n r1 90.5011: 1 114, 115 t: V, • 4:7; k vc. . The following are out terms fur iinbicriptiini, -ndt•rrtiring end job work, to which we will strictly adhcrt; whilst'Aho prelent 1 4war plccs",,coritinue : StBSC4IPIION, Ter Annum, if paid within the ycar, •• ' yI after tho year, ADVEMISING, Per Square ril len lines, three times, ,eaclksubse,qyent..,,knoevion, Adaiinieiraitir i n and •'L':iectitor: i linotitcaAtv; • '2:6Ct. • A liberal deduction made to yearly advertisers. JOB. WORK Quarter-Sheet linnet-11Mo, (25,t0 30) $2,00' Half o. 6, 3.50 Whole -!$ t r it 4 •6 . • 6.50 M'For ttl! jpk,ye,orlcapsl Oca! ittit'ertlstitg terms • nsariably dfi BLAIR, 09-1 6 ° rirtrE subscriber intending. to abandon fainting, atititence, on thr , road leading from the Mats!' Run to The forks of the Antietam creeks, t miles from the former and 2 from tliti latterplacei on Saturday the 18th of Feb- Jewry 1865, the following personal property, to wit: .4WORK - ROASES.. .mong which are two goe leaders; ; a WE1...5103E3 CCYVVIS, , two fiC which or; fresh; 4 head Young etude, among which arc tw•o fine heifers; , OF 110 G S, among which arc 4 good brood sons, 1 Plantation Nragnt4l .pair hay iaddersi..2- seta 2•,sfts'frOnt gears, 6 sel*Ploilj'giltirli. 1, four-florae firidles, halters and ellaini; 2' air WI gliaintr, breast chaltr:, cow chains, ;I tea tiler Ily 7 nets, threq-horse ;harshen': plows, 3, don -11,10 shovel plow, barrow, treble doable and eittgl trees, 1 spreader, :2 lug chnins,`l sit Black smith Tools, 1 spring ralto,for hay or grain,wind mill, Walk ins' make; sletlaraita ensile and mow ing scythe, shovels, Milts, rakes am) ,iroes; HAT BY- THE - TO , 3 n lot Cerniodder, I hand Cider , Pree., Barnhart's make, 1 bag wagon, pa d many other articles not ne cessary to mention. -Sale to commence at 10 o'clock on said day when the terms will be made known by CHRISTIAN MIA VER. G. V. Mo'o. A n Jon 3—tl4) PME. ITIIIE subscriber in tending•to mono cyst, will Ne I 1 at pub; is tale, at his re:dance, about 1 j miles orth of Waynesboro', on Thursday lMe 23d day F. brziary, th , 65, the followipg pergonal property, loti MILCIT COWS, bnth'goo•.l, one of which, will,befro*h about the time of sale; 1 txigg Wngon, 1 Itocknwaivliuges, 1 set lliceeltbands, good am, new; 1• set Harness, 1 pair ne w b ugg y dues. I new Blind Bridle and Coll; I; I tirst-,rate 'Wheelbarrow, I goad Grindstorw, I M'- bar and digging iron, maul and wedges, 3 Ladders, 15, 20 and 25 fact long: 3 Windliu.s rupee, 1 ii n ge, blimp sledge; al out 600 feet of Yellow Fine lioorde, _•100 Chestnut tiLioglet4 500 Brick; 9 Soaps of Bees. anio n them is oat place which is occupied by 2 swarms which cars have access through the whole palace if di hired, or otherwise room fur the third swarm, also lo empty scups; I FALLING-TOP BUGGY and Harness, good as new; also about 40 ;BAR -11I:1,z" COHN; also Household and Kitchen Fur miture consisting - 4 - 4 2 bureaus,• I secretary and bookcase, 2 sales, 1 desk, 4 tables, two dining and one breakfast; I wash and 1 globe stand, 1 clothes and 1 wood chest, 1 wardrobe, 12 Bedsteads, one IL trundle betlctead, 1 kitchen • cuiioard, 2 rinks, 1 doughtray, 4 sets chairs, 1 settee, 3 rocking chairs, two large and one small; 5 benches; .1.18 MizrilrGOlNit7 .S LLJ one cooking and two tett-plate, with fixtures; 1 new flour eitt.st 1 large Copper Kettle with double bot tom, 2 bon kettes, 11 barrels Vinegar, I meat ves sel, 1 sausage ~tuffer and fat 'press, 1 large work bench, 4 tubs, churn and buck, potatoes by the bush• el, upplebutter by the crock, dishes, crocke, and a great many articles too numerous to mention. IM - bitle to commence at 10 o'clock on said day when the terms will be made known by ABRAHAM tqA MY. G. V. Moss, A uct, Feb 3—te] TUC SALE THE subscriber intending to move west, will sell ut public sale at his residence, 1 • miles from Waynesboro', on the road leading to Quincy, on Friday Me .241 k of Fcbruary, 1863, the following property, .to R it zaaa7 uaza4, 1 EXTRA LARGE COW of the devonshire breed, 1 Heifer; 1 Carriage for one or two horses, 1 spring Wagon, 1 hand wage n, 1 wheelbarrow, 1 double and 1 single shovel plow, I corn Bikaner, (llayhon's make* 1 set harness, collar, bridle and tiv-net, plow gears. halters and cow challis, forks, rakes, shovels and hoes, T digging iron 2' axes, 1 hand axe, •an gerS, aistielk and plunes,l cabinet maker work bench, 2 grindstones, 1 groin cradle,2 mowing scythes, 1 new cast 'frame and door or a bakeoven; 3 good Hives Bees; also household and kilchen furniture, consisting of 7 , BEDSTEADS,. 2 BUREAUS, .. , . , l'catio,2 , sets 1 aecictao, l'high cosi (hi viz ir ':111°13 1 chains, 4'rocking , chairs, •co Cupboard , stand,, 1 1 Sink, 2 tablet:, 1 eight•day cock, 1 twenty-Ivor hour.clock; , . 1 'NEW: COOK 'STOVE, with fixtures; 1 ten-plate stove, 1 coal stove, 1 flour chest,v3 wood bOx'ea, 1 iron kettle; a Jot iron pots. 1 churn, tubs and buclos, 1 j barrels vinegar, 1 :por ter, tinware, queensware, crocks, applebutter by the crock, hums and shoulders; also 2'shoerria•ker bench es and a machine to turn boots and a rounter with heavy poplar plank, a lot lasts and last Ironies and clams, a lot pegs. 1 wilting desk, and other articles too numerous to mention. IlanSale to commence at 9 o'clock on said day when the terms will be made known by DANIeI,SENGER. Feb 3—tsi 0. V. Moan, Anct. 511 1 Laak SIAND RrE N ■ MITE subscriber offers for rent his large BRICK STORE „HOUSE, • situated in" Mount Hope, 'Quincy township. 'Franklin county, •Pa., 4 nate', ..North• of :Weyn eaten'', on the road leadingto Chum diersburg. The storeroom is, large with hack room attached and :seller extending the whole length'of the rooms. Thera ,nre two large WARE ROOMS, belonging to the Lattire , one :;intekidej, .f o . r_groce r io s texelusivelY. 'The house is well calculated for.two families.: , There is also.,on the lot tidake fishy sta. kratraihog pen, and other huildinge, and a goad Araidap, all,thq,buildings,being iu.goad 'repair,. This prvirtsy .ig surrounded by a 'Wealthy . ..llnd- populous neighborisnod t six, public, roads leading u tliereto.— Oboe: ityjiaese, - ia a large t •nterchUnt .and .044- ft, it?Thic estaldishodApil won-, - IFFantike-,4hitt4.daroll4qrsoPs"Via.flin,g 41tgageju thm.hnitinessi„Nitilll ito., , , , Kiato A lai/ 1 0e Alta,.priverty *fere 'malty* engsgeinentiohiewhore 'rho sultsenbef t ionditt.seerimt nelthestadd,,et,Muunt' Hope, riellio county , Pa. ,P:Ossession given on: 11120, 04i: 4 r • J • 841 . 1P,W, P,FPUTZ. , . and;Proprietor. . . , ip t f TPIM subscriber intending ,tersiore west, will sell nt public silo, at his • reeidence, in • Quincy, on I herding, the 251 h of Febri-Witry, 16135, the following personal propertyile. wit: ‘ .. 5 tzEiktgßivionsc HORSES, 1 ti..o of wltich4 4 4#o, Jeadera and tatrasddle ..140,e , 1 sea: g Colts, iw :KrAl ll 4 l r - Yellrilligi :it ' llj'' it, „„o a tine st 4 is, t lta:!,,liZAtfit`igf,'"'entl leni 3 . ftil) 1 eel's' : 1 41:,P 6. , r' . .;;;':'..`.;:f• ,' '; ••••• 15 Hl 4 kVk Or . Ci i *T 2 l l itt . ...3 . . " „Aar of wII icdfsiik*o4 , 4tir4 to -11 iOtidto. 1 7,1 . t`;i; liesli ebout tin; PO o'f*iiva'.2...g?4,::Protailig -.Pck'*l and i t piplif;3l,s9,*.ttdirit,iliorltsoll' WiOg oll ifsi•tink, broadntreadLinid tiiii•eifialilliiiirriqii*ll;: -. 14.;hb4e'l Wagon; 1 , f.Talriage:, 1 - tiiiitiiiiv,,fl: - , ' it:lo ,1144;2,:pikfril tray carriAte.',/ lteo . oiiittek Reil',Oeti'l . .grilri drill i spring rake, 1 wheat fan, 1 - Threshin'g Illacline and horse powef, 1 Clover Hulks, 2* three-horse plortli.s, double akd 2 pinglh shovel plows, 2 liar rcu*A".444l=ieatiegentlik.nfidtkeiglbittr*OrVl iket trew BLACKSMITH - 7'001S; 1 large dinneOlell, 2 bus Cloverseed. Also about 55 Acres . , G R AIN '4 .. N ',VI If o i,G ROUX pf; A ,:'. lo ntimen6s . fo uriiinuon. 'Mock -lid dr many of - I.ICP at .; o'clock on Raul dny, when due titentlll666:suid realible'predit' l oll3lle4iv! en, , L/t,HREF;NEK.; , Feh_3-ttvl ' C. S'inuit,'Apit'. PUBLIC .:SALE.'-' rrHE subseriber intending, .to move "W it will sell at Public Sale about 2 miles East Z.l . Lei 7 tertiburgi' close to':Durborpoiv's Mill, ON FNMA V Tit i; 17Th O'F'PEISTAttr,-,14365, his entire, stack, viz : 1 FAMILY HQRSE • Well calculated forVitling or tpovitP, • which will be fresh April;.' 1 - Shoat•, ( I ciikriad-e tbr one or two horses; 1 pair Hay Ca rriages, 1 Sltligh, 1 Wheelbarrow, as good as new; 1 good Grindstone 1 Riding Saddle and Bridle, 4 cow chains, 1 Shov el, 1 mattock, fot hoes, it axes . , rakes and fonts; HOUSEHOLD , FORNITURE, I'Desk and Bork Cosb, goot as nes"r; 2 Bureaus. one new; 1 Safe, I Kitchen eupliciard, 2 binkt.', 3 'rabies, one a new wildeberry - ilining table, 1 new St )nd, 1 114. hour .Clock, 9 Be'dsteads, two high, good es new. 1 Cradle, 1 Lounge. sets 'titian's, 1. Hocking Chair, 1 large Flour sk;liet,t; 1 Ten-plate - toveand 1 RONAL COOK STOVE and 'fixtures, iron pots, wash tubs, meat vessels. ci der liarrelo, kegs, 1' churn, 1 largo Wool Wee', 1 Sausage Machine and Sniffer, 2 bushel baskets, L lame clothes basket, crocks, jars and jugs, a .lot of carpeting, I doughboy; A Stand Picklesi tinware, also a lot of Hay anti other srticl.s not necessary to msntiorL,--171r-LtSale-to-commenceck_att said day, when a reasonable credit vt ill be given by MILLER, G. V. Aloso, And. 27-fg . .] PUBLIC SALE. rrkllG unthqtig•nedswill bell at public Sale at the 4'.. , l7Vashingt.4.t: Itin,"ln•Wayitesbero', On It'd vesdail the 151 k of February, 1865, tl.e personal property, to wi•: 2 Good Horses, Dallja.la Clicsithirwhich will bk fresh . in Minch; I two•horse Uu Triage, 1 Falling-top Bug gy. in good order; 1 riding Faddle, and bridle; 1 side saddle, I wheelbarrow, z good ily-nets., e; cow ctainsp - stmel,:tnattock and crowbar; I SECRETARY I BUREAU, 3 Bellstends, 1 trundle bedstead, 1 dining table, good as new; 1 kite , en table, 2 sets chairs, 1 large rocking chair, 1 safe, 1 stand, 1 settee, 1 parlor stove, 1 (hum and a lot pipe, 1 iron kettle, 1 churn, 1 Eatonge machine and ratifier, 2 barrels Vinegar, 2 barrels first-rate cider, a lot kegs and barrels, with many other articles not necessary to mention. :Sale to commt lice at 10 o'clock on said day when the terms will be made known by ADELINE ECKMAN. Feb. 3—.-tsj Wee ADASSR, Aitet. rUBLIC SALE. MEE undersigned Administrators of Elizabeth PeardorlE dec'd, will offer at PuNic ,Sale, on Saturday Me 25th day of February, 1865, the fol lowing Real Estate, to Wl2 : about of an acre o. Grogpd, situated on the Pike. 3 miles east of Vir ay ncsboro', on which is erected a TWO STORY aLitaaz tac/11,240 containing 6 rooms and a Kitchen. Also n double 1 7 .1.. g Stable, tiranery with Cellar, Carriage House, W ash House, Bake Oven,. and other convenient buiNliti_s. There is choice fruit on the premises, .t.a,h. an Apples, Peaches, . ears, - ropes, c in a Cistern near thedoa,", and a well of water convenient to the h.)tise. Sale to commence at 11 o'clock, A. M. JACOB DBA PDORFF, JOHN 8 DEARDORFF, A.lm'rs. Peb :r..-1s) REAL ESTATiI FOR SALE. B Y virtue of an order'cifithe Orphans Court of ly Goutino,nTleas of Prinklin Gou " , January, Term, 186 s—pa COMU iittee df the'es fete of Jacob Wolf of Wa.impsboro',. I will expos to sale on SA MR DA l''' THE 25 TH RE Bli AR Y, . 1865, on the premiies, the folio swing described Real Estate: ala iir Parcel of Ground situated on the North side of Main street, in: Waynesboro', known as the west half of lot No. 41 121 the general plan of lots ot said borough, being :about 41 fret wide, and 154' feet deep, running baci..,to a [2 fitot alley. ~ There is erected on said gam I ot gtounl a e balite two , . story , ) 'DWELLING HOUSE ' part brick and :part (rat le, in excellent condition— with Brick Sinoke floe so, Wash House and first rate 'Stable nearly mew. ' There is a neverefailing well of porn water in the yard, and choice fruit on the premises. There is n o more desirable property than this in the neighlwirhood, it being suited equal 7 ly well for a business sti.mi or private residence. Terms made known Wa the day of sale. JOSEPH DOUGLAS.. Feb 3—ts ] Committee of Jacob Wolf. • Wm. Anams,'Auct. PUBLICP. SALIM' 'subseriber• will Bell at public tulle on the ji,p remises 3 h miles shaft-east of Oreaneaade and near the mad 'leading to the Waynesboro road, on Saturday the 25th of February,llB6B, the following property, to wit : • IIED• or CATTLE, 2 of which .are r " , ';excelleto . , Mitch Cows, 2 head of .hogs; also a•bit furnitureonach as 2 bureaus, safes 1 corner cupboard, 1 kitchen cupboard. I Cleck,.4- Lies, chairs,-,bedsteads, /, Cooking i4oye..inest ves sels, 1 .new saddle, and bridle; applebutter by the crock, meat, lard an Tontines; 1, hand'TA, govt, some hay, 1 grain cradle, mowing scythes, ales; 1 barrel , vinegar, tubs, buckets, drocks, tin ware. shovel , forka, and other artichks . uptpseentsarzlifivinention. ' Sala to commence at 10 o'clock on said 'Ony when the terms will he made known.,,„ • -•,.• • , 0/ 1 / 1 1§tIA,N . ;Jan ,3-3tj . , yv:4lc.ir, uct. URA ft. .0 . 'Fornitrilatnerir. J3.'11 ehards, - Chambergbn rg,, 11AS•Rf . r,trfi an office in Wayrifiaborp' o , in C m n , h neouse erected by Dr. James + Li iotherton decessalland'wilvfusistirruPAY ip AO T4 lB . ' Jir• l i 3 tfn, ,;., si - E,izi , ' - " , ' , 'o • ~,-, i , ,‘ • i‘FOR6 , II-EN:r...-; ,,,,, ..1: : ' . ... 4 LT' i! ,:4 il.o' 'l ' KV fl.'".q . ''''' '' '. '. . / , I . Tip .unilers!gped °Font iipirKet,sl hat lionae, AO • ,lot Naitti spoil )3titaisniikenA,;Yirnrgoillnalser hop, on 'Main tttpeet. WOnealmicronTl,ift _good repair. • (jun f.II--31) El.i.'4A.: i ii • A'prFF., • S • ,• . i .. .... _ 11:11111.21c„sALE , btlitttt4il; i4t,dClfrifiirt7t: ~ • - .. g' , '! ' CapifeL—s2eo,ooo. .CAO4/-200.000." Par Cal $lOO ...„ . , ...........:...—....= 0 OFF' (1 ERS. . • 4 . ' HE subseriher intending to quit, farming will President. • 3...'5e1l at*Public Sale at his residence 1 and 4 . JOHN lab Wt. miles West of Wiyitesbora',. ' r Seiretgry and Treasurer. Oa 'Manila,' the 2.04'e10y of Pabiltar y , 1865% • " .l, taINIPSO. Iy'RICA . the follOitig . ,,!'irnttiable personal property. to 'wit :. , Pireelcirs, , j i,: ) .:. n r ow le o te . lz r r, e , o M il : a eint:elsburg, Penns. ' .11„0 . 4,51E5, 4: .;14 i' lik' : P. Benedict', lierlfottt.., eMisistitig of siv•Work. tiOrseit;* three. i.. 4) 5. (A Everhart . Ili' alrnsburg, " .. • s ~ , •*etti eld•Calts Oral' tWo4frarlitit 4 bead John J. Sehell,. Somerset, ' ' " Cithlet, arnonieighich aril ll'ltlell,ol#ol one will too 1 C. P. Ramsdell, Oil"Cify, .ti liitai ylholitittil liiine..ef 'sale ''''''- 1 4'''':!: - ,%'-',, i „• - +c ; H. Seymntn. Itsgerstown,lty. „ . ~ .- . ‘.- :. . 5,, ~ . ~,,0 . -, tr . ,- :',....,... •,, -: ~.. Oirki•iz—NO4:3O . WA4:NICT 'lltiPlil`'' PRiiiilk . ' ' MIA. 2. : ' ,511) HEAD Or HOGS, 1 , ' •, • ' ' ' ' including three fine. Brood Sows, with 1 i 3 dor: itnn,,D.,.. wit G 02%7 .. 5%, . 1 tsprin - g . N '2 v (l n ' -;0-7: 11 svo , , ,, ,uvu-Aar..S Ei9;...: 1 '13 rt § A WORKING bAPITA PLANTATION TopAuggy,,, 4 carshenr. Plows ; S. Double and 3, Single 'S. hatiellPlow4,l IlirieWia,:li•tClotit•llioveretV rhis Com p an y Z palr,Bitv Carriages, 3 Wood Beds. 1 Gum spring family with the Laws of the State, and places no has been. -organized in strict -con. Grain Drill, nearly new; (' Frorel's make) one Pin lielicious value La iy! Stuck, 012, Shares being Grain Arill-,lFlElrringjiny Balm - , 1 Revolving Rake, sold at Pit : ~.•,: .. : , . 1 111'ew, York, iomldaied 1 , • ' ' 1 .CND MOWER, ng.ttitu (Maiden & :Chips. lnantifiteturera);, I'. CRoppink mip o I:straw and...ladder Cutiqic 1 Cutting?Kliti Wind Mill, 2 sets Beiechbands,'S sits.Fiontfreart, 6 sets Plow Gears, Bridles, Collets, Housens, Hal. iota, anitilyne:t4TOlde, Dotib)e and Single. Trees, 4 Log Chains , breitse - and butt chains, fifth chain and Spreaders, I new jack screw, 1 Roller, 2 sets dung boards, 4 Grain Cradles, 4 mowing scythes, rakes,forks a dot Grain Bags, Seed Potatoes 2 bids. Vinegar, 3 lard barrels, 1 moat vessel, 1 Dinner Bell I large' Dinner' Table, 2 Churns, 1 ash hopper, Cross.,cut Saw, Crow Bar, mattock and shovels; 2 atone Sledges, I Uhler 'Press., la TONS OF PRIME HAY , lot co„nf.dder, 1,00 blintelee Rye Straw; 20 bushels Rye, I , , 1;00 BARRELS CORN, 1 set Blacksmith Tuck, 1 Jimmy plate, 1 extra lliedge, 35 ACHES _ GRAIN IN THE GROUND, 15,600 OF FEET,LUMBER, consisting of White, Yellow end Oak Boards, Vellotii Pine and Oak Mee,. Pine and Oak Studding all 'Thoroughly sea soned, end many other ortiMes not mentioned. At the same time there will be ollered _ 50 ACRES OF MOUNTAIN LANA I: lying j 'mile 'sbuth (Stle Toll Gate on the moon. Min, adjoining Minis ol Jacob Cerbaugh, 'George Pourthman. and:others'. ®'Sale to commence at 0 o'cic•ck on said day whe:i the terine will be made known by W; IV:WALKER: 7— . Jan. 27—ts) G. V. Mesa, Auct. PUBLIC SALE 1 sulseriher intending to move wept,. will IL r ell nt Public, Sale, at his residence, on the farm of Sithon Shank, 2 miles from the Turnpike leading from Greencastle to Waynesboro', 1-2 mile from Joseph Snivel • y's Blacksmith Shop, and one mile from the Marsh Store, on Tuesday Me 21st of February,, 86k the following personal property, to wit , 5 WORK HORSES ono of which 14 a Brooi' Mare with foal; I three yearling anJ 2 yoarling-Colt•tt 14 READ OF 1103 N CATTLE, among which arc 9 Milch Cows, 4 of them will be fresh about the time of sale, the halanee• Young Cattle;, 5 head of li 0 G S, among which m one brood sow with pips; 9 head of 8 B F, E P.; Threewinch tread Wagon, 1 Two-horse Wagon, 1' Rockaway Buggy. 1 pair . %Vocal Ladderi, 1 nair Hay Carriages. 1 Horse Power, 1 Clover Huller, 1 Corn Sheller, 1 Manny Reaper, 1 Wheat Fan, 1 Revolving Grain Rake, 1 wire tooth Rake, 1 Cutting Box, 2parshear Plows, 1 single and 3 double Shovel Plows, 1 Corn Cov erer, 2 Harrows. 2 spreaders, double treble and sin gle trees, 1 filth-chain, 2 leg chains, breast chains, butt traces, cow chains, 1 Jackscrew, 1 grain cra• die and mowing scythe, shovels, forks, hops, rakes, 1 axe, 1 patent pitch fork. rope 200 feet long, a lot grain bags; 2 sets Breechbands, 3 sets Front Gears, 2 Ply-net L four-horse line, bridles, collars, halters and chains, 1 Set Blacksmith Tools, 1 Screw Plate; maul and wedges, 2 sets dung boards 1 wheelbarrow, a lot Flax, 2 snaps Bees ; 24 ACRES OF GRAIN IN THE GROUND, 2 mattocks, I crowbar. 1 grindstone, 1 riding sad dle, 1 side saddle, and many other articles not enu merated. Sale to commence nt 10 o'clock on said day when the terms will be made known by JACOB WINGERD. I+o7l-52m7ay, Fehrtea7f2S"rl - 86 - 5, the subscriber will oiler at pnbliC sale the following Household rprniture, viz :-3 Bureaus, 2 Corner Cupboards, 4 Tables, 2 Stands, 7 Bedsteads. one Cooking Stove end pipe, 2 Piine-plate Stoves and pipe,2 sets Chairs, 2 Rocking Chalk, 2 24. hour Clocks, a lot queensware, 1 patent washing ma chine. 1 flour chest, l chest; I sink, 1 safe; 1 iron. kettle, 1 meat vessol, barrels, tubs, crocks, a lot of breed pans. appiebutter by the crock, 1 sausage Grinder and stdffbi; 1 fdt press, buckets, tinware, I (Omer bell, 24 pounds of now feathers. and many a chy articles. Nate to commence at 10. o'clock when the, tante will be made known by JACOB WjNGERD. Jan 7-- G. V. Mom), A uct. - TRUSTEES' SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. • tho to Petblic Sale, nn I.t p H re E n ß is E eg w , n il e l a h r e• t e h z e p t clea: l in co. Pa, ON SA TURD A 1", YER:WARY 1 44, 1865, the following described Real fate e 3411(..9.1%TEL1C:01%T of Conrad Zody, dee'd, adjoining lambs of SonNel Pfoutz, John Summers, Emanuel Miller, GoorgC Gieenewalt and Samuel Wingert, situate in Quin- I cy township, said county, containing 107 ACRES, more or less, about 85 Acres clear, under good fence and well cultivated, Lilo balance in Timber. There is an excellent' Orchanl of young trees growing on the premises. The land.is well watered. Thole is a good throe-story Blln BULLING HOME, •STONE , AND FRAME BARN on the land, and every necessary out-house completo. The property is very desirable, as it, is , sifpnictl chase, by the,Wayncs bpro' and Charntiersburg road., within a few hun dred .yarils,of,. Mt. Hope., Tants: • One-third of the purchase money,. (less expenses) is to remain in the I and, the interest there ; of to be paid to the widow semi-annually. for life; at her death the principtalo.Conrati Zotly's heirs, The -balance one batten the of April, 1865, • the other, hatfon. the 'Apr April, 1866.. with• intPrest from the-Ist day of A.pri1,.18q5 4 lobe secure& by re cognixaneP and judgement. • . • Sole to commence at 10-o clock„ A. M.,on said day.,• JOHN 201.11",:, ' •.• 1: • ' 0E0.45 1 / 3 111 , LERS, 5 r i P t t ea ' Jan 26-:-ta.. ,!': ' ;L .FOl E' IMlllH'subreriber,ruardiSn for tho'heini of Peziall dee7illi . olters toPrent 14 , eeres:Of land die - West end or Wayn'esbor urien' :10) i:e4 • are'e .teeted"a Tero4tars - • • • • 'BRICIF.I)I#33LLII9O'7IOI79E,' ? f PRI'•4I 99°1 04 4 AMNE..HPl 7 4ol l sl.4oer.ilie'elt• AtampAt , 4ol4ingi.„ Whge 1e.,01,19,9p.44.pr0Pii1C1$ a' fine Aropo'of cipripe fruit trees and a oevey4dPug 4 r ood water at the door. il;!or;furlher.parlic.' •ulare enquire of G eu. 1:7All Aral] • JlMenr.til 4.116 . 6rt1t . The Property of this Company •ie .situated in Scrub Grass Township, Venango , county, Pa., and is known es "The 'Thomas lacotiO Oarm,r recently oivned by tlijah Jacobs. Th. "contains two hundred acres of fond, which the coliipany own in fee"*simple. Orilat value is attitcheitho'that location on acctakni of its raiiniity 'fo''seviir,ll Of the best producing wells s iti the Ventilige Oil Region. The Farm lies on the west side df the AJLigheny River, having a river frontage of upWards id' one mile in 't stem, giving suffiCielit liorih , i Surfs ile for at least one hundred wells. Imillediately op posite, on the east side of the rivet, 'are pow in sui.cessful opera tion, two excellent oil. welhi. There is a line boot landing on the Farm, affording excellent facilities for the shipment of oil, the Contiguity of the river saving the great expense of transportation incurred by parties operating leafier from.the strewn.. There is also upon the premises a. large li l ptel, and the great agricultural value of the Farm isi edit - tilted ),..), all who are acquainted with the natu ' Utile sod The Company feel well assured that the opera tions 7 commenced by them will restitt in the devel opments of one et the:richest Oil Basbas of the Re gion. The fact of the 'farm being I ' :aeated in the immediate vicinity of the bestprbducii?g Oil Terri tory yet discovered. is sullicient : assuraipce of this be. lief. There is at present the greatest activity in this vicinity, and a great thnand_toLl boring terri i tory. The Company, is organized - solely with the view of developing :heir Territory and, enghging in the legitimate business of producing 04 The man aoment of the ailhirs of the Company' bas been en trusted to gentlemen of well-known brininess quali fications, who will bring, to the accomVisliment of their purpbse, their united enterprise and skill. lEtir A Limited Number of .Sbares will be eold at Par Value. but — l4 — rcrceived—by-3 01-FN— PHILIPS, First _National I.lank, Way itesaosti. Jan 27—IC. PUBLIC SALE. • FrHE undersigned' wilt offer at _Public Sale, a t his, residence 1. mile and quarter north of ,Lei tershurg, near the pike leading. from Loitemburs t o Waynesboro', on WEDNESDAY Tits 15TH OP FEERE AR V, 1865, the,fol lowing property, to 'nit: NINE . ,HORSES, among which are 2 two-yearling, Colts, H thriving Shoos, 2 heavy Broad Tread Pairn Wagons, near. 1y new, 1 Wagon, Bed, 'Bows and Cover, 1 Bplit)g Wagon, I Falling-top Buggy, "good THRESHER AND SEPARATOR. 1 pair Any Carriages, 1 pair Rail 'macro, 1 Roll ing Screen, Rye Straw by dip bundle; Corn by the barrel;, Oafs and pots toes by, the bushel; Plows and Harrows, Treble, Double and Single Trees, Front and Plow Genre, Ply-nets, bridles, collars, 3. hou sens, nearly neiw; a lot of dry Walnut. Popular and Cherry 1,1;11113ER; and many otuer articles not Mentioned. Sale to commence at 9 b'clock, when the terms will be niade known. DANIEL 3fENTZEIL I Will ale°, at the fame time and place, offer my Farm at Public Sale, containing about 14.4, -EL CI IL 30 p gond A.ntietunt Land, bounded on the -north and west by the A ntietsm Creek, East by the lingers. town and Waynesboro' turnpike. The Buildings are. a large Brick House and a large Bank Barn, both nearly nc'w, with all necessorY Out-buildings. DANIEL MENTZER. J. DOWAYD, Auct. Jan PUBLIC SALE. liii3El ITHE subscriber intending to move West will t Sell at Public Saie',itt his_tesidence r ittiric-• Om .6V4uniczy the 11th day of February, '65, the, tollowitig property, to wit COPED HORSES, I MICH COW, which will be fresh by day of sale, ! ,2 head of HOG s; 1 ' 1 'New Trotting Buggy, 1 good Spring Wagon with bows and cover, 1 good Sleigh , and suing hells, 2 sets new Harness, 1 good Buggy Spring, 1 lot hay and Straw, 1 good Riding Saddle, 3 cords Otik Wood, 2 good tly-cute, 2 horse blankets, fl pair scales, ) pair steelyurtls, .61)0, lbs. Bacon, 100 lbs. Lard, a lot Sausage and Pudding, 800 POUNDS TALLOW , Applcbutter by the crock; also Household Ftirni ture-2 good Bureaus, I sate, new; 2 good Sinks, 2 acts Chiles, 3 Rocking Chairs, I Table Chair,4 Bedsteads and *tiding, 2 Clocks, 1 Ten-plate Move, 1 Parlor Stove,,a lot Carpeting, j 3 Tables, 2 Wash, Stands, Kitchen Cupboart 2 Meat .V.ea. sets, queentiware and Tinware, 2' Looking (flum es, 1 Hocking Cradle, 2 Chests, t Iron Kettle,-win dow blinds, table oil cloths, and many other articles. Salo to commence at 9 o'clock on said day when a credit of six months will be given on all sums of $5 and upwards 'by MIA N DER - KING. Jan 2 o—u] b.llll/1, Auct. WAtt . . ThE PHCENOC • 11.11: 11 't INSURANCE COMPAN V, io r nnoolanr, • . have con,!ented s lß nsure a lunitell.timount of prop, erty s:iteal and Personal AGAIYST LOSS , BY WAR Ox 'INVASION. Persons wishing to insure there'prnperty ng.linst destruction by • • , REBEL EN VAEION should make curly applic..l inn to JOHN. 11 - 111IPS, First National Rank, Wspeaboro% Jan 0-3 r. HAY. WANTED: IIHE subscriber will pay the highest market price in ; 'A IS h 'fur TIMOTHY HAY de livered in ,Wayneshorue. Vieth, H. FORNEY. ••• • • • nrea4VAILF :011440,01.651WRG,.. Alta in. recall of .o.lr. CLOTHS. widths " Float ,an.l Stair. Also :Pa per tie yarn ialtich iahut'hair the coat of Calton ,Wrapping Yarn..ll . ; ;4, ,lA'aiatholetale.or retaittat thclowest market rata. wpeartment,o( I,lry,,tiooda kept lip all seasons nf: the , A nn . 2764 tt T,',.l6sTrap;rEAT, ( 171 ,/? ,14ottr,b , - ;41, Aura ; reme. dy.. ~S cut. <4.l,Pst• iti .9 11 :;e0e44 ofPeet/4„ ;•1 :111.34 1 / 4 01ig." , isti, • " "" ''" 5.1:4 4 • • FUlti'Z'a - IFIANT 'SUPPLY-Ott - iiliiii - :::" ' ,FA L 1i,.-..' ! 4,NtP 'W N. ER. 7,,.;,,,.., ..-- ~, ~, '. ~,,./.1I - T-" Tilt ~,,,..,,,:-; Trgx. l gt" FASHIONABLE.: 4 ,:CLOTIIING EMPONIHM ... , ..,: , 'T , ,; ..,, ~, y.:,, , , : , f, SikattEs) 4 rig , --7,--.7,, ; .... 1 - ''-t- tiror'''oft'lPlain 'l l iP:lni c A : l l; • 6l cy li' r jt -e a ' 4ititittild:Ottiiit : i' : ' ' ' ,(MelitlEPEZaptiMOlistriQkFt;lo . "7 . ' Plain antl.tancy t VES 6 ilrilii§, rill 01:76vhieti 1;111, 0 made in sordaiin,tho , most fasl,ionable and wells marilikajiihnner,'o,sold in Patterns _to 'snit caw triers. '''-'Aldo ..a Tull stock — of 7 ---- , • READt,;IIEDE CLOTHING se.C.LI.VAP FOR CASIL-W • Also, one of the beeesele'cledAticks FIJRNISHIN •'"oollSAnAtte-tOwn—fi . oisery, Gloves unit 'flee irt'tildless varietY. Alan, Military clottoi and Cossiinerete which will be tootle o order at•the shortest-notice. . J. A. FISHER. oppositelVoshington House, Heecretown, Md. • Oct. 21.1864. ------------ 110TEL 9 30 LL • - ~ • FRANCIS' .BOWD EN ;; PROPRIETOR, THE subscriber respeolfulli;anniittneSs to his friends and the public gener.ill he has concluded not to dispose of: WS Betel , property end will continuo the business ns herbtoforP. The House has but recently been thoroughly TED and BE-FURNISHED, so that • ho. is now enabled to aford every comfort dud eoni•tntienee to his guests. His TABLE will at all titres be Provided with the best provision the markets will aflind. Attached to this Betel 'to a large and commodi ens 'dew Stable. An attentive Hostler will at all times he-in readi ness, and special attention will be pail la the wants of transient visitors. FRANCIS BOWDEN. I y ______ _..... . !otiOat-Ettetarterly liteporir7t OF TNI: FIRST NATIONAL BASK OF WAYNESBORO', PA. — :RESOURCES. Bills'and Notes Discounted '515,452 ; 18, i Due by City Nai. Banks $22,539,86 Due by other Banks ' 2, C 80,45 Remittances and cash items 115 1 00 J.J. S. Limns 20,060,t•U 11-r-S-.-Sleii6iiee til-44363. Cask on hand in circulating. notes of this Bank In .National Currency In State Bank Notes Other lawful Money Total Resources- LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid in $50.000 00 Surplus Fun•ls Ci reu latinkr Notes received from Comptroller Depobites • Divitlenils unpaid Profit anti Loss di, , Total Liabilities V The iibovo stntement is coned to the best of my : knowledge and belief. JAI). PHILIPS, Cosh. .1 Sworn and subscribed before me, Jan. 3. 1P65. j Jan 6-61) J. F. EURTZ, Notary Public.' PLtpag - 141 - _t' .?-11-- IMRE undersigned Will Roll nt Pnblic Sale at his A, residence, on the trim of Rev. Jacob Price, n.' long the branch road leading from Mt. Dope tol Grindstone Hill, 2 mill!' from the former and 4 from ; the latter place, On Monday the 13 a day of Illn 4 uary ; 1865, '' ' ' . i a the following property, to wit: , g i , 5 ,...,, ~. • )41.4. .of which is a fine brood mare with %.: .-::...,,,-' .' kg . . - i . foal and one fine Family Bores, 1 three-yearling Colt - Tih r \ r i " r i l lrl3) IV- I , — )r, fin I, 0 - ( - 0, li 1 t i , ,,, . ; ,14 HEAD Or CATTLE, 11 utEj jLs a aljapjj among which rire.five head Much Cows. 1 fine Dor- ; - ham Bull, 11 head Cotswell Sheep, and 22 head of r . Stock Hogs; - -- I ~,, WIN'S WINTF.II (fonDs. . Sl:' PLAN - T.II I EON WAGONS, j. ' NEN'S WINTER " ()()I) S . . M-1:- _. 2 Sz' A4,7-no -1 364 g — vt - figonsF 2- 131:1 - agies, one nerly new; 1 t riage, 1 good Sleigh, 5 Harshoar Plows, 5 Double' and two single Sl'ho'vel Ploevs, 2 Harrwvii, 2 pair of Hay Carriages, 1 Threshing •Mnchine and Horse Power, 1 Grain Drill; patent Hay. Rake (Struck'is) ONE REAPER. nubble ' Double and single tress, 2 log chains, breast. and butt chains, filth-chain and spreaJers, 1 Jackscrew, 1 set Dung Boards, also Vinegar by the barrel; 4 sets Front Gears, 2 sets Breechbands, 5 sets Plow Gears, Collars, Housens ned Bridles ; ON , SET OF OUCISMITI . 1 ' CI 0711 S CASSINI:RTC AAD S47lNr,7Ts OATS BY THE lISIIEL, CuRA - B CLOTHS , , CASS7IIII,RIS AND S 4 TINET7S THE BARREL ; CLOTHS, oAssnnurs AND SA FLVETTS, H ousrhold Furniture-1 Secretary, Tai lee, Chairs, UNDERSHIR and other articles too numerous to mention. i UNDITSHIRTS Sale to commence at 9 o'clock on slid day when UNDERSHIRT, the terms Will be made known by AND DEZLhIAH SHANK. A AD 0. V. Moro, Auet A 'AD Jan' 13-1 s) PUBLIC SALE. MBE urniersigned , having Pohl his farm, Trill Roll at Public Bale, at his residence, 2 miles north east of Waynesboro', nen; the road leading from Waynesboro' to ilopewell On Tue4.chiy the 14//s do?, of. Fi )irnarJ, PGS, Mc property, to: 1 FAMILY MARE -S M11 , 911.4::1.17:71E31, I BULL, OF YOUAti CAPCLE. 1 ontAerse Wagon, 1 pn i r Wood Ladovrs, 1 pair HAY CAIIIIIAG NS 1 Thrssltit g Mn• cl:ine, noel Shaker, 1 Windmill, I Cutting Box, 1 Bar Shear Plow,. 2 double and single Shovel Plows, 2 1 4 ,trrows,,1 nipper, tgpteaders. I Log Chain, 2 rifth Chaim, Cow Chains, Traces, Butt Chains, n lof of terms, old Iron, single, double and trebble trees, 3 seta Horse Gears, 1 set Baruess, 2 fly Nets, Saddles, Collars, Bridles, Halter's, vvagontind plow Linctiand Whip, • 116241 ) 114* MACHINE. 2 harn`Shave), ii`iot Forks and buttes, 1, Pick, 2 ;Stone .bledgcs, crow bar and digging iron, a. largo Well Rom 2 grain Cradles, 2 inowtngitjthes, a tot corn choppers, 1 L'road Axe, noarly, - irelv; 1 Meat Bench; also • ' • • 8O• BUSHELS OP WHEAT, 20 BUSHELS UP R. YE, 25 Vtindltis.rtflitye t t•:travir. 2 bushels rlaz Sod, :bushel of Clover Seed, a 1.4 Plaster, 31 Crain Bo ,7,5„1 pair. new Stake, maul r.od. .wedges, a good shot Gun. Corn Brooms andot lot glues; also 1' Bedstead, 2 large titoves, 1 Parthr Stove; 2 Tables; 2 Moillieks, 1 .tiet, , ntsw C ire,' 'l. Rocking •Chair, 2,,Meat Velsreis, 1 Churn Sausage t :utter sod Stoller, 1 Tub, 1 porpet,ll,o,- tle, aunt dt her trtielitt not necessary:to ro..tntiOn. laialo. to conwsencesti,lo u:stl!fcla Cis said • day; ,wllen au, 'tuns will by wade known . ' JACOB P HES , • lIMEZI Pt) hVb 411 . 211ini, yv ir i s i ger 0,140 c stau Witte eti.4,l, etc Ltiq„lteJ Hurt • ;(... g. ; „ , tjar,`lrrialahig, 4 s ll,ttity. Ouiy 1,'6.2.) • t I ,A 1 , , . 174 • • ; 11,111_,1L .11IBERSON. BE ERECT' &CO., ARE • NOW. RECEIVING THEiR • .11 - .A7 - Tretz:' . :ES 220,00 rap° 025,00 10,070,24 _---$181,020,CS 43,000,00 87,159,69 474,:i7 1.01;6,98 ----$184,020,6f3 GROCERIES (7r.7reries, 1 • Groceries, Groceries, nrWe woutacalt the attention our custom ors and the public to our new sock of goods, snd at ilia amino time return our thanks to customers and others for their liberal patronage, and will en drivor:bv fair dealing witli all, to merit a cuntinn-. *nit' of the ItAtkii!.". ;)•,' - r•, • .1111.1.KE 7 S ) tilt ccs al /Fel , 5, . '. i: , ;' ,, .: t:,f. --Z4---41-:- ",:- - .'Ei:',i ::„..,, 4 ,•,., , ' ';', ',. ;" -, I==W VrilTradsboro' Pa. 1 , 1 ts'y '6l 19' 1. . 1112sT , '4 • l - • - M9ll 4' '4 - IvrNicrt (:001)4.; WINTER lillY l:f 101i)Ds MCA /V& 7L'All) TEE:, DRESS 1, %Dlr.; ',AMEN LAffirk 1 VEBB (MODS 1)RI3S8 COMP; 1/1;1:S:+ (:001)s PITS, SHAWLS A No) Nunms . FIRS, SITA WI 1-; AND NUM IS, FURS', MU AWLS; AN fl NUM IinSIERY ANI) (IT,OVEN, 11115TERY ANI) Gl,illrFm, 1f11)ifl:1?1 - ANI) !:1,01!:5 f;(1(11)14, MEN'S Ii , INTF;R thie)l+6, f*l E AP. CHNAP, Nit All. CUBAP. THS, nRAWF:Rs. DRAWL n'. TWA WERE. Y GOODN, DRY (400 DR, DRY GOODN. TEM ZED" Qn&nsicare, Queenstenre, Quecostegiy ANIIII:7RSO,N, I.I43,EDICriSc'CO, Octntlor 11,181;1 • • , , 0 fir OTOS r? , agireheare, [Tat:dwarf., Notion 8 , , Not iv? No lel. 1 I I' I's
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers