oPe4t4cmtegine; fuere ;Arid - Wirelike:the serfs of Rusipoind sink deeperditd deeper into that , :voiter*on which we.ican never extricate ourselves;. ;only through rivers of blood. 1,1" That resolution, to which we are indebted " for what litt* equality we do*enjoy, teas eIV fected by a eflv of the honest asserters of the rights of mecfraided by many in whont; the impulses of freaky or avarice were stronger than those; V, justice. The change 'then wrought wet) rather a change of forms than a change , of*yatelfas. It did not destroy the vitality of the systems or laws which:the landed aristitcracy of England had4evised for their renpayers. The changethen was based on' boinpromise more titan principle; a Plan by which the descendents of those, patriots might establish a system of perfect . right withoo resorting to violence. It is evidient that the present social (or anti-social) olation, is to ruin, and is-it not; deplorable to behold - the most abject semi rude and poYerty on the one hand, and the most gorgemis wealth on the other ? It is deplorable illeed, two Classes in a country whose fundamental principles guarantee equal rights ',!to all. The lord and the vas sal, master and slave—all the systems of the monarchies df the -oh ;World are not more oppressive tibia our own. lii variousiag,es of the world, the right to' the land hashcen asserted by wise men.— Lycurgus, the celebrated law-giver, partial ly established the principle in Greece., in attempt wasptule by some of the Gracchi; it was asserted is England and Spain, (if my tatemcal Bents me right.) Paine and others, is grance ; Jefferson; Jackson and Skidutate. itt America. There is more or less good oi iihat these men have written passing strange that for a free .soi and it is we should niit try towel& tuul improve ne on theirlaboi l s. Now, in my opinion, if any one thing ca rt regeneratetnankind, and es tablish an independent Republic it is a free Talking, 41.10ng since, with a_celebrated classical schtilar, he told me that the differ ent castes of 4ociety was good for. the welfare of mttnkind; 'it so ought to be, and if it was. .suffered to be otherwise it would lead to our downfall. Now, the resolution of '76 asserts that ail men 'are, free and equal, but we have thrown off fcilvign rulers and have retained the 4 system* declared an equality of rights, but have not practiced upon such declara:- non. We h4ve therefore mistaken freedom for shivery. „Plow deny it, who can ? There is no freedoni where man is caused, by .any necessity who' Jever, to' labor for another.—, That to be fee, all men should have an inalienable rtght to soil enough for the 'sup: 1 ~, pun of his fopily. The mass of the pepple will ever be held iu slavish dependence, by the few, no Matter what the form of goviria meat, if thelland is - monopolized. By thus monopolizink the land, it brings non-profid cerS,,and ibq laboring 'man has to earn the bread for hit? elf and :those whip -live in af fluence-and)tixury. Now it apjfears plain to me, that so long as the rich n" ob and land -holder make'laws i and execute them, just so long our frates will grow sr taller and smaller; what privi leges we do': enjoy will be diminiihed, and ourselves worse than any southern slave that ever dictexist, or ever will: Therefore, let us.take iti in boad whilOthere is a.chance to do it peaciably, by the ballot-box, and-the freedom of 4peeeh and the press, for if we delay, it is etident from all ancient dynas de . that have tumbled to pieces, and the Panr laid in seriltude, that we must -take, the r.word and Oa yonet to pccomFdish what we can now do at thepoll4 'Briar. Ridll l 7B. '.' 'kongtosionaL )ir,timmoTox, Angil.o, 1840. The gene t i c ,:naf:t at half-past '604 o'cloel4_ The J•etuzliti A r _the_ journal ',Was "diqiense/ with. 'The svifitkoitian bill-ivim'tsikeit up, ameTisnentpvere repeted, and the bill pass ' it can* from the I.: r ouse; " gentlemn have been a,npointedifegents of the hudttltion: Rufus (...14)afel_4*assa chusetts, Gideon Hawley, .Neo , York ; W. C. Preston,.-South Carolina ;- A. De :Baclie• and CoL .Tolten; Washington. - The repolit, of the Cmaraitte of Coufer thee en - the Pvil and diplomatic bill dual agreed .to.. ,The..Teto of tho.Fmach 13poltt' uon was read.. Mr. J. M. Clayton said,'-it was the firse.time a private bill, had beenivo;,, wed.' Mr. Allen-read froin the Manual !.tze ruleprobibiting Wiernherti froth .voting up any bill in ithich they, are interested bier- j !wally. Mi. Clayton desiied . to .ktiow what the senatorzueant t Mr. Allen rsplied,,;"l ateata . to re4d the:lase . :"Me.43laytott - spid "If 'the SOpator means to _ insinuate that any person /1 the floor is iiitilre ted lg> !is ;t• . knotty who fie Mr. Allen replied. r :-"I read: the Idw so' thnti•SiV'::;iiiie !night Utonit, it. If nsi'one is Interested' ti will ,apply ti -no one.: ,Mr. Webster pro _ tested agaiits' t the...reto..—Mr.:Benton - end Mr. I Dix suktortedthe veto; -and afte4r` some re mtoks from :Mess* Huntington, ttigiap, sod { Morehtitul against it, the question Isms awn on th 6. passage of the bill, and -result; ed as follonis 7 , Yeai 27, tiaySls, 'net two-thirds, the bill is therefore lost..:Alltbi aPpropriatitin bills-litare gone through. the' ---- aßproptiaticth for the naval school at Aliw4- olis is retaitted in the Navy bill. At 1.41,.. _lO dock, hit 4 Lewis moved to -take House bill ti apprwri4 . 4 two 'inillionts . ifit dollars to #e g otiate - peace with *until whicl was *greed to. - - Kr- Lewis Luove4lo irike,..out - tfte proviso. relatitig to slavery . In Californie. took the floor Position to the bit; tualltaiiithit -if it passed u niAdd proseeutiturig.trm *fir acyk r iirvl.; r. Lewis asked bO2 to, give w-ay to;-.enable him teOffer f .a liesoluticetioj, extend the,3194 of Adjouro.oleriti: t Well declined, { g i e ol',tw eh „,7 „ 4. - ••• 41 , i!; - r • ~ .e ~i4< ME BM I ) / 2 . 1. • ; The g re a t struggle is over. The(CommissionerS; ; in their wisdorh, a ft er a thorough surrey of the different routes proposed; and hhvinir, attentively lisiened to then guments of their respective adva.: cat.es, have decided in favor of the Southern, or Penris . ylvania route This welcome intelligence was received by the last Eastern mail. lit is also reported; ,, the stock of hat company materially advanced aliP the New York market, on the rkeipt of information - 0 import t to, and decisive of !the future shecess of that treat project. The PRoad will, beyond doubt, be s ee dil y put under Contract and ex ib • petlitiously completed. We unders‘ndthat it is the determination the Company to i finishand put in operation ; the . entire line from Pierniont to Dunkirk, withitt 'three y ars from this date. his event deeplyinterests the People of Susgtiehanna, as it will secure a rea y and favorable'market for their produce, and place them near to' the great Atlantic city of the - Ern re State. I , : . a nienon for an cxeutive session, and after a fUvi *antes so spent, the Senate adjourn ed , ' - I'n;tbe..Hou:se, on motion, the 17th rule we t s suspended, to allow bills passed• this day s to be preiiented Ito the President for his signature. Mr. Thompson, of Miss., offered areSOlntion for the Secretary of War to re-' port at the next session of Congress, the pa- - pets and rep:ins of the Indian Agents. who brought On deputations of Indians from Tex as 'to Washington. The rules were sus pended and the resolution adopted. ' The Hciuse next went into Committee of the whole (Mr. Coll!) in the Chair) on the Navy. Pension 'Bill, Here much confusion took place, and all the members seemed anxious to get, through with the business of Congress. Many points ,of order were raised. The, amendment 'of the Senate, appropriating, $3OOO for privateer pensions, was not con-' curred in, The Committee rose, ' and the, Hattie concurred in its report. Mr. McKay offered a resolution, requesting the Secre tary of the Treasury to report to the next! session of Congress the amount of revenue collected froni - the customs for the present year. : The rules were suspended and the j resolution adopted. Sundry private bills fromthe Senate were taken up and passed. The - 4 Comittet of Conference reported the compromise_ of the disagreement of the two Routes on the Civil and Diplomatic bilk The flonse considered in committee, amend-. ed mid passed the Senate's bill for the relief of Elijah White, of Oregon. ' The Commit tee oConference on the Naval Appropria tion ill, relative to the Dry Docks at Phila.! i deli) is and Pensacola, made a report to let the subject pass for this .. session.. The Houk concurred in the Comittee's report, • 4 the, bill passed. A message. sins read e President, informing the House i . e.litul sign led the Civil and Diplomat 1.. is Appropriation bill, and the bill establish-. ing the pr e ithsonian Institute. The Speaker appointed ides:vs. Owen, Hough and Hill iard,lll gents-nfsaid Institution.-, A motion was tea felgo into Cintimittee ! of the Whole onini .. bill 4 which has•heen-..passed by the; *ilium -; on this the ,Tens and, nays ,were ordeked and cturied. A message was it; ceiveil fromthe Serrate informingthe Rouse that,its amendment to the bill ',for the relief E. White ha amended.. d been aended. The House wed,. into Commkte;. Mr. Boyd in - .the Chair, and took saiffninendinent -to the ainendment and reported, in favor of the, same, ,and the ,House agreed •to the repait. Sai&,bill, as !amended, passed. The Post Ratite bill, tivith, the Sendfe's amendment, - was then taken tip,' and the amendments agreed to, striking out all but the post,nnues, and-the' bill passe& -The Speaker, holy -said Elie bout of'l2 having arrived, he pro nouneed the iHouse adjourned until the first Monday in .peher.next. , ~.-, • I -STILE NEW MINISTER TO RliBl3lA.-.-AmOilg t tlfe appointments made by the President, aads confirmed by the Senate on Saturday I#t, is that of the Hon. Ralph Isaacs Inger soll, of Conneticut, to be Minister to Rtis4a. The'llr,ashingtoa Union says : Mr. IngerSoll 14.1 among the most able and accomplished of, our public men, and his catnatry will : have in him a valuable and faithful repre sentative at St. Petersburg. ' Forlorn° years !past, Mr. Ingersoll has refused all public . employment,, . and devoted himself, with L' e filf , grtoin TAos "xi SANTE FE:7 . 7111C gteat assiduity, to the profession of which editoricifi, the Sti Louis: Reveille haVe been ht is .an Ornament. At an early period of favoied,wiitlilthe follOwingletter *fa meat. las life he engaged actively in public affairs. her Of Bentkk company: • - , - gel WOO possess more sagacity,) or greater ':; FORTAtiA.at, Arks. River July 5;1446. tact, and none more amiability of character. On:the ad instant, Messers. Geo. Bent, It is doubtful whether the President, coal& 7 - 136ggs, C ai4 Hatcher, Fisber, , Eastters and have made a more, judiciotis selection for *het AmeriCans arrived at. this 'Agee from this distinguished post than Mr. Ingersoll'. ' 1 '404. and .Sante.. Fe. ,• The .intelq Of *-. ii .., _ , f susilmous VEsset,.--Capt. Blaney, I Of} declaration ofwar created conicleraldelex tirid it i m i . btirque Galileo, 'at Boston, on Sunday, was citement in Taos and Sante Fe, r lkarded 24th ult., in lat. 42 10, lon. S2' 07,1 Aldred all 114. stratagem that Garman,aidid by Gixi. PtiaN -,:eoidAltivg.nt to get put o f by au 9fficey.froto the revenue cutter_Morris,l who , __ repOrted a vessel in chase of a brim 1 the latter p,,tl::' l iAltiirlif4wirilfitverhauled . ai.d.44airtihe'd-but.lindly ,effected'. hi s es .. elf 20U tons. showing Mexican Folors,mind , lad a , Key 'West pilot .boat , wa/ ,near erl c ape r .l.4.l'Ar , ~ tri ijo" ' ii - 41 i_e Gni , ..,, ern' — er, - L is' ,ratt' 'oil fri . gh t cnedif,,goovertiletioje; has ':given *d on to two dap previous and saw twenty met !, one the Ated44.lio biliC every" tbitiff litfleadi. :deck. 2 noes tolt‘irrirr ~ . ,,te,e,eptiatittotliOroops. i '••. ,____, • -.• .. • ,f., , , . i t is how isk i ti'ilki n •e,- , i iy thi.,l7-.3sve-nnes in ' . r, U:ENETlAL,lrititoi,on'heakingOthisji Sante Fei, , " . ii - Elie".XlT ja / . r i-43 - i4vi i ..,..,,, m8, 1 Intim for the Presidency, is r said to h i,ei __ .,-,+ , ..„5:1,,,,,,. , -?nr,...,'.,"''''w-P rOmarked:— " I have been always Op sed n a flag* -• "-kakgroutgaiiistirtytea in re. to J , ,• -. Dr ; . ~ ''',, . -2 the,electhon of mere soldiers th the Prefix*. 4P ee tf 4 ijn*gk'eudP" ) ;l*tr ; 't-7tePnntlT Ai.. • • i:k the - Ri l i.A4-4iiiiiieoulit , , , :fieo up --p-iley, - - yheyhave have' no bulinesi in a • 4ivil without -- ii'-•* ottigm ,tei.:iiiii..?Wnion the • - •pee of so great 'responsibility, and they are foreigners will `lle pltui4ered' of their p r,. usually unfitted by education and_ expOri ik--011 take i 4 prisOnersi "anstaS many of the 40c4 '-' f g r , it •_. - f r o* nOt PTPh . chis' that ' / .- Oni Meßie-atts a cart-Will-falt back to the inter-I .tem P le ! l tbvidal this 'l4inerPle *. fir. ilaYl i6l} i s 4th thi;i• i k i p t y ,..: : -._, I t cwouid-beluu much r I ettigratifrinfOwni; *those;Who, .11 I- their 'booty.'; -, -n , . ;Have ' meetings' - ' lEltrolled these , ; .. I ,44t(tii will:_eet , t fir,, .- 'l lt ,, th l i e #Os r„ tIY Pf Areriegt tra- e 4 escape_ th em ! '-- • - -=: ''• ' . , - E. : HEMPEPITAM, :1 " It departure! :::frOm Taoi states that the *elf "It dep4rturol of the Inierioah, on heir. in!lUneik =of *at, was not looked upon,.l vliithAliteiftiraW; the . Mex i can's . ' ;. 4ti theAlcid4e4Aiskeld ter; 'troops' to assist him' .i.n bringinrihem intek..- No effortihowever ; tO 0.46440164 iisqiiist'N'Ais 4iit'ilTi:Stift b.Y II 1 4flaPitiPx,A 1 , s.>.; ' . mCqcans met. on the P:ltied Autild fiebeltaan;nagnaliginhienl 01 - li *en of • wlio tailis l - , had , voluntiend , hiS , . 4i service :A s, a spy to reconnbitin the itiiprOtiel ektriekicaniferees.—Menneg . Nepor, ,i r a::'' 1 ;!- --L!, , --,i- '-"•. i,s ' : ; e,,,, , , , 4911_4? i o%i , ,-. 1 ' ia5P . Th ..j ? litut r ititif - ftr 8444 110:ei.ver" *nerd 9f Nem Y . Oik, ,• ' nnaer;- - at4p re#34kriair,liaibeen confirmed -•;hy iii c ,- * 11....4.•:•1 1,..,,,,“ ~ ~, , i t, ,, ,•,„..41),..r..,,ri...„1.: Aere 1 . ~,.. 9 ri43 ME 1 = pe have received a copy of a,letter tivri tee by James L. Barton to the Hon. Robe • llHClelland, on the subject of the commer oni the great western lakes. Mr. Bart,' st4tes that the steamerWalk-in-the-Water. Nir, ' thb first steam craft on Lake. Erie. In rinr. 1819 she made a tripe, to' Maekirn , fotthe American Fur Company. Mackina at&that time,. was the extreme point off' w tern navigation, and it remained so iun 146. Then another steamer Went by Lake Michigan. The vast increase., Coinmerce and navigation in that region only adequate to the actual requirement ca' sed by the growth of the population. Mi. Barton's letter we find th 6 follow] table. It is illustrative of the number cohdition of • the craft now navigating lakes above Niagara: gtelLboats,... 'PropeMeni, trigs ,curters, Cost of construction,. i ' Ot lr. B.'estimates the value of ' commer I cAnected with the northern lakes, at eig ty' :one million of dollars. Mr.B.: says : , i "Owing to the dilapidated condition oftl unfinished- harbors around Lake Erie, t! bars which have been permitted to form !tli:e entrance, and the very low state of t wt er in the Lakes, but few of the ports a a4cessible, except to vessels of the lightel dz.bft of water when loaded ; the larger odes b"bag unable either to enter or . eave them w en full freighted without stic)4ng, fast 'On. t ' i i bars at their mouths, requiting to be p . .irt ly unloaded before they can,: get iwe:r,l, Sitch has been the daily sighttt this pOll tlls - .spring., And it is mainly t expetaliil tares. made by private companies and Mai-, vi#uals, that any ofthe harbors on the shoiesl oLttke Michigan can be approtithed at by Steamboats and vessels. Works htv :134,en commenced at two or thre4,places, b ate Oovernment, but like those on all th ..i _o other g , Lakes, there.,. they are unfinished, and afford bt t slight protection to the great business L 31i: Barton -appeals to Congress to 4Ais ., bsrse some of the public revenue; in favori of the western people and protection of th i eir trade. '.4 , . i;fro, Tim liEm q uipr VAXP,9rf ' rA letter t m Barrio; lilesiek aatea' 26th ;olt•4go L. tbe.calms'andien of the- regOlar' ge lea ite generally eniffing:tolernhie . health. 0 9 , ;The volunteeritircsoffertag to ?a great; ex- 1 re l 9 1 tikit wiOs the. dysentery and ver;;_bron** o n I. I by thPir. owtkooroloPnest);thilrq o MCbro irolL ia tint.o4olo4takiili*.are:Of tliein, i n , e ve iil , ~-thentiegOl: - `f.ii TaYkii , has onto* , to 7 5 I:v6-erected -at Point-babel, it"generak!nivi.. , 05 '44 capable f Ort co °, 415114 g1 2009 4eO; !TN l e • The' Water . Ai OW PO4 llllO O ' the 'lt zos '4 41 114)14bi1t.-i:ittflloient %Lando, 43trainw wet 'film too-for, ille , viekoldyin It3io- repo' d' , 11104 -I the'YOlnitteis between MaYle camp kild .1t iMottitabrao, , r) dying off Avit4:-.thO'4 , Oil it, ,er. It lOto nOt itiodeAtarance at filtants Jiff Or 4 . ,4,lltiiillioGrand;e:. it* Itardter.`~:) , -,!..: .-,5.. 4 c. , 1., •,.1;,-. ~ a .' 'l . ,t - ' .. v , ,11- ....*: # o, . • ; !rf Lake Commerce. 52 20,500 tuns 2,500 • 50 14,000 " 270 , 4h r 000 " 300 V 6,000 $4,600,000 lli Air Chun, ~ AN Istrnovzstrave FOR THE DATRY.—A. novelty, as, well as! an acquisition for the dairy, in the shape of. an I.Ant CHURN, is mentioned in our English files as being'the indention of the good Bishop Kildare, Ire land, whose leisure has found an opportuni ' ty for proinoting the good lof the fanning community, through the eiertion of select litific skill. The Farmer's Gazette gives an laccount of this churn and unique invention !,l-af ter the followinglashion i; I Milk it says, essentially chnsists of an oil, !which in chemical language is called but ; teriae--of curd, also called 'easeine—and of l!whey, with some nentral salts not very im portait. These wipers are held together lby so Vase tin affinity, that they seperate Ispontpipusly whea l at rest,! the oil rising to the top.To convert this Oil into butter, it Its only x cessary to bring i it into contact 'with the aqygeneouti portions -of the atmos phere. IMiliead of the, prevt!lent and unsci entire mode\d'i effecting thus by churning, his lordship accomplishes this measure by the more scientific and simple manner of thrcing a full current of atmospheric air through the cream, by means cif.an exceed ingly well-devised forcing pump. The air passes through a glass tube con nected with the air-pump, descending near ly to the bottom of the church. The churn is tin, and it fits into another tin eilinder pro vided with a funnel and step-cock, so as to heat the cream to the necessa4temperature. The pump is workediry Means of a wince, which is not so laborioulasithe usual churn. ~ Independent of the happy application of sci ence to this important deparMienr-zraci; inestie economy, in ,n. practical point of view ) it is extremely valuable. Thd milk is not nuked by a dasher, as in the enmmon churn ; but the oxygen of the atmosphere is brought lnto.close contact with thi cream so aS to effect a full combi- I; nation with the butteracernis, part, and to L- convert it all into butter. This new churn 1 / is washeld otit with far greater facility than :the wooden ones; - and the mode of warm` ing the c am is exnemely!well devised and simple. he butter itself is excellent, and l what con 'tute perhaps the best practical !criterion c its success is that the woman who.has tl. manag,enient of the dairy has / giiefr her li,ghtfur approbation of the' new Arnim % ... ' , - , Fv.oseuro JAN-nru'o.---By' the brig St. Ma ry, at Binton, from' Rio janeirn Junb 20, we learn! that it was reported there that the British packet which arrived on the 18th, bunk put 4. settlement of the difficulties insthe Rio: de la Plata. The frigate Co lumbia, Capt. Ritchie, waii the only United States than•of-war in port !at Rio Janeiro, The sloop-of-war Saratogal bad gone to the _Northern ports, and die I brig Bainbridge w as on her way td -the Rio de la Plata, irhere the sloop-of-war P4 , mouth• was, at aSt. accounts, COURT .OF INQUIRit OP GEN. GAINER.—The ourt of Inquiry in relation 'to General Gaines as addressed by the Geaeral on Monday, e old soldier vindicating i his conduct with :at spirit. - He Was accompanied by his 1, Lieut. Calhounr p a soni of the Hon. John . Calhoun. 'General Gai;nes asked •if he to be 'tried by, Court 'Martial, that it )ald • be upon thetlanks of the Rlo Grande, ' ere the witnesses all !Eire pow ,'actively gaged in defence of Mir • common coun- .'8 liberties, A Temperance:Meeting ill be *lit at the qourillouire, on Tuesday eve ofnoTt week: A general ottilidnuto is request- By ord4r Of the President.. rzio NARR l.' Silver lake, ou'lliesday .el lth inst., by Rev. ,Lowe, Mr. EroAraao W. Rosa to Miss Maalox teeof•Johrt Sbaron, 04., all of the -above DIED; I 'camp Township, onlite l ~4th init., Mr. HONER r t aged-51- ye4ra.. He tills left a wife, a ion, I lane:4er taznouqtl4 lota. Be was an affert,- - . Iniaband and . parepti ioud neigbber, and a bin citizen. • ' inn9FIY , on Thurnkythet u thinat. i Day.r.s, onathazi•aul Lydia ...Taylor, aged. p years,l Inwitifalen to the lot of man to present the Irictitf•gt . 14s isor .5 1 t r r el e 1 57 w t riri'lli ti ;1 ey 1114.6: v e hi: P . lit their trait:lW vonfidetice irt that God we Is attNegellAhad death, Until now theme Parcltta , =the strength ' . i) r . the Gerd _ which lionadAis anti children. Dior fled ; y veiluity 'the sti r' which jutlt pivot's lotostost when' anis tee De4l4. Pi* 11104'1E 0 mi enabrace a dearly b e i 4 V . rid eild *Mate C II44I `4*COMI. for *settef4e-e 1 4 : '—.04. Receipts:. for 1 For the week . El. A. & W:iit:Dean,- I. lk Manicio r, . ZobulOn 1) sloe, , 1 'thgamm. i; n33 1 .11d ; >. • . W. BOP , ' ohn Simir, . W. Gm . Crulvve .W. Bre , ars Rine, I atrick Griffin, - e t ch harps IT tvley, B. S. Ben ey, Jonas Bmi , Harvey R , A. A. Reel:fan, Rater Decirr, G. B. :Van hu, Rodnerylepett, John H.-Green, Nicholas Vroaver, Wm. L. Brew, Russel G. Follet, Jjohn N. Basseuger, Edwin Hip, , Oluiries 'Fitigley, William Bildwm, • ?remora Tif,fauS t A. Souttoltb, • b. D. Gale. , dco_ rge I,: very, . B, Benjamin : Miller, It GrreatiM, Ikury--R. radleY, 8, F. 141!K e r Solommi Vor, Benjamin ' mach, • Andrew 0 an, Jphn PhitMoy, Levi Moss; , Lucian Sc d tt, N N Nisyl' rt, =MEI • •-• Wheat flora', per barrel! Aye do'. do gore -meal do - Sirheat, EX;r;bushel Eati Barley, jlo Oats, • 00 Flaa, per lb. American; per lb. rend Bauer perib. Orangb c I do '0 western Cheese, pei lb. Beef, per Bartel; mess, • l 4 prime, Pork, per barrel, mess, • ' do prime; bard, per). }lams per lb. smoked Feathers iMr lb. live g, a horns, per hundred, ow do American - DEEM ..f_ or rpqt!ested those old August T' FE 1 August ALT .by A GEN 0118 both for LtATHE A G001) Assortmen. tretMpy low for the JOB ? THE tnblisiter's of ing be nsti of an Sortmenttif .1013 TYP E in a neat : fad satisfacto JOB P 14 prices suit the tin PASPIILETS, CA4S, HA*DOLLS, Printed o short noti • Art. rir A ihrure of the / fully solicited. July 9,11846. FOOT OF r NOT N•••• -1: ViOST for the • DON for sale, at V. Tuttle', a catmint , reasonableC - •tedit to at a libcr#l discount fo Atigose.4, 1846. ' • taltAN HE Subscribers 11 theit stock of G, ment eqttal to any • _ they °free at }educed ri' July 24nd, 1846. IDDRIIN, a great IL - less:than Fast 4 If HO I CLOTH fl Casiimeres, &c.' Yo D, PLUG , pN Prod+ Met Pur n ' Bak Sherivai sd rol Ps riew tf Painting, 014 4!LUornol I & b6;ii , _LINE Tam, • - "Ths ROI* , kv!nue give .1 , • - lee Ow* , ( • . . , 20;184 t 1. *l4oo' rays . tct No: 54, c IAO '-, _ 1 1:`. .:5% „1,00 ", I,' , 25 1,00 ' i' l i 52 I;011 • " ''' :62 ~.1 , 0 0 : 9 :r, , 58 i It• 9 0, , r 52 1,00 " : 1 " 52 ' 1,80 "' p' 52 1,00 - ~ - ,1 , r 4 '52 I 1,00 "1 " fa, 1,00 ",3 " 52 I ,oq ' 52 1,00 'i' t " 52- 1.3,00'v ar• 52' 1.1.00 ' ''..52 1 1 1,00 ' " lII' -52 , 100 '' ". 52 ,50 " .O s _26 1,00 ", .... 1 52 1,00 f t 2f‘ 61 1 1,00 i 4 i r 62 1,00 " .."' 52 1,00 " 1" 56 I,oo' ~ l i' 52 1,00 , " ll' ' 52 , , 1,00 .4 ' , ' 52 1 ;1 ,80 111 -0 /4 52 1,00, "1" 52 j 1,00 r ) " 1 4 ' 52 1 j 1,00 " " 52 .11,00 ", " 25 1,00 " ''' 62 1 11,00 " " 52 j 1,00 " 55 1;00 " ? 52 I 1,00 ' " • " 52 I 1 , 00 9 , 111 52 .4 1,00 "' !" 52 1 1,00 ", " .52 , 1,00 ." ." a I 1,00 "• : " 52- f r,ao " " 52 Peo EM ID F THE. O:0/1.8'S AD I= YORK, ‘ Alto. 17. *46 $4,R4/4 4,15 2,30 A ,73 2,62 3,00 0,90 0,95 0,67 0,69 • 0,60 A 0,65 0,24 9,32 0,31 q 9,32 0,03/4 0,084 0,07 A 0.07 i 0,15 14 0,17 0,10 4 #,12 0,06 0,07 6,50 7,00 -4,50 5,011, 9,874410,00 7,874/4 9,013 0,05 4$ 1 0,07 0,05.(4 9418 0,25 40„ 41,30 8,00 411,12,00 2 ) 00 A 3,00 0,32 /4,11,34 10 0,27 /4 ;0,28 • 0,28 010,31 - 'min° 0,24 d 10,26 I .entS • =I MI nicaer, Note year atandlag, are lout Farthec notice, ediate attejition to 13. BAFIIE. , EEF:I for sale it+ . EiNJ. qi—sl,44 pe4arre4 8., 8 FL_ Aber with tviri improved 'texas, .redaddil . & j SHOE. kept on hand, (p fee ex ready "ay,) by , B. sOFE:. IlTl16; e Peciplo's Adracipa, tirely new awl mcale as ! m sic noW &Tared to*aecute, if style, lall.kintis of' HE l i ILL Kips, CATALOG#ES, - OLAN lii, C. and in the best it0::1 of the .ples'All • I t atronage qespect• -'l DOW & 14YD pavicoaroo" , ! f 1 , enclit ofiego i m ig may,*orneern,. the Hal Shop of tlo: talc (I' ,rtnien Of Hata antOapa Oa maah.ac. t t iio pay prOnii4l.y, or I c '1 1 .4‘17. • , receiving al*ge non to -Whi4li vtikes th t, wort. liehrict hi;-3()W l *±which Ces fo ftEADY 1).41, MIL .& SHEI4IIAIi." • - ty, , ' mlO to 00 jib qt, cent g p ;by A I :- ma fi;;444 e, sini . l it *R. - , 4,., ;..:!) -i : .m4Lrts B 'O I HB 4 11 -. _... .11. for one & Sq . :, lb. by & SUE wikik in' re JAS' do SHE - - - . ~ 0, F.FiliP .1 :!- ,csinviiirs p ion ; 10, st .' i.'Y',.:' yeti' to ', lido ` of TI E • to; 11 . ' il ls ,&. 'loyal; :liberal 'to Oteitd, ~,, onii.,l 0 1 4,•.. 1 1 : . 1 AEPGE . !*l l oB ll '.f vmtli4F,:l Sumit tat' owl ti lf,;l4)()lfigic,k Irlearil*llooes,. "kk e ;' 1 404 1 lila Slum alt. Beast 4 El • . DEBIOCuATIC Yil GREATt'f -;REDUC D 7 P-Itl. R. - ' - , . Fronfp r - a to - SS: pedd* Ingle 'roPt - filit f • r 2 . kfliTiCTilill of nix -atx -- , NTH . VOL L' '''•''a A titan , n has o' w elapsed sin it the iiiiti;of:tlio. Democratic iteviensr was reo' dna from $ 5 s3_.-}- This reduction ;was made with tkeiiiriN , or'SsAW ing the range, of its iisefeltie'ss'lliall pluciikitTillik the me ans of , ittniibe, rs tit w,ge.:ou :the' fa - „, - ,iTi, was an altisetgat• - \-The'succsis4 iirtles' '" ' t t ima-: ,ed tipoio‘ rigidadhersiodel to. tbit-casirislaii and we are happy to have it' in :Ur . :wer to stark that itlas beeictimpletely se. . . ~ ";,,Tisticiircig, Wien of the wit*: was zreak thinled,'ln4jsseic); usloi t itify us in the, hope ore , rino,ft to: its tat, mer • size at ari , '"piii 'Tory` - Tow 416; I 'lits rwili - ipt__ course -4,apendlonAlieltanctuniviiiii th, Wirifilii6 terms arc comßlfed. with (1 ' ttic iPart• of oar rbso* - ' h ers , . • .. , .f.-,-;1, • '-: -.: - I .1' ~ '- V` '/- • .-I• 11 . . •„ - N grrgeful acknoWiedgement‘of tha.genero i 4, nonage of fte - iitiabliniJts.‘,Yella4 *mild wdeerr of the nePeitaliaii ta - the .. cvaur °( 11 Pettodica* holdin,g-tlnito4tioii lit titer"' Et mocrntin Ilece - , l ' , we nre_enteruigiliponi the most einm4ve ona.,Tiwt, arranEements tamciehse its itselilloess'6fltinne Un raise its dignity alma& ;Our" o, ll s to this lendable - I!th i d hi re only, likely. Ve4u, embratesteitids4 nAge as to require tante for : aanulailloiiiiient; ". betas our plans!eurcebd they will-bedely,,aan t i tuFl . ed•to but- patrons andfisubscrili . et* an& we (feel 0- ' surcd ;that they cannot fa il to gm :the sti The the ID/lite-a. Statesmrstingtieliii'4 I trona' dr the - world; demands dant her, politic4litern tura should cottespcnid Withluiehigh• dignity coining de.stiny.l — The - rspansiiiiiity (cam Deux& 1 i cratic party for lie due executidui of its trust,, requires -that its . 4x . rgaidand expc4lntshould , crciso hig i its utmost energies. to' spread flic intlnenee of it., i well known Insheipleil' saiechlay 'tie incindad in the single dealaration , if - re.sistan &of giLikt ' ,whether. fusanti4,- commercial' . I* . pb Utica' ..e 4 The Treasury of the l United Mates,: ' ef'at I, Bank; the Revenue Standard , * .place eria; rofccki 'five Tariff, nod:the. Will of the PecePitriu all thim r ; .and before en; #lny be iegardetijai,the,silitpl ',ineed _ liii" 4 t !of the, Dernocranerparty,"which lilts, .4 - Refleieo'i h ir give ell its-resonrea%to.pro_pagarp'und stippoktryw -_ itera:ty ham:it:6oe United States teily , beiXinsadee. tettproportionally °tired to that o ' tiny othei.cpiu4ry,, and whilst - R theeview 1 tine W I its politiesritca:i ' Alen it will lexiOts aCtiv aid ortlerelo*and:iii : ward the distinguished abilitiesloehlitssr; nnouirtiinii. 1 public writers irrall,departMents id"' literattyr i Al* . degree coramensnmte,to its incril 't§ing .plva4,.. it , i The intellect Of- England 'iatstpr cenf_thri. eat grade, seek:i *equal:dead • ; - 14:- :•..:: public mind through _their eel bratedi. i r anti it will be thb pride, as it, is 4 especial 44, 1 the "DemocratiC Revit;wl" to - li a alie' - aiiii ,- , uel through which the first i;ii•of,",this; thißet • States tuay holdrcoramimitiati sit.li eat and enlightened. people: Thesaisevaidobjectifike, 1 %,, , ,,,:ithin our reach, and neither indotryi nor, Persen-- .rance, nor sacrifice; if necessary] shall lie spent:to; realize them all: Without •regiiiili lioweit* l fail* projected plans, it may boldly -bit asserted;ltbat' the: " Democratic Reyiow" Mat this nrinent the: ehtiopsisp,i periedieal in the' world, niid whilst, tl4inonnte., meats promised itmaddressed to theptadm gcneketo ly we feel:justified by carepreselarexertitmele-Sildt" ' tfi . upon ,e party we represent, forthe _generchis-sopdi port which we haye prOofs"ther jr ale ttbmith94lY t 14!..., ,, posed tonfrord. 7, ' 1 , i Tex ,Ponrn,uxs or 1)mm:to iiir.n "I)EstodAik 4 , will be continued, fingravedin a costly style4,%TfillOt. mode of introducing, tile p,opelni learlettras, -personally to die public, i has i?eetl• reecir4M4A; great fitver, - esid: to attain 4.1n1 tend nb . , e 041 . 4 is spared to have the likenesses accnfate. - - - ' 11 " 1 / The Postage on the ,nunibers tinder", the Present law is 51 cents tor any distancN ',lt was : under the old ta*, ri , TERM'S IimiCZFUR.WiIeD ( 1 11V o ra y, . . A t , singlo'copies,,.s3,oo.l Eight c 1041 to ouf , $ 2O lO O . , -,1 , , . • ..; ,Itr t 1 - ' "';:1 8 • , I, The necessity' of adhering,io t o cash tewitt f th e prdentlow,, price, is self-eirittent,, tead i r /1 1 / 1 11 . 7 7 . reasi hers will beforwarded in finerti*itlionteo plianO , with ocw.terms.- Aa well to stiviaiexpenseincolliet-- ing as"outlay . ' of capital, the numbers will ceris e to bil:1 sent at the expiration of the dine foe which, gill . , were - paid, fi nl ess , the paynientrta renewed: As e r , _ notice of expiration the last iinniber`of al* ' b - 'sai- ' tion will be sent in a yellvio.,wrlpper,,,T ' - xrdels•-• rigidly applicable to all, and lii*aportance'' _tousili.f . vidus te, permit any one to takeniffenee ati open?.' Sob. - - - -•.- . • t 1 ' • ' All communicaioo- 'armee i niiii,l • the Re, 'ety iii''. any manner, mnse-her .1.1 1 4,,,,, it 0241.1 - ~the, 1 subsciiber. • - -, : i 'watt, ' TijOifid i i, RED l 7l4k.krilts 4, ' I -•' ' ' ' Editor of " 'Derniteritio Re' w"" : July .41.., = _ '':, ' - --124 : tau et. 'ffihfir ~,...„ 4 , MONTIOSE BUSINESS liIIIECTOIT. -') - ,if _ . MI (; unbt & Shoe Itlakei-op on ri, 144ii:Oie 4io;sx• , rest Of M. S'.VilsOn's store!: •=,- - ' i '''''" m BEND S-: y I , Wean Dealor iu StoVesAianiiiraie, , Drk'Giidi, side ofrublielAvenne: r f .C .4 %' .1 ,t • r'ixoNS:kcJlA Denlets in Bto;;ei;;:iiii*::inir, &c. &e.—East side or Pubße-: . Dealeria in liatzi; West-side of AN- aR,RE- 1 1S0 Dealer in.;Dry-Givd . a; Grcreriea illooka; Fa ;Ir,L•if alid,DOOkbirler-r•Ea4tfille,o , , • • • • ...PS .ISAAC L. ' Dealers Dry= doods, H. corner of rut!liaAyeAu . - JOON • 0, S' 65" Fashionable or-- wo ors OW a arliner'p ,Stdrei,•,. S: Dealeis iii 1* . ( 11:Qi, bine.''TilerykOk;*yer, • Tools &c.'&4 E a st side foi; Wa 1,94. 'gay. . DILAL DEiiTP3p-usts.Teeth Am.:oo. the*thiii -fid-fcnind VVitriteF4 p diva each eck.. • `11: Physician, Surgeon ,&hccaucl lasoTi; Pa.' 17r„ El2lO rOits, a vane ar, by Fairilei4i Mote.: ", Ale.a*ti .4111stattvipuetAloar ved by lAN. "-t r i; igrEACK `4si CouWeeitWA - itiiarEfleii PkkcearseWat 11 !fe to ._.terTol9l44l**o.4iu ' agla, , ,-,4IWqIAS Par- / we,.. - ana re, Patting --.-.4m-iparigh maker, ,oe f eihe-4 -o ,v , ...kr o g fr ver,my 11: . aaar IAbtrINOST' Ircin - rginidi**44lAPl64l : t4O-44',"0040-00' SEM -VoiliCittriiiii4?-7-54, Past die Ott • :r. „Playact' Vie,Blat) -gow !!! MEM -A*6l . 664.fa • Vri* s tiilo • 4444‘o l l4 ' ‘ l;• • I -,of Qui &Doi IMI 'OS Ilro ' COl I WI& , 'Pot , H.,3 Veto eita e bestritt Me"?-114Y1 re ` ~ .r ~ 3 II „.../ , & : - 4oiners' , • prim al p BIAV All#4olo l t7tlVA''n*
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers