10116Untibl*IntetinA*8! IL_ V. WILHJERIO. OR A PER. Has constantly for Sale a full assortakent ' GOODS for Genikinea's titoritk ; a!'Latest City 01#6fikittfiitc0 , htinoy . IVaVneabor sumagnahlinguiAitgia/Pi Vi.LUAkIIL - E -EAR TOR THE cubscriber offers at Private Sale' his Farm situated about 84 of a mile from Quincy, con tariAni fP.v. ; ,r A 1 51 . R pis • 12 of whiCh is In Timber and thriviar Chestnut— The Farm is, of the best quality of LIMESTONE -LAND, except a few acres which is gravel soil, and all in a high state ofChhivatiori. If purchasers de. sire it the subscriber will reserve 30 acres leaving for sale 121 . A CRES. be in the centre of the farm and convenient to eve ry field. The improvethents are a large' uurtat- • with a portico and porches, a nerve BRICK BANK BARN, 80 feet long, with Wagon Shod and Corn Crib attached a large new frame Hog Pen, Double Frame Carriage House, Brick Wash House, Smoke House, Bake Oven and ether Mit-buildings, in good repair, all the buildings being under cypress and pine roofs, with tin ap luting to each. There is a large Cistern close to the barn, used for Stock, and_ one near. the kitchen. There is a Well of excellent water-in_the_yars re is also a variety of c hoice ;suit, scch as Pears, Plums, Peaches, and Grapes In the yard, and a good Cr) Z2aCM-11=talr •yr mr=a of young thriv;ng Fruit on the premises. Persona wishing ti view the land can do so by calling on the subscriber. Sept -30-1 m J JOHN MIDDOUR - Repository copy lm. and send bill to this office for collection. - S -A-L-E . THE-sub ser ibe . I - • 'vote Bahr hia - -c We Faun, situate on the Turnpike lending from Leitersburg to Waynesboro', containing I • • 1' • snore or less of excellent quality of limestone, about 123 acres of which is cleared and in °a high state of cultivation and the balance covered with aline body of Timber. •The improvements are a TWO STO - R . 1 40 4 0 TV catherboarded Douse, a Frame Barnrn ' • , &c. There is a young Apple ORCHARD on the )remises just commencing to bear. Ale.) a never failing a well of water close to the dwelling. Thire is also a Tenant House and Stable en the.farm in good condition. • . If this property is not sold at Private Sale on or hetbre THURSDAY the 20th day of OCTOR Eli next, it will at 2 o'clock, on that. day'he offered at Public Sale at the public house of R. Garlinger, in Leitersburg. r 4.- The farm will be sold together or in two pmts to suit purchasers. Any information desired concerning the farm, or terms of sale, can be had by calling upon, or ad dressingithe undersigned residing thereon. :i0 3t] • JACOB E. MILLER. k." _ _ _ PUB GIG SAGE. rilllE_undersigned will gel' at Public Sale at the JI L resitlenc* of Geo. J. Harbough, about ono fourth of a mite North of Quincy, on the road lead ing to Punkstowni on SATURDAY the lath •day of OCTOBER, the following properly, to wit : 1 COW AND 4 BOGS, I set Harness; l Bureau, 2 Safes, 1 COrner Cup board, 4 Bedsteads, 1 trundle Bedstead, 1 Settee, 2 Dining Tables, 3 sets Chairs, 3 Rocking Chairs, a lot Carpeting, 2 Clocks, 1 Desk, I .Secretary, 2 Chests, --\ TWO\TEN-PLATE STOVES, Cook Stovl, 1 large Looking.glass, a lot Pictures and Maps, 1 set China Ware, 2 barrels Vinegar, grain cradle and mowing Pcyth, 2 ecaps Bees and lot hives, 1 Riding Saddle, 2 Rocking Cradles, a lot stove pipe, 1 churn, tubs, barrels, garden truck, and a variety of other articles LVP'Sale to commence at 10 \ o'clock on said day when the terms will be made known by MARY C. HARBAUGH, Sept 30—Is) G. V. Mont, TEESTEES SALE. THE undersigned trustees of Hannah Fitz, dec'd will sell at public sale, on Saturday the 22d day of October, 1864, on the premises, the following - Real Estate, situa ted in Washington township Franklin county Pa., on the road leading 'from Waynesboro' to If opewell Mills, about l miles from either place, to wit, a tract of timbale Limestone land containing 34 AC MES, more o r less, adjoining lands John Bonebrake, Nicholas Bonebrake, John Metcalf and kmanuel Miller's heirs with a log DWELLING HOUSE, good Wash House, LOG BARN and Hog Pen thereon erected, with a never failing well of water at the door, a firstrate COxecilinaml of grafted Fruit, and about S ACRES of good Mead ow. The above land is nearly all cleared. Any persons wishing to view the above property will call on Samuel Rinehart living near the premises. O'Sale to commence at I o'cloek on said day when the terms will be made known by SAMUEL RINEHART, JOHN WALTER. Sept. 23—ts.] Trustees. Adtuinistrator's Notice. NOTICE is 'hereby given, that Letters of Ad ministration on the Estate of Conrad Zody, late of Quincy township, , deed have beau granted to the undersigned. All persons knowing thenaselve indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them properly au thenticated for settlement. Sept. 16 —6/ Itleatzer's Horse & Cattle Powder. M. STONER having purchased 'of Mr, M Mertzer, the recipe for making the above far-tamed Horse and Cattle Powder. for Pennsylva nia and Maryland, takes this method of informing the farmers, drovers, &c., that he has on hand and intends keeping. a good supply ,always on hand.— Country merchants and others keeping 'such articles for sale, would do well to supply themseldes with a .quantity. He will sell it on commission or for cash cheap. Orders will be punctually attended to. January '3l. icTOTIOE is hereby given, that letters of Adinin -1111 istrbiion on the Estate of James Brotherton, Jr., ,Zeta of Waynesboro', deed have been granted to nhe undersigned. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate will please make immediate payment, and dhow having claims will present them propeily au theiaticated for settlement. W. 8. AMBERBON, Adm'r. Sept 16— 6w. _ - . _ lifEatthseriber , r . informs Ida _former patrons and the 'public generally, that httgas re-commenced the BARBERING business, iri tWmom next door to Trifles 'riot big, establiilhmentraud-is now -p pared to do : llaircutting and Shaving in the best sills, --, ._.. .- - GEO. U. PRICE. . OptobosT,ls. - • 7- ' - 4- -.- -' ''. - SALE. JOHN ZODY, GEO. SUMMERS, Sr, Administrators. ta • lit ' rote . -.IIILVIPA: *,-';, i -, ...,,, i l4 ri l lt - 0 7,., , ; 4. Aig,' , :': ..,,,, ft. , ,... „ -0. , g ,,,, , d oh, t o w ,, , , ~.... .:,;,..„...„*. .....,,„..4., 64. - ‘''' ...,:', ''!, i" , ''.,, , r '., ~ , :' r, ~, ;•:7,...., ~,, .• . ' :.' • .. r 'IQ' ,'.,` . '.':.1.,,.- , ''.' -..'', t,. " 1 " ' , :x..'..Vy." , o.r i.:l'. •- : lio. ~',-, ~,.-;r44:14,'." • Farmers will p lease look 'at the great advantage in Thrasliding • , . • Grans with „ • —:, -- "EtsERs" PATE B.IIO:IRGO6ATING-G6AWBEPOATPOL: CLEANER AND BAGGER. At a time like the present, when Mar is very scarce, it is important that farmers who are interested Amid give-attention-to-the-above-improvernent. which will considerably reduce the expense of threshing grain over the common way. • --This-machine-has-been before the public for a number of years, but got very widely circulated, al though it has competed with ell the best of the air& Pent patented Grain Separators, and proved a decid ed advantage, and now has the reputation of being the best Separator ever befirre the public.lA order to prove th's in new neighborhoods where it is not known, 1 am willing to forward a machinelor aa test to any person desiring a trial, and have its merits tested; and I eristr-to-Imee-it imderitood that I . put the machine upon its own merits, and want fanners to judge for themselves. If it does not fully meet their wants. and they do not wish to purchase, lam per:l4oy willing to Dear all expenses of shipping. The machine is particularly adapted to farmers for their own use, and will apply to lever or railway power, will thresh and clean, in good grain, from 100 to 150 bushels per day, using four to six horses and the same number hands, but under very fatorable circumstances will thresh more par day. It cleans the grain thoroughly clean by one operation, which is norgenerally done by other Separators.. Orrin cleaned on this machine, with much. !if* filthy matter, is worth one or , two cents more per bush. el than if cleaned in the.common way. • There is also a great saving of grain, in straw and chaff over _the_common_way_alLthrashing_antLcleaning,_and also_o_ver_other_Separa tors_antLeleaners The machine is conveniently arranged for hauling and threshing, being permanently ;fixed on two wheels. One man can easily move or shift it about, so that it is not half the trouble in a barn floor as Iso easily put in operatlou; beirtg - simpleTeasily managed, - retie , ' ' the corn- ble, durable, compact, and cleanli to work by vv. mon machine or of ler itieparators. Farmers_ can rest assured that this machine is no humbug, and judging from the high recommendation from farmers that are using them, I must come to the conclusion that it is the very machine that farmers want;and will h a ve as soon as they have an opportunity to appreciate and attest its merits, which I hope they will give me an opportunity, as I am willing to beresponsible, as-already_stafed,_ Price el Machine at shop, (all complete, ready to attach , to belt Lever or itailivayi'Power,) $1,75 eash, 4180 in three ialoallis, with interest froru date. As material for mannfacturing advances, there may be a corresponding advance in the price of ma chines. The ma chine is fully represent:ea in the above cut. I warrant the machine to do as above represented. Orders solicited and promptly attended to. ' The machine is manufactured in YennsylVania - and - Maryland, at different shops. _ For further infonnatiod and description of machine, address DANIEL GEISIIR, Proprietor, Waynesboro-Franklin aunty, Penna. 23-tf.] W'aynesboro' AND MACHINE GEISER'S PATENT SELF-REGULATING GRAIN SEPARATOR. CLEANER AND DAG GERMAND THE LATEST IMPROVED T r ii - RESITER - A - ND TRIP-P-LE-GEARED HORSE POWERS, DRIVING EITHER BY 'GEAR OR BELT, ALL FURNISHED COMPLETE; READY-41.1,P-UT ON WAGONS. I, the undersigned, desire to c all the attention of Fanners and Threshermen of Franklin and adjoin ing counties to this machine. It has been before the public for a number of years, during - which-time-it has given general satisfaction, and the patentee Las made some very iinitortant improvements which ran der it still more complete, both for clean separating and cleaning, and also for the ease of draught and fast threshing. 1 take pleasure in recommending it to the public knowing that it will give the best satis faction. lam manufacturing two sizes, viz : The largest is eight-horse power and will thresh and clerfn from `2OO to 500 bushels per tiny.. The small size. See the above which fully represents the machine, also ful! description, price. &c., of machine. Persons wishing machines should send in their orders in reasonable - time to insure their being tilled. awaravtatzia afaratuflaztca tuvaaaa AND . IMANUF.A.CTURERS OF SYRUP I I am manufacturing different sizes of Sugarcane Mills (to be driven either by waterysliam or horse power) and Evaporators and fixtures for making syrup; also Portable and Stationary Sisam Engines for driving Mills, Threshing Machines, Sawing Woou, Sze. I am fully prepared to make the above to order and on short notice; also GRIST AND SAW MILI. GEARING, SHAFTING AND PULLEY'S, IRON pRIDGES, CAST IKON WATER-WHEELS. IRON KETTLES, &c, Stoves and Plow eastings,also cast iron and wrought iron pipe for steam orwater, and Brass castings of every description; in a word, I am prepared to do everything usually done in a foundry and machine shop. Having supplied myself with the latest improved machinery, such as Lathes, Boring, Planing and Drilling Machines, persons can rely. on having their work done in the most satisfactory manner. 1 um also prepared to manufacture to order machinery for wood, such us Tonging and Growing ma chines for flooring,.Surface, Ten'out and Moolding machines, &c. 1 also offer to the public a new and valuable improvement in my steam engines, made within the last years viz: for the economizing of fuel r and the regulation of speed, which renders my new engines far superior to the old engines. All my machines are sold under warrantee. My hands aro all experi enced workmen in this line of business, and I use all good material, so that I am perfectly safe in war ranting all my work. I ant also prepared to do repairing in workman like manner, on the shortest notice. Orders solicited and promptly attended to. All orders sent in for repairing must so accompanied with the cash. # For particulars and circulars descriptive of machine, address GEORGE FRXCE, —__Or_DAxtaL_Grians, Proprietor of Territory_aml_solicitor_oLorders,_Warneaboro,'_FranklinCo. Pa. PUBLIC SALE. WILL sell at Public Sale at the residence of the subscriber near Quincy, on the road lead ing to Funkstown, On Wednesday dhe 19th day October,lB64, ,the following prol erty, viz: . ff:x. ,, r4 - 4 'WORK 1101181 S, '004,1 SIX COLTS , two rising three and four two years old, 22 HE ID OF CATTLE, among which are four Mitch Cows, ono Bull and five Fat Steers, the rest young Cattle, 10 HEAD OF HOGS; 2 Plantation Wagons, 1 one Horse Wagon, 1 Pair Hay Ladders, 1 Pair Wood Lad ders, 1 Wood Bed, 2 Barshear Plows, 3 Double and 2 Single Shovel Plows, 1 Corn Coverer, 2 Harrows ; 2 Log Chains, Fifth Chain and Spreader, 1 Corn Sheller, 2 Windmills, 1 Outing box, 1 jackscrew, 3 long Ladders, 1 large Chop chest, 1 bag wagon, 3 sets Hind Gears; 3 sets Front Gears, 4 sets Plow Gears, 1 Wagon Saddle, S Fly .Nets, Collars Bri dles and Halters, 1 McCormick Reaper, 1 Wheel barrow, 1 Grind Stone. 1 extra dinner Bell, 20 Cow chains, 24 Grain Bags, Forks,Rakes & Slw els, 1 Mattock, 1 set of BLACK SMITH TOOLS, 1 Cross Cut and 1 hand saw, brace and bits; about 15 TONS OF HAY, 200 BUSHELS OF OATS, 50 BUSHELS RYE; 20 BUSHELS CLOVERSEED, 8 Bushels Plaster, a lot of tennis alot of old Iron, _CrailleaaniLido_wing-scy_thes_aniLosa_ny_qtherarik. despot necessary to mention. , WlSale to commence at 9 o'clock on said day when the terms will be made known by. JOSEPH MIDDOUR, G. V. Nips% Auct. Sept. 23—te.] 5000 lbs. ! Lard -and Tallow, ILITANTED.—The subscriber Will pay the high est cash price for Lard and Tallow delivered in Waynesboro within the next,l9"day , .. lie will befoupd_at_the_atore room o IT. J. Filbert. ' • T-• ` .1 WALKER:" eep 20 , —1t. • • • de J L:AA.INo TRATeD from the' premises of the subicriber lain Quincy ou Friday' tie 16th inst. a SHIN DIX' W with white spots endiitraight borne ; A lib or .ward will be paid for inch information as will lead to ber recovery. , - • H. ROSEN VERO. Sept 30 :7 31: ' - ' Inle in opera Foundry 110 P. TO THE PUBLIC r SQUARE UP ! ! ! PERSOy NS owing the subscriber, will please pay up when notified, if they desire to save Lcosts. determination is to pay too rash and . seceive no. thing also, although, not understood 'as annulling former contracti, nut under this caption my princi ple is to "square up" square. . Aug. 19.] i M. M. STONER. DU. J. FAllltrays 111,00dPFRIFiERI ---- TNIS article so well known by reputation for having curred some of the worst cants of Tot ten', it crofuta, and all impurity of the Bleed, is al. ways on hand ut Fourthman's Drug Store. lie has just received a fresh supply of the above article and can accommodate his customers. June 3-Iy. , _ Li 0 SECT A Pocket Book containing *49.65 in notes, 25 AL cents in silver, and a couple notes-of-hand, was loot on the 17th inst. on Machaaic Street, in Waynesboro'. The tinder will bs liberally reward ed.on returning the same to the subscriber. • • Sept. 24-31. J • M. H. ISTONER. POCKET BOOK LOST. WA° lost on Saturday night last, September 17th, between the Diamond and the Union Church a Pocket Book containg $272,50. The find er will be liberally rewarded. • EMANUEL DIFFENDARFER. Sept. 23-2 t.). . . . LOST. AN.SatUrilay °venlig Sept. 17th, 1324. between V Bowden's Hotel and the Poet Office. a small Me dallic' enameled on one aide. The finder will re-* eive_n_liberaLrewardLby_leaving_the_sa_m_e at this °Sim. Sept. 23.-31 .. smis..zuk: wav Taw 4lWlir AND • CHOPPING. MILLS • TBE subscriber would inform the public that ho bas purchased of V. a.'llilbert, the well-known sawing and Chopping- Mills,: situated about one 'quarter of a mile from Bear's Factory, and i 4 how prepared to saw Lumtier to order, by mill or circu• let saw, and is alseprepared to chop corn, oats, &c. at short notice. By punctuality end- attention to business he hopes 'to merit •tt liberal fiber° of the 'public's patronage. JilliDl L. MNTUALF. .N.O: Ho will also be prepared ,to furnish in season, Plants, such as Tobacco, sweet Potato, To. Audit, 'cabbage, end other galdett,' pietas. Terms reaionable., ' • -- •- 1.:111:= Apris'B•—;ly, , • • • • ' _ • • . . ; IMEI BLOO,D PttßirlEß, soh; by P. Fouwitistmitt, Wnynesborn'. Lewis Colliflolar, Dr. H. norenburg. Quincy; Mr. Bite sherr, Rifinsold; J. S. Nikon, Cfmmbersburg ; J. Cook. Mt. 'rope ; Lewis Eiliott, Tornstown ; Mr. Elnively „Sfiatly,,Grots• J. if. Jlostetter,, Orep,nela.. tie eShiery; Alta:Vale: • I.! • Seirli - -;-% TIN 41111: lIIIIT 4- 111 - 011 - 11117 - 1 1 1t7, 11111 E subscriber would inform his customers nna Upublic generally, that with other busi ness men . of W ayneabord',adopted:the . he is now prepared to sell %at •Shorter. profits than formerly. Persons in want' of any" artiolo, in his line are respectfoljiinvitettio . give hime.osit.-_— His stock: of HOTISEKTEPING . GOODS ;and KITCHEN' WARE are Coniplete, and will be-sold it such prices (the. times considered) as cannot fail to give satisfaction: All. kinds of • iffig riCI .1132 Pai r embracing the latest and most approved, .paiterha, for eithet.wood or coal, constantly on hand, r"Special attention is given to putting up Spout. , Mg, made of the best tin, for houses and barns. Remember the sign of the "Ilia RED HORN" Auguqoo. 1864. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE, ! (HE subscriber offers for sale his valuable farm, containing SIXTY ACRES. LIMESTONE LAND, situated in Wmthington township, Frank lin Co. Pa.. within 2 miles of Waynesboro and of a mile from the road loading from Waynesboro ' . to Hopetwell Mills, boundod by lands, of John Gehr, Abraham met - other s . above de-, scribed farm is in a high state of cultivation, , The improvements are, 11 1- 7 4tilt-HIOI.IIME and Welsh House. Wood Ithed.l3ank Itarti,(3o feet long) Wagon Shed and hog Pen. There are also on the premises a thriving OMNI AM) of Grafted Ernit_Tree_s, two wells of never failing water. on: with a pump in it, and a good Cistern near the house. Also about 5 nem; of Mountain Land. • Any person wishing to view said premises con do so by calling on the undersigned milding on said (arm. JACOB F. HESS. Aug. 19-2ra. PUBLIC SALE. BY authority of the last will and testament of Janes Nill. late of Chasid e•shurg, dec'd, the uniersigtied Executors will utter at. Public Sale on the premises, on IVedneeday the - 12th day of October next, at II o'clock, A. 14., the following described Real Estate, viz : A Tract of band, sit uate in Wastington township, Franklin county, Fa, on the toad leading from Waynesboro' to Hughes' Rolling Mill, about 4 miles limn the form er and 1 from the latter place,adjoining-lan • Snowberger's and others, and con taining ----- 131 ACRES and 43 BIRCHES neat. 'The improvements are a comfortable , LIMELLUM-HOUSE good FRAME /1.1/?N, and other buildings, with running pumps of pure water• at the house and in the barn yard, and a stream 'of water running thro' the farm. There ia also on said tract a good water power and SA WMILL, which being situated as it is, near the mountain and in the neighborhood of good timber; would be a source of great profit to an enterprising man. The terms will be•mnde known on the day of sale, by SAM% MYERS, T. J. NELL Sep 9—ts.] Executors. N - 333' 1 ViT MACHINE SHOP! MHE subscriber would inform the citizens of Franklin County, that he bile opened a Machine Shop one forth mile north of Quincy, where he is prepared to make to order all kinds of THRESH ING MACHINES, and •he will pay particular at• tention to.repairing. He will , keep on hand Cast. inga •for Separators and Horse l'ewers, and be able to do repairs on short notice. He will also build the treble -geared PELTON'S HORSE POWER, which is now used by all regular thrashermen, and is acknowledged to ho the best 'now in use. He will build three different sizes, Nos. 1, 2 and 3; No. 1 is 8 horse power; N 0.2 is 6, and No. 3is 4•horse power. They will be made of the best material, and warranted to be good. Persons-having-old-horse powers - he - will - takelif exchatige for new powers; He will also be:prepared to do turning and boring wrought or cast iron, and will be able to furnish castings when ordered; the best of material will be used, and no pains spared to render satisfaction to all that may entrust him wi th their work. P. 13, Foundry prices paid 'for Old Cost Iron, Brass and Zinc, •• J OKA 11 FA 'JUNE Y. March '25-Iy. i4liailatill OF, , REAL ESTATE• On Thursday the 20th of October. (HE undersigned, executor of the last will and testament of Michael•stoner dec'd, will sell at Public sale On Thursdciy . the 20th day October. 1804. the following property holonablg to tbe heirs of said dec'd., v;z: A TRACT OF LAND situated aboot hallo Italie south of Waynesboro', containing about • 4175413 0 2 1 3L. 4 11D-11Elk. on which there are a StoneParn, a one story brick Dwelling and a well of good ,water, Tito whole will be sold together or in lots to suit purchasers.— Also TWO HOUSES sitauted on the South side of Main btrkit in Waynesboro'. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock on said day when the terms of sale will be rnaide known by AMIN STONER, Efr. Sept. 10—ts. HOVSE AND LOT FOR SALE. THE subscriber offers at privaie sale his HOUSE e nti-LOT,-situated-about - 2 - miletr - Southesst - of - 1 Waynesboro' near GOod's Sash. and Door Factory, adjoining lands of, D, F. Good, Joseph Rohrer and others. Tfie lot contains, I ACRES with a two Story ' . LOG #OUSE with Back Buildings attached, Log Stable. Hog Pen and other neitissary , Out-buildings thereon. The lotlie well set with choice Fruit Trees with a Well of never failing water at the door. - Anypeteou wishing to view Atm property can do so by ca Hine on -the nn'dersigneit residing on'the premises. • 13"fithe 'above prOperty is not sold pd. irately on or before Saturday' the , 15th of October, it will be offered at, public sale on that day t t o'clock WWI E. PRICE. Sept qt , , • . W:PUTNAM'§ - 1 1 ;tent .Cloth • Wringer JAL, tor rate at the sign s of tho Big' Red Horn DAL itusant.t.- (Joky. j4r , al .011 Mkl:iii •.•• .• ~,.. i •,.,: • • ,••:•-';•••• • 5,-:',VOIVT:7I.,,Viii: 1- -i '', ' t z• ' -1 ,..1 I ,_ , ~., .. it ..,,:,,,‘; rrlitg'B,thililAiir . ' tliiPieffittiiiii4mn ,I ce Hint. i Subic/ iptiens•nill be 'l'el,ipl: .1-2'oupan hen.; mut* toire, , , ig4'able three - iiiiii•frai-Aiigi Ifith; 1804; with senitiUMMllriniem:ll,sit:l4 iopitaf seven 1 end thiee•tent*;patAltit.4oitatiO r m4piificipai ' and interest both to be paid in ;iv/WI - money.. • .. , i ,i'he!la Motes Jilt, • Foyilortikie, at Aho,, , ,optift q the holder at! alut:ity, inio;sbc,tosr sent , gold bear ! : ingtonde, payable : hot less 'then4wenty yeturii, innii their date, fl o tt the Government may 'elect. Thdivili be finned in danonainaoona#lll6o.lllloorSAoo; $l. 000 and 5,000; and 'nil eillidi *ilia 'iiiiiitlieticit fit .irdollars or someArchllirile of tiftidollom: ' • The notes will iiiiirimiiiiiii'Oinn iim' 'Owners free pl. traniparfitiliti:. el 1,140:? i*oOdn ailet , gle'tectipt ; ,2•ll the original oeitiliCiife4 of beposit"'"iii they 'emi be.' prepared. . • . As the notes drays interest trom Angust 15, per sona making dapasites subiequeni. to thin date Must pay the intereif accrued (rem 'date of note to date , if deposit. v , Parties depositing twenty.fivi3 Ai:wand dollars and ufoyM.ills for these notes at any one time will be allowed, a commission of one-quarter of, one per cent:, which will 'Lid paid by the 'Pleasing , Depart 'Dent upon the receipt of a bill for the iniouitt. ee; tilled to by the.ollicer wittyvbom the. deposit was. made. No deductions for; commiesiona must be Aide from the de °sits. . SPECIAL ADVANTAGES OF THIS LOAN. D. B. RUESSELL. IT /A A NATIONAL !Saving BANK, WS:ring a high or rate of interest than any other, and Me heat secu rity. Any savings bank whichlitiys its depositors in U.S. Notes, considers that it is paying in the best circulating medium of the country, and it caw not pay in anything better for its own assets are ther in government securitienaw in notes or bonds payable in governinent paper, : ' It is equally convenient as a temporary or perma-, nent investment. The notes can iltrays be sold for within a fraction of their face and accumulated in terest, and are the best security with Lanka as col aterals for discoun is: Convertible into a Six per cent. 5.20 Cold Bond. In addition to the vety liberal interest on the notes for three years, this privelege of conversion is' ow worth about three per cent. per aimum,,for the cur - e_foaL,2o-Donds-is-not-less:-th an-nine-pc 'cent. piemium, and before the war the premium on six per cent. U. S. stocks was over twenty. per cent. it will be seen that the sand profit on this loan, at the present market rate, is not less than ten per cent. per annum. its Exemption from State or Municipal Taxation. But aside from all the advantages 'we have enu merated, a special Act of Congress exempts all bonds and Treasury notes from local taxation.— OA the average; this exemption is worth inhouttwo_ per cent. per annum, according to the rate of taxa tion in various parts of the country. It is believed that no securities offer so great in duceinents to lenders as three itoxtedil_the_, Ment. In all other forms of indetedness, the faith or ability of private parties, or stock companies, or seperate communities, only, is pledged for payment, while the whole property is held to secure the die charge of all the.obligistions of the United States. While the government otTers the mast liberal terms for its loans, it believes that the very-strong est appeal.will be the loyalty and patriotism of the j people. I Duplicate certificates will be issued for al rdepos its: The party depositing must endorse upon. the ortglnad certificate the denomation of notes requir ed, and whether they are to be issued in, blank or payable to order. When so endorsed it must be left with the officer receiving the deposit, to be for wart ed to the Treasury Department. • SUBSCRIPTIONS WILL mr usasivinalby the Treasurer of the United States, at Washington, the several Assistant Treasurers and designated Depositaries, and by the FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WAYNES• DORO', and by all National Banks which are depositaries of public money, and ALL RESPECTABLE BANKS & BANKERS throughout the country will give Luther information and afford While war's fierce peals alarm us, f r victory's shouts oft charm us, —The calmer notes of local news, Of little brawls, or breaks, or stews, Are equally engaging. The former often shock or please, But such emotions quickly cease. • But When jewels 'bright and gay, • In multitudinous array, • • Our serious thoughts assuaging : . Are placed to view at Grove's old stani4 To brighten eye, or ear, or hand,-- • To decerate the lase'or lad, To beautify the calm or sad, Oh. evfity heart's de lighted ! With rings, and pins,.apd bracelets bright, Glistening like the stars of night, On wrist, and fingersibreast and ear, Like seraphs fair the youth appear! With beauty's splendors freighted. With thimbles, lockets, mourning setts, Box-pins. gold•chains, and setts of jet, Steal jewelry, belt•slides and hooks, All of the latest styles and looks,. I'm sure you'll be delighted. Eight-day, alarm, thirty-hour, and fancyelocks. Spectacles, cases, and a full assortmrnt of jewelry, of the latest styles and most elegant finish, watches and jewelry promptly repaired at the lowest cash prices. C. W.LOGAN . _ Lumber for Sale. THE subscriber has still for sale at Metcalf's Mills (formerly Gilbert's) LUMBER, such as Boards, Plank, Lath, Palling.. Strips, Joice, Scant ling, &c . all of which he will dispose of on, the most accommodating terms, being desirous to close out his stock. Persons wanting Lumber will please call upon him at his residence, in Waynesboro'. Ap. 2t—lf)' 4 V.. 8. GIL B BAT -fIRST.tharREG STIR' i*' IN WAYNESBOR.O,' PA. M. M. STONER, Druggist, THNKFUL to his • e and customers 'fur 'tha very liberal eau) t o reyeived in his "old business" and he hopes at et:lntroduction of the cash system• will add to their interest: and his ad vantage in continuing their favors. He lelieves a distinctiont on,ght to be made hp tween cash and credit and he intends to exhibit. itin' the prices of his articles 'offered for 'sale. Dail and see, and if not so, prirchsse where ever you can got the cheap. est; the best article at the lowest price.. Hie assort ment is more general . thsh is Usually found in,notto try Drug Stores. He hes quite a variety of Hooks. dm., which be will dispose of cheap for cub, intend- IV to close' it, - considenng it no part cilia buidness, and bah adopted this'motte, "live and let live. sup port and supporting. M. M. STONES.'„ Aug: TO 11:164i ' EVERY FACILITY TO SUBSCRIBE. Aug. 19-3 m. il, PON FOR THE TINS. . , -.. v .- 7 , :, i,.. -- .a . -, ,''; .- 0 - r t ,',..:',7'..!•, --. 4, - ',,,,,":6 u F, lit ':, 'VA:, '.,i ~'... ~j'4'3 ,i ' ~:' , 0 , ,i , ' Ilifii , i..p - ilti*,,,A.o.lozik.- - q.', -1 ,!: . :'.1 - 7/ ,. -, "1 .' Ihil COLUMN ! 'fit. VNE ‘l7tir 40154 • 1414 . - y':*ECO4*.*ttigt , r 1 41D011*,-, *AUL, f i E VO S OAVA# 4 I II4 9' "AE 0111 AAR'YAW, ' ' SUDIIr+DO.,,GI)OIIi i SUNDER GOODS,' SVIIIIIER poops! PRICE tcHOLVLI CH TT A VINO Titirchnsoul dui large and excellent Ulstock of goods beforging'to the &tate Josiah Resole . flpg , deceased; end combining with tho same. in the In* and, capacious Store Rooin, the new fresh supplies (brought at kw' weeks sineo loi ming - th - o - stocliTorhailitr,l'ilVe==sriTlibuT - Rret stinting, tu the public the largest ; c hei pest and chesti est seleztion of PRIPICI A NiiSIJIVIIVIER GOODS' now offered in this Botcugh, embracing alnrge oud varied aituntrneut of *) • itY WOE ! pRocERIES, QUEENSWARE, BARDWARI43 Sueb ns Fancy ,Silks,l , W ool_Delains, . -- - -- Alt:mewls, . - Shepherd Plaids, ) ' ' Doheges, Crape De S Swiss, plain and figured, - Striped do., • Cambries, Bisbnp Lawns, • Nulls, übuaznaa We boast of having the - largest assortment' ever brought to Town. Were bought twenty-five per cent. cheaper than present 'prices and will be sold accordingly. Silks, Bareges, Grenadines, Wool Detains, Poplins, Challios, Lawns, plain and figured, Balzerines, Crape Despanges, Eng. Crape," Ameriettu — Piiras, FrenehAlrape. • Collars, li'dk7s, Mitts, Gauntlets,&e. OUR FANCY Oros= comprises a great variety of Balmorals. Hoop Skirts Shawls, Gauntlets. Kid .Cloves, Head Nets, Trim• ming Ribbons, Laces, &c. DOMESTIC COODS BROWN AND BLEACHED MUSLIN, Linen Sheeting's, Bleached and Brown Diapers, Ticking!, Strips, Furinturo Cheeks, . Burlass, Cottonades, Linens, Bags & Bagging. CARPETS, • OIL CLOTHS, Blinds and Eargiage EC)BEEEIES. ar - Stock rif - Groceries large. Sugars of different grades—Manias at 'various pricee; Loaf Sugar, Syrup, Coffees ' real Rio and Dandelion, American and English breakfast du., Teas, Fish,, Cheese, Rice: • ..411,,A1t, 9 WIELOW WARE Alai WS,W'AIL - E. • Antrim" article, necoivet vy to supply the in;cesel,,,, ties or tendiecomfirtable (fur, :old friends and s e quaintances. papal , to give PSiIIOSAL ATTYN. TIM 20 BUiusit 6101, 0 _ ant Ccietele every accum ,modadon,poeilhli. With'meny thanks. for arm. crone , introrliike:beietatbreit'weabell: endeavor to merit a continuance of the public's favors , • - •:qtPOSPIf ?Rios. 5: ar4 - -_ , i,i,71..; ,, , - :;. iettimust HoautiV • ,frarceoroilavie:l7, 1811 L. . , 1 4.0 • I ;NOTIONS, &e Laisms and, • Chintzes ODS. ilain Books, &e @Mr!!!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers