' 141 :• 0 11. 4 1 1. 1 ,fr ki! , toritleirligned Inge y petit; eiri , •, , iponilo tans .L to ttesspart upon ` th •it ,prttlisOe 14 biking stealime, or* cithertelee t is they steiletitintluita.to en force the law-in titterer against all permlins so .effen. • J0010(4,0E14 K. • (Ott. 24-3 t,( JOHN ZODY. . , . . pay our ax, . . 'LI. persona indel.teJ—tor SchoolVezin — Waish 7 ; ington townships for the year 1802 ° ice regime. th'inekts Immediate payment. - \' • ' (Oct. /4. 7 3I)JOSEPH F , . A DESIRABLE REAL ESTATE. • • RY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Washington Countyr the subscribers Executors of the estate of Christian Ettrite, dec'd., will ,sell at public sale, at the late residence of the deceased, near ireitershurg, On 11.11ay the 7th Day of dVoventlier, 1861 the following real estate to wit t:— /Nio. 1— A ERCH ANT MILL AND . 31F 4 AL. JUL AIM on the Antietam Creek, near Leitersiturg. Said Merchant Mill is built of Stone rind Frame, three stories high, contains two tun of burrs and One pair of choppers, with plaster mill aid granary attached. Said mill it in good order, and has as good run of country custom as any mill in the county. The house for the miller of said mill is new, built of Brick. two stories high: The Farm attached to said Mill contains SIXTY-EIGHT ACRS, MORE OR LESS, best quality of Atitietain land, to a high state of cul tivation. There is 0» said form a large ME MEMO MI en STONE BANK BARN. Wagon Shed, Car-d riage House, Smoke House, with other necessary out-buildings, with a well of pond water at the door of the house. The farm is under good fencing and has s line orchard upon it. Nati farm adjoins the lands of the heirs of Joseph Gabby end others. NO. 2.--Adjoining said will property a farm containing FIFTY-FOUR ACRES , more or less. On said farm is a new BRICK Ho 1;8E, tw, o stories high, and new Dank Barn with 14 agoti Shed attached, and other necessary ont-buildings, under good fencing, and tins an or chard, with a well of good water near the house.— The said kiln hi in a high slate of_ cultivation, and adjoins the lands of the heirs of Joseph blabby and the Leitersburg Turnpike. NO. 3.—A tract of land on the southeast side of I,citersburg, containing about FIVE ACRES, under fa • NO. ntoin Lot of CHIRSTNUT TIMBER, contitining 10 ACRES AND 28 PERCHES, ad joining lands of battle! Uehr, Abraham dhank and others. TERMS OF SALE. IrrOne.thlril of the purchase money to be paid in hand or on the ratification of sale, the balance in two equal annual payments with interest from day of salt, the purchaser giving his notes with approv ed security, and on the payment of the whole pur chase money good and sufficient deeds vkial be made to the purchaser or purchasers by the undersigned Executors kislo to commence at 10 o'clock on said day. larThe property will be shown to persons desir ing to see it by the undersigned. - tar The growing crop, and the crop to be put out this fill to he reserved. will be given on April Ist 1863, and the rents accruing on the mill will be also reser ved up"to said Ist of April. JOHN -- MILLERT Ex ors. JOHN :TRITE , Oct. 17—ti PUBLIC SALE. BY authority invented in me by S. C. Ws/kin, I will nett nt public Rale, on thn premises, ON SAT. UHDAIC TUN 25T11 DIVIt OF OCTOBER., 1862, at 10 to'• clock, A. M., tho • "MCMILLEN FARM , " •uom the property of S. C. Walker, situated on the public roan leading from Fountain Dale to Fairfield one mile from the former and three miles train the latter place, CIRTIIIIIO 226 ICRES, 200 of which are under cultivation, adjoining lands of simnel Beard, Mercer, Shroder and Meeselimn. The improvements aro a large Stone Bank Barn, Houue-and other outbuildings, together with 2 large APPLE ORCIIARD%. Two Springs of never-failing vvaker in the yard.— The terms will be made known on the .lay of sale which will be easy. Any person wishing to view said farm will be shown over it by Nathan Ander son who resides on the farm of the undersignerat Fountain Dale. An indisputable title will be given. (Oet 10— ts.) SANFORD :SHWA/Eft [Attorney for 5..1.1, Walker, 11431-18 -ULE. THE subscriber will sell at Public, Sale, at the I residence ot Philip Summers, in Qnincy twp. shout one mile and a half from Quincy, on the road leading to Fankstown, tut Tvgautor rue 29th DAY UP 00TOBECt, the following personal propert3 to wit: FOUR HEAD OF GOOD WORK HORSES, FIVE 11111. CH COWS, 8 hend Of Young Cattle, 9 Breeding KoWO, 18 Shoats, 4 Cotowell Sheep, t Goat; 1 four-inch tread Rend . Wagon, 1 two-inch Plantation Waged, • one horse Wagon, : Wood Bed, 1 pair Hayi.addere, 1 Wheut Fan, t new Spring Sake, . 2 GRAIN DRILLS, (one new) t :two-horse and 2 three-horse Barshear Plows, 2 double and 2 single shovel Plows, 1 Har row, *2 tripple soil 1 double trees, Is lot of single trees, 2 sets breeclihmilm, 2 sew front gears. 'Wend sell Plow Gears, fly.nete. halters, and halter chins, I six-horse' chain. forks rakes, and many other arti cled; not neccessary to mention. to.commence et 10 o'clock on cud day, when a a credit of ten months will be given ,on all slums ol $5 and upwalßN. • • N. 11, Also a lut of CORN BY THE BARREL, on which a creditor ninety days will be given. (Oct. Io.—is.) GEO. SUMMERS, . Geo. V. Nov, elud. Clothes Welnw,ele. W. PUTNAM'S - Patent antli Wringer - 4 ,' • for sale at the sign of the , Big Rod Horn . Xl " 1' • • ' D. H. nuessrz, Agent for Frnklian county. -. ' Only I I '624 • IMPROV E be Arlsghl.l ettUt "t,LI6;N rs thitiben be dined end opened by 'any o ,"i for Wile ot the eign:of the .Ehr .tied „ I 4 644 D. fl. rtueenta. 11 . .:12 l' i ' '..A1 4 10 . 'VV , , ,'-rikOlrilaWit.„l3llo233 I Tee Fi g riitheciihrairr , almounee'• to the citizens of ' Waynesboro' that they have opened , a Flour d and Provision store in the room next dour lo Dr -DrotfieYts ce, h they kill airtime have for isle, ' - lint COWIE ROMMY,' ---.. . MILL STUFFS OF ALL K INDS. SC II HEN - INDS, CORN, SHELLED AND IN THE EAR, OATS, POTATOES, • APPLES, yINEGAR I Also, Rye, Wheat, and Barley by the bushel or in a mailer quantities, and other articlse usually - kept In BUM establishments. All. Flour and - Mill Stuff Will beeold at MILL Pelona 'PON filli Csen. The highest market prices will be paid for Wheat, Rye and Corn to be delivered at the Mill of the sub scribers., JOHN WALTER, (Sept. B.—tf) - .108. ELDEN. . 1 NK, olketor. PUBLIC SALE VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY, -0— BY virtue of an order of the Honorable Orphans' ' Court for Washington . county, and by the di rections contained in the last Wilt and Testantiott of John Byer, the undersigued, his Executor, will offer at public sale, On Tuesday the 11th of Nineinber, 1862. in front o[ the premises, that valuable real estate known as the "Southern and Western situated on the corner of West Washington end Jonathan Streets. in Hagerstown, RIM now in the occupancy of William E. Doyle, as n Hotel, and panty by It. H. Wise as n Grocery Store. This well known and long established house has an extensive run of.business, is in good order, and always commands a large rental. FIRM its location in Iron* of the Demi House, and near all the public institutions of the town, and from Its susceptibility of improvement it is regarded as perhaps the best. end most valuable piece of property in the town. As a Tavern i: has always had the best country emit ern in this place, with perhaps the largest transient busi- ness. One of the rooms is rented for a Grocery Store doing a large business. Win the rear of this property is a large and well arratig,ed • BRICK STABLE, lately erected, mil has all tho requirements of a first rate Hotel. re- 7 RE TERMS OF SALE ARE :—One-third of the purchase money to he paid on the ratification of the sale by the Court. the residue in two ,equal annual paYments with interest from the let i uy of Atoll next, and for the deferred payments the pur chaser to give notes, with security approved by the Executor, each note to bear interest from the first of April, 1883, suit tm payment of the ,wholo purchase money a deed will be executed. Possession to be given ou the first day of April next. For further particulars enquire of W. E. Doyle, the protein tenant, or of the undersigned. (Oct B—ts ) ABRAHAM STRUT. Executor. TRUSTER'S SALE 'AEU *Slf,r,\TEvi • HERE will he sold at Public Sale, on the prem ismm in Quincy township, ON TURNDAY THN 4T/I DAY OV Novionnin, 1862, the following Real Estate, late the Estate of Nancy Myers, deed, viz: A Tract of Land containing 160 ACRES AND 85 PgRODES, and allowance, a !joining lands oP Saroncl_neam„Heorsr__Thisore,Aevi__Satt dere and Robert Mcllvuny, on which are erected a large two Story Stone DWELLING 11,011 SE Stone Barn, Stone Spring House, three Tenant Houses and other huilalings. About WO Acres are clear and under good ettltiva-ion. The farm is well watered in nil the fields except one, There is a fine' YOUNG ORCHARD growing on the premises. The road from Chem bersburg to Waynesboro' 113141 , 13 K the door, and the dwelling is but three miles from the latter place.— The Land is of the best Lime Stone quality. There is a rimming and never•ftiling fountain in the Spring House, th. One- third of pnrchase money to baipti4l flown on Confirmation of sale ; tho remainder to be paid in three equal annual payments, bearing interest from date of confirmation. First payment, ,st April, 1864; sceond, lat April, 1865; third, tat April, 18'16. DAN lEt. Y 1.1 RS, 71-uatee. (Oct. 1 7—te.) CONTINENTAL RESTAURANT 16 OYSTERS FOR 121-2 CENTS! riIHE subscriber tenders his thanks to his patrons for pastpatmnage, and informs them that he is now imlull blast. Always on hand oysTuits, -A-11& - titHitHir r NA SA USAUE. BUGS, &c. He has also, a fine 011.1.1ARD rAllix for the sc intillation of his customers. Roll in boys, old Joe's is the place t get your money hack, sum. 'Milt Come one, come all Oath great snit mull, Au! roll the Billiard Mill In old Joe's liacttelor's Null. FUNK. N. B. Oysters iurnislied pt 18j cents per pint. JCL 10 - tf. .1. F. PAY UPI PAY UP I TAE Books mid accounts - of DANIEL SNIVELY have been plac7a in my hands fur settlement, all persons knowing themselves, to be ittlebted to him are requested to call and settle their accounts Those having occannts against the said Suively,.are also requested to present them for paYment. (Jet. 10-3 w. . LAN ILL TRITLE.' • Barbering. THE has opened a Dirbor Shop in the room above %Kahn , I& Eldetes Etnur and rued Store, and is now prepared to shave, cut sad dress hair in good soft. Tile public are invitrit'to give bon trial. • Uct.itt—tt• , I.II : PHER FISHER. CURLER kE'C'CLE3. - • 'BRASS NET I'I,ES • - ' •• • WON Kr:T . II4IN. - et the sign 'colitis Big- Rod Hoeg- . • < Ontr• 11 .62) D. iipspcu., 1 1: .S Amu tvlapisvrp, owl u!.,titti comfortable fixins for coltl r 'ittlaeOkt omit " • 7,10$ at 16-tind 26 cants Dor r ir nor. 20. 14117 R No. New Orleans Molasses call at apr4 Pftlolll,ll., 144114fe1,7111: ltiistls fur-rate by, ja‘ rien:uf the "fig Heil bout." Match iJ HOTEL," TERMS OF SALE : J,' ~':----,,...','.,i-.-...pititlrili J,9 13 14 . . . WAYNEt lr io Etna Lino " 7 TALtow 4aB Bikooti (114‘m" . ) • 10 BACON (liitiP) BACON (011010deft0 RICHMOND TAW BY THE UNION FORCES TOGETHER WHOLE REBEL ARMY 11101 MIMS IMASEE Thiit Victory tom gained with very little Loss on Our Part)" and yet another, JOSIAH HARE has just returned from the Eastern Cities, and ,is now opening the most extensive stock of SUMMER GOODS ever brought to Waynesboro', which he will sell cheaper than any other house this aide of Richmond. Consisting of everything usually • found in a well conducted eistatdishmeat. The community is invited to call and examine my - stock which I will take great pleasure in show ing to all who may favor me, with a call. To con vince you I have a splendid stock I will ennumerate a few of the lending articles now in store, all of which I will sell at greatly reduced prices. FOR THE LADIES DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. Including the latest novelties in Sunitner Dress Goods, to which I respectfully invite the attention of the ladies. 'Phe choicest Collars,The finest qualities, I Te largest stock, The best aasorttnent, eer exhibited in Waynesboro', and at unpreceden ted ZMica:r;zr_l2Ps;rarlcsicsaa3 Superior extra heavy Blk. Silk, Blk., Brown, Blue and Mack Foulards, Pikes (light grounds,l Bouquets of Chintz, Collars, Satin plaid and prin• Vaine in Plaid, Silk and Shepherds Plaid, Silk !manes, striped Himalayas, Blk. Persia, Mk. Grenadine, Blk. and fancy Wrap, Anglaise Braze, hegla's High colored Uhallies, Jackonata and Or gandies, Grissaile gr tuna, French IlAiows, French Chintz of the latest styles, Cambria vivias, Pop. fins, Molt airs, striped do., Laval's in all collors TOURISTS BMSI' g:DB[II, Monchester, Pacific and Hamilton Waists of all styles and,. iules Elk ar Glottis for ladies wrapings. Bovines. Mantillas, new nnd• elegant styles, Shawls, French worked Collars, Under Sleeves and in vets, Embroidered and Hem stitched' Handkerchiefs, Kid (Roves. Silk and Lyle Gauntlets, Cord and 'Vasales, Head-nets, lit Its Bel ting of all descriptions. MOUE AND ME GOODS. Such ns 01k. Bombazines, Blk. Pareniles, Folar and Poplins, Mirages . Ducalls, Challics, Gingham, Prints, Blk. Eng;Crapes, from 2.4 to 7.4 wide, Mk, Kids, Ontintlets, ; Crape Collars, &c. My line of Millenary Goods is complete. TRIMMINGS Such as Bugle (limps and Laces, all widths, Belt Ribbons, narrow Silk thinpg, Dress Cords, Fringes Ate.--tivool-Silks-and-ali-Volors-of - Shellond -- Y - ornT Zephyr worsted,'ticc. GOODS!! embracing all the most favorite Brim& such MI Merima es, Sprague, Pacific, Cochicco, Manchester, Duntiela, American and English BLEACHED GOODS. Harrison 'Mills, Chester Hill, Now Market, Conewnkro, Groat Lnko, Mayflower, Lawrence, Delmont, Waltham, Hill Manf. Co. and other brands. BROWN COTTONS. .. o f Pacific Sheeting' . Amoakeag Shia-lingo, Portionouth " Merchants " Shatetnut " Medford •' Appleton " Canton " Plymouth " Shawmut g, GINGHAMS AND FURNITURE CHECKS, In which I. ant inertnut to ott., . g reat bargains, ALSO 2 4 and 4-4 cheeks, Ticking's Donnima. Dina Drilla, Moment. Damasks, Shirting Stripes, Nankeens. Cowl detieie, emelt & Huett l'utshogs, GENTS WEAR. ITALIAN 61.0 TH. 81k. and fancy (Avails, " " M Casa:nen» Silk mixed an. / Merino do. Cashmeretts Marsailes Valencies Grenediens flosiery • Cravats /Collars, &c. GROCERIES. A hirc,r4 anti well splectod stock, hi valid+ 1 am pripareil to "pr v,, , tvot iu‘tucemputts to purchisem: Consult your own tuterest and eia.nino my stock Wino purchasing. QUEENS_WARY4 of'the latest'styleinlways nn ItOnd priceli Vint dct' competition. The subscriber tenders his thooks_l6' his kir n!ls and customers for pest ,thenra aid' potrUnstgo,,SnJ respeafully solicits tt continuttoce of the same.—, Don't Enron the place, Corner of Main amt.(,:hoicii Streets, where the tt l'Alts A N 13 ItrPEBll4l4:, at . IC IMITS'4I. Ccumtry pruditeirtalum w ezchougu tor ippaus' at thepaighesi market twice, t'Y23, • ititift4lo4 . ,Apity. 4 ,:!';' , • 1.••••••,” 115 S . trot it, 14611 VAlttien WOOL. 80 •Thtivassmn GLOVIIR SSID • I'lleollllY HAIR, „ Ftaicalith • 100 PAttso PfiAoote 00 MaimerD a on .141100 APPLPI 00 WITH THE PRINTS AND DOMESTIC 40 . 1;t1} proo4g4 toligt4TED *zEicur - • ardartesoll s ' aSialitplaT,Orl/CP Purnell • - Iloitn, BACON, (HAMS) .. • (t4lots) " (stiousomits) VAid,orr, MIRK BENEDICT & CO 'Waynesboro' Pa. FILL IND WINER GOODS!! Tr/ B ore now receiving and o !Tering to sell a new yhe and FULL ASSORT ME NT of DEY RES Which we think we are prepared to w:11 at as low terms as any other house in town or , country. u:IAIII:z•-iii - DRESS GOODS of till kinds ChoSlips, I)elaineo, B eregee, Lovelies, EMBROIDERIES. MEN'S FALL AND WINTER 1E) 03. ( CD Lib 43 a Cottonodes, Cloths, Ken. Jeans, Ones infer°, _Fine Tweeds, Ves tinge, Neck Ties, kHosiery, • Crayon Summer Hats inilkerchiefe, Shoes, Slipper s A full assortment of Plain and Fancy CASSIME RES. QUEENNA A good supply of Queensware and Gla somata the latest style. GROCERIES, • Alwayo on hand a heavy lot of prime Groceries, COFFEE, MOLASSES, SPICES, &c. To which we respectfully call the attention of our customers find the public generally; and at the same time we return our thanks to- customers and the community fin- their liberal patronage, and will en• deavor by (sir dealing with all, to merit a coati!' a mmo of the same. Please call and see. AMBEBSON, I3ENEDIOT & CO DRY FRUIT: .ZlL.]rn.'" l lE"3lL,ESill, at AN:BERSON, lINNEIDICT & CO'S PICKLES'. A LOT OF Good Pickles 4 Twettle, Jeans Linene. at A MBERSON, BENEDICT & CO'S CURTIN FIXTURES, OIL CURTAIN% A FULt.AtiSORTMENT PAM MEWS, and ibwilavab tota.:4 OF ALI. , DE:SURIPI•IO,,is AMBUSON.IIENEDIOP & CO`ft. • F IN.T 0 1 AeltMELPOS, BANDrifacor COPPUE niyAmirr co•se, „ . VIA Y.114 , 9130/ter :tiet. ft: • I (Yeistiti 10, N 14 - 6 a 8 . 44 7 1862. FIRST ARRIVAL. ......... 0 ~..,...,.• OCT. 24 M►.`w mii t val c:Jc)x..xAdlL.rt.es, SLEEVES, SYRUP. A M acasoN s , HEN EDICT & CirB itiuminzuris ESCENCE OF COFFEE, val s, ;'„ • DRY GOOK, Groceries, 111111Sffil 11111 M LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES, &C, GEO, STOVER, VaIIANKPIII, for kind favors and patronage here. kJ galore bestowed upon him, again appears before the public to solicit a. continuance of the saine,.:— He having just returned trom 'the eastern cities with fine a and well Selected stock of new / .., OPRINO 'AND SUMMER 411EQ-41C1114111_11131111511 9' pilieh he intends selling 'at very low rates, whicq : • nows he can.do to the satisfaction of all 'vim l call and examine hie stock. . lIIE Below you will find enumerated s few articled which will be found among his stock to which he calls your attention. , FOR THE LADIES . He him a large assortment of Dress Goods consisting in part of Chaffin, Printed and Plain Helaine., Bl'k, Fig'd and Card Silk*, Plaid Mohair, Silk Warp Mohair, Bereges, • Medona Cloth, Lovelies, French and domestic Gingham. • Pongee Mixture, Cloth for Ladies, Wrapping., Gloves, Hosiery, in great variety, GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, Bl'k Silks cord do. Fig'd do. Lustre", Broad Clothe, Black and Fancy Cum e , • Union Caseirneres, buck !Anent', Cottonailea, Slimmer Coatings, Tweeds, • Velvet Cord, Martinillea, • Silk Vesting, Velvatine Vestings, Ora kinds; in factfull assortment of goods for Gentle• men wear. Ahoy a large and well selected sleek of - DOMESTIC GOODS, Muslin, Ticking; and a complete a assortment of Notions. • It's no — use trying to enumerate. •It you want anything at all in the Dry goods line, just call in and you will find him ready to wait on you with pleasure. To persons having country-Produce to sell, they will find it to their advantage to bring it to Sta., ver's;aa be alwitya gives the highest market price. So give him a call, and he will sell you goods it cheap as they can be purchased elsewhere. ,April 1865 Poplins, rss ltf M. STONER takes this method of thank pingln his customers, and informs the public that he has just returned from Philadelphia with the largest assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye stuffs, soaps, Perfumery, Fruit, Confer. tirmary, atc., that has been brought to the place this season, which he will sell eheop. HP has on,hand. with what he is receiving. makes his assortrnent of Patent Medicine greater in variety than any other establishment in the place. In a few weeks, he will publish his list of manufactured articles. Ho has on hail now, his Cough Medicine, put up in six ounce bottles, price 25 cents; "no cure, ao pay:: Its curative properties are now fully appreciated, judging from its daily sales. May 9 '62. FOR rHE aulaterilter intending to remove' to other Pporta offers at Private Sale, his valuthle Farm, situated in .Washington township, Franklin county, Ps., Opining lunda of S. Bear, D. Fox and others, three miles notthwvat of Waynesboro', con. raining bpi .2 3 111_111D Wit AIM of ilist quality Limestone Lana, in good order. The improvements are, A TWO STORY BRICK ROPSE and bare Back Building new, Hank Barn, Wash House and other outbuildings. There is al to a well and large"'cistern with, pump convenient to the buildings, and a large Orchard of excellent fruit on the premises with cherry, plum pearhitsl, pear and other fruit, All of the-best quality. Those wishing to purchase will do well to call and examine for themsoves. H VARY C. 1,11:S1i (Mep.s tf.) TisnotliTSFeil for Sale. THE subscriber has now for sate 4J bushels o prime TIMOTHY r.4EED which he will die poss of %It fair prices. Persons in wr i nt o f seed f or fall sowing are requested to give him a call Resi dence one mile northwest of Waynesboro' tria2 'BENJ. E. PRICE% 44 "/ for wings to ' soar " right down at Price's V,II Store. What fort Why to get some more of that New York Syrup—only 12 cents a buart at Parcs'a Auctioneerling.---- TE subscriber .iff,ra his szrvices tia the public as au A uctiotiper. • He hail hlil siurni ex rrierice al the tiuxhirot, and reetteetfully solicit,' a call from finale who mity hereattet have wales to cry, as he is etnifitlein that he can give emeriti satlafaction.-- tteohleuce at the Atitietiukbinetion: (July 24 *tn.) NI.VRTIN FINK. Sint Received. "AT BI2OTHeyTO.V4I," LAM LJr French Pl,lll 4C., &c., • Gnoda of Ittio . Alreeripttitta futve. beckons eiree l liegly sauce. Prntotse otaitting.the naly reliuWe l'ihtol made, wilt do well to exit intottedittolv and purchase ono ote.t:otte Patent Ltreocli to:iding yvvelvers. - "- 7 '“ • 7 7 . • I Z you limit a cbe Pei? 0$ oitegresik -timers et - - • itpoi , " • . reaped Artivk ot r s,yettiiar7oo 7 'o4o. per . A. at - tOr.LA • iihaintew, .~.~:.p , DElnl j = cat VALUABLE FARM ItuituNina. Pis;ata I.',otts . Viat.d CartridgerA, t‘harpre tilts l'nt.ipt Clap*. Ifirk's U. S. .lraly Caps. Is ulleta and ,Bullet Aloulds. Irate Bliwit. finiach. Coppri Flia;ka. • liaurd's F.lectria Powder. . . I ,f, a lug • 1; IMINRMEI E,3 Coadetir with trio& 6171141110 g G iO: FD I S: arrived' from Philadelphia this week, steamed up to.our score, and threw—oh ! ye fair portion of creation !—the most delightful stock Offloody roods straight into our door, that ever, tvithtened our counters: Fireti doubtless to please the come 'ldiom, of Silky•Debegris, alzarines;. Sky tinted Lawns, Chintzes, • Aft/Jenne, Mozambiguee ifitnalayae, Poplitte, Mailers, &c., of mei 17 hue of the Rainbow, glistening like mars, that will make the old look young, and the young like Genii': then followed a broad stream of Nankeens; Musli', Ta ble-diapers, Calicoes, oensburges,• beneath Which came flying like birds of beauty,, Head , Dresees, Sleeve% and Collars in setts, Shaken, Hosiery, Son- Umbrollas—heauties—gauntleti, and all those dear little tick-tacks whim make the ladies look so charm ing; above it a dark skeet of MOURNING GOODS. n elegant variety. Blk. Grenndinee, Bpilore Beres gee, Wool Del.ainee, Chatlies, Lawrie, Beltfitnes, Crape Deepanges, Eng. Crape, Eng. and American Prints, plain 'and figured, Eng. and French _Crape Veils, Mourning Cellars, filoven, Hosiery, &c everything to render the mourner beautiful in her sorrow. After these streams ceased to flow titers was another explosion and in came pouring for the 10.21-Zii 11:-24.0*Sal Dales of Silky Broad-cloths, Parisians, Cassimers Black end fancy, double and singled milled, to eu pert* styles, fancy as a aunbenva.--with the accom paniments, splendid Vestings, Marseilles brilliant, avid beautiful Neely-6 - (w, , unimpeachable , Shirt•l,reasts and Collars. everything to set the Rent fit for a picture, and make hull presentable even a t the Capital-of the Nation. So firms. look in and see, seeing is believing. All over the pavement lay boxes, which when opened displayed those good lid, substantial wares, our noble * industrious, MOTHERS like so mash to ip , n ; be m use they must hive them to make the boys tratvers, and the girls dresses : here they are strong all buck-skin. cotton, woolen, mixed, jeans, goods of new styles, cheap arid dur t ble, cotton stripes, drillings, calicoes of late styles, ticking, sheeting., in fad nil that our young friend* require who are starting on their matrimmtial jour ney through life. Well, Ouse goods were hardly stowed away, when hero came trudging along, Our Poor, Old Rlitmsosrbasess39! innar .1 heavy,—oh very—with Proceriea, Queena. warn, and if og4heirtli of that del Hotta Lolf-sitr; tr, Syrups, and Butpr-lionge nytlasseti, hog4fteatt4 and barrells el augtint of every grade. :Matt, Illavk era I Herring, fresh from the briny wave, laden.; ehee , te ram New Hngland, broama, spires.---and :t Aptend tit tot of SLAM H Ofigt7.l) H 1 NS,—and 'sweet BA con--and Yankee Simons, together with a full ae sortment of 11111 IND HMV Leghorn,' chip, fine fur and wool Hate, gents and bootees and shoee, cheap, distractingly Now all these affairs startlingly, and touchingly ~et forth ere foi sale and Exhibition at the store of the undersigned, V7llO, with ninny thartkei for past, encouragement and petronn4tL-vemaine , Respectfully your obit. anrymt (may 23) , JOSEPH PRICE HO! FOR QUIAIGY. Second Arrival of Spring and Summer Goods. LEWIS COLLROWER. B am now receiving and offering to sell a new and full assortment of BR! GOODS. Which I think I am prepared to sell on as rea sonable terms as any other house hi town or coon • try. A full assortment of LADIES DRESS GOODS of all kinds. Silks, De!aim, Alpacas, Prints.' Oinginuns, Lawns, Fancy Prints, Ladies Shawls, &c. - . MENS SPRING AND SUMMER ROODS of all kinds. Cloths, Casaimdre; Fine Taictlils, Ken. Jeans, Cot toilettes; Vest ingot, Hanitkercheifs. Neck Dies, Hosiery. A_ fall..essortment of Plain anti Fancy Cassimeres. ' QUEENSWAREANp GLASSWARE. A largo stock oP CiDzrciDaoaaa , ific:is•sts. Which I ,am' peepored to offer at low as any' oth. er retail more in the country. . ,BOOTS- AND SHOES. for men's and I.tuiie's wear of all sorts and sizes: Also'a largo and well selected stock of DOMESTIC GOODS. Tickings, and a complete assortment Of Notions. honking Glosses, I.iiirdware. Hats and Capb, Paints and Oils,. Fresh Shad and solving by the barrel. It is no use trying to enumerate. If you want anything in the Dry Goods line, just call and you will find us ready to min on• you with. pleasure • 10,000: CHESTNUT JOINT SHINGLES fin. Sale Country produce taken in exchange for geode at the highest market prices. isy strict attention to business and a desiri, to please in every respect, .1 hope to merit a torsi ttnuance of patronage. May• 23.) uoLial.ovvEit & cLuGsToN. 'loads Hoods I I itikods 2 t Y., •, eIWI reeefred per Express, direct fromthemtuk ofacluess another ,large invoice- of Shakers.. tJurs 'ft.` Jutttaa %ma. A 111.0.1 IRON K LIT l'LEb at 1 . 4 thece.o . -- F you want a good. chow of Tobacco; ciihat A 1 alma - Eames; LA DIES, if !Int...want to tree a nice asaortptett 6. Of LOUlel* tiOthi/S,. ail! at Aptil4 : ratan . _ IF you matt dur'eheapeat snit latest style of ILat 1 eall at - ' Apr 4 s PIMA. r you arankto sea a large assortment of IShawle Call at - rupri Pligod'a 1 1114.NObir Id SB4 V. be Ilioney23 , fresh arrival us earpetia‘a Eta 2,li,tents tit L tiltAitt at (auay:t4j ., , Awe& .. ,k n t _ ~~ R usan uk's.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers