LATEST ARRIVAL ,SPllpil : . ',OD S LIU 8 n 'iti S 11. TLII :Hardware, GROCERIES;. QUEENSWARE AND CEDARWARE! ,-..,-.:-0 ........-. . , HAVING a T eturned T `heE at Cities ie °ll (tlthe,l„„ofciamers and the public his , LARGE & SPLENDID ASSORT3IENT tOODS! . , Which will be sold at extremely Low Prices. Below you will find enumermed -a few articles will be found among his stock, to which he .'? your attention .011 TAn LAD!ES, Silks, Del Mites, Printed (Minkel, 'Brenliszines, Ginglutins, = ALSO: — Ladies Shawhi, Plaid.( ng hams, Brocades, Fancy 1.1114 I N, .ratges, nen ljundkls MEN'S WE,AL 4 .'ancy Cassimei4; Plain' " Cloths, , P.alian Cloth; Br,Ostings; rEa ir &t, Grenadiens; a ~l ~gpgoo Denims, Viryt.6d4 . ; 4.1,. .er T tia t Shia Pron VI; Shirt, Collars, Neck, Tics, SEC rtiikeiasware, • BootS and Shoes, • Cedar Ware. • very best quality, such as Syrups, and Porto Rico Molasses; • Best Rio t.lofibe, • Superior Preplied Coffi!e, ,Beat Essence; No. 1 Chocolite, Raisins, Tobacco, Rice. &c., ?I • ; The above goods have been daifu* selected and purchased at the very lowest fig(ire. He is therefore entailed to' uLcgnrmddato all who may favor hith iwith a call. By strict attention to business and a aeiire to please in every respect, he hopes to merit continuance of patronage. NO TROL RIX TO SHOW GOODS, biatintry Produce taken in exchange krgothls at the highest riitirget J. W. MILLER. A prillB aEIVIOITAL. ALE 3 CENTS PER GLASS. rpHE subscriber informs his customers that he 1 has removed his Restatfrant to the house of WI, next door to . l36averPs Variety Store, Where he will hnve for sale Oysters, Eggs, Ham, Cheese, &c. Also Washabaugh's and Ludwig's Il e di :1 genis ppr ghisa. JOS. FUNK. ApriliB T. HOPE STORE. - IF - 7; 1E91E7 a - CI CI " CP frilPE underaigred would infirm his customers and the public generally that he has just re ceived from Philadelphia a fulj p assorent of tek, Summer Dry Goods, icieeries, Hardware, Queensware, Shoes, Boots, rapi,, and nil other articles usually retailed by•country merchants, all of which will be sold as low as the same goods can be purchased elsewhere in the county. The public are invited to call and 4tt Witte his stock. JOHN M. COOK. Mt. Hope, April 18 DLL W. D. L i MILER datatits ik:NotaNcEs to his friend and the public generally that he is now in possession of all the late and most improved instruments,and is well ,prepared to perform all DENTAL operations. He will be happy to wait upon those who may require the•services oi an experienced Dentist. 411 opera tions upon the mouth and teeth perfoittled iti .scientific manner. Teeth inserted according to the latest. improvements in the art, and at moderate Office in his residence on the South Corner of the Diamond. Atril fl, '62 ft PECK OF MILES TURNED UP AND SPILLED OUT! :1W .110 can make a man?—l mean in appear anceovith a coatfitting like a fushioteplate pants-and vest fit.fur a president. ' Who makes the fine gent,i you see in-the city? The Tailor!—no Mistake aboni it, ,Well, then we have just Brought Item the Oity,-ths:neatest, sleekest, finest, kindest, !oiliest, 14 of FAIWitCASSINLERkI3T4CK CASBIMEIiES, CLOTHE AND V.WsTINGS, that eanbe seen in this quartet. Vt'e hill pleiiie.oar selves to turn out gelid FITS Anti OneArtsurTs.— Fresh, sparkling goods alway•l please, , arAtrit.have thent, 'We have the latest FaiihiotiPlates,Ariii"Will leave-mottling' undone to please- outfrierids and th 4 "rest of mankind,' ~ U. ik, .L.B.ENDJER .. .- r April 18 • X.r ) , •• 'II,RE and unadulterated spiced cider 'Vinegar 5 , for Stoner, sign of •tlie Golden Mortal , iOriiiilvg, cen tfr; pe. fr!fftry. Jan. 2l .; ifyoiLwrint,to pure .ase a nice Parasol t , (Erxag;i) . Palm's VrEAD Facinuure of all 11:1 • .„( may 23) lil:stiatio. d WiSol at .1111'1 , "1,.....1) - *tinld you' 'in ivehoubl Yon *oniler 7 flVV,ltire , Co buy yogi'Eitoirles;atuttiiiwaie; anaVver,,l unto Vie etinet nevv; moral' *here the Big lied' Hein, the - hrst'Cook stoves and Tin-ware ' All sold cheap by 1). B. Russell." From.the Song of • HE undersigned itifornis j in genera 14, and especially those of his cil l itotiiersaiiwant of anything in his line of buidifess, that he has com pleted and is neW,accUpyitig,his new and extensive ly enlarged establiarimeni for-the . . Manufacture and dale OF TINWARE, SHEET-IRON WARE, AND fie is now prepared to supply any demand for hie Cottle Stoves, , general Ifousekeepiqg Goods and h 'Kitchen Wa,on such terns as must give e* ire satisfaction. ofi"ered are of the best and mast irriffro4d kinds,a - nd fia4 . iihi; Been fried are acknowledged to be all that can be 'hared as good cookers and bakers, and are easily kept cleafi. vz`Z , ' His own insnurAcri'ligto WAR,* is all dada with u view to the wants of customers from . the best mate rial and is warranted in all cases to be good. lie also kee s a large assortment of fancy articles. cie given attentmi,. _ tttins—trjr S.P.OUTM.OO6nde,..9f the best tin, for holiscs and barns, in which,fie has had a long and extensive ex perience., Remember the sign of the Bit.' Red Horn. Aug. '9, 1860 • r1..11 RUSSELL. FACTORY . AND • Z:t lact Uoi . vuE subscriber, thankful for tisk rtitrgft ,still solicits the same; and' in atldition to trianUfactu r4 01 kinds of worlml Material for 131alIaig - Purposes; - tach as BASH, DOORS, SHUTTERS, BLINDS, FLOORING, WINDOW RAM ES, DOOR FRAMES, FAOING, MOUI,DrNG S, etc., I ana prepared to furniith all kinds of °ilk ii/hbe for different purposes in litii ilium, §iic~i as RAFTE,M, LATH, STUDEitNG , PAIL .I.l`,Wat gbAkiTING, BOARDS, &c., All o h ith will be sawed to order, at short notice and upon resioriable terms. Also, saViirig; by mill and circular saws, of every description done; Surfacing, Matching, Flooring, &c., &c. For ftiril)el particulars apply to the subscriber, at Factory two miles southeast of Waynesboro. . D. O. GOO Jab. 17, LPN! T _ 11 JB5 M. C. RESSER informs ,Ladies of A td4neiitiorii' art I ';ticinity that she hag re moved her jViillinery Store to the dwelling ttoti,e on Main Street, adjoining the residence of Mr. iderib Wolf, and has just received from the Eastern Cit. ies a full assortment of and other articles usually kept by Milliiteis. The Ladies are requesled to cdll dud e*auline her stotli. A I.ri ilt2 THE OLD MILLER • AGAIN ! A 8 the Rebelli - 41 is now on its last legs, and nearly over, we thonght right to announce to the public that, we will grind Grists of 20 busheli or upwards either foi pay of Toll separtely,imil that we have on hand all kinds of FEED, CORN in ear or shelled, or ir k MEAL sifted or not. Also— Oats by the bushel or in any way that it may be vantedi—also, Midlings, Shipstdlf and Bran, Corn in CbL Claim:led at short notice. Plasterhy the ton or bushel on hand. Still in the market for Wheat. We can always do up good work like it was done at Island No. 10,„and Pittsburg Landing. JOHN WALTER, Apfls JOSEPH ELLEN. Timothy Seed Ibr Sale. THE saseriher has now for sale 40 bushels of prime TIMOTHYSEED which he will dis puss of it fair Prices. Persons in wadi of seed for fall sowing arc requested to give him a call matBENJ. E. PRICE. Important to I!armers T 'HE sibsciibbr takeii Mg-method of stahiaiintifig of the Farmers and others, that he has on hand a lot of DWARF BROOM CORN seed, along with some specimens of the corn. This is an excellent article of Broom Corn, and shOuld be raised by ev ery one. He has also a full assottrrlent of fresh. thugs, Medicines, Chemicals, &c. J. F. KURTZ. P. S. I aril lin; Cranberries at 1,2 } cent.; pc qu.ift, Mai. 14 Light ! Lights ! ! "HE cheapest Light in use can be,..hail at H, I,STO:Nr f ligiJSp'S Hardware `Store Nov Smoke Stack for Sale. rE subscriber has a heavy Iron Smoke Stack 1.33 fret long and 16 inches in diameter, which he will diepoie of upon reasonable terms. Post Of fice address, Quincy, Pa. Dec2o—tf, - • JOHN L. METCALF. EROSENE LAMPS.—AII 'kinds for sale by ,L. B. RUSSELL, sign of the "Big .. Red 1 f March 1.1 , TO FARMERS. STEEI. Shovels, Spades, Hoes, Fork ' s, Rakes; Manure Drags, &c., &c., at prices that *ill defy competition. - Eall apii see fur yourselves, at aprli BIIOTHEILTON'e TILE BEST COOK STOVE in the market to be had at the sigh of the isle Rill Horn- • 1) B. Rualikt.t. .00 CATSUP BOTTLES G For side at the Stdria df W. H. 13110THERTON Saps . LARGE IRON KETTLES at dec2o 'fill F you want a g00..1 chew of Tobacco, call at • apr4 —, Paica'a L ' ADIES if - Yeti want to see a nice tialloitineil of DRESS GOODS, call at Palca's April 4 F' you want to see a large anaurtment_of Shawle I call at • ' [apr4 Pam's% IF you dint a cheap pad! ii thnigrees Gaiters, coil et apr4 " .•W HEEL GREASE." you want GOOD Wheel Greasb, buy it at I epr2s 13rtorligaTonlit jF yod wattt the Cheapest - and latest style Hat Call dt Aprd Places.. TIN Toys for sale at Dee 2,0 '6O F you want ti tiles Shaker, call at apr4 . Patcg's I AWES aii4l Misses' akirts at 41., 004 Braoas's triptiona at Paws's. . 111% 0 14 .caP:boohnd at 1,.) 114 29 = Stiuti'v Placeig 6TOVES. . Vii avazirtaa NEW MILLINERY GOODS! Bonnets. Hats; Bonnet Trimmings, Flowers. , cortrzarroevairl r i pHil.sutaieribet:'reS i feciftilly% arms his ctistbiti era add the pubic generally that he has re= cently rephutishetl his stuck *of Fruit anti thinfee- t onaries, and* hue now -the finest assortment of CA NI :1) • S •- ever . bought to' Wityneiheio', with NUTS, RAISINS, PEONES; FIGS, SWEET CAKES OF EVERY .DESCRIPTION , CI GARS, TORACCO,Otm, eta. • • t OYSTE:RSi , ' . He his 'also on Nand atall times the finest Oysters the market will afford, which will be aeived up to customers Fried, Roasted or 'Stewed. rf Ala •E' A - ND :CIDE R! ho is likewise prepared td furnish both Wasta ,boughis,artd loidwig'a ALE, and a superior article of Scotch Ale unit Crab Apple Cider, with a Eddie article of Bologna Saiisage; Boiled Eggs, and all other articles usually kept in first class Restaurants A genuine article of Vinegar always for - sale." Novld L. S. Mil ER. THIS WAY! n ersTgh4d, generally thdt ac . ,the old stantlean Church Street, WayneshdriP , he continues the manufacturing of Family 2 ~.~ Buggies, Britotichei, Ntiget* and every species of vehicles tittiaq Mdde in such establishments.— His wcrk is warranted to be composed of the best ane Meal ,durable material, and none but the Most daperiknced. Warden are employed.— He has now on hand a number of Gairrages; Btig gies, &c., which he will positively sell at greatly reduced prices for cash, or upon a slioit credit. By keeping a good stock at all times, and always holding hufisell ready to supply ilit de mands of the people he hopes to retain mid tiiieltre a liberal share of pdtroriag'e. Repairing, Trinuilirig( tine? Pae tting . done' best manner, and at Ihealroliest notice. Ltiniter, Country Piddnee, &c.; will be taken in exchange, I'M Work. • JACJB ADAMS. Books of the Rini of J. & A. S. Ad adii, art in tht hands of the undersigned. PorsMni knowing themselves indebted are requested to make immediate payment Nov' 1. 1861. Delrence of Armaggedon. A BOOK FOR THE TIMES. rrt HIS is acknowledged to be ode of the Most ie. edarkableof human prodtictions that has ever been liftered to.the American people. The style is chaste and truly eloquent. The subject treated of ,is of the most inspiring: "The United States in Prophee . For sale h J. F. KURTZ. • ov • alccifm.V.erisczkzz.xxxxx - lorKirtxxx T. J. FILBERT, P DRAVER, N . ) N, This consifinit y fur side a hat of .‘l' Vd -74 . GOODS for Gentlemen's ware. - S:. t. Or I.titegleity Fashions always on handAN , ~,,N gg Waynesboro', Pa. . Al 3e.;AliWigtiaig,i4-01a,WAXY.X.g.XXXX2i5fXKX To Capitalists. `AYNBSBORd' SAVING FUND.—This Society will pay the following rates of in terest per annum,on all sums deposited in the In stitution. For 3 months, 2 per cent.; from 3 to 6 months, 3 percent.; from 9 to 18 months ; - 4 per cent; and over 18 morainal, 45 per cent. For a shorter period than 3 'noun's the terms will lie made kod'n by the Trk.ashret: Notes fordiscountshonld be handed to the Treso urer on Tuesday, ris the Board of Directors meet rgularly on Wednesday of each week ; at 9 o'clock A.M. By ordet of the Board; hint; 17'58 JNO. PHILIPS Treasurer, Notice—New Firm. THE subscriber having disposed of his entire, Stock of Goods to ~Nlessrs. Collillower & Clug ston, notifies all persons indebted to him on Store Books to settle their accounts with and pay the a mount of their indebtedness' to bither John P. Study or Daniel Bricker. The new firm will continue the business as heretofore. . A. S. MONN. Quincy, Jan. 31, 1862. 112 4 ebtzer's Horse at Cattle Powder m ,m M. ent S ze T r OtNbeHrletoihpaevtionrg makinghd of M b r zmaking s t e ite above r far , famed Horse and Cattle Powder,for Penn • - Lila and Maryland, takes this method of inforuiing the farmers, driAers; &c., that he has on hand and intends keeping a good iupply always on hand. Country merchants and otlierskeepingtitith articles fcr sale, would do well to etipply theniselt , ett With a quantity. He will sell it em commission or for can cheap. Orders will be punctually attended to. .1411. 31. AO. I; 1862. Ready-Made Clothing ! FOR FALL AND WINTER! FitEtli SUPPI S liEd MY ED MONTHLY! A• S. ADAMS would respectf illy inform his• patrons and the public generally that he has returned from the Eastern cities with a general as sortment of Readi-Made FALAID VVINTEi 61,01"HING, embracing all the latest styles of Coats, Pan ts,Vests; Shirts, Collars, Nestles, Silspetiders, etc., etc.,all of whiFti are Well Wade. The palls are cordialy in tilted to cull affil eianiine his goods, as he is deter termined to 101 l at short profits. He will continue to carry on Of Tailoring as heretofore. Persons desiring gar rants cut oUt or Made Up are invited to give him a call. Latest fashions rticeiieil tegitlarikt Oct2s. , A. S. A. "STOVE CLEANING MIRE EASY." CULL at "Brothe.tdAl l ,' get ilickage of "Uarbuiet dr tida. , f t js the best polish in the • - Unrivalled in economy, Permanently lustrous. Tito tidy place to buy the genuine article is at apr2t • Bli.ol`ll 111 i i i.:(.otA PH FODDER cuvrE R 6, test in U 143 For sale by • Novs t. S. TRO%EL. Agt. FRESH Mackerel at- • Mar 28 A )18eRSON. BRIM= & CO'B. 11 - IEACHES.—Dried Peaches pared and unarp ed at Agssasort, Litessalcir & IrML CLoTH,Hat,Huir, Tooth and 4ll rash° justrecoived and for sale very low by M. M STONER. May 13‘ rimig latest style of" Dustoki end Lace Points at . (inay23) Paica's . IF yon want to see ElYriiii , lever ari thick, as clear ' crystal and as siveet'as bo g ey, caU at - spr4 Porcs's Ruasa LI IF you *apt a nice plain, or, call at apr4 Plumes IF your - want a precti:Sufintier Dalin'oral call at nivr4 • Paitt's stat9o!4 ClllltlillE MAKIN! :WAYNESEPRO! FOUN DRY AND',7:',:.:.r , ',:•••,;L'.'!":::::. - . -- _- . :.. EMIT TO WHIM' HORS QENEWS PATENT SEIMEGULATINO GRAIN SEPARATOR; CLEANER AND BAGGER LND sus Latest .Improved Thresher and Triple Gear ed .14orse Powers; Driiing or Belt; all furnished einupletc ' , ready to be put on. Wayoits: the undersigned, desire to cull the attention o Farmers and Threshennen of Fmukling and adjoin ing counties to it. This ?faehrua big' been before the public for seven years, diking Obich has giiM general satisfaction, and the patentee having made some very important iin rovementi which render it still dote complete; by h for dead sOaraiing and 'cleanin'g. and 'frit,/ for ease of cOWiniefitling it to the puklic,. knowing that it will gite tho best of satisfaction. inapurlctuiing three different Sizes, as_ No. 1 is 8 horse Power,viiiiiiiiresirtiiid clean from 200 to 500 bushels per day. No. 2 is 5 to 6 horse power, svill-thresh and ciean from 150 •to 300 bushels per tidy No. 3 is 4 t 0,6 horsepower, mill ihregh end F.ferin Irom 100 to 200 I . ,, shele per day. These Maenmes are warranted to do the mote; and do it much better in every respect Mat? an other machine in use. Grain having much light 51tili IN ii elertiled on this itifachitie is (Win' 2 to 1 cents more per buss: el .61,1,6 iihett Ally other separator, or the i‘tray of cleriiihig on hand fans. For thi& feason there is not the eighth part of light matter in the grain es when cleaned on the riddle principle; , tftesidast acts freely on all the grain as it leay.'s the shues, whereas, when cleaned with riddle that ad- 'vantage is lost , This machine does not return the tuilends as most of the sepaititoiS do. By returning filthy tail ends alternately it is impossible to niake Merehanta grain, .Another important feature in this Machine that others of the kind have nut, is the Self-acting 'Blast Regulator in the fan; *MAI temedies all dif ficulties in bad cleaning, bloiring grails in the chaff in high speed or irregofar driving, which cannot be avokred in cleaning grain 'by •ltemte power This ersd ufoi•e iltiriibfe and less tedious to manage than any othei:Separa tor and Cluaner,or the common machine with shaker. Cirdels to insure their being tilled Until h'orieit should bq sent in ininictliatel.t. I am fully priliared to make to order and on short notice Portable and Stationed GRIST AND SAW MIMI --- 6,EARINb, gEtAPTING AND PULLEYS, IRON BRIDGES, CAST IRON WATER • WHEELS, IRON KEI"I'LES, &c, gioVei and Plo* caitirigs,also cat nuti and Wrotight iron pipe for steani or water, and Brass castings of every description; in a word, I am 'prepared to do everything Usually dune in a foundry and machine shop. Having Minified irfygelf riith the Writ im proved machinery, such as Lathes, Boring, Planing and - Drilling Machities, - persons can rely on havin g their work done in the most satisfactory manner.- 1 am also prepared to manufacture to order ma chinery for Wood, such as Tonging and (iroving machines for flooring, Surface, Tenon! and Mould ing machines, &c. 1 ah3o offer to the public a new and 411111- able itnpro4ernent in vie ateatri eliginee, made within the last year, vie fur the economizing of fuel, and the regulation of speed, which renders my new engines far superior to the old engines. All my machines are sold under warrantee. My filth( scare all experienced workmen in this line of and I use all good material, so that I am perfectly safe in warranting all my work. I am also prepared to do repairing in workman like manner, on the shortest notice. Orders solicit ed and promptly attended to. All orders sent in for repairing mast he accompanied with the cash For particulars and tirchlitrs th.Actiptive of ma; chine, address - GEORGE, FRICK, Or DANIEL Gems, Proprietor of 'Territory and so- Hector of orders, Waynesboro'. Franklin Co. Pa. A twit 18-tf NO HUNIBUC 9111 E undersigned having aliened ti'*ateti JeWelry Store, in the new building on the o'ner of the Diamond, and having recently return ed front Philadelphia, would inform the residents of Waynegboid' and the 1014 ic generally, that he has now on hand a tine assortment of WATCHES, .1 E WE LIIY, SILVER AND- SILVER-PLATED WA :414); CLOCKS„ &c. &c Having had consitlerable experience at Watch repairing, he is prepared to du all work promptly in the best manner and gnarantee the perlorinahai of it, An assortment of spectaelei, and spectacle glasses always on hand. Jeivelry repaired in the neatest VV. A. GILUVE. P. S.—Old Silver taken ih etehohge fir goods, Apr.4—lyr. T. •330. .F313.30101 - 403EX p .. •-: -., ,p -,,,,,t 1 ._ - . ----- 1 ".--,..- : - , -_'' - -.. W --_-_ • -L,___,•• , .. .:: _ - - .7-• :-.: -... ILli---..!A-C11.4141:-.•----- • —_ _ - ----- -.7 - • , - . DENTIST, O"ERS his services to the public •generally.— thigaiituts of etery . deeerilltiod in the dental line perforated in the held Maiiithr and liPen reallott dile terms. -; Office on Maki Street, three doors ik East of the Diamond • _ A pr 4. Cheap and Reantit)il NO.I Carbon Oil—Olio rind non-explosiVe— warranted to burn without einittine any smell rf used in lite CAIIBON OIL LAMPS, of the latest styles and improvementst—all sold you Caw ut the sign of the. BIG BEli BORN._ . ..• Apr. 4 • • D. B. RUSSELL. Just Received! At "BROTHERTO.N'ti" an assortuient, of ' Pruning Shears, ' Pritning Pruning lelaw and darkit Pruning Sawa Building Knit:ea; . For 04io cheat) April 4 . , RIME ljetrse,Sagars, Teas andeese at y Oct 4 BESORVEI PR 12itind &ten per at nov 29 ' AIiARGE ageottment of TIIXWATtg the 911114 r#f !be Dig Red Mint.. deal) ' D. D. Reiser:El. 111101: . H ety, I rtiitit THE SalerAter lakes thienatitholl or tuienotifioing to tho people that he hat; firsiffitY4 store: a large und-,' carefully selected Mock of • . • PRES . DRUGS, Chemicals, Patent Midicides, Paints Oils," Dye *indovisGuiss,, Ptitty; Tobacco, Shull, and Segais, /kn., which he is now prepared to sell as cheap as the cheapest find will assure his custom ers that in regaid gu'alit3l which is of the first im portance, his goods will codpare with any ?n the market. He has also a splondid assortment ot_Pertuinely. Soaps and Toilet Aitioles. • of all !Otitis; tion'aisting in part of :the following, vii' • • Pomades, • Amber anti Bears' . Colognes, • ' Extracts for the Handkerchief, • ' Ly,ltori icathatro*, HUrnet's Cocoiline, liarrientes Ladies' Eforip, • Honey SMip, • • - Hotel tioap; - ' Diainond White Soap. ',CONFECTIONERY, FRUITS, &c Cranberries, Raisins, Aga, Fctiries, Dates, Citron, Oranges„Lemons, .Nuts of all•ltiltdsi, and Candies of every variety. Kerosine Lalblut.'l.atiaip &Vie; did tilt.iiihed, Kerosene Oil. Cairtpitirte, liu'rning Fluid, and in fact any Mitt; and everything that is usually ti &lig store. Thankful for kind fd4ors and patronage hereto. fore ,bestow‘od upon him, he solicits a continuance of the saMe.:and hopes chat by endeavoring id pleage; he may win the confidence of the people. Phygicians' prescriptions promptly and carefully coinpoulided tit all hours. J. P. KURTZ. nov .29, int) THE WAR OFlrltd, . . riIHE name "Continental" scirtride &it it, I the American heart, flints anS . Of the Royal Mood, even shoittil it lie a So ithi you that *alit a good Cooking Stove that biirns either coal or wood, call at a al 7111nrS and ask for the Continental, which is one of the best stoves in market, and by far the cheapest. It takes a long stick of wood and is proilded vlitf fire brick to burn coal. It itpne of the best baking and cooking Stoves that has ever,been offered for sale. It is a line Cdoliking Sto4e affd Is cd4ily kept clean. •, : • give better bargains than any other house in the - country. - Bo to prOve that my name is not Oen. Bragg call old see for yourselves. also oil BALI Cleating B:twee, such as I 1 1 2 PLATE kill COBL STAVES, felt shop or parlor, all of which .i will sell Very lo* toil will also find a large assortment of Oifh Copper; Brass and Sheet Iron Ware, which. is all of My Ali libtfte, and Which has been proven cannot be found better in any plate: rtutfy remem ber I am bound to sell cheap, so all Mit wail( arty thing in lay line, give -me a calls My sho is still at the o t p ace on 'am ' tree , MI et tto 1 rutting °Mee. Blouse tkipouting! dclne nt dlt times and of the best double tin. Feeling very thankful for the many past favors I have received from the patine, f would invite all to Oro me a tall; for then you can see for yourselves where to get bmgaitik. Old metal taken at Fotindry Prices in exchange for new stoves. W. A. THITI.E, . filar 2d Waynesboro'. P. Ki 111111,1%, -;* Dealer in all the variely of Drugs. Medi cines, Yankee Noliana, Perfumery, Liquors for nitditistal ' purposes. Oils, 4.c., 4.c., WOULD tender his thanks to the community, and still soli •it the patranage of ti generotid public Who want anything in his line.' .liiasiiiucb its lie hot i enlarged his sock soas to be enabled to answer all calls for anything and everything usual ly found in a Drug Store, and has a thorough ac = gitaintaince with the business; he Pits td gditi confidence off` the Conitriuitity. He Vvill pay par ticular attention to tilling physicians' Precriptions, and more care and precaution used in waiting up on chldren l.han adults. 1111111gi AND 11111Sfig DM Choice Wines and Liquors for medicinal and saeraniental piteposee, Patent Medicines are endless ill satiety, inclliding till thdt have been mode up to flail date and some that are yet in embryo. Also White Lead, Zinc, Paint, Whiting and Varnishes for house building or inside Work. besides all sizes of 4Mass. Commercial, Note, Fools Cap and I..qter F aver always on hand, with a variety of Envelopes tif different sizes' and colori. Brilsiies, Opals ; Pomade, Fancy Soap, Hair Oil; Coldgnes, Essen ces, Flavoring Extracts, and tiatnerous articles in the Fancy line on hatid and offered for sale, cheap er than ever ()tiered Wore AlSit d large assortment of lierllseito Oil Lamps, (M1E4110.01 Shaded ar;d, Itgrosetto Oil to till them. A general assortment "of F uits and Confectionaries, Tobacco and Cigars. Oct. 11. NEW FIRM! Co.ichmalcingi • • THE -undersigned having leasedthe well-known Coachmaking hirtabliiihrtlenttlf A les-. Hamilton. on Mechanics street, Waynesboro', rilapectfilll) , nounce to their friends and the public generally, that they pliipdia carrying ,bn the business in all its branches, and are now prepared to nianifacilife id order all kihds Carriages,lliuggies, Baronelies, Sprng Wagons, &c. &c., of the best material, and made oy superior worlmen. BLAGRSMITHING and REPAIRING of all kind's duite at rerroliablb tateg, promptly and to the atisfaction of customers.• COUNTRY PRODUCE lii eitehatige flit work at market prices. Int' Persons deairhhg Midas or Work in the Coach making litity, are idileetfullY iiiislted to give them a calk L. IL-MORRISON, Mat. R. GEO. IL HAWKER. EN'l"6 Snow is, Arctic 'Wrappers, aid edict k_j comfortable fisino for cold r wither at _ nets L IV 11 IS at 16 1141 65 ctillta OW tokw «t at I I nov, gg.KontlN , . A A V BUOY wantidg anythillg Alt !lb "4111 - Itlins" cap be supplied , [Walt's. punasuim , 7=- IS iiiitdirotice,plitithliit • thiee'ttOtiittis ! —s2'.oo after • thii oilittatioti 3 Of ifireer'i itionthi -but "within. the ytair. , t.• A bYEItirtSEME • iiiiitto,iiti*„ tir Patent manta to he paid semi undo ' E ruizzol TO T A.t.Lis.u.MENT• NEW HE subscriber would ' inform the citizens or T Waynesboro' an'tl the public that-he haasoini menciid the Shoemaking beefiness in the Baseinent of Kitrtz'S Hotel, where he will at all' times be hi readiness' ateimalUtorlate _these who may, give . hini a call. • BOOtS AND'SHOESI • ..-• -made to order, on short -itotice, : Of th e hdtit . andupott, the Most reasonable ternis::'• ' Oct 25. • THOS. BRINOMAN.' FAYETTEVILLE SEMINARY: , Reco»sniendcdions •Paitiity Pfideetat Coll4e. - N. J. . • Pamrcerox, N. J., Feb; 28th, 1861: The infrdeßiiin'ed di6 teddy that pupili of the Pareiteiille Academy, Pa. have maintained it,trigh standing among the recent graduates of the Coltege a Nevi Jersey. JOHN MACLEAN,' President,. HY° Cullitgrf. „ frele:‘ , of Gift Professor, of Latin. JOHN T. DUFFIELD, Professor Of Mathematic FLOUR, FEED, • PROVISION STO I kilifiscritAini Would inform the' citiittiti of', that they have opetted a Plou1; reed and Pr•Piision Store in the rooldforaterlir oc• cupied by Joseph Price, opposite the residence.of John Bell, Where they Will dt dll tildes haTe_tof iota Hilt On MIS 05111 EAT 113111 HOMINY, MILL STUFF OF ALL KINDS, SCREENINGS, CORN, SHELLED AND IN THE EAR, OATS, PO-- TAToes, BACON AND LARD, VINEGAR; Also, R re, Wheal and Barley try thit bushel or id smaller quantities, and other atticles usually kept in such establishments: All Flour and Mill Stuff will be sold at Mitt' PRICES FOE CASH. , ' ' The highest cash Prices paid for wheat, rye corn and oats. DANIEL SNIVELY, Feb 14 —ll W M. H. FUNK. Jacotis, Har boaigla 411r,'C0 7 0 Celebrated imericau -- • rcir tan an* daigL T"'greatest and bat ettertal ietnedy ever 5 lered to the public. Fut sale Krutze IlrUggist. Waynesboro' and by Druggists in thd county deddially. L-.V'Price 25 coots per bottle. December VS. 'l3lll—iy NO LABOR. NO MAW' DIXON'S PURE CARBURET OF IRO* ,STOVE POLISH.; The the.ipest article in the world; in Economy. Permanently Lustrods. The on!, place to get it is at BHO I'HE It rox's. March 22 entin.ental Hotel, " WA YNESBORO!, THE undersigned having recently taken the d; hove named House, formerly knoarn da thb "Globe Inn " takes pleasure in .announcing to hid friends and the pnblic that he 18 I:lmpaled to receive and entertain Guests in a style not to be excelled by any country Hotel. The House having beef' thoroughly repaired alit] fteWly furnished with wee: ry thing Calculated to make hie greets eolith/risible; —the reline may rest assured that they will atilt times WI it iii it condition suited to the coulfdit rind convenience of the traveler. His Bar is alrrityll plied with th% choicest Liquors, and his 'Fable with the libel the mallets all and ell tither apflliances suitable and neceSgery for the eiccciiihilodation of man or beast. With faitliftil add thiligirig servanid and his own personal attention and idedffighln, ho OAP leave no means unspared to merit public lid. The prOpfieldi ti4sdreti those *lib may &Wit hint with their patronage that they shall ever meet at Nis houses cordial reception, and that everything es: genital to the convenience end happiness of hie guests shall Be athmillid to. June 21; 1860 L.ll. KITRTZ IMPORTANT.. J. A. FIS-HER A ti E again reminded of his recent toot to titti Bustorn Cities, ilia of tile feception of his fine stock of Cloths, Cassimeres and' Vesta ingg. • All of the MOST FASHION AI3L E STYLESi'. Hid Stack of FRENCH CLOTHS and CAS4f; MERE e dulie parlicelar attention to, as the, best in town. 'Also, one of the best atitoilments• of Fuaststusa GIN)Di in town—all ready I'm' UMW ill: spection and benefit, and kin Ily asks a call from all permute deffifidils of buying Glade h. Pis line, at ez U4o2;rQx:r LPtraczvassiA j In die M;:vt , Li FIT IT'D ROOM,. 'next door td UpJegrairs', llagerstnwti, Md. , [Jan. 4, 1861.] BACIt AGAIN. B. PRICE indwells his customers ttnil MIS Cl l7 .- public-generally—that he has-removed his Barber Shop to the Basement of Mr. Kurtz's Hotel; foiaierly tlEctlpitpl . by him as a Barber - Shop,,wherci he will Shave, Cat, alid Dress Hdir as heretofordi Give him a call. Mttb. 22—tf. IV - ENand Boy's heavy Boots and Shoes at Oct. 4 %some& 01TRTA IN etitiiirES-at Mar 28 • Amasa =os. Etcsitilbt & Co'; sixcelient article ut Syrup fur 50 cta. per ttai 11.. at (ocl4 Basoutt's jj EDICATED Liquors, sold only asMedicini j and by special directions or a Physician, b) M. M. STO3 R, DiUsr 'OM May 13. PEPPER and Corriander, ground & lititrrsupd nov 29 at L I) El 4 Pei 6.A Lila: at • not , . VI a t3A:tt, at tsl3 sigh of the Big Red HOT , j dec2o D. B. Rusaatil Lida BALE OR FOR • RENT.—A TenviatlL r Soy.. Apply at PRICE'S Store OrtlB Li LEN DI nibrtlidii: goods at LirrliEltAN Almanacs at nov 28 . _ It . Y O 4 want td see he !dtges assortnient of Ili pots in tciOni, call at apr4 Pooled IF you want to purchasela nice klc — iiortakirt fronl .31+ to $2.00 call at (apr4 ' Pagxes ~ 14101 t No. I NewOrleamilf alu.sse. frith -at A. Apr 4 Patvslll Itkaims'in &ante*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers