~~~ raOlLep -tA- , Atn , -,-- - - ~. ~,,,,,,,. i-, - -, - -7111-v-sv.,!--, - , - -=”..., rete.gr goutl4toteo Wlieek,bropethes;this tle bet We Were toN, With Phell'iiiis 3, l eon Oliutliiilik *it, ' ' 1 3 I 1 `'A OA rititideio's RAM illibilitiliOß nevi - - • rni, sirwiieti,...iti "titittiptir,. - • - • - W .o.i 09., is , . l#li:et t. h. .... iy 4f4, 0 #0- 1? ply ofm m yr goiiilS ills- wills gm'. s,"; ...,,—, MtAif".' ;'•"trc--.77 --- 7, ,,, . ~ , w .. ! -- 7 - - - em . ::triPl OtitPtion .of our *dem, tb , the isle ef perioest pmperty iid, v tiif , e4'bi Mt WALiatii le:seothAr WOO. ? • LI:- ' 4-44 . 444 ,,, .; H . :. • I , Deceased.--We regret to leare, this . Pr. D. Vitzsji..itei toritier r lf i -iit ft* tiae4", died etc.ifgrA , ,iii4:4 l :l l , l 'Ao. l 4'.'is°' l !. ,illif 68 the Slat ult. The .ditetor vtasep 44d yeti!. Hii Aitbilsb Typit4i4truituisonht. , Retrored.,Capt. W *TA Ml. of A, t7th Itegttelon4 *hti :11rsi *founded oh lit4firetabak : ov9iid WAIL bel:*fc.T.PeverM ,tiOkg ifki. lo .4g, left en Tuesday morning to joia his cotillion)", ltniiiilpl entlieliiittemerotr Often 'his trotted. Copt.. W. is a trap potict and , a satisto yoang 4 I 4 • • officer. Aveother 40/dicr -picratror--T We, regret to learn that 6attowbracritit. 4 l.•ann, of Mr;bavittißtotrbeirevalitettober at l'en. G, INS:Aiii*:4o•:'Otaliy, died fit.itioir 8 0!'.04.441, 0 trOrLd. # 4- r:ar• --- He totasicbatinnd, Ait•Carup Bimini:me, Harris burg, tett dkyi.,.`iiiien, be itai lent hOtne, *here he lingered 'He *is a very tiortity young man, and death .is much,lomentnti:loy his Weed. family and ether Maude and acquaintances, Out **ie.—After an absence front the Miles of ever el?., weeks we aro enabled to return. It wan our MildOrinne l len our rea ders were informed in a previous issue, to be alliotod with the etnapou. We have betrayer entirely reeovered trona the'diaeare - s well as tke genliby end Me aspire our i'riands Upon Dr. Drotherteues authority that es fears wrzei be entertained of tootraetitig trio disease front' teadinit the pitieS.er ing*,offtee. Oninber of patrons,i,ap• itrelotelinfiiaoser w fretuari to te . epio it din:ng oux Zta satire for' abirtit. ihdatod thee 'SW terns:44y' none aaT, fob at 00 time ..k44 .l ‘a ae COARtnleiOe non with the Ate. - *it liake4wititte, eto thieOWneps iii obits sad . Iwr.illor'ibeir ietrOon t ,iii)4l Tarkl , i t e e l S4 l 4 Olt 33141m910 A nat. A* Apra: Piwiniitt.4.lVeltoi*. Itoodtd dollate` . 01 pie t t , t o # / p4 ' Pa fit lha ~ ck*V Ot •ppeokt te those of imar istroaa in arrears far •tab rreriOakiebbiki iiradveriftimti to cif sod laa I lie/f 41 0• 0 ? . t 1,2 4 614 11r 9t r i T snits 04, n 44.1 , 0,104 wrO.,.eompolia ao to ttri*Prarapt takyoteata, Witluliasw cow ?liaises with thia requeisvaitally Ira fiLlP"ii#l4 tor "I t A.; Ott ' ClIt ."4:i 9 Pf , TrePtei• tiler ere ;few aositivs pow titst whit,bate aititetimsanad sheltie* , 'of irabtleriptiOts dearealiod be sin '4 their 61lititt:Qte rise itt Tapar.,494tiaiess thOil;iFt'' .l o4,fr*APlL7'.C 3lol 4 ). 4 lICIVIAIS if:WOO Witillittipel US to wears to one or ibis:n*lllo'4f theie extiedierite. Wa tiotitt Str4lllSlDplio - lions wic;4e , , so "lT4lba4 rea ) ** 4 unPettled far eftra.— • To this 4,letta we appolespeeially- ••• Da~ o- WJtilit"Of A; '7 4 fi lintratti f P. e t desei!pr from Parole &nip.' wsl shot pear ,Basna, yiata spring!, 00-Seturde74est„ whilst attempting 'to Este liit~2a [ s fiict ' ihq,pie~eiit " Rn t ,nrd of ibis ti'apPe l eip that *de 'kind 13 04? arr4.#o4 444 Akftessrards, sitompttel, to make his ertape : lie had ae s diatanoe of iffis; and I.o3lii!*o' . #* . ft:; 6t 0 1141, 4914141:N1ijT.400*(0. vb.e Ai, ti r e tin takingoffoot inJbe ihoulder..... X he l t P i ?'" ,, li . ? lea j,, i l l l o4, ,bkrtilO t elious 0 9 0 — , is.m . --BrottlgNiftleit 'duo& been. idiniastering io his relief. sitibri the otheiAtS(Whaiii ties was a reel His '.lteppouriaisW" He rep rellyetli. thou aneedieralet Cobineiwbe!:ep rese erer,y isehmukilik• l ifairikoiriteriOh l 4 4' the 14b019-it]i!!•ol4l424o*PitiAbir.4l- i6iii 4 1 04 is. !4..a$ gait sosillisai !aril he styles "43-!‘tseenwilre . hteelM4s." Thie VIM is Chi x. . With tliti \ M? . A 4) 41 40 4 141 1 440% 4f T , , illOregeseighwat vas helot:is 1 131: 1 - 4soet, wea *lame *dawn its pre* 0,1 tfs. 4149 K itotheift t, ;tai be 4441 ;kis istiospakt On Oferinat fir_ Jur- Morn ea Skte isiltikeres visitor is foltsiht.— iiiifsirct*iireiiiinlF rir R sea tithe his lies, hiselajihiskie4l* '~ w~.4C: itiea uni-itin Wiles" ottroason. Devoce him as a traitor,. Merle in hest 'it 'Ws %team whorerat*o4l blyisiO4( a l iggi„viLh Pace at fisdr i r t y p ia icin lt ii‘ll,l_,i.'4f7,llrin'd enicryrthere, het-ittilfulkY.9P . 7 11 3M1r. die) eitliht of trstini the: sTeteloortor 10 1 6gArtiktoii; end *Oda !ilthketi.-.:' :This hie %lie Ari,l„o 1101, tbe.liiptwtetn traitor: ' Inuit Miltiet ut gmilysiiikoi , be, .01),iegiv to' take ntlintur ,tisfeiteo.'ef his tkioi to Ornsi-341110 - the 'tattle. cry. ThelOoDociamPiells ot: , 1 94 1 4, evolltioiu tirithc COUf . IIIO iCI - .: OXlnflut!Cit. , tee Denunciation' to: tlacji ant, silence and riot ours the raseals.,OtOir Deunnoiationsetteepernten d the to 'a eenfeitlititt of them : hilt. bee nOrtitein pith denunciation 119 1 1, g ncl tl4e fa.lere,•,(OC,,:their destreetien n111(6111 coma in good tinyr.- • •' , I') - -,- a-- - #.4- --+.64..-- 1 - ; ~ of on. ii rex,— Sorne`tbleapprehennian hirift tri 'ill -relation i to; thb time land tiittoi4r;;Of' 'lnktl4,iniXithetait!,` I 'e4ieir i.by the eet , ef l. !4iiireelt4P l : ll li 4 o J i!"i i l /11. 61 . 4 i t lot ifr no t ont . ...of,placa t to give the ex.%o provisieni t this lait.! , , ilitytainpowineonies . oen:lui l tairi it'd cejlidinerititil 'die Britt'; any 4 liiii;l 9 ,•:'.-,A)ii :;04, - *04 7 '4s 'l'_sl!_fi'Y next the a sorcWilLles , „x 41• tax ; of AereP ter emit * upon - xli illebtece r which shall bare, exceeded the suns ,OOi,X linytdii4 iliii . lars du *lngle year ea4iallt P.P*lier ,A,, t,562. If the income for thelytar 1862 eXceeded the'stun or lien iheintie,d;:liellate the tax 40! be tie 1a0; ' .4 1 41): ' #Pe* j l , - .0 1 : N b Oe Nix bemired dollars. • Mitt tax of three ex ice per emit, is du and , payable on or before the 80th day Of eibitib; 1883. If remaining un paid for thirty, !Jape after, Juno 30, e,Pinalty *ill be impose 4. A,person, therefore, whose intense in 1.863. was one themand dollars, Will be aitilesmid'!b thilit:pet ' Cent, +lO,, four handled '44140 ,bettiet- ones: en 'the Arat day of May nest,; - watt will have et least sixty days in which , to pay hie tax;, that ia to say, it tettriWhe'fociiira butt :year, I attlitiof 'one thertated'Aedlere -, :teniSt pay'an come tax of trtekroitioltembn er before; r - be a6th • 445, of Juts geni i with the privilege efeleittY for an additional - thirty day' - The income tax is to cease ,e,i,:g - gto,yt: '4 , i tWe l ) end' 6( ; the J'ar '' - . . 4' q . ,itipiret,l47l iikartiAleentitled,l.l#o3ltird Stogie*? theittir," nonfeasee I,that they are heluslaitt in nil eVe . :O itlnetteti . ; that they hare RUA4giritorjr;.that•lC .ll %°krt root of bletetllltes goat part , of Titginka, Ni*' 0014:404,- Norfolk eedv eiheriJimportiuttl distileti'nod"tbittit'ain. lent j'titit fibilnAtranniii nn:o - o.leiiiln are ''gteat danger Olket the lite'eltalin isk complete And ettentive(ytbet.thelonkt : is .6‘ionntiptesenV and is ehttltinklip - ,erer,i *ver tints Plarltink' Melon* of ii , beir7'skrenic Tbere` are, np guilul.44AhaUst!con ,iRi. 4, GruFicrutPuPt of thEtiniOn4; it* flegiellying istonnd thirborder itaditi`tlie'very t*art'of tbn Ceti 11*-*Y*7OP war in tie Wtypft IS As this rebel own ) is -tron)d be tench better,' ,aiitigeoffes eNE f l On'retimP..4l4CeVain Jahn 11. Beedi•Of Conti:4l4 , D: Regi ment Panel.; ibeigeed'.':be` tenet of •ti.eo4,,to:positkokit(,o4:o: 9 4, Pansl, ;i4ut. J.!benrtney. gelliAtgeeibp been appoieted. to 111 the *teener ''Orderly SagtMit fitierge B,`;Ptaii-bt!)io3lt4tt,4ot44 to o.ripkiA 41, 04 sevatite.i P)44 440106.0an,.ter,Trlinsoi.Pt .1 .4111 t . 1 1, s • 111 Sik a . ?1044.. Pod., te.alul slum, •atftno at the camp of the Amoy of the Pototnao o n &tints,' and Stktnlay, ftat and t2d Of` rob -144.0 0 4 4. 74 ;f 6 tifoidOrtit49, Anafferitog - , from•• the cold, both. by.aoldiapi, at tto stookl . iof , tho ,„ • ,• , •,, ~ :- Lilh a q .".."';' , 7l • I 41)02( ce,itERAN .11,411 toodored th4mWtai hia4asignationists.:*kiliglo, toR 'l)atrflytt.!orria e i•l' Al 1 01 ; /4, 1 4 .4 .4 4 :0 t t i 4 ,4: 1 4 1 ,0 3 . V 147 tormailthiiner) stvtoesecii.. ~f • . b J l5O. WAill which ,orikiested Alm WC hi ll n a#Vooo.g#Vlallifto! ailed wituksokovilt Io harAborstyptisk 'Oast it' "Sort ksoitidi vi e .1; jrj .9.7rlsti:,xn .1 ...7757- ' ' * 196 4 1 t 3W.14:161 4 Elit 7 04Cite44 I "? $3 3 Ver‘s,,... , , • • , '., 4 4 ' 4 4l *S " 2C AV I W a d t:tatl-. ,4 1 .5. 3- , ~. mows 9r 4i9•040 , 4* "Oki tbI4IMY geopavbereptitationi 10 votirito' gill' 41biAiiiia its iti taturi:liiir t 1 " - "" ' ' ~... . 0 , ~.f: i., -4 'CI 4 ' . i, . ;,,) 211 , ,' .1 31* • 71,15 T •,.... " 7 „. 4% fp. tirrt t • OM ' ? 1 na#l4o6o l l44thtei 11 . 4 1600 4 tur;" 1 evils pepsin" Tide exorbitant phial* lanierd, i6iikiii . ^4ok.teii by. 'Tomball's , 44 . 1 1:!Mr• ge , `!"?r" TN il.wo ..b 14 1,a, . Vt io aft 0 4i. k I . l if - . , '1 t atia trill . 4 0 411 1 404 • 4 4 9 igh 4 lib the/ twit , Oa ,' o . o*--11Mitot on : ' ,or is .1 ', ' - ~.t a ~ nl a i 1 : ! o r tut ..* 4 ~,_ ~ ti i• d ..-:1,. 'i,l‘. WI ~, • - t,, ,1 t . . _ I L it,' i,f;`- by sh t d v .:.., tory Jr r 7 treitei *roil under Bragg, tarn reds . : ' rebuke the note rile and cow .truitein.bLitiatitel , Sl.ls‘,.,illaioo..tit...ke" adrautige of 003 .iibilintoe br over one . twin tbitkidesceittitinktt!eklieislit* ke4 r .A. rifilts are dipgrameg . our State by their traimpable- icier " ---- - - il it i e i tz tZaatt Ir vi ir i zia/I n t i , • t. C. 's thro4hottt. the State who are gimg fitnt . „ . _ itilOil; t ling`l46sll - Figtorenritt srfteifiehihtit ICitiiiiiiiiingivi. *lttiOinTiithe odhuu, that has-followed-the memory of the Blue-Light! Federal* led liartfilid PCosikiti twititirtit isti eothohlui t ioti, 'OWL. ezeoriv. l Self litild'ilettistatiquki thab:-;-will . fellow._ their, fiiethbry stowil'th`e atreentiot time..,: • - :•:- ~ ) t ti-jiiitt with. turfellnai soldiers .of th • Tnion everywhere in warning these truiters l at home thitt 'heniiiie hard ereli d anneal , ti soh at iliti Eicinth'i' Witt restored .-; ‘icoveeeilenty ,; of tni*'Gote 110346110er theses') tided states (Whi9b4 Oder , tied, .kta 'surely ill 1 do), we will, upon our return, while our: hands; are in; 'tiro iutterttilintia I treason-at, the '*North, by arinaiif need' be. lipl-seal by the blood of ImitOriti - . wherever • ,inarkh ~ the , permanent peace of ltur , eonntry. and ,:tint perpetuity _of fine olitlisrulilan% 'W 'all ;future: 1 •gehara thins; J• .. ~i It. -11. , Mitatur; - -I " Wittchestetile4 Veb • 19, 18e3., - , • Threepture Ofthe steam ram Queen of the Waist, .in Re'd iriver,.is copurnied by,tlto datrailodlatoounts Ivo get' from the. Riohniond paws The news is contained inthe Rich- Mend I:Examiner of:;the 21st, ,telegraphed udsoti. .• The ea pture , of • 'the itehtihransport Eva kr the Queen of. the Wast has already' been annewnced. ,It ap hears that the pilot of ,the Eva was tak e n () a oard • the Queen, and compelladosnthr guard 'to pilot her np•the river. • . lio. smceeeded in deteiving the•Commauder •of!the Queen • as to - the position of the Rebel batteries,. and *hen sholhad• reached Gordon's Landing she Was•fired•inte and ' - dinabled.. She drift +gal.() the opposite side of the river,•when all but thirteen. otherotheerc and crew sPeceed ed in escaping to the. transport De Soto. The Queen end all'her armuMent, supplies, &0., remained in the hands of rho Rebels. According to a ;Rebel report, a Rebel steam sr aubseqUently pursued and re - captured. the Eva; which had of e of her wheels disabled, ami the De Soto was burnt to prevent her capture. It is , also stated that the National gunboat Indianola had gone pp theilcd riv er to atlenipt the recapture of the Queen. The Rebels exaggerate tbo importance of the capture by speaking of the •Qqeen of the West roan "iron clad" She was an ordi nary river steamer, with She how strengthen ed ter abutting' purpockny and her machinery protected by cotlon hales. • "On •rty CANNOT Convert THE Sotrrn.' —Whoa, 4tguing to prdvb that the south nest Bitchy sueeeed, thealarylatid secession istiWnitersally' wind lip , theft. , enervation's; aftiii ail' uthetineans fin!, 'with the eaulania.- doh "oh well, yire , eindoleotiquer the South --4- I thcly tall Witfro,'" " They do•not perceive that• they are giving the:ilie to 'their miser. done thili r tr n peraenihey , claim to bo °fib° South, and'yet they ere •;eontinually whining that they ate down trodden; , .mid all that kilid it 'thing, idtdAill they !arb. under old.Abifir'rhign,'end 'have Pon made to. be come es gentlit , as lambs. We dealt hear of Any of these ''Souithernerte.ie our.mbise,: at. tempting to dii rather thee. live Auder- the “tyranny" of "Lincoln and his ResSiemi"— , - ; (•!,. RitkirarNG SPZCTACIAL—Wen haNnii been told Whetbare recently. vieited the battle=field of Autietatn, that at several places in. that Slob , graticiyaril the• decoyed lintbe 'of the dead protrude from the 'ground. Those who fbll orr;tbitimerootable.fleldlrere heathy Sod Iniperfjoially buried; end 'now that The around hie nett* and 'perliao in;soine lostktacea heed partiatly;weshod'iWay:byt he raiotirontoy'bodies haW but Aim looieririg of earth oVer . theta , . Thia wear away in the Couple of time, lnd 'the hOclios will be tospieedvuddßereid asad Torch. Died Jo Tezaa..;—Wet Matti' that' D. D. Snivety,,(aon of Dinial . , New Albetty.lo., but formerly," merchant offi-reoneastie l ) was buried at Sap Antonio, Texas,: a As* I • teelts ago. The 'dceeased'oll Ola bt9 the? 4oseiiii' • had been for tw throo• 'wits pelt, eXt4tutuvely engaged iit!,gra ;leg itook ititar, ; gob mogthsii ago 414 iirciistrfOO'Of all the proferty the mat:quo:l, wad f then,ppreased in•t obnl army.; lint whether Daniel D., awe tolls death fsm wounds received is battle or from ;',ibelettieliieeeived by tijia father did not State, 4 0 . 7 e prealrim4 tip; lir,therC, wee not. perreitte4 to-ttiO Out:man nal. of bit da"tho-LiGreetocuitie. , I Tho latest despatches from'KenteekrUoo km the tetreat of.the Rebels, and also, their d 410114 neak TialtPute.L %me two ' , hundred prisoners seraitaptered, .and,:. the) captured roemittedA. Ottnenati Carter had gone mith :at largo fort...another direction to intercept their retreat.; •, f• •.-• . . . .oihase:lllarbar, of Chatapaigft disdain 410 26th Wt., at the age teraff.,i, , iie was slarriesi ,sw*,....asd • .W•a, tba her:4 tkirtlttino, eh ihire a l Ahi , yousgeni whop ,iA sitofot, tem yearcoldt,:i heal 90 , 90geg , to give it who, have, attilati maturis,y-au,OlA, fit of 86 sores of land. ; .. /VW 400 410,890k4.. (losig Cotot,il totioov* ttowsPsP•4l44 444iroki de. oiroyesikout ;tt_ i ust- by tbit, Pon vabz• outs nut the bospiktit r• o —rrto 4TrPr4 A° Acl'O''‘ Qi 4 t. " Ur " 4.404.n.as )15,0‘tiSon3 1 11 4 95)*CR ft*, VA.!! ot l NFr inn en 1,1.4 i 009 1 1 0 41 "?FURVA 11 ,; ' ,:/! . VA! illfeenifTi: .1 \: • s : sl6ooy toS 4 imi por lii eart gl an l . 4 50 1 . 1 4 .Y pe At_ c a is it s.t e . o 4_ o 4 ll :l OraillaseTd offer twf! ' ttrbe 9411 Pilirlivii.llo4;l44ll.• alitere tiQs . 016 1 1 1 6 . j‘ .4 lin t wi tt , out borogou like to bit'!ft , T 3 • tflk 001 stay at hbltle• rorsoto Wilso bill Whit •7 and is now .7 , publish untitt : i owing synopii • ii it. prov4sioue All able-bodied Male itn.hag.C.4lokilartli.their.A such, or have exercised tl .bctwalalheetillOPElAll) tote the , National forces,. and are - liable - to perfortittillitiff-4 - itry "-Wheti .. eelletl44,by tbn i ikeeldept: 7e •-, u •,,, ilia i t 5 7, The kikeluptittieltliiiklilidfaiwitittti Y pr mentelly..unfit„, the Vice tres* ant i, heads of .tieetifirc7thireringnitT; ' iid tilites -1 JiideisvGiiVertiors !of' StittetWC4 y atm of tine itidigenCirlditii, iii , iiifirnipiki ; thi-ontsuah see' *here' ther&arelwe'or ore;to bo' Beg!• leered !by - did paient,' , /ilso , die; bulk; , :brothet... of 'ehildtEK ulider ttielve years, ;able I the fetter of itintherlehe , ehrldren of the , same ageried whero , iwo•of ityfiniq . ere , " itif Iniliu, tar tl y service the remainder' bt Snob , family, not cuCcOding:4lvto;-; shell be exeinpt: , No ritirsen•Ctinviutett oribiony• shalt:be enrolled • or perifWittetiltbliciiflli , ii ~ . !-.1 't , --- 'l , 4' ' -',.• , , ; `'The Is, la tional lorett 'pot now in' aerviee ! tis tete dit+lllCil'inteitwe'.omlims.'lh.e'firtii ninth; einbrittiink ill ' botWeeti ea awl. 85 , leafs -'of ado; and ikll'iiiiiiiiitriedlyeir thetween .85 and 45 years Of age. The second .claseletehratleal all the others and willnot be called into ser vice until-litftiJi! . .thelifititteltiliM2n '. • - .For.•etinvenienee :of :Alutollumeti, districts strivitade correayantlintlitith, the , Dolma, sional alistrictS; tni Atitilv • ef , which the , .Ptesi, t dent appoint)* a Provoet Alerehell with. rank, add pay •ofettptain J,ef iinvelry,,, or 'the. may. detail. en offiee.r oft ;"sinrilar „vault ti whp ; shall. hurca Bureau tin , the, Wfir,,Depertment, mod. 'shall make the needftil rwles,aud regilatiens for carii+ying out. the.previttiotui of _. Chia,, act,- These„.lllerahalle are to, arrest, tdesertersp , re-. , , portitreasona ble. practic*sand .iletect;.sphys,. deal In eaah,distriet th,erttie tit be a ; hoard , of Enrollment, t. consisting,, , of,, the., Prevottl Alarshall and two other persoktv, , leprgetedt ,by the Prosicient,,Mieof. whom is..ito.lbece: physician :and surgebn. , This, board:Atball• divide the district into: enpvenieut anh-dilt ? . trietsland perfect aa entailment. once in each yearinyach clads to he enrolled • separately.' I 'Persons thus enrolled- are,-subject...for l , two years to be cal'ed iuto, .setxtlie,-to ,serve .for: three Years Cr .during.the 'war,: on the stone footing with the.present voluntettre,.adianee pay, bounty . money, &e.; ineluded.,; - • - When necessary to 'wake. a draft v the President 'shall_ ndicate the eamber,for each: district, taking into cionsideratiaa-sthe:num ber already furnished siege. the beginning of the war, so as to fairly equalize the.burtren•i the enrolling officers . shall Alen make the draft with 50 per cont. atlilit r ion, and within ten days serve no; ices apart the drafted men. SUbstitutes maybe furnished, ;or cominpta-, tloti matle.pottto exceed •three hundred dol lars, at tho,disoretion of the, Secretary of . WILT. Any person drafted an failing tO Ter port,.or furnish a Substitute, or pay his colu mniation, shall be deemed a deserter, and subject , to imbtediate arrest; , , The bill provides for the „proper enrgica,4 examination of• drafted men d Arid the' park, ishmeut of , surgeous .who .receive bribes.-+: When the dratt.is finished, al), those net,ta ken are allowed travuliug pay to their homes `Those:who furnish substitutes Awe exempt fur •the tnitireitime of the drafkarid the su.b.- atitute has the same. pay, -/te..,, as though, originally drafted. , , :,• ~ • , • bill also provides i that volunteers I)PW, in the service •who re-enlist fur one year, sball have - a bounty:olBso, ono half paid doign; those who enlist for two years receive $45 of the regular,sloo bounty. . There. • arc also proviNionstfor the , etineolitiation • of . skeleton ; regiment 3) also thet. , Getterals in tb.e field ilinY exebute.coutt martial-seutettoes agilifitA ' spies, desertorsa Mutineers, 'or, ruurderern without reference toitlia. I'residett;, eeprW, taakrtipa may reduee.abseateeofficers :to—the ranks; clothing r arms,tBte:, shall not he, sold I pledged or, given awayyriud may be taken ivbereveit tkitindAn tiltNali liiinikr;Tpergons who Ntiee,golpiiers to desert. or harbor them or,bny, their arms or muit'orins, tincl'ahip . .t:ap tains or ruilriad„ conduotors wile knowingly convey deserters,., may be' 'fined $560 and imprisoned from, sir . 4,lnoti the to two years Any person who„ reande,a, draft, of eetiusels others to do se,, or . ciissunde them front per tUrpingpilitaryj 41,1,q, abell, b; sutinnarify atroateckhiefmd up, until, the 'orift is,finislied thoo bp l ired by ..a i c ivil, ()next, and , fined ss_ ,90.,oramprinened two years,,or both. , • . ~ The President, on • the passage of this act, shell isnue nprectittuattun tpzalling absentees fromthe army, who may rota u, 'without pupishment!withip „the time to 'ex eppt.the forfeiture, of pay fir the One et nnsfn%; thoBe w 4,4), not return will,he thwertere, Officers,ehsent with leave, etteep,t for„aielspess or wetteds h , receive ' , half-pay;, oficqrs• l 4°o Nith9l l t. I P6vP, no pay et Ol t , Thorp ears other, provutiopa l but chiefly of , details not pertieelarly impoitant. . - ;TO* 4 11 44 1 4 4 0 9vegiciiiked ? ;moat or the .new Tax.-law utight,lOad . euppoaa that .00 .troasory's Uzi" tOpplA OTOryl YONObIO thing, aPt surely ,# ,a November frost twitches every loaf in a for est.. •But,anitica has ocettrrPd ..to na that may in! a 1%11;0,-144 to SgOrtltarY ChaPol 1 . for d) Vi a& art got . .titended• VI, the.. us tiunal coffora-p-ligt,tothe,gogeral will; be gonoded,-that aged •,Miol Who. enjoye the 'Mobil hlessingt of this life.ia bottad to; hear. Ilia rupot §hato,oA . rna,solfsibilitt and to coittribgteAn thagetteral good; bp has no. right ,to kite 10t himiself alone,ltolosallo ab, jure socioty:agd *Wits belga and bugmaities, ,audosbni 1404.gir up in *, o okitarxmiltlvnew• where woman's voice pqr ohilnhatara ,;gong . 'cad nevor, upcm,kle ear. ThOtireat (Ire ator blotto interlinhad, hawawihtlo l l4 that atty,man conopita.a. efinat agglyoluDiviaitY. when he wogid,enii.o .:he comfort" lind 410mi r i ngs , whil e stmepting the , dilt4l*. or 8014 1 . lite v andibe•lPPOontea,Qb4oxi9Re . to, penalty. Kaman:law ipso, howeVitri • kalr,PaitiollY io terfere ; hut the good , otthe. gogottaitY, . manda that all aholdothe dune that can right. fAlly l bp dat4 igAiktnittrd. .Ac the ormsi toak !it Iriew,havo t ato hcart ; thlay moat be Ang t chnd in their own segsitive po.ll3tr4ho beliof, and - 14 , cooviotiott Qr jaatnesi orthe Titntotitcro Prop*, tt , 'PA ox -P4tounotto‘ Prototlionedo4 2 o4 to , 1.0 .1 0oqizPt..9( 4Ppoliat*NunlMlßlNyk ,tt l .asp . 4seevery man tigito without-le:ma emu* or. Wien'disiciali ' fitlatleo,, , hl Meatkahoolth - ttWitt'llthr nit $lO life to the wedda Oat, :4te spOrt. thoatteta nrelq to be , iippropria* folief and The Indianola , Capiigred by , the • , , lron-.43111,416bantta40101:1-,kaT Wiontwoi'es; Mareth-- 3: ,The foUo dalipat'Oh PfeeilliniCity'-018"N • D e o a k t - ur iev, Ufffrittl'fitAlesa' sloilibttft ri Fel& 27; ' l ' I 'vitt' l4lo4 l ll l l llti idiarchl ;- Tb!.{lirentil'Vitlenn cWillet,' l •lleiiretarsyof the A rk, 'll • : ~1 i Ittgrettt6 inform you' that.) ttie -4U diatiolaittOnliturfailhd into;the hatidstif the enetify. Theltunit"Walib and Qfteerrist-Ithis Westidtablied het itirenty-tive , niilea from herei; radiiiied tee nntd be surrenderedp all Whiehrean he tutted - to , & Ml64' kkith'thy de • neti knew the' pittli4alaielkalletipectfislly; •-•';ii ; •• ' '' 401kArlitz POIPTP4,I • ':1 • ' "' AttinriOtterAdMiralm•l! ''CAlE • 4o,''Thkrolt . Z: ll4 b,c;•report thweapi., ttre' of 'theultiditintliq create:slouch; disap4 panthieht luta, glboitr Isere 81te was ; alkyd; ttietOuilion-elaila from Which Siih geOd re. • -We 'hate - pittlintkrur Of the- afEatirll et.: cepttuittors frinirDletilphisi which state that attacked'''ht: the ratnek ueeH of fhb NTOBt:A'skiirebb,"? . and wittun bqtreftlfhtiesteagble,' *flan the akorki batter:. Openedea 'her:" ;b7tudedlinaliy;; a4tl takeito Pert- ItUdstin. • 'said that ittitviiseVetill soon b put, in SerTiO akitinat Rebel iloserteraiarrv: ving at blet&phi - ittaiSt that' this ,near , l rebel fleet bfArea.-eled& proeeed down the riv er`at exa*'aed take pert lit an attack tip& Eaton lionstand New ()Hese& The rebel& had /Nowa ready, and, a demorl34ation may be looked for at any moment... . . Our loss is considered Most, hnmiliating, eapecially its stew Of2,tiie - ",fact that • diti • West eaplicit oi'ilera AdMiral Poithe'hee !teed' - di3obeyed, 1, Porter is derki,Minek te're l eitiAttie thisei-• rod.-clada'at. ell bizardif,' and .nt once,' ' antiei path% orders to that elle& front the 'Navy Department. We have nothing, Ott the Nis sisswpi to cope with the “itidienpla,"'ex cept the , - "Neosho," and atm is Upt quit! ready, het. • , „ PreitlamE4.9n .troth the WASHINGTON, March :24. .003. WIIiREA9 obitiots of interest to, the Uni ted States require that the Senate : should ,be convened at .12 o'clock on the fourth of March next, ,to receive and • set upon such communications as Inv be wade to it on the part of the Executive NoW,, therefore, 41,:: MAMMA! LINCOLN ; president of the. United ,Statesi have conaidi red it to be my duty to fun* Able my ,pnocl 'emotion, declaring that an exkaordmary occasion reiuires the Senate of Oho, United Stotoa to convene for the tranaaetion of bus iness at the Capitol, in the tit; of, Washing ton,,,oo the fourth day of Adroit, next, at twelve; o'clock: at, noon on that day of which all .w ho, shall. at that time be lealit4 , act asinenthers'of that body are hereby, requi rak-cci,take notice. EL. S.. Given, under my hand and, the seal of the.UnitettStates, at Washington, the jitenWszighti day ot ..February, .the year of oux .1,4;d one thousand eight hundred and isiaton.rao, and of the,,ip4apendnnce __,of_tha_Unitcd,Statenil i Aim_rkiia akoh ty.",eovanth, , ,40,8,,A,U4A1 „f 4 RbOlf4i. .4.tho rreaidaut ; WX4Ll.am 1:1.4 s,F,Ttmg4 Secretary ; of Stte 1 1 .8 f Vicior44.it! 07113v8e , The following hie been. teeeivekl, at, bend quartere , ,;., t • . „. Nil(garesnonce MajOr Gen. 11. W.41411e0t; tionent-in,Chief ; - The:rebels, ol.. , 4l,organ's and Wharton's commando, made a stand 'in ltradyvillek!—. Col; I!arareoucaud.,Loog went t -in, with, \..4a bre; nod whipped' them in ~about.ribree,mtnu tes.. Stokes' Cavalry advanced bravely with ,carbines. We,.took 70 prisoners inclu ding 8 officer; their camp equipage, tents, saddles, sown 90 : hoross, „and ,Bsall Puke's regimen tal• papers ware captured.. , AO. Murphy, did.g oervice. We:lost, one man kilted, and ; eels- captain and, - ping men.* ounded. W. B. iiOSECR4N , Abljcor,Gen9o“ Eala -- • - - In.,olknicey township, on . the 9th 'attlit MAAGAAVI AN #oorge and NeneyAoasert, in thy 15th year de her age, who dieil tq sore and certain , of rest ,beyond t4O • , 5. ; The pure wblte aeow ttly An, that arituS. Or Altii9 o4 ,4 l P7*T • wailed a sad end Toppi:oral sauna That filled you With a aigh, " •• That was an.hour of 1ia4e 4 ,t11 14 4 • * • And sorrow fi lled the breast ••"', rieii blageepaeseil into the Oita." -' • Ana'foundleelonitsought ' • . • • _Yes, newish' elesse,in swerl,move, -Neighs. cap disturb her,siefts. , , curtains of the' intro 'inden t • The; breast n o m oi*.6k wee t 4 , Yet whilst siwk',WdY ales r I °, l °"' • Her spirit Oyes on his ' ' Where brighteWboains Of 'glory atm • j " Yer, far, beyond' the sky; t - • 411 mo on draz-Mag. Low in the wirree, , Oceitle that gpivewill • .100p. 1 rent, glpt wish t and' h ope, and . t iqatainiag grze i tarreeL - ' • That:heaveilly home, WP bop° to ohm. Whore thy bright spirit Pogo, ry 4nit crown, of fadeless glory se.ta4. • afore the King 'of glop, ' :111. - • ,4,51t1.0 .1 11illel• township, 0 0'04 lER firN.NR. son of PitllisuL *I1& Alum beih 093004 =teal sIT , a 12 °°tlla ,g 1 .4 27 das• - • • ' • ; , 6410* OS 14 10 t 4. 41 4 44 °.# 1 7 4,1 4 a ga , • Gentle 'eau bndefieti;'' - • , ; • • ' ' • llVithigessksO'cialhy-fisso,../,.. , • .12 t z T fresh ;mei !.h~tuti i Hasty tibj 0 6 * 111 4 nasty teem thil, t"' -o fit to - sirditii it 4.0h0ge,, Gentle as tli bit - a*" • Pl'esilintl Mir the tioteiiening, When , it tionon* Atte Pesceful be ri Peaceful in, the grave so, low ; ' Viol fib - attire siltiolit:Oulanalmbei,'.;',T tab*. • t 7 .: 1 !. Ugatest brother tbottibastliktur,),,,';,, Ileac thy loss deb deeply feel, Bat'tliviiSibibUt bide beiethtlsi • if ei Vali 'ell 'Out '1060,0 belle • Xet again , wiilulpe When the day of life 11 lied, ' Thati, , iii basset); itittajd7 ito greiko thie f Where 116 feeeeiellitetitlatied.” .0%. S. Usgatittii,l4it.,;'olo:}eilani Barn Logan, Veg., ''ggth - tile, Mr.. jACOkt the. , 42d yottt his a&e. T; - FLOIIIII ,, i-Salairtopotrtiobna!Chauge.oom-. i prised 2,009 bbls. Ilovard.lsllteet hio Extra at 118.12t.A09,bb do. do. at 88.25,.and 40ti Street Supef at $7.25 ntarket clos ed unsettled, sind.,..we4Loot.9:,Pii*, nominally as follonni Hownr4,Stiest :444,41 , Att57.7..25( 7.37 i ; Shipping : Ex:tea (legate ../2/®8.25 ;_ Retailing .hixtrit , ,4o, $S 2i ;,yainily do. at $9®925: ' ; , ` liktAlN.-.Stdesi::Oe.lol‘a4 , some. 2,500 bonhels fair to prima w bite ;.at 190® 200 cents; 3,000 bushels common to strictly prime Venusyhronn - rOd at 175®17.8 and 1,500 boslials good to' .chome Southern do. at 117.7,®150 Sale4Of busk els wkite Corn at 96(98 cents, and 10,0( bushels yellow. as 88®90 •Oslst yr brisk 14.7,3®7A aiiOpi r YWaiglit;;;foe fair goad samples of snrylanci.and:Rpßisynrani rogitoraviricauaik' Num; is hereby given that the undereigni ha* eeittettifilinetonnt ai "Jae 4 . 4 4- at . csite,; find he* weacist eti hialentitai. ; W e , the . 0 0 1 °1C 01 9 4 . 19n ' ll l ll .ot. to b u .o l 4#4 Ml an,A,fof authornivo Ray, over the lia l aiiVe' hinds. to the Li'eetitrar. ai'atifd 'OesitgO shiCh apiglicetitra fur I dial discharge,, , Will-begin: on't I t Monthly of the A-prit terta,of,eilik.V.oni at which Om; any •Oenton„ ihtercoed ; can otten4.• , E=l2= :Nolen% I'O.. VQ1C,144%i; '... ilo, lßbl, undersigned hereby., olforo ~ hin*li,, ict ~ voters of the ,kfec . Oiorict of Atun.cy,,zovviliq , independent condidote for Suiririlifor;' id' o ported ou rikiiy Ad 20ili orMirch; 113434 .1 • Mir. 2w, 2w, ',.. . "PETRICUORai IT , P Burp: THE suburibeirwili s ell, et, Public , residence s Wit* wales, ' Weil - of 'Waip du thli ltirdpiiiilAidirieti) GreOikkotlei.Low Tails el* i'4l.'or.MAiioo,lBll3,3hirlollooiPl ettyv.to wit •;I );,.; I, 8 lIRAD cFtKil'irg,,tli6o4. of ,whiplv tti' Vu onaritli a by heiside, thS halanCeytn cattlei 1 HrOod dovv,,2 06,4;4' • ' ." PlantationViTaga I Cart, I good Drill with ,guin:spring atikt'leadi HaYllake, I good Cirge-horse atallivid-horse" 1 single *add'2 dant& Shovel , Carn:G et, I - %Htirruat L Wood: Bed, I pair Hay gins Brgeditrantls, I set frose iiesgf, a 114 10 to awl chains, 3 Collars, 3 Wind Bridles, a lot finks and rakes, breast, buit r a t iii coin' chalk's; Blew .By TBE Po N 4 and .other artielee,net rweefeary to tort!tioq.. ti?,eomme9ce 0,10, o'clock on vihei credit 'of eight iii . onthe'will Oreit'oi el ieiitee ifitegreetee e r iiiiihkei 'suavity. THOM: WALLolleß:r. •41+11*r.:8.4.res. ' - , t Oak X gilt; vtiBLIO .•11:1E ardererilterii-Exennerisi orthei mats : sid Knepper, dee:V.o(6li sell as -R.. 11 ,02c at. latelrerkleoce,', o tkela leri..'l..orts, piker l ute lltit9. oo .tql2C Q4!Clib OA. the , r°oa.tiadiNf ior *aril, ox, AtRIOAY l'lclOhli .. .DAT 'or Iflicke - the forrevidUkirtiontial'Prolietiyitentit's,lJ ~ _. 6 *T.Orkil. Shoff which mabrood Xmas.- 2! PpAci, aid, lieolt. monad, 20jcing-Ons yr IS 24111CIA:11M . iheaii 6litie;•l buil, 8,d31,4; attire Mird 4 fitows;'24 bead Stnekiiiimn l• - ROW' ' L ,Pfantaticitt'Wegons, l'Rnithebaßed 'and s , otte.hicle. Wagon, 1 Ilairiage,, I, Ow of riages..4 pair of thy. Laddem,:l, pile or ;1n dere, I paw of Rail Ladders, Piro bt'e44 sceiption,Chaine, !Spreaders, I, What Foie, Ling Box; 't Rellknit'Sireini, V Grainighavd; and r kiilk* 1 Quire; Warm', linuahlugill I litanny limper, . I fitain Drill,, a auto Bum 4 aels.foMt omM* PlAtw. 6 °cm , }1414 /.1- 1 Iliidles agd Hirlters t iSintlles; 2 r ata' Hut** of 4 ilio i.liitt eflif &Le Oak and Rapti' IWO 'Malt B * oardii brier Carportles , Worit eiridir' tbisehti. Sawa and ArsiPenb.A.: d), mit Itiaar..:: '..'!. 7.1.=!.. , .! nougitgaukivid iguana War* . . , _ . , _. .. • etiisiinthit Vroklietilbeihr tOrdiDadding, 6 Ohs -- st thipboard4Buisam, I Tea-plaie oirl'Plito.4 klOokiallAketier4 o , ll =NV -"b e t bastediogg. to momiopi•Bote ta comment o'clock.%.#ool,4 l .t.oilteiikeredit of # ' intir be Omen. irlfetwiii 610 4 mild tittersisib sere to"giya their notes witlirapproveal Security. -.in .: 4. k :.• :1 1 1 7 7 ' j . , i tilcd.b.; BA kIIPRIRLArt' , ' ' Oki WIT,:-fli.* , .-. ~'..._ ,ogo,korviggic;-,*,:. - • ,IS hereby titan b thiimen of tea VOleiaiguiie , Tieenvebiltibi• Or' 4NA0 10 ,10441 1 44,10:19,P *ji"."44I.I"II MN II"‘ . lit Feb. 27—* Attlitt r itt i e 4 ' 'tar raftgriOdifilvur:7- - ------- - Muer hYom 2Z2N
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers