VILLA ~'.~i. Friday, oo* ... braithes itierho loat %Ow um *Mk Ftirdoin's begeith itif pet, Aid Filmdom's blltlttet sirealointeior • Public Bote.—*e direot attention to the W die _ We of Mesent. Knarentei in anotltiff coldam 'of toolayls papor. ' ti'ashittptos's Birthday,--gunday last was the one hundred and thirtpthst anniversary of the birth of 'the father of his country." Pronsetect--We barn that Capt. IL S.. "bowmen, of Co C., 126th ReOment, P. V 1 bee received 4 commission es blajeg or, the Regiment, Promoted,--,-Vie understand that Jou% E, WALKED, until recently first fieoument of Company A, 71th Regimen;,. P. V., hw been promoted to the captaincy of that *u pon', None we think Is wore dcserving of promotion. East Baltimore Conjerence.,-.-The annul passion of the mot Bait pore Conference of the le. E. Church, will be.hoW, at York, 4., comtncncing ots Use 4th of- March. This Conference embrace within its limits this section of Penneyhanie. The Lgteit 117fips.-14 couseguenca of the detoutieu of the,. daily papets,'we are um ' able to give , to our readers---this — weeki — th - eT latest nava It to, however, reported thtopgb rebel Ammer), that Vicksburg his, fallen, into the bawls 9,C the Federal forces. Edtler Aseised."—Aitre 'learn,frotpthe Chun,: betTbutg that Wm. KENNPAY, of the Spirit end Timea has been, honor ilimehntged, from, the tinny op, away Picknenn.. M. Iceppedy, mos a nal 126th 49044Mtgi 3 / 4 1 .: V-. Wayntsboro Classical/usOn& he spring session of this Inatikution, wiM co 'Mee OA lkfoncloj the pa da ‘ x of Marsh next. 1% will be conducted hereafter by ' roE A. °vially:l,n, (Mc. Tatuntout baying by mu tual, cement witlikdrawk), 'V bespeak for it Itkiwral, altaro of patronage. Icor portioOlarig, aeo aclA•ectiseuint in °Rothe.. onhiftxu.' I o fyfr,t 1 / 6 1n..--,Thoietnains,.efOitoi F.. DA via, whose death we announced some time since, was brougbt home on 11,1,041 day and in- ARtcd, witb i the usual honors, in the bnry lag ground attache( to the German .Reform ed %wok. .31r.. It. was a memiket of Col. itarlAn's eavaley, and died in September last, *oar Sqfrolk, Va., Were *as interred Antil te gently when balms taken up and brgnght (o k !kid data b kis father, " March Jittsrard.--A church bolonging to * Germs* Congregation Martiaibuig, Vir ginia, itas tosmed on lot' Teeedai night—T time Cain* soldiers were quartered lin the hodding, lust nom q thew we* injured.— The fire originated from a stove pipe passing op, through the ceiling, The atone walls, rlAdieve, are atil Ai Mitt:llelpya:4—We ern froth Oh Phi!adelphia papers that the &Rowing trol diem, belonging to the I26th ..ilegiment P. Areye4 at Tornor's Lane 116pital in that city last eck :- , -.B. , Ruthrauff, company II it !teary F. ;. mat, company, E;J. H. Work, company C; Ja • 13.:Cuthwa, company 0 iterris K. Renfrew, ' , ray 4 ; James 0. .Ilorehcad, company K; and Bl'lfttirc, company G. . . 4 Clq o c-11 o E 31 4 ,Pnr.ftspiN ha's gplioilited 4, 11. HASTONi •a, 800 of Copt. Zastoe (Who waa, killed at the bottle of Cioiut Hill while iallanilY serving his bat tery) to alosition in thn.Navai. Areademy. l -- If he displays the gAllaotoia the Navy ;big baker did in'tha •I'enneylviinia Way well he prowl dim.—Pilot : • . . 31 4tTiftgi arjfenitot — A 'oir. e 4l4ti " in this ReighkutPivt for pur. rase of petit% Out Stsitol4oo4ool to es, tab.lith 1.44414 114!' 44 0 i gogse ivhiv A bean dpiet ti*:01 11 10./144 0 .. , : Thi n 007 joos ime atatt ihtcwolins , 00. AU pro ',mod lioiosiv 'W : oholiol0;10 Ohio oil En. Alma, mkititiw , 44#oo4444i 4e4se cogs 94 4114 oimrityt.cfpita:•_ ;:: yistol:74Pg *4okivii. Rd, 440140.010 m.;.. ißiho .4 13 411AVV 11 .7 104 8 0 1 1bri44 rAgrAVOVitt— . , . . - : work , .4417 - g e gMig 0 77 . • „ . 4 ii P. 3 4 0 404 1 47 *IP ' AU; 1 141:Mirly,004 u ii,;iottgeo.prAibitingraily i Oki* : from ..: .., warivig *o4ltOt 11 14 40 ), 1 0 16 t0, 2 :1 4 0 *CR • - - tioili!iiiiiiii;* iii r it . f* .1140904409 , . . , .1 .. -..a• •• ~ • ".,_ • . :::, .4, , sit.4llria*-.. -104411• Ft , 6 11 TP it ~ ,u 6, fidiIIAPNIORAIII4****IIII4IIII4IIOOOV. ' _a i lioratioso,:' • voik no mm , , . l og 7 bliukir Uj i josike.,4l4" 1— i ., .):' ;. - 1 , 7 .- - .. , . 7.- . dy.wipr , ...,. • , r . ‘ 7 r , 45 iti,44011,00 NON*" 09* . , E ' .:4110464 t. 440,10, trisf ill . a - 00: 1,1 1 , iiikaig#l4o49l44lit tv _ hid to , an end damn this Alio we ire ! !nityinit _ DUMMINO cAm dlitai of of - home ti no brave brothett44o 1 **;114 ouch forts as we are dultior s iz agdlitahrhipmti the liftr, - We dthai of thee not sourly ;15,4 $!O stri• diem, lAt bigoted th 4010,, aid iedNasit the 0 thriit eaudth wannirer-fiew• . ininitatinarider *redcoat brarao4 , o4loo 4: 40-4110 they are suf• feribit o iliidioNtnr,the am% and tiverlit !Olin, itSehogives to hi to telievo their irreeditalLdilltrelim Tim Christian CotaNdsolta t italend quarto)re in Oar Oh IC the. 4ity of bra** hum his tlthtt * and as still doing OM& - rot, tiMus. UOO, acting ,without ' Cern' Pe - ere — riOti: o '4 l o al OM mope and hour Paoli or 110.0011 Iti4OWVOlog to relieve their triati t ikoth' ritnatamt temporal. A majority or the Tangiers of the Wash. Wein ' , WWI Institute, - have contributed mkt%throngh, the Christian Cod raissient'ta grind Work. We minion this, not Because_ contiluted. *bit with kko hope. the eadtidit lead sin. * 'nail Oates - to, dklike*lne. Teaih• era ores& State vete to mutant,' a Mite froa their earnings, Abe wa nts of men; poor eddied would be relied:4," .whose onl7 eon , ' lures now, are the dreavint which picture . their winds the &acres of ,halt `it Our Citizens ia Richosouf,,,4, late hitter fromi'erm,A Big states tP, row iternfi general Interest. .Our men have been, re. moved from Libby trison to castle P(glotriogo a plaue within the city but . some distant!) from Libby Prison. Mr. Rica says tkotbing about *sir having received the money gat by our 'council, bit we • infer itUreceptiolk from *0 fact Cof hie nientionlyg new °lathing made for them by Mr. Shafer. They are well, ageeptoecesiunal fowl* restilting-from their efiet and way of life. They have no hope of escbange.; indeed it is rumored that they lilt be sent further soutU, i order Ao, keep tll h r oaf( ern with greater safety al at less ex., it is thin fill to reeord sieh news, `tt lll(6ity deeply sympathizes with lends of these unfortaaate _ neat, and ant the. (inane nten..:-11fareersteirg natives( 1a Scbusfinty.—The Miners Journal says that Cann township, in Schuylkill county, is one of the most laitloso spots in Abe country. Within the rot few weeks several men have been shot; one has died and another is retorted to hwedied.— . The au th orities troloooreeleis there, and the evil,-disposed oarty:Oittgo piettq nMer as tbey please. 'Sonte of the participants on . the strength of assertions made by the lead ing tfiocesoion aympathitertit of the sonny,' pride thembel!es upon the belief thit Jeff. Rev's' knows and appm,eit of their lawless conduct. Qf course this issividienlona be but shows what material the partisan demagogues Dave to work upon, 40 what stuff they impose upon their 'ignorant and deluded.followets, as truth. , Truly, • these Northern traitors are more despicable tbau the tories of tile Revolution. was a very enthosisstic Union'. meeting held in tbk borough oiBopersel on - the evening of the 3rd inst. Wo give below , the molt* , tions adopted on the' "easier'. They are both necessary and becoming at this dark haw ofour country's peril. .Reseleed, That. in oqr opipien,. the thou -wheitt-theso-periloua 4imeo f orolo-roa stamp lustiest as entraged, and by their de. nunciaiicos of the aitharities, create a , (ever in the radio mind; aro het pleling into the hands of the rebels who tun striking at the nation's life. • ' Resolved, That come weal coma woe, we will never for one moment, yeild p imik's breadth to the damnable heresy ofieoessimk, carne it in the guise of armed men from the South, or ota traitorlons kim of peace from tho North, but living or dying, in peace or in war, we stand by our country, our wink country, and nothing but onr.tonntry. esie for Thittn. , -"Nriry• dangerous. ountrefeitir Of the live-dollar 'bilis on , the Bank of . modes, of Neir Turk City, have ma.. their appearance recently. , They are printed in 'the wise colors. Uud very much resemble the genuine The last batch issued can be detected by the alpinism of . tile parties to whom the note is wade paya blfMid the' date being engraved; while in . tibe ieluirie they ate irritton.-4rossiner and The Duly ins Paper.—rSehoolhoohe hare aliady advanced twenty-ave per cent ; Of Waiter's spelling hooks over a reillicn vikr'ars sold; the price has been raised re iieolly from Oa to 90 cents ;all schootboots !lase goo up in proportion. This take] money 04t of ihe pocket of every father and nigher 1n the hind, to enrich a feir ,slreadi Wealthy mg; Ristkafacturers. ..fforrislcor ecinrosofsiti:Look for Harrisburg ' 114 doijar= tiettoterfeit Sego mare.rit iittitvirculatiou .Artilh#9,,. Otis ttacaltiti.das,lttid- trt?iiti . 14*'_24; rested for psssiqg theta. - `Theyitre . tdlainblx esoontOd el#3, l ekideted g e..,deet l 44 l ."" J SIS 4 owl - 01,4 (1. „‘• - ' 9 1 t e,41, 40 :1 6 # 4 ,1 , 74V,P Pike ** lol ioCifiiiii4ila;6lo. am Cape, w. SCBlseis of this ion% dribs 1071h140. )61 , 10' irrOtkeook orc,lo,,borobin sod it t ,410411::1 1 44 1 .40E fiteimiklrg• bi* 12116.- dil#lllllo No Oa omlop , O•Vorprt fivm illoq gout, voßdq. AfIDJ . . equAort, Feb. 21-4 !MAI Biewp_hl, .thillittedliitift- MMUS MOW* frlthl entabers to the litik ,': ' • ' • 'Aiiitiolf4tiTiiiie'rikaitto Viiilibirg teem- WNW on that day: The snorter boats were Sewed Into position end opened briskly. 4-- PiPilitt 000 18 4 66 # IT.AckluOgitlf? he ' tag was sisiondee to by three bat: ieries:whewour onion ' found ter be WO 11141 th ;pi fee effective operations, and it was II ringed. r ri The bansbardatent ,was•thewrettewed. ... tA rebel flag-of-truce Ant' reported on thelOth' that we hid taken . Vicisberg.— This w_— WO Jaye After the' bombardment, comineneed, sieteted in the above despatch.] The Indianola, 'whieb mu the blockade, had provident and and Sufficient for three months. Blnitvnitennutt, M. .10.—The capture of Vicksburg raw reported to-day, by Oen. federnte.wileerwwho . antosehed our lines with Wilag Of Once it the rebel general eomurgythig at Tullaboitia. Otiptairi Rolilitsell, CEO* McCook's staff, twilihWal the fat And , iht Cativersatiou the Amin chugs of the Mission remarked, "Well, you have get• Vicksburg as last, though , you have paid dearly for the prise." lifter :inverting . to the subjeet in these wordh he *Ailed to give any particutara. • The iii, mot is credited it, headquarters. . ~ LAM PROVIIIPENOIN Lk., Feb. 11; via Elet. ro,Feb. 20.—Fifty men from Port Remy, 1 a a th e • 17th and 95th Illinois Regiment, noted as infantry, yesterday, commanded b Oaptaiti 'fucker , of the let Katikini, , itc-: e panied a email' forage trait* ante the wst side of the lake. When abollt ten mi qe Qub they met, attacked and routed n rty three hundred of the 8d lanuisiaaa Cavalry. Reinforcements cent out arrived too late to participate. ,' The enemy's loss in killed and - wounded is not known. One litti s tenent. sind forty: -twor-rivates-were-tiken-prisci , , :. 'Ate Ainortpan ]Flap torn Drink. The building on Rose street near Biddle, formerly_ ocenpied__by_the Mount—Vernon- Rook and Ladder Company, hai been used for some time pastas a place of worship Tor certain persons who have separated from the Methodist Church proper, on rteeirent uf the prevailing Union • sentiment of the latter body. Yesterday on assembling as esual, they were somewhat disconcerted ky seeiag large American flag suspended from the :AI of the building. Many of-=theta left th church immediately, 'but Others remain ed. About eleven o the . Rev. John 8. I. hiel,, who had been appointed bi ;reanh thetnotaingtennoe f eeteted the tile* and ptoceedcia to the front, mipdow, outAlro PAP* , of. Own, and reached Ontlis arn(tnrongh- the -broken window,-bulled dowrillre-flag- by- hreating - atrotaff - effre ; to the' window. He Bleu left -the building bnd the congregation dispersed.... These facto 100 g reOrted to Gen. laehenell,. an order wasissued for the arrest ot Dasbei, 4nd he wasiSceirdingly taken into custody"; about four o'clock yesterday afternoon, by ' Liens. Morris of the Conneetiont eavairy, to4bora the order had been entrusted. The prisoner irai confined in the Middle District station house, to an tit theatders of Gen. Behenok= halt, Clipper. • , • The tmanespstion Bill. The Senate on Thursday week passed the bill to aid Mis souri to emanciplite_her_slavesiby-2S—Yeas to 18 Nays.. This is purely a measure of National defence agaipat 4 great and immi. •• • • soot peril- Slavery i s Missouri ,has already put the Nation to - an espouse of at least One Hundred Millions within the last two years and is certain to cost much more unless eradicated. If it was right'to buy ana ie order to secure the West to the IL Dion, it is clearly so to purchase the . slaves Of Missinui in order tbereby,te'protect the NatiOßO existence • against ai instant, and deadly peril. In no possible contingency must Missouri be loat, and her loyalty in this efleie May save the Union. If this bill be passed, she is with us. evermore.—New, York Tribune. • The alk,ged iin'eamiag*Rye Coffee is making some noise iq Brooklyn. Whatever this oasO may alumna, to, it is certain thin. rye often contains ergot, or spurred rye,. in clangorous quantities.' 'The books say that • , France fearful epidemics have been known to sprit the Use °tench stuff in flea: It is also well known as a modisine to induce libation , If ryni4issed at all for coffee, it eboirld be earefUlly ' pleb* oar, Float the_ large utanuffetuterido this is i opt presaged. The safest way le to bear eastgrind is id borne; and eves then, it is not prohibit, that Jf a hundred housekeepers, one half would ! 1041 the diffelweee between true rye and' .ergot, chess and other nosions 211611, must not he forga that in all the - ravings of the sympatkie, against the AdMinistratiot'ariik the} war, they proposo ‘i • - that r!.. Mewls ; ey. 't at onq, the ,Government should consent to its citrn dhsolutim, and-.,that ohe• loyal majority 1 . 4100ttl allow the disloyal minority; which . Z tl x) *PAWN 4C;;dictate - the , liras of Revivals Oureieheagos tivaioarioue seetloas of the Coariewatrealth, Oboe to 'de laden with r 4? " the "IS sheering MiTals of re ilodroossa being esavertot* ud 'saver, fore, it is Oa* by OW -eotempota ries, lies there imam awl is spirit noieifeste4 is hearilies mused; "be ' soel the 'Lord, sod lallt hitite:baoon path fells ' to' his' red." Tele mitakarjsboatlfainOig the laithoravillfiedtiidst ebttrehes of the 9 1 •,0 61 pork; tti OrtOrtalti .nua ittop•s;lititll alt-the People are Gad; iodeed, - "eadd th sad,4i4l Ad Ad mid% 44 1 !Al/kid yu hell. • ay, A Bctr _ Alan itios Clarelau want , d' toy era "ii Who is at ",,,*. if" tin hesalaa • aad • two eleven years old and th, months. lived et New U: all Fated ; TlUsge ; ,they satkitilitikitaots Of . butt , *Mot deified; add' *Awn so.terribly 'outraged and intared — that she was left for dead amid the otbtr Victims of ,titstlfrigkiftilmeitoicie., The okildioa welt diti the carnage, Mid escaped uti-1 After, the Wine Malone the boy . c ame out of his hiditig place, H. found, both pa rentiftiemingly dead. He then picked up the, child, and started dig 110.011 . 11, the prairies toviards the settlement. Ftir thirty miles the little fellow trudged along, carrying the stoppiug ,to rest and sleep occasionally on leis weary march, but atlast he strived in Infos, among the white people. The party who subsequeotly started out to the relief of the New Ulm,. found the mother not dead, and , by care she was final. ly tostored to life and health, The, .started on Timidity Morning to Warren, Ohio, where 'they kayo friends. The Oldest hdkabiteat• The last will add testament, of Mrs. Edits- beth Myers. late of. Antis township, Blair county, was admitted toprobate by oar Reg later on Monday fast: The deceased was iu 14411,7 respects s hernirkable woman. She was barn inithe year 1754, amass . q' she wits 109 years old when she died. To ise the.ehanges that °centred during long and eventful life, we have only to re. fleet that at the time of her birth, Washing ton ins beleaguered by the . tench at Fort Necessity; Pittsburg . . was then a small fort in the possession of the FitUsh ; that Brad dciek was defeated nett yesti- that she was 21 years old at the Declaration of. Indepenr donee, atid was 58 at the.breaking out of the war of 1812 ! She lived before steam-boats wore inveated, saw beats cross the moun tain, the "iron horse" do the same, and the elegraph—complete—wit , and saddest of all, she lived to see traitors striviag„to break• upt the government, which her htisband fought and bledle establish. A relict of the past. she died respected by all.--Rollidayslnuy Registet... FROST BITE.—In a late number of the BritishAmeric — on — Journatithere is an arti cle by Dr. Berlin 'inutile treatment of frost bite. Bis own platy which, ho says, had been approved by a l t erge experience, is, if ter applying cold water,* snow for a felt , minutes, to immerse the (room part in *arm water containing a • sufficient .quantity of ilwmmil_PeloPeT mustard; as • ens or the other of those articlei,is to be found in 'd rama everyhousit, it is Consequently always available.lf portions of the airs or face are &cited: piews,of ikihnelcoming out of the hot liquilkare,* he applied and frequently ipeat4cuiiii_cireshitiim is restored. In few mirwilteit tigitlipg , feeneation will be felt, and in .s short time, vitality, will bc restored, unless the froethas •penetrated' too deeply: thickness of a member wait fro. son; including the principal blood-vessekillild bone, no treatment call restore vitality... A newspaper, known as the inquirer, has for some time given much offense to the ley eitisena of Leaveniverth by-its treasonable course, and threats were made of destroying the materials with which it was printed. The proprietor took the precaution to arm a number of his friends and stationed. them tront the office, who, without provocatio provo c atios' ed-urami - a — Citikori v wbehad exerted bim. self to allay the excitement. A new er of shots were fired, and other innocent eitixena as well as the one aimed at, narrow ly escaped being bit. The next day aor assembled, when Jennison arrived, ting a box he exclaimed: establishment was a printing' proposed to protect it; . this, morning Rebel fork and I propose to gut h." ! this the crowd rushed in and utter!: ished everything the establishment obtained and thou burnt the fragments. • Depreciation of Slave Property for Maryland BALTINIORZ, Fob. 23.--The appraisers of the property of the late Charles Carroll, of this State, one of the largest slave owners of Maryland, have made their return to the Orphans' Court, assessing the value of the hundred and thirty slaves at an average of Only five dollars. This they say is the highest rate they could name, after mininhation with various slave owners and dealers. ` A slave dealer told the apprais: wr that be would not give five hundred dollars fop the whole lot. This iseonsidered stain illnstration of the depreciation of larva .property by the , rebellion, and will have a powerful influence in this State. A despitoh dataillasfrOssbOnO", Feb. ) Xl3, approved 1.4 Major'Groteral_RoseeMns, atm" that 'O4 TburadaY, Feb. 12, Cot J. Munroe, of the 123 d Illinois, Gen. 3. Rey. nold's , Division, took with him -230 men of his own regiment, and 200 of Stokes' Ten- Mimeo Cavalry, and-started out to • beat Iv !be quarters-of the enemy in the direction, of Csinsviile. Four miles 'front the town be oseountered a body of.Rebal cavalq, belong log to' Morgan's eotMnand; bOO strong. After a sharp. COrillint, be completely routed theta killing tire*, ssounding large number and taking six prisoners. 4 116 alsocaptureit fifty homes and destroyed nearly3oo stand ofprms,—During the so den three of his men worowounded. It is ~delltutely ascer tained that John Morgan's command, 3,000 strong, are near ,Painsville. • , - adiforsia 4ilti Mexico. Faiismseo. Feb. 21.-:-A serious: oontroverstis t going oq la Honey LaitaVal; ley, trier the bounda4.queitien of between California anti Nevada both ' sides, eialiniag luStediesfiam ovde the )ied is dispute. " 4 1; oalifinsia Sherif atteinpted to terve a 'cif& pieties. ins 0111 thallbth stati, - ,When, the 'resident. Ohba ob.the Sheriff and his posse ootajtatimi' of Sheiiit. !eon were wountita. 44 situatif, has sea espee ter,reninksasaimt.,*)4.!sisiaiiaati tittin SeUi'Mist. littb pa w u te ri very delimit, sad, at &aims siooonata were 44444 themselves i kg henna a With lbools,,bale pissed tier. of thole way to Mosta ibis, otiles..wers old moo; fret so lONA is the strait to tldob re• billion is sWOOOd, that - grit baiei MA tot *** t i ro onOtt . Mks. They knot 'dot *bit they Witiider; -bit any pkeo is pteforable, oveniisathtllum whets trots= holds its sorityl!., oja Rebel Spy. New . York., Feb. 200;—Ci61one1` Marks Carrel Bioko, of the Rebel 'array,' lately a deteetiie for tke Rebels it Itielmotai; was -*Treated at the St. Nickolas noiettkis after noon. Some mirions genius states, as. 00 rem& of an estimate, that it million One Dollar Tiroamity Notes would Weigh over a ton, and makes pile adirigh se 010 Wcilifißgkill Mon- Magid. Ihie will give dome ides of the la , bor or preparing, our Tretteury note issue, _~_, t _ On the sth inyt ,by the 'Res,' John Re biugh, at theresidonan o f the Irider father, Br. LEWIS LiteKBONE to . Miss BAR. BABA'O. FUNK, Air his cow,. On the 24th inst., at the residence of-the brides father,*Bev. D. Fi• Good, Mr. BENJAMIb F. KITTINGER of .Adams .enunty, raft Miss OTIBIBTBAN B. IBA 41ING.ER, daughter of Bev. Dan.: Whinier. of Washington - township, Franklin County, FA: Departed this life, ea the 15th inst., near Wayneshord, Pa. CHARLOTTE, youngest - daughter Of John und Sarah Johntiou in the 18th year of her Age. - • ' The subject of this: note it:arena/eked with BUMIIOI. Agovar, In.,— proved ' fatal '; .thup eousigninr, p rematur elyey to fhe,tombu Levitt' , and intoned:mg obild. In the death of ehirlotte the parents and family half* ituitaitted an irreparable loss; fot Rho shall iiio More come back to them; and yet they are not without hope, /or the roli g.on of:Jesta directs the sad in heart to look forward with cheerful hope to that • day of glorious consummation ' when mortals shall put on immertality, te nd the dead in Christ aluill 'die no. mOte— , Enteviell dear Charlotte, and although then titt , gone from tat, we will tet forget thee; nor ',Malik to love thee.— Soft be thy repose, and sweet thy slumber until the morning: kiosk, and that day be ushered in that shsliitnow no' night—may we as kindred and Meade meet thee where :Makin be light ariellife and love.. - At'llintp - Roltinktin, near Suffolk, Vs., on the btlawileptenther,-Mr, GEO. F. DALVIB, . Ofilioestagok4f4asitsiAlliuslo - .I,4ti fail* ,- , - ' .:2, - 4, . te'•J . J4:' ' '.. ."'ic q`,;" i , • The - ntiOttO fte* , l . l)pellitad Otte • boron. in hed? pipet, Vat esid*:to the late removal-of is remit's to this ei.oe, and auppdaing that we'neattolltitlksitiOnmob, the memory of our trace soldiers, rdo not - think- it out of plaeo even at this :ate•period4 ' The sublent of this obituary was a young man who to know, was to foe: Ile *lle merman* an liable hearted mid bravo. ' He has fallen, as many have done before,agoartyr -u pon the altat of hisnonntry. 'MONO rem in peace. ILitoltlier rest !--thy gradate o'er, i thi ..,` !3leep the sleep that knows not breaking; i earn of battle-flails no tante, . pi of digger , sights of walting.'' C. L en THE DEATH OF JENNIE ALLEN. little form lies cold and still, As plated sissy; The Spirit he a heavenly smile Oa the fair shay. Around the tweefiuu parents stood, In anguish - deep, Sister and brather—housoitoll band! Low sob and imp! ' • on: lrishrteLonel Where is thy nail - The answer amen in Soothing tons, "On Jesus' tweasi.l Inn knew end krrei her natio' or's; nano, Sweet ehikidikep faith, • Bo hue end tiontral—blessed bet life, And cheered bet death. • Ere death its dreary pal hu spread The !ender:ape o'er. • Er* storm. bad tamed, or seam able". Bbe reach the @both. • A. FRIEND. INIFTBENOB SABLE FURS.—Forty setts of French Habig, toinpriing I glades, We! , ty-foor Muffs at lowest city prices. UPLEGRAFFS", Batters, opposite Washington' Hotise. Thee, 13 • iiirLADtES 01123--MINK SABLE.. —We haw etigee mite OF* Mak,: Sable; these Ow Mink 1654 WO' offer them at lowest city price*, at UPD,EGOOS „Practical Hattaiip. Dec. 12 aiipialla - Wiladtigtori How. r' -i • . . FALL - tsin.L4llLTS' CAPS, thanvellaa, Funs, Buffalo Robes; Gum Costa, Gum Bleukeug.:Gum Leanne, Hone Blan kets. Gotten, Woollen, and Ilueitakm (hove., Pon. monies; Punch and Peek& Hooks. We have the best eavoned and chaspen stock of the above articles befoand in the couatry. I:lP#Stiltdirtilf, Practical Hanna, Dec. 12 oppoiite Waahinstoa !!oust. APITLADIES FURS—RUM lAN PITCH' —46l4.menslitue Ittosiani nab. as fir ri*as: Mai, ai Wyatt 0 1 7 rice* urDEGRAITW, gattri#, 00:01.* WasOastonAlowie. Dee • ormayno ROBICS.W• fi bates of assorted Bas ki Robei, the cdatteeoa to the 4PG4 " - UnaMULITS!, Paustioal Ragas, Dec.• 12 • _ opposite- Mailable* noun. . . sierTAIXA •QMIL OF THE SMALL NOTES.—We Imo .1 1 11 . STAtiE CINItEN. pit rimmurr BOOK'. "With one of thopolkoks you an ; hoeullef dos osw. =vest 0" . • Without' tloO oeratinest "of Pur ees Pocket Woke, POibuourit. fisc., hem slAltieS upoibt - UMEURAWhi t p, opposite Woolliet liOroe. • Dea rs cse d_k,lo*tos 1.0 ',est • r. 40 ; Wagotadlows eft chi • lipat laterally ow:4 no" 111110 9.: VPlPielliallalUNl l6ll s• , Feb. trrTif; AA , 40.489 P• (09. .F_ . f, ignie boodkels &W in ptiigi iirhif,Wiieit 200 ots., and 11,5!:$0, I:ll4oLipoltinnui to Penneylvania.‘ailelorpint 4.0 178 CU. ' for stoke ridin, ski* 1 C ; ir,idintiarat B', for„pi9c " petrels .efEt 6 0 11 *, - . 6 10 1 0.#4 4 ' • I*k ::.I ,l O ll Ps -#**PtitWillts” vat Init . xoCilitifyi losigurtettl. fbitemorft4 SEBDS:—Cinif Asa* St 7:12f; Tinist'hyz tiks2,B7.;@4k. • PIEIIIII4III4IIAZIL MINE . aubseribetr A - Execatoie of the . .a* vid Zit** deedVwlilibtas.Valditei at tile bate Madman , Of OM dee% Om qmir - Ate isodb Qopicy'i'o, the tirarn, pprfflolintqlgt.lhir 'llk* t4r #4lllllllll - following Petaisatblopft*Aiiiills''"; . , I 'Work Bof which sot bora Mum, etdrik dine ' l o% 1 091 1 two forie Mr,* ; • 8 31i3X40 1 1- OQW*, 9 head di* I *a; o•o3tvesi • 14 fine 4 Sows; 19. 'load -8144 low , 1 Road PlantatiOn,Worl9pitV liost s t i r lone.hotiokWitaok% 94ii. risoto. Limit Holy, fie&p*oll den, pit Of t WOOL P*4li seription, Cholas. Sistailfta. 1 •WOO P sing Hoz. 1 Ittilliso . tAtitent, 1 01990 and Rai" I Gioia Warm.. :71kif I Manny Ram 1 Onoiti. RA 9, 4 sets front Plow Goan, It' owlet Bridko and Haltom IWO" kW" Hi of Lathe, also a lot of -Vitkito Oak and P Hie, 1 inch lioards, A lot of Carpente r Wort peoSb. WtitabriOattaanotArtaiirk 1, or ytent Bgw. HOWNlUDasmilMOMlNtresal eampir(sinit s ettaire.,lCrtpbOircil,2fliureatte,., f Ten.*** and pipe, I'oo Wing Oteiln'ind many of ' too tediourto me:aids. Sale': 10 COMMOIK o'clock on mid day, whin • *Aar*. 9 among be given on all iattiilf skul .Aliwarai: 1 rem to give their 1110411 With !WIMP' Pen*: GEO. *NEWEL 'figq..KNEPPER, inniOnt at tie INsyneabwro' estinstinwn will conowen on Monday 9,1863. - • ankalES • ammo , . 1 1 1 114 0 61 OkAls i MiltlO Higher " • 0,, iv i hwin . Lath ,. - • O. • MS* Sig Ogee% -igit &boo diatiOstiacilavai r uatoctilkittariliftioil** id ofaaatioa. •l a tar will s Ow* *ore ad _ gammen' will to mild *ad Idol, lat'llito . sioulaweitablaildnit,ParticutarkY4 A. 0 1 7E41 LD S , (I*. ?alit or Ziewitlievria. Twrr of lettere remaining in she P. 0; i neeboroc Pi., Feb, SI, • 1843.' A. BusbrY, Pheobe Boyer refit CitbaniA, Creigh, Romani Gender, Obiandra Hoover, lay Kelley. Elisabeth Lamb. Jose bilientibey. Millet, Thaddeus IN. Malik Jacob Ahab; G. arise, Ellen Webell Panama calling for letting in the above list pleat* say they want Feb. 97 'AL N. A. PILKINIIITOS, P. MBE sr/Scriber will sell at Public , Bale, at saaideace, is Washington• twanship, M .Aatiersts Creek, nearPriee's Meeting Neese, dm reed Wane ire*" Waynesboro' to. Chair berg. two *gas North of the former OROS two Bomb of lit Hopeand one milifFotiratur Rni TEITAIIItAT Ills AIM DAs or Slattert. • 1863, follanrft personal propetty, via: -LEVEN 3of width are' good etotk' out riding . S Brood. Maws (owe with • kith 1. titteteyeat two•yeatliug m 44 yeadiog Oohs ; heed et ned Colde r Bof which are Mileh; Cows, or burnous about the day of sate), a, fear *sem bead of fine Hoge.'ll of'w ich see tlktieit•ttowo, with a lot of Pigs at her do; 4= geode Plasita. Oro feet high. .l eplehilid tiletgh. V lets Bay Ladders, I , threeoluwea wad , 1 IPbue.%3 Single and 3 Double lithweet Plows, T0W1144 Wheelbanow.. lest Dung hosule, hune fdelkeutich!a • EA Pia end WNW' Tanchini Mach and? -Wass; WhO ran. I, 114111nethrtmeni: V Outdo" Revoking 114.16iiii 1 / 2 1, *Ma. I:mm* l / 2 * Scythes, • . 1 Feeding Trough, 2 pair Itrissehbattat4,4ll Gears, Colinas, HeoseaS,SBiiale4,BAlatii• 8 sets Pkrat Omit, ifattert.'ihdtkit- Los. 2 pair Butt, x pais, Mean sail. ear, Crossbar, 2 Mattocks, 2 Slambil,itaata.,llh blo'Seasitlialgte:Tresar 4iSPormkurt ,144043.!t, - OAR IN TIE SROIIII . -- Kay by the tonoPotatent II ,she. Good. Illeekemeth To* 2 Long Leibleie s Ilya. l 1,06, ITimiltlreneb:' 'Also a Ili :~~~,~ such se 1 Cooking elm* * Win TAMP. steed; Moab ireesel...4exalqirthe jermo‘Ar to, by the Crook i s ageOstioNrottimelbs !io, toestioN, • „ Sabi to comieneivit Alba; , - At.'ll4 agent 0112 womb/ loiltbor ems ah uw. *la awl upwards imam Ilitaawth • lEAL (Feb, WI OUrt IA*3"MI4O/1i , 0110111111101111eriMPIL • Fob. 27-ti mum OXIM PUBLIC SALE HEAD 11 !Mg 611.4131,11WEL5,- Double Bartel Shot Goiewi Colesiterehdaglistobil ; Hasard'elOedrio Powder, , NnglisivOluatio)lwrx,clociPi Rook Meo w , Pcnider Analo g Pconkcjkit Shot lkith . (*lan.'").
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers