- 11 Zip W. . A, MN BD RIMER E 0 D'S cv, Hardw f are, GROCERIES, QUEENSWARE AND CEDARWARE! HA VING just returned from the Eastern Citie he would call the attention of his cuittonteri and the public generally to his • LARGE & SPLENDID ASSORTMENT DRY GOODS! Which will be sold at extremely _Low Prices. Below you will find enutbemted a few articles which will be found emonfrhis stock, to which he nvites your attention: FOR THE LADIES, -ALSO:- Ladies' Shawl■, Plaid Gingham'', Brecades, -Fancy Prints, Lawns, • Bralges, Linen Handlers. MEN'S WEAR. Fancy Casgmerefa, Plain " • Cloths, Italian Cloth, Grenailiens; Denims, Tweeds, Jeans, - Linen, Shirt Fronts, Shirt Collars, Neck Tim', &s Queensware, Hardware, Boots and Shoes, Cedar Ware. • CerI:32.CDCMIZMILI33MEt-M i p -- Of the very best quality, such as Syrups, and Porto Rico Molasses;" Best Rio Coffee Superior Prepared &free, Rummell's Best Essence; No. 1 Chocolate, Raisins, Tobacco, Ricerdm., ate. The above goods have been awfully selected and purchased at the wry lowest figure. He is therefore enabled to accommodate all who may favor him with a call. By strict attention to business end a desire to please in every respect, he hopes to merit a continua'nce of patronage. — NO TRU BLE4O SHOW GOODS, — Country Produce taken in exchange for goods a the highest market prices J. W. MILLER• AprillB '62 MT. HOPE STORE rae - kw - 4:1 - ore7lEiac:;,14(,),2(4p)K41,.:111 THE underaigred 'would inform his customers and the public generally that he has just re ceived from Philadelphia a full assortment of Spring & Summer Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware' Queensware, Shoes, Boots, Hats Caps, and all other articles usually retailed by country merchants, all of which will be sold as low as the same goods can he purchased elsewhere •in the county. The public are invited to call and examine his stock. JOHN M. COOK. - Mt. Hope, April 18 Bit. W. D. LECIILBII ANNOUNCES to his friends and the ptiblic generally that he is now in.possession-of all the late and most improved inatruments,and is well prepared to perform all DENTAL operations. He will be happy to wait upon those who may require the services of an experienced Dentist.A All opera tions upon ' the mouth and teeth per fined in a scientific manner. Teeth - inserted according to the latest improvements in the art, and' at moderate rates. ' - • • Othee.in his residence on the month .Cotner of the Diamond. April 11, '6s PRCIOF TROFBLES TUMID VP AND SPILLED 011! WHO can make a mane—l moan in appear• since, with a coat fitting like a faahioh-plate pants and vest fit for a president. Who makes the fine gents you see in the city! The Tailorl—no mistake about it, • Wellr then we hairs just•brought from the City, the neatest, sleekest, fmeattlapcieat, lot of 7 "AP iCY CA SSIMERS, BI,ACK CASSIMERES CLOTHES AND VESTINGS, . - that can he seenirvthis quarter. We will pledgeouri selves to turn out good FITS AID CHEAP Sinn.— Fresh, sparkling giiods always please, and we have them; - We-have the latest Fashion Plater, and will leave nothing nadone toldeass our friends and the **rest of mankind." ' O. Ar. f f. BE .I' DEL April 18 fillliTAlN Pi:tutors' Mlt *8 Mamma. pesorner & co!., .;piqc§, if yon want to Fix:chug a nicu Parasol . • PINS** Asp latest ityle,44lilkl:iustere spa st . , nmay2S) )U ' E and unadultenated a." - , -eider Visorki Gil sale by idkonir, sign of ; the Golden Mona j[ . ,ring. oiiivß ' , Aram per relart. •, • , "- lan 26 , , Al) I. scinacm of all Oescriptionvat AL....LC=O 3 ), . - Pampa's' =-, 4: 2is'4o4iter-;-Datil Peaches, pared aad,saasx .. 'id* , AibMUM, Baum? 4i, Oa's. , r, acerilitt. fe4o4l4imarieetr,eo tdlWrol".44: .- a*l-A*.asal'alosiest as WOO, *all at Immo Del tines, A !paces, • Printed ebonies, Bombazines, Gingham*, Poplins, acoPoinp ' Palos's,. Littehesfßiagelli. and Obit tikes and Varriishei, - Mill, Cruss-cut and Circular ,Saws, Hand; Tenon; Web‘artil entliposit'Saws, Angela, -Adger Bit% Gifnlist and Dowell Bitts - , Socket Chisels,, Firmer Chisels, Mortising Chiaelst Pruning Stnire.and Otiiselit'eoinblitelL'Preiling saws; Plastering Trowels; P.ointinctind ilitiderkTrewels, Double and Single, Bitt Axes, hatchets, and Draw ing Knives; White.wtudi Brobee, Oboe, gutre and Horse Ornshes,' , Serbbliiiig-Witaheit; Cloth, , Tetith;' and Paint Brushes; Table Cloths,Floor Oil Cloths, Carriage Od-Cloths;Spokes, Flloes, Hubs, Shafts, Pelee, Springs and axles; Black-smith Bel lows, Anvils,Vices, Hoof.Kpivcs, and Rasps; Tubs, Bucaets,Chms; Rope, Easktits,Bropins Auld ;Wash Boards- ' Waittlis; Trays ; Cerullo' Sticks Stingers Coffee Canisters; Table Cuttlery; Pocket. Cuttlery, Pruning Knives, Pr u fling Shears, Silver -' plated Ware, Table and Tea Spoons, Alalt Shovels, Forke,, and. Ladles, Albata Table and Tea Spoons, Iron Spoons, Tinned Spoons;- T race Chains, Halter Chains, Cow Chains, Butt Chains, Sporting Pow. der,, Bloating Powder, shot, Gun Wadding; -At nold'a Writing Fluid , Blacking, Stove Black ing; Lead Pencils, °Litotes steel Pens,...Writing Paper, Flour Selves, Meal Seiies, Sugai Seii , es and Wire Cloth; Cooking Stoves, Nine Plate Stoves, Coal Stoves; Carriage Lining, Carriage Lace, and Carriage Trimming; together -With a large and carefully selected stock of Cabinet and Saddlery Hardware. All who desire td buy cheap are invited to call and examine my goods before purchasing elsewhere, as I am determined to sell as cheap as usual, stotwithstanding the advance of some kinds of goods. The subscri ber would here bike occasion to return his sincere thanks to the public for former favors- and hopes, by fair dealing and cheap goods to merit a continuance of the same. apr2s WM. H. BROTHER'TON THIS WAY !- CORM Mill G 1 THE undersigned respectfully announces to the public generally that he 'is still at the old stand on Church Street, Wayniaboro', Pa'., where e continues the manufacturing of 'Family acazaaattaa Buggies, Barouches, Wagons, and every species of vehicles usually made in such establishments.— His work is warranted to be composed of the best ana most durable material, and none but the most experienced workmen are employed.— He has now on hand a number of Carriages, Bug gies, &c., &c., which he will positively pall at greatly reduced prices for cash, or upon a short credit. By keeping a good stock at all times, and always holding himself ready to supply the de mends of the people he hopes to retain an secure a liberal share of patronage. - Repairing, Trimming, and Painting done in the beat manner, and at' the shortest notice. Lumber, Country Produce, &c., will be taken in exchange for work. JACOB ADAMS. N. B. The Books of the firm of J. & A. S. Ad amaore in the hands of the undersigned. Persons knowing themselves indebted are requested to make unnediate payment. Nov' 1, 1861. Defence of Armaggedon. A BOOK FOR THE TIMES. THIS is acknowledged to be one of the most re markable of human productions' hat has ever been offered to the American people. The style is chaste and truly eloquent. The subject treated of is of the most inspiring: "The United iStatew in Prophecy. For sale by J F. KURI'Z. .Novi . sizarsizswzromignmErAzaamilm g4 / 4 • . T. J. FIG IBC 111,11,, DRAPER, M N-Has constantly_forsale44u/t- assortnatlf--1- 2R GOODS for Gentlemen's ware. 21 Cif Latest City Fashions always on hand. tt Waynesboro', Pa. • Pv KifinSfigAMPIZMAZMADAMINNVIeIt To Capitalists. WAYNESBORO' SAVING FUND.—This Society will pay the following rates of in terest per annum,ou-all sums deposited in the In stitution. For 3 mouths, 2 per cent.; from 3 to 6 months, 3 per cent.; from 9 to 18 months, 4 per cent; and over 18 months, 4i per cent. For a shorter period than 3 triennia the terms will be made kown by the Treasurer. Notes for discountshould be handed to the Tress urer on Tuesday, as the Board of Directors meet rgularly on Wednesday of each week, at 9 o'clock A.M. ,5 By order of the Board, June 17'58 , JDI U. PHILIPS Treasurer, Notice—New Firm. HE subscriber having disposed of his entire T Stock of Goods to Messrs. Calflower & Clug. ston, notifies all persons indebted to him on Store BOoks to settle their accounts with and pay the a. mount of their indebtedness to either John P. Study or Daniel Bricker. The new firm will continue the business as heretofore. A. 8. MONN. Quincy, Jan. 31, 1862. . bolantzer's Horse & Cattle Powder r7°lEßhaving purc h ase d of M Al.entzelrecpeior mingtie above tar-tamed Horse and Cattle Powder,for Pounsylva. nia and Maryland, takes this method of informing the farmers, drovers, &c., that he has on, band and intends keeping a good supply always on hand. Country merchants and others keeping such article's fcr sale, would do well to supply themselves withi quantity. He will sell it on commission or for cash cheap. Orders will be punctually attended to. • • Jan. 31: Apr. 1, 1862. Ready-Dlade Clothing FOR FALL AND WINTER! FRESH SUPPLYS RECEIVED MONTII4r A. B. ADAMS would respell illy inform liu 4 , patrons and the public generally that he has returned -from 'the Eastern cities with is general as sortment of Beady-Made FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING; embracing alt the latest styles °Miam i Pititts ) Vests, collars,Zlecties, /Suspenders, etc etc., all Of which are well Made. - The public aii - coidiallY in vited triall and exariiitte,his,goods, as, Ale is deter ,terniined to' Sell at short profits._ . , He will contitittir - io carry ore the _business of Tailoring asiberobibnii:' Persons 'desiring ger ments cut out or made sizare invited to' give, him a 'Latest faidtions received - rigida/1Y ' Oct2b. • ' A. S. A. itna4esay2:l,,st„,thmd. ovii..t , •. *la) CATSIJkIiOTTLEB ' • „Q Tor sale"ot tlie.l3tore of W. 8t Baorearros HAfitiORADETO dam be make at " ,(Junol3): - H. blimrimmkei._ . 1.11.41. 43-Ellor br-f - iiimera, for sake At ' 7 (.1.04 - 11.) tpkProtaaotraz'a. .81,7YTHE8, of -.1u4 ICT4ol:idnalL ifigNALY;T,liirsacousat's, Trrr.4 l ,s Mar ~8 • Assamicar, Minims *CA. INTI4TIIIIIIOOBf Z;Xt Ua IMa 623- HE subscriber, thankful for past patronage, still II solicits the same; and in addition to Tnufactu king all kinds of workod Alateriglt for Biiil4lng Putpbeek, such ae :. t SASH, DOORS, SHUTTERS, BLINDS, FLOORING, WINDOW. FRAMES, DOOR FRAMES, FACING, MOULDINGS, dm, die. I am-prepared to furnish all kinds of oaktituber For different purposes in building, such es JOICE, RAFTERS, LATH, STUDDING, PAIL • MS, SCANTLING, BOARDS, dtc., All of which will be sawed to order, at short noitce and upon reasonable terms. Also, sawing, by mill and circular saws, of every description done; Framing, Surfacing, Matching, Flooring, dc.c., &c. For hitcher particularsepply to the subscriber, at Factory two miles southeast of Waynesboro. ' _ • ' D. F. (.1001.). Jan. 17, 1861 Important 'to' rarmers r.HE subscriber takes this method of announcing Of the Farmers and others, that he has on hand a lot of DWARF BROOM CORN seed, along with some specimens' of the corn. This is an excellent article of Broom` Corn, and should be raised by ev ery one. ,He has also a full assortment of fresh 'hugs; Mtdicinee, Chemicals, &c. • J. F. KURTZ. P. S. 1 Iltneitfling Cranberries at 12} cents pe quart. Mar. 14 Light Lights!! cheapest Light in use can be had at H STON.EHOUSE'd Hardware Store Nov 1 . 46 Hazard's Electric Powder." American Sporting Powder, American Sporting Powder, • • = - Hazard's Duck Powder, _liazard's.Luck-Powder, Hagard'a Blasting Powder, Hazard's Powdet, - The hest Powder made, • The best Powder made. - The only place you can get it is at apr26 tiROTHERTON'S "At Brotherton's Hardware Store." - • Grain Cradles, Gram Scythes. Grass Scythes, Scythe Sharpeners, Wooden Forks, Hay Forks, Grain Forks,' Fork Handes, Spathes, Rakes, &c., &c. CABAP ! CHEAP! I ()HEAP ! ! June 6 '62. LARD CANS, at the sigh of the Big RiTid - Horn dec2o D. B. Rthissu . Smoke Stack for Sale. THE subscriber hits a heavy Iron Smoke Stack 33 feet long.and 16 inches in diameter. which he will dispose of upon reasonable` terms. Post Of fice address, Quincy, Pa. Dec2o—tf , JOHN L. METCALF. • "STOVE CLEANING MADE EASY." rtALL at "Brotheiton's" .and get a package of (I "Carburet of Iron.' It is the best polish in the world. _ • • . • Unrivalled in economy. Permanently lustrous. The only place to buy the genizioe article is at a , pr2.s'', • BROTHERTON'S FOR BALE OR FOR RENT.-4 Ten•plate r Stove. 'Apply at PRICE'S Store OctlB - 'VINE SUGAR - CURED HAMS. ' Plain and fancy. For Sale clieap at Paws's (maySi.) " /VIM largest lot of Hoop Skirts ever brought to Waynesboro' s ,ean be seen at (may 23) .11° yod want to eee a nice and well aefected.atoct of Mourning gm:Ocean at may 23.) .Paios'a ' TO. FARMERS. Spades';' Hews, "rOrlut o Rakes: L'Afuriure.Dragg, aito.,'at prices that will defy competition. Gall and see for yourselves, at • aprl 1•, • BROTHIRTOWN HE BEST , OOOK: STOVE -- „ in the market to be had at the aitn Of : the Re 4 Horn- ,* D B Roseau. - 1 " "WHE4L:GREAtA.E." TF.14).1 want neon Wheel Grease, buy it at • *25 • e. • • BROTISEIITON% lEN:and itey's heavy Hoot . and Shoos - at, • Oct.! 131182 kAKEEI ANDFORIDS, of AD kinds,. beanie at Mk" (Junelft)''' ' Siosaaousies,' EPPE ' and Coniabdor, grant* &...ingrolind nor 29 -AC „ :,-;KuATIVI3. you :vire, a pritty. 4 Bantate,rAalatoral colt it , , . girt - "•'.• '-, -. • • '" , :z . ,''.. -- :..',... "PircPi-' - I F r :roglraftex`xiiie•platiiliiiti!ey,iipk. itaiat!" — :: " ' ( /1 - 1;07H --- , ii — at, Hiir, Tooth' sod: Nall .ITr - ro A i l jjusi received -miii for sale v ery. lost -IPy - M. -M 'STONER; ~.f. 7 ,'. ' •»-), ,• . .:^., n ''..':-.: '': '' 7111013::''S-''' FraROSENE LAMPEO.—AU., kinds for Nita by, ' • D. D. RUIMELL; 46,pr:the "Dig Red ." . -...„.... ~:5;. - -," .- • • ArldN*llo4o' ' . - „ if! , : . : ~ IF : , • , ~,,,,,w , ~, , • -„:•,-,,.:„.- :,••• , ,,:i i.„..,...„.1 - -, - , ,,,•,,,,1,, AN D.,..,!.: : ,,,,,,:,: t,' ACRINE ;. SIT OP e i; OF ER'S PA'r.ttitT 0.. 1 1-REGUL ATING GRAIN , f? ' AlfhiliAdiltß 4s J r'i • lids _ " • - ' • - Latest isnyirotW T1i:4418 . 0. and ViipteGear ed Horsp,'Powers,L), riying either Ley Gear or'.BSlt, larnisised,elamplete ' w „ 4 n - sag to d ie put on Wagons. ” ; d - - Oheluddirsigned, *ire 16 tali the attentlon,o Farmers - and Threshermen of Nafilierig and adjoin ing counties to it. This - Machine has been before the publie -for seven yeire;7during which time it has given geneial atitilffdelion, and the, patentee heti g , ,metlo: -some.; Very; important ,- improvements which retitioritlitißirnomOntallfetei both for oletid; sepals, ing and eleinitur,, and also for ease of draught and fast threshing:.' I take pleasure in re commending it to the 'public, knowing that it Will give tho best' of satieficrion. , ' I arh umpurdctuting' three different sizeti,as .follovve: • ' • • No. I is il'honie•PoiVei,Will thfesti dad clean'from 200 to 600 bushels pair day. No. 2 is d to 6 litiisepostrer,'willthresh and clean from - 150 to 900 bushels per' day • I • ' • • No: 9 is'4 to 13 Whitt power;'tvilithresh and chin from lOU to 200•Nethele per dap • ' ' These .Mactques ere warranted , - to do the above, and do it much better in every respect than any other machine in use: ' Grain having nutOrlight filth in it cleaned on this Machine is worth from 2' td 3 cent* more per bush el thah When:cleaned on any otheratipirolor, or the coalmen Way of Cleaning on hand faiti. For this reason there is not the eighth part - of light'matter the grain - as when cleaned 'on the riddle principle. The .blast acts freely on all the grain as it leaves the shims, whereas, when cleaned with riddle that ad vantage is lost • This.taacbine, does not. return the tailende as most of the ei4arattyrs do. - By returning twits, tail ends alternately it, is:impossible to make nierchmita grain, Another important feature In , this machiu'e that others of the kind have not, is the: Self-acting Blast Reg ulator in the fan, which remedies all acuities in bad cleaning, blowing grain in the chaff in high speed or irregular driving, which cannot be avoided in cleaning grain by horse power • This Machine is also more durable and less tedious to manage than any •other Separator and Cleaner,or the common machine with *hiker. Orden' to insure their being filled until haziest should be sent in immediately. I am fully prepared to makeito order and on short notice Portable and Ellationed , STEAM DEIST AND SAW MILL GEARING, SHAFTING AND PULLEYS, - IRON BRIDGES, OAST IRON WATER WHEELS, IRON KETTLES, &c, Stoves and Plow castingi,also cast iron'tind wrought iron pipe jor steam or water, and Brass Caitings of every description; in a word, lam prepared to do everything usually done in a foundry and machine shop. Having supplied myself with the latest im proved machinery, such'ai Lathes, Boring, Planing and Drilling Machines, persons can rely on having their work done in the most satisfactory manner.- 1 am also prepared to manufacture to order ma chinery fur w ood, , such as Tonging and Greying machines fofflooring, Surface,' Tenoul and Mould ing machines, &c. 1 also infer to the public a • new and valu able improvement in my 'swain engines, made within the last year, viz: for the economizing of fuel, and the regulation of speed, which renders my new engines far superior to the old engines.' All my machines ate sold underwarraritce. My hams are all experienced workmen in this line of business, and I use all good material, 'so that I am perfectly sale in warranting all my work. I am also prepared to do repairing in workman like manner, on the shortest notice. Orders solicit ed and promptly attended to. All orders sent in for repairing must be accompanied with the cash For particulars and. circulars descriptive of ma , chine, address GEOKGS.,FRICH, Or Damn Oman, Proprietor of TelTgory and so licetor of °alert+, Wayaesboro'•Franklin Co. Pa: April 18—tf • NO HUMBUC ! r t I HE Undersigned 'having opened a Watch and - Jevlelry - thorv, in the 1110 W bnilding on the corner.of the Diamond, and having recently return ed tram Philadelphia, would inform the residents of Waynesboro' and the public generally, that he has now on hand a fine assortment of • WATCHES, Jr. WELRY, SILVER AND - SILVER-PLATED , „14:ARE,• CLOCKS,; Having had considerable experience at Watch repairing, he is prepared to:Ilo all work promptly in the best manneiand guarantee the performance of it, An assortment of spectacles, and spectacle, ewes aliiays on hand. Jewelry., repaired hi the.neittisi taanner. W. S. GROVE. P. B.—Old Silver 'taken 'in exchange for goods, Apr.4—lyr. Crteap'and leatttiftil Light. . . .• No. 1 Carbon Oil—pure " - and non-explosive— warranted to burn mithout emitting any, smell rl Used in the CARBON.' OIL LAMPS; of the latest styles and iioprovemeato;—all sold CHEAP FOR CABH at the sign of the BIG RED BORN.' Apr. 4 D. B. RUSSELL. YOUNG; do you want to see the nicea awairt meat of Plain and .Ftncy--Casaimere• fir Wayneabom', call at . Paics's " Just liteeeived!;, At "BROTHERTONI3*ii? ailiortilierif of Pruning Shears;`•„' • Pinning Fhsiiiartlaw-,ail Chisel, Pruning, Saws,” ,114.14)ag li pi For sale cheap / April 4 PRIME Coffee; Sugars i yeis and C. ocl4 . 13RUN ES' at 121 anti 25 cent* pet ppitnd at'; no: 99 , • - • kvitTes: Planar and Thelodaoniii Mili4urtilersigried, I,isiigig • btotiZomi,‘Ageini, tiattim4eli calibrated. pine-and of CsvikvalG.MCFlibaszi..4 4144'1411"r" o•44EMelodetels;lii.,,plepat.e4 , .‘ , 101Civitia th e above ' minedmatrie4au at. oily psi ceitio 'A It inatruen*tavarrauted tile, vaariuractu . , • %-"Letsvienetin4be abevajeetruments -given In..town of acinliiry . (auaysl3) • • T. L. 1313D1)..' APE 8 LIO. •• :• .1 Day, 16:*— . 400 - - • - . , Ituar's UTHER,AN trenies. , Wanting :sayting is the, "is g ,41. line" can tie eipplied Kum's. nitniromeac6fithi ' : 1 ,- .;:iba'ATTOliala.lieraiio Woad, avaii bildutil itEtt r 'sly So ill you tiatiwifit a goo'd Otiakiag Staltlhai, boas eftber cadl Cif woad. cattai - e '' ' ' ' '1, 1 111, 1 1 4 *f1,, 9 and ask lOriAlie` Vontinetital; redlithlri triti3 bf the , beit strivei / ,,irrmatket;,and by- far the ‘ehthiriest: :It takes,* longlatick : or wdod tau& ifitithhlcd with fire brick to .htirst ohe 61 thd 1568 t liaki& and cooking Stoves ihtiii-htts ei ( vetbehii offeredr sale. It. ia iints..Goo4itig.titovo rind is ettsity:kept,elvan. I - alvia'ya have a large assortment on band, rout will give better ba rgains than ant! other hnurie .iti tha conntry. ISO to prove that .my nanreiis ; nol. Pen: 'Stagg tall and see• tin yorirselveg, , , Also on hand Beating stovns, such as +„e,; I for shap:or park*, idiot' ;WI low ' You will also find a largeadsortment oft , with 1 4 Zri,l' • WP 6 '--4 1 ilitaiLfikki . . • .. C'Uppei;lias'and Sheet-17'43W Witie,'Which is all of my own make„and which haa been .. proveo. cannot,be found betlei 'in kir' Place. N4Wrenie;m6, bar Cam iniutni elieap, so all ttnit'ivarii, lino thing in my hind; givO me "a My•itiopis;still at the old , place on Street; under th&Ptiotitig 1)1 4 0 - 3 * , • • 11!oust, Stiotattakt done at all times anti oftliebest double tin. Feeling yery, thankful for the many islet favors haVi3 "reCeived froifilthe 'M41611,114° give me a call r for thou you can sea for yourselves where to get bargains. ' . V" Old metal taken at Foundry PEWe in exchange for new Stoves. W. A. TRI'FLE, Mar.2B Waynesboro'. IffiESH ARRIVAL_ MB BEES 1111111111V:' •M 1 ESP • ••. Confectionery. Frattei &c., &c.. AC. THE subdcribertttkesrhis method of announcing toihe tilit he has received'at his 'Ding store,' a large and carefully selected ate& oil • FRESH DRUGS, • ' • Cheniicals ' Patent - blidiciiies, :06;1:lye winnow Glees, Putty; Totideo, f3ndtlr.and -Begars, &c., which he is now prepared to sell as cheap as the cheapest and will assure his custom ers that iu regard to quality, which akadie first im portance, his'godile will compare with - au 'in the market: . " ' ' • ' • . . _ He has alsO . a splentlidliasortnient of Perfume►q; Soaps and Toilet Attic of all kinds, consisting in part of the following, via ‘Bandolines, - Pomades, • ' Amber and Dears' Oil • Colognes, Extracts for the Handkerchief, Lyon's' Kathairon, Burnet's Cocoaine, ' Herrilion i s Ladies' Soap, Honey; Soap, , , • Hotel soap, Diationd White Soap. cornincitoimitir,Fßtme. &c. Cranberries, Raisins, Figs, Prunes, Currants, Dates, Citron, Oranges, Lemons, Nuts of all kinds, and Candies of every variety. Kerosene Lamps, Lamp globes, and Brushes, Kerosene Oil. Camphine, Alcohol, Burning Fluid, and in fact anything and everything that is usually found in a drugstore. • . Thankful for kind favors and patronage hereto. fore bestow, , lupon ' 'm him, - he solicits a continuance of the same. and hopes Mat •by endeavoring to please' he -may win the confidence of the people. Physicians' prescriptions promptly and carefully compoundid - m-stl hours. J. P. K URTZ. nov .29, 1860 \ _ P. POURIIIMAN, Dealer in all the variety of Drugs, Medi cines, Yankee Notions. Per'watery, ' Liquors for medicinal purposes, .Oils, ,Sec., lITOULD tender his thanks to the community V V and still solicit the patranage of a generous public who want anything in his line. Inasmuch as he has enlarged ,his stock so as to be enabled to answer allor an } thing and everything usual ly found in dr ug Store, and has a thorough ac quaintance the business, he hopeb to gain the confidence Camtifitnity. He will pay par ticular attentimyto filling physicians' Precriptions, and morejcare•ind prkaution used itt,wditing up n children than adults. FOREIGI BOMBE HRS. Oice• Wines and Liquors for medicinal and sacramental purposes, Patent Medicine's are endless in variety:including all that have been mode' or to this date and some thee a r e yet in:embryo. Also White Lead, Zinc, 'Paint, Whiting and - Vainishes for house building or inside ivork. lauddes all sizes of %xis. Conimereial, Note, Fools Cap and Latter Paper always on !Mad, with a variety of Envelopes of ',different sixes and colors. Brushes, Combs, Pomade, Fancy Soap,• Hair Oil; Colognes, Essen- Ces,• Flavoring Extracts, and_ namerous• articles in the Pesky - line on hand and offered for sale, cheap. er than ever-offered before • Also's fare "assortment of Kerosene Oil Lamps, Chimneys, Shades ard 'Wicks; and Kerosene Oil to fill them. A general, Assortment of Fruits and Confectionariee, Tobe i ceO and Cigars. • Oct: Ft. '-, • _ NEW FIRM! COachma*ine IMRE undeisigned hiving leased the well-known j. Cortchmakingyattehlishytentof - Alex. Hamilton, .on Mechanics street, WayncshoioVriiiipectfully an nounce to their friends and the public generally, that they purpose ..cariYing on the business in all' its branches, antl.are now prepared to manufacture to uplei-all kinds of i . • Cairriiiges;Buggies,Hirtou.elies, aping .Wagonsoke,' ice., of the tisetliatiterial, and 'made by superior wprionen., • • IILACKSMITAIIiG and REPAIRING of all kind's dvtotritreasourthle,rates, promptly ; • apil to the satisfaction' of Customers.; .1 / 4 ,4• 1.• _ • COUNTRY,2RODUCE taken in eichatikis for work at market prices. ; - • „. Persontideuring artichoke/ vrorkin the Catch. making t line, pre nispectfully invited- to give:ilienie call. _ • L. K. MORRO:IONi- r•' • Mar; 8.. - 4 OEM Lt...#4 1 1 WKER.„ . 4 qt;N'rs bhavtto, Arctic ty rap pe to; and !Jitter coirkfikrtoblejliting for odd r • • at ' ' BiltalteS. 1. 1 4.48 art6.610,25-Cenurp(r pow Las • I:, - 1. 1 • 1i0r,29i - . • Kvats'a. El on' No,' I'M, (Mean! 3/110iiista.4,11 apr4 - .—..•l)44oo,llint,the year. ADERVIBENNITt4,=...T.on . firmr" tiosiket; for eriefembeitOrcirit - 116 anti. ' frrPsittoirrimodicine, sodotharAtifyirdir2 . m'eirtii4o,*l•ol. 'r its'iniarintially;l6lolwentiel?*" • . 1111111117111:14114 ES'PAtiLISIINI.g74I a sitha l eribef would )intormi *el citizehaiuf T Weynemborp'• and.thle-putolits-ihtis4se Itor coal , tueneid the Shoentakifig . btiOitieasiii - thi 'Basement of Kurta's ifiotelf where O s r4i,itik 1111,,,t4nes fatitlintsiu, Pin y as-all; • ' • • ..B . oo l fg A1W11400113131 , 1-L - mule to oidetoiiithiirt tetikti sandefroli the'lootit, reasdaable StriuKiv . Oct-25,11 FATE T 11 : irnltt. Sgflint.44R7. Recommerieleitlone 'from Me Paw College. N. J. • . . ^ liturtorlos i N.-.14 Feb,- 26th; 1111181. The uifilaiiigited are htpili' telitify i that pupil. of the ftieiteville Academy{.- itaii.fravish ga itg a i l iod a high standing among the - recent graduates of the College of Piesr, , Jersey: . - ' 101114 liAttgAlt, ' •Presidetat of' - the (College. ' JAMESIO4 MOFFA'ri LProtessoi df Greek. - • .• •;.• • it MVEIGRAVE;oIGER, ' • - • ' • cProfessor of;;Lititt. ' . JCIIN' T. Dll l / 7 1,51,0,. ; -Profeseek•of hiathetastice . hatygh. 'ifir.A34oll. Celcbrated.../Iffierk4n -plaint:et , THE greatetit and beet external :itinidy'aieir feted to the.publie. .For sale by Krouse bruggist. Vllayneeboro',. and'. by Diligkilits in the• county generally.: Lii * Price-26 , cerititliet bottle. • December 13, '6Q-• NO LABOR.- '": ' - NO ODOP: ',DIXON'S • , ' P 11 C 11:1/ R 0.F...1R0N • STOVE Pp:IASI-1, The cheapest artieleein 'the 'tirorld,.. • Iva led in Economy.• Permanently Lustrous. e my. • place to-get it is-at BROTHERTWit',, March 22. • • • cc ontiriontal .11Otel, • WAYNESBORO% PA. - • /IE undersigned having recently' talien eh p'ii:•' . - ,' • hove named House; , formerly known 'as ' Wei' Hobe Inn." takes 'phiartire in announcing to hid'' 4. T friends and the pnblic that he iii prepared to redaive.' and enteitain (ideate in's style not to he'et6elliitlf. by any country Hotel. The, Howie havin g beigi.' • 0 ghly repaired end newl y furnished with eve.. rj , thing calculated to make his guests. comfortable —the public may rest assured that, they will at lilt times find it in a condition suited to the comfort milt conveluence of the traveler. _His ~//ariit always sup plied.with the Choicest:Liquois, and his Table With the best the markets. tam!, anti all other appliances , , suitable and' necessary for the accommodation of ma or beast. With faithful and obliging servants; il his own personal attention and supervision, he. 111 leave no mearie unspared to Merit public pa.- tie .. tronaga. The proprietor assures those who may flivorhinn with their patronage that they shall . ever meet at his houses conlial reception, anti that eVerything es— sential to the convenience', and happiness of his , guests shall be attended to. June 21, 1880 IMpqRaTANT. J. A. FA' S H E RE: again reminded of his recent toUr to ato ll. Eastern Cities, arid of the'reeeption of his fine' stock au - • Clotic; C.lsiuiet ' e~ RTejt_ nags. ..„ All:O0he MOST PASHIONAIILE:SrIMES. His etwasif FRENCII:OLPTII4..,PAI— MERMS - Mills particulai attention to, as the best in town. Also, one of the best assortments of FURNISMNG GhODS in town—all ready . for their in— spection and benefit, and kindly. asks a call from all persons d sirioua of buying Goods at ex , time/3r UQ<ZYC2kr LPEKLCIPC;iii•Mg. In the NEWLY PITTED 1104,- next dent to Updegraffe, Hagerstown, MI [Jan. 3. 1861.] THE OLD MILLER. AGAIN I: AS the Rebel is now on its fast legs, and nearly over, we thought right to announce to• the public that we will grind 'Grists of 20 bushels• or upwards either for pay or Toll separtely,and tfiat we have nn,hand all kinds of FEED, CORN in , ear or shelled, or in MEAL sifted or not. Alact•-• Oats by the bushel or in any way that it may be wsnted;—also, Midlinge, Sim petua and. Bran,- Corn in Cob Chopped at short notice. Piaster by the ton. or bushel on hand. Still in the work for Wheat« We can always do up good wo4 like it wit* Alcoa at Island No. AO, and Pittsburg Landing,. AprlB, TO tup,t2/4,Ditgii': , NEW NEILIANEIti'INAD.St- ... , . A I itta.L, C RESSEltinforins , the Almada of: Al, Waynesboro . an I vicinity that ahe has, ne moved' her Millinery Stdie to the dwelling house on. Main'Strevt, ad joining the ireirideniss'of Mi. Jacob. Wolf, and basins', received 'from the Eastern eh" iea a full assortment of Bonnets. Hats, Bonnet Trimmings, Flowers. ‘- . 2 • - and other articles usually kept •by litiliinere. The• Ladies are requested to call arukesatnhte her,stock Ajuilllll2 6000 Ralls,forSate...::';, THE subscriber has now On bawl, CHESTNUT HAILS" which he will dispwe of on reasonable terms. Also=one gaol, HOU) WAtiON. - " L. B. EMMET loco3—tf ,NtITHERot o lf those nice :Shakers at 4. 4 1. may 23) . fames LEINTPID Eau I ait: • - roidered goo4s, a!! Fiuwant to see the tatgeat assoktment of est% 1 . pets, in town, can at ' •• spray' , • ..Fronds j I you want to purehaaa 'a nice Hoop, Skirt' live .31* to $2.00 call at , -Eapr4 Patite's --- A LARGE aieutment of„TliNTyr.ptg - iy. the ,tl.• sign of ttio:ttig Had Hiitn. • , tlett2o 'SO Di- TToys -for male at - , rAvsaisea. Dec2o '§ak • • „ j r Want a .nice Shitier, call, at " DIE and Misses' notified !debts at, tute4 , , diaosniet - . t 1t I'lilLl~ . can be. bed- at' uov 1./ r 9 • GRAPH . OP The s,eit uee Fee by 'ore ' E. S. TROXEL, Apt LB. KURTZ JOHN WA GTER, JOBEPII ELDEN. llama's. 1 S'i '- ,4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers