, • • t • • .',;l l ' ^ , , n Ai • 4".?"1::* o}7 l- 47 . 1,* 44 ' !"; • • . ft v.g. N.' , ,• . • - 14iiee,there e. wtete,it with sii2l se dead .• • ' revert ide:welt NK'hie:b: my . • -Ott 2 - -• 0111breigti rudely,t9rik • %;; r? lii masplutiontitwee tenni_ ,000 'tottld r ,,:tilnAittia,ltie,meteor in its • • '"•Wiret4tritihif through the tniirki nigkt; streaks of 11i111 day, the Wine' spray. - '7lfe ircirld -lacked ap smile! it knelt— ''Se shock of thrones rudely -" ' Humanity rent all her chains-- . • Freedoin - isas bona regal'itaihs. • Manhood triumphed—Slavery died— Lordling. wept--'and tyrants signet Ambition sloughed in deep distress Drank the foul dregs of •bitternest,'" Mypecrisy in deep disdain Fled from the land it 'Cotild not Stain _ And hid behind the tschibling ihroire 2hat gave the tory dogs a bone. • Freedom lived—it would not die— Its star-lit symbol fleeted high— Despots mused their silent rage Like lions pent up in t cage, When lo I at once they furious grew,. Dethroned their, King and would have slew' Ills simple subjects in their fright, But Periftaught them how to tight.— Bo Justice, Truth and Liberty Are battling for Posterity, While Wrong, Oppression, Fraud and ?ride fight for a yoke, unsought, untried! 11dE.111.3E1.33.1111Tfi1. Prom the American of Tuesday last. FLOUR.—Howard.st. and Ohio, $6.75@ 7.50; City Mills, d0..0.1 $7.50@8.25: GRAlN.—Wheat, white, 'lso®lBo ; red do. at 130®150. Corn, white, 70®80 eta. ; yellow, do. at 70®75 cents. Oats, Maryland, 37®40 eta.; Pennsylvania do. at 39@40 Cattle.—The receipts of beeves at the Mock scales on Thursday amounted to 1,850 head. Of the offerings, 300 head were held over; 900 sold to Government agents; 150 to Washington butchers, at prices ranging from $2.75 to $4.50 per 100 pounds—an impr'ovement of # cent. per lb• on the lower grade. Glorious News BURNSIDE 1N RICHMOND! JOSEPH PRICE Returned from Philadelphia with a new LAM ITTiliGirl! STOCK! ;•N - Ic7F:V 7 I -1 1E - qi -7 GOODS. Northwest Corner of the Diamond, • Is now offering New and most desirable • T A IALI. AND WINTER GOODS, in French' r .German, English and American Fabrics, com prising a general assortment of the latest styles a dapted to Full and Winter. LADIES' WEAR • • Rich Dress Sake. Black Silks, , A Plain and lane% Brocades, Plaids in great variety, French Merinos, Wool Detainee. Cashmeres, Satin stripped Cashmeres, Moussellai, es. Lai/ells ' Mohair Mixtures, 'Chalet Maths ; Printed Moussellaines Persian Twills, Poplin, ebeges, Ojeco Flannels,all colors, French Gingham. +scotch Ginghauis,. , Lancaster do., Maids. Embroideries, Lapse, Gsuntlets, jail olov e s , French worked Collars, /dimities, , Fancy dresi Gimps. Cord Binding, _ Velvet Ilibbon,_&e.,_tkc iiigal ---. tdi - e - has all the novelto of the season. FALL AND WINTER gwitir Path.. Int:g Creche Shawls, with !ewel borders, Bay State Shawls. ‘latest. styles.) supurh Thihet E^hawk, served border, rich printed 'Shawls with silk (ripe, o yi s.bid, are from the latest impoi ta thins, and will be sold at prices that will dety coni pet4ipp, 1101 SE FURNISHING GOODS, Iris 4 and . Scotch Pkeeting, pillow case and bolster Linens, fine; tow priced litirhask Table hinefis 'opor tid and 'Daintisk Table ClFiths, eery size and guide; Napkins, Loylea; and Huck Tewlinge, low uriced Hittite/I Toweling,..-Bolster, jtlow and ISh'reting Muslins,.3.4 4 41, 6.4, or !p.4 draped,:dimity Plankets; Sanwilles sad klloinfile quilts. ' cluaoTo cootaa'4 such as heavy in*. Cotton, Weaciled,Mgelins, Oanaburga, .- • .13trippeel Drill , :. A.pion Duclta., - • • -Denims, Cotton Flanels, Prints, 4c.. Acc., VIEWS WEAR, Black and Finley Cloths and Cassirneres., of the noise'', sty/es, Mixed Dneskins Sattinete, Union Clissieneros, Ceslititeretts, Jeans, Cottonades.' :Cher coatings, Silk Satin, Merino and VrPiet Vesttngsi Extni heitortilibed ;Drown* and , Shirits, Hosiery, Collsrs,Craviits,-ikee CARPETING 'AND FLOUIVOIL, CLOTHS AI Carpet, Engliot!l Ingrains,(all Wool) :HOT and Rag, Carpeting, from ;a, mute •to .$1 00 tet„yostd•—.- IrlogiAlireletha '44 1 +4; o:4,and , L.ol;', of therneweetdeeigue, Which Le ,ott‘ke great bar; . titriAT l S a A.IIII/1C6C411 W•nolA:oca..finitx aGr. , 40 41 1 in gr'A' • 2 -, •••g • , 1• p • - vor A to . *ithi* , ....iii*-400,4040 , „44.1. pw.n add, 41 6, 4 0 )T**A 1 0 4 0 0 rair 414111ko*:SWitielulk. - *ut 17,fiiiii.thialiVW titteaaPatt,iu",,tiginttiN,,tie W 00. 1 001 4 1 1" p ot. frnine 'Ovate 'AttopqMiknike • „ • ' 4t, IT',. , , 4 _.-1.----. tt o,triii . , ItifiitOrk 7.- ,Z: ir `-'_'fi r is" '.''''• °44 i t ira's ~.„ ''' ' OcCIAtAILII.I4 : .-- , '...:_-" 7,c.'1:: , • 4 i' „ 1 , kf ', 2 ,-,$ '',.."..-j.6,„.".•- ',,,i4eritlitti:-;:-T''' iiii-A-T08au.414,....,„„,;cr ~7..,-,,- - . ~,, ~::.,., 181' , indittl " 43 t'' , ..;.: itippsic,`; :cy. Ewa. • ~. ,•..:. 7 . Ahotesi Bito -- , 1 likaB . .:, .• • 8 ,TimittaT•€llllo ', 00 Diztow • 14608 tba ,O r - v - 7 ) i j t , ~ la: - - 4 :00 Blood (sii,eo " )6 - 1141111 A8i‘ ,''',;;',' ~.00j 13°A.P iii .' ' 4 - l*A kA ttii ll o ill Ps' il io . alio ''l l, * OO faiox (181001046), ", 8 . Daiip (HIRAM VICTORY TIE Ml-111: IIIyiNSIOE IN , PURSUIT OF THE "Rebel Horde I" THE. TRAITORS FLEEING FOE THE "LAST BITCH." AMONO the other most startling intelligence of note is that • JOSIIIIIISORE. has just returned from the Eastern Cities, with one of the most extensive, anti nest selected stock of GOODS!! ever brought to this Borough, which he will sell at prices to suit the times, The community is cordially invited to call and examine my stoctc. No trouble to show Goods.— To convince you of the great assortment I have in store, I wiil just enumerate a few leading articles. AL. ALM. 1111LIESSI lIESS gniJDS,. Robe Cashmeres, Silk Plaid Mohair, ` All Wool De!nines, c, • Wk. Bombazines, French Marinoes of all colors. Silk, plain, blk. and fancy, Plain and figured Delaines, Ladies Collars and Co;layette, Plain and fancy Silk Velvet, Trimmings, Silk Bonnet Trimmings, Bonnet Ribbons, Skating Cape and Coats, Ladies fancy and plain Nubies, Blk. Crape Veils, Granadien Veils, Cheneille and Silk Head Nets, . • Silk Crochetts, Ladies Fancy Woollen hoods. , - Ladies Balmoral Skirts, Ladles Long and Square Shawls, (all colors), Opera Flannels, Plain barred and striped, Ladies Congress Gaiters, Ladies Moroco Boots, Ladies Gum and Bolhlo Overshoes. WHITE COODS. Hobinetta, Nansook, Jaconets plain and barred Plain and fancy Swiss, Linen Pocket Handaerchiefa, he. F~°~L~~L~N~ Mk. and fancy Prints, 10,000 vila. of Muslin, bleached and unbleached in gr. at variety. Doineatic Ginghoms, ,English and French do. MEN'S WEAR. Melton Cloths„ - • illk. French Cloths; blue and ',arid, do.. Deaver Overwatiliga, Seal Skins, .• Do. Waterpiool Velvet Card, hik, and drab. Gents. Shawls, Flannel Shirtings BOOTS AND SHOES, (any aiMii.) in great variety. CARPETINGS, BrussOls Carpetinga. • All Wool 3 ply do. Chatting, Hemp and Reg do OIL CLOTHS, Table Clothe, different width', - Ifeaay ,foloor do: 1, and 2 yrda. wide. QUEENSWARE IN GREAT VARIETY. HARDWARE of every ileseriition. tnoCEMS„ Prime 1 . 40 Coffee, Prepared Zaire do., Uglilkiners Essence, W, tee iioeitstiisx•criatow. MillILT114:14:3111111104. Pritzie - Prksa rut Molasses, • • . - Union do., C ED AR W A Zweltete* Churns. • ..., ireekl•famiteir,% 4 ,::. . . . , •• `,,, 'A..k. • , . , -,,, .'--,- '- 4 , Hitlf,ogsbele. , do.••_ *iiiiowGlati4 by 10,' 1044, *tit; 11.45, dice. . i rTstui" - L lie J tindeiti.i r g' . 4kailiii4iiiittionai And customers/a- pamtiawii , andlibidi,"*olliefukir Aiolitinblintiik Oribir*oo,y,lt: : "60 , lii'olisillikiailiii4 , lothiriii ' -prilsoWlo6 'ibis- clooilwni. , ltiiii milmlot:i..tfiii. lIVOTIOPEIS. . - . • , tt56',44A11119 - • .':,!' • : ;JIA11:111 o.6Bofigi-' • z_±,:~~ ~ MNIRkI .":,,:•:, ,),i ~‘ , ~...: ......t: -,.:0.: , ,.:,,,...,, ~,,. i :,,,,, •--- • - , ~ , n , iiiiiiiiii. j0i0 .. r: ,.,.. Ali . SIIIIICT 1k 00 4 " -,'.,,-.: ‘, ' ' '.:5-ifAttiEsligifir Vott,, -, ' i 7 •• -.1-17,.. • P . 11 • - 10 ' iIIBERSON, BENEDICT & CO FILL AND WINTER GOODS!.! 41 E are now receiving and o ff ering to sell a new and FULL ABBOIITVIENT of HE97 Deny gpjps Which we think we are prepared to sell at as low tenni as any other house in town or country. DRESS GOODS of all kinds Mollies, Delainem, Heregeo, Lavellas, SLEEVES, EMBROIDeRIES. MEN'S FALL AND -WINTER* Cia CID CD Eatt Cottonndes, Cloths, Ken. Jeans, Cassimere,' Fine Tweeds, Vesting., Neck Ties, Hosiery, Cravats Summer Hats Handkerchiefs, Shoes, Slippers A lull assortment of Plain and Fancy CASSIMERES. QUEENSWARE. A good supply of Queensware and Glosevtare of the latest myle. Aiwais' on hnn tl a he avy lot of prime Groceries, COFFEE, - . „. SYRUP, MOLASSES, • 8 PIC EB. &c. To which we respectfully ell! the attention of our customers mut the public, generally; and nt the same time we return our thanks to customers and the community tin their liberal patronage, and will en. &awns by f►ir dealing with all, to merit a continud wee of the same. Please call anti see. MBERSON, BENEDICT & CO DRY FRUIT: 1 , 4. NI ;at :ma 1.11 at ANDERSON, 'RENE MET It CO'S Stair 011 Meta, A LOT '0 F Good CURTIII FIITUJIBS, 'CURTAIN' " . : 1, at • usteso N, iirgErnar_dr. pow.: ,A-FULL A.NgUtTIIENT lifiliiliii4iif:', -. :ii.s - iiiiiii EIVICO:tDDSJ- - AFALL.:ol*Rio*vis:., i 31Cli > . re " :. 'l_ ; ~, . ,-...c- , X.,.. ;AM!: ' - - '-' • ''tILN-131111.20 arena . ' t , : ' .I , ', L ' .I',, -.. , 1,• 4' .. ~ _ . . . . •• ,4k 4011 eiON, utp . .itipp.41'51.'9,91,!10,;:; ~, ci !g.: SECOND ARRIVAL ~ , o-== Waynesboro' Pa. DEG \ 12 .141h1-31i1101117* C7CILL.AL.I%.O. GROCERIES, PICKLES. Pickles, 111 41 k r 1 REM EMENSIONI W. B. BROTHERTON'S. His customers and the public generally are invited to call and examine for themselves. HIS GOODS HIS GOODS ARE OF THE BEST QUALI lift Silks Cord do. Fig'd do, Lustre°. Papilla, SY EXAMINING MY SroCK I lIARDWARP, CUTLERY, 4iliaa-avan ;) - - le AC • IL Vil , W- ----PI OILS, PARE iLASSAIL CLOTHS HOLLOW WARg., &O. My /0k is largo. and complete and at prices that wil defy competition. - November 7 r 18V. PHOTOGRAPHIC - s'" . • PI CT Uit E GAL niti ?PHD . undersigned has fitted np the room over Fourthman's Drugstore. Main f.treet, Wnines. hero', suitably for Photographing purposes, 'where the citizens can be aceemmailaten with all kinds of pictures horn the price of 25 cents upward, phot ograptislit the regular CITY PRICES . . For cards or f u ll sift picturef, , ' framed or on card ~ Old "picture', copied solduitographed ria may benefit ed afienfortable peigesd • &fine stecicof randy-and' plain. canes Oli'hand: The public, end the ladies, are mist 'respettrinly invited- to cilt-and see specimens:. - A.:111*100.11.1SLA 1.)!*-; NOV . 4 41E!-- . •Lf : • • • OPPOSITION TO OLD JOE 40 Oysters for 25 Cents r. • . . rpt: 'auescrijwr inf;irmi 'public that he' has ciiicinti nitti3O,turAni in tho tOoth fornieilf Oc cupied by 1.. roiltiv, One itT4 of Tritlo'si Tin 5r..,0 whero.tbh, public eau' tus occoniotliited with OYST Kittfried, not.toi stewed;' ALE;.; 1101:01:11$11: r*Aut4.Eutt , o, dc,:c4 eec.. • :tare * Fifitotin gnini oyeths 1 . 61, 1161 "idols,' nay Oysioni. - such 4uhf roe •25' eta. - 044. - 2A—tt.) • 7--t7f4:;:c 1. SLED !VW' SALE: - pity suboorilwr h'a's-large double aleilfor foot or siiiarro;whiat:lro:yrol dispoie ~of upop reasonable tenon. ' ' • .H. W. • 1411 j "311L111,111COliiriii la: tirviong klipwiniuthumseirre edio the 0 1 1!-€roi11Pedlty,).“01e' br othepivisi• are sevi * ailletf tare All and italake#4ni4R. on 'Or below ttioi offAtitil 1063. • • ..• .(Ue.c. 19 ...:=4 . ira„ , 'llll.lllrl.eis-Apak.l44 4')lW (;,4.,ceitir awry , _ 4" Fur saw pter.Vitoreeof 'W.- 11. •:•-•.•.••,01.6 •• -•• ' • • • AsAlti;llliiv.tiim. - 44$?upott sitiarAkt, - - 44-V , 'N 40-" S In • - . z 4iiwiiW.Ao6 . ?la.LmJmsu•A&—,....,—.--w.,m4,, „ ,, , "' , 9ltke_4a Aaigft.timl-Oltsguitli.C-110j4 •;', • • 44' 11,-k.'4 . ;.?;;':•!;.'1 1 .t.; „ 4 , MME =EI et/Sit'ltrti -SEE , • • "r 3, .z; LARGE' STOCX 1 'AT LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST A LARGE LOT OF Cedar ware, SHOE FINDINGS, MIZE 7eHANK fo di gad knots and patronelin beta toibre bestowed upon hire, igniiintliPe z ;a tnilin* t public , to 'solicit a °initial/soca 'of, the' , 'lame.-- He britiins just 'reuited froth the eastern citiei with fine a and well selected stock-of ne* . . ' FALL AND wnmun c3a-43114:11XD Which he intends selling at very low rates, which he knows he Can do to the satisfaction of all who will call and examine his stock: • Below you will find enumerated a few articles which will belbinad aflame tail stock to Whiolt he calla your attention. FOR TEE LADIES He hair a large assortment of Dress (loads eonsisting in part of Chalks Printed and Plain De!eines, IM'k, Piled and Cad feliikep Platd Mohair ' - bilk Warp Mohair. lioregai, Medona ;- -4 Leveling, French and &static- Gingham. Poplins, Pongee Mixture, Cloth for Ladies, Wrapinge, Hosiery, in groat variety. GENTLEDIEWS . VEkR; broad Cloths ' Black and Fancy Cassirastas, •. 'Union eassimeree; Duck Linens, Cononades ' Summer Coatings, Tweed', Velvet Cord, Marsaillea, Silk Vesting, Velvatine Vestings, of all kinds; in fact a full assotmene of goods for Cantle men wear. Also a largerand well selected think of `DOMESTIC GOODS, Ticking;' and a entiOetti i assortment of Notions. It's no use trying Id" enuinentte. 1.1 you want anything at all in -the Dry. Done line, just call in and you will find "hit* ready to wait on you wills pleasure. Tu persons hiving country Produce to sell, they ,will find it to their advantage to bring it to lit o— ver'e,ashe always gives the highest mirkorprice. $n give him a call, and he will sell you' goods as cheap, as they can be purchased elsewhere. , 'Aptll 1862 "VARIETY STORE." jHEAVER announces to his customers and • the public, that hs has just; returned froin the Eastern-Markets-tv ith=anotber—finesssortinet&-of new condo, consisting of Fall and Winter Hats and Caps, (all smut and sites)._ Bonin and Shoes for men and boys, with a complete assortment of shoes for ladies ware; Cloaks, Trunks, Begars,Triltacco, and cir articles:usually hept inn first.cladsiariety store. The public are cordially invited to stall and examine his new stock. N. B. Boots and shoes manufactured to order,_ when desired, at reasonable rates and upon short notice. (Oct. 24, '62,) Oysters! Oysters !! THE undessigned informs the public that he has opened a Restaurant in the Basement of F. Bowden's Hotel, which has been handsomely fine, up, and is now prepared to furnish. Oysters, Ala. Bologna Bowe, Uhefse, ,E.ggro. _lila)• all, articles usually in a first class Restaurant Every ar ticle is new and eleanlinesa in al' Brings will be ob serveili- Th#public are invited tOtive - him a call. jOct. 31— tf.) .E.N.yV4BBABAITGII. • Barberinglßarberitig! THE sub Scriber inform...the citizens of Wayne.. bore'• and vicinity that be has fitted . . up - the room next door to Dr.,Brotliertp.n's °like, up stairs ass Harbor Shop, andis prepared . to shave; cut and dress:hair in the best style. " He asks a trial. (Dec. 12L-tf) SABIHEI. H. MA'rHEWS4., • Timothy Seed-for Sale. • TOE oubscriher has novic,for7sals 40 bushels or prime TIMOTHY SEED which he will dui pose of st fair - prices'. Pena:lds' in want of geed for fall sowing are rcgortAtc.l to giveshiin a. call !lasi denCe one miloltorthirest Of-Wityrieshoio' mu: - BEN.V.E. PfttflE• WAL...141110311r911EX11 . , N apprentice' to the Sitoentaking:laisineoi that Itin come' well Wccorniengled, anti Gail a situ atiAt, applying alt ,the otfice of the,lirmacia Racoon. . LADIES, if-youvant, to see a 'lie:* asswisnen 'of DRESS GOODS; cull a _ • Apti l 4 ' • . Parcies CLIPPER KET r a HASS Kt:111.'1:4 • DION -14111.0,, - at the Nip tifilui Rd 'Hem; ,I, • _ (Jut* , fl - I,N'l" ti , Shaw /f, .641713f0 I !Yr:4'4mo, ;au °the/ kffionifortOldiAxins f ar cold li..Ather at nei4 • .11usais'o. Ail, shades of ..Shotlatt4 Al!' 0 41 a t • :,;(pros:v 43) - •••.' : Apitli*Ter-Sale. - :' .'--, , . ricHEAsublieritter-ittiopni the- pubtie .. et lit. Itti ' has : noWlor aisle 06:it:apple* by:thirliitstiel: • I. S.P4 l lllto two tileitiutl-toindoil leti-piltirittiiiet . ' r. , - ,i .(Nog,Z- 7 - tf.) 4 - •):.. - 1- - •. e..-- iktiEX. ILOgiViTON'., '. : VAL 4.4"..osfiepaint p 1 .bitsiGititOs i4ll;ie •Nov - 11. , imi'sketKr • ,M4ecketit'io iiiuiiQwt 4 ' • '.Nur 21.,- • .; • • I.!** . rat!.Atock of f!itpBkirts,itt,Wayiwitkii' • (Amu W..akical! ViWubeekCl:.v- - '1,4 4 1 4 4 '11. tt V.Straint " ANOTHER ARRIVAL AT THE -,.,,, .f.,..,.,:,,-4'4- 4 ,114.44 , ';:.:1•::,..;;;T ft , 5 - tii,, 1 - ?-: - .• .' ~ ' • .. • fitliJitit.JlMll,..-:., , .;,,,,,,,,,, f..-A •-,P4 1 , f ''°' ;i• ' r ; . ' Heavet ~.....„,:,_,;..,.....,,,,;..;,.......„,....:;.4,.,,,....,- z.Ryl;il:.,,A.Lis;Ar , r, ) QUEENSIVADCANIF OtilAilvihßE 1 .... 5 .,,,, elLittzittled'fitsti* the Eeeierp Mies . 4 ' be tveu 4.l•6llille4ttqlitlioti of hia-cluitoqierk air the public' genetulittu his... ' " - LA Rq E & • -SPLENDID ti.SBpRIT4IIT DRY GOODS! ~. Y ~ ~~ i Which will be Fold at rxtremely T,O* Prick Below you etititneruted a few' niticleit which will be cotind attiOng, Gls atocit i to' Which he ybur attention r , " *. FOR THE LAZPIErh Bilks Del iinet, • Fancy 4 A Ipnete, Bombazines,• Plum Gingham% Plnin Hun:loe, (Irey -AI,SO:- Ladice Shawls, Fancy Prima, Rxtension Skins, Balance! Shute, • taffies Cuflare,. Mngir. Ruffling, Linen Haut!Wl& Heiberg, &c• MEWS WEAR. Fancy Cassimeres, Pain " - (Moths, Italian Cloth, Vestings, •••• • Satinets, A.l2,sma:Da.mic; Tweeds, Jeans,' Shirt Fronts, Gents Collars, Neck Ties, Under Shit set Drtivverny Buck GI es. • untlets, DOMESTIC kIIRTING, Furniture Check, Red Ticking, Cotton Flannel, Wool Tondo Diaper, Towlirtg • . Daging, &U. Queenssiare, Hardware, • Boots and Shoes, Cedar Ware. CIErZa.I)22MI M. UM Of very beet quality, such as Syrups, and New Orleans' Manses, Best Rio Entree, Superior Prepared Coffee, Hunimell's Hest Essence; faker's No. 1 Chocolate,. Raisins, Tobacco, IL ic o. &c., &c. The above goods have been carfully selected and purchased at the very lowest figure. He is therefore enabled to accommodate all who may favor him -with-a-elll.-I.ly-striet-attentionrto - bwirrega - nrid a desire to please in every respect, be hopes to merit a•continuance of patronage. NO TROLDLE TO BIIOW 00068, Country' Produce taken in exchange far goods at the highest market prices J. W. MILLER•. 0ct.13 THIS WA - Y - 1 - MM MEI E undersigned respectfully . announces to. then r i publie. generally that he, is Mill _at tluvolif stand on Church Street, tralinerflmirci%Pu— i iihere ho Gowan ets•she manufacturing of Family • .. -.,... ........-- 1 . ^-4 : - talaililla t U l lgt ra. a . 4 7 10. iftwalr - Iv Buggies,Barouches, Wagens, and everyspeeies Of vehices usually made ,in such esrablishme n i s .—, Ills work is warranteiP to be composed of the best ana most drop* material, and none but the most experien workmen are .employed.— lie has now oalan number of Carriages, Bug gies,' 41e., - Arc; whi t he will positively sell at ef t greatlfreduceil prices for cash, or upon a short - credit. By keeping a good atuek at all times, au< always' holding himself ready to supply the dc-, mends of the people he hopes to .retain .ani:tieiurilt a liberal share of patronage, " • - t' Repairing, l'rionning, and Painting clench' the beef manner, and at the shortest uuttce. : - Lumber, Country Prodace, ike., will be taltin in: exchange for work. .l.ACtili A,D.ptlS....adi •IM. H. The Hooks of the firm.of J. St ants. are in.tbe hence of the undersigned: t'tUnolif knowing tlienteetvesintlet4eki AXIS tratu4;.ted w ni.n..o iniuiediate payment. 1. A . rcbv' I, 1861. ' Ready-itlade: attabing FOR FALL ,•t1,41D, NisTeat! FREgit SIIPPLYS R Eel: IV ED MON rimy!. 8. A D.VMS would. reapeFtf inform his patrona and the rabbit senerdlyr thatlevitai returned t the 044u:50 outoo witu a 'oll4.l.l4.l4an latlalnEllt, of Iteutlplpfraile FA,LL, AND WINTER CLOTHINU, • , • endonicing all the lattitit sty ha of CUJill, Pei ILLO, L w,StS, $b ISI Gallas, Nrctice, of which are well iurOc. The public curUiaill j sited to call and examine hi* goods, as, he i 4 dcter- . tekiainetl to sellat short pewits. • , • He will continue'. to, cairy ttrt 'the ituelecon Of ',Fluturinisit liet.coollie;- • Peewitta, - drainbriVir• 1111:141i up- ,tre uivited to curl. Latestfashions zaccited rqitagy ! • ;. c: • gt-; ILL•I4, R 14.• ••, , A thaklwith*iii(yfor Nag Outi assortment - 0111,14).1)8 for Veritioneu`s. ware. • • 4 0=i4.104. Ye4l.Apas elmips "%- , • • ' 46.444160114044. 4 .y.kol-011q0.4111.-- 4 1 4 g. A. S. A.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers