- LA i , . , a, • T LA ' ' L , ltt.'.? . - - a ; ':-.- • .., . it • '; f Or " hoot lc. . . TulgEfES to Inform the geoid citizens of litray . fro m and viiinity,thatle has just receiv ed from the,Bast a large and full assortment of fresh Drugs,-Medicines, , , raiuts,.llye..,4tufre, Window Guise; Patty; Binslits, &C. &C., whieh he ---isrprepared-ts,seltwt,chitg_as_they can be had at any other house In the town, and which; hi regard to quality, patinbt.be extolled: He 4 s also on hand a large assortment of rr Tottigi , Itirtitmcgo , c omprising in p 6 tiie ftillbirit4.iitichig, viz': Toilet Waters, all kinds,. , . Eau de Cologne, endless in variety, Extracts for the handkerchief, Fine English Pomades, Bandolines • ' • Bear's 011, " Fine and Fancy Soaps,' Tooth Brushes, Nail " Combs, &o. &o. tor Calinsiy'ipurposes he has Cam Starch, yearl Barley, Pearl Sago, Flavoring Bitraets, viz: Lemon, 'Oanilla,,Stritivbery, Raspberry, Pine App-- ple, Orange, Banana, Celery, Pear, Peach, Nut meg, ,Szó. ' Fresh Veil, Black Pepper and all et& er articles in that line. He has also something to please the lib it L E .A fine stock of Toys of all kinds, a large supt)ly . of China ware. Wil'iNt 6131 Ile ha's - Plantotinn_Bitte_rs, Hoffiand's German do: Sands Sarsaparilla, Bull's do: Hiteshew's Cough Syrup, Diarrhoea Cordial; . Frey's Vermituge, Verninges, doz. kinds. Pills—Wright's Judron's, Spaulding's, , er's, - • Brandreth'i, Morse's, ?McLane's, liver; Mrs Winslow's Soothing Syrl39, Dr. Parishe's do. Keroseoe Oil, LaMps and• Chi mneys always on hand. ____WitankfuLfor_kind favors alreadi• bestowed upon him, he solicits a cuntinuince of - the same, broping that by trying to please he may win the confidence of the people. As much care taken in waiting up on adults as children. Physicians' Pre,scriptione a promptivlfand careffilly compounda atall. hours. . .I.T. KURTZ. August 19, 1854. PRESI mom FORMAN'S ifilfg Mitt! .vicrcirtemanvic.a.mf W0171.D tender his thanks to the community . an.l still solicit the patronage of a generous Public who want anything in, his line. Inasmuch as he has enlarged his stock so as to he enabled to answer all caliS or-anything and everything usually found in a Drig Stor•p, and. has a thorough ac quaintance with the business, he hopes to gain the confidence of, the Cominunity. He will pay par ticular attention to filling, physicians' Prescriptions; and more care and precaution used in ,waiting up on children than adults. HIM HO MESS lillig, ---- Choice Wines and Liquors for medicinal and sacramental purposes, Patent Medicines in endless in variety, including all that have been made uo to this date and some that are yet in embryo. Also --- . White_Leact,_Zitie, Paint, Whiting and Varnishes or house building or inside work, besides all sizes of Was& Commercial Note, Forls Cap and Let.. ter Pap& always on Mind, with a variety of Entre opes of ditiorept sizes and colors. 8r9066 4. C0mb5, Pomade, Fancy Soil) Hair Oil; Culognes,..Essen ces, Flavoring Extracts, and numerous articles in the Fancy line on hand and offered for'sale, cheap er than ever offered before. Also a large assortment of Keresette' Oil Lamps, Chimneys, Shades and Wicks, and Kerosene Oil to till them. A general assortment of Fruits and Confectionares, Tobacco and Cigars. - September 4, 1863. • it 0 Ili GOOD NEWS JACOB ADABIS STILL AT THE tp.T..2=o XWElSarairM - On Church, Street: . EEPS constontly on hand Buggies of every Ll‘Ldescription and style ; new and - second-handed VEHICLES, o f i alb „,2:se.•s- , kinds at reasonable prices All persona V wanting anything n.his line of business will do wel by examining his stock before purchasing elsewhere JACOB ADAMS Waynesboro', Pa. TO 101111 ITEINST; Wthe undersignedintend to put - tip e Cain Mill and Evaporater • to manufacture syrup at Ringgold, Md. We call the attention of farmers to the importance of raising the Cane, as it . is be tiered by , persons who bare raised it to be the .Most valuable crop that cart be railed. lt yield's from two brindred And. twerity-eve,to two hundreds'. ad seven. ty-five gallons of Syrup to the acre. • The Canine best plenteJ on hills. . 'Fho seed should be sorouted _heroin 15:snting Pertinnit wishing to get seed can get it at ,Char ei - riffediets's store. Ringgold;—at Vharkillitestiew,'s 'attire, Smitlisbfirg; it Ground dr Leiters burgi at Geo. glover's store, Wayin•Clinro'; at Daniel Mentzer's Mill, et iri inue l ;Flante,s Mill. at Geo.Besores•Millf Jim,: Black Cornii; and at theLlsttnnerilifilL . " Feb. 12,164,—,.-if] , J. .4s, B. FRICK. () P i :64..E,D ITESTIEW 84''METCALF' DIN GOODS OR „niaFlYipoßgAili 'the Yosi 'Rum bi4b • Cr Thg34 l loP l ii -I ,Agn i g ' forieniteige* - !IttidhideVl • Theilestauttlifoo sod's 111 and see 'O. ; ' ~; - I lAttriteraleiii, A of:. I tr WIEN Hair " .1' -' • 're"! ,:t ' BRY GOODS. Hardwalieo GRocintins, QUEENSWARE AND CEDARWANE I W 1 MILLER'S, iiiyikisbortl 4 , --0- Ur AVING just returned from the Eastern Cid& he would call the attention of his mistorand and the public generally to.. his LARGE & SPLENDID ASSORTMEkt OF,NRW ECADSII Which will be sold at extremely Low Prices. Below von will find — enumeratee — a — few—nrticleS which will be found among his stock, to which he invites your attention: toll? 111 E LAM] , Silks, all Wool Delaines, ranc• —ALscs: Ladies' Shawls, Fancy Prints, • Extension Skins, Balmoral Skirts, Ladies' Collars, Magic Ruffling, Hdkt's, Linen Hal Hoisery, &c. MEN'S WtARI Fality — Casisimeres; Plain ‘‘ Cloths, . Itnlion Cloths, Vesfings, .41,a656 a' Tweeds, Shirt Fronts, • Gents Collars, Neck Ties, • Under Shirts, ' Drawers. Buck Gloves, " Gauntlets, JiOMESTIC SHIRTING, Furniture- Cbeck, Bed Ticking, Cotton Fishnet, Wool , t Tait& Diaper, Tonging, Baging, &a., &c. Queeasware, aidware, Boots and Shoes, Cedar Wffe. tEFIZE3C::)(32:ZrZErs, Of the very best quality, such as Syrups, and New Orleans Molasses, -Best Rio Coffee, Superior Prepared doffee, Rummell 's Best Essence; Baker's No. 1 Chocolate, Raisins, Tobac co, Rice, &e.; 8;e. The aboir . e goods - have been carefully selected and purchased at the very lowest Sgure. Be is therefole enabled to accommodate 01 who may favor him with a call. By strict attention to business and a desire` to piense in every respect, he hopes to merit a con rinuance;of patronage. - NO,TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS, Country Produce takere.itfexcitonge forrgooda a the highest market prices. ' .1. W. MILLER. May 13, 1864. INTIHTIi wiioa Working ESTABLISHMENT AND MILLS I CI TILL continuing the manufacturing of aII Okii.da of Building Material, such, as Dokirs, Shutterii, • FACING, MOULDINGS, • Door-Frathei; Window-Frames, - FLOORING, &C. &C; /MN AL. W . 11®T 4111 By mill and circular saws of every description.— Asking a continuation of favors'. I promise still to sell on as eckuitablo terms as possible; considering times and prices:, For farther particulars apply to tha "irubs'criber and proprietor. Factory 2 miles Southeast of Waynesboro'. April 1, 1864. [l t UaZiaMna L . ki,3T SlDE.itir..4ll.l.lBtE triittET, GI 1E T-H B, undersigned 3annonneea to abu travelingthis - Botel has been REMODDLBD. , h e moo .gre large andtomfor table and are well furnished loth good :new furni ture. • fPersoruitttopping at thts-,Hot ,can have ei ther; double. or oblate Rooms,. with or •without. fire in them. The:TABLE:Ii alwartappplied with the -beat in-the market,34iiid,hia r BAR B . filled -. with tho loboieestUquots. = , Thereire , abut a fine. lot i c h nd .paircef-Hay: and ,Stoelt , -Ileales vvionne r ele wi the . d 'Hotel fondle . itetommoditioii of Drovers and. 'itch- His,`l3tabiteWiligehisiti with, • 'good mliplastmnivNkiiiiitkr4cti :$ ;i and attended: by Apia llrr r xlG .- ;. 40' 4 I;7Ar fi°l4de tt ikk 4l etit, at. l,C _ • ~, , , The most beneicial medicine ta ter satisfaction and cures dons diseases than any thpr preparation offered io the public: Piept ;. ed solely by S. A. RUNKEL & BRO., 118 . ... Market street, thrashing. For iale by Druggists and Dealerrs eirerYw,heie; BEWARE bF • ' 4 -. 7 , Counterfeits pans, Bombazines, Plain Gingbams, Plain Flannels, Grey D. F. GOOD. PIIMMU.VP= ----..---„...,.r,—. „4 ____, ... d ..,.., ~..fv ~ A , ... 5w, , . . .a , ir tb,,,j . V, . -:',.: ....;, , .. g ,, 4 •-• -,: ' "': '11 , % , • -.• -',',-- 1;4, • .:., -;.,,,,• :', :•• 1-i• ''.." " , •• - i , • ' :•••• ; • • • iiit ,; '. ititt OF. ',Otoft.: .r. -Itrußtgiva l invocutT..tonmecErokliii a*l A ' Miefatiiie6 bf INclii4firful the STOMACH, iirvEft and.BOW CLEF,. Cures • . , iier, Complaints, • • . Reixdaelie, General . • . Debility; Nervousness, De- • .•• • - Pr'easion of ,Spirits,•Conirtioation; Intermitent Fever, Aciditz of the Stomach,t Nausea; ILiaitburn,Misgnst for Food, Fullness.ot Weight in the Stoniabh, . Sinking or Fluttering at the Pito( the StoMaeh, • Wimming of the Read, Dfiletilt Breathing. Yelloir nese of the Skin Arid Eyes. Fevermad Dull pain in the Bead, Pain in the Sideilinek;Chesi land Limbs, will cilia ever3r ease of Chroni6iNervoids eased of the Kidni3yii and Arad Diseades arising Rom a disorder.: ed Stomach, good for male or female old , or young. , As Kitnkels Bitter Wine of Iron is the only sure and effectual remedy in the known-world foi the permanent cute of Dyspepsia and Debility, and as there are a numh'er of imitations offered to the pub• lie . f we would caution the community to . purchase none but the gelatine article, manufactured by S. A. Icitrum & Brio., and has their stamp on the top of die cork of every, bottle. , The very fad that others are attempting to iiiiitate this valuable remedy, piaVes its worth and speaks volithes in its favor. the - Bitter Wine of Iron is put up in 75 cent and $i bottles, and sold by all respectable druggists throughoet_thit_country. Be particular that every bottle bears the fac simile of the proprietors' signs.= ture. This Wine includes the rnedt agreenge and et. eieqt Salt of Iron area possess; Citrate of Magnetic Oxhide combined, *ith the most energetic' of vege table tonics, Yellow_ Peruvian bark. The effect in many cases of debility ; loss of appetite, and-gener al prostration, of an efficient Salt of Iran combin ed with our valuable Nerve Tonic, is most happy. It augments the appetite, rales the pulse, takes off muscular flabbiness, removes the- pallor of debility, to-the-counterauce GENERAL DEPOT, 118 MARKET STREVP. For sale by a iliiresp,eetable dealers throughout the country. For sale by J. F, Kuarz, Druggist. April 29-Iy. FOR EATS, MICE, ROACHES, ANTS, BED BUGS, MOTH IN TOSS, WOOLENS, AC., INSECTS ON PLANTS, FOWLS, AN SWER, AC. Put up in 25c. 50c. and $l.OO. Boxes, Bottles, and Flasks. $3 and $5 sized for HOTELS, PUBLIC INSTI TLITIONg "Only infallible remedies luaotfli." "Free from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Human FamilY. 4 „Rats come out of their holes to die." Sold Wholesale in all Idige afire. 'Bold by all DruggiSts and Refailerseierywhere, rirl!!Bowsnit!!! of all tvoribless imitations. riF. See that ''Cosran's" name is on each Bkrx,Bot rEP de, and Flask, before yoii buy. COSTAR: PRINCIPAL A ddres s HENRY R, , PRINCIPAL DEPOT 482 BROADWAY, N. Y. RP Sold by all Retail Drugbi st. 4 in Watrpeeboro' Pa. March 11-8 m ANOTHER ARRIVAL AT THE "VARIETY STORE." BEA VEit announces to his customers and J the public, that hs.has ju s t r e turned from the Eastern markets with another fine assortment of new goods, consisting of Fall and Winter Hats ar.d Caps, (all sorts and sizes) Boots and Shoes for mot , and boys, with a complete assortment of shoes for ladies ware; Clocks, Trunks, Segars,Tobacco and all articles usually begt o kit a first-class varietyastore The 'public are cordially invited to call and ea mine nis new stock. N. B. Boots and shoes manufactured to order, vr. codes had, at reasonable rates and' upon short notice (Oct. 24, '62?) FIRST SUPPLY OF NEW SPRING AND SUMMER coons, AT THE FASHIONABLE CLOTHING EMPORIUM JAMES A: PESEER; . M Y an erp a e n m cy biztcagieg a t .sateentriofeyPlain Ctaeasostsexclacotrcess e Plain and Fancy' VBSTIGS, all of which will be mule to eider in the ride`fashionable end • work manlike manner, or fidld in Patterrurto snit mist° mere. Also a full Buick of READY•DIAD, CLOTHING . IfferCatitl",FOß CASH. • .o.l9.nt:if tt4 belt elected Mocks of GENT'S FIiRNISHING in t e town—flaw-El ' ~ Hoisery, Gloves and,Flee ill endless variety. Also, Military clothe and Caleitriekiis ;Which will be made to order at the shortest ,nolice, • . • • .; • • . ~? opposite Washington Noise, Hagerstown; Md. • May 6, 1864. . .Army and .Navy . Chants. T;OSEPH DOUGLAS, Attodiey . at La n. ej .yvayt r aporos. bein!,dttly liceneed • ea' Cfaini.A gent will procure 'Pennons, Boil*, Bounty Land arrodrages of p*rand Clothing, and all other anee's dna seomeh and 'soldiers, their hidis Or repro' sentatives. , • , ; kt!t.y aTaiaditif uctitalqintm, (*ado. I'Llatalvei log 01,41 7 110204.4• A - P` 4l 411 °M -1981 110 d 5•1 VII 30 WIA,E!.01111111184113. 33E!E2MI -_llAllNSEt_traq, PA. 1122111 '~.:d'n+iel~3 .':.a...... Y. NEW EMS 1. Emil ,1 i• *siiiiiesboi.V4 Psi. .0-. 411 . ANO L for kind favor& and patronage here ttifintio'hisio*ed,lipen him; :again appears before the pitklid to solidi a Continuance of the same..;— 11e.hnifrigjnetiettinied from die eastern cities dfith a fait, arid well selected etock•of new • FALL AriD"'WiitTEß tOODS, Which he intends gelling at' very low rateß,;which he bits hti can 'do to the satisiactioa of all will • call and examine hie etbek. " • tielow You will find 'enumerated a few articles which will be found among his stock to which he calls your attention; FOR TUE . , 111E4 AL M. 3IE/abil . iy He has ti large assortme of Dresi Goods consisting in part nf Printed n Delaine B 'k, Fig'd and Col'd Silks, plaid Mohair, Silk Warp Mohair, Beroges, Medona Cloth, Lavellas, French and domtic Ging/Innis • Poplins, Pongee Mixture, " Cloth for Ladies, Wrapings, Gloves, hosiery, in great variety. ENTLEMEN'S 'WEAR, •Broad Cloths, • # Black and Fancy Cassitneres, Union Casein:ones, Dock - Linens, Cottonades Summer Coatings, Tweeds, • Velv3t Cord, Marsailles, Velvatine Vestings of all kinds; in fact a full assotment of goods for 'Oentle men wear. Also a larger and well selated stock of '''NtilfdtsTzo GOODS, Muslin, Ticking; and a complete a assortment of Notions. It's no use {trying to enumerate. If you want anything at all in the Dry Goods line ust call in and you will find him readY'iti writ on you with pleasure. • To persons having country Produce to sell, they will find it to their advantage to bring it to Ste— ver's,as he always gives the highest market price. So give him a call, and he will sell you goods as cheap as they can be purchased elsewhere. Nov. 13, 1863. THE WAR Oli' 1776. THE iiaine "Continental" sounds more dear to the American heart, than any of the Itoyrl blood even should it be a prince. So all you that want a good Cooking Stove that Warns eithei Oat or wood, call at Sao a, irETLE'S and ask for the Continental, which is one of•the best stoves in market , and; by far the cheapest. It takes a long stick ofwood and is provided; with fire thick to burn cos I. It is one of the beat baking and cooking Stoves that has ever been offered for sale. It is a fine Cooking Stove and is easily kept clean I always have a large assortment on !hand, and will give better . bargains than any other houee in the country. So to prove that my narna is riot Gen. Bragg call and see for yourself. Also on hand Heating Stoves, such as IN It'll nil COAL Mfg, for shop or parlor, all of whichg will sell very low: You will also find a large assortment of . . 'PE:tT‘:g \-^,SeAl,W.....si , . with Copper, Brass and Sheet-Iron Ware, which is all of my own make, and which has been proven can not the found better in any place. Now remember I am bound to sell cheap, so all that want anything in my line, give me a call. My shop is still at the old, place on Main Street, next door to Miller's Store. • Bowie Spouting! dope at all times and of the best double tin. Feeling very thankful for the many past favors I have received from the public, I would invite all to give me a call, for then you can see for yourselve whore to get bargains. Old metal taken at Foundry Prices in exchange for new Stoves. W. A. TRITLE, Mar.2B_ , . Waynesboro'. FLOUR, FEED, AND - SPROVIESION STORE MBE subscribers announce to the citizens of Waynesboro' that they have. opened ,a Flour ‘,.. . .d • rovisionte are in the nom Dr. Brotherton's office, where they will at all _times have for sale . MILLSTUFFSOF ALL KINDS, SCREEN• ' INGS, :CORN, SHELLED, AIM. IN THE EAR, OATS, POTATOES, APPLES, VINEGAR; .. ' . Also, Rye, Wheat,•and Barley by the bushel of in -smaller quantities, and other articles usttally khpt to teeth establishments. , All Flour and Mill : Staff wilt ba sold at MILL PRICES Pokran putt., Thetighest marketprices will be paid for Wheat, , Rye and Corn to be delivered 'atthe Mill oldie lab . . • - JoAN 'WALTER Sept. 3.;...-tf.l ;.108;;ILDEN.;,i,. ~L.l .-011Titilkla—PaOnit.4610104* , o,•:fOr sale 8014 iign of iha , Big Rifrgoim . D. D.,3**; A g ent o rmklirtri bounty. (TOY' )I-1 .4; t • 24;:i " e t , , gutitikitfiti ~ • _ ' -- '--- "--, •': 2 :-----(ittEgletenitt '• ii"Af:•;:thilifelittit.:.,E tiY T A Iri' '''' bit' ' ti . 'AN . 14' . • , : ' ~,,,,:•,,-,,, 2.. , ..5w ' - .--4...- 4reyori • -- 'Dees' hair — tali oft 1 ' half,l*ite -'"- and fife 4141-' ie it teruing.gray before its time .1 • Are 'ioutronbled with itching, burning sensation of the'scalp 1 • Ate you troubled with Daridroff ? ' • Are you troubled with what is called &rattle or Salt Rheum ? - • finis you had the,lifirdpelasi abd l6st your hair ? Have you had the lilealles; ind lost it 1 Have you hid the Typhoid.titter, arid lost it? • HMre joti'hied the Drain loeit Have you lost your lulu itt an siciiiiessi Do you wish hituridat bait Do you Whit daft and Inelron hair • Do you wish. gray hair restored I • Do you wish yOiti wiskeis gloss*? Do you with them restored inrcolor " • Doled want a dresing . Do you want it for your children , Do you want it for yourself, for father • or mother for brother, sister; or friend I Do you want to make a 'irate& ? --Do-Sron-want-aperfume-for-your-toilet_? • Do you, want a liarßleii article Do you want a pine article 1 • Pb you want a dotibie distilled article ? Do you want a cleansing article 'I Do you want the best preparation out for &est- - ing, stimulating, protecting, restoring, the cold'', and rendering soft, silky and lustrous the . gime* Asir I It so, we warren' CLARK'S DISTILLED RUMMY B FOE 11111i6 HAIR TO BE UNEQUALLED AND SUPERIOR TO ANY PREPARATION EVER COMPOUN. ED AND OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC. Satislaction - guaranteed,-ei-the-money—refuntled' It tosts'but $1 for one bottle, or six bottl‘d for $O, and is sold by druggists and d Emden, every where. C. G. CLARK & CO., Propriefilis. D. S. BARNES & CO., N. Y., General Agege. Stine 17, 1864. I tontineTlital Hotel," - " :;,Re' . IrllD.undersigned having recently taken the a 1---ttiric,--named—House,—inrinerly_knovin as the "Glob's Inn," takes pleasure in announcing to his friendit and the public that he is prepared to receive and entertain Guests in a style not to be excelled by any coui.try Hotel. The House having been thoroughly repaired and newly furnished with eve= ry thing calculated to make his guests comfortable —the public may rest assured that they will at all times find it in a condition suited tithe eomfort and convenience of the traveller. Hit Bar is always sup plied with the choicest Liquors, and iiikTable with the best the markets afford, and all other appliances sditable and necceseary for, the accommodation of man or beast. With faithful and obliging servants with his own personal attention and supervision, he *ill leave no Means unspared to merit public pa tronage. The proprietor assures those who may favor him with their patronage that they shall ever meet at his house a cordial reception, an'd that, everything essential to the convenience and happiness of his guests shall be attended to. June 21,1860. A NNO UNCES•io his friends end the public Iligenerolly that be is now in possession of all the late and most improved instruments, and is well prepared to perform all DENTAL operations. He will be happy!to wait upon those who may require the services of an experienced Dentist. All opera- tions upon the mouth and teeth performed in a eci. entific manner. Teeth inserted according to latest improvements in the art and at moderate rates. Office in hill residence on NI Soiltli Corner of the Diamond.. THE OLD MILLER AGAIN. , t4IS the Rebellion is now on its last legs, and "nearlY over , rye thought right tcrannotince ' to e public that we will grind Gnats of 20 bushels or upwards either for pay or toll separately, and that we have lin band all kinds of FEED, CORN 'in the ear or shelled, or in MEAL sifted or not. Also Cats by the bushel or in any way that it may he wanted; also, Middlings. Shipstnff and Bran, Corn in cob chopped at kick notice. Praster by the ton br bushel on hand. Still in the market. for Wheat. We can always do up good work like it was done at Island No.. 10 and Pittsburg Lailding. SKY-LIGHT PHOTOGRAPHS. THE subscriber would inform the public that he haveompleted the neressary arrangements for taking Sky-light Photograps, and is prepared to fur nish Pictures much finer than ihose taken with Side- Light. Persona wanting pictures are requested to call and .examine his specimens. May 1- 7 -ta W. D. LECHLER CHOPIINCr 1 ZIL 1 • • IMRE 'subscriber would inform tha public that he 1 has purchased of V. B. Gilbert, the well.known sawing ante , Chopping Mills, sithated about one quarter of d idle from Bear's Factory, and is now prepared td eaw Lumber to order, by mill or circa? lar saw, and it also prepared to chop cont;oats; at short notice: - By punctuality and , .atteatibit vineaa 6b ho s rit—a—liberal—shate=htilt public's patrdiiags. 'JOHN L. METCALF. N.B.,He will also be prepared. to famish, in seasortlanbi;ltich as Tobacco, Sweet Potato,-To- mato, Cabbage, and other garden" plants. Terais , J. L. M. Aprii" ft- Ilt. ':1,1,E WRIT& BO.WLU Si Tiff AVlNCiloiiiiird lifigeratown. would o ff e r ja their prOrsional. services to the citizens of the place apd,suriinni_diaiti, country*: Having , had the experience of Fifteen yearti, and having availedthem selves of the lataiimprervements, ,they ale premed to' do work 'in& niatoind anhttart tialniatinex x Rain the tranereasOushle*lnikt: 1 . • • 2, • - lialrado**4oAs , "#-.Ez: •• . • r reb.5,14 4,10„. L . B. KURTZ. . LECHLER/ JOHN WA•J,PER' JOSEPH ELDEN. latrks .. ,, ,,,,,.: : -.-.. :77 -- ;:i .4 , 77. 7 ..,,... A .2,,y. .., ...,,,:,f, -,,,t.... . 4. , , • , , ,. %, s: /r! . : ), S lit , 1; ," 4 . 1' 1 i=1‘1;1,1;::"/ 1.1 iil=M=mma BIIENWA • v.)._ essiga it,,, ,51, • , , ;].":,‘„:- , :t...!;% ':',:e7: 1,, ::, 2 - t; :,',.. ' S t fXJ.t , , - 11,` - - .1 IF 11 - 11". - • L Air -BIT :414-1 4 v itt ... • • . `fr itH 401010114.06; lEEE= W`a~ga®sbvrol pa►~ NOw ktditin*GE. ".sEcarrp SUPPLY, SECOND SUPPLY, SECOND-SUPPLY mili lat. IL AIR" 4Gie GOODS!! 13pini0; DRY 6001Y§ SPRING DRY 600DS. , SPRING DRY GOODS' IC~I-~►_~~7C DRESS - GOODS LADIES LADIES LADIES DRESS GOODS DRESS GOODS DRESS GOODS. FtRS, SHAWLS AND NUBIAS; ETJRS, SHAWLS AND NUBTAS, FURS, SHAWLS AND NUBTAS. HOSIERY AND GLOVES, HOSIERY AND GLOVES, HOSIERY AND GLOVES;. 311YX 3111 E tgiip MEM MODS MEN'S SPRING GOODS, MEN'S SPRING GOODS, MEN'S SPRING GOODS, MEN'S -SPRING GOODS, CHEAP. • CHEAP, CHEAP, CHEAP. CLOTHS, CLOTHS, CASSZMERES AND SA7INE7TS I ,, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES AND SATINETTS; CLOTHS, OASSIMERES AND SATINETTS, ' UNDERSHIRTS,- • , • UNDERSHIRTS. UNDERSHIRTS; AND 4 AND • AND • DRAWERS. ••• DRAWERS, DRAWERS; GROCREIES t7roceries, Groceries, drbaries, DRY GOODS',' DRY doo4§, DRY tOODA: iili .l ll !Mt atide&*.irtl ueeii care, tOieniiitrare,, . 17lr'We would call the attention 't our cuittozii ; -ers and the public to our new.stock .:af goods," and at the same time return' our thanks to. customerd and' otherirtbr theirl 'beret; patronagei, an& will; em ,,, deavor by fair dating with all; to.. merit. arcontinta IMO Of. th e " IitNEDICr &CO. 2 1' April $2'41861. - : . vi k Sarin. nacos at xi Feb. 5, '044 U ao Yla rdware, Hardware, Eardware: .lotions; itrationsi Aro lions. KtIRTVB
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers