VILLAGE lIKORD4 ^VUN s3' 3ort '~. Friday ) rebrOtty 10,18611 q, Foreter float that standard sheet! Whkre bieithes the foe hth folliehefirte be, With Freedom's soil beneath our, feet, • . And Freedom's banner streaming o'er nal 3F't7l33Eail 54Ak.0.3. Eir We invite special attention Coyne sales itt out adVertising columns, tocothe. of as — fos . Leander 'Xiigy Abruary Viody,•& Slimmers; " 'llezekialOhank i " Jacob F, Hess, ' Daniel blentter, - • " Adeline Eckman., " =Abrtn.. t. Christian Beaver, o •W. W. Walker., Jacob Wingerd, ' Conrad Masters, Ignatius, ic Abrm. Stamy, Daniel •Sengar, . 4; J. 1). lleerner, Christin Easton, J. S. De,ardOrfr, -eras. Donglas, D. H. Ptink, LC D. W. -Newcomer, " -Jacob Wingert, " B. 'E. Price, March 'Geo. Jacobs, " Jditn Fisher, 151ICTING OFFICE FOR S AB,— We this week otter for sale am- office. The -par --Jsubseription, advertising and ;ebbing patron Inge surpassed by few couetry papers. The - office is well supplied with material. • Exchanges will specially favor us. by ring. • LAST NOTICE.—We have yeupon our books the' names of many subscribers who have gnat paid us a dollar on their accounts_ ;for eeveral years. 'Unless payment is made s tiy t/te 17th of February we will strike the --- nartnes - of such - from — our — list.-I.'be increas.z —, ..eil price of paper and all ether articles leave na no other alternative but to do a strictly cash business. We will use the names of those from whin we fail to recover arrear- ages by law as a standing advertisement, and wo . export to have . a tolerable list as this kind of material has beon accumulating on our hands for several years STORE FOR SALE.—See advertisement of J. 13eaver in another column. • RECEIVED.—We acknowledge the re. ceipt of e 3.00 for subscription from John Louderbach, V:nton, lowa. PLISLIC SALES.—A large amount of valuable personal property will be found ad vertised for sale in to-day's paper. -Read the vertisemen nOPEIVELL OIL CO.—We ate author ized to say that subscriptions to this Compa ny at $1.00• per share will not be received afterthe 25th inst. Persons wishing to make investments in. the meantime are referred to Jam Philips, Esrp, vent in this place. We the young ladies of this' place have formed . a society called the "Loyal Daugh tars," to aid the Christian Commission in giv ing relief to the sick and wounded soldiers in the hospitals. Waynesboro' has not done very Much in this cause until late: The 01. der ladies have set the example and the young er ones are following. We have been -en couraged in all our undeitakings by the coun try and town folks. The society will be con tinued and any one wishing to contribute to this 'much loved cause can do so, ' whether money, .clothing, or provisions, it will be thankfully received at the store of'D. B. Russell, or of 'W. S. Amberson; The following is a list of the Loyal Dough- ACCDDENT.—On Friday: last all ac cident happened tow little t 3013 of Divid ;ers: Shotip;•by which hp 'narrowly - escape& with lUS life: It aPpers he got on the lazy board Oar large • vvagort which was loaded with ,bar. roiS; and in the act of ..ettin ,, off fell, oite-1 'Wheel paSsiug over his arm and shoulder SNOW 5T0114..0). , Tuesday' last the deepest snow , of the season..' J 1 in this region, covering the grJund• to the deoth of eleven or twelve inches. Sleighing' may now be said to be excellent, with respects of con tinuing for some time. breaking his arm and' otherwise seriously in- " M. E. Bell, L jutinghirrr Dr. I. N. Snivcly was calledtol V. Beldam], • ie. 'S. C. Philips, air tt lief, aud we arc pleased to learry.thatl Wtr for e soldiers return thanks to all the , patient is doiniwell.l ! for the' hi ri d,;,tss done. We have sent one barrel geoid, one ,boa, which have - been receiv ed by t h e G omt oissiou. It will be under stood by tto.u.aok gers of the Fair detail that was leg from ' L im Fair was sent . to the soldiers by trs: The contents of the boa are as follows: 6new shirts, 5901 d do. , 5 sheets, 15 tow- . els, 6 , handkerchiefs, 3 pa :r socks, 1 coverlet, 4 housewives, 1. pair pike 2,eaters, 1 keg up. plebutter;, 1 bag . huekle'berrie s, dried; 1 do. raspberries ' .1 do. pears,: 5. do. apples, 2 do. cherries, lao: corn; li do. era: baPPles ana pears, 1 do. elderberries, I.dci." klackberries_, 1 do. peaches; 1 jelly cake,, 1 spo'n,te do. 16 lb butter, 1 peck green, apples r l boi: essence 1 It tb.eofee, 5 pillow' eases,Ar pair tl. - avers, soap, Tint, bandage's, and other articles: MART . .RussELt s Seery. ORA...NT ADYAN'CING.—The latest' in.-, telligenee ,from the Army of the Potomac is-1 that , Gcn. Grant was advancing klarge force ou the Weldon Railroad and that the Rebels in force had twice been encountered and re pulsed With great slaughter. A. great bat tle was ei.pnted on Monday lust. 250 rebel prisoners are reporebd: , • STAMPS ON D.Ek1.1)8..-3t.has Been de-'i tided by the Stipremc Court of th'' State that the'seller of real estate must for the Stamp .OH the dad, because he is tel / ailipt;-it to the deed. This is a matter of con siderable importatlce; as the cost of 'stamps iSl64,"dollar :Upon eaelv onethtittsand clulluts , of the:imice, and where' heavy. sales are made the s iinip is a ‘daribideinble item; CO M:NE.IIC L. CO nt tont,* .0f young. ;man, p§pepially, in di'ected to tho.advertisement of A. 31..TrilnineriTrin vipal 7 of the Cllomber.Bburg Conunercial, Col f.1:, • -,, • lege, located nt. prom] Lat. , •°stylish., which will b found .another column. . MMIIMEN S. a aii-Nt;Akaietrt•i'of , jlll'64:lievr tk. Met eta =MEN QUOTA Or FR A N K L IN COUNTY..;..-- .- .. , .. .. The followingAs.the quote. of.thiacounty es Ofteittlly'ittintinnOedi', ,'' 7 '-- :,, • - r ----1- . ...q. ..,, ,;: "Antrhit township,' • . (i •.- 75t: - . ; :.Gieeneastle bottu,hlt,, . .1 .2ti!,,, ''.Cliatteb ' ' Atilt Wnrd, ,' . 77 ,t, ',., 1 c . W South ard;'''' ~- ` , l 78 Yttnnett township, '' "' '%20 '2' , •-. O n e i n rd ..A do O . : - '"-: • --- Hamilton do. ' : 28. Letterkenny township, ' ' : '' ' ti Lurgap , ' d0...17 ' Metal do. • - 12 Montgomery tclittistiip,.. • ~ , j. ',. ' Tu • - Mereersburg borough, ' lb -.: - Peters- township —•- • • . - -.50.- Qubley,.. ,t 0..: ~ . - ... ~, , ~ , ,„09, `St. l'iniMas Toinili_ip . , , - '." 461 tout)tampten township, .. '4O Wat.reib,,,, . do. ', 'Washington .townehip„ -Waynesboro borough,. • , serpie following is the form of the joint resolution as passed by Congress:. Joint 'resolution submitting to the Legis-. latnres of the several States a proposition to amend the Constitution of the United States. _Be it resolved 4. the Senate am?. House of Represeutatives of the -United States of A , meriea in efonyiess. assetraded i (two-thirds of both IlotukestenDurring,) That the following Article be proposed to. the Legislatare-of'th - several States as. an amendment to the Con stitution of the United States, which, when ratified by three-fourths,of said Legislature, shall be valid, to all intents and purposes ; as a part of the said Constitution; namely : Article 18, Section •1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a pun ishment for mimes, 'whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. Section 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this Article by appropriate legisla tion. The Illustrated Phrenological Jour nal for February, containing the Great Sur- goons of the -World—Harvey ; Abernet , Jenner; Hunter; Cooper; Mott and Carno chan. Also, W. S. Lander, Mrs. Farnham, Mr. Clark, Mr Kilbourn, Mr. Morril. ttc., is -issued. ' More about Muller; Gaining Confidence; Affectation; Prof. Wren on the Brain; The Human Face; Pre-existence; Religions duties of Children; How to kill• Ministers; Shooting a Gorilla;, The Lost Races; with Ethnology; Phrenology, Phy- siology, Physiognomy and—PEychology. IMPORTANT TO, EVERY BODY.— The Commissioner of Internal Revenue has decided that on and after the Ist of - Febru ,--1 ary, 1865, persons meriting receipts for the delivery of any property • Must affix a two cent stamp to such receipts. and cg el the same, otherwise they will be' prosecuted for the penalty of $22, included Under section 158 of the aot of June 30, 1864. Receipts for the delivery of coal, wood, &0., will, it appears, require a stamp hereafter. —rhe Gettysburg Sewing/ says the heirs of Andrew White, deceased, recently sold a half section of their western lands, sit uated in Logan county, 111., for $4,500. Elisha Crane purchaser. The price paid for the tract, some years ago, by Mr. White, was $3OO Or The Rev. Mr. Brightenbaugh, o f Greencastle, has, been elected pastor of the St. James (Lutheran) church of Gettysburg. To the Public. Miss A. L. McGAuanY, President, " N: J. RtISSIML, Secretary, " L. E. Nevin; " C. C. Walter, "tI. 0. Wongly, " .N: C. Deatrioh, " A. C. Davis, ''s BititTrimetti, Feb..:7 . .-41enry;S: Foote, of the' rebel Corwreis, I.6 . ched this ing from Wne e 'hingthia, in charge ob Major' F.. CI- Newhell; nu& took: ' at the l4.lataar...thanse, .shottly' .after'which hi left for the• North - It is reported ctliat ,he be inearcerated in'Port:Warren. ' • ' - - A colored wan, di!B.! Rael.•; , from :Boston, Las been admitted to.fpractice - in the:United. 8 tat ea o.uFiretneiCaurt Itiviewthe gas t instance of, the oort, initthe historf , 11e.Las,Lec.n a counsellor in : „the, :bluspachu tetts courts. Thia Oc*titution Aixten n eat.r • , Ili oiol3 Seemed State to Ra0:49..- , ClukAdo. Feb.' 2 .—=The Generit 4.asent. , 'bi,y of yesterday ratified tution4 ; inuendment The'vote in, the Senate , shipd2l.B.';yeaa' gainst 6 nays.l: In the I.louse,Jeas'4B,. nazis ,28. Five Demiieratio.Senatora'voied44.-:, PROVIDENCE,It L, Feb. 2.—The I hods Island-lions° oflteiiresentativeih this =oral. ing,passed a resolution approving and. Aar,- ' 'hug. the twotiosed , the , tution of the United. States abolishing slave. ry. The vote stood,. yeas 62, nays 4. Pativjumfrpx, VON ,Rhecie Island Sehtqe eonenired ID the inissige‘ of.the resolu.tiou ratifying% the Cottatitational amendment. . Deism, Mich., Feb. 2—The Constitu tional ainepillnent abolishing skint) , Nihs rat- Mott by - ' the teniilutule of 311chinen . this morning. hf.sAN Z, iv.. Y., Feb. 2. r -LA bill was pre sented in the House, this afternoon, - ratify- in: the (16115titutionst mendment-abolishing s every, and after debate; was' eferred' to the Committee on Federal Relations. It is prel: sumed the bill Will be adopted altnost'unani . mously.' - Bbsrprt, Feb. 2.—Salutes are being fired and bells rung throughent the State, in bett or of the adoption of the inliendment to the Constitution abolishing slavely. CrtteiNNAti, Feb.. saliste 100 guns was tired at Columbus, Ohio, this even ing, in honor Of the passage of the Consti; u s i ndirreet-ab-01-ishing_slovery. Bm.simoaE, Feb. L—Governor Bradford !of s3oo year to each of the EVe surviving to-day communicated 'to the Letrisiatute of Revolutionary pensioners, in addition to the Mary:and officially the 'passa.e ofthe amend-IPeusions of $lOO /which they now receiCe.- merit to the Constitution of the United . States, lln January, 1864, there were only twelVe abolishing slavery, and the House of Dale- jsurviving—seven of whom have since 'died. gates immediately proceeded to act thereon; I The, names of the only survivors are as fol and approve the amendment by ti vote of E'3 ' lows : Lemuel Cook, enlisted at Hatfield, yeas to 23 nays. Mass., 98 years of age, now, residing in Clar- ST- Louis, Feb. 7.—Both houses of the , endon, Orleans county, New, fork; Samuel Missouri Legislature have ratified the amend-IDowney, enlisted in Carroll county, New went to the Federal Constitution U,bolishinglHampshire, 98 years of ago ) now living in slavery: - There were only - two` dissenting I li3denburg, Sarato,, ,, a county. Ne.w York; Wm voices in the_Senate, and four in the House.l Hutchins, enlisted in New Castle, Maine, 100 AuGUSTA, Me., Feb. 7.---The Maine Leis- years of age, residing in Penobscot, Maine; lature to-day ratified the constitutional a- Il Alexander , Maroney, enlisted at Lake 6corge, mendment abolishing slavery. A salute of !New ork, as a drunniaer boy, 94 years old, g : tak-Yates f Orleans - cortuty - N - e - wkT a hundred guns is bein ,, fired_itt_honor-of d esidiu and James. Barataria, substitute for a drafted Iman in Southampton county, Virginia, liv inn. in Missouri, in his 101st. year. 1 • the event. SOUTHERN NEWS Sherman Marching on Angngla and Branchville. WASIHNOTON, Feb - . 4 The Richmond Whig, of February 2d says: General R. E. Lee was unanimously con firmed by the Senate yesterday as comman of the armies of the Confederate S ta tes.. The Hon. T. S. Flourncy, John Goode, Thomas S. I.3)cock, John Dildurn, of Virgi nia, and Lester of Georgia, addressed a large - and - enthusiastic audience at the Huila the [louse of Delegates last night. They . advo. sated a vigorous prosecution of the war as a sure way to in early and honorable peace. CHARLBSTON, (S. 0 ,) Jan. 31. All the movements of the enemy indicate that Augusta or Branchville is their point Of destination. The 20th .Army Corps oc cupies Robertsville: This place is about fif ty miles above Savannah, and a ft.* miles from the river. A. heavy force of infantry, artillery, and cavalry is • reported encamped near the junction of the Sulkehatchie and the old Union roads. This force is believed to consist of the 15th and 16th Army Corns. -Yesterday morning the enemy advanced a considerable force o. infantry and artillery from Whitesport, and drove in our skirmish line three miles, to King's („Leek. Our in fantry afterwardS advanced, and drove the enemy back to Whitesport, re-establishing our picket line. Since then all has been quiet on the Corn " ie enemy_made_a_clen castration on our _ Giving all the advantag, s of the Inslitut ion for an position, defending his pontoon bridges over', the Salkehatehie, this afternoon, but without l unlimited term, including a complete course of in result. It is reported that they burned Me-. ' atruction in Bookkeeping, Pennianship, Cammer- Phersonville last night. This village' is five 1 cial Calculations, Mercantile Law, Correnpondence, miles northwest of Pocotaligo. ' Business Forms, &c. None but the best Teseher73. Gen. Lee hai issued an appeal to the peo- I employed, and a sufficient number, to guarantee to ple, asking that every gun, pistol; and sword , • individual each Stalle . nt . . 111/3trUCLIOII. la . Zend for in private hands may be turned over to him giving full particulars. He threatens punishment to those opposed ; Circ ula r to doing bo. ,l Addri•ss A. M. TRIMMER, I Feb 10-3w] Carl:sle, Pa. The Late Conference in Hampton Roads No change of. Attitude on Either Side—Firm Position of Presirlent Lincoln WASHINGTON, li s eb. 5 —lt is difficult to procure details of the conference'between the President, the Secretary of the 'State .and the rebel commisnioners, but it is asserted that the President throughout the converse-, tion insisted that he should continue the prosecution of the war on the principle heretofore deplored, namely, of compelling obedience to the Constitution and on the ba sis of the Union, and admitting, peace only on, these terms. With him there was, to be no deviation from this course, so the com missioners were left in no doubt whatever on this material point, The conyarsation was conducted in the , moat courteous and respect ful Manlier, and the commissioners returned to Richmond thoroughly understau " the views expressed by the President. I fore, if anything further ,is to be said on this subject, it must come from the Confed erates themselves. As lias heretofore been stated, there was no agreement . upon Any point at issue. asserted by the inti mate friends of the President that no con clusion or, promise was nude by them in the least degree yielding the position, as above stated, and which be has, iu public and pri-, vote communication,' maintained. Whatev er may be thespeculations as to peace move ments in the future, it is certain that there will be no abatement. made, in our military operations; but that the, eff4t, will be to prosecute the war,with,' additional vigor, so that , our successes , may pro4re an early peacfe. • The Chronicle says,: "The, blind fatuity , cri , l3l) , possessed the robe leaders, ut the out,, set ofsthe rebellion, rules. theta-, ineze,rably' still; mid the sword of justice must .ex ecute the= work wbieh the folly Of t ,f)liiided, leadtrs would not aneorci; to the •Una'of Reioeatiou.". 1344.ri*6iii;'reii-'7:---The lag-of-truce steamer "gew York arrivq at Annapolis this Mornitig;iiilf:l,loo-felet*l. Union prison ers, ineludinp; 'lo';s. IMMM= Clapture of ktiierillas. — irojeiv;lkb. - ‘ 3.—A special 'Baltimot e. despatelv in the. Tribune says: "Thal 8...-..0!f evening front Ihyper's Petry, iiretight,uti one bandied and ten rebel pris, iilioltinelod at Oe Relay:and, theitew 'went spepitiF train Att Washington They belonged ~t9-I.l;6"seby's.gan, ,, were •ehlitsred-Attring the recent yard upen-biii lines in . the Shenandoah Valley. While • Gen. agridiiii - Wit's Rain ed; • tilet thoPgYtt. , t9 ettiPh•ok?X 11 1 Pil-P141k14,1',:0. - 6f these prison:era 'wer.e to a irtete,hed`ebnifi;• tion, and, neatlif.a dosen were so terribly frost bitten,abont the feet.tiod legs that they.e,e,tild ,htifilY ?walk. 'l;besC they sick of the war, and are glad to get smut of The Shenandoah Valley.. - apt, • f' it noted '.Giterilla: . . Wl7.Ei: : 0, Feb; 6 ; ---G — overfier Botemari has receiv d the following, dated c Cumberlan „Feb: 6 : ' ', ' " i ' "aralrfscautAif Gen—Sheritie. countered the feree of Major Harry "G-ilinor yesterday, near .11loorefield, and whipped' it handsoMely, Capturing Upwards bf twenty of. ficers 'and 'fileii. Aniongst the officers cap tured, was the opted guerilla chief and lob- , ber ) 'Harry Gifiner himself. . . "13. F. KELLEY, ' Brevet 'Major General:" Revolutionary Pensioners. WAso.l,NoxoN,,Jau. 2 —The House today i'uitnbusl .aised a bill ivirw a gratuity A NEW Ouptit.—'-Gen, Sherman !las sued an order setting apart , the islands from Charleston south, the abandoned rice fields along the rivers for thirty miles . bank from the sea, and the country' bordering the St. John river, Florida, for the settl ement of the negroesinow—inade-free — by — the - sets - of and nd the prde!amation of the i'resident of the United States. At Beaufort, Milton ! Head, Savannah, Fernandina, St. Aunintine and Jacksonville the blacks may remain. in their chosen or accustomed vocations; 'but lon the islands and in the settlements hereaf-1 ; ter to be established, no white person what, ; ever,• unless military officers and soldiers de- ; tailed for duty, will he permitted to reside ; and the sole and eitelusive management of affairs will be left to the freed people than. selves, subject only to the United States mil itary authority and the acts of Congress.--I ; Gen. Saxton is entrusted with the carrying out of these orders. Hon.,. Robert Fowler has been reelected Treasurer of Maryland, receiving 88 out of 95 votes HIGHLY IMPORTANT TO YOUNG MEN ! YOUNG URN, if you are seeking employment, pro motion or success in business, the Vest investment you can make is in the small outlay required to se cure a course of instruction at the Chambersburg Commercial College which is now in a most nourishing Condition AT CABLISLV. PA .'35 :SECIThES A SCHOLARSHIP 01 1 "UAINES, UMBRELLAS, Ladies' Sun Um• hrellas, Pocket Books, Port :gunnies, Gloves, iStc ace., "cheaper than the cheapest,,' at yPbEGRAFFS' HAT fACTORY, Uppo.ite the Wabinegton [louse, Hagerstown. Av. 15, 1864. rirUPDBOI2A FPS', Practical Hat Makery, have ready the SPRING STYLES fur 1861. Those who would SAVE MONEY should buy at the• FOUNTAIN HEAD, where HATS and CAPS, are sold from fist hands at lowest rates, Sign of the•'lZED HAT," Oppneitei Washington House, Hagerstown. . . A p. 15, ISA. rSr UPDEGRAFFS', Practical H.dters, have re.: ceived nn extensive assortment of SPRING AND. SUMMER Stock of Materials, HATS, CAPS, &c. Wholesale and Retikil, . Opposite the "Washington House," Ap 15, MC] Hugerst‘oWn. STYLE OF }TATS FOR 1804— Now ready at UPDEORAFFS' Hat Factory Opposite Washingt 911 Ht. usoi Hagersto IV 11 T 1333 .4961.,MA.1=t.. 'On the 9th inst., at Bowden's Hotel, by Rev. W..E Krebs; Mr. JACOB M. BARR to Miss. MARY &HOCKEY,' both of this couuty., ciX".IEX.IO 'X'C)7IIC33. In this place on the fithinst., LILLY 'E LIZABETH METZ, .daughter of John 'and Barbara Meti., - aged-8 months and 6 - . days. • :On. the 30th ult., near Middleburg, Miss REBECCA JANE, daughter of Wm. and Catharine Layman,-aged' 17 Yeats, 4 months and-13 days. And now, 0, 'Father, glorify thou_mOlwith thine . oirn self, with, the glory •which. d had• with-then before the world iwas.4ohn,xvi,lr The deceased - was highly respeoted through tint the community tot her upright and mor al conduct, chaste in alter actions and con-. vorsations, whio.h,wod for her a inattle long to be.eherishecl by aIJ who- knerif.iter. loss will be regretted .by a larger connection' of friends and acquaintances throUghout the aountry.• 71. 1 1touglt the stroka , wasi-sevete in - Severing-her from 'her' parents ) ! whose next to life she-was, it - was - we hope the admission! el-my:Angel seal to Hearin. ' •: Whoa Chrkt, who. is our life ; shall appear, then shall also appear with him in glory " K. ' • 1Vir.4....1E11..312t.3111T18._ Int vel). Flourou mar kOt is rather firmer, but the'ailes. are link ed; 400 bbiti. solo at frinn -$10.75(§1E75 bbl. for loWgrade tb - ';;dod'•kxtra :and 400,bbls. latieaster• coiinty do enttoitti4.l kept private. The'yetailers and bakers are' buying-in a•smtill'Witrat tr0ur , 69.00.75—f0r superfine; $10®10.50 for extra; $lO 75@-, 11.25 for (tiara faiiiirY,."4:and $l2 50@)13 41 bbl. for fancy brands, as to quality. - Rye 1? lour is selling, in a small way at $8 75@9 449: bbl' pain:meal-0 without change. • GRAIN.. iVllea ii,Alther more actile, l -but prices are, witlisukany material . change; about 7;000 bushel,„Sold at 2-9® 250e. „, :prime Peif'siillittnitt reds,'aini good k;ihtle at 460 bu. is selling in a small way at. 17,0(a . 41720 - V bu. Corn iS iinehinge4about 4,50 ti •yellenr sold:,.at, 1080.41' bushel' in the cais: Oits are 'without change' with stAfusitLabimt_Utrol-buShol,lll-0?-4-11-hii44 -. 15r+' SEEDS.--Clover is less'aetivc; about 8110 bushels sold in lots at from -$U 75en,15. `4? 64 lei. "• . ; i r-t Flaxseed is in demand;•sales are making at $3.70@3.75 "i? bushel. :" POTAVODS. FREsIf SUPPLY ::/110,UNTALV. TATO ES fur sale by Feb 3-3 t j - WALTE R • & LDS]:sF. PUBLIC SATE, s a ol h d a o li t . i n t l h i. e es p s r o e u m t l i . l ces of of l l v ) a . y ,F rv . s tre r S, W onef ILL a l . , b n e d on 7 uesday the 21st February , 1865, af9 o'clock A. M., the personal property of the undersignedom. follows: 7 HEAD HORSES 4 of which are work horses, one a good family mare heavy with foal, 1 Colt 3 years Old, 2 two yearlings; also • 11 nEAD_or CATTLV,. among which are 4 Mitch Cows, two of which with three heifers will be fresh in the spring. Llarge Bull =3 years old, the balance youtng cattle; 8 head. good lti 00l Sheep, 5 Hogs, 2 Brood Sows and 3 shoats; 8 W ®PIT ,S 5 one 4 - iifflrtirwrie - WTorte-3-inch-Flantation on. horse With bed; 1 wood bed, 1 pair hay carriages, 1 pair two-horse hay ladders, 2 Buggies, one rocka ' way and one falling -top, nearly new; 2 barshear plows, L single and 3 double shovel plows, 3 har rows, treble, double and single trees, 1 pair spread ors, breast chains, butt (during, 2 log chains, 1 rough lock, 1 iackscrew,filthchain, cow chains. halters and halter chains, 1 set breechbands 4 sets front , gears, 5 sets plow gents, I set Intruese, 5 fly-nets, 5 hau -1 sens, 1 wagon saddle, 6 bridles, 1 whip, plow and wagons lines, 1 new bnkket sleigh, 1 wleelbarruw, 1 sled, 4 sets dung. boards, 3 grain cradles, 3 mowing , - seythes, 1 Grain Drill, ,1 Wheat Fan, bag wagon, digging iron, mattock, maul and wedges, axes, shov els, lurks rakes, 1 grain rake, : dinner bell ONE WCORAUCK REAPER, . and Mower, and many other articles not mentioned. Also —.Household - and Kitchen Furniture consisting of 2 bureaus, 1 safe . ,l cherry, - 1. breaktist-and-2-kit, then Tables, 2 stands, 1 corner cupboard, 6 bed iteads, 2 sets chairs, one new. 2 common and one Boston rocking chairs, 2 sinks, looking Glasses, 4iit r:lir .111F4 two ten plate, one cook and one coal; 1 twe my-four hour clock, 1 iron ki.ttle, doughtray, churn, :I bar rels Vinegar. half barrel Cider, 1 meat vessel, pota toes by the bushel, corn' by the horrel,.tinwareidish es; applebutter by the crock, and other articles..,— Also :18 Acres GRAIN IN TEE GROUND, Terms made known on the day of sale by CONRA D M AO3TERISt' JACOB ItOWARD, Aucs. Feb 10—ts) HEIM SAE r H 1 subseriher' intending to quit farming will I sell at puh'ie sale; on the farm of David Stoner, one mile sough of 'l,l/I;yoeshoro', on the road lend ing to Ringgold, on 11 ethiesday the Ist of March, 1865, the following personal property, to wit: 3 WORK HORSES two of which are plow leaders, 1 tour and 1 three ' year old Oohs; EIOIIT IIEAD 0 three !eh Cows, one llull, the balance young Cat tle; 2 brood sows, 9 shoals; PLANTATION WAGONS, I 1 carriage, 1 Thresher and SePerator, 1 wheat fan, 1 cutting box, 1 McCormick Reaper, 1 Grain Drill, 1 patent rake, 1 set Blacksmith Tools, a lot new hoiseshoes, I pair hay carriages, 1• pair hay ladders, r 4 three-horse plows, 2 double and 2 single shovel plows, I harrow, table, double , and single trees, 1 sixth chain, breast, butt and carrying chains, I log 1 chain, cow chains, 2 sets breechbands, 4 sets front gears, 4 setrplow gears, 6 fly-nets 6 housens, bri dles, collars and halters I six and 1 four-horse line, ' bag wagon, 1 large dinner bell, 1 bUs ckwerseed, 1 bus. tiniothyseed, 1 Jackscrew. of a barrel of tar; Hoy by the Ton, Potatoes by the bushel, Eqe)ri 4 e.:` t tioilie t. 4 1-1;4".04,Ti1ii43+7 grain, manure and *shitkirg forks, a lot rakes 1 brie *Colter, 3 mowing scythes, 2 grain cradles, 1 pair wtioil ladders, 1 wagon bed,' 50 „grain bngs,•2 sets dung boards, mattock and shovel, barrels, oozes and many other armies too numerous to mention. anle to commence at 9 o'clock on said day when the terms wilt be mane known by BENJAMIN E. PRICE. G. V. Moso. Attn. Fed I li—ts] PlTliLli) SALE. ripHE subscriber inten ding. In move west, willsell at Puha,: aul. , at his residence, about 2 miles front Lei'ersbarg, on the r,ad leading to the Marsh Hug, on Thursday the 23d day rtf February, 1865, the following property, 7111JEAD OF RAMSES; • among whi :iris one extra lead more; 1' three and 1 twit year oat Colts; 2 3111. CH COWS, 12 head of YOUNG CATTLE, 1 fine Bull; , ,20 head of young SHL BP; 2 Sowe, one with 6 pigs; 6 head of Stuck Hogs; 2 Plaitt*ion Wagonit, l Wood Sed, Spring Wagon, •• Carriage and spread, 1 Sleigh, 1 .14 double Hll[lloso, 1 single do 2 sets Breechlottids 4 seta Front Gears, 4 sets Plow 'Gears, 3 liouSeno, -7 blind bridles, 6 c Afars, 3 lines. check tines and halters, 4 Llarshear.Plows, three-hors,e,aod 2. t wo horso Ploivs, 2 double acid 2 sitight'3hovel P,ows; 2 liairdais, treble, double and single trees, 2 spread. ens, 1 'fifth ehuirr,'* log chains'? ti cow (maths, l'j •ek scieW, 1 itnproved tyndoineel • N.' CORM !UK 'REAPER. AND M" OWE it; I Now York Power,. trkrly- new., andi IliTsher eu feet of Strap;.l. good, NV heat ?.in, l nair,l.srain Lad, dent, Hay tjurriageso gpraurltake. grain cradles and mowing. seytk;ss,:, rakes and, forks, a ,lot grain bags, a loto il iron, 11 hub. stone cool, one wheat:me,. Vent:ling box, 2 meat vetsels, , L 'cern bheiter. , . , : • ; • - ROUSE , ,FIBINITUAE,- such Itial tivcreta:y. 2.l3ureaus, B.l3,vcisteatts, 1 cot, tage/dAZ 3,lkinhig an4,l. Ifrcakr4i gio!.•le• 1 heungo.l. 2 ettee`,4"iets ',Chairs,' 2 , liocking'tto : , 2 Cluck's, L Coriki tioi,boartis. • Sink: Doughtray, • 1 Chilm,' l / I rur 'Glasses 1 Cook !twit! ;nal-pinto Stine, Jpet,.l. IrattiC.ttle'Minw4rel Quaans. ware ;• A pillb bathe:" ,hy l tkw roc4;, 3 barrlialhia et*, klacon,and Laril,.hy,flok pourid,, Pptut9ee . bushed; ,also 180 'lmbhela atiO oilier articles ' too uutneioua • to 'coirita'eUce-at•l3' o'clock ort'saittclay *whim tke term's' 'wilt tion6ttO: knOirsttiy .7 • IGNATIUS H /MB-11;AM,, . Feb 10-- f ar t • 7. „ ,J. now.tuD,:Auct, PUBLIC SALE: T' sulateribm intending tio Move to the west,. I ,aell at Pablita le, tt,`, 7 lliti residence ; on the 'forklike lea4inii from:Wayne ,ahercir to Leiteraborg and ,bear Antietam Jutption: on. Monday the 27Th dny pf Pebrttary, 1805;flietellowing propellY, to .r;ta. T,Nr 0 ITS AD OF .r: ._~. , .WOR,K_EIQRSES: one of which is a fine family brae; 9 I-LEAD-WV varievon,--,. Y. 4 being Mitch Cows. three of which will• be fresh a. bout the day of sale; 8 head of H 0 0 S , two? of which are brood WWB ;.7, i , ~....' -$ r i •?.; 1 e s 1 Plantation Avagort; 4. tw0.b.,i,,,.. 4V.ago_n,.l ptir Hay Cargagpe,i, W00d .. , _ Bed !, 1 Grain Drill, Wnubaugh ' s itatentr ...k 4 iriiisg i Hay/ Rake, ~ I .. , . t t r,, ; r — l'i ; ONE M'COINVIICK i'll. APEIt 91 1 ThreAing Machine with pde t rpr and strati, One Wheat Fan, 1 tet Dlacksniiih ToUts, 1 Falling top Buggy, 1 Sleigh. 2 liarshear Pichh. inu o ova owe, i ' C orrovas;' t Roder; 1 Log .Chain. fifth chain . ; Ofid;sOteock4; 1 gni - 1M ciatllq, 4' Mowing scythes, treble . ; double and . single 'trees, 1 Cloaye,.F r e, 1 1 11: 1 4ts, colt* ariarfirlif 1 sot 144ggyt,ILigrkess; Cit6o sunk 1 / ;Clilisief4 sow, 1 :itirfr3o, 4tteltipt.4,l forks, _cutting bri.g, 2 giiio4o/ititte4,-aout B.• L '•, - -I 'nub P' 4 15‘.115..111 Golll,lliffilY 70 8A.1111.111,S OF - CAIN' ; 55 ACRES ; . . GRAIN," IS ILIIE- t 031{611110,‘ • Also honOehOld rid , kitehen urn: ure,. ro.vvi : •• 1 new Bureau, 1, Centre Tahle, 1, Dinner, Table, y. sets et te i tl , 1.13 0 a,, a Ito'4filit'l36tiiv","l,ltirge•Arrn, Chair, 1 Lounge, 1 Safe,.l,Dressing Stand, s,l3ecl steads.; 'Corner Cupboard, L Sink, 1,. gaud, Cook Stowovith fixtures, I Ten„ : plate Stove and pipe, 1, D„bilw 'Pell, 1 hand bell, 1 large, Chest, I,Sausitge. 0.4tteK,.1 lion Kettle, 1, l'iirloi Stove, seder '! dred pqunds of,rork, Lard by the Poniard; Applehut ter by the, crock, 2, eat, V,e.s.ols, I High Ctrair, .1: Doiightray, 1 Rocking tirOlik, 1 lildp of Prankliri'' County and a lot of 'Books; Vinegar by the barrel.: Potatoes by, the bushel ; I,string Sleign Bells, ltye Straw by the : bundle, , :great other things tub numerous to mention. -Il..7"*Sale lb cons :nonce of it o'clock on sold day when the terms will be made known by • - DANIEL W, .NEWCOAItIi t G. V. M.'eia, Auct. rEBELILTAW3C - 10,, 185 - 5 - • • Feb. 10-3 i) !DRY GOODS I DIU GOODS 4 . AT I Wit.pciazolaa. M.ET C Atir OF CEA MLIBIO•111.71td, i CAN offer great inducements to persons in want of Dry Goods, as they %%ere in the market last week and purchased a large amount: 'of, goods, at greatly reduced prices (caused by pefiirtupors.) Our Stock of .I.tidies'..llitss Grou.:B is lull, c u m. I prising all kinds, styles and qualities, from 25 cents up to .143 per yard ;I.llo3cheil mid Unbleached Mus lins from :It to 62 cents .;,,Calicoes from 25 to 271 cents per yard ; Ootton ID cents—Ticking 37! and .s'l per yard ;,,Clotti, Cabbiaturt a, Satinetts a n d Jean, very cheap.- We have Oil Cloths—for floors, Oil — Cloth foi tabir.s, Oil'Oloth for stairs. -Hoop Skirts! Hoop skirts.! We have made arrangements with a Hoop Skirt Manufactory in Connecticut. by 'Which we are eau- bled to 461 to the Ladies a Hoop Skit which for neatness and duribility cannot be surp,issetdin , the whole country. We make it a point to kebp a, fall sioek of goods at all seasons of the year ;. iu fact,vre, are receiving goods weekly, which enables us to to our p itons a good stock to select from, and at prices tilt cannot fail to satisfy all. Very fte,peetfully, METCALF Qt 16111.6613E.W., Fe!? 10, 1806. IN PUBLIC SALE. THE subscriber will sell ut public sale at his res idence, about ono wile soutliwe.t of Waynes boro', on Thursday the ^d 1565, the fol lowing property, to Di.: CORNIBItTIan,BILRAEL . Potatoes by the bushel; 1 one-horse Wagon, l sleigh 1 Doggy rind liarness. 2 bide ,saddles..crowbar dig ging iron. 2 stone sledges, 2 mattocks, 2 barrels' ci der Vinegar, 2 pair steelyards, (one weighing 300 pounds, 2 sausage cutters arts, sniffer, west tubs,. 1-COOK AND 2 PARLOR STOVES I copper and . ' iron kettle, ?,,kitchen , and' I corner cupboard, 2 . safes and book case 31mreaui, tables', stands, chairs, bedsteads and.bedding, carperit,g,7G. pounds carpet rags, 44 lbs. lieetteld hump; 2 S-dap clocks (ot e Wolf's make.) ONE 31.14',LODIAN ; . smooth•hore rifle..lohnson's make; 1 bee hi4andi palace..a lemon nee bearing fluff; ,a lot booksip mong which are the Penntylvania Archieyea in 28. vols.; a lot tubs, barrels and boxes, and a great ma ny household articles not enumerated. Sale to commence at .10 o'clock on said day when. the terms will be made known by ' GEORGE JACOBS. ' G. V. MoNG,Auct. Feb 10—u) PUBLIC SAIE. 11E sub4criber intending Ro move from Waynes ± boro' will sell at public sale, at his residence on Alain street, on Friday the 17th of March, 1865, the following personal property, to wit: 2 HEAD OF HORSES; 1 spring Wagon, 1 set Harness;—also his emir° stock . olCaloinet maker roots, with •the fuUowiC household Furniture, viz:—Bureaus. 'Fables, 11ed• steads, Stands, and many ether articles not necessary to enumerate. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock on said day.witzn,thta terms wjtt bamade known by Yob. lu—U) aTLCE! MTH; subscriber intending to quit the Variety business and move to Sprint:M.lll.lll., offers fur sale by•the bulk, his entire'stock ut first cost. Come examine the' gond and well selected stock of Boots, 'shoes. Hats, Trunks, Clocks, &o. &c„ all have been bonght. forTedsh, 15 to 30 per cent. lower than they earl be purchased in the eastern cities.— Also all the 'shelving., cascs,•iton safe and &c. &c. Feb 10-3 w) ' ' J. 11.8 AVER. Admiluistratoes Sale of REAL Ek.TATE. - DT virtue of an oruer of the, Orphans' Court at 130.Fraliktiti county, January, tertu„ 1865, as ad ministrator of Joseph Funk; dec'd, I gill. expose to public sale, on the identities:. on ,Moarlay the With. of February; 1865, all that portiuMuf ground situated on Mechanic street, in4Way.nrasbdro',..Frutiklin,coun ty, Pa.,"bsuuded" by ;,InpulAntlrewl'W ison, by said. Mechanics street, by lot' of Alexander Hamilton,Jlllq, bidug i tisirtv-four . kit fronting, on said street and ream lu g Wick. to' the: alfry which is, erect ed a Tlt O..sToRIED 1101ISE with basement , cirtcra,oieut to ick door 7 -liorpie §tel : i,le Rod nut klousus. • , This• Pr*PertY i 64 1) g094X 4 1 ) *54 ,1 4,1 1 • 6 ,WPit ntzanged fora. private, resbleoce,,;; P;gviotts, to ,t .ot f,t•ho house, the Tereptin .A11e*.: 9 0.:049t)44 1 08 11 14)Y,!4 . fY0 will be eolit seppusto,vsso, pack. 14,,feet 4,14; end the Frame Building. isthichell:.,tct ocul.orCiaid ten-pin - alley will betook' in ; one- •riece, car ramp itiado klliiwa On' day Of kite-1, 4.. D.,!tVlll,kfirel.l7NT.-Adlii:it WM. A DAUS, A uct. Jun • JO UN VIsHER. G. V. Musa, Au&
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