11 CI it promiLT.:.:Altelgetuiti of : extinguishing the public debt sooneftan was anticipated,and fiirniSbes strOatillustration of the praeti -ealeffects jot the:Weisent tariff upon our com mercial in'rrests. "The o - ject ceihe tariff is objected to by some as uncon.stiettional ;_ and, it isconsid, m Bred by 'aost • a .R. as defective in r many 4f its parts. 1.• • . "The power toi impose duties on import originittly l belongfd to the several States. Theright to •adjuOt those duties, with a view to the encourageinent of domestic branches of iiiduitry, is so recmpletely - Mai - dental to that poiver, that if. is difficidt to suppose-the existence.; of the ,One. ,withciut rthe other.— 'The-States : hive . delegated - their whole authority over ,inkportato the :general gov 'cruinent, without pitnitation or .- restriction, caving 'the' inconsiderable. reservation relating to their 'llifpection: laws. This auth ority"having' thug entirely, passed from the -States,•the Tight ti) exercise it for the purpose cr protection .114 s not exist in them.; and couseipaltitly- :ifif , -.be not possessed .by the lenernl!gniemmebt, it must be extinct. Our political systeniwimild thuspresenttheanom -Idjr of a.people'stiipped of the right to foster their-own industbr, and to counteract the .most selfish and ; destructive -policy 'which Might be ttdopte& by foreign nations. This .surely cannot be the case. This indispensi ble 'power, thus surrendered by - the -States, must be .within L tlO scope .of the authority on the subject, expressly : delegated to Congress. ' "In this. conelnsion lam confirmed .as well by the opitOns of Presidents Washinm ton; Jefferson44disoa, and Monroe, who have eachrepeatedly recommended the exer cise of this right-Mader the. constitution, as by the • uniform cpructice of Congress, the continued acquit,scence of the States, and the general understanding of the people." • L"That our)ielibe rations pit this inter- estingsubject shoOdbe uninfluenced by those partitatueonflietsit. hat are incident to free in stitutions, is the' fervent wish of my - .heart. - To make this great question, which unhap pily. so much divides and excites the public mind subservien to the short-sighted views of faction, must destroy all hope of settlaing it satisfactorily tei,the great body of the peo ple., and ,for the general interest. • I cannot, therefore,,in takipg leave of the subject, too earnestly, for rOsown feelings or the eom mongood, warn •F; you against the blighting consequences of ,ucb a course. Extract of a me4age from Andrew Jackson, President of Ile United States, to Con gress, December 7; 1331. - ""The eonfidence with which the extin girishment of the 4 public debt may be antici pated presents ad opportunity for carrying into effect more*ly the policy in relation to import duties *hicli has been recommen ded in my forxner)nessages. A modification of the tariff whic& shall produce a reduction 1 of revenue to Uri wants of the goven and an adjustmtnt of the duties on itnports with a view to e9mil justice in relation to all our national interests, and• to the counte raction of foreigil policy, so far as it may be injurious:to thoselinterests, is decried to be one of the princ,kpal objects whichdemand the consideration of the- present Congres. In the-exercise Of that spirit of concession and conciliation ;which has distinguished the friends of our Union in - all great emer gencies, it is bellr'ed that this object may be effected withcfut injury to any national -interest." I think, Mr. I'resident, I have clearly established- the democratic character of a tariff for j , protection of American industry, by proofs of the most convincing character. , The authorities . ;:from which I have quoted have all been reniirded as the lights of the - republic, 'and I envy- not the man who would attempt to lessenthe weight of their opin ions. • 1 In fecOmmending these views to Congress at different times they but - adopted the views, of every nation on. the world that has been prosperous. No ,);nation ever flourished that did not take care of its own eitiiens, and develoye its own resources; but our modern philosophers sect to be "wise above what is .t . written."' ' '' In the olden time, Mr. President, when dernocraey was, dertainly not less pure than at prestmf., revenfle bills originated with the represent.) . ives of the. people. The' fatheis of.the country ev thought it wise, inform ing the eonstituttp, to restrict their Origin to the House oflOpresen : tatives. . Now the repteoentatives of the people are saved all ' the treithle of reflecting upon. the difficult subject of revenue. The Secretary of the Treasury, like the first Lord of the Treasury' in Edgland, makes a bill, find hands it ;to the - Chairman of the Commitee on Finance in tl(e House. Cabinet minis'- ters bring all them influence to bear s and, by the nil) of the prC*us question,, force the bill through. „. It is sent to the :Senate, and some' mys teliiiiiii4luence there prevents the bill froni being -*ferred,."" na taking the ordinary, courseeflalltneti4ures of this kind, - we are told th-*t the interests of_the dent rity ocratie ' ' - 'l,egliii - its immediate passage. Itionorab e "Senators admit that, it -is not a goad' bill lint thb , cannot go . againauthe party. IS" bb sulifkMenee to =lusters would do credit to a Eriiti . .gli Souse' of Lords but is, in my.OpiniOn,l4ant keeping in A an' meri:, can-Senate.l enate. ' ,i(vi proud 'to call myself a deniiiirat: - I nm&oft of a democrat. I rip-' resent .a State irbikse'deiaocVacy' no one Will doubt;'add, 'for '4ne, LI must'' object to, this' mode of fixing prriaciples ',on the ";parts: 1 was taught in 'early life to believe that the democratii)arty 'vas the friend' of the poor ,--of the laboringgaSiiii that its principlee - ' were calculated to eleVate' the masses'; but ..the,:frineiPles ollthis southern;` democracy:ithern - would - rob the poor 'it:an of iii, labor,' and —Mae ) . 'hitn depeaMil- On.the ' eapitulisti Of ' Eitgiiiiiiiii his - 4eaiii - -,subSistenee.' -- Stich Wiiii.tinl:o doe4e :Of 'sitcli democrats 44 4 ACC 'llim,"llfitiliso, ; Monroe, billaschia 4 1 have '&1,17;06 - -.- ' ' '' ' "-7- -' • '- .it lira: eep - . - " :that the . MAI - Of 48.-ii* is. d e r e otiVin *anyAi fits demils! ' li:44ai b e e ;, but if 'lsiV-;•*h):-.. - d441coi - :,„1 - ,.entlee:teici,eint'67ut th*laaf - likursike reiribdies, without unpa 4 entiielY:ileafr( 1 iiiif ibe,iiliatileg 4oniihi'Ck` iris laiiiii /`" 5 . Itiv r ijNfia die callatY*, itistate*" ''''. AIN .34 . 44.. f *., - NeffC-'-origiir 6 4 l !.'Pic‘; Wa r e' there- such lit*' *a'aild.di Onia..V..oMidini the'lvtele'elautiiiit - Niiiii/001 0 164e1,Y, :not communities Auly,tat wiW.S.:(alis were "Imm*,.iitv, auk i even' • the4eneral;gtivintriciit .itailfsy4e*ithfiut die r F;4i..,,. ,of carrying:° 2 'o #n-. ikt* 4 f ~„ Y 4#I,44,I49IIP:PQMPTPAsPktiVOR 1 i jniriqp*,4q: lot,l46,lupted,lo he re4nac.l _ -1 ted, h gait ti;ial t lre T 4effect,4.hcredit of-the Count; , :began to'iii4 t!rith !toy. added to thes - ,t difficulties iiiiteadef retie \ "hg ihenii until, tithe end of.:Mr.;,EYan Bu 's tiil 'minis 1i0n, „.40 : .- gtverilinplitiva4 *any ininid,s in debt: - -ru ain did her fiscal. OF cers I .to replenish the exhausted treasury. Her Id editors received in many instances Only ' ipmises to pay ;” and no one had eourti,,e enou g h to inVest in her loans, even 4 a di cinint. i' Th • ' ,trientortible tout of the democratic party i i 1840, and the overthow of Mr; Van Buten k l iidiniiiiStrtitidr4 - Wasthaeonsegtienen• of this Tinto of thingsi.‘ T 124 ;:individual c9ses of • 'distress. Which perind,::ifthe:countryl for a period preceding tha Lat . -, Of 1642 were absolutely heart-ren- s lag. i ; . felt men not Only lost their fortunes, but P 'rimen losttheir means of living. Our 1 forint , and our forges and our workshops were: ' ptied ; our ii;erchants were ruined, midi) . I iihrmers, our substantial yeomanry, triany- f them - With abundance of products, for * . 4of'a market, found- themselves in the lia [ ruc s. of the sheriff.: i Nikt;a.isectiOn of :the whole country , but afford 'cliabutidant evidence of the truth - of • this:' lrincholy picture. You ' know, Mr. Presi ent,' that this; is no fancy sketch.— Thetiiketsiof your ! courts and the streets of yOur Own 'city,. and all the business are nueS cif that noble commercial mart, could • be aPeiled to for its truth. - I r member, and You doubtless know,ths.l. • in the - organir.aticin cif a new co',rt iu that 1 city tl ere were over - liVe hundlvd applicants rfor the Place,of tip-stave. healthy, vigorous men) sbiight this station, to get bread for 1 their (hinnies. A pr.ontinent democrat of Pennsy) ; vaitifi, ;alluding to the subject, uses I the fo p aviiiig language,:lihieli fully corrob orates: all 1 have said: . • " I ' 1, will ,recollect the condition of our cQun - v ain 18411 and '4l:- 'The political catn- .1 painand, the causes which controlled it i must be fresh in rei9enihrance. Such was ' the d ndition of the ;productive classes, that 1 au elite, statesman,- - though aided by all the patro age 9f the national and most of the St* gcivernments, and sustained by an act ive:i a d; powerful party, which had never becit seaten, was hurled from the Presiden tial c air by.an ov6rwhehning torrent. How dill this: happen) It was no philosophical • abstrtietiou that occupied the public mind. The, people of the United States . ; .are esseu daily ii practical, matter-of-fact people. The free t 'Cale system had been gradually work ing si ce 1843, and was being felt in all .7.. its eh ms at the time of that election ; a deep gloom, 'pervaded our land; it was•• visible in every' countenance, and a single idea con trolled and and determined th e • event. , Our business can't be tenrse—lei us hare a change,' ' was on the lips, of - every one. Mr. - Van Bu ren la d' -not contributed to the fearful de pression, hut it had nearly attained its cli max at an unlucky day for him. congress found Ithe country, in 1842, in a molt deplo rable, iondition of distress and 'despondency. Every titan who n , as in any way connected with.l4iductive industry will remember what a daill t aloud preceded their action on the I tariff in; that . year, and 'we all know how confidence revived after the passage of 44 law; 4did all haVe realized the growth and ! improteinent,l of every pursuit in our country froni that time to this." I M gentlemen desire these scenes renew ed ? 'Will .men never learn wisdom from experience ? How is it now ? How changed the scree I If a magician's wand had been waved . ; over the face of our country, the re sult wuld hardly have appeared more like enchantment thaathe reality now before us. No man. is idle who is Willing to work. Con tented' smiling faces are everywhere to be seen. :The busy hum of industry gladdens the eati in all diredtions: Everybody ispros perou4 and everybody is happy. For/ the crop of the last year the farmers of Perinsylvania received a high. price. The prospeFity of your city will be seen in the fact that a city has, sprung up, as if by magip4 along side of you, furnishing employ mentj gni shipping i nearly equal in amount to. all thel rest of your tonnage. At thislnew pointl ion daily seen more than 100 - ships waiting for cargoes of coal. Our canals and rairolds: are crowded with business, and new improvements fire springing up itt every quarter. Nearly all the states hare restored their credit, and the United States Treaiilry had, when the present Congress met, la isurplus of many millions. What has prodticed all i1i.1.1? Shall a law that has prodii+d all tlies~e benefits on the country. be hasfily . throwniaside, and one adopted in its place which nil' one is willin g to father, and whichl no one' will defend ; Which, in its .crude principles and undigested details, shows its author to 'be wholly unacquainted with the, , commercial, manntacturing, ~ me 'chanici,d,Hor- agricultural resources of the ,country 'I 1 . . ' I' he, i ve ,alreadi intimated what. J believe will i beitlie effects . of this bill. I :hope, for the Welfare of . mi couzitiy, that .I. may he riilstakiti; but if_it, be„true . that the ” history of: the liist is but the prophecy of the fu tiiie," *ie. resultli4 too clearly foreshadowed -to "admit of a dciulh. ;Pass this bill, and the' derribe*tt , e Parir4atist again be defeated and our;oppoPents again t riumph, and the policy. of the cofintry be unsettled for years. This; hurl's** ' may be I considered a minor eon siarhtiki4 'compared'; with its disastnius el , feo , itior ~every brapch of trade and basi -1 nesif itc; : the- couoti . x.. The lawyers • moy !bailiff arid,gro*i rich, for they prosper by. .tifli c iV 4 4i4ke of" other 1116 4• - They ; may build tit oitnnes upon the ruined estates of IfiA: : OW-citizens t . : and the bard -earned, satitigko 4te:l4pimgnan: rk k other class., orthel - ifroituotti_ con derive . any benefit 1 1 fro ( It • 4) Of:-.ahotainations. 'Wow, •Sr c4 t ...,. , . . , this pr est t, alltt . yr nine, to,ask, why , shall ig eth4iiiiillOtelfer4eoiith the,best interests: ot*teMpitij', lie ptirsireill :and, .especialiy, our,whiihitft.. 44iirt u onweiihk. which -has: bejiibitivili to. - the Okiitry-arid to the dem-, ocrati# frilitr; . lie;iiiiide the theatre ..of 4,4, diiitierii: a ndliiiii I _ What is there in, her, trail %'.• ' WIVPInt;',F. JP. . qttetgr 0 . A .0 : 04, 1? O t , Lt,- -* L 44,-44 5 .r1) 1 4Pik.:- att-Igkg. - 11iee f fi ll..!:ir ir*Cti '74. l *OrY of her:. t/li k 4t4 P - 61,11 ,4/ 3 ePt RClu,'47 P 4 uniiiie liiiiC 11 . . ''..- .— ..i '.. 'i r , .. . ' -, ~, , ,0.1.,., ..,PATilligenco, or _the Senate,--,lxtli gA,pAto_ t i iCsoniewh at *tailed' statement. of , 1 4:0;19,„z+,g branehes.4 , llint #ude..f:::l need "say', pmr'44-4gricUlture ;Ote , init-.llmod.< . fore, ~.3 4; .° 4"?. 1 ... SPOW . SWei *4 the Knien; .Ihat . " ,-, f , ffpl,Cill_e.444t:fizitilei, and' that it: Inn; *,.. Fk*t,,/04g;#04licidtirated . Ij:that- her_ tormol,4o,lirnyerbMl . - - „ritheit-virtue,.their, ilityPigep,,And : heir i$ lull ::- ; Niwhem his. f , , , 'more attention kren„, paid to agriculture as ft, iiiurirgiqor At a.ibiekee, ,4,i1 nowhere has.* *ea.; thowiied=.ivith: grepter success, ..• :No -Iwhe:i4 in this IThiori:is the";eYe of the traveler delight4l livith such:,o l 4a l 4ll evidences of comfort! and happiness as are presented in, her Wl' utifully cultivated farms and their hqat iiiid substantial dwellings. And yet, .11Tr.Pisident, notwithstanding all we hear within these walls of the injury sustained by awriculitkre, in supporting manufactures; this whole Ito . dation have been united as end man it4lsust 'ning their infant manufactures !arid - dkelopiii:, •ifie - re . Sisiireei Of Weil' tiiitiei. \ Let its look 116 r coal trade; and if I cannot instruct the Senate: by its details, I shall aileast astonish.them , by the rapidity :of its growth ; andl . ust I shall induce some Senators to pause, be re they aid in the entire destruction of this vast interest—an interesi which has increased more" rapidly than any branch of industry in.the country. Theilcoal trade commenced in I'B2o. In (hit yOtir oltly 265 tons of. anthracite coal were sOnt to market. lu 113t?1 , t ,.. , i0715k , :\ II -.• 2,240 " " 18251 • 33,699 " '" 1 030 1- - ------------- - • ------ 174,737 " " 1835:1... ♦ •,• 550,815 " " 1840,.) 855,114 " " • 1,103;001 " " 1345 2,021,074 " And in 1i346 it will filly reach 1,500,000 Lou& is :a remarkable fact, that in proportion to the and extended by. the government to this in - portant trade, not only has the quan tity in&eased, but the price has been re duced 'p the citizens; thus completely de stroying the free trade theory of the. present day. :Jpon the same principle, the price will eiptinue to fall as the quantity - mined rises, tot a certain extent; for, like all other count - lit 01a! transactions, the operator unties his.prorits from the amount of business he does, ritther than the seperate items of it. This trill be - seen by the table of sales in PhilaOlphia, New York, and Boston, .for the last stx years : l'hiladelithin. N. York. 80....t0n. 1840 pel- ton $5.50 $3,00_. . $9.00 E 4 $ll,OO 1841..4"..._ 5.00 7,75.... 8.00 9.00 4,25 6,50.... 6,00 'z 6,50 1843 ".... 3,50...... 6,00 cry 6 . 50 1814_..;"....:3,37.._.._ 5.50.... 0,00 17. 0,50 6.00.... 6,0040 _7.00 In 040 labor was from $5 to $6 a week ; now itcommands from $8 to $lO.. Nei is a regular decrease for five years. In the presentyear there is a slight rise, oc casioOd by tho destruction of the Schuyl kill caiml, and the codsequent inability of the millers to send a sufficient quantity to market. Twoity years ago good wood command ed, neitrly every winter, in the Philadelphia and Ne'w York markets, as much as $8 and $lO a lord, and frequently, in ,extreme cold winteri, it rose Mitch higher. So much distress was there often in large cities from the wain of fuel, that it led, as a matter of _necessity, to the estatitishment of fuel-saving societi4s, by which tl4 poor man could protect hiinselr against the high prices in the winter season 4 Now, a ton of coal which is equal to a cord iind 'a half of hickory wood, can be purchaled in either of these cities for what was, tAenty year an, the lowest price of a cord of wood. The introduction of this new article of fuel, which has been fostered and en4ouruged into use by our revenue laws, htis brought down the price of this necessury s of life, and has been more eche fort to t i ke poor man's lin me than any inyen tion'oflie age. Thirty years ago this arti cle ( I tieati t%e.anthratic coal of Pennsylva nia) was entirely unknown ; now it gives employinet to labor, annually; equal to tire millions of days' work.' It gives employ ment tel about 700 ships of 160 tons each. and it ail'ords a nursery for the education of abbot :15,000 seamen, the importance of which 4an only be felt in case of a war with a maritime: power. Destroy this business, and votttratisfer;this nu rse ry i to the coal mines of Great Britain. It has invested in it more than fifty millions of dollars, and it sustains a popuintion in its immediate neighborhood of someS6o,ooo or 70,000 people. Ii ?con surges 4nnually more than two millions of dollarstrorth or agricultural products, and more than three and a half millions of dol lars' wiirth of merchandise. 1 The hil alone consumed in the anthracite 1 coal region of Pennsylvania, in one year, is i worth dver three hundred thousand dollars. ! The lent paid by the miners to the ,own ers of land amounts to an mutual sum of Q6OO, , 00, and this suet is produced by a I ._. ; .-very sniall charge. on each ton mineda-not more tqati 20 or 40 cents—all the- reitmin {der!beifig exppnded for labor in one fume or 'another; and the laud for which tins ,rent ' is paid :vas, until recently, a barren waste. The iffect of the tariff upon this brinch of our fildustry is illustrated by the folliow jug fact:: In 1837 the amount of coal tent to market . wast- 831,000 tons: In 18424 with low duties, it had • .. inc ,to only 1.108,000 Sliowink-an increase of 227,009 tons in five years. 'Ain 1846 it will be over A 500,000 tops,. shOuing an increase, under the effects of the Tariff of 1842, in a period of only four plats, (if 1,392,000 tons. I 14m4g the striking effects of the intro- I drtioniof thisUrticle, fostered as it has ben I b - our tariff laws, is one for the correctiless i oil which I appeal to the Senators of AI Ra- I cbusettii: the completion of the Re ng Radroap, one of the avenues by whip!' he coal teaches , market, has made , such a e , dOctiortilin the price of fuel- in that :St e, / ! that the ; amount saved annually to its , i zetts eqhals the interest on her vrhole ;State , &bhp thui virtually abolishing the debt hselt:, fitake this State as a matter of cdt venienov,• as it is . the great , !market of tile east. • -Rs effect on - Other Btates; partietda y ' 'New. Y4rk, Must .be eqvally 'striking: A ! yet,-,if 4may--.be permitted to dig,*ess, we putilictitien, professing to.represent the inlet s(Li estultheir.constituents,. giving! their aid.' the „de4uction of this business, so important to.thostginterests. , ~. : ! - ! - i 1 . :the jmithracite coal confincilto'the east- On bas4 ; offtlie Allegany Mottntains.' !On the ivesterneope ,is found , bituinous , cOal; 444 n i ; mtna eV'errwestent.county of Perinsilranil' tind'netiar every one of the Western - States - itboundit witliit. , !-I have! not !had . time' tii investigitethe amoinitof busineia etitMentiiil with 'it 4the Operations! of it liavuibqn :ton. fuledkoilocal sectioos :- buttit hits- greatly. M.:, ifeitsed*itsce.tho - taritfot 002'itatilefit 'tit: Oritislf*oal'finto coinpethly with .it hi, i. - the New.:o4montmatketi-, .I.Willi litivieitii - gisie one, factiiining: the effect of, the `'trade Mid 1 18 0 of this article open' thei . prosperitif4fthe "F.tiantr34:;3.The eitiOtPittsbutg, itishin6Wit to. alktlless in 4 !basin! surrOunded witho:MiU Vein,* 41. pi I ;!_onelvitst-woritshok atuf'it's ',,,. , • • hole - growithi and•prospierity s oened from c coal oa:reefed from . to. ft. *aing •Mottn; otnit.',!whic"surround it. . Ed rf.ocie ef:itij ifiii*. li 1 directly • t er in 'reedy, froitt c li es ,i! e it•odu ;ter the coal inines'..i t r • :,, . The town of Pittsburg in 1813 had but ',784 inhabitants. In 1840 the population f the city_preper was 21,00.1' it is tpw ' .s,ooo—mpre than doubled i krt six years have not the date, but I presinnO nearly this inettase hes taken place singe 1842, - I know,: for some years preceding . the II assage•of the tariff bill, business .‘ wns al •,,i oSt•entirely tl Siiiitended. Titei'popplafiee tf the city and surrounding villages ; which e actually IT part of the city; !minuets to e, round number of 100,000, and its' . whew rosperity ,Ijia its origin' in its t Coal i and its ron, and•the manufactures wb;C'n they have irought . into • existence. - Tiic ' Coal now sed by our. steatriships 'oil the! gulf is fur- Oshed front 01.0 Mgitongolieln bciaL mines; and the. mnvetlients of 'our fleet before' Vera Ortiz, to which the eyes of tll nation arc pow turned, will gently depend on an abun • . ance of this 'ireportant neat ornational . efence! within our own borders. .Destroy be trade produced by these mines; and in time. of war we might have tei, depend on our erte k tny , for a supply of this essential de- Ment in modernwarfare. • . i I beg Western Senators,' to look at the' !picture whieb \ Pittsburg presents to them, in the hope that, instead of aiclitig to destroy ie tariff, they' w`R look 'to Many points, Ceti:illy well situated, With Coal and iron around them, upoit Lich • cities May be made to grow up, and.;‘like ,ii, become a market for the vast agricidtural precincts of their fertile regions. \ : • The next important prOduct \,. cfpennsylva hia is her manufactures of iron. By the census of 1840, the nuMber of furnaces in Pennsylvania we's 213. Re turns were prcicured in 1842 'from' a large Cumber of them, showing; thete to he capa le of producing 152p00 tons 'nf pig metal. \ l'llle tariff of 1842 found the fine; of nearly all these furnaces extingnislie4, - their work inen idle, and their farnilies in turbo cases !tvitimut the means of subsistence. 4.nd it is 4 tnelancluily• truth that many debts then contracted fir 'means of living , are : still un paid front the savin g s of years 'of hard labor. Since the passittg,e o f the bill df, 1842, more than 100 new furnaces have been built, which pructuce 178,000 tons oft tneicil—more than 100 per cent or at, inert-16:e. The investment of the capital to produce one tun of charcoal pig metal hiestimated at 1.17, and for anthracite' pig metal $25. nes.e • sinus multiplied hrtliti ambunts of Charcoal and,tin' Utrecht: metal annually pro duced by the furnaces that have been erect ,,ed since 1t42, shows a capital of $6,000M00 • invested in the business since] that time.— This and the • capital previouSly invested, with the amount necessary to p,ut the metal. Into castings, &c., makes the Whole invest ment about $20,000,000. Tl4s is wholly independent of the current expenditures no- Pessary to produce the iron. . , The metal produced by these'ifurnaces an mally, in its raw state, is worth '111,000,000. one half of it, which is probable, is con cried into bar or other_ coarse iron, it ean tot be done.for' less than an expenditure of 9,000,000; and if. the ()uteri half be put too castings, it will 'cost 54,000,000,, Thus !rowing ail actual expenditure 421;000,000 I.dollars annually in the neikhborhood of he furnaces ; the greilter part s of which is mid to the farmer, the laboreroutLthe ,me hanic, of the surrounding country. A careful estitnate shows that! about seven 4ecn thousand Wen ore necessarly to produce the iron made in Peausylvanialthis ye 4, in the capacity of laborers arid int:ebonies , in , Connection with its immediatii production. 1 .lt flowing sii persons to everts family, and' We have over a hundred thousand persons .1 anmediately connected with the labor of these furnaces. The 'labor 4ccessary to rionvert this metal into bars, hoilps, eagtings, railway iron, &c., &c., would fully equal.: another hundred thousand persrins: , In this astimate there is no account takers of the i thousands upon tht;usands of persons eugag- dd in the various pursuits gr*ing out of , Lind indirectly connected with, the manufae- I tnre of iron. . ' i i ! , 1 I have given here a statement of the man ufacture of iron in its first stakes Only. I have no means of estimating tile nuinber'of persons or the amount of capittil eumployed i.i converting it into machinery,ime4anical • uses, and the endless variety oil fabrics into Which it enters. 1 Every village in the State has;nne or more f undries ; every large town haslits ii achine . s op ; and the sound of the steam'engine sets the ear at every turn.' 'I have not ad time to pursue this investiation in all i 'jos minor details. There - is no neans of es- : mating the- variety of ; use to I which it is stined to be applied. It is, ready used ensively in boats,- and to sonic extent in ills of the largest clash; and is the only aterial of which ships engage 4 in the corn mree of the gulf can be;made *of tigaiust c destructive .character ; -of Itlic.tnarifie ortns of that .reg,ion.* j I Whht I have done has been view showing the great importance Of thiSirade, i lwthreatened with destruction: With no wive, that I 'can see, unless it be to build ') in the South - a lordly aristocracy who ye no conception of ithe 'dign#y of labor. shall not be! said herenfterthat this paldm- I. was brought upon the iaboiling men of !y country without sill tlinefforS, in iny pow to prevent, it. My Sympatl4es are with iese people. , I come frbm anidng the ehil ya olusil, and by constant appheatiOn and • nestiabor, have, reached the iproutl posi, n I occupy to-day. The ii ''st legacy I i t ',old desire to, leave my p hildre , would be, L fact that I , had contributed to defeat- a eagure fraught with calumityt thoSo with mn I have mingled 'all. my life:- (;,' Theic ~wring mien , are mostly.democrins. i Their ii players are frequently, of thelci t pposite pol es ; yet, s with,n freedom: and inilepeiidence rat I hope will; ever i cliaracterze , ,,theien, • • I 1 -- I* As as illustration - of, the value ofla4or 114 isput .11 it,l Ova to the curious, ; follitiviag table ; . hequantity or i*stitain Worth - 4 aferlid&b e ..- ~ wortii , tbe following manta i •1 - • :j ~- 1;,.. ien converted into -ordnuiri• nine ' 174 . 4 0 .11 omaitental:work ... 4 • „ . ,'... l j ,45 .0 !eide J j, (Berlin' work) ' ' 'T; •-• ' ''' GO 0, lai :chains .. 4 . i..! .. 4'.• ..- -L --- --.:". a ... ...' . 1,3136 6 I*.bottons.--_-4 -4-- • -- i • ' ,: o. 1 c Ouitity of horlirms wor'ili £1 stetlini i.l . - .. ecotncs, when fornietflnto Tiorae43l;oisji " - • ark '' ' • '!' ' ',* ' ''' --' .-; .. . ri t . ..r. • .110 1 ire!, (table), . '''." •.: J.L .-.. 4 4 . 44.:-;'....14Jr 36" :0: i n , Ps •:- • ',%,, . • -1 ' .., '.-',-,' i, , It' ,0 I Fillfe,bliul ea, . . ~. ... ...... ...'- ' '' 'i lied hiltiatis pill intelltai. .. j ..... 1 -,. '"[loi ' - 6 - 1 ,co iprings of:watches-1. - * ,:.180,000 It/jj 'mr;dfrAiis lan i'-. the : vote entirely it mmellest ' Th '.ivill he tt rprised tilbe , r lo d - no*- , . that ,:th Anetrine ofl a protecOve 'tatiff, 'wine% they hive njwnri believe 4 in ',a44 stistahlea, is oideintie.ratie. 1 l• 1 (Conchidiii n4zt wear) ' ti " I- t Um tg ent to 11 pi _... e - • tre" .vetited us from bil.stOwitig the attention to ou editoriaLcoltufnisf which we could liwe ( ~ wiBhed, • 1! !- ; - ; Augu4ltleqions. • Indiana.7-7-Eno;gii has been learnect of the result of the leetiott in thiS - Stat 4, to satisfy us that WlOtcpmb is re-elected dpv ernor. There 110 been a great falling of in the number of voto l s given, both in Whig ind 'Democratic, : counles', bin the falling of ‘i is greatest in the WI ig conatie's. - IA 1 The 'Whigs wi4 probably have a maihri ity of the Represehtatives, and . the' Dario \, s a majority (With Senators. 1 I 4 lliniliS.-4The HectiOil in this State *as • forimetoers of Corigicss and of the State t.e gislature \ Mr. Nir6tworih, Dew., has 14en re-elected.. s . Cowl - rests: i There is a dose' t 1 • contest between 111% Robert Smith, the pi3es ent member,' and a Mr. Trumbull. . Thelre . . turns are not all in:, t : Missouri.—The IMissonri election walfor the same of fixers a in Illinois. McDc4.ll,' the regular Demo retie candidate for ciat ; gress in St.:Louis Idigtriet, is elected ov i iir a Native American aid Fin independent Nin nerat. I , .1 • !i North Cardina:l--Tlicreturn continua to indicate that Gralain is re-elected Governor,. and that the Whigs havelearried the teirs , !attire. I • .i • Gen. Can; enn'TsSPeech. • I e In this week's number Of : the Adov4te we publish a partOf Mr. Cameron's Speech upon the Tarilrbill which has been official ly smuggled upon the people: Its lertgth precludes the 'possibility of publishing it:en tire in one number of our . paper, yet the truths it contains, land the convincing (ind irresistable proofs that a protective Taritt is not only sanctioned by high Democraticpu thority, but is the true:policy.Of our goyim ment, will lid.a sufficient excuse for the large' space it occupies iq our columns. We commend speech to Vie candid consideratioln of our readers. The doctrines it eontaitiS are old as the Constitu tion, and, indeed, lid bad 'stifiliosed t the set= tied policy of our . ebuntry'. The prOtection of our iron manufactures, ,especially, could have no opphsitiotb: except frommen ho arc dead to every feeling except the aggrin dizetnent of 'party, and the dii.ision of the t loaves and fishes. ! The Notinthintions. I. .). .1 caucus of•Dele t o rates asseMbled at the Court-house on M i nday evening, and. I,p- . pointed ,Jtidgo Leet, of Friendsville, Pre,si dent, Dr.'Shints, of Iliwmity, with onelor two other Pine Presi!dents,4and Jos. L. MFr rimun, of Fiankliii,tnnd I. N. Meylertileof New Milford', .leereturies- : I The list of TowilshiPs were called, rind ; j the Delegates presented their• cretientijilq and took. their seats ki -the Convention, the President meantititelkeeping.hii eye on t i iie list- a Comthittces o Vigil‘ned as publith -1 cd b r the Nerthern Deiffeerat, to .see apt. all was right. We 1 aye no doubt, had idfi,el-" egates been icturne there,!ceitified by oili.Y . er than those!, smite 'Ominitteei, l ikey'W4lif 1." s - Bare heel! promptly : 4 ifejeett9. A. resc4tion , 4 was . adopted,. to, tu effect, that the Dile gates, in ,balloting for candidates; shotild vote rive voce, and- t. tat tho Clerks keei a tnllyi of each Delegat ',. vote. - This was 6- ry.ploperol4 Demok.rt l itic.: ~ - ; • Do bajhitikg for ti candkjato..fer P.oppe seutativc, Dtivid - ThoineS,lF,sq.i-of•;94tit Bentl, our late feeprdseiltii , e, was ret•nomit - .1 : r , • . ii itted , on the Asst 14itiat .. --!.. -, •- . . = Nathaniel i yireetio Thomson' • was noia hutted for Coiinnaissio • fralleis Quinn, of boeonut, Wasnoniiii= ated fur Auditor. 1 1 '' n Pii Tuesday ovenulg flat .Whigs ineti in Coniention 'appoint (Ili Capt - ' - diddingil l of Heriiiek, Chairman, .i. Russo , -Esq. Via` f Auburn,.. am), -Pena %Carpenter, ofL ilik-. tbrd,l Nice' Piresident , 1 and, A,'''', Chmill l n- 4i t - lin,' sq., of Montros4, jand Aelta Hernt' ;ghat. of, I slit Saaraiavies. h d / i • At, the. - Hirst ball tih-Onniel Searie f lef, Mon o,,: ro so, wds nomin tilitii i tteatididiiteihr , 'Rep Otientatiii from ti i l e' .. eudnti. - ...' / 4 . " r 1 1 14 I Lamle, n_fl,T)lO .11 - :ilwasitorilir,lt i I for. ornmissioner. , fTi. !: .,-. 1 ~, . ./, -II ~ , Thomas ll'icholsoil i or Springville, lis nomiaated for Auditor - .I' l , ;'' " ' ''' •'`" l ,'t plirited Reseltitia ''iveie ' adOted 1 4,- non bing the, Tariff O iB4fr ati an infultt, ) ' the l oot& of reausil . iin. I :.-- : , L `, ' , C l ' L-Sniiti4i of : T, kh+ooict a .. it d it,e Com - elation ,iti:. eloquent,. off-I#d -speedb, ' - in W i liiuh lie resenied, 'too' tnOt • the rui ! La b ud de ola > i# itsiltat - tit'" • • ' soutlpern • Tariff. JtiignWfratn: Ids speech', ourl old friend is certainly' no r-noviee on the -stump, Be** kilkeif - Opinions: for himself from loom,ibr e}stn- Ments thisiveolc- - orr the nominat % ions made. ._. l The jpitependentirrOilairr The 4 .pili -for the: establishnient of arila &pea-ilea beanne. the Jaw of dinland.• . .Standini upon a per manent ,hasis4itiwill- form a landmark, i n -the-historylof :i.pemocratic legislation. Its prineiPleSArcl . Caeial with this adminst ra " non of :i . v . UShitigton, entering i nto the con_ tests that divided his , cabinet,~ and finsdly formed,,the. grand distinctive ;feature that characterited Democracy fronaederalism. True; it needed the strong, hand of Andrew Jackson tCi 'er u :the monied Monopolies of the 'nod; and place these.principles in their just light • liefol:e the the people—and in drew jackson : was -not the mien to put his hand to‘the :wheel and then tun back from such a purpose.: In. 1840 we; fear it Was defeated by its friends—we -fought for it earn e s tly 4.m1; with might and main, and saw it go downlike, a•well-maired hanre, foundering amid the storms and tempests of a disastrous 'Peptipaign. It is anw ; we think, Placed upon . ‘ ti permanent foundation, and as a regulator of our linancial:afrairs, will give a healtl4 influence to o L iery depart_ ment of . husiness. - L We - hope ; it may, in some measure; counteract th; baneful 'and deadening effe,Pts . a Miura British Tariff Bill. • Certain i we rtre .. it carq-:itever act in harmony with that Bill, andook fotwa;•11 with an anxious fear lest the passage of the one will prove the 'downfall oil!, the other. ifain, pursuant to kowal, the 17th MOSES, STOPPARD,,Esu. of .Forest,Lake i iurving- been appLinted Presi, dent, Capt. 41..FREli JONES, Or Thomson, and Maj. AuTUurt. &arm, of Clifford, Vice Presidents,' aid Go. L Avery of Herrick; with Atiet: Cdfr, Esq. of Foreo Lake, Sec retaries, was 11, Thate cattsider the manner in which our Coan w y ! Convention was called, and the Mode in whiCli our primary-1 imeetin& in most instance 4 were conducted, an insult to .lionest men and a 'fraud upoli the genuine HeMocracy of our county. !I; That in common with a mirjority of our fellow citizens, we much deplore the pas sage of the ;neiv Tariff bill, wl4ch must seri , crusty injure the now flourishi7' iron nn factures, depress `the nowlthriving coal blade, and discourage in theirirdosrial pursuits tbe already'oppressed citizens Of a debtrrid -- en State. 1 That with u viewio having jibe wishes of _I • our Demociatic friends farrl represented and the iniJre69 of the'North 'i dulY te+et, ed, Montrose' and Waller Olmsted, L"sq.lof Jessup, be ar pointed d Con ferees to meet others from Bradford and Ti oga counties, Surd put in nomiliaticin a Cnn didate for: the_ office of i gepri: . sentitive in Congress ; with instructions; in making a selection, to, a:dopt the'One Tern Princi?le, and favor a spredy repeal of tl4l Anti-Penn sylvania .Tatiir or 1846. Thai the Crinferees Or either l ;f thoth have power, in cosef ; of inability to aloud the Con ference, to Make substitution. • • ;That the several; Demcieratc papers lin , this Congressii?' nal District be rregnestei to ptiblish die priieeCedings . of this' ; Convention. ._41.95t8 -.§TOPPAR,D,. POO , 'ALFREE) JoriEs 4 ' " } : V. Pre is. A RTHUR. ~ $)Irrol Ariel.iCair.,f— Sc e' t . L. ikiery, rYs-, !Tlel'e° will ' be ori%-e ' tioi at the Court Nonfitly:,o'etniug next ? tiOn oftheAore procei r For the P, _'eopll. t o . -• ,;.! I:43TOCK, July g7th; 1846 i NESaii.'.EniiiinS i--As the'lidvoctite int Made - it§Cli`fhat it,.desiei3A i ' o be 'in the entrt,, (viz...the jadvocate of tber One of man) and I presum4 it • will contimiti to advocate ti thOse rights 'ft of conseo; nces,.l.lvtgk . 3brefoie;•fon4lc.: 44 tillman,Ri c iiits„ " op otfox, j oe-tic one . ooilms.fabored so 1 ard„ with, all: the obilantbroliy :they aro in Ili jr• way. caps-. blO to awak4n , yolis, 4 inioid , OPitton, the Op dition of "iii..'Ait li:Le ii . t'ilie: '`tio?,. ill l' Novi I wishwish.tu nodi,Jnlcal. candor and 'airness,, why thOiletaillluir 'nergie, , o, fop ihe rights; of man fall;nimi'l 'the condition Of . southern , . I.B 4 Vin Y I A 'lliii?p we . mil .irfrite slaves in the ocirtkern itatesi4JY:4 - 40$ hi ter. o ,ir t 1 O,A . a,1 1 ,-sautho :41 #.41 - 4Ylereiii 'aoaSisit'i4e-i 'oliffernce, whogter -you-take avrtty•the liberlo , oilman ; Or• givs4,4lihr. liberty ou'd -then take ti oWay, , the:"pritileteria€ using it, :;Do` trei . t o ne6d the' lief iititiO' en to fre 'the Mi . t etla viltite_Aavt*frconi self.eretl-114§. 1 1 t Wiiosetgond 'is t4ivip geld—who ' " ei4lenitali =0 loinrt thel r „avocation fto 'daY: t,ll'4 ll yi l . and`grlijol l tii 3 Oilitrao. iie 'the' linor in the'ditOpr .: 'i4l ( iiiiiiiio4 l- P, r iiiii.4'ei.rPin :: - fi i j ii i,:.o!ii*. litlbelohapit'Ofi.rents - inmuses h:iadarles„ c i alt!?1,--lieitty-,elerltsltiOs 1 . it' is.. nit' undolutt«,: at faerithe taiiitalcis , arrays.. ageinetii- bor. , - Not 0; Wkre'llaiis ia-ilic!cie, ► Wol-ittnet" Geneinl ,;honse.bn a . tinratifica ilings. ( o's Advocate
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers