intsT.olo,lAt fit.s:UIIIITØ @DODS ?-1 . . 'attocrEatint. QUEENSWAIE AND CEDARWARE A VIEI3 juat, returned from the Eastern bine', atjbe would coil the attention of hie customs the public gerterally to his LARGE & SPLENDID ASSORtEENT DR Y GOODS! ,Which Will he sold et extremely Low Priem " Below you will lind enumerated a few articles which will be found among his stock, to which he invitee your attention : FOR THE LADECS, • Ladies' Shaw* • Fancy Prints, Extension Skim. Hal:Nara! Ladies Collars„ Magic Ratting, Linen Handk'ti. lieleery, die. MEN'S WEAR. Fancy Calaintatea, l'lnin " Cloths, , ltalinn Cloth. Veatings, battncts, 4.l:Leacci:•esum Tweeds, Jeans,' 13bl:1Fri:into, Gent, Coll dd Pink Ties, Under Shirt% Drawers, Bock Glove., thiunstete, DOMESTIC SHIRTING, Torniture Check, Brit Ticking, Cotton Flannn Wool l'aible aspic, 'raveling kering, ace, 41106.. Queensware, Hardware, Boats and4ea, Cedar Ware. CII9.I32,3DZSUBEVAMEIBM. • Of the vary best quality, such se Syrup', and Netv Orleans Moises.. Best Rio Coffee, ' ttaperior Prepared Coffee, Ilumniell's Best Buenas Sake(' No. t. Chosolate, Raisins, Tobacco. Rice. dco., &c. The sleeve goods have been carfully selected and pnrchlied at the very lowest figure. He is therefore allityk--terAtecammartate — airl — he o may amen tm with a call. 113 . r strict attention to busyness and a desire to please in every wiped, he hopes to merit • continuance of patronage. ' NO TROLBLE TO SHOW GOODS, Country Produce taken in exchange for.goods at *ft highest market prices J. W. MILLER. 0043 '62 WA Y ! CAUIBI. • and on Climb Street, Waynesboro', Pa., wham bet esattiimmit the tuanufactumn of Family dAUZIGIa a4l Buggies, liaronchos. Wagons', end every species tehdes usually Wile D iu such establishments, . His work is warranted to be composed of the • hest see meal durable malarial. and.none but the moat eiPeritMeed workmen , sre Ns has new on - hand a number arCarriages. ex, &a., which he will positively sell at opreitly reduced priest far earls, or Ilion a short credit. By keeping s good melt at all limas, and always holding himself toady to supply the do mande of the peep's he hopes to retain eat! *Sears a Mend share of patronage. Repairiste, Trtausing. and Paintink doge In .the Best orangery and at the shortest nonce. • Litak4, Country induce, dic., will be taken in gage for work. JACOB ADAMS; , The Beata of the firm of J. & A. 11. Ad arnitiiisi in die hind: of the undersigned. , Persons knatring.thentsehtsiudetited arc requested to-make lintneUtite payment. J. A. Nos' 1. /861. ea i y-blade ato FOR FALL AND 'WINTER! l i nen SUPPLTS RECEIVED MONTHLY! .81. AbitIVIS reepeetrilly inform his patrons lied the public generally that be haa nomad into the Eastere cities with a gestate' ato aoria?antof ikady.l4laale • TALLANO - VINTER CLOTHING, emlnscing all the lateit Styles of Coats,Psats a ireslip, collars, Nticties, 19elipenthalh, sic., all of isbicb airs well comae. The public are cordially in "stied so Call and isstoiste his goods, as be is "data. Wallis:id so sell at short ErroW," iotilions so 'cam/ oil tit. business Of 'rigor)]* ss,herattiforti, Poulain dial:big it pee cat oat or wade up attilavital to lire bias,a• • ealL . . . , 1, 1 14,00, *ions received riguladyi ' /kat: At. • Siam, Weal Udine, Fancy " Alpacas, bombazines, Plain Gingham Plain Fianna ' Gray 1. -ALSO:- LIHUOLLIFLOEL 40111 ii • OfterUitei* 1414 and 10 imiecirtiiiipiat of • . 'Ob.:- • v: . ,• • , :t i . Which I think I am or pared 'to ioll.on so res ionablo WINS 0 any Other hens in %Own or- tom.. sll7* ~ .. . . A WI assortment of . . LADIES DRESS GOODS of an kinds. $Hk., Detains, Alpaca., Printed- Chall ins, Oingheunik Lawns, Panay Prints, Ladles Shawls, die. MEND SKIING AND SUMMER NODS of all kinds. Cloths ► Cusimere, Pine Tweeds, Ken. Jeans, Cot towel», Vesting', Han►lkercheili, Neck Ties, Koury. A full assortment of Plain and Piney Cassimeres OVENWARE AND (ILIUMEt A large cock of, ClDErgEta:Ki)tPtias•spe Which I am , prepared to offer so low u any oth. er :Stall store In the country. BOOTS AND SHOES. for men's and Ladie's wear of all sorts and sites. Also a large and well selected stock of DOMESTIC GOODS. Mullins, Ticking's, and a complete assortment of Notions. Looking Glasses Hardware, Hats and Caps. Paints and Oils, Fres h Shad and Herring by the barrel. It is no use trying to enumerate. If you Want anything in the Dry Goods line, just call end you will find us ready to wait on you with pleasure 10,000 CHESTNUT JOINT SHINGLES for Sale Country produce taken in exchange for goods at the highest market priors. By strict attention to business and a &sire please in every respect, I hope to merit a con ttnuance of patronage. May 29.) COLLIFLOWER & CLUGSTON. • Nom' aazc9. F~t~~ DNA'S, &Z. NM.NatM. STONES takes tide method of thank. .ing his ctstomere , and informs the publii he has just returned from Philadelphia with the largest assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Soaps, Perfumery, Fruit, Coulee. tiolory, &c., &c., that has been brought to the place this season, which he wilt sell sheap: Hs has on hand. with what he is receiving, makes hie assortment of Patent Medicine greater in variety than any other establishment in the place. •In a few weeks, he will publish his list of manufactured articles.' He has on had new, his Cough Medicine, put up in six ounce .bottles, price 22 cents, "no core, ao pay." Its curative properties ate now hilly appreciated, judging from its daily isles. _ May 9'112.• MT. HOPE STORE. •.6_,J A FIE • •-••&• 4 y Ai rar 414•1:14.atlipAbir .41 THE undersigned would inform his customer: and the public generally that he his just re. coved how Philadelphia a full emotional of • Spring di Summer Dry Goods, Groceries', Hardware, Queensware, Shoes, Boots, Hats Caps, and all other articles usually retailed by country merchants, ell of which will be sold a■ low as the same goods can be purchased elsewhere in Igo county. The public are.invited to call and examine his stock. JOHN M. COOK. Mt. Hope, April 1$ •A • • AND:ou hi friends and the public genemlty that he is now in possession of all the late and most improved instruments,and is well prepared to perform all DENTAL operations.' He will be happy to wait upon those who stay regeire the services of an experienced Dentist. All opera tion, upon the mouth and teeth performed in a scientific 1111111111”. Teeth inserted according to the latest improvements in the ad, anti et moderate , rams. . ' Office in his residence on the South Corner of the -Diamond. April It, %It INC OF TOO BLES MAO IT AND SPUN Off! ivNO can make a mans-1 main in appose. mice. with a cost fitting like a fashioh-plate pants and bat fit for a president. Who makes , the fine gents your fee in the aityl The Tailor! —no mistake about it, Well, then we have jeer brought from the City, the neatest, sleekest, finest, fanciest, loftiest. lot of . F ANCY CA 88 IldEßfi, BLACK CABBIMEIFEB \ • CLOTIIB4I;ND VESTINGS. • 1 'that tan be main this quarter. We will pledge oun selvei.Scs stun out good Fm AMP Caw Bum— ?rah, sopeckling goods spray. *see, and we lease them; - We hew the Ist* ,Fashion Plats% and will keys nothing Undone toplitase our friends end th e *rest of resukind."' G. as J. BENDER. Aril 16 • • To Capitalists. 'WAYNESBORO' SAVING FU26l4.—This ' Society will pay the following rates Of in terest per annum.ou all sums the In etitution. rot 3,monthe„ 2 per cent.; from 3 to 9 months, 3 percent.; from 3 to 18 mouths,* per cent; and 'over 18 months, 61 pet cat.' Tor a *barter period than 3 months the terms willbe made Wen by the Treasurer; Notnefordisoontlehould be hanoled to the 'Treat. user on Tuesday. as the Board otDireetars tow% rgularly on Wednesday of sechweelt,at 6 Dialect A.M. Sy ordkof the Dowd, June(l? '69, /NO paiLIPB Treasurer.. 3jtioticergoNeur. rimes . . . . . . . oolotaor_ titling 40004 - or bilk pith* Wise& of Goo& to Moorttiljoitaiiw . or & Mg 'OWN otilifiN an pompom ' indototoll , So. Moon Store Amigo 1.% Ada .their imams .witb sot piy lbws. moons of Igitlii indebtadooso-to 'irjsks - Jobri - P. Btudy or Wild Brian. Tba sour - tirrilyillooitiotor 44 %Woos to beistoAN44 - . . A. 1 1 k ,fil.t.OXN , , Quincy, Jao. IRAN?. . . - • • '... - - t aatir F r "9 tiimiit I aur OUelov:1`. _ Shirrsl ' t' fr ? r,4 .;. new phi; *bog tbi Big Red tionb,olo'ris ' Therrei , the beet gook Alt sold champ by Di 11.1101$1 . • tam 14 54 lin undersigned lieflittenera end espeisily those of Ortifdtln wint of anything In his line of busi • tioirebt :his com pleted and is not* Occupy new end #tanitip , ly enlarged estiddlebruent • ' , Manufactuie ant Sale OP TINWARE, BIIBETOON WARE, AND STOVE'S.-. He b now prepared to supply any . demand for his Cock Stoves, general Rounkeerng 00126 And Nitchen Ware, on etteh Wont as mast give entire satisfaction. WO alma orered are Of the best and meet improved kintis,and having been Wed are acknowledged to be all that can be desired as good cookers and bakers, and are easily kept clean. His own MANOSACTURID WASS IS all made with a view to the wants of customers from the best mate rial and is warranted in all cases to be good. He also keeps a large assortment of fancy article*. bpeeial attention is given to putting up SPOUTINO, made of 'the best tin, for houses and barns, in which he has had t long and egtensive ex perience. Remember the sign of the Big Red Horn. Aug, 9, 1800 D. li RUSSELL. MEM FAME Vi HE subscriber, thankful for past patronage, still la solicits the same; and in addition to tnanufactu ring sli kinds of worked Material for Building Purposes auction SASH, DOORS, SHUTTERS, . BLINDS, FLOORING, WINDOW FRAMES, 1)0(111 FRAMES, FACING, MOULDINGS, Ste., &c. I am prepared to furnish all kinds of oaktimber for different purposes in building, such as /01 CE, RAFTERS, LATH. STUDDING , PA IL IN(18, SCANTLING,BOARDS, &c., All of with will be sawed to order, at short nonce and uffierrietisonable terms. Also, Awing, by irjrill and circular saws, of every descriptitiattlon,.e-, trashing, iturfacing, Matching, Flooring-, - *., at. - ':':For further particulars apply to the subscriber,rd Factory two miles southeast of Waynesboro, --- :.`.;-: . D. F. GOOD: . i t Ja n . 17, 156 4" , 1 :-.. ,;' :., •.:: • . ..,',. ,-`::"-; FLa _.; MEP 4 b .'if;t , ': - i; ; ; ; •:,_?1! 7..!: , r,- , . PROVISICOT EPPOtit. THE subscribers ' animunce to the citizens of Waynesboro' that they have opened a Flour d and Provision Store in the room next door to Dr. Broilierton's office. where they will at all times have lot is* , HOU, COll MK 1111 E, MILL STUFFS OF A 1.1. KINDS, SC R ERN INDS. CORN, SHELLED AND IN THE EAR. OATS, 'POTATOES, APPLES, VINEOAR ; • Alan, Rye, Whit. and Dailey by the' bushed or in smaller stantities, and other artic),s siva' kept in a n establishments. All Flour and , Mill Stuff will be o)d at MILL Patois TOR ins CAM The I hest motet prices will be paid for Wheat, Rye and Cora to be delivered aPthe Mill of the sub scribers. JOHN WALTER; (daps 3.--tf.) JOS. ELDEN- NEW OPENING - J. A. FISHER Ailsl NOUNCEB to his Waynesboro' friends end the piddle generally that he hati quite re cent y repl'n fished his stock of goods for Gentlemen's wear, which embraces all the latest It, les of Cloth-s -(frrench end American manufacture). Cassimeres, Vesting., most fashionable styles, undershirts. drawers, neck ties, handkorchiefi, suspenders, gloves, dr.c. &e.— Persons from Waynesboro and vicinity visiting Hagenitovm are invited to give h int a call as he is prepared to sell all goods in his line at laow 3Pricrelies ' • for the cash: - t His btore is in the NEWLY FI*D ROOM,. next door to Updegraffs', Hagerstown, Md. Oct. 24, '62. - • Important to rarmers THE subsCriber takes this method of announcing of the Farmers and others, that he hits on hand a lot of DWARF BROOMCORN seed, along with some specimens of the corn. This is an excellent article of Broom Corn. and should be raised by, ev. ery ofts. He hu also a full assortmetit of fresh Unugs, Medicines, Chemicals, &c. J. F. KURTZ. P.S. tam selling Cranberries at 12 cents per quart,. • Mar. 14 Defence 'of Armaggedon. A BOOK FOR THE TIMES. TlllB aeknowledpd to be one of the moot re. .L writable of human Reductions that hes ewer been offered to the American people. The sty hi is chaste and *My eloquent. The eubje' et tinted of is of the mast ifisPilinP "The United Bunn in Miry. loervele :by J Y. KURTZ. Mentser's Horse do Cattle Powder NM. STONER having purchased of Mr * Montan, eke recipe for • waking the above amed Morse and Cattle PowdeviorPeonfOlira• nit and Maryland; takes •this method of informing the farmers, drotuts.dte., that he has on hand and intends keeping a good supply always ms bend. u' Country merchanand Othetekeeping such articles far sale, would do wall to supply themselves with' qUantity. lk will it Ott commission or for cash cheap: Orders *41,0 Men/ .attended to. • Apr. 4'1862.- FOR AU OW,FOII RENT.—.A-Ten•plato Stove. Apply at iltlOE'd Stare OrtlB ' . flikE lamest loco( Hoop Akins aro s *mitt t 'Wspoestotre, eau be *Pair at . (nsra) TO ,FARMERS. , . , , • k • . , • S TEEL allatnforlii Spada, Hp* Fork", Igekefi 0 Slanurilkiiiiii - aeo., Ate.. ii_prieeis dais will defy cu petition. - I.l4lind see for misehiore;st .2epri l '''- . ..., , ' •,',. : • - -Thunitirsattnee-:r, N *ad • • !II bpavy Sepia and IShoes AU Val", , , • ' VA CA S 44 dmi sit* it the Big glad Now 2.0).14ka11tr: , B. lialua. • • 144_1• 6 0 1 , 9 e4P/1114 Voiotia*. pa's' litio unfair 1P61911 - , Amiduads, Disessuct.‘ COW r. L.O k:ity:C7,4 4 ,7 , 2r 1C :: , , .3,, , itcHim _ "01:1M,I „ , , - , 11 tfilunititgostr,„: ODISEWEI , ~ i.AirgivT :8E0;. ppLATirto GRAIN ISEPANATOk - -ADEANDN. - • AND " - :tato • . • , Loral Itiprotont Thresher tom. Gear! et/ /forst Powers, Driving athetbit Rear . or Bell, al/. furniehetra*p/eie, T..: • to ady to be pts/ on :w .• • • I, thi undersigned, desire to call the attention Of Fanners aad Threshermen , of Frankling and adjoin ing counties to it. This Machine hatabeen before the public for semi- ears, during which time It has given genera satisfaction, and the patentee having made some very important improvements Which render it still more complete, both for Weed separating and cleaning. and also for ease of draught and fast threshing. I take pleasure in re commending it to the public, knowing that it will give tho best of satisfaction. lam uninufecturing three different edges, as follows: No. 1 is - 8 howe Power,Will thresh and glean from 200 to 500 bushels per day. 'Ns. 2 is 5 to 6 horse power, will thresh and clean from 150 to 800 bushels per day No. 8 is 4 to 6 horse power, trill thresh and clean from 100 to 200 hiviliele per day. These Machines are warranuhl -to do the above, and do it much better In every- respect than any other machine in use. • Grain having much light filth in it cleaned on this Machine is worth from 2 la 8 cents more per bush el than when cleaned on my other separator, or the common way of cleaningten hand fans, For this reason there is not the ing • lilb part of light matter in the grain as when cleaned - eh the riddle principle. The blast acts freely on all the grain as it leaves the shues, whereas, when cleaned witl. riddle that ad vantage is lost • This machine does not return the tailends as most of the separators do. By returning filthy tail ends shirnately it is kripossible to make merchants. graini Another important feature In this machine that_ ere of the kind have nut, is the Selt.ucting Bia gulator in the fan, which remedies Illdif ficiiill _IA bad cleaning, blowing grain in the chaff in hilgt-ipliiiii M. irregular driving, which cannot be avoldefflivoleatiing - grain ley horse power r Tidalischine brats° more durable and less tedious 1 solntiiiigli than any other Separator and Uluaner,or the .kirktinon machine With shaker. • °Weis id insure their being flied until harvest shottlff be sent in' int needi ale ly . I iil*l#lo,orepoted to make to order and on short notice PO":l249lfidEtationed ' ",.,,11, Dakat-ZINGINES, 7 ' V itii9lt'44itti:Bll4 MILL GEARING, .'tit : , - .f::; - - SMAPTIMP ~A ND - PULLEYS, ,r.. ON BRIDGES. CAST •IRON .WATER WHEELS, IRON KETTLES, &c, Stoves Plow castinimalso east iron and.grio' tight lour e v rif for steam or water, and Brasa.4 4t tings of every eacription• in a word, lam pliPitrid to do everything usually done in. a. Anrntittand machine shop. Having supplied myself Whittle latest im proved machinery, such as Lathes4oring, Planing and Drilling Machines, person. can, rely on having their work done in the most saiisfactoty manner.— I am also prepared to manufacture to ordor ma chinery for wood,:such as Tonging and Droving machines for flooring, Surface, Tenout and Mould ing machines, &c. • 1 also offer to the public a new and valu able improvement in my steam engines, made within the last year, via: for the economising of fuel, and the regulation of speed. which renders my new engines far superior to- the old engines. . All my machines are sold under warrantee. My hams are all experienced workmen in this line of business, and I use all good material, so that I am perfectly safe in warranting all my work. I am also prepared to do repairing in workman• - llitc - vfe - FWI - ' -- it th,r,im e shortest notice. Ororid so i . ed and promptly attended to. All orders sent in tor repairing must be accompanied with the cash . For particulars and circulars descriptive of ma chine, address OEOROh FItICK, Or MAIM Gamin, Proprietor of Territory and so- Honor of orders, Waynesboro Franklin Co. Pa. A .ril 18—If NO HUMBUQ! THE undersigned having opened a Watch and Jewelry store, in' the new building on the corner of the Diamond,-and having recently return• cd from Philadelphia, would inform the residents of Waynesboro' and the public generally, that be hu now on band a flee assortment of • WATCHES. JEWELRY, SILVER AND r BILVER•PLATED wAug, Urging had consiaerabli experience at Watch repairing; he is prepared to do all work promptly in the best manner and guarantee the performarto of it, An assortment or spectacle*. eintt speetacrt glasses always on hand. Jewelry repaired in the neatest manner. P. B.—Old Silver • takers in exchange for goods, Apr.4-4yr. Cheaßand Beautiful Light. ikTO. 1 Carbon Oil—pure and non•esplosiee— warranted to burn withouteruilting any emelt if used iu the of the latest styles end improvements;--al[ setd Casi►r ton Caen et the sign of the • Ia ICED HORN. - D. H. RUSSELL. r-t! . .Trt7nmwmiTnmil THE undersigned, having become • Agent for Wm. Knabe & CO's. (of ilaltimore), celebrated p cm and of Gerhart. Needham & Co's. own. passed Melodeons, is prepared to Amish individ. lair with the above named anstrumenteat city pri. ces All imaingemente warranted by the manufactu• Lemmas, the above iusttuntents Oven in -town oreountry. (Iney23) •W. L.•SUVL. WING, do you want La see the nice. assort merit of Plaits ; pad Fancy Caesium's is synesbone, cult st, . ems PRIOWS "ref 1 tot wimp to soar." tight down st Prke's y Stote. What _- for I :Why - to .pt Outs ritin s of thAt !Wy Yore Syrup—only 14 cents s gnaw at. • • • $;, Pima's Nov 1 New 9rlssas Molasses call at r. • aPt4. r, Patel& . 'cm wane lair it Tobacco, ei Nat* apr4 • ' • Pasco& Uoilinelkjaiii, Tw aad C, "eft $ Oct 4 Ha." Pluos'a lIKUNEIS ai Liken.l - 36 seals pee puttu4,o ~.*e. 7 - • •7: LLEZ:Ma=ISI =MI •i *ay lion" elm be -• CLOCKS„ &C. &a W. A. GROVE. CARBON OIL LAMPS, 'lll' • "' fto; ,J ; ;,,;cp ' - ^ , " ' ' 5 " l , : 1343 .4 r / 4 _ 1 91 11BW ~~~ : ~~i I HAI , C1111,0114- , -.: fat shop or Parlor, wil of You will also find a tame Of a l' • • 14 13 b Urg with Copper, HMIs and Sheet-Iron Ware,,Which is all of my own melte, and which has been proven cannot be found better in any place. Now /einem,. ber lam bound-to sell cheap, so idlibakwant city thing in nty line, give me a calf. My shop la still at the pld place on Main Street. under the Printing Mee. • • House Spoutluit done at alt timer and of the best doable tin. . Feeling very thankfill for the. many poet favors I have received from the public. I would incite alltto give me a cell, for then you can see fm,yourreirea where to get bargains. Old metal taken at Foondry_Prices in exchange for new Stoves. ' -W. A. TRIFLE, Mar.2B Waynesboro'. PREBII ARRIVAL Int i'l ' IMO. PP l 'l,, it, Confectionery, Fruit', Etc., &c., &C• THE subscriber takes this method of announcing to the people that he has received at his 'Drag store,' a large and carefully selected stock of ration DRUGS, ,- .. (Mimieels, Patent Midkinel, Paints Oi Dye Bluffs, window Wass, Putty, "Pobaeoo, Bnuilh and Elegant, &c., which , he is now prepared to sell' as cheap as the cheapest and will assure his custom ers that In regard to quality. Which a of the first im portance, his goods. will ' compare with any in the market. He has also a spleculkLassortraent, of Perfumery. Soaps and • 1 2"ofiet Articles. •rof all kinds consisting in part•of the folios/in& sie Bandelirtes, , - Pomades, • - Anther and Dears? Oil (ilokignes, Hairnets for the Handkerchief, Lyon's Katheiron, Durnet's Coconino, • • Harrison's Ladies' Soap, Honey_ Soap, • , Hotel soap, Diamond Whits Soap. CONFECTIONERY, FRUITS act. Cranberries, Raisins, Figs, Prunes, Currants, Dates, Citron,Oranges,_Lemons, Nuts of all kinds, and Candies of every vacielp. Keroseno_kampe l romp globes, odd ral rushes , Kerosene Oil, tionphine, Alcohol, flurnidt Fluid, sad ire fact anything and everything that is Usually found in a drug store. Thankful for kind fivers and pains*e hereto. fore bestottoot upon:him, be solicits a continuance of the same. and ho that by endeavorin: t .lestie - he may win t ri confidence of the people. — Physicians' prescriptions promptly and carefully compounded at all hours. J. F. KURTZ. nor .29. 1800 • F. POURMLIII, Dealer in all.the variety of Drugs. Medi cines, Yankee Notion*, Pe 4tansery, Liquors" lor medicinal purposes. Oils, •Src.• sc., WOULD tender his thanks to the community and still solioie the patranage of o generous public who want anything in his line. Inasmuch as lie has enlarged his stock so as to be enabled to answer all calls or anything and everything usual ly found in a Drug Store, and has a thorough ac quaintance with the business, he hope. to gain,the confidence of the. Community. He will pai.par titular attention to filling physicians' Precriptions, and more care and precaution used in waiting. up on children than adults. All I 1., Choice Wines and Liquors for medicinal oral sacramental purposes, Patent Medicines are endless in variety, including all that have bum mode or to this date and some that are yet hi embryo. Alm White Lead, Zinc, Paint, Whiting Hof Valois?'" for house building or inside work. braids, a 0 sizes of Grass. Commercial, Note, Fools Cap and Letter P.M always on hood, with a' variety of Envelopes of different -sizes and colors. Brushes,' Combs, Pomade, Fancy Soap, Hair 00; Cotogne*,.Veaers cm, Flavoring &meets, and " numerous articles in the Fancy line on band and offered for sale,theap. er than ever offered bob's- Ala? a huge usortaserit of &maim Oil Lamps, Chimnega,Ahadia and Wicks, and Kaor►ne Oil to• 611 them. A metal j assottatent: of Fruits and Confectionaries, Tobacco aid Cigars. • Oct. I. ' - ' " N - Fix R. 31 I Ocka,ohma.kingl. TAE undersigned having hosed the welbkaown CoschtnakingEstablisbuientof Alez. Hamilton. on Mechanics street, Waynesboro', respectfully an nounce to their friends and the public genendly.thait thby purpose carrying on the business in all "its branches, and are now , prepared to raiutufecteuete realer all kinds of eiteriages, Wiggles, Barouckes and roadsal Wagon., &c . the bast riase!ial , and goads oy superior wortarea. ' _ IILACICOMITHOLO sad REPAIRINCI of ell, kinds done stnassoeble inks, promptly eisho tllr coinoar ScoDUGS:ilkkes bt adellegrale rik oirriseklusore. PrPoreoskidearor theCleiolso sea*, lieu, *se respee*W ilifieer *So * can. • io..IILI4OIIIIIIIeION. • Mel. S. _HOVIAgit. Ktran's MEI 1010h*:, oviiiir4Bl6 AB ambit Mir •1010141,* Wayatiotoorok antit i th o :ail eh. tars Motel, iorlstro Setif Sinai ion te teloa!nmoilati. liii*ijniarktatthnk, : . BO Ors ANDl3l46ltit 'H Ade to ordeipOh Aim, tiodie, ottlle 6leei 2541.641 titagoisitdetikrilli • Ott' FATErratiVina .18Band4iiir • ReeonsmettdoifeMi pent Marais/4f qt*Kriedllol sarfleipa • r' • Patithrroit, N. J. Feb. see, nia.„ The vadersigned hippyjo testify that pupae . of the Parettaille Academy, Pa. hays nsaintsineei a high.stamtioi moot the meat 'geminates of lb*. Collpie of New Jersey.— •- JOHN MAOLEAN, • PresidoOteit the College. JAMES 0. mosVA z • , Notation of Orel& 0. MHSORAVO WOE% Preform ofatia: ' • JOHN T. ourrinho, Propose* of Mathematic 117 M-110 NO LABOR. DIXON'S ruse 011 IRON .s STOVE POLISH, The cheapest article in Ilse world. Ontivallea in Economy. yennanently Latimer; 'The °nit place to get it te at BROTHELTON 4 0e Meath 22. "Continental note% WAYNESBORO', P.A. .THE nntleasignedlasing recently taken the a. here named House, formerly known as the 4 lobe Inn." takes pleasure in announcing ter lidak friends and the pnblic that he y prepared to receive. and entertain Guests In a stle not to be excelled* by any country Hotel. 't he House hating Wea k thoroughly repaired and newly ftirnhhett with ever. sty thing calculated to make his marmite comfortable —the public may rest, assured that they will at alb times find it in a condition suiteilto_the_comfort end+ convenience of the traveler. Hie Hat is always sup« plied with the choicest Liquors, and itli Tibia withs - hie Laicalsarati - OW --- affbrdtAnd - elroiher appliances suitable and necessary for the .accommodstion of man, or beast. Whit faithful and• obliging tenant. and has own personal attention and supervision, be. will leave no meana , unspared to nitwit public pa tronage. The proprietor assures those who.may fivorhinc' with tiwm patronage that they shalt 'ever meet sir his house s. cordist. reoeptioni and this. every thing es.. sential to , • the convenience and happiness of his. guests shall he attended to. June , 2l, 1860 L. D. •KIIRTZ TEE OLD MILLER AGAIN! A 9 the Rebellion is now on its last legit, and' nearly .amesi.vse thought right to announce to. the public that we will grind Orbits of ' 20 , bushels. or upwards either for pay or Toll separtelygind that. we have on hand all kinds of FEUD, CORN in. ear opubelletit or irt.h&E.4l4. sifted or not. Also— Oats by the bushel or int any way that it. may be wanteilt—also, Midlings. Shipstulf and Bran, Corm in Cob Chopped at short HOW.. Plaster by the tank or bushel on baud. Still Inaba market for Wheat. We can always do up good work like it was done at island No. 10# and Pittsburg Landing. JOH% WALTER, JOSEPH ELDEN.. TO TEE LADEEML-- NEW MILLINERY GOODS! , ir IS& M. 0. RESSEit. informs the ladies oG lel -.Waynesboro' an I vicinit 'that she his re • - trerMilt .re tot 6.4 we rig haws est. Main Sired; a'ljoining the residence of Mr. Jacob • Wulf, and has pa& recessed from. the Eastern Cite lee a 11211 assertfnent of Bonnets. Bats, Bonnet Triarmi mis t Plower& and other articles tucially kept by Milliner,. Th. Ladies are requested to. call and etamine her stock Aral 6l '63 • JUst Received. ?IX 11.110 TH ORTON'S," A LAWN tot oti' , 4.1101ta Revolving Pietas Cols , Pistol Cartridges, Sharpe* Pistol Cartridges ! , Colts Plato! Cape, Hick's U. 8. Army Caps, _ Bullets and Bullet Mint ' Pine Bowie Kniveiip Copper Pistol Fluke, Hasird'a Eleatic Powder French Gun Wadding, dco., die. Goodin! Oda description have become siceeding4t. scarce. Persons wanting the only reiiitbk Pietok mule, will do well to cats in and purcbu one of "Colt. Patent BeeeeMoadiag.Ravolvas. Sept. 28, Wt. 5000 Rails foe Bale. /ÜBE subscriber Ins noel on. band 5000 A CHESTNUT RAILS whirls be will dispose, of on 'associable. Wass. Also—one . , gaol ROM/0 WAGON. L:8. KIRKE V', Jant.—tf °oda: •ambit Hoods T Vdr received per Cerra, direct from the ma* 0 ofeetures another largeavoieo.ot *bakers. (Jure '6O .10•1611 Baeoes. mite iiEsT COOK orintr. in the market to. bs bad at the rite alb* Dig Rol Horn. D D. Roassi4. kF -0 , ,• ' •L.OR • A. 3 - ~ - - Ira wan Or ID Ilifireet Urea as, bay it ', pa& Biumraaroars LOTS, dist,lisis. 'l'saah and Sail 11 - i. juitnocsivai ind for sale vary . loam ,by M. Y ity ONES. • ' • May 13. - IMPROVED SBI.F.3BILING rimy - c.iiiii A:Acme be clued and opened by • any wawa. toe gala at the sign of the Barged Horn •• . Voly,ll Nit) ' . .13. 13. ligraiaa., , 4 NOTIUIR kii;riistiiiiiiiii;ii." --- 2-t, • may 23) , 1 Fyn root to ors the burst assorraurst et.cragu• peal ta,tOoru, colt at - spa '' I Parpa's YIRE anti tuuutaltirissi spied CisirariThrogse for sale by 23Dmen 1111110- 0 5 Frie l! ouryn ammo per :quart- • •-: 411126 Tryon want to ore Syrup Quires ora'Abfak, a. 'et , coast Ind as asiorovas hogvg, r' ofmrl Em il:MOAN' AMOS 81114.4 ' bui A LAROC soilortaint-hernil ja..sign oil Owl* ,11.14:14*. aerlU 'ID •1: : • a a. - rftWfusafoiraiiiiii .14 Novevyit MiEfiiii •1141$ 'i4 ' - ' • , ,alarZO .~ ~, .~ <.ti . let t Parizei .r'; ~Mi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers