. • 1111 HE stamilar‘t'•ipti•:o4Kli;; . :W' at him residence.. 2 miles kiuthof WianNbure: xtry $4 mail rfliiitil Wall; - 0k s , VrEliiiillii . ** ll.4ti Dill or' Miiiiiit; .1863; tiio Ml6*** fii?:64iii''foy:t:, erV, %Is: ,E I 9Y„/,' ~. :'''.."‘ -;'';‘,, • • 1 .1 - .. ' t ':.; ",!;',.- ' WQRH'. • V gr % It.‘ among the% 4 •.,7 ey 6 lt l t 5, 4,,, viii V. tia 4b 1p re o , Nfeits old . ills.o II brood Mares ; - - aitit:ii i-, smirrirthCini , atet '6 Militt Cciive 'the dhsilarree , YOu l ,crittlele'Retedof Hoge, 2. Sow* with 'Piga; ' ' 1 - t, 2 itianation- Wagons . . I nearly nein:loth aed ;,1 ,hone-horse wagon; 2 pair of HR . („tarriages,,'.l ' Wheat , Drills , ono, new., 1,, Piling halrg - n0r,,1 RevOlVing Rake, 2 titieroherie, and it Isle-Nome PlOwip„ 2:HairoWs, double and 2 sin I'eirhOvisi rattifi, ' iiltaiLitiiiiii• Inc (Mitlormiek% (bake); trible, double , 'rttl single. Trees, Ilf It Chain and flpeeadirs.• i The hing Ma chine-and .trorite Povirer, 1, Wheat Fan,* pa Breech hands,'..4' sits front Gears, o Sets plow Gears 6 Him sins, 6 Bridles. lot of 'Collars, 4 Fly-nets, Linea, !:..pair of Hut Chains, lot of 'Halter and Cow 'hails Forks and Hakes, lot of Corn by the Barrel, 'lover and Timothy Hoy-by the l'On, lot of Walnut (tardy (dry,) i'Grain ()radii, new, 2 ;Scythes and Baths;' 131-Ad*SMITH TOOL and many *Other Article's' not necessary to mention. 12relale t',l 'oSminerice 'at 9'o'cleck on said day. *heir it' eredir of 8 months 'will be given on-all sums or so Imo ,upwardr, purchase:a - givingt !ken' hetes, viitlVithirotiid iecorit 1 . 1 JOHN Ittl'ONER.O • , (Feb. 13— ts) • - J. &ward, Anct. ~,,piphig ~.spA2 -,..', rrHE'reubseribi4 will sell at Public Sale. at , his .1 residence. shout three mileis south of Wertes6 boro'. Lear she forks of the A ntietarn 'Creek, on the road leading. from thence to Olugston's' mill, on Moarrar TUN 230 DAY op FYFOLCARY next, the fol lowingip'ersonse proper , it : ' • B.WOR , HORSES, „..,„,-. among itaich are 2 MnMa es, with Pal, 1 good leader, 1 Colt 'Heinz 'three, I'S. 2 Colts easing tiwo . ears and I rising one year old; .among:Whieh are :3 Clown. 1 fine Devonshire, # Day ons'hire Duli, 2 young Bulls,lninegnonths old ; .SiaSEr E3Llcsiencia I;E:twaszit e .1 brood Sow ; 1 Road Wagon. xgood its new) with ;lied and bows. 2 Plantation Wagons, _I two horse Alarriagit, (Iteitoly-new), # 1 Hay Carriage. 1 pair of Hay Ladders. 1, pair of Wood Ladders, 1 pair of Red Ladders, " 1 M'CORIVIICK REAPER, :1 Drill, 1 Roller, 1 Sleigh, 2 Sleds, 1 large do6lole ;Sled, for 4 or 6 horses, 1 first-rate New York Horse ,dower, 1 new Cannon . • , CORN SHELLER, .1 Thrasher and Separttor, 2 Wheat Fans. Barahear Plows, double and mingle shovel Plows, 9 Cultiva tors, I firth or sixth Chain, 2 pair of Spreadm, bur. breast, log and tuck Chains. 3 sots of ilrerobbandst 3 Hermes, pinata &ale and triple Trees, 4 sets of Front (hears, )1 Houser's. b Fly-nets, a lot of Plow Gears, with homemade wrought iron traces ; 2 sett. of Dung Hoards, 1 set mingle Harness, 1 Wagon Saddle, 1 silt horse Lino, PIO* Lines, collars. bri t alters, Cow Chains. Forks 4ntl Hakes, Shoe . ,els,Ma k, Sle lges, Grain and Cloverseed Cradles, Mowing cythes, 1 Spring Hake, (nearly new,) also a lot of BLACKSMITH TOOLS; new Timothy Hay by the Ton, a lot of Rye 'Straw Applehutter by the Jrock, a lot ofthree bu. Bap also 15,r00 lawsnut Joint ti hincles and many othe, articles too Humerous to mention. Wait& t , commence at 9 o'clock on laid day; when lb. terms will he rondo known by RY W. FUNK. N. D. It is the desire of the eubserila4 that or opiritaus liquors be brought to the preiniaee bu thy day - of sale. Every utteatien will imgivri Jo: per •view•tlib ' , above . u'rtieled `before - VII• day oreqle. H. W. F. , Feb. 6.—ta. Hagertown litia'd please copy and bend bill 1. this office for 'inflection.. PLIBLIC SALE. eriit rs e epbscribbt-intend j yricipsitliamipg; Ifut Public Sae, at his residence, about 1 ;site 'east of Tomatnwo, anti' about 1 miles west IP, litilietyell Mills, oil Itrsstomt ittic 17TH DAY OW Pgg utrAgy, lust, the' 011 owing piisonitt pioiiiirty,to wit: THRE4 mdng which is 1 lino 'funk , Moroi heavy..with. fog gd,pleu a good leggier: . 6 Head Cattle, mong which,ore 4 MILCH i 2 will rip - r-sh`abotit the time 'cif sale, ICEAD ZlEoaa , ii,!,. mong w hich are two Itmod Sowit. I Plantation, agon, three-inch tread , fin three or Tdue - bonier . 2 ; Spring Wagon, 1 Cart -" Varallsehear lalAcougrap, teroalawand them...hereon ; '2+l4n)i•leinid 400. Isola:wed Paver Harrow; heiffdni, 'Cutting Rox',"-I'lland 'ants' too bl g u n ia,antits.(riont setartlyimets,. I Wagon Saddle, liiind) Collars 0, 'flown& a. bead 'l,:faltent.liri i tiltsgSralt lee, four-horse Line. I sets -Out Chains.. sets Breast-Chains, -che'll”see •sPreadeelh lin 'Rakes urn! Fork*. tlinneil Bell • ONE-NEW TENAATE .STOVE r ,'" I , t d many, other articles.too numerpue to mention. ) t;SYSiile to commence at 011ork °rt./110,4y: hen a credit arena year will be given on, all sums $5 nud upward, purchasers , to"liive Hui"?' 'maim ith it/Proved security. A S. (14:mt. Geo.. 7 . Mow, A, tto t ; A Clianee.fbr Bargainui HE smbieribe'r intending to discontinue them e .cinilttile-business,twill-dispaiii °Nib; • alba of ODS at very low,pricsaitttilltlsellisr 'of 'March t, &reads, In case any personiaLaokl4ent •ih, -flow occur. d tiy :hi,dalarwithilipase-ot stoak.apna Ink term , A:tr.IORNDORFica • _ , I -Wi3ol:COSAGONi,,fePtiaAtt•iby cat (Fehzdavil6+42,o4 F 01! y. weitilarwis Ue aisoffors .ti 114broateut,'CirotgaTt. 11 1.0. , : 1111 !An o_Cont! ppm Rad Mitap .;idavrosi, airy tabarp 4a: ;1‘ a. -1111 M.), X•• 3 e.l .101610 MitaßOT B 01141«,.. 61111BAlea irbilikEnisr4 1, ii i ii k *y_to,avg, At - Dativipt I - "1-4,ceataqracli, . v. .1 • • (J a 0.1 5'463-) VRotnettrcat'a taie tips LW a To, 1 .16M111.1 .11 V i1 II 1 , 6 ' E rl e : outscrherwilriiiria Public, iinle i e i th's 1 oresid!wre. AAA. ,kika leiutinglfotalitt.NlXll4, , wo,‘ l 6Viyaliilitan'. I initefrotrEthe Arnow siul.3)ftn4 'the later PtOr e l . ON kIiTINISATiI . :571ileelt41111 lint I , Mr. FuniittiiornWfirdimuirPT4Ocikr .. iit. : .1 , 11 . r 1.,, , , 4 -. .,1 i•.. , • 7 t 1 - • •'. 7...;:w0RK - 11 1 0118F t si L LI. A.A.. • 1.-r 1 of whichio .; good family Horse, 4 Colts rising ;71t Youlf7 ol 4,4thing yearsottail oh* r, lt• • s:' •to • it Utlstillitt ~) 0.1! iiribiteolllo*. tif,PoV;' , k.4 5 !1e" , • #n s g: I: l 3)ittlikrn 'Bull"" threelears old. 12 14BAD'OF Mips bee er•Vrhish is a Brood f10a4 1 4 Birshar:Phlerii4 , Bilubte wet? 2 Single Shovel Plows, 8 imitioyip, ona of which itneirly:.new ; .1 ono•borso Wagon, I World' Reid. Aearl tiatirjoilaigo i Bed nearly new, t 1 Laitile'ra neatly now; - Aouhla and 13,iriglo Trrtvo, 1 Fifth Chain _ • :ONE IWO HORSE 'CARRIAGE f 1 'firicitiVrile Buggy, 6 sets Wagon Fly•keto 2 Loa Chain/1;1 'Stone Steak*, Pork's; Rakes, Sli ces.. Mattirck, ttengditte Stevel,'alsti leo hblei of Clair; 150 bit. or it Rkent - many 'Other' inclei too numerous to mention. Larttale to commence at 9 o'clock, A. M. when a credit of months will he given on all idinb o4r 1 :116'," by 'OO4 their notes with approved security. DANIEL. MYERS. Feb. 6•L-ts. Jakob Bothard, Ana. - .7: : :puokic,f:sALE:7 - HE stiles ribe •we ll at Public , Slate; `at' hir 4: - .reindene • 'on ituitrte • .f a mtla sienth f Stnuf feni' Mill, it'd' • miles southeaetof FRIDAY T R 20TH DAY 08 FRIVICMIY, the following property, to wit 7 4 : 4 r. ITEAD 11.0itSES 1 fine Family Mare, het vy. with foal; 2 Colte one and two-mm - 014 19'.‘' HEAL CATT l P • • • 3 , among the number are three Mileh Cows, 1 of which will be fresh about the time of eale,, also 2 Heifers which Will be fresh about the same time,; erN I ST I MURIEWItei, 2 young 13uUk,the hOnnue, young ; UV 1121A5. 111J(440 among which are 2 brood Sews heavy • With pig 9 brad tlhrep; t three•inch Wagon, Spring Wagon, I Opeipg Rake, 1 three-horse Bar- Abear Plow, Watt' mike ; 1 Harrow; I single and 2 double shovel Plows, Afth chain and spreaders, bear ing chain, spreader and single trees, log Main, - Chen Coverer, trible and double trees; I pair Hay Carriages, I Wheelbarrow,i set dung boards, dung and hay forks, I Saddler's bench. 3 mowing scythes, 1 peck measure, 6 'Halters and 6 Caw. I.Thains, 8 este front' Gears,ulliets flow Gears, 2 Houle:is. 4 iilind Bridles, IS collars, six.horse line, lot plow lines 1 set harness;ll 6y-nets ; LOT OF 'CORN AND OATS, t 'coop shovel, 15 new 3 hu. bags, 1 Ladder 35 11 . , long, and many other articles of minor importance. Eirklale to commence at 18 o'clock on said day. when a credit rif 9 months will he givenlita all sum s af - $5 ant upwards. purchasers to give their notes with approved security. FRED. LESHER. (Feb, 6—ts ) 1, &ward, Auct. READY-MADE .CLOTHING. WATCHES, 0141 1 &IA • THE undersigned would respectfully announce to their triends. patrors and, the public tnat 4.uey have just returned faro the Eastern Cities, where ihey have purchased a lot of superior REA DY-MALE CLGTHLNO, embracing ell the latest 4tyles of 'OATS VESTS, PANTS 81TIRTS, COLLARS, , • , .7" ROOMS . . tuuSPODORS. &c. And everything usually, fonna,in a first-class Cloth. 'ang store ~ • CID lON We have bought,a . nplendid aisortinenfoi • „ ga s Sin TAT S , of the best make, (some.of• American make,) 811.. VER SPOONS and FORKS and,Pi.ATELI do— Bold Pens, Spectacles, Mita and Guard Chait r rind all other articles generally kept .in Jewelry Stores. A, groat variety of CLOCKS constantly an wind., • p , • A.'S' •ADOS iiiii,ettendio making : and cutting 'torments fur gentlemen as heretofore. and-, W. A . to thet:elnek,,,iyai,eli in repaving . ADAMS *ORO VE. •lit - • if' • LECIIIAIR • , • , •." . , . itt; • O,SINOMICES fro his , friernie. ytid thb peneralkylhat-he.le mow in possession, 'Of elk t re ilde: and mbdrimprosed instrusuentrona:is wen' imp osod Ste pedant' aII.DENTAL operationa.— he happy bo 'ereit , npon those 'who , Joey require - the earrices at on. experienced Denthst. • Altoperao lione . upon the -month anti steed) perforanett foiontiftc. manner. "Tehth instiited acoordaglto . the fittest inaprovenseobbAn the art; and as .moderate. Office in:Lie nesitlenee on , the•Sonth Corner of • tlie L'im(qedi • , • - April :I 1.'42 • • • • '' " • • .MT. HOPE STORE. —. , , IPHLL anclaraigt.ed " ia infor m h is. ' t 4. ; wou is cam taarit 1_ 'it'll the - pahlle'ienerally that he44o, jai rq- . activell'ithai l'ailadelptila a cult assoiiraei ar - ' - • . , -1N:414 -ALl___l .c - Siiiiiimmt*Aika,._Oteedbsi , _ , .. 1„v i ,..,••. : i .Ci ~ -1!.....s ..' ~• 1.7 , it ..,1 P) oFotetleti* tlatA!ritV, QA l lllnraire, itilh9ea, iloaual /Opts 'Cam unit all othalital i tr,lptrai4tally, 3taiallail3 11„7, country m i eAsYts.?,4oi4e , # 4 R4qo.l l l).aatiliii I °lr ifilliel I t i ,.# 4l l l P l ' eftal' e ultVActil 4 1 . 1 ;4 1 /ffvfhtwa :'...ta,. thefVial ' .' - 4 ~u4lja, - tarn ;gm' 40,,,,eiku and: i t' ' -,, " MO utiMc; , 14'6. , : tfl i ... . .. t ' ' '"L. 111) ../r.'t* A . t : i . lc . 1 i t‘i .LI r'..:. III; i .1.47.• , r?'• ' . .2 .1? - 1) . 041,444-'. - P4ilf •• • ' " Retniff•Arinni'-hqnei une„ Err° r E -isaratimo 1 Ltirtoquiviki.thi F ancy , or L W...l3rndonr, on the turniqp of Wosquiborie;"i Puiln#A.*:tO rAr fikit t 1,, rG.F.O. I M:tleal4PODY.' - •►, Gl i tiviv idir - 'T- 7 .7. 17,Wi hws . ii , oh . . 11111(at i I "Tri. ; l: ; :t i le l l 1H 1 J e - , 7 111 PRICE . ri1i0p.:„:,.., , ,,,.., , ,,„ , Rata v'' , WAWA ' a new it i oollir x i _1:1 -fit ---_,t -..... All , 1114TH ff', - .0 1111, I vt , •, r ,V i ,t i -, ! 1,, 4... Arp ~ i:f, -. '!liit:,,:,. o il it 4kai ..1 ,, L-11 t, ih..%„;,. IA .1,..J. F F I PT I Z l AR Ih.f. ~:..,"' # ' ' , /', :';1 , It.i g • i ; , ~', Noah ''P*O'r Is now offering Neww — and mimt .. do4iratle FALT. AND, wiNtEit - boob:, in Ft•pne,h. .Germitn, Englisb , tnid•Atni4icOn Fitbrick nom-, arising a general-awsoithOftfoftlio note:ire eloptcd to Fall and , W hair. LADIES' ) WEA . . Rich _ • n"ndri!i'ey, BTOCadoi,.s4llialti igtOt varjetr , , , FiTOI - Mksti4s., " CeeGtneiei., 7.l ecJUailitnoce 4; 9usrllaih e s, , 14t'velle, Miilukes,' Printed Mo,usspllaineh, Tonthin ~ Poplin,' eNegcs, • no i . • Qrit,Flanaele.all i4if?jilYams, Veotch ' Lices, ' GToolesti,,', ~ , Kid Mires; • '' i' " Proleli iirorie4 tTellark, Dlmities, . raiii,i, &bits Gin { , a , , Col'll Aipaiibe., ' Velvet iti*it, Zitc, &c. in ihOrt,'.he ,liai ail ' the novelties of ibp'eessliii l . . FALL AND WIN It Paris long broehe Shawls, with sewed binders, Uay State Shawls, (latest styles.) inpurb • l'hibet Shawls, sewed bonier,. rich printed Shawls,. with silk fringe, all at which are from the latest importa tions, and will be sold , at pries* that will defy com petition, . . HOGS fll , " GOODS, Trish anol Scotch Sheeting, pillow'.ctise. and holster' LinenK fine, low priced , Damask Table hittleniiipei- , tell nud Damask Table etoths,4 very sisc'eaui gradet Napkins, Doylea, and Buek Towlings, low priced Kitchen Toweling, Bolster,. Pillow and' Sheeting Muslim, 34, 4.4, R-4, or 104 wide, drapodvdiinity Blankets, Marseilles and Allendale Quilts. aC/211114. - itaCliad o Stich ab beitij bro. flanaburgs, Stripped Drills, • - Apron Ducks. Kamm . Denims, 'Cotton }lark.la, Prima, &e., Ice.. • MEWS WEAL* Black and Fancy Cloths and • Cashmeres. of We, newest hylea, Miked Doeskins Minimal's; 'Union Cashmeres, Ilashmdretts, Jamul, CbtfOnitdia, coatings, Silk Noun, Merino and Velvet' Vest:l:lo4 Extra heavy itibbell Drawers and Shirita, itatiery,. Collars, Cravats, &c. CARPETING AND FLOUR OIL CLOTHS I Carpet, English Ingrains, (all 'Hemp ,and Rag Carpeting, from 25 cents to $l.OO per yard.— Flour Oil Cloths 2 4, 44,64 and 84 wide, alt of, the newest deslgna, 'which he ofEtril "at great bar : . gains. MATS AND RUGS, Weit — ind Fancied Bordered,' in gre& ♦nriety. IiIOCEM magma His stock is full and complete. and will compare fa vorably with airy in Waynesboro . ; both in pima and quality. He re,turna his thanks to ;his frkiwils,ti'ml by fair defiling and strict , attention ,to business ,he hopes to merit ircontiquartue , off the sato+. , PRICE. --• 7 1 111W111311TX11:14. '- w - HIPMEAS; Letters olAdministration on the relate'of CIiULSTIAN 'Peon, late of Washing ton Sovrriship, deceased, have , been' granted to the auteteriher residing in Quincy .township indebted to the said Estate, are requested to snake immediate payment, and those haying claims or domande Mate -er make known, the lame, wiihou delar,to (Jan. HEN Hy ; GOOK, 4rlm'e; 1 4 111111107 - . , Wkir...Rßl% Letters of A dothi nitration „on the Estate of JA coo Hoovsa, late. of—We' ithing. .ton township; iiiic'easet), haVii been grasiteit, ,to the subscriberin,raul Jtowolit4; all persons indebted to the '4l leiptested. "to, ni . aka immediate, •payineiti v and 4hose titivig,it'ainta demands a gaiirit the Benito ,of said nocedent, will snake known 1 the tante WM/U{lloo9r to - - Jan. G•lniffst)::.,:;'z.4B4,ALl:' , l4l.7 ol Cardiano.4 141111:113111"311PIEC:4911E:m. • w i.eitert of , /tdininiinn ;Int the V V ~ 1 11 . state of, 401V4 iiiil . lll,4lT. late , of, bore', 4,e;•itaied;hiv`i heen, granted to., the argiscri ,bet ,; Vat:tons, 1.94c4r41 3 tit the maid koitate. are tP., gnty 44 . ..niske iiunediate, payment, ? and ! ikons, , laviricglenutpda.against "the Estate ol 'dent, wilt 'main known the same, -without • delay z , to_ " CIAL• 9 7 6 . 1j,KgE4,8,, Lopes* of Aeminhttation ; on the Estate. of • ltr. Timms:. Watauga, late,-of: , Wajineaboio' ileeeased, have been. granted to - the subscriber; all persons indebted to the said Estate, are resuested to toile Intlitedinte kininint, and ;those buying demands against tho Estate, of ,said, decedentiVrill 'image known the same tvitboijt 1 de- 5 to JpciIAREESUAE, • 1 laci. 9-9 w. "Air , 41aibinilnleak, • g.vdseci , nsistir4 . of . Le .. 4 ' el: Files, Files,/ '"W i tt" - tVi — Migta, • ~.• tier Seythos,. ..11' j ,J, litetalliectleiusreso zq I : .11olethein av4tl) gb great matey article* no% . enu mai.' I c awrinaett. that. ;,hp .14." ca e ti Jar tayatur? Tut y#ol EOM afoot:vett rit,,!J , 0,,,,,., . -?. •- ''' l " or -- - . , • , :.,ii 0 a zrA t . IR CO jii. it , , rient,72o VI i, Burips 611116 t apf !-. . 80 AR,', N • • .t‘ 'BAV6' - noWititAviettrity:s9 Orio ,11Aaosils4ialttets). !I' , 6 ,•‘ ; Oen Vg..o tillEAlur yirritt4V., 5.3; erEr NB Y rrittsMl OF .V.Msfil - • 1 " Barak rOilligUittrilitl . 'L'i';' " Rebbi e vp :THE'JTRAITORS:IISENW MIMI ~;~ .. } ~~~ A.)(4611't1 tim i other mcst noto. ii thas,k • „ J Rita E, - " hes just returned from the astern Cities, with one of theanostxistensive, and ,oest selected sleek Of , 1!. g " • r..;;i • • • , • •i.•• 1 " '••• ever brought to this Borme,h,t = which he alit poll at prices to suit the times. The community is to call and examine my stook.. • No smoble :to , -show ,G0141.4"t To eonapiceymi,g the great ,assortment .!...hare in ture r i-wiit just eintiffersta a few Imuling of ticina: Rohe Cashineres, , . , 11Billk Plaid Mohair, ' • - Woof De'allies, " BM. Bombazines, French Marinoes etall colon. y. `Pistil and- Ilium! Delemes, Ladies Cbllais and Colleted.% - Plain and fancy,BWyelvet, Tr~u s ' " - ;L.,. • • SiKlionnei tritmningi, Bonnet Ribbons,,,, " 'Staling Caps and,.coats, ) Ladies funny and'irlain Nobles, Veil., : • , • Grariadien Veils, Cheneille and Silk Head Nets, Silk Crochetts t T , 7) • ' Ladies PliMor,iWbeile4liltiocOLi Ludt* Long_amtSquare.Stkarls, (alkoolors)1 clprira Flannels, , , . ; Plain barred and striped, • „: • ; Ladies Congress (hailers, ; Ladies Ma:adoHoots, Ladies Gam and Brash) Overthdes. LP, Z illah ?. Li, 1 31X 1 Blk: " 10.000 yds. of 'ma t Washed and • wtbilasehed in Ric at variety.- ' •" '*'• /- • Aon Cloths,, • „ „ t 111 k. French Vlothin. blue end barred 6, d 0... •1 Beater Overcosting4, !Seal Skins, ~; . , On* iiisee.) ingziat,wiratj:. CA RPETINGS'' • OIatLVZOTHS,.% '.Tabletiothi4Aillerent width,. — Stair Oil Cloths, 11,t andnl% wide ' Meet AY(ilt,4l.‘4, • 4 •t;jl • )i.lll f.. QUEMSWARE IN WM VARIETt, .• 10+,1: 1 111 , -;•++ z 1l".1 I+,o. of everrdesefiptiosin: t DB;kilid[o , • ,1 . " 4 - c. 1,3•,.• 1.11: PrVared r ilaiVo4o4 "“. • 10 • ,-r.*Jariut ark encon.doe,, '',.„;llturrimearitrisencei,- .ccvviaL . 1111iit1L.7111G.4911-11111R.0411.. IVOILVikr . . , - Nina • sz4l: • , d )., Dps " CERMIWIRC, • 1 ~1 at 10 I • 1 3 4 101 I 011.1. 24 teJi;,.l Pt.:: It. 111 PRAIS *WM% I p „ Half il flalittldn. &re- Masa 67_0, b 1042, itl4 I Age. • The au& rsigniif frietals 'jnk emocouor• fir piaddevereoutds anlitiolil cPti lin since ,Ofl lir ffiense..3 Depute. sr ealtaeliell'Aqi ragtime anhikkackiirforr:Oucchasing elsewheied 9ile.- imienherOul 14 T , -11ttl'ek NO-82RI PHs. kNoatl .% 0 2.) )%11 sll REBORE'.. il)oembAyilpisto; ,, I,vol =I,JIIII-TLLIII%' . '~.l I 'll •,fit FOR !BR L,. DircEE ,„lO,l WHITE GOODS. DobineW,• • Nansci6k,' hiconefillain and Mama an,tl /airy bwiskiv hlnaiiPocket Havaliverchjers Doiaestie Ginktutins, ' ' • • English and Firincic dnv MEWS WEAR, Do. Wate,r . prool,do., ,7- 3/6114 Coil ; 1414 and' Sha s plor: , r,. ShirOngs • , BOOTS6ANIISIICIEk, " Brusaills • • ' An . Woof '3 ply' J 5. , " ' 1 d 1). WA Y cEattorta F Burris .8 cent* Eau., I " f"' Age r7,..grvi!,,,Tit • t . 3 ',AR kt , t a r it . qt 3l o9olEiron-- - zatearipano Iris , :f 11 : 1 P - 1 . Tq r —n." ' ''. .c. i ' R , S.I I,T 'NOUN BENNET & tOI 11 lr kao vrEiiiikosboro a. - , t ' .li7 ; • C • ~-, '.. :r•••' , •izi` • t,t) .11 /". - S l. 1 a la E are noiy eitincand . o (raring to SC a gil an pi and FUL ~, A3OOIIIIIBNT of Which we think we are prepared Warn at an low terms as any othor houu in total; et /country. ' mt all kinds Challies, Delaines, Beregea, Laeellas, • bto''Erto rik3 , •CiEt• CD ~ 4 . , _.3 , -,•.1 , 47••: , -,,,q,...1,1 Cottoneules, '• •vc A 1 1,11413.4 L ' " 1 Kon. j°14115 50., '-').. ' , •1 • ' 9 s!' Binlerv i Fine Tillie ' ~ ' • - restings, `'•'l l Ublitti . eiti` ' ' ' Willful, Cravats . Summer Rats g a iiik-dim e f o , ...:1,....:.,:...... . Stieesetilltpila - A full, assortment .of Plain ant) .F ancy :p -. '6 cAssimetips. • . , . A,,it0041 oupply•o( 4,typenovearo ana, filo ammo Of he totylo ". Always on hand a heavy lot of prima dioceneso 'll ' : . t CCIPPEWI 7 q i. 1... . 4 .'::;' R 1',3 la 0 ...; ~, , ._ 817dAllt 4 whiettlivei Clue' Attention !OF our turtomem aria the-Wino gifiertillyeitridetteNe Om we return. bur thinkiiihi-ettatiomiinstrtifid 4 the community_ lot their liberal patronage, - and will en- I &error bt,lttittritialitig with IA to ,merit a eciothati-li aocit.of the lame: oPleasiv AMBgitsoN, BENEIWYr Bo ~ld 4 , . D.R.Y. 7 IPEMCCB4)t#:Ar'•= i: 1 - )'• .4 11 Lit,1 1 MX4 1 0 • AMEMOISI, UNE IDIOT .4 00. 1 .8 • o VIIV.T' ! Et4iP94XV , 4W. I I I ,9.K:tIP. 4'412. GEEZER] 1‘4.: ! '; '"1111.1111 :' r • 6.. • , • „A:Now:. vi" 01 „„),,,•• al I .!). a1414188.10KA BENEDICT. & : . t • I •:`,. . v -,...„,. -,... , „: 1 ,,, ~,,,,., -.% , ~., • ~-,-,-. ~ 0 11 1'..t1.51„,k1 TRlNti g olligiNk-,-.1i101(11p : - N-zit , 04 , vr , 1.544 a. . 1 4410‘4,tir i fi i . 4. :::,.. .'. , '''' i'Par mail) asoftiorromo I li .tt ~.: ~_ ~, t at ' .... AqiiiERSON,BENErr -- &to's...' ,. r , to lU.lii tS li ;il5 3 1 ; , 6'l '6`; f . li 6r 4 1: Aiift.;' , _ _ _ _ , immitykriirt At*,J SANTMIL49 , AT ; 1 1 ,13 • 'l'„s nS r „ OICEIF"GOFFIEt;' • at A CleibuN, LOMEINUT is 0018 i DEC. , ' lei i 1 4 111Ta3Z11 , • - ' " 7, "W.17:1fri 0 /1 0 . 4 , T , FULIAII: II TE t . - _~_ :r~a ~~ ~-a: DRESS GOODS MEN'S` FALL AND . WINTER ITEENKWARE. c~~oa~~~ t ~ FRU!. T foivp. t : `'7,l; IdelV . , .„..„.. . ri:Erc rort4 !mum . ••• , „ • • , • f w ; 1 0 , Airocer es o „. 11111 RE • Unikatia tinutlENii S HUES, &C `;'":'''l,l\ :LT 1,14 . , IY- 1. STOVER, H 'M 1 4. ,K Jr tkineh avors arid .patroneg • o,. here tofore beitlusys iurtiii - appoare befOre the pul?lic to solicit a continuance of the sambl.-- H i s baiting jitst returnitiroNtlae atettern cities with fine a eird w selected iitpck of wire r IPA tiffs Allfb • ,• t4,t. ENIEINIME , • - Ilai-111L1P liii 111]Iiiiill "I :-. ~ • , ,VVhieli.he itrtenda pellitur., at ; very low rates. which ,b6;)ttidiv's Ite,:tiati tin to ,the tintiatitetion of all who !Wilt eallitsid;fintamitio tais: - .7thaitt; , 1:-Belifi, rid , will- 'find etnutioiratalr a few article* t which will be found anioiitt Ili'! atobit to which he 'calls your attantion. -, .. .. • :••• 6 °'l ‘ t • .. - i f IS "-{. .:1, 14 0 It VP 4 _ LIU,. I ... S lle hat* taro asiiiiitraitit of iiiesaillixtda coneietio's in part of • ;•k4:: :.4...1ha11i05. Piiiileti fslttill Plain ballasts, .131'k,,,t/g'ktiiall lilEtrtiSilkspl ••,,,,Plattl• Muloittir ' i•;,. •-. ! rti,,' . ; '; ilk WaFptduhair, , ,;.: ; -.- ' lier - eibtx, ' , : '-' Mednwt etilth, '' ~ • ••• 6 Itateallae, .....: , , ~., , , . 'Fre4h anti dangle Wright' ins • ~ • • . • : Pdplintri _ ' '.•-• • • ' • Ponßoe brititurti,'• ••'' ' ' ~ Ciath for Lidi , .;': ''''.. Win BM Bilks Cot'd do. Fik'd do. Lustre., Poplins, glOad„Clotlisg: •!,, Black and rariCy Cossimeses, _,.... ~ Udion Classiintirea. •' •.' ' ' ' - - Dock , Linens, •, f, ' , ~,Cotionadrio, ; i - 4 . : lagionier:,Coolingo,,. Velvet Cord. • - . „ • ~. ,hforsepilles, • ..v'.- '' " ' ' - Silly Vesting. . i ' ' .3 Valvoline Vesting*, or *Pi kinds; in.faeCti Cut trotointent' of goirils for Gentle- Well w Aiso Clirgerini Well iiilectedotock of • T 1: 1 d" 2 o7oab " e* .;: :: "+„.. • a GAr 7 a 4.1 , 7 „ •• • 77, • Muslin, Ticking; and a complete a assortment o lylptions. It's It, nee .tryinc. enw s nafettt,. o VA 3totit4tilit iitPtitititti all 'in thb'llty 'hoe just call in rind OW Will to wait on You with pleasure. To pagans! twi9grel4nWry ( lute?, p,t061),/ hey *ill fi ndXtpltheis;s4i 4 tAttagtOttli hritgi ' Ver's,as lie always gives the highest market price. So give him ecall. yot.t.gootla chitaiiT eel/ley - can ha - pitrameed - April 1962 r° TIER IRRAL - ii ~ r • Vel E. V 6 " VARIETYATCOREI 11.-I .dtAV - Ellitnnouncee - toz - h,,,,op l opric A n s i • the public , that ha has joie retained' froiii llnatirrn markets, with another . Ape new goot,liittOlAtimg iftlipiobjkoi voi dtt Li hm u i es.o aft of Cape, (all lode and InzltiVgetie'lind'ainiite or men and bile, with a complete inixertme n t o alpea for Ipdiescwartl; Plockii"riunkiiptiegkre:rohatettO , ."` kept.iii a litlrsviltiaa*riiii:# The public are cordially invited to call and iStentiffit his new stock. / 4 4 - 03140?)teliiiitl,i4i0 abort notice . (Oct. 244 ttO , '„l: Cloixtinentar r • . WA NESBOROYPit.:'": 7,I THE' Lin iteringned having recently taken thea. hove named Houle, formerly kniArit *114144 0 1 /lobe Inn." takes *afar° in announcimoo his. friends and thitimblitftintAle!ig.inttituri/dceive 'ind entertain Mein; in a style not to he excelled by 'any country Hotel. The Housoliaolng Lisle 't thoroughly repaired and newly furnishetl-WitheVe.l 9 thing calculated to make his guests comfortable —the public,pay, rest, as!urrat i :ltat tbollll,, pttltr Eio•thirkith ir" convenience of the traveler. His Bar is always,snp. Plied with-Abe , choicest'Liquarsoand; his4alikt . , tMo b e et the markitireffordoindairother applianths .9 tpicesisry„..for Atic_aucornmodationof Awn or hand, oldigind 'act vain , pemp tuk t at,youier i . and auperviiinn, lie atilljewe „xmineitue,unspared...ki tneriV pJblic pa.? -.'t , , , • proprjetox,aesures,those who marfavrithini 1,1 1 , 0 % 4 ,3 4 0 1 1,1 140-, 04 1 ; 01er:snail :ever meet et hue, i/to4v u,yyr uul'reo*iotioil, and tliat evaiy lb ing "ennui to , thd convenience and happiness ofrtaar4v - Z gu V* 11 ; 8111 0 09411!.1411 4 .1e1131301. -.. rt ',J4r 10 4. 1 1,4 8 491cit•0r, , it 0.: ••• ben:, KURTZ !t. t:4:l‘it.r ‘;,..ltV I 4 -1 1P I APILMI 11 40. !.:. ,^4 )r 'I •r . „J 4,19 . .. 1.•.•!'; ' . 611 , A R • r. - ... t.:;Cir:‘`,:::"l7.liXEl:": ' 'J • illta"-41110111EITON • JcP'l '„ 9Espz i trYtlifelriiiiii4 l iptiiption to. ills (slier sciA.ol'goodis jSkit rw $ from'Vriitititelo . llli, lied . "whieli Comprises • stiolliotiiiiiiiillY"fii+ge'kri t :fkirsiore Stone. I 714 V i f irkA 441:4117 :P.r,-Y,DEVY 114 13 '.wtra • • • t 11E that. "ha leap I • ''...aitatasatiattenied the,inotafiAtiture Of Vora • - . ' am. Persouligtilisisllthohe Ultra i.rtd wishing atanuf.tota**4lsl'ollhatifraooaki do well to give laza% ae r baieuttiolel that he can - give amis.. 4ab, • Hialtlidif itronta"'l 1, Vi - `tOit 400 4 deny hat& Winne - 14 VIM" 1111 letT1 ttadtrattal aLtG i 8 we turanthad,tita r " . • 2 1 k tr •• 1 • T••• -- • . RIMEVe!Voit, duple, 'Oa. and Ch assert , I UM raptiagi, Gloves, Hosibry, irk great variety GENTLEZEN't WEAR., it 3; ',lq t .t +i.i.'..~ ~'.,.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers