"6`,K~~: , "`~:Y L°:ll(x i vt. 01;i:1 ~ .-.10,e• 4:ASi *te is .t —:4 7 -171011 , 51 edi oon 1.3 -I; ,t4;tl4 .•E5c't 33,p Vt. . 16111 , 4 49b Orrl,A i ="3 , -;;;Y:,1‘.1 • ,! A r tpc • 1A,V, , ,i7,4 -T, 13 1 ULM AV.L., • • r'.l! . --r!", , !•-.; . ~ ,:1,., : _fry -rt;: 5p10n0w.0n0w0....r0,...i. , e4 ,:,..40Millaitalar...Z.- , •... 1. i : '.: PO_ V gt i, _;' c...„ .30.1,447:;*:*: $4.-AMIFITA2I% k'...) -:...,i, ~ ' , Oh Liihore 1416y-6mo:1 IZiA hi& ofthe.-wird• • • t 5 t, • tVhatilbeiteratio l ol ll o•W:tral , ~ •41101homagy'lp.chil,41:7 e!h V ^.• -7. It A. 06iskiiilahrt•• • • Ait &We t is o v the oli•• sea • .„•,71,1,4,21.1,athilitwor,tit4entire:*41f t/ fr • ~ ~. , Tile aiilloirig,siti 'their • • ' Mid &Wit toltichlidire;. leema iv.oo6ll*sitiliezi;' ' •No more 1 • Tait t hire is home, ,, ""'Yp Wilkes' I matte. `•Thelmiests of the 'desert . • iHaveobverto ro Bee, • The%birde. ofthOoir, •• • • ' atter !seri ;And hieltee ^A niftier Settee that eider :c lit the' cater they live, • All;.•alt;•heve a home, I • • Arid' Zia gliave • -.. =ME t.;; • -The rail And whiten the grotend, Weal: ,dt.tilo.loll,inter'::: -prca _sorrow 311'913.1,it ; words may be spoken. Wenn hearts rney be free. The felon his friends But who - cakes ler niet ~,,.. ~ ~~ r ' No Matter ivbat snow ' Or cold - ,ceackinif • • • }lay fall *it my head, • " Or freeze at sky feat: - =Nio),matter.Whitt'tetitit, x.. • Not a-friend 'bide me hope; - Alt,wksh me •to.tlie. .„ Go ask of the ibirm • 'at sweeps through thi fa'l;•"y > 'Mit'ivill7l r irlten mine eye ; • lind , eihen --• Weep•not over roe, ' Friendlessr-ve heed, ' • IO peace let me be. 1" - Uksentix4X44.2krir a Uncle Mom's. Cabinet.; Surpat 144 .rfvfm - o?"qi'ori • shel.Hast, : he, said : Ile had on reading Mrs; Stoweis biak• '‘ftneliS r TonAliabiniv—believed :-overdaWn, highi•pwrouglit picture . . 'la t ir l i . lit'e, ;but he hardhedpeen with °wage's, hard •Witlehlt eats' 'ititikr things •;sThieh go beyond her hook'ttiii meek Ai her hook ,cluea beyond. an ordinary iiehoelfigirra novel. He related an inr,t4nec, of Shocking deinoralizatitm• elsociety at• Nevi Orleans.— There mune into• his-wade a womaii , 2,7 years ,f-age,-perfectly-hire,who. askehita_in_ proper hingiage if be .rop.ld , putilet in one of her father's thouseiv - Her 'history was -thisl-lierfather had ••eduassted ••het in. the =city of New York, until She was between 17 = antl , lB yearn of agej'abd taken hit one of the metropolitan hotels, where he .kep t,, her • as his mistress. Not relishing ttie. COWICC +ton, and 'desiring to getaway from hill"), she w-ent-t&NesvAttleans-- te_followed her, K u l :She..efused to live with him', - t '.• he .Cavhipped • her in t.l4public street and ‘...tunde her Matry ti , She afterwards resu.sied . the unnatural relation, and went ta . Cinein tziatt, lciiv•7lcasi br - tnght Viiek by "ii - crp us band, belonsitt,g,u‘' some fiecaroin dtlieltaty s =at the Aituelof.its.-renpation, by the,. li States ~ f airees, leaving her iu a,state of destitution. "She-watiiedlo live •in. •one of her .dither's lkinen,;bitilieriittory warnot .credible, ~and investigate tptise it was:Toil:id :to; be: :we'll` knoin,' anti, testimony of its truth Was otitaine'd from A,. 13 and .t.), w p ikhout thistitit; nowt' —AS. it WS, thiSMSI4 :coula be. elected ,Loa ' isiana ; ,thoeity , of.N .O ew rlear.s v a, Mlge • if, one of the"Vourta. • vOn •one ' , occasion ouc 'Orbit; aids hrimght 'before him a young wo man almost white, who'had 'been brutal l y . iltlkinfityjnikil l tunned nut of the #ionse:af her thbrontrigestliiriaginlatibeen -.4intdeoto pay a fine off 1F I„,ooo,and give the. • lwoman Iv deed Xviremattelpstiti.lApplapie..] Werolhe !kind .of.oulunges, ittuch_luti been brought =against him. [Cheers; eti44itorrilsl.&&2llrtgoopo PSij o t minded ,than nonld . be sent to few Orteans without'. ..retarying L an, Anti 441airery , •nzaa v eyon though, 0:6,6364 hoSses veremotiatktentfaud the.ia extent o 1 the 'lsorruidion-ezposed• All the lewer.elass of. the people cif N..ew Orleantowereoloyak , Du ring Mill*lfinteteea thtp.sfekt*the Union' forges eniereoftlfis'eltsll.4,6ifti l tnilk the oath' itof alleglanae:•andi "Oen, ithe leant on ~ ..4beard the steeinee on'his,,retnilite the' 'North,! at. lepel ono rabayiennaiinintedown iAlP i ttli le • qiff*tfairoffi 4 ith :'f 3ll vta hurgits thitti '%, tti*sourelle• sAtitiliertmento.r A:tonere:l : Algtier Iltilhig 6 thatlthe War iitowittod:bsoDdid 41estrec -40.41.114171h=1.-4..i.jAhl'il'lto; vatonoloaf 1 ;21• ,Z) • 3,f Burt's* - uni tc 4) „ ,•• th •'' u *Wes. 40144-othrli junior of the ,housetitild#i*lngoustawheasen. .1111:itituiVgraitortitiiikiigitt‘,;;With us 14* in the Itettulht;R*ir range Li:- )rotielljnifiteephiliii 4 lortstiiruu4h •)-;4-11. A t •X k lige graves — the rub aptAr Annals. 1.1,3 - ' - 2 •,; - '. 7 '.•,'••''' ...,':.:".",,T'-'''.',;:••-••.....;',,k(-1 - '' . .` ,1 ' 1 “,4• 4 ;::,'.:.'• -• • . •,... . '• -e, . . , . .• . , .. • • „ . . . . , • - - , 7: , . - d• , ..• 4' ,. .','. ~:•..;,,;, ,•-, .., ~ ,- .• . -f, . -.., ' : ~,. •••,, ,, ....- ii) !-:‘,;,,,,,,,,,,, ~ „ ..,-.,-,,- -,„ ~, ~ , . - , k _ - .. , . ,'' - • , - . ' 2 . ' w•i'ii , ti„ , Pi •--"•,',,,, 2. ' . • ..:, -,.., - • ~ , • ' .. • • ~ , . .• , .', • , ... '. ... , . L ', ~ 4 1 ~:, ',.'"- , ''.. - ; o, ‘::,*!'''' ,-. ''',..,'',...-.-" ' ".' .- '- ',%; -' . .. - , ,: ;;; ; 2 7,:. : .4 ',-7 - 2:' -- '- 2 f , -: .7.-:,, ~. ~' C : f- i• . :',' '', , , i ' ''' r '' --.'.:'',)- ' . /7, : ' '...' ,... :' ,, E 4... : ; . :; ;;;WA '; ;, : ' , ,i4",; ' 5g., * ;i' l' ' . . ' ti ‘-• .. r ' , :* , : ,60 "! , 11?.1 6 "°*5_, :. .. ~ : , .1 '.- .-- '- ' , , '.... ~- :--,;;- ~ -,' . -- 4 . oagmA " - --- -'' •. ' ' '"""'",-.. :,'; ; ''' ',-'` v- r - ' ,- /- '-'.:.:' '.,' '', "' -'"' i '",, , '. ''V. , :f-" ,-- ' : „,lli" . 'ltQ' 4 '''` .; ' ~• • « ~ 1;4) . 4,11.; ~ , ....!-....i.404:404450- iiiffp,':-.-::;. , - - . - , t xr,414 . 02, , - ~,' -,,,;..:,,. __- , :4';-'-;.-:', c• , ' ;''''..-•-,-;-, ~, i r -•- '', .. ' : ' 1 4 ' ...'' 1 r i) rTi ' •, '''' ..../' ' S ..; ''' falingt . ''' t : ':•.: '; ' '':: " ' ::' ' 4 ' . . . ~.2 ; :41• ' . f . ' i t .;', .,, ", 4. : , ; , . li, ' 4 , 15 . 4k lfi ; :\ 1 r ':.': t , ~, I v o ., • .' . . 0 ... . .10140 : :k : 41 ' . U if, mil lii..sli?ilitaaq A "..t.: t '0441,'41144 4 1 .. 6 1 '''''' o 4 ll t.....„-1 ' .---'. 0 ';''' • •'' . ...' • ' 'lir • ~ IQ ~' - i • ''''" ~. „ , .. - . ,',. . • .. Lei , A:paveiv is ... '' - • i '''' atterr44lClPOle' 1 , 414 . t .:,, ~.._:.•:.,, ; '..it., , pt , „ .,.....: . tr -1- . I . AA , n tv:i4fl ' . ' RI :T.,r A ,.. , ' 1 ti 4.1% , . , i' „, c A . es -sad . . ~ ~ va,,, It , ~ - ii t. ;44.;„40il - ..ivii.. 4 , 44 ." , . . ~,,,, i ~. 'lO - 1 Aq , ! "', ' i Ji.46, ti) Et ~,li, l , - i 4 ~ feast titi -- . -.-- . • ' litifio T 4 • A-t , , 1 , i , „ iA Ai titivt %sltti t• I ..,'',. VA . A...- ' . , . . • .. . -t4 - 1 "V",tl tt ~ „ •, ' +1 ( 3.k ..4-., v.3l:*na OtaiJ;lo43 OtTi) 401hiett it'vti-t k1c): biti . l? , Vii lf:.1, ogg .i7i.; ; ;•,..,,,,t ~.. 4 ~..,„c t. ,,,„ •'Pawl 14'A f,7 O'A f egliti 44.)cti , .; 14titt,) tiftt ;Aix 1.. , ic0 .-1.4 - .1 . , - ; iit5.7 , 0140 , .... , ~. AeV gill" imisi *44 Asb 41 1 ! sad A 4104 its ituro-hilo• vt, -.- k5.,4 Out Soo au a ` ..(Culp ,..,,-. , „ .., „. ', `,.‘..' ''' 1 ' - - • •, , Ts:t‘trti="). - V ii. • , •, ,i i,, t•,•41,k ,tettpf AA ,:tv;', , , , i i - 44 . .- 1,241 a:pvtlf,sno`r 1 :If E. :l, 4 44 ,i . ; 44 , 031,,,0.40 !I , 2 !: ) ,, , , ii, ,trissloz;t v;,41( , . -tlfi ..;-*:/-: is..:;;;-442-1-tel 4'•4.1 ' 4 . •." ' t :4 1 ‘ . 11 4- 1 ..,;•‘` ''-'-' .1 .; x - '-- it ' ' . , I ..I—. , i fit i vesalOmi trim/ Atitit . :,,--- ~,,,:,,,i, . 4 -.,,, ' , , 4.--- , 49.- ,__, .... 4,1 - -•(. , F , ,,, r , :. 1 1 - ',ll , :kr . or 7, , % , .1 . 1 tz9 imid 1 , •::-..e,...,,: tx. 4 *.i i , ,l4 . : l l4,4gfriiiiiti4ioo i s .'4 , bjl t ir 43 i t tx• AL L , de tt4 ~. 1. ~.. ,era ftl et , titv),F4, i -aittl. 'n.VI f,s7s•' -••• ' 2,,W1C.11411.144445VATM rilifflMl4.l„TE,477l.l' 4 00; 4* ''. 4 trlit flAt ki..) Attol , ' , ,•';''46, 40 0 : 4 :IV • d_..c... J. 'W' ~,'. . :) 4 '‘ il l - 0 . f• - ='. , N• r q i, :f.Y.L'A ' 6., - 114 / 7. , 1 1 f . *.PS t-' '''111it , W= 1 ,1• 11 e.„ . .,n74.4r7. 7 :1:.,.51 4. ..1),4 ~. - 0 0 “'. l ' k . !..r4.,.7CL.i..'.':0-1','..'.114 as - 4 •• f 1 !, . i *f , 1;t11 CIO 1 ~, • ,•cc . ...0 . .1 .. c 1 , i .: .-1_ . t .... . ~( , ..E.....r. ., .., . iv. At.t.... ...1 , ..t - • ' ;it , r .1; ( 1 . ~: '... .' ANTOble Letter Frerki,o66iiiiii*OS 4 • Wi ' •••..--- , '. - v' r 2'} V. lanlo., • ifii yl , 93 Ttle . Sdakiast44 , R the_phie,,Legis e . ~ g.' imesenge ito tedeo4ll Mil 'llie ' tinv46l*, iiietem j— F,:it4lo,,bajg!O r gf hi,tbi: rbiii);:liell 601 . • - •-••` " ..: ffeilkiiiilo44attingt dtt '''OilbiTei.- . lankignifreesboro' Tenn. Feb: 8; ) `1180. I 7 : 9 ' Lk 2 4 - P",stigiffis osisrs4._4ssessiii, 0 1 1 -tx o ysifi.i i pho; '', , i tli 9 scioluglp if ;4;:iiitizikif tiOtirst tit your' Ifoliomb)elpii,ttp,..4l6: l kiniy:or the,Coinbet 1100., i.')!l t i lowm!t . iiilin A g . , ~o iiiliarai 4n'a tiffs Start- Ifte,b'O'pn _ditty,,reeed;Aiillnliliiiheit. to' tho . ,• .4.5q4104 - aistoigiOdoiitipStilt i or all, r ' ' ' 'Ow ' ' • "gt. : :,-t`.T- ___, L .. _.. ~,,-.1 41 Oro 1 . .` . . . 1 0A13511110130ee 1 19 M. C°1 1 . 3 . 6 8 4 A0. 1 "t i t the 165° , 8 0 -n aY•' 6l i : Pittio4 l : B 'teeo:. , . 4 %(, ll oi.P . iela who belie'. auxlienetit - , i'&loabi,p l ,, ! clee3k . i . fid,'''ou'r, just lsopeo, and , :drge,a `us,to dend 'our, Ountry .and..onr. hinnos..,:l . 3lfOnt and'illltil Olinda,- rs, cob onr. i utotives ..ead.'in teritions o ,poptio teat- - b .- f'qPtiai‘!c4iitheY •-i*viiiieie 4 , ' legatilfit -i us -,.our, ovfn:ffiltiw-049,ny,'"b:6riiKr, to US:ky the ,triple , ties ,;4 ; l, ,"consangninity, • geographical ppsoici, and cormorcuil interest. - J .' • •••• . . Let no man inking us beintes'enough .. to 4.K514' , 4400 9 .44-e rt e,tpArrko , at i gereltli,trai*:i taAllekt;;frPin , -ts* civil' liberty andrurruin &ideal: 'Voluntary...ex iles from 'horn. and . frierids,;for . the defense and .tiaretraf.sl l ,; We long fox the time' when' geittle:pdaett shall spread tor wings over cur land; but we know no such blessing is pos. bible while •She unjust and arbitrary power • Of the rebel lealera:aantkents and threatens' us. - raft , as the fox cruel as the ,ti . ~r they cried "no coercion"; while preparing to strike us. Bully like, Ahey proposed to fight us,beeaueo. they Wild, they .04d whip five to•one, and now, when, ,driven back,„ they whine out "no invasion", .and promise us of Ahe: West permission 'to navigate the •Missis= sippi, if we will be "good, boys"' and , do as they ..bid . . • • Whenever they have the ; power, they 'drive loefore•them into_ their ranks the Sou thern people, and- they would also drive us. 'Trust them not. Were: they able they would invade , and ,destroy us without mercy. Ab-' solutely assured of these things, I am, ama• zed. thatcspy, one, could think,of "peace on any tarms.',. ,Ile who vital:halls the - senti; meat is. fit : only Ao be a slave ;..he who utters it.:at 'this time, to.: moreovar, r a traitor to hit eonntry who,deservew Abe eOern,aud vents. , rapt, of. z all honorable, men. When the pow:- er of the unscup — filons readers is moil 'the, people are, free to , .couaider and act for their -own which are .common " itithAtits.,.afififtr- 44011-ilitkretrt,a Ahern Rill be lacp,- cliffienitrirr fraternisation. Be.F. tweon Oturtastes , and social life there are fewer difiereneaa•than between,those of the ' .people of tbejNorthern: and Southern Trovi-: .teed of Engtiilld or Ireland.. .., . ,Hopiug , that , the time—MaYAPeP4l4 3e4 1 0. when, thel l iget of the - perfidious tincl cruel _tyrant 4:4 thipeballion - having been- over- , throw, a.peacs may .be laid on,. the broad foundation of national unity ane•egual jus,, tice to all, udder the• Constitutionlind I remain your fe:low-citizen, ' .S; itOBEC r= al. Major The Case •of Texas'. - • • • The history - of-Tois ' ind'eed an ill. , tion. o blimo of,treaAery, faithlessn:. amd ingrati t de. We found.ter in beggat • au want: S e 'wat•witliOnt 'friends, with out characte WittOtit "credit: She came to us to or .r:s y A tion,oo. ' oP her, We ok pity on,. her ;hook her ouf,ef thwtold ;•ii. • '&46d-dressed- hew; introdu ced her into d 'eat taught her 'the manners of.civ . ised. Jearned. ; her to speot herself;: defend„ let against her old waiters; Crew went• war for her; and' made her, - dine was 'we • lately friendless and flu tqu ., 34, atOrnpre4pc,bor, , of oy national, household. liarrAwasrthis !ail; to spar in ,00nstrecting -lighthousew and harbors, 14It' i ti' considerable army on her borders ; to profeerreirfaliiirilir - firdiuriirifFiliTde life for eidigtinfei io settle tin .tier we lzuStedler with all the' foolish ' , indulgence slown,towardo 'n 'spoilt 'child."' Ahd *link ,i'velhlrir:yetkre,l , An attempt on the, life "of her benefactor; an alliance wita"ihe Oircuities. Arstileatiood onli.frippdil., 4 1.4 . 6,', Ace-vet tote= down. the ,o)d. unkesien isadegiven her shelter:! A' &liberate, non-'' s o pirac,y to overthrow the Goyerotwent.whose iwotecticki she 11.4 sel#htirtid ' upon „whose fionnties she Ted: :- . . - 1 , • The, finite ofler.fienehery are rapidly tb , Ls - destined ',l .` .. .4e:progress of civilisatieu within. her ,bor 'dorowas, suddenly arrested., She been:lie "speediiy the prey vf inarchyorpd . brutality.' 1 l'aW'sind 'Order brienino a moehiery :ntrd'qi fltrew. 7 Justice n 4 4 ,044 0; Were' itithteriody: • trampleA.und,er foot, A ..icign n ef..:terr,eir." supplanted the-wild-away of ,the Pedeint lisifitub-and; ltinditay gapiblop urfut.rdiroatis wined ths. ,oeins . of ....goversunerit: - Life eqased ..tp,„ be stife. ~ ,F regiWy-lecathe. tiOitrilze'nfil4l T 'sfintigest hind. All that iists sOciedtl'th4: Walt of good - iefinit rdlit tWRPIefirMYI44S 409 i; 'the?. PPOV9 I / 3 P . power. -iitiepropesodl.bi,VgAirosid to tins barbs tegotity-446:wave her frost •he own int ictt p- bripg !ter back to the allegiance rak it "i L niichy .:',1% Work ;has b 6 bstitu,te .41144 i, re .40.91 6 1/ Alsrbseentappo,kiS o 4 4- 9Mcl44*.sati c .. ,Irfaioh the 13 nion.—AlLasy. 13ve .t re• f''/Y I - gatmay, r.' . • . 15112 4104 Aii9oe ; :t WVO:1 " i t i rs bliliniailik t 4 l 44 4 4r , 1040 w.f., tee k;rte • ".'r 481 '2A.10 t tvr4f,!3l , lr tfaiNV: ;1, 510' .f-e: gri wilkyNim 07„.,4 " . 1 to s) igYsftet RAN 2 , t • - q1 . '11 4 40 4 r w •• • 7. I .11 1 .5 ea. e r• t: Wait Of teouitearel,i . , " 1 gagffitSr grinohitt phil iisaphriiipihifts tfits n lose. fo? AIM - Vent bikatis",-AV' 'Vs i i It ;••xt.2 "A l gi l eikiAltitt 'fit 1d iotiie! *Old' let-thetifenvbftPer) •dik inindi 4 fa!thkilitiarei Unit be 6CO bean*: men, wad` hair'e'Onl 61 Y i - edusitahreietiintdiffliai'liiefinited ; them fide Mit kinTtrst - elcirt ? inii):l l 4116 31 Wild', only bikbieti indlided Would is all, protraliility , lime ode'' e t %hingth* ih'theieiiri'4 blf miti:"lrovraei 'd;,"i.bilt in., order to do worth doingo k .nlnVliotAndering:.eklakte balk - titlidettffik .f6ttlitiVAPars:Vd dangS)., , /Mb judipinnrnd Scramble tlemughi as Broil d-i~ can. ait will - not dolto' be .perplituid' , itilouhl r Sing Aisksr'inl .adjusting. niseiehances 1. It did= tall very welkbeforeitheloof, when • a .nian , could.consult h*friendattuponf anAutbnded IpublieatiOn.for:‘, 7hundred,. nod tit? , kears, nod .then live toms its rsueseirt'lfor I .llr-Or: ,seven eenturiem, afterwardelo but lavpreient a Mall .waits, and tilbubtS; , and f , oonsulb 3 ' , 44. ;brother, rind •hitt, uncle,- and his , 'first : onidn, and his, articular friends -ri that - he his,,,po, :time left ,M.folhiwttheitmitice., • There is. so little title for over-squelmishnessitt tpresent, that.the op portunity slips' temp- .The ; yory , 'pelied of fe which a:niiin ehoosoWto,ven ,ture, if ever; is's° confined, :that:Wig no bad ; rule to preach lip the necessity, jeNSliell in stanbes, af a little violenim doneto the feel ings, and ' , of efforts Mae' in, defiance of etrioti and"sober calculation.",• ,' • - Eternity. , • eternity, irithout all bonndal 0 eter+ that can be understocid . •by 'll - 0 under standing of men; low Much- deist - thou in crease the punishment of the damned I AC. ter - Aininznotable - thbusands of years, they, shall :always -"be ebnstrained "to- think that this hit° `them' only the beginning of tor; meats'-!' How drieivtis a thing - is it to lie in a meet Soft -bet for twenty years What Will it to burn` -thirty Montan& Years in -that lakeoTfite and briniatt)ise I '0 eteinity,l eternity thou alone;'.' 'beyond all' 'measure,• lost eAagterate the , loitnenbief the •deinued.. Oriercitis their ounishinent hi reason ,of Ithashiltpsnifief their ielminte; Is the Mote grieveit l ia:hy reason of the- dreirOy of their torissents ;It is Ob . nibs." ..gneious for the eternity of tortnenh: ''Thews shall be death without end With Ont end, defect Without, defent, ' because 'death* 'ever liveth; gi rd thi and etier' beginueth', and the defectlanitetle net to tail.' 'They' shall Thkifribd *all ieek them; after in , thentand, thousand years, 'trith out any end, they Obeli: return •tor &lowed .torinenti.--Wergardt.. !•Consoiezioe Makes' Cowards ALL" - • 'A fa* nigh till •sliftera bbroltiniOsertiiiroeper makiog' rottitis" in the' couOtry;_Oilled :at i tartis-hotiso near •84itiporiltrit, • bieit nqt , r l being , tionVeni*it to etilploritim thO f:(4 7. lowintoornio I 'the '.farmer' itifii•rined- he nrgihTirlieTt lor — Tll. t•proper; sleep iiii his 1 barn, Witioh Ifere.adlly tigieed • to. •Ile , 1104 H eordingiyttadb. 'himself a comfortable bed i amongfilie"strair, and - coiiiioiidi hiroSelf :to lk ", rms firßibriiiieUsi: ' -Seine' time' in , the 4t wits awakened by 'two Irma' Motor.' . i; barn with:a lantern and candle, .and'J eh ofthka . hail a tack: Re immediately Oosing;thitwerenot about their les* ; I if -telt tli to we. their whim they began tO' Consult bow they _ place the light; till they liad'filledtheiiliaiskil front the corn crib:" 'Seeing that they *ere at a'lowi how !a:proceed,' the ehimneyliweep ererep . scltly from his.coneh r and i ;with'. an yerigei said ) , ,‘,‘ den ;held the, Cai**le.", ; ,Tprning_ euddenkiri they 'be , : of tha :.csahle. robs, aßid,;ippp,osing h'int,,to he . ktiieesenn•er ,fropiAit infernal regions, tlirsTiletrh, . s tair 'tiCks and lanterns and immediately • ; $1444,0 dted..„ ; ; • , ,;. • , • ~.. ~: , . ; , The 'NailiiillC Polon :tlx,in ,'fpruilklq., atilitl A,nall_disco,nrsefi.pnthe :sham .puinlinitYi t of 'the. Scit4ll iii'faibi, of "the idayilialdera: : ' e-, hellion: '''''''' '''' - '' ',, ....",.•::" -.4- ' "1 1 1 e ,,,- 4 9!fiffi ll e t!';?A'qaYiliYtt,..o_, ,9o lth ld era PaPPa!•lvere.:lPtt ( 111 , 3 upAottP , ', 1 Y ellPtrer' said the contrary, a'nfl,.Fe go. - stilf,, furitbgt„. ; and 'A i m our belief that the Saniltern7ißeft ple, are not to-day disunioniSti: - if ilie clpn scriptioalatti etinfped by Morgan, Forreat Wade, atallitui reds'or d':,)t,h gr. Oietrfrlla chile fic;c + frith armed liancli - Ordeapetridoei;Vhite, frt* xecirui*d the'rehel; unites i if, a iniltikty7ty,r 7 , tuny, ineie'qrtihle'thanAnttrian'adi)iwtliiiii; - r ilittnutiqiihp 45tWilie first . 4inlitiii,ns ,91: Ire.' i•sistarien rif it,ito 6 not high: •trea:feek,tO - :liin...--,, tom' the clieultircii i iif . listnledeirlte iioiBif i if - . 'iliii'fooila• 0, d % - ioliitlyi:. teia[tifirzi4 Ac4ni. ii. , iiiv ti if' 60 - 00,11:14 - cf ° oliivohOldrWemifinrily, Irteri lifdkOth* rar illiq4rt:tpit'tli:g'iii:zen 4 of tine sing Arent - ' - riany hiiltifillis 000 i. l'hiliiiil 0 th*liiiiigefiii,iliPiiiiiiri k i4 ihec `ilifOrViiii•olifcifie'eit tife iiO4'"Oriiiiith'etiv liii ii a t , ii: owl 1.• , • -,, :—.;.J. ..t.t..11 pat', i , , t:o , -;,-1,,..J 1,1,,,-,, ,, ~ i ~t . ~I , „I • i fik l "P. ;$4 luDANtikttotniPLES:auark-L iat 1 I haVesat ; -au dieseii4h* and wilted flr'iti 'Ohdufil 1 ap l iMea'elies;ariltihavilein iis'ilasiellitt'Waves 1 and white sure,litMlltt4miterf that:44tel" fue l measured it frith .bia hand ,had given tt it Ruch lifa antknolipui• an 01.1) have lingo 4 9. 1 it, B geTte %Tors 1 , 9, , , Ai1t - 'piety ii 7 iovp , AndAff yOO% 1 ,rlp i9 ,1 (5. 1 " , ), 1 gotreitmik i . Y .. ,m.piTtf !kir.l„,.. Ii ,1 t r•tl i s 'Fal Athpril ~ ,fitrilSt !TM! -' 9 1b the * : fl9ll9 . 4flirT rRK 9 t . Iflitl, aff 14.71 nti . .. 41 nf a /45saiir r„drupi t opll iv il ,:it4P3. ufl 4Pl•o7 . Temt ° 4 • ..atifit..s •,,, ), 4 eiti hag; of . o fiii# ' itIf3,6IMIEW, leii On M a il I ibgdWilil4lli go g 4 1 in 4 1 0 Ornlift of, IliF Is' , ll 3 '..- P 2 ;40. 4 %9:L1 Ite. OJ to A hni ,r,triliii T: iai , .f.f. g•Jt '.: t) , . V,) , '571.1;j O.:ZINNIA INNIIININT SIS i' , :-'1 •!;I'M tzl .T - 113':=1.14 tat% li i Ile ' -u4i ..bi ''Tgaltlidukkavardammiltif isi titaur !iiii.ll7 Weiteatilaigli*At ;t11 ' ~,,,g1 mtil_ L lMP!itAifilo vt3i"lildfilardirrtiWiefeMot rip g 1 ,; ~s,: vli 4r.. i -',, 7 W m ., gh im ie ver .:.2, 23-1,0 4 ;IEI,O- oftt Qiiiid failentill44.fit fift(4l 6 tr ill, 1 , ..1 .3.40.101114/40)0i t alliditiittiv4 ils:.:; . i ..',' , ,,1i 1 1 - ... 4il v d'ara gilled Apy, that now we,inizs,., it k tialbiliiiiintati'infilkiiiii-Wilf , ' .4' . ...: iiketendkiiis4lllWll4l•AninnOinf 'LI 44441)901instiftwncibtattiopetz:.t „ ,t 1..!:9,,„' "IrOc r *A d AN'lONWVi e i d Criv • w 1 Iliniue.' • . wiehrt • ' ''',.. r ,„ -4,ig Wia ?, % , •;;VE',. ilsti*-!4 . A 1 Wi Mie " Et Ataittefinite 1410 e ese,46. :PH iitoiinfig- )1*- daYV l fadts,hi* lailintod,:: . ata, those': :LA — bns. ibbitt giglis'yettia in to a hi% iti theAthifid . Ctian'tiesWeikt dis : has thh isiiite4ttitale , Wloll i bail i egs - i Was.seetV op a birth wairglienV.Ultilb :the. spot - pdthetv,haAttitilltelyiti6 *AT to rizttitt the omidsitediiiietiblittellkaltdoilsodeo: alive thuddred.feet 4iffitfot 'lie ice -trine aexi-findllinspaintiOntid iney doluld the boy: Wag lying dick on ithi L 6 of the , vittermiloatiiii. akin; - under ,the. ice; A ihole vt14.10114 btit's lie' passed 'one side, and thercenidinot todolt second ',lid :itfiird farthei-4owd 'was dodo, , butwitisito be t tterldiadeis: BUI thlo' the fourth hole,' ihieh foe - Want , of made very al , 111, inr .aan_thruit4his antelitig l iti l'libvkied4alt cut :a ,May and he was. taken ,out,;'unt only but eonatioust., Wan : soon eiftirely restoi ed. Re had-floated,: as was found-4 n3ea surement,.one hundsediand 'twelve 'feet -un-. , der; the Wei .with,hin face up. and 'tnlibing against it. fle•must havii takenii full inspi ration of air on going down ;.isnd the fellow was taken oat with hisf hands °tightly ihisped over his niantlr an& note; to that 0t a drop.of water haillenteredrhis " -Tim) Oath : bf-All~gl~'tdbc • Senatoi :Aeihd oyfjiirV:ilO6i net iiposk Yerrofteov het viho'''4l*aye''apkiting poitkatptintito6oCiAtAil!fitti f r4Wl6; we' letlo," tn i these" Setia c torti" beiatis a. sinner orthilde fdie , the, lebelliou 'broke OtitlhaVo' had-to takithelath, aif allegiaooa, in order to obtain their liberty, Said the Bohai*: • "V ea ttot . undetisbind why an eitiiteni t shoal& refuse-to Ult. gm ' %Ith Of •Atlieltitittitei, 1 / , hinikiidtedAilik - AY etriiikibferiiiitsiNtit 4,. thower , Welt itliet thiit'llidiii gent! Mori iipnti the other:tillei,' tyhosia lOyeltY l'clh 'not '' t. , lineag • , reity"they'vretild iiiii do it, I R Oiltd I say the ne 'Myer 'eitisen.' sholgd• reflnie _to, .thko . -" " ' I " ' f . t' z tw - , 1. eanatiii on • Ahn'.iepliiitiite ' ehle „ ,tiE ,the i , chamber asked the other 'day, invoidd Yen take the eath,pCidlegiaece on,compulsi h T'' Sir,•l would fake Ohtiry'Vitili aitfreoery day,) ' a* often esianylhody-tiristiedlifie to' . trich it. rI would be, yviiiietivtwittike-it,threci , itimes a iday_a!_..green t beferearielt • Tedglid,,,,l—thinki tlicreiii no fern'? 'of expression in the i lati-,1 gunge,except the' lberd'a ' pieyer, that' an Aniericifir eitieen:,eair oftener- , tiike 'with, ':sidi 17 ! igaicP : CP , his, sonVeJmi I Lilo then i'ou flih.it t ",PP OI I , 1 the Consitutieu ;• of the, United gates.”' - sA LIEUTZNA-bri , MURDVIEn lit A SI3ESII The Lenveurforth. , ,Birliatin,, , tans i3ll - nopoUut „of the . Itithee ot "eriitur „that tutted their' dittimillieiP tin) war:, • ;While tholuutiymasinatti4ltintbilillo; AFICtr. Irc.ll ) ,Fin_g, a Vea.Pasien4ronagesronsan ri often slted; the oaroop, r apd , - inado bcrsolf iigriesbkio the officers. — A I.;iettcHant 46414 Seetitid terson;_•..bocatnO:chtirutedri Nor "tittdf she: pretended to,tespond tp thu. t passiou-Jaiolhod created. ,TheirAplations became quite . 10,k1 „mote l , one ,oceasion . ,shuinvited h lift to her a6tio.residenee,of .14aalert JittiSti"spectinitly avasled himself of tlie t ifiitr to - ipend'utVattlintiott sOnlet3.— kkaVingleen-with', titer nbdtttitwo houni, .she. ,tropt;ptXltg Willd ol sr, raised it,: unrUat, :tho - loop InopkentAvivc.,,guerriljas,appotred 'nod. tred;it . pon tve 'fell the botisie tind' iitteedirled aitt to 'n ' onft,' - and his' ' ihodr3c thrwists•tinto thB triter. s. 'Sonui 'tour ; day aftergatdr itint,bqdy ilonted theiltom miosas4olsl„ by, t an;,oldlnan and his After the' lapse of foul.' Weeks the body, was qiiieffintifiA l aiohzradeite the t 1 tibitlrtutfato4AlcutVnant-r 't *nit; s „ 4 Tigito.—ltOsfpattic_4lredqiilksburg . k.olO - ilieori 4 e tilC 4 2lst - Nifisaclibsetts Regiuto4 follabrialiklikiiiiiiied"4rlkii s tt geasttagnett :Plunkett edited , - t i e Arun dard) bore it to the froutsead there held his ground ightillibtlit akintiee ghat holly , 111 . yr-1:18 s I 01: ficlysky, c4ExicflAPAhat ~ kogpits,i4, anti ,liqbsciJ corn tyy ri yam l l4en e thyfAqh,logt , ,O r gw i wtiolle IneArneat,.ttirntnif Ont to ,escort , him to 11,19) "4;1111,- ed. unthotter..; , ..4 , l t .• ,P;;Tho dom aae - arth tafilte veletn,tes',:fite4i ypi sluggish thunder. If 4911.11;01701$1011iVIV 4A94-POlittlekliolle phuipr-qpin !- •%%raw giiiroolt itch iktirdevand kilibzi&b, l 44 *helm; hifi) 'iii) liked , deli. ~.ilt,t t .g : ,4 .404. 1 4 A.,-,-,... 4 t wo 2 i t . i l i,t KftlY FAVooksten VI ', . Atimtv Tatikl4 ig , v, RA VAIRAWMOiri hwt i veviii ?fib.'" 40' _ a , r I#ll - 01.1W1,,e4 , rof ,1,-4,5;14.*1n5i ,toitt .bf otit 04, 444E1 G Ott Ai ` 42' wolf ~: r:3 y I •;Z; t s: 3 4 y, : nb.f4ciik fc h l oihropte ~ ,I , To Agtplatifvinair Writ: ' .- , •t , Aim w i ry ow/716w ke ".'ll, i ivoi d ik li ars I. * t.„ 1 ,4„f,- . or ~". . • 7tootivoysittitote4llAtt ft. t rkpp. R aiptyliteidsotintwolisBr, mkt . wow. 1 tigfi miaa "lpi ii;g l 4) & 4 ' irigae ' 'o,."' tuedY' • d Are 110 1 " MAW dr in. auttioratetto,ositaii , tooliniiidN ill iiii 1 "filixt4 116 An ,be vi?diffi4 v iii iiii6l,‘ Vitt f rOtie t tlinDßOX 1 it i m i ,;, di rstv :si . :, •,,:' v0,,t,:,, J.., 1,4 ~, IW-t4 1 1 , 1. Wiar l ithet . l l , 44itatlk ~.. , liifi l *O " t ltt V Aiiitf WEIN • ;' - • , -r.•, - .`...t: T4# Ittivo:‘,4l—roimlligirelit!.64 pat; umin g thiup,-heiticitio.ortiiitulf,l+ num- i 16i Virii-iiiii eilttrvilSre - - - itcr66i - v,tia :Anti iißmiliWiretiltierivir,4 wthlitlivuia 8.410 ( ibf tiiiiillllitgllbk l eihilatatiiii t 2 l :"'''' , I TeAlilituliiiir,e Pit W./1 iiiilo6;:iiiiii ri o 4l isfiatiiiilieliiidthtiew Atielaitiiii 1 jiff.' eienty high lienie heHheititad :,, t 1.1 744 , 14 i 4 E I-16;11a* fliti4fdrtlittAeft k edg iath,witidi bolt idgtottCor-tho' dodo, adore& 'lvo Tail &mei% :I,itis- 1 44 41 , likinik,-,fluaMr;ho 4 - i-aoronpAlp, , ads. - Fen,tieg .Willi 3 ozortio.9 III; 41 . et a lad 'tiiitia bcibletoiar his . at , iii,, an - ith ii# lodler.'of Otili wli deafrikihiliimiuit of kiltivr :sedge unddr.difitoolt4ogril y,°-:'' , I .„ - , , ' _,I, .. I , ,. , `EllerpAre,Y ol 4 Vile, Paid • PAL-- ' 40, school,, youler t ' yt o t,t: i oply . ' iyou'ate, aro ;}:p l ia' eal4 F a t, El wetly.-- Ailow .trithfty . Godraio'ilittir?"' '' , 'u ,„,, t ~,,, , i , 'One,''anoweredithe bay, .; .).i. ~ (IVoltytool betwvtQwuiivere.,,__LtojelL }lava a good time, with . , yo,ur,_ one ~goti t' ‘ I jiiii tort theta with I . lrio,"iindlliet wasn't, .en-. bugh tb aive tie' *out 16 kiarildelit" licking you ever hoard:of.' r r; 14 : --; , I , ,; , ~ ••A • • • 4 SiiiiiPii4er•AtOrY - • • • shinplaster stOry i hem, ,been lccelqed hire, and applied le a pOpiihir dry ghtidi dealer. The story ':may hair.' bead print, pethaps, hut,a repetition will do. no harm. Ailho'story'gike, W faVindiAinieliasod (a few 'Conte Worth:Of geodaliony'thie trader ; and Owe NMI tg:amdmitchantalfrote, The Jet te / returned him, .al i gllty:Alye 4 cents in - hie: iimis engraved preic to pay._ gefiteolf known , tis , known , silioplas *vv. ; ->f - .• I ev. *Mr. ,ingui wit& the astonished countrymen, . 7 , " "OW stitd.,the 'lneiChent: are sort of eutieriej , *til dry .14ickbi dieleishave;': tied 'went away it. another iustotner. • , ,fie o wa siromatoptologo: T b ut stmafter ,returpod, j and, bought 'dollara g&A t i. After re bin the fielitly:tied'itp:pheicagg; add Toe.: int told ho deposited 'o :tuitntior of pumpl4ia de .on . • , "% ut ire thoso 7" inquired the reoreh ant.' ' "Oh l " licidie'd thti"tietintrYinsirf i'lhtn o'e a sort tif• ;currency ,14.lartiner'S have; and thftreepon loil.thoistore. • - The story lte,it, : that,the d,ry zcode 1,1 7 , er, who sppreetates good ides, was so emn cia,,lotslictrinteatiAls,_uuprefttable. servant back.—Bostom rose., . • - • -u, 4., Li it I Ailtiattilt.L4htire glt .ketol4 tlistn:Preetlee'len womair ) ,. .the ; shamoless ,fidse hood ,of, *tending ; admi 'fitibn isna thetn'ntit "eihimat theq . kindneis 4eritig'hor and ask in retUrb the t : bor. them pop, :assert; her every high QPinign sag shemmenot:strong"ienos ,ghl_to...rnaintaiult,.,againstupposjtkonaler yet Mniallte.ntArt cdt krona& force it on Ani; . ; lipt,hy t diatatinuirrAct , them not crucify fLerg#9tives4-00t,tridiettle; l3O crush her inJiriduality nor insult her hide. , ' :peudince ) tiler playfmesajests.UposihonOr jn, cumpanics. i . nor ibandy-, unclean >044 , 90tits'.na:ittetelted substitute:for t 40; f v.ulgar .enspiaion of her:purity,' coMpared , w!th_ their + own,. is .like . tYPllTP4itiguitito . ;Wi4tness; of angels' flet'them ,multiply her - genial advantages,. enhance,har dignity, nfinistcr to, her. intelligence, • and• liy manly gentleness,he the champions of ;her gcnius,lhelfriends,Uf her fortune:, and the eq,uabiljf 091:P 4 9i.°C 4. ,4e Ofx,cariAot : bipar,, , to , ,be:'arone' because I,io„acop i rt ft pt, weary. of J14'1301,1; alpia)4,4ilow , tfutt '.?thers probablygo,t , woary, of tini stilt .If, our,qyes..were,opett, ttc should, Roe thoic ,tl4l,ovAl globe kligk alkie f eWt kudififtr l) at vie) 'call tiiae iiiCubacton ofltOni• • Inr]olonco ,deptfros men pf . ,piat energy' avhitlY eiill - 11)ith' I theit''viOctep and , •• . , 777' eA•.,• 1 0 , . , : —. —. , , 1.. w ill itinil*s, is ai,I t tr,gtiilvi l ,i'xisieh rook ant it We - d twit,' Cittiliteak 7 '.141i , ' thii - tioir4'tlo;244' , s i g i iit i ; .• r.., , ~ :1, . , ~t., ~,.! ,J• V-ilr , 1 'C a.l' ) , ~:: , 1. ~• 1 1 ;" :, i: Si2t)t iti•lit.,-104.^.:: -,- ,4 4 -4, ' , A - ; , ' , 1 I, j ' 0 , ~.14;lopie, li*rusl,PO4 1.044)1g, yogi ill gencrai tk inmter slihre, 91' ; i di..flitle ,thaii iift blil n ..6e, t i,. ,311,k1r, .1. ,;: r • •: 4: ,;:•-,,,.. :I; "i.j a .. ~ ., , . 0 .b14,,z, ~, 7 . `''' ' ~§.lk9r,ul,,ntniporkkg?:tet)iojr..o„CiaTteiapes- (Oils Aorithl ; 1 ans.'woce t yi Jolii owi t aimouth ' Ri ez d..f , i'/: , .t.,tral 114 ,/, , - is :2:* i Ili ClEl'.4li / ,i;g i g4i,' 'ii'j'il . f..ir4/0; ::-/,,,:.: / ii 1 VlNOTWO,lrrtlidli thattlitaititict hist. it") - PIPP OVTfi , . R.! , '.f i -.. ,:.( t • r. , .., .7i.t'1.,..z..414 ; :Ip, vittspwi.;io7l....H...i.:-1t14,-,,..iif),1.: t ,; rv435 " 1 Y.2.!, ~. ~ I tt ( l i m e , 4PC.---, "N. . 4 WI r ift" , ei "‘"• • iA; it eteiViifrih i ' - iiiiic iii .. 5.... ,*aititiitimithaititeiitift ilk' 0.91iT01, otii,'tCl Atilltroi/bZII t 10. At .. l , SIS 4 s . _. .0 700 , 19. r th e v. VA, .4011, 444 " *IA, Ault t ? 44: , ; • ri f utib and rto4-4tA. ..'" . 14 - 4 , ' tad 11604****441101144.'"Wii 4 wake the . nt: ilbstriutiO `s . k aym01440 4 AirtrAtitg viiwout rent with t h""Visf*: t r!!°4l"ol°4l,l, B °P l°- P,tilary . ..pettliithiritim, to. he pl.. Froaltti's opirfr, MO taabtat.l4;.f.,• ,, ,•a, , O. ty 4 o eimiy iii cit race horee? faster it iftufzE Tiu*ritittloilleutii*iitogs oii4pllrthat he lets, himself out at camp; Aieetfugs,f4y a stee ple. 'T :3 4 - '‘4..fra - t‘) -. f; t" fonititone eittter c quotmAteti l thil motto, space, itebitllkt Nur ••• ite Prtneli: haute nn thpir to' Va'dw bow 'ivy can spell wagon, -4"41,1r4 citin''ottiprhidfilitet : i eon fi rm -o.:4o9klTar--rtl-Bocatme, mill then OP.:them is sa,tisgqdd, sr,i,t , y i t . l,lcyrm(jrifyi trio t . ,4 4 . glass. An' o 1 otk r toti6weseillit for his PkrPetalit 41)10tr *muffle: rant to=' his was weaned upon NA.kt,fgi.,,, l „l'i, m 6ar tin a ,pideli_of "eorn, liie„,,u„ l dunee 7—• lige its ears. R e do , ; - ~•r t Mrs.—Burr-liayl v slie T has-to z Oriok:har cor lett for the' milk la so high that the eretinfeannot get to the' top.' • A crusty old bachelor says that Adam's wife was called }We becayse l . when she 8p i:61441r happinesi wits ‘drawino •ti's • ' • • •1,,, An the tendon Times.threutpus kil,"with drai its I moroil'elijiiort' from the rebellion, *o' hope itilon't'iliefiti the- Federal side. Tkiiwiruld be a dhiiiitior. Neu Fill . 9,oralt,i,antspuses .f 41•0910049 man g y at_ (tie rita t ir k lie uit:rift hick pyrjour iiiiMeareirnitt a rage scar appetite 'earth, tiliortiti dertiratit4 'it flurry matt flattedoroiserk--4a,tep hunt! that tur to a knave , t0.4011,60ti ttwat.he itiefaaL .- • thittittha Boa on aontomparery nye : Arai emu; his.o pp ihebilowinalperegraph : - age prAutahtailik,Oal • MeIKIA 3oe gllthat APPI; .441,! ,Ikrtve ?,QviaTeqop sat r ~14, PIS a.- ' ' " CaT AND, P003.50119, 4 T-"Will ;a Lave own() eatatip,l7 Asked a gentleman ef: aunt Mao& d'aiiiner table. , "Dentine ; tto;P' idse•lroplied4lth ` "abed der ; fond. '4l oats , int their . 'phieer, , "but I 81?cluld a» soon. t hink ,, et 04ing3ingagnap.', The , gen tlinnan didiAnt! urge "Poor HaimVA *tole ti;'A 'friend • ho - hed - hoeniffrenting - vftellik - his - eon - " • bit ~ia►ls~lfitnit . rilattle.sealielanoV: Was aids jnO'his;fed for ItTtPlAkiti!! 41%.14 1 1Pet1y ii d ` s Of is city 'lraleti:Vtar ;Mid lie 'eaildrii *Sir he aonsplained,oflniing , ii<•litthi4ksteilio he .eould sidaadapotphiLolikui askinti cup cAita-." .;, very: good b0y,7,-saia,the gold lady, t inttAtutas lit tle fail:nga; for wo..are none of us porfoot— kg-Inactit mans-the BONl:tang% hiir, grand. ,W 1 446 3 0t Wigtd,Or4 WA& Ciritenli,.tiot the coitce pot to J,owtm net tilf; orihs in 'ski ham took inst . elplo,obirf for Mani lines and efoik in hQai nisteen:oyes,. But-thespnav only! elliikihdi follies. " Anti"fain vivitor te , one`of the iinitilanetoirkis of Arkit i , after irpidring - v,ery 4 partienlerly• of -a ditirrenAboilk : the - health .of the eon ti ned his interrogatories by asking.— , "Doctor, who, Aina of water Is me used hp, ?", • - •• • "Well itater," riumtered the 'doctor. -it good V''' . •", "Those who:use it,".: replied • the; •deetor, " 811 Y ! t .) 3 bflt-fatet !, fir. , How tig:Gorlits'AV trk-L-4TOhn Ve-:--, ie a genius. Ile qpit4 ti). pile ,r4.r: and inyantad itia a nST &int - ram:4g car tlie,Ohia..qattpl, / . John , was a bachiiiit,•b4 in. the' SOUrse or time was smitten by a the little god: An, op tarns !inr, iihn-lied to then-host'Pear Mas ,,, albs, had two rosyjekatke ¬ at e b u y all I.o4,Watita weinr*llled., by; tIW .01a , pan.. But Lights Was, fipt‘..dianouragoci. t A Chant:l,r bed, hnottirbr off tnistiff, and !Jofilaproeitiidirdltirdalibitrately 'appropriates thitulion4startiolesitablAtion th'o elothesr 14.4 . -t44.otutrilliethhOW:isiocitiart,:. ifkilmpuptt.thip A is, %sem ,crowded ip.inglori ens the esilkiknai bag car ied: ,'U.rjbhik OtOthisifoolisioti.: itboird • tiro' ibnak ' and .p.,htpsdattthu4borCabinfi. - loquateithe va)c far au introduction on the return. trip. A weck,..after,Ac.iboat wow& the , foray 111,41 4 arl!q ) P i litt,i' , 1 1,d e*40.4,.11.41naP0d -8 reran lrou to lie pow* SU repro- Sentiklothilf oisliriehli'ViiViiriebiliiiitde the- IleltithiattiAtikkindisehappdi -- ^ftt ttutm44l...tw .044491 t, a , w ' MEM q.it e- • ("" ,- )rW, '' 5t;,,,, '4'7,1iN,,.',. .. f.',/'4. ''':: '' '' •'.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers