia, Dr. M. Roche, Philadelphia, Oscar D. McClellan, Philadelphia, John Ricketts, Plumer, Pa, George (3. Rickets, Plumer, Pa., 0, E. /3harinon, Bedford, Pa., W. W. Walker, Waynesboro', Pa, The Oil Creek and Gordon'a Run Petroleum Company. • CAPITAL 6500.000. MFRS Company owns in fee simple one hundred acres of land on Gordon's Run, known as the ogienderson ram," also, silty acres. in fee simple, in-fee-simple;on—wem, Hickory Run, being part of the Thomas tract, boun bed by Gorman and others. These tracts are close to the Venango line, on the Warren sine, and lie within two and a half (2i) miles of each other, the last named tract is about three miles. on a streight line, from the two hun dred (200) barrel well lately' struck on the same stream. The first and second are three•tnifes front the Tideout wells, which are north east. The Econimite wells are there, and have been procuring eighty , ,(Bo) barrels per day for the last -four years, at a dtpth of one hundred arid twenty (t2O) The 4"W hundred (2011). barrel well above mention • ea was struck at one hundred and ten (110) feet, and is the most extraordinary development yet made in the oil regions, considering depth.. A new well of fifty (60) barrels on the other or west side of these Tracts nave been atruckt Enterprise. it is cenft dently expected by genTemen of experience that Oil in abundance will be reached in this locality at from three' hundred "(200) to fork hundred a ncl.t.wort tv (420) feet and perhaps a great deal less. The large well on West Hickory ve'ould indicate a less depth. A very recent discovery - of Oil has been made on, tl e White farm, in the immediate neigh• borhood of these tracts. , An efficient and reliable . seperintendentis now on the ground, withTerricks and Engines, Engine Houses; &c., going up, and boring tope commenced at once, with a fair prospect of striking Oil about the first of August, 1865. .The whole'of the land-is good boring territory and hcay. ily timbered. A few subscriptions will be received by' " - GEO. W.WALICER,• May '26. . Agent. New Spring and Summer Goods METCALFE & .111TESIIEW't , CIIA,MBERSTU 4 G;=,• •' ArtHEi E you yidll i et, all tinge find situp attic ic 0e Goods:,, ,Lailietrwe hive Cloth . Of all Col ors, also Indies' Coats, Circulars and Sacks, made al' Silk and. Cloth, Engle Trimming, BUttons; Coed Gimp end am any; ether kipds of, t 'Au Dress Poods,we yrill }we say, ;her Aldo largest stock imam county. , , , Stripcd• attire Swiss; Silk- Sun -Umbrellas', 'Brown 'and 131ackj Shawls- of eiroifj de= scriiitini, Stinkers, , best and iiilored; L adies zind i Gentlenren's Sid , Gloves, all colors, and' • ton ‘.thonsand 'io 009 other articles•lanai toand in a • . DOME ES:TICS. Prints. ore' etykitmnie. *ern 124 cents. Plesehoil 4.l4ablettcheka l llold*lmv•lli Coll% sittaßil Via*" fink Assortment,. , • 1 • ; AP IttET_QALP!,& ; I•IIITAIiEW.; „ . !NC I 1114,1 THE r ; optwtoprelop : hetreen the tinder %tied in iheLMiAleg,,bnsiness having termini on the let-of April, 1865, all persons indebted to, the Arai are, re;;Uedeci. icitnikkeielet'PaYment , .. ' they ire anxious to close their books. The 800 will be (nand in-the,headitof Meyer. ..et • Mount .. TRA:x.ER, . 4 ER. littay 12 !• T'tflAK6 l s , Llitt'ent .1 AJFeN46 I ;:. • 1' PEUCE & okra Fans ar - Piaci & Haman's. ees jus receive at Paten & Hcertaaa's. RE HERE ! • TS: 5.. , '1...311,2'110AX TIE3IEt3:O SOMELX.IIIO,: $280;000,000. By teuthoi4, of the Becretary of the Tteasury 4 the undersigued,:the Oenerai•Sigiseriptien Agent it ihe sale of United .kittCtestiffers to the publie tho third series 01 Treasury Notei, hearing „sn en and three•ultlthaierseni:intirsatjier aratturnAino t ar the ' „ , • 0: '7-80 L , (5 Al 4 These notes ere issued under date of July 15, 1865, and are payable three years 'front that date in currency, or are convertible at are option of 140,0tv IL S. 540 six per cent.. GOLD-BEARING BONDS ThOse - Banderare - ' , now j wotth7a um, and are exempt, as are all the GovernMeni Bonds, from State, County: and Municipal taxa lion, which adds from one to three per cent. per an num to their value, according to the rate lev;ed up- on other property. The interest is payable semi•an 'nually by coupons attached to ditch note, which may be cut off and sold to any bank or banker. The interest, at 7.30 per cent, amounts to One cent per day.on asso note. . Two cents per day on a $lOO note. Ten cents per day on a $5OO note. Tweety 'cents per day on a $lOOO note One Dollar per day on a $5OOO note. Notes of all 'the denominations named will be promptly furnished upon receipt of su,bscriptions. The notes of this Third Series are precisely sim iMr in form and privileges to the Seven•Thirtied ready sold, except that the Government reserves to itself the optiorLof paying interest in gold coin at 6 per cent., instead of 7 3=loths in currency. Subecri- bers will deduct the interest irt currency up to July 15th, at the time when they subscribe. The,delivery of the notes of this third series of the Seven-thirities will commence on the let of June, and will be made promptly and ,continuouely bat-date The alight change made in the conditions of this , THIRD SERIES effects only the matter of est. The payment ity , gold, if made, will be equiva. lerit to the currency interest of the higher rate. The return to speCie payments, in the event of which only will the option to pay interest in Gold be availed of, would se reduce and equalize prices that purAliates made with six per cent. in gold woutd b full e.ual to those made with seven am t hree•tenths per cent. in currency. This is • The Only bean In Market Now offered by the Igovernment, and its superior advantages make it the Great Popular Loan of the People. Less than $2:10,000,000 of the Loan authorized by the last Congress are now on the market. This amount at the rate at which it is being absorbed, will all be subscribed for within sixty days, when the notes will undoubtedly command a premium, as bas - uniformly been the ease on closing the subscriptions to other Loans. In order that citizens of every town and section of the country may be afforded facilities for,taking e-town,-the—Nations[Binks,--Btate-Banks;_an , Private Bankers throughout the .country have gen- 3:li~n)i-21a►Y:a:t~{ga4lk.1 (.]I I Ii flli i scribers w ill select their own agents, in whom they have confidence, and who only are to be responsible for the delivery of the notes for which they, receive JAY COOKE, SGIIsGRIPTION AGENT, Philadelphia• SUBBCRIPTIoNS WILL BC RUCEIVED Ly the FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Waynesboro'.- •May 26 Sin, IMPORTANT TO FARMERS! TrIHE subscriber informs the farming community I that he is now prepared to turnish an Ohio Mower and a Mower and Reaper combined, which is warranted to cut grass or gram equal to the best work with scythe or cradle, at the rate of one acre per hour, or ten or fifteen acres - per day, with a pair of horses. Every purchaser is allowed to cut six acres of grass or grain on trial; and in case anything proves defective, due notice must be given .our agent, and time allowed to sent a person to put it in miler. It it does not work after this, and the fault is in the. Machine, it will.be taken back and the money re funded, or a perfect Machine will be given in its place, at the option of the proprietors. . The subscriber also offers td the 'arming corn ' COMBINED REAPER AND MOWER Hrery - radelrimwdv - W - Thi± matenats used fin'huN as in our •mber Machines; are of the very best quali ty , and it:is finished in tte same style blexcellance. When mowing, it cuts a swarth of four feet, six inches wide, and in reaping, tfie swarthk is five feet. The guards are our superior wrought inrcn polish ed guards, placed three inches tram centre to cen tre. • • 'Wit. E. FLANAGAN. May 26, 1865. - • " Agent. PUBLIC SALE. THE , undersigned will offerat Publin Stile On the prernisle, on Saturday the 17th of June next. at Clock; 'P: M., the following desirable 'teal es tate cif Minim Fink; tate of the Boroughbf Wiynea bozo!;hietl; all that lot of ground eithete' in raid Wayneebote, bounded on the' front by the Main e treet,on the-Etat by the Town Hall . lot, on the Weatlylot: of Vi% 'D; Lechler; andon_the tiouth - b - hr — tbk , south - by anratley - baving - thefilin exec) a• . "two. ory Log and Frame, • „ DWVLL'ENG 'HOUSE, also, a tivicroi Limestone land 'situate in, Waihi . to,riLlowlWhip; near `said . i ßorbugn; adji,ining lands of Ale* millet: Hamilton; John Lashes and Itsinmel Rinehart * containing ' - 530 ~ ; 413‘ 0:11. 3lg p more, dr Inks, The.terms will be made known on day of sate by , W. D. LECHLER * . Surviving Executor of said dec'd. _ By order of , :court, W. G Nkrcust.t.V .ick. COUNTY TREASURER. .:', SAMUEL F. ',GREENAWALT. offers riintrelf ar r Candidate for tbe.office.of. County.: Tress• urer, subject to the deeiiion of the Union . -NOllllOB. !tog Convention.. Gutunraeociet, May, j 2. r I R NEW GOODS GEISER . dz. RINEHART, Sieicesesii ta . H. Stonehouse in the Bardwatt 'and Cutlery .Business. TMITE subscribers haying purchased of H. Stone., house his Hardware Store •they would inform eold Customers of the eitablishment, Mid others, that in addition to the large stock on band, they are just'receiving a large and well''seledied stock, con. , giating• in pail Of ' „ ' • • ' IRON AND STEEL, SHOE FINDIAGS, " SADDLERY AND CARRIAGE WARE 3 • 'OttAt. , OIL CLOTHS, HOLLOW WARE, • PAINTS, GLASS . AND VARXISHRS, AGRI . ULTURAI, IMPLEMENTS, We invite the attention of the , Farmers to, the RUNDELL'S PitEMIUM HAYFORK. . for the sale of which we arelhe sole agents.. Soytheei;•Rikes, Porks,,Shovele, Grain Cradles, &c. All our goods were selected with great care and we invite an examination of them. May 20, 1885. GEIISERIVit some pzemi •_ _ WATCH LOST I • • VTAS lest in Waynesboro' on Wednesday morning the 25th iast., ,ad English Silver Watch, with steel chain andiliteel key. The find. or will be.liberally rewarded - by returning it to this office or to the, subscriber. .tACOB °ROVE, • May 9.6-3 w. "„ °Wit WISDOEI 'and BOONIIMY to' Imo in the BEST •,COSIIINIES, and there is none better than the EN insurance Cool North knetiett.". 1794. 'lncorporated 1794. INSURANCE COMPANY North America, PHILADELPHIA. THE Abstract of the 142nd Semi-Annual State ment,& showing the condition of the • Company on the 2nd day of January, 11365, shows the Total Assets to be $1,715,171 7.1. • rr7l Years-Successful' Business Experience ! tg'The Prompt Payment of $17,500,000,00 Losses • onotable Deana: Unsurr- ed ! tirAnd Cash Assets exceeding ,700,000,00 ! Claim the References of, the public for this, the Old• est Insurance Company in America. ' DIRECTORS:. Arthur G. Coffin, Wm. Welch, John Mason, Sam'l W. Jones, R. D. Wood, G. L. Harrison Jahn L. Brown, Wm. E. Bowen F. R. Cope, Chas. Taylor, .tas. N. Dickson E 4.11. Trotter Ambrose White, •S. M. Waln , Ed.. S. Clarke Wm: Cummings, T. Charlton Henry. ARTHUR Cr. COFFIN, Pres't. Ciztes._Puirr, IseerY• Ma • .12. Bm3 Jos. D oo omo, Ag't, Waynesboro'. 3311 NAT _Wit X lEt, E W GOODS I THE subscribers have opened a "Variety' Store" on the North west Corner of the Diamond, and have just returned from the East with a full molt mot of Goode, comprising in part the following:— BOOTS AND SHOES,. Mats, Caps and Bonnets, • Trunks, Valises, Umbrellas, Baskets, &c., al so Gents' Furnishing Goods, consisting of • Neckties, Paper Collars, Suspenders, Ker chiefs, Cotton• Hose and Gloves, together with Tobacco, Snuffs and a fine assortment' of choiee Confections, comprising Candies Nuts,_Oran.!es _LeMons o. A fine stock of Jewelry, such as Breastpins, Ear Drops, Rings, Sleeve Buttons, &c.; 8-day and thirt. hour Clocks. WATCHES ? CLO • CHS • and Jewelry repaired at short notice; The subscribers tender their thanks to the public for, past favors and hope by strict attention to busi ness to merit a continuance of the same. May 12, 1865. E. & J. ELDEN. 'IEALED proposals will be received at the. corn. Omissioners office in Chamberaburg, until Ytlon• day the sth of June, at 10 o'clock, for the repair of a Bridge across, the Antietam Creek in Washing• ton township, which wee destroyed-by the Rebels in 1863. Specifications of said Bridge can be seen at any time in the Commissioners Office. By order of the Commissioners, ay ' BOTFORRMAN - , - , Clerk.- Xing 11611) r3E" 3E 41, .1111a3 • THE subscriber would inform the citizens of Washington and Quincy townships, that he ;Rabe at Jones' Hotel, in Quincy, on Monday, Tues. day add; Wednesday of each week, and. on Thurs. day, Friday and Saturday at the office of the Yu,- lama Rzconn, in WaYneithoro'. persona liable to taxation under'the' Excise La* of the' U. B.; for, income, license, carriages, gold or.olvanized• Watch es, are hereby rotified to make a return to the un, dersigned an or before the lath day of lone next: • ' • : N.BONEBRACE; May 19-31.'"" •-- • Ain't Assessor. OT= 311Wit*, AL I?ersons haringilaims agaimittheistaffitst Copt, 4,ohis E--Walker i deC'd, - ifite - of WayriesP 4 haroVanli please present them duly authenticated for settlement, and all indebted will please• Make im mediate; payment to•the - undersigngd- ••• THOMAS J.• WALICERi Agent., May' 19-3 W. rag 41130731r3ILACJIEC • NOTICB is hereby. given that Israel Baer, of Washington township, doing, Btusiness at Wash = ington roilla o .hae assigned and Aransfened all die Booker and accounts' to,Henry ;Boer,. fdr. collection, subject to any proper and legal setters. It is respectfollyleontrated 'that all persons indebt ed in said books will please come forward and nettle the. samirviithout delay se the accounts must be col -Ipcted. "The undersigned omit° seen in Wayies- Unto at Siturdafef every week; •-• ,May .-P 4, 'HENRY. t NEL, May 2 .6-715. tl 'KAITUrs Cattle Pow dot at s••' ref.); 3.''.64• • KT. '2:79 TITIRxI) SUPPLY ! Imnitsi: tt.MOlO.-,i,c0.., ATM NOW NINEIVING THEIR, G 111 S SHINE tOrDSII, _ 44, CLOT HS, CASSDIERES AND SA7IIVE7TSo, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES , AND, SATINETTS, CLOTHS, OASSIMERES AND S4T2NETTS, bOTTGINIADES, • COTTO,NAVES, • COTTONADER,, AND ' AND AND NOTIONS. ' NOTIONN, NIVIONs, et.s, Fancy Articles, TIC FRUITS, r , C IC A 1:1i • „,.z. 17 el' Groceries, Groceries, Airard ware, Groceries, • hardware:. DEI GOODS:, ' DRY GOODS,. DRY; poops:: , . • 11.11111111111, litiTlols: yueenspart, • • Notion . 4 r , Queen:mare, Notions,. • Queenszeare, , Notions, rirWe'vrould eigi the attention inn cutout, era and the public to our new Beath of goody, and' lit the Same time requird our thanks to . custokoms and others 'for' their Metal patronage; and 'Willie: deavor by fair deiding•with till, to merit a'continti ante of the same. ' I . l 4 ':yild Wis . l'oninde you nrun uet it . . ' t•:bI NEW GDODS, 311111EAL.11C ItfEhig . I 1065. Waynesboro' Pa. 1'14)7' gUirtV, THIRD suPpLy, THIRD SUPPLE, iNiiIIE• I IIOII.7ICAWGW 81j 1 RINEi DRY GOODB SPRING ,DRY GOODS SPRING DRY GOODS ir—tAk.w.lomnswip DHSS GOODS LADIES LADIES LADIES DRESS GOODS DRESS GOODS DRESS GOODS. HOSIERY AND GLOVES, HOSIERY AND GLOVES, HOSIERY AND GLOVES 11W4 I 1011: e MEN'S SPRING GOODS., MEN'S SPRING GOODS, • . MEN'S SPRING GOODS, CHEAP, CHEAP, CHEAP, CHEAP. CLOTHS, GROCERIES! , A,MBEILSON, BENEDICT . dc. CO. Morch A 4 , I 86§ LATEST ARRIVAL • „ 'SPRING(4O - SUNIMEit: . ;TN G; , ...:C't ''. ' .A ' ii i ' , . . 1 ' . GEO. STOATEWS Wa*AtiesbOrtiV. • s:', VeNAMIEFUL for,kind-fainla and pat ago here 141 *afore beitikvesflitinlini;. 'again aOpearti tiefOre Tr - Fib - tic to sOltait a continiliince He havini just riatiltiod flora the vfith 1-2-finetaad_svelLseleated stock of neil . mum AND 'SIMMER Which he intends selling of Tiny 'lois' takes, which he knows he pia 00 *to': the .satisiaction.ot all will call and exainine,hisiitock.,. • ' ' Below yop will find ,enirrnerOed LAW articles which will be found .surtonvhis •stoik to, which be palls your attention. • • • V 0 II- CH's,, ,.„ . •31EZ lOW Be btu a large madam of Gress Omni, cm/tasting in . pail; of. „ Millie,. • • v Printed and Plain Delaines,• • • • : Bl'k, Pied and Vol4l Silks, • , • ; . Plaid Mohair, . • . : • • • Silk Warp Mohair, • : • • ' . . Beregesi, • ' 1. • Medona Cloth , • Lavellas, •• French and down Gingham, Poplins, Pongee Misture, • Cloth. for Ladies, • Wsgpings,• ..• . Gloves, • Hoitiery, in great 'variety. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, Broad cloche, BJsck Mid Fancy •Casairdßoa, Duck, Linens,„ • • Cottohades, Summer Coatings, Tweeds, . 'MrSt Cotd, • ' Silkiresting, • Velvatine Vestiags, of, all kinds; in fact a full ateotment of goo& for Gentle men wean Alsip a , larger and well selected stock o DOMESTIC. GOODS, Muslin, Ticking; and a complete, a .assortment of Notions. We no use [trying to enumerate. if you want anything at all in the Dry Goods line' just call in and you will find him ready to wait on you with pleasure. To persona having country Produce to sell, they Will find it to their advantage to bring it to Sto ver's' Bobo always gives the highest market price. So give him a call, and he will sell you good. as cheap as they can be perchased elsewhere. , May 5, 1865. • LATEST ARRIVAL SPRING AND SUMMER DRY GOODS J. vv. MILLER'S: ~ - FA - A VING returned from the Eastern cities lawith a large and choice assortment of • Dry Goods, queensware,•,Ce darware and Groceries, ' which I em prepared to offer with much greater in. 1 ducements than heretofore for Cash. - 11 - :n4P Cic )aal li Silks, all WoOl and printed Dektines, French Me. rinoe, Aispacas, Ginithams,, Shawls, rialtuorals, Hoopskirts, Collars, Magic Ruffling, Bugle Trim mings, Hoosery, Cloaking. Cloth, &c. . •I 1 4 GENTS GOODS :'• ! Fancy and Plain Casimeren, Black Cloth, Italian ' Cloth, Vesting', Satinets, .Tweed*, Jeans, Shirt Fronts, Collars, Neck Tied, :Linde, Shfrte,:Drawere, I ' Buck Gloves, Brick Gianntle ts, St.c , . • 1 4 DOMESICT 'GOODS • • Furniture .Check, Bedding, Cotton Flannel, all Wool Flannel, Linsey, Table Diaper, Towliog &c. QUEENSWARE,'CEDAAWARE AND ~ , GROCERIES.. . . . Syrus Molasses, Rio Coffee, Prepared Coffee, EssCoffee, Sugara, Tobaccos, Babbit Soap, Tea, &c. The above goods ,have been purchased for the i Cash and 1 desire the tutroe,to be soblio r Cash as i , we don't keep any books'. , By strict , attention to busbies's aria a , desire to steam in every.respect 1 hope to merit a continua ' pnce of patronage, ' • "May 6, 1865, ' . . , IPLAIVI4,I PLANTSt . . r_irHE subscribers would inform the pablic' that • they have now o%e/defection, of Garden Plante of different kinds at their Garden, about 2 mites West of Waynesboro', Wilk whiCh will be dallier. ed in season. Among their selections are theYel low Nausemond Sweet Potato, a new variety, 'which.' they can sefely recomniend as Superior• to all other, , varieties, is to quality and productiveness. .Expe-: m rience proves this variety - _hest adapted to'_Northern tilt - are: - 1%7 - matures .in short seasons. and' ilifit fir . r use at any stage of its growth. , • JOHN do M. MORGAL. - Avil 28. , ~ . ._ --- " --- IREIIE'rI — IBEEFr -- . '........ ii 4E subreribelinforms the public* that he will J. be .prepared to tarnish a prima 'article of ' Beef s . . at the cellar of Lewis P,Deatrich, on tbs. cerrier'of the Diamond, on Thursday, evening.of each' walk, during the season.,:, ~;. L ; -.. ~.. •• ,- • „ . ~The bigbest cash prim that, the i Market will af ,d' ford will be paid for cattle,•Stutthe cash reguiredfor .era ill beef retailed. :, ~-.-.• . PHILIP' VillthdliElt.• ,'el • May 12, tf. di " - ' '-14/111.110 CABBAGE: • ~..• YE . . . .. rrillE subscriber has a large lot,oflate-Calsbage St: -I , I, Plants of superiorquitlity, that.'`Cart.6s-"recom.i X i mended to all. Price Of eel:tilts-1i liandiedl"... • '. - I -May 12. • • ~ ' - 1.1'.:F. GOOD .' i . • PRICH &DOEULICH'S coLu MN ! JUNE aD,•1865. LATEST FROM TIM FRONT firtHEinib'sbritiltra hive jtisfriceivetl from the Boa. A . tern cities a large and fine agsolunent of DRY 01111S-!--- GROCtRIES, &C, bought by 'cone of the firm who - Wee in the chi im• miklistely after the fall of Richmond, acid conieguen. ly!had the advantage of the Panic Prices, and which enables them to sell their present stock much lower than floods haye been sold for the past 18 months in this town.oi any other town, (Clumbersdurg not accepted.) To satisfy the community of What we have said is to give ye a call afd•learn the facts.. .The great. evidence of theie present assortment being low er than they have been, for some time is from the Constitiatly me:easing demand. LADIES' GOODS: In their varied' afticir can be found the latest styles of Delaines, A llwool Detainee, Chillies, • Amite Dating, Brazies, • Fancy Silks, .Popling • Chainbrey Gingham, A Ipica s, §pring Detains, <linen' ras, Mozambiques, ' Cloaking Cloths, Summer Balmorals, Allwool Carpet, Hoop Skirts, . Rag ' ‘, Spring Shawls, ' Hemp Ai Shakers, ' Floor and Table Oil Cloth. zwvailitaa (tiucx)' We.boast of having the largest assortment ever brought to Town. Were bought twenty-five prr cent. cheaper than , present prices and will-be acild accordingly. Silks, Ilareges, Grenadines, Wool Delains,, Poplins, Challies, Lawns, plain and figured, Balierines, Crape' Despange4, tlng. Crape, A • . Aliteziean Prints,' French Crape, Collars, 11'dkIs, Mitts, Gauntlets,&c GENTIMENS' WEAR : Through their stock of Men's wear yon will find a splendid assortment of Cloths, Allwoof Tweeds, Cessimeres, Paricy Battens, tilrg - S• Plaid—Liner , Linens. . Heavy Cotonades, Drills, , Panners'..DriD, OUR FANCY STOCK comprises a great variety of. Ba'morale, Hoop 'Skirts Shawls, Gauntlets, Kid Gloves, Head Nets, Trim. ming Ribbons, Lanes, .Sc. 4 DOMESTIC GOODS BROWN AND BLEACHED MUSLIN, Linen Sheetings ' • • Bleached and Brown Diapers, Tickings, Strips, k'urinturo Checks, Burins, , Cottonades, Linen's, Bags & Bagging, r, • A good avaottment of catlß Mackerel" • Cheese, . Coffee, C. _MO! ANL. JEK: , WILLOW • WARE AND QUgEN.S.W.AIFLE,, Brown. Begets • White Sugar, ,Syrups, And every article necessary tassupply the pecessi. ties or render cembrtsible our. Ohl Almada and ac quaintances. We mean, to.give,paaaeuss., tarns. Ttozi To acmes' and give our friends every accom modation possible. The subscribers return thanks co their patrons tot 'past "favors and kindly ask a Foatinuance of- the same.. (Ap Ilk, 1865) P.6c H. PLANTS 3 PLANTS EARLY York and Ozbeart Cabbage; Butanes Beets; Red, Yellow anti Dwarf Tornau ea, Sweet and sharp Pepper, Egg Plants;, White &did Celle ry and Jersey Yellow Sweetpotato Plants, ad of which will be ready hi season, by the dozen hun dred, or thousand, at reasonable .priceii. for further mdiolars apply to the undersigned, Garden I *. mites: sodtbeast of Waynesboro'. 113 F. GOOD. April 14-If. SHERIFF A.LTY, OFFER myself eon Candidate for the()frig° of SIM.IRIFF, enlister. to, tins decisluit'ot: hint 15, iron 4oaiittating Convention. • 11103114,2 56AFEE.' ihtferreTsburg, April 28-;a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers