"1, 8 9 10 15 10` 17 22 23 14 I 1 2 8 8 '9 10 15 16 1t 22 28 24 29 80 81 April Maich 5 6 12 18 19 20 26 27 8 4 10 'll 17 18 24 26 81 7 8 14' 16 21 22 28 29 5 6 12 10 19 20 \-26 97 August 2 8 9 10 16 .17 28 24 80 81 September ' 1 2 8 4 6 7 8 9 lt) 11 18 14 15 16 17 18 20 - 21 22 28 24 26 L 2 4 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 -28-24 25 26 27 28 29 SO 81 November 1 8 8 4 . 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 .12 18 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 28 24 25 28 87 - 28 29 80 - Neember 1 2 8 4 5 Oct.)ber 6 7 8 .9 10 11 12 18 14 15 18 17 18 ,19 20 21 22 28 24 2b 28 27 28 29 80 81 HOI FOR QUINCY. Second Arrival of Spring and Summer Goode. Leis COLLIFLOUR. I inn now receiving end offering to oell a new end fell mortmemt of DRY GOODS. Which I think I sin inquired to sell on es rea mist& terms as any other bouts in town or coun try. LADIES DRESS GOODS of all lands. Bilks Detains, Alpacas, Printed- Challies, Gingham., Lawns, Fancy Prints, Ladies Shawls, &e. . . MEN'S SPRIG AND =MR GOODS of all kinds. Clotho, Camaimere, Pine Tweeds Ken. Jesus, Cottonades,Yeatinga, Hantikercheia Neck Ties, Hammy. A full aisonnsent of Plain ietct FaneY Canimerea (REENSWARZ AND GLASSWARE. A arp mock of i:IFKCCO CISKOLPMMig9O lOU am prepared to olTer as Joa am any oth er retail store instbe country. BOOTS AND SNOBS. for men's and Ladle's mar of all aorta and sizes. • Also a large and well selected stock of DOMESTIC GOODEl_.__ Muslin., Ticking'', and a complete assortment of Notion.. Looking Glasses, Retdwate, Getz and Cap, Paints and this, Fresh Shad and Herring by the barrel. -It is no use trying to mammals. If yon, ant anything in the Dry Goods line, just call and you will .firtd us ready to wait on you with Timor. 10,000 CHESTNUT JOINT SHINGLES for Sale Country ptoducs taken in exchange for goods at the highest market prices. by strict 'attention to business and • desire to please ins every respect, I hope, to merit a con ttnuance of patronage. • Miy 'IL) ICOLLICLOWER ikat,uoarrobre.' :ilikv.'Alr-M 7 7 1 = 4 D~U~~ B X6O 1r M. STONER takes thin method of thank .lling LiH auttomers, and Worn" tho ' OM thath li e hue jndt returned: finer Phihnielpb(pi, Mint the largest assortment:Of Diusm,lfediehtee, Paint". Oils; Dye StuM, Soaps, Perlin: My, Penh. conker tioaary; tke.; bz.e.; that has heed ineutiik, to the place thim sliaaau, whlch•lla IPin 'se? it hno mt htuas. w ith what he it 7110 wing. tpeg.es asortment ufl'aturst Medicine Tiger in,. qty, than am otheinttablishmentin the placm , t a' few weeks, he will publish'hiiiiit of' manOwared articles. He has on had new. hiallo`flteiiiidnit; put up in ais-ounee ,hattimi,4rica gigiTanfor,Ltgo cure, no psy." Inc OtiritieeLptie are now fully appreetatesl,juditii klife,:0".41101 : 1114.• • May• • • •••I , ' • COPPER Una% Blues =nuts idosicETTOe' ; • at the sign Oftbe Bilk .4 01 Hunt. 7- • 01101 '512) • Bt. AN4 III, AlSbalb obi %titivate te , seppliewilaimPatbel galiffurtatrittitsasio tor ca141 . P., ithai at . • sari 11a'4. , F.Q11.-41=01 3 .4 4 0 iff .1t 15 22 29 111 12 19 26 /0. 17- 24 11 - 113 25 16 28 80 If 22 22 14, 21 28 18 28 SO 14 21 28 15 29 29 18 20 27 12 19 18 20 27 10 17 24 18 28 30 11 19 26 10 IT 84 81 11l 111 18 22 29 16 22 29 13 20 17 12 19 26 I 1 18 25 12 19 26 r: • , ii • =Ea • A RRIT LATEST AL IS 11lifirfil C . OO a 3 Hardware, anon $, QUEENSWAt fkNDx.CEDAAWAAE lEJA VINO just returned From the Eastern Cities he would call - the itteliiiime of his customers in the public generally to his .LAIRGE & SPLENDID ASSOBTEENT ,s. Which will be sold at extremelj Low Prices. Below you will find' ennateratikl a few articles which will be found among his stock, to which he ialitom your attention : • OR -THE LADIES, IMRE DAMAO s r ; Fancy " Alpacas, bornbaainea,.. 'rein Glitgkanurc c '. 'Pain 04 1 -,• 6, Ladies' ghillie, Fancy Prints, Eatendon- Pkins, Halnatral Skirts, Ladies Collars, ..11111gle Ruffling, .. Linen Handk'fa. Maury, dac. MEWS WEAk. Fancy Caseimereo, Plein " • Clothe, Italian Cloth, • •tinpi-- Satmets, 1411.13.61iQ1128 0 ca Tweeds, Jeans, Shirt Fronts, Gents • Collars, ?leek Ties, Under Shirts, Drawers, Beek Gloves, 1, Villale* DOMESTIC SHIRTING TiitilituireCheek. Bed Ticking, Cotton Flennet, Wool • TA& Diem. Tenting, t. Ate, /he. Qeseenisvkairee Hardware, - Beets and Shoes , Cedar are. CIDLIZIZaZIEDILLIZ2LIBRZio Of the very best quality, such as Syrups, suit New Orleans Melanins, Best Rio Coffee, Superior Prepared Coffee, Eummell's Best Essence; Baker's No. 1 Chocolate, Raisins, To•bacco,' Rice. The above geode have been carfully selected anm purchased et the very lowest figure. fie is therefOni enabled to accommodate all who may favor his -Irith-a-eallr—Hy-etrict-attention - to - bustness - and -01- desire to please in every respect, he hopes to merit a continuance of patronage. NO TROLUE TO SHOW GOODS, Connery Produce taketi itt exchange for goods at the highest market price& J. W. MILLER• 0et.13 IS 7 - Tvr - r - UN! THE undersigned respectfully announces to the public generally that he is still at,the old stand on Chpreh Street, Waynesboro', Pe., where ha continues the manufacturing of Family ~.,. : = aaclalaacia 0 Buggies, Barouches, Wagons, , and every species of vehicles usually made in such establishmenta.-- His 'work is warranted , to be composed olithe beet arra most durable. material, and none' but the most experienced workmen are employed.— He has 11059,011 band a number li(Carriages, Bug gies, &c., dm., which Ire will" libsitively sell at greatly reduced prices for cash, or upon a short credit. By keeping a good stock at all times, and always bolding- himself ready to supply this de -ma-ads-of the - poplirhir hopes-te-rstalif-and-isecure a liberal share of 'patronage. itepairing,,Trimining. and Painting done in the best manlid at the shortest notice. Im ' unity Produce, di e ., will be taken in inch ; """"work. sz et work. JACOB ADAMS. BLit: the Hooks of the firm? of J. & A. 44. Ad. eme,sre , in the hands of the undersigned. Persons knowing themselves indebted are requested to maks illllllldiat4 payment. J. A.' Nov' 1. Mil. ' ~ . OPYOSITION oLb JOE 40 &piton '1(1. 25 . Cents /FIRS subscriber informs the public that he bee *pelted a Restaurant thu room formally' ea. cupied b. tS. Fishei,`onetloor west of Trith's Tin store, whore the publia can bp, accomodated with OYSTRO. fried, muted, and stewed,. AI•H, ROLOGNAISAI:RAGE.B.H9*, !he" nitwits good eyetere 'foe MU cents. Forty . ' stile Opium* such se are euki at Ilhambutiett. - f0r.25 ca. (Nev. sW—tf.) H. A. VltiHkat. 14,0gassatitieramenonavasanspul . T:;.E. riLuster, -L 2 • DRAPER. . , Bi, lii####§4o4lo.B,4# ittliiimartateat ' • orq' :: tittiCt or Glitillia;s' aitVactire."' ''' i 0 arLatest City Faataai‘Olasys oo hand. Waruaborot, Pa. ~ ' .: . LL±--• , L.— .' ' ' ..- aveststeesatott' •,. -.l:Alitrase.=All , Rinds we raw iky, F L. IS Aiwa af.thik Rol , . Mardi 1J Task— A - !West . xo.; ,!? IN.. .Hooped 'itiiiit it:',7.',5,.:.:, 7 fi; J.,, Otonmea Ukail RUA ai as IVilasoit opf %Ler rya/dial mow $y ~iIVI.I '1".1 100;7 MEE J. A. FISHER INNOTINCES to his Waynesboro' friends and the public generally that he has quite re cently replenished his stock of goods for Gentlemen's wear, which embraces all the latest sty lea of Cloths . (French and Ameriean ruandflicture). most faehionabie styles, undershirts. 'hewers, neck ties, handkerchiefs, suspenders, gloves, &et. &c.— Persons from Waynesboro' and vicinity visiting Hagerstown are invited to give him a call as he is prepared to sell all gooda 4 in his line at 31Cacarvor larickeles or the cash. IN Btore in in the NEWLY FITTED ItOOM, next door to Updegtairs',, liege Wont, Md. , Oct. 24; 'at . Kaass's _ _ ava ta:r uirgvila p Shout Sin - id the; Itd W hop wonder: • Where to yoOk Stoves and 210a* t3Olita hifiwar:t 4 o l * fell ufid dttiOlhe'llhe ear atots toed • '', Whenrthe:Eitited HO* tho sign* • There's ith(hatd"Coith &Oa end Timraimp All add cheep OI_O. o.llussell." Me Hong of Hiawatha. q- a HE 'widow / lied inform the public, in genera kj and espeelnlit those of his cowmen in - want of anything in. his line of business, :„that he rum com pleted and Is now occupying his new and extensive ly for th 4 • 1116,i1i1it1aattizti3 tut d Bale OF TINWARE. SHEET.IRON WARNAND ' 13*OVES.' • , • . He is riotvrepared tOs , upplY "any dews lid for his Cook Stoves, general Hoankceping Goods and Kitchen • %t i e, on such tetras se mast ,gfv,e,. entire "SW .106,4 !r i :44 • Ariar.47 ( 4lA - ' , : armed are of,the best end orstimprtmrd kindcmnd having been tried incruCknowledge'd to be llifthat can be desired as good cookers and bakers f and are easily kept clean. His own lIANINFACitIRID \OASIS is all made with a view to,the want of customers from the heir mere. rho iind.le;weerantird inelf cases:::to be good. He also keips,a ltdge issartirent offtineY dreicki InfrOpecial , attentiink •gireh Id putting up SPOUTINU, made of the best tin, for houses and barns, in which he has had along and extensive ex perience. Remember the alga of the Big Rediliorta. Aug. 9,1960 U. 13 RUSSELL. • INTIATIM FACTORW AND Et Eta EU SD Et wHE imhscriber, thankfid foe it patronage, still solicits the saws ; aid In addition to issanufactu. ali kinds of;itforkiid. , ' Material for itilibilieilurposeii, iiicil as •' - SASH, DOORS, SHUTTERS, • BLINDS, FLOORING, liilltiDOS FRAMES. DOOR FRAMES. FACING, MOULDINGS, arc.. &c I am prepared to furnish all kinds of oaktimber for different .urposes in building. such as - JO ICE, RAFTERS, LATH. STUDDING, PA IL INOS, SCANTLING, BOARDS, &c., All of which will be sawed to order, at short noitce and upon reasonable terms. Also, sowing, by mill and circular saver, of every description done; Framing, Surfacing, Matching, Flowing, ate., 6tc.. For further particulars apply to the subscriber, at Factory two ,miles southeast vf Waynesboro. D. F'. GOOD. Jan. 17, 1861 FLOUR, FEED- PROVISION STORE I THE subscribers announce to the citizens of Waynesboro' that they have opened a Flour d and Provision Store in the room next door to Dr. Brotherton's office, where they will at all times have for isle CE EL, MY, MILL STUFFS OF ALL KINDS, SCREEN INGS, CORN, SHELLED AND IN 'THE EAR. OATS, POTATOES, APPLES, VINEGAR; Also, Rye, Wheat. and Barley by the bushe! or in smaller quantities, and other articles usually kept in mica establishments. All Flour and Mill Stuff will be sold it MILL Pau* von ilia Cask. . The highest market prices wilt be paid for Wheat, Rye and Corn to be delivered at the Mill of the sub scribers. JOHN WALTER, (dept. 3.—tf.) JOS. ELDEN. NEW OPENING Cassimeres, VOlthigs, Important.to Farmers HE sutsectiber takesibis methad of announcing I attic Fitment and °there; that he ha on hand a lot of DWARF BROGM CORN seed. along with some specimens of the corn. TMs is, an , excellent article of Broom Corn, and should be raised by ev ery one.. He his alwa fiillaillWitmentWfresh Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, &c. - So F. ICIiIRTZ. P. o.'i lon-rrelling Cranberries id lei cents per quart, Mar. 14 Deibnce of Armagiredon. A BOOR FOR THE TIRES. THIS Hs abinowledged SO be one, ofthe;Most •te . • workable of human . prothiotiens that has ever been offered to tbe`dirneriesitimoplL-- The style is chaste and truly eloquent. The -subject treated of leaf the most Mewing: "The United Mateo in Prophecy. For sale by .1 F. KURTZ. Nowt - • _ • _. , • _ outset's Horse at Cattux Pow der • M. STONER having purchased of Mr. •Mentser, the. swipe for.makiter the -above amiuned Horse and - Cattlicrowdbi,fot Pinery niti and Mar,ylaud; Mites dui - Minima inforimuk ehe farmers , ditivera;"&o, that he bite on hind an intends keeping a goOd."supply 11111144 onlitand Country merchants and °thaws keepin tomtit articles for saleoliMuld 'do wisakisupPlithinnasivinttiltht quantity. He will edict on commission or for cask. cheap. - (Mai will be panelually . atiended to. Jan. 31 - • Cook and Ten. Plate Moves. J Wll4. clout oat thy.pthsent swat of Stoves al reduced prices. Ywitons wanting barons wi It stfeseircall. warrant toy,f Sieves poi ttake• and took crud to aft ystictin the siliirketa - Jan,. 16 '63. d r Ws. 0. 6a0111141101f. Spurs! *punt T, LASTIC thealepors, lolling at the price of a ODMISOII , spot; at (tlasto , lo Ilay , t t • iur. Tus sgbeerklet *Onus. ible:igabiks that lie • bat tom iktiall grata:apple. Vika bestial. • o.B;,CAllti too aecotiet•aatiatil tiosoplati ANov. 7 it) •''; • A I.EX. .i1M11:10N 0 N - Rlr 10 , 7 , 0 ? r t. ' •:itbi " 1 , ",, ri1 T 4 i, c '''. 'fi , ~ „-.:.. ,: :t. ._ i i,- , .-1.A.1 , -.5, ,, ., ttACHIN ~. .tip i tti • • • UM TO - Hal Ma oEfeEw lAT NT 'BEL NO GRAIN RAIPARATOR. CIPEWR ANAAVI4Eft - 1 4 ) I ) :Leant Improved Thresher and -Gear cd ,Eferse.Pateers, Priviuy i oith"..bygear Or Belt, all furnished Coniplite - ready to be put on. Wagons. . • • • -4, 1, the undersigned, denial° call the attention Fcrmers.aad Thresbennen of Franking and adjoin , ingcoursties to it. This Machine has been before the public for seven years, during which-time it has given i general satisfaction, and She patentee baring thole. some rely irn of lent imirovemetits which feildir still more complete,- hair' foi head separating and cleaning. and also for ewe of draught and fist threshing. 1 take pleasure hi few: - Commending it to the public, knowing that it Will give tho best of satisfaction. I sin inamifvcitiiing three different sizes, as follows: No. 1 is 8 horse Power,will thresh and clean ram 200 to 500 h motto!, per day. Ns. 2 is 8 td 6 hone Omer, Will threat end clean from 180 to 900 bushel* per day No. 3 hi 4 to 8 bora power, will thresh and clean hom 100 to 200 biabele per day. These Mediates are warranted to do theliboiii, and do it much better in every respect than any other machine in use. Gain hoeing much light filth in it cleaned on this Machine is worth from 2 'to 9 cents more per bustle el than'aben claimed on any other separator, or the common way of cleaning on hand fans. For this reason there is net the eighth pert of light matter in the grain as when cleaned on the riddle principle. The bbistacta Reeky on all the grain as it atm* the shuts, *belies, when cleined *itL riddle that ad. vantage is lost • This machine does not return the tailends ail most of the - separators do. By returning filthy tail ends alternately it is impossible to make merchanta grain, AnOther important feature in this machine tbot others of the kind have not, is the i3elfecting Blest Reg ulator in the fan, which remedies all dif- • tieslirbili cteantinr,• • • . •'• ••• c• a ' in high ifieed at irregular daring, whieh cannot be avoided irs:eleaning grain by hone power This Machine is also more durtple and less tedious to manage than any other Separator and Uleaner,or the common machine with shaker. Orden to insure their being filled until harvest should be sent in immediately. I ani fully prepared to make to order and on short notice Portable and Stationed GRIST AND SAW MILL GEARING, SHAFTING AND PULLEYS, IRON BRIDGES, CAST IRON WATER Stoves end Plow castings,also cast iron and wrought iron pipe for steam or water, and Brass castings of every description; in a word, I am prepared to do everything usually done in a foundry.and machine shop. Having supplied Myself wititthe latest im proved machinery, such as Lathes, Boring, Planing and Drilling Machines, persona.can rely on having their work done in the most satisfactory manner.— I am also prepared to manufacture to order ma. chinery, for wood, such, as .'Tonging rind Growing machines for barium Surface, 'Venom and Mould. ing machinei, &c. I also offer to the public a new and vain. able improvement in my steam engines, mode within the hitt yeirr, viz: for the economizing of fuel, and the regulation of speed.which renders my new enginel far superior to the old engines. AU my machines are sold under warrantee. My hands are all experienced workmen in this line of business!: and I use all good miliaria!, so that! am perfectly safe in warranting all 14 work. lam ilsio prepared to do relishing In worknian• like nianntii, on the shortest notice. Orders solicit. e_d_antl_promptly_attended_to—All__orders__cancia or repairing must be accompanied with the cash. For particulars and circulars descriptive of ma. chine, address GEORGE Fit 10K Or moon GIIIIIR, Propitiator of Territory and so. licetor of orders, Waynesboro Franklin Co. Pa. April lB—tf N E r W F R. Ml. Ooa.chmakin,gl THE undersigned • having leased the well•known CoaChMaking Establishment of Alex. Hamilton. on Mechanic* street, Waynesboro', respectfully an nounce to their friends said the public geaeraq, that they purpose carrying on the business in alt its branches, and are now prepared to manufacture to order all kinds of Carriages, Buggies, Barouches Spring Wagons,.&e. &c., of the best materiel, and made oy superior workman. BLACKOMITHING and REPAIRING of all kinds done at reasonable rates, promptly.and to the satisfaction of customer.. COUNTRY PRODUCE taken in exchange for work at market prices. • tar Persons desiring article. or work in the Coach. making line, are respect folly invited to give them a Gall. • L. K. MORRIOGN, --Mar. a C M -R:111AM KER. Notice—. eva m. BE subscriber hiving disposed of his entire T litock of Goods to Messrs. & Cup mon, notifies allpersons! indebted to him on Store Books to settle their accounts with aid pay the a mount of their indebtedness to'either John P. study or Daniel• Bricker. The new firm will confines the business as heretofore. A. 8. MUNN; Quincy, Jan. 31, 1861. NO. 1 Carbon Oil—pure and Tion.eiplosive—. 131 warranted to burn without emitting any smell it awl la the • of the latest styles and improvements—all sold Casar PDX Cesix at tho sign of the BIG RED HORN. XD HE undenigued. having become Agent for . , Win. Kaabe sit Co's. (of deltintore), celebrated • ie and or Calmat. Manikins dr. ,Co's. unser passe& hieksderins. is prepared' to furnish indiviii. Inds with the above named instnunents at -city pri ces.'All instruments warranted by the manufacm. • , ens. Leven:mon der above instruments given in town or country. , ' (nuiy23) T. BUDD. YOUNtr,TIO . you want to see the nicer wart ntent of Plain . and Fancy .-Cassiinere is aynesboro'. call at ' apt 4 416 1111 1 for wings to soar," rigtadown at Price's L J Store. What ' for? Why ,to get some MOM of that Kew Yore 13yrtip--:ot' ISi cants e quart et Patos's ibtonswrox's. L F,' yon want so foe ISyrup mar* so Wien, ad chit modal and as west ea bong. will at Paam's PriciTurea In s ts 2ts Swims* A Cie% sTEArd ENGINES, WHEELS. IRON KETTLES, &e, CARBON 011.-LAMPS, 1). 11. RUSSELL. PiAMOS amid , TR, 14 if tits • I. . 1-r-• • HB wonivi.oontiiiiheap!,sounai „inoto.dint thei AMMO* bistitottliti shy' , oCciss OS* II ood owed ohoold.Ailika. Naos. ..• ,So all yptt thatlqiit a idisi Clobkitstilitotelbst busks fifths" cost or-4‹ ... skii coif at _ tint? 112111 and , sskfor:thii - ChhitinentAL *bleb ii one of the best stores in market. and by far the shirt. • L takes a long ;stick of local and-is provid with fi r. brick to ItilKOtio4Ahefielli king an; Cooking Btores.tbst has ever been offered for sale It I, fi ne Cadging Shire shill Is easily kepi dein I always hai;e'slarge ibaOitiiient fiti hand'; and Will give bens# bemire" duck any:other, horse In the conntrye. tro`;tirproVe Veit: iriy halite is not Gen. Bracall and ocelot yoncreives. • Also on hand Awillig-StOitesi such iis— . . foi ibbp or pailiir;ill of I, will sell 10 1 7 low You will ahsi largo iuSiortmetit. of • REL 4 I2 I S9` qti1F3P,40.1311313. • with Copper, , Bose and !beet-Iron Wareiwhich is all of my eitiftMake..itlialth cannot be found better in any place. Now remem ber I am botind to sell cheap, eo • all tbsti want any thing in my line, glis Ma a. 'Cal• M.y shot is~ mill, at the old plice on Main Street. tinder the ranting Office. - • ,!bouts . Spouting! , . done at all titnes and of the best double tin. Feeling.verY thankful for the rainy pat favors I have mailed froth - tie 100161-ifivitiii an to give me all, for then YOU citi see poi yoniseives where to get bingeing. - Old metal taken at Foundry Prices in exchange for new Stoves. W. A. 'TITLE, 16048 Waynesboro'. PRIBII ARRIVAL Confectionery, Pruitt, &e., Lc., &C. THE subscriber takes this method of announcing to the people that he has received at his.Dess . ' :e-and- , -earefirl •• • o • „41itiss8 DRUGS, Cheinicals; Patient Midichies, Paints -Oil, Dire Stuffs, window, Utass, Putty, Tobacco, Snuff, and Segura, &c.,vihiclshe is now prepared to sell as cheap as th cheapest and will maim his castors ers that in regard morality, which is of the first im portance, his goods will compare with any in Sir market. He has also a splendid assortment of Perfasam Soaps and ' Toilet Articles. of all kinds, consisting in part of the following, via. l3andolines. Pomades, • Amber and Hears' Oil Oulogilds, Extracts for the Handkerchief, Lyon's Kathdiron, Burnet's Cocoame. Harrison's Ladies' Soap, Honey Soap, Hotel soap, • Diatitonti White Simp. CONItcTIONERY, ike Cianberries, Ritisins, Yip, Prunes, Curreurei Dates, eitron;Ohniges, Lenient', Nuts of ail kinds, and Candies of every variety. Kerosene Lamps, Lemp globes, and Brushes, Kerosene Oil; Camphine, Alcohol, Ruining Fluid; and is fact , anything and everything that is usually found in a drugstore. Thenkftll for kind favors and patronage hereto. fore bestotaPil upon him, he solicits a continuance of the same. and hopes &bat b► endeavoring to please, he_may_win_tbe_confidenceref-tha-people. Physicians' prescriptions promptly and carefully compounded at alliterate. J. P. KURTZ. nov .29, 1860 • Dealer in all the variety of Drugs. Medi eines. Yankee Notions, Perlumery, Liquors for medicinal purposes. Dila, ke., des., WOULD tender his thanks to the community and still solicit the patranage of agSnerous public who want anything in his line. Inasmuch as he has enlarged his stock so as to be enabled to answer all calls or anything and everything usual ly found in a Drug Store, and has a thorough ac quaintance with the business, ho hopes to gain the confidence of the Community. He will pay par ticular attention to filling physicians' Precriptions, and more care and precaution us,ed its waititig on-children—thscnisilottf.— .Choice Wines and Liquors Re Medicinal and sacramental purposes, Patent Medicines ars endless in variety, including an that have been mode up to this date end some that are yet in embryo. Also Whits Lead, Zinc, Paint, Whiting and Varnishes for house building or inside Work. besides all am of Oluss. Commercial, Note, Fools Cap sad Letter Paper ilways on hand, with a variety of Envelopes of different sizes and colors. finishes, Combs; Pomade. Fancy Soap, Hair Oil; Colognes, Essen ces, Flavoring Extracts, and numerous articles in the Fancy hue on hand and offered for sale, cheap. er than ever named before Also a large amintnient of Kerosene Oil Lampe, Chimneys, Shades and Wicks, and Kerosene Oil to fill them. A metal assortment of Fruits and Coaleetiona # eF, rt,g sa4l. o ilan; - Do.- lodeonoh AITAYN ESBORO' isAVINO goitety, will key the following rate's °fin tele,t per An num,on all Gums deposited iA the in stitution. tOr 3 months, 2 per cent.; from 3 to 9 mouths', *pc / sent.; fronr 9 -to! .19 ,ntonth44poi cent; and over 18 mouths, 4h per cent. roe ji shorter period than 3 meatus the terms wily made kown by the Tremiurer. ' • ' Notes for disceuntsboUld be banded to the, Trey'. urer on Tuesday, as the Ilbard of Direetoramest rgularly ou W ado es!ley of each week, at a o'clock A.M. By order friths Board, June 17'68 JNO.PIIII.IPB Tamura. (Mollies Wringer. • PUTNA * Patent Cloth Wdogee for solo at the ago of lbo atig: Rod nun nolo II 'lot.l 4nefor rrakihin ,iect r Meal mei INN& IP/w d i anew' ..411 qui; w. I• 00 at NOW) • • ' Pyres WILE 011111:Ma ECM, 'II It P. FOURTIMAN, FO ICI 11111111 E fo To Capitalists. PPIV, L II7 '11.4t1 4,4lN4itr— ,i,t, ' - li t tiiii'''.* - 4 " 1 , il,rrril 4z.,, tr ..; ..,,., ~,. 0. , ;. -:,, 1 • , r; , ~. •_ 0 1 4. 1 , 10 ...qg 19 1 0SIPP, , zoll' ff, .„ , l oso -.swim ' Am rr• - juir -- quo; - it 4ro Waynesboro' And the that be too. , menced the ilhoemaking busing* lit , tho,ilseenient of Knits% Hotel, where he will at alt thing be in elldire*ltk - 00 . 101 .'' 141 P.4 1 00M 1 Par. i# 4 ,lo l o' • BO9JEI A,ND,StIOOI9f mkdieo Order, on, short dello tie 4Ciastarbil mil/upon)the inori reason/bbd term. • Oct Sb. THOB.: .ATE',XTLIV T7W Recgrnmenddtont gins She d Mundt, o f Prineda , Pimentos, rt• La, Feb. Sabi 1881 ',... ' The underilined are happy to testify that pope dam Fayetteville Academy,' •Pa. have maintained a high standing among the recent. graduates of the College of Neyr Jersey. • JOHN MACI,EAN, President of the College. JAMES 0. MOFFAT , Prolamin of,Oresit. , , ' 0.111 . 11.78GRA Fa:MOORS' feseor,of,Ji tin: JOHN , tbutrizo, ' ,Profesioir.4:Mathemaiic s, maT.2B THE OLD MILLER AGAIN I Ald the Rebellion is now on its last ; lege. and neatly ov#, we.thonght righe idrunioo to the putilicihst we Will grind tirisisial $0 Wields or 'wont& 'either 'fol pay otTarrepairtelY,lindlhat• we havi on hand all kinds of FEE % LOAN' id ear or shelled, or in MEAL sifted or not. Also= Data by the bushel or. in any wag that it may be , wanted;—also, Millings, Shipstnitand Bran, Cons in Cob Chopped at short Notice. Plastel by the ton or bustle)! on hand. Still in the market foe Wheat. We can always do up good work like b was does it Island No. 10, and Pittsburg Liiriding.:. JOHN.WAL:FEL ' JOSEPH EU)EN. TO THE 'LAMES NEIV MILLINER 1.: vriss M. C. SESSER informs the , off ku. Waynesboro' an I vicinity that she lustre , moved her Millinery Store to the dweglitig'itheee ow Main. Street, adjoining the residence of Mr. Jacob! Wolf,.and has fuse tecetved'fiorn the gasicini,Vitiv ies a fade assortment of Beasits. Eats,. Binuitt. Flowers.. and other articles usually kept by Milliners.. Thee Ladies. are iiqu4sie,d k to. cell eh& o:minims:her 46• K Aorta 1 VIM Just Received'.. AT' 311 . OTHERTON'Sr a kange ioe ter 'Colter R volving Pistols Colts Pistol Cartridge*, °Sharpe' Pistol Cartridges, Colts Pistol •Cape, Nick's U. 8, Army 'Cope, . Bullets and gullet Moulds, Pine Bowie Knives ' Copper Pistol Masai". Anard's Electric Parader, • • • French Gun Wadding; &c., &c. Goods of thieslescriPtion have become eeceedinglr Orme. Persons wanting the on4i reliOle Pistol* made, will do well to omit immediately and purchase- One of "Colts Patent Breech.lnadimp Revolvers. Sept. 26. '62. Oysters! Oysters LI 1' , HE undersigned informs the public that he hie opened a Restaurant in the Basement of F.. owden'e Hotel, which has been , handsomely fitted , tit and is now prepared to famish. Oystersi Ale.. l ologna Sausage, Cheese, Egg* abd all articles: opmally sold in a first elms Resrausant Every ar ticle is new and , ekaalitiese in all things wilt be ob. .rvetTlre — pTitilic are invited to givelion a call. (Oct. 31— tf.) E. W. WASHARAUGH. . a.rbezing 1 Barbering HE subscriber informs tho citizeneuf. Warms-, how and vicinity that he hes fitted up the• r nett door to Dr. BrothertomesOffiCei up stairs. Irn 11/1a Barber Shop. and is prepared to shave, cut amb dim hair in the best style. He asks p bial. i __. (Dees 13—tf) • SAMUEL. IC MATHEWS. • Z7tTAIiTT - A apprentice I. the Shoemaking business that can coma well taco:intended, will find a situ n tw by • applying at the office of the, VILLAGII. R f a n . (Nov. 280-44. setts! !feeds, -4 Gods :: t, • JUST teeeivoil lei, Derma. .'reetinfrin` tleitneri.,;* utoeutioianotbeii file invoiee z eit Bfieltiin). : k• (Jove ' .7osims tilliORII; rilkikt BEST COOK eY4COV.D. in the mashes to be• bed. at. Ike sign of th IP Dig Red Horn. D D. Riengue c' LOTR,Rat, Air. Tootb‘ enrilringie. just received antilop eels vest., lowlly. M. 0 8 ONE& May 13. IMPROVED BELIPCBMTVINOTIPITUt VANS that can be dosed eml -opened I_7 mit permaiir lot sale er-thg sign Ot,the B I 1411016 m '.;-, , -; .1 (July 1r'82.) ' ' D. 11. iliesiii4. INaruzu lot-Orlie:Sha(r.ei-ier— may 23) Rigiet it ,u want to gee the !meat noisortntent of Get pet. la Isiah 101 l at spit'.- - 'Pstos's" rdosßE sod onadsitsrsted spiestriblei Vim - 1 - 1 u for Ws by Stoner, rigi of tbs Goldort Mons. only* coots per twin. Jane IS I HE Wiest stook of Hoop Skirts - in Wsyrusiboa .et (Nov 20 Pita* • IN Toys for s kit Mau 10 I ADIES do you with to we a nears splendid L asecotment of Dien Goode call at Noifial4 • Adill amortment of N r owfi, Nubia. not $ imitate to oe found et, 'l. • Nor 21. • ALL shades of tibotland. _Wool at (may Z 3) , Paas f ADIVA if you want to see a nice anginas% 14 of !MEM 00006, cult at Apt/t4 --.. ... .. STINE lamest lot of Hoop Unto OVlllt brought to i Waynesboro'. can be 40110 at . . (ottly23)'•' , "TO FARMERS. . QTEU Wide, Spades, Hoes, Forks, Rakes 130011 . 1 M4116* ( 4 ,0 1most prices that will defy eteepsoilieft: VsWood** for yourestssi,,at sod I Beirrosaroes 8111 as: so f* Ivry Mote sad Oboes at r. A Pik • at Ow skis of assail; . - giriti 14 41,40 • H. MIAOW, IdAl•HEdv-.lbird Ifiesakes o wed and eiiive id as Anasmanti. Oulu= dr, Co% t o CC4rIY*IOIIIOISI6.P-' ibiaft • 1 - J i ma"! 11BOA No. t, liar; OireenslAtolasses 8 4mitut Rcuis& PlllOl6 Pitca's
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers