Montrose Democrat Thursday, February 180909. CENT-A-WORD -COLUMN. Litt—A pocketbook.-FloOr leave at Baillo crat tillee and get reward.: Geo. Latitmer. Dr. C. W. Brodhead. 'boraezdenti4t. will be at home net week to :do dental work. For ankle -Pair of b`ack colts; three and four yea r 4 old. i s titers; Wen driven some Also other horses. . John H. lantmei, Montrose. Pa. ForSale-Sit slieplM p ippios three months aid, Mee cues. . H. Crandall, Heart Like.. Pair of bay horses for sale." six and -seren jreare old, weight 270) 11,0;.%; - G. P. Stoekh Am, - Fankliti Forks. Pa. For Sale - - Moine - thoroughbred Berkshire hear pigs. Dam from Loyejoys herd:. • J. B. Sheen. South Montrose., Pa. For Sale ;A fine rabbit, hound. • 11 7 . W. Snorer, Spiingrilte, Pa., R. F. D. 2. lion - me for Sale —postaesal tat. Wlll be rented If rot, a dd. E. S. Warner.iiontrose. Foe'sale ehear --qood work mare. • W. C. fox, Montrose, Pa. rot Sate—llylcuva of 15eiskeres situated 31-5 tulles west of Montrose. Will sell 11 for almut the amount received for its_ products for the past four years 'A g akar° of purchase money can remain In place for a term of years Good building+, telephone end rural mail. E. C. Baldwin, Montrose, Pa, A. r D Beebe, agent for the Sharpies T..b - tors. Lost—Gold -watch chain. finder will receive reword it same is returni* to E. IL latelteage. - pile wanted at Springville H otel . Apply it ' pupp, . . • ranted- 1, 431r1 or woman to aasist with housework, in small 'family. To commence about April et. Kra. E A. Smith, Heart Lake; Pa. gee will pay 50 cents" per hundred pounds toraerap cut iron. 413 each Mfg. Co.. montrosp„ . Wanted--Girl for genCral housework. • Ap- VI to Mrs. Barry Searle, $6 Lake. Ace., • - ' - Montrose, P. For Sale--Geod farm horse, also four tows. Time given if desired. , ' F. E.Mll ard. For Sale—One electric runabout In .go eotnlition. Also a SO horse power Marino' air eoWed, two-seated' car in first-clarm con dttlon. H. E Frey . 538 Securioy Bldg.. Binghamton. N. Y. Work wanted;--Steady work.' by day or month. Married., °Wm. P. Stanton, • Dimoek, P. ' Found—Lanies small baud bag. • Claim same at Democrat office. Crates for sale at :Hiekoles mill, Franklin Forks. at 10 cts. each, till tut ther notice. ' -For Sale —Pure bred Holstein bull - calves, some from' Ad canoed R cocci ; some will be ready for use InJully, F yVtbster. Dialock, Pa • Pair a e—A fine pair of . oxen..4-yrs•old. ire 1 m itched and broken; weight, 2i,V lie. Atlilresi.: E. C. Peek. Kinvley . .. Pa , 1 For Sat Farm G 3 acres. houses barn. I.arfit lit acres. largo house: two barns. w.-;rou hciirse, etc...both wet wa'e ed. Fine location. .Mrs. N. L. Hollon. Wgalusing, Pa-z . . . ~ For Bent—Farm of 145 , ae res, tn 'Forest Lake. on route No. 5. handy to eraamery. In caldre of J. L. Qualley, Montrose. ea. -.. _ Rooms'for Rent—Second floor. 3. B.:Stephens. Montrose. _ For Sale —HanirriondTyrenrriter,t l . s NatinnalCo,ll Segl,44.r. Price Iltrl Do. ori.trlnai post 00. It. L Avery. Springvilte. For Rent. Rtter April ltit, the store iniF hy F. B Swish, Jew cr. " • N liio'ulro3e. Pa Highest New York. prices paid. -.tor. fresh • eggs. •L. F. Potter,..k., Co ~Montrose. • • Fine. Farm , - for or ' , 11i% near :Montrose. Birch, dcitic• nil Neir 3li torfl. aces, ct*; , . sot , - - . • . • , .T. " 240 -;. i s-4 • FOl- house on LalLe A come; n y C Cruser. • e Far Sfile--Vac , il;t witnin tcrii natilee. of Pw c Atottice W. t.l. Cruse-r • For - Aa.:e-- I !Pale holne . tir rcix. s.vven in a e,cloo, twighbo o rb..wa, on :t roain road.. barn and :In 0•(1 flitablir?. for chicken abirw. +ell for .s6oa. Addresks Deurzierat °titre. • .Moutro.e Pi. li; -- 1)euel, of Rush, a Punt: sale Feb. Ting:ey. of Alford. 'was_ callirt ;,lor.trote friend, recently. • Trrry, Heart La.lie, calle„d Tuesday to re- . la6v for 11 . rs,d W 1rId: . . GeD. W. Bayless, •of lieart" 4- was among (nit - callers Tucs,la)=". —The I'. C. will meet with .11Ts C. F Watrous at 7:30 ) eye. 21r.h. Mr EMI —L. B Frii,lr was up from .Scranton evc-r FiunciaV, 1.0 see - r;is Dr. k, Is recovering froth a seripus ill n.f , ss. • aivert.i!=cs a sale 01 laotas.thild at the Hata: Hotel in Lawton, on Thursday', Feb. 25 - th. Also horses and cows, —Papers receved Montgomery, Alabama, indicate" that:tThere is great interest in Dr. Torrey's 'meetings, there, and the a! success is attending them I ! Qn Monda-y S. A. Pettis celebrated his'olith birthday; had calls from grand children and great grand children, re ceived many cards and letters frOm friends. - . -L , p: W. Terry and L:4. 'Avis. hare purchased the general merchandise store of \T. L Shadduch',& Co. at Law ton The firm name *ill be D. W. Terry* Co. _ • —Leslie Clink, an eiriploy . e at Bor e den's, got a fall Thursday,which resulted unfortunately in a compound fracture • of the leg. He was walking On a plank ' which. broke beneath him. and let him fall. . .. `Prof. „ ~ —Prof. S. S. Thomas;of ' Springville, ' always an interesting. Writer, sends us for the special edition ; an article al very unusual interest in an historical; way, giving indication of no race suicide in , Sl.;ringville. Thanks. , - - •, • . - --Owing to the large amount of spe. cial 'matter in this, weele - s -- Derrio — c - rat, home of , the regular departments are not as full as usual, and' some are omit'. ted ultogether,also sornecorrespondence is omitted from varioustowns.- '—Miss Fannie Read said good bye to her many Montrose , friends last ::Mon day and will not be in Viontrbse Again for several months, ,as she intends to tale a course in the Moody Bible 'lnsti tute, Chicago. . • —Dean Rogers, who ; recently - pur , chased the L. W. Moody store at South Montrose, has, a new ad today. fie in: tends to let the 'people know hereatter what is going on at that populaeSouth • Montrose store. —The Republican says the Farmers 1„ Bank advertisernent writer is unique., Whatever, that may_ be it seems to rhyme with Mozambique, - Martinique, Cbesapeak, Pike's Peak, and catarrh in your beak. People With this latter .seldom realize that it rhymes with any - thing, unless perhapt it's a gasoline motor, stuck in the mud t But cotnpli ' ment, or the reverse, the Farmer's Nat ional is' all plumb, froth the type- Wrighter down the whole gamut, fx tuies and employes_ , —M. S. Dessauer has new adv. to day. carpets etc. . • —The Library will b e . losed Wash ington's birthday. ' ' =Giles Carpenter, of Hallstead, was here tte other , day.. • 4 --Mrs. Wm', Beck entertained her lady' riends recently. i ' '—W. H.. Austin, .of Franklin, was at the county seat Saturda i - . —With two 95 in it. r t . s yestr ought to be-a great one for ba I bill; —Jury commissioner. . T. Hillis of Lawton, was in town M nday. • ' - , , —The banks will be c osed Monday, Feb iz. Washington's b rthday. —M - X 41. E. Bedell.' of Scranton, was viiititig friends here ast week. —Hon. and Mrs.: H. , '. Rose . were guests at Judge Little's', 'st week. . —Will Ryan has pu based a house f from M.-S. Allen, on Ch ango stree t's .—The vote on road t o in Franklin, Was decided ,'..'No,“ Ono - t two to'one. —B: Wruble, the sto4k buyer, was nnarried•to a Pittston lady a few ' days ago. h . - t . —Benj. Vandervoort, INew York, is , the guest of his sister,':lMrs. Bryce a Titman. , . -7 , 11r5. W. J. Maxey. fl Forest City, has been the guest of_ t - s. F. L. Leon ard. here. - I i • -Extra copies of tod I. ny ,l s big Demo crat at office 5 eta. or_ ik wrapped and mailed 7 eta. i '—Holstein Breeders *a meeting next Tuesday. Feb. 23 . ;, at i o'clock; election of o ffi cers. ' - 1 .• ; —Mrs T. A. Robe ' friends are glad to to know she is overing from her recent serious fall. ,:' , - -- =Frank -Pepper, 22P er of the ' Auburn Corners crea ' was doing business at the county - t SaturtEr. ni tiag =Nearly two tons o } i i paper was re quired to print • tad y's Democrat. costing one hundred d ot ars per tori."`•) -- -' - -Our genial barber, • , L. Cobur6 , has secured the servi ' of Thomas Curran, a first class bafbei of Scranton. -M. tr J. Lee, of Friendgyille, and C. S. Valles, of New Milftirdt, attended the State school directors' iTortvention as delegates. _ „ v -tri• • —The gentlemen's sutper at the M. E. !church last night, - is largely at tended and s thoroughly,,; enjoyed. The, receipts-were over Szoo. 1 • . ----M rs. Elizabeth NicKeeby was snick: en with paralysis, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. T. S. Stnith, injess;tlP. and is in a critical condition. --Carlisle Smith's tw&lfth birthday was :elebrated yesterdair d by about go of - his hale friends at t4e - home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ailit. Smith. . ~,, —Read's reasonable prices have taken another drop. His ad. - . ".palls attention to a few.items on which reductions have been made, as samples la - other bar gains.' ',.. 4 , • . t'' • —The marriage of Mr.f Lottie White Avery to John O. Horton, both of this place, is announced, to occur at the 13apti,t church. Wedne.iday. Feb. '24. r 90.9, at 5 o'clock. i.. —A meeting of tl'e t Committee will be held nest. Monday, at' Binghamton, to open the bids for the,. ontrose Bible onic/ ‘-. ;It:: Audi t•:,riurn. 1 - ich it is t x Al pected l treibirilt in it. Isrring. • I t r . 4 Ma..ey Jeri\itts will /pad the young pe0i• c 1e!,,....: rneking=t4 at the! Presbyterian chu:ch, Snuday evenine,Oeb. zr. Tht t ,, p.c is; Pilgrim's •Po - )ness Series IL The Sldugh of Despond, Ets, 09: 14, 13. 18 ; 49* -3. • tl• . -I't is said tnere has '- , not - been' so much call for houses tc4 rent in ten. at i this. year, whilei, more houses have b..-.en sold the past I:year than in any prircding three yetkrs. liontrose is all right as a place to ice. . . •—M - r. LP. Myers; of 1 1 1 - ilkes- Barre. Wh o has spent seVeral wl" . &•s in Mr•rit rose, in assisting- in geWn-,, , , out the Democrat's srecial ceitiq,n, bss made many friend= here. He lla thoroughly t rained newspaper man 4.ll;much.exper ience, and a pleasant a4id . courteous ! entlernan to do businessi,-with. . —S. A. Smith, of 1 7 ar t .;Ilin, while in town Saturday, give - ar. - Ipleasant call 4 i and re - newed for his 'rnocrat. Mr F Smith. -we say with 1- 4 ret, is not a Democrat, in politics; buty, - he takes the Democrat for its ccunty.s -and genera' news &c . and saYsit fills'a.p:a.:e none . of the , other papers do. ':i , Our local W. C T. 1. - . .jobserved tag days by ptesentir:,g thirt.i volumes to the Free Library.. Thee Books are published by the National! Temperance Society, New York City, #nd are inter ,estmg and ' instructive,WThe Library Association accepted the gift with many thanks. K, - —.B, B. ' McCain. Rur's . popular merhant, Who ,has been 4 per'sistant use: of printers'-ink, hasp ~ e en in bus xrl ness there 35 years an H in his an noucement today he info s his many Customers that he was ,' s ever so well I prepared fo'r their wants', 4 nd at satis factory prices as now. 4 1 ; • d —Thank Heaven, girls4for Mr. Ail mar. of Juniata county; as'solely through his oratorical effort or last week the bill to increase tithe marri3ge licenve fee from fifty ents to two 'dollars was defeated. 4 Ir. Ailman's most effeetiVe argument Isms that be was married ;oncehimselfli4nd that fifty cents was all, the license las worth. —The will of the late A : ;;W. Kent Wa.s ,probated by Recorder T irchard went over from Montrose for Oat purpose. But no inventory has been filed as yet. The firt Memorial churchlof Brooklyn, , is left $ r,OOO in trust.. '''be widow is left $15,000 in additio4: to slo,ooo pv , n just previous to h,..# death - and all the near relatives are Qliberally re membered. His two brof r ipers, W. L., cf Brocklyn, and J. L. Ketst, of. Boston, are residuary.legatees. i 4 • • 13bro Electi i'n " I . , i The following born offi. ,- were elect ed Tuesday: . , , I ,• ~.. ; 1 Burgess—W. A. Titsw - • h. Collector=-W. V.. Hand Nc. • . Poor Director—T. Al R rti. Auditor—N. Warner. i . Justices of the Peace - 7 2, . A. Davies and M. H. Van Scoten. ' 1 1 ,7 e .•. FIRST WAR ~!' - • • cm:wen—J. C. HarringtO. • - - Judge of Election—Herrtßrewster.• Inspectors.,-0. LePrevas - t and J. L. Casey. __ i i,J ' ~ . - - SECOND WARD. .. . Council— C.:1.. Van Sc ' n. . . School Directors—T. j. Davies and ,W. J. Baker. : - .- : rt. - • Judge of Election--H. 14 - llack.. Inspectors—E. L. Burchi , and M. W. Dennison. . '. .111 • THIRD W . AR.pI ' CotinCil—. .G. Fanclie' 1. and S. E. Newton.. . ~ , Judge of Election—H. • l ' ayons. Inspectors—E. G. Fo0:: and S. j. Northrop. - . THE MONTROSE DEMOCRAT. MONTROSE. PA. Masonic Banquet Make this Maik Tour Brilliant Affair.. Place of Deposit . &Eichauge THE FARMERS' The annual Banquet of Warren Lodge No. 240, F. & A. M. and Warren Chapter, was held at the Tarbell House. '': NATIONAL MONTROSE, PA: Montrose. Pa., (Byron 'Horton, 'pro prietor,) Friday evening, Feb. 12, 1909, ► 4 and was most brillilmt and successful ' affair.' a Capital , - $OO,OOO 00 .► it, may be that ;Some time yoii ► Plates were laid for one hundred guests, eighty being guaranteed Mr. Horton, but in. the afternoon it was ap parent. there was to be a 'large attend ance and by the time the banquet hour had arrived one hundred and twenty guests had assembled. While the num ber greatly exceeded that looked for, yet Mr. Horton had enough and' to spare, and is to be commended on the genial. yet energetic way he set abdut to care for his extra large comPany. The menu was an elaborate one and the preparation of the viands faultless. The service was graceful and gave add ecfcharm to the hour, But the best part, (it all seemed the best) was the flow of soul following, and W. A. Titsworth as toast master, was a success from the s art, and immed iately dispelled only feeling' of ennui, should anyprie have been conscious' of such feeling—owing to the lateness of hour--and both introduced , the toasts and punctuated the intervalswith time ly remarks and some mighty good anecdotes. The oratorical.teature of the even ing was by lion. R. B. Little, on "Lincoln the Statesman." and the lof ty and enobling sentiments, couched in splendid diction. made an after-Nmer speech worthy a. Depew. Ur. Little's speech was replete with information re garding Mr. Lincoln. his achievements, his personal traits, hit unselfish loyalty to principle—his stories. It was it real gem. . In Masonic 'History, W. D. B. Ainey spoke of the order's beneficial and help ful effect on mankind and its great assistance in. working out many of the moral problems of the ag ! es_ Mr. Asney :s always a great favorite with Montrose audiences, and, he was at his best this evening. "She would be a Mason," was a most humorous paper. faultleisly recited by Mrs. W. H. Conklin. • R. A. Zimmerman. oc Scranton, spoke on "Free Masonry." -- Rev. H. B. Benedict, always a tact ful speaker with some pleasant and en tertaining message for his hearers gave a gem of a toast, 'Good Cheer,' being its subject. In "Our Dep.rted Brothers," F. - I. .tt spoke feelingly of the two • merrt •bers, whom death had claim during the past year. viz. Dr. Ainey of New Mil ford and-Edward Rose of Sil er Lake. In addition to being- the iftst largely attended banquet ever g t vsitrby the Is°. ciety, it was also considered one of the most enj-Table ever held. The cOrn mittee'on arrangement are .be con gratulated, together with Mr. Byron -Horton. who evinced consummate skill in preparing and serving the menu •' Music was furnished by I. W. Oak ley. H. A. Lions, C. J Knapp, Paul Sprout and Mrs Van Catnpen. Lincoln Day The interesting Program at.the Montrose High School.: I . .. song - llnerica Qcho. I.lnc. a in. Sn: , , , :nzo. ..... .1 un'or.k.: ' • • T t:e. , and ho - . 11 of. L'neo' n NI ;tarot O'Bri n L'relln. - in 4 y.r nna StAtennnn, Milton ' .1 -cont. Culoninla i;eni , of t_bo irimvi. Sc.g . 1 Liu.:-,n, C in mrio , . of Fr , ..:•!ono....—Loui3o"' 0 N r ..' n tnir4.gflel(l to IV:o.tnngto... ueor4o Fii n won;; -t-mtir II y.nn of t ht. 11,3nitole, LAnc In. Ilia t.bri,t nn N i na. Bali Ittei ration i itcoln's F,,,v ,, rit,- Poecn Hitt 11 .1. Here My t id ken tuck!: Mate QiiartiAtti 1 - 1 1 100 :4".1 Grant .Guy Well s. .SiVihkrs fi•ortefi • f Lincoln Edith Miller Anna rarafl LILPDI[I N, t Mynah C;rubhhh. ):ti . . — Male Qqartette L.itle-in. itqln.gol. , t:itiV , , .A m Elt,,•rt I):lvitA . . tact from It ( , 1!) . 1 1 naugu'at addrep. Iteeicutati u I.lneidit at ti'ettysharg. Criarka Smith Ed.Aaro• •Siar Spangled Lai er, - e;itrnatio:i. Line 31a. Allen "C.lpt tin: Aty Captain: Mary Sparken Tlei rti-i-etubly bail wits npriropri.itely decor ated ler ttie .1 - utlikiris under tit , super , . i.lott!of tint, .11.1.;re were m.iny v!...ltore, ro,a,vt uere were nlea entertalnrut , ',ut# in ha the mum,. Apples and Potatoes Wanted; . . Will p:sy J. 40 per too 1 , :,r apes and ow per bct "‹...t 6o 113. for p)t.tti,es at the L. & M. Station Montro.:se, :Feb. 1, th to 2 4 th. . ' Wm. &C. I.4.:Daylciti: Thompson. . Feb. i 5.-The pupils of the schct)l Un der 'the leading of flay ,teachers, gaVe very commendable eXereises on the otie hundredth anniverary. of the birth of Abraham, Lincoln, last Friday afternoon. A' number of the old Foldiers were pre sent, commander L. B. Whitney and comrade P. R: Tower. were also beard c,n theoccasion. • The many relatives and aeq' naint ances of Mrs. Estella 1.3. Strong, were -hocked last Tuesday morning on hear ing of her sudden death,' at her home in Starrucca, of apoplexy.. She had many friends, and they gathered from here and thti •surroun - ding country in throngs. to attend her funeral Saturday morning. A quartett from the M. E church choir here, rendered some choice :;elections. ter. of Ne'w Milford, has been with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. G: G:AVitter, the past week. Fier miner .has been quite sick: There is to be a twenty-five cent chalk talk in the M. E. chtirch, Monda) even ing. Match i. . John Brownell. in the northern part of the township, is quite • ill again, and his neighbor, Mil.: John Me:i'sengtr does not improve as her friends hoped to see her. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years, was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pro louncrd it a local disease and prescribed cal remedies, and by constantly fail ing to , cure with local treatment, pro nounced it incurable. Science hqs proven er}tarr 11 to be a constitutional disease and therefore requires constitu tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney ,& Co.. Toledo. Ohio, is the only constitutional cure Orb the market. ' It - is taken inter nally in doses from ro a tea spoonful. It acts direEtly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it , fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials Address: F• J• CH ENE Y & CO. , Toledo Ohio. Sold by Dniggists, 7sc. Take Ball's Family Pills for const W. B. VAN DE SAND, Osteopathic Physician. Office in Payne's residence, corner Maple and Ctestnnt streets, Montrose, Pa. , 4 will need , some aisistance that ; 4 this bank can render. lf you o. are transacting Your business 4 with us you maybe assured of AP our friendly consideration at all 0 times. We are atyour service 0 ~ ~., • . Officiate: t A. W. J. Baker, Preaident; W. A. 10 Titsworth, Vice•Ptesident; C. F., :Prose, Cashier; R. 4 13eebe,Teller. AIGIIOI4OIWaQiiIMIM as Tag Day, $1,500.63. Returns from Various Towns 1 a for Benefit, oflibrary. Allen, Mrs. Chas., So. Montrose. $ 2.25 Allen, Marian, Montrole, 5.02 Avery, R. L.. SPriogrille.• 3.50 Bacon, Mrs. M. A. SniMontrose, .1.1 5 . Bartlett. Abbie, Gelst 2.15 Benedict, Beitha, Matrose, 6.15 Camp, Grace. • ',p,l< 4 54 Cavanauah. Anna. Rulibtinro. .so Chase. Mrs. O.' W. Dintock. - 6.55 Conklin, Montrose, 13 7r Courtright. !" .20 Causer, Julie. 1, -- 14 4 on Curtis, Bessie, BrooklYis f - 6.50 'Conklin, Anna, So. MOOMOON .25 D o wns, Miry, Frinkliti Forks, 6 OQ Duel. Lena, Little Meadows. 3.00 , Egleston, Lu.,^Gt. Bend, ' 19.00 (Collectors—Helen Krans, Florence Hamlin. Maude Sparks,i Alice Sullivan and Margaret Casey - ) Faucher, Ada, MontroXe. Goodrich, Alma, Kingsley, Harringtun, Anna, Montrose, Hastingq, Jessie. it. . Ifosttrman, J. S. James, Annan, James, 'Vida Jenkins, Maxey, Kelly, Thressa, Keens. Nellie, (Collector. Helen Burns ). 4 • La Barr, C. R., Kingsley, 8.00 Lonergan. Katherine, Montrose, 4 15 Lott, Emily, tr 8.26 L'me, A C . Fairdale, ' 3 to Library 'ox, Montrose. 6o 75 (Library 13)/c was in response to letters sent cut to people in the various partn of the Co.) Montrose High School. sundries, 4.00 Mc Keage, Maude, Ntontrose, _ .4 65 Miller, Bessie, EirchardVille, 5 15 O'Mara. Katherine, Montrose.. 3 to . Page. Lena. Lakeside. 4 ; Pe at, Mrs E. MontiOse, 3 Pickett, Amelia, ". Reynolds, Mrs R., So. Montrose, r Riley, Katherine, Montrose, Ro-e, Mrs. Henry. Silver Lake, Saunders. Ethel G . Elk. Lake S sae , Ellen. Montrose,'; Smith. Florence, " Smith, Mrs. J. T., , Smith, Bessie. Lenox, • • 2.2 5 itearrli i G. A , Itirford,' 5.70 (Cul t0rf;,...• - • 'rf . d''lF,nrythe and •7 , 59 ; so 120 lingleyi, E. lti,„ So L...... Tingley. G. At GibFori, . 4 1 5 Tits2, - orth. Liil4. s in, Muntrose. 24 62 Totten, Cora. - - . ' 5.35 Tutt'e, 'ld i.•S7lrinizville, - I 35 Vi,i3Ortia.le, F A ..P. , Tesl l ;il.?., 13-30 Walsh, Mary'. FrienJWllle. 4 o Wi4iams, Laura, Montrose, ~ 6 03. Thanking Taggers. and Others. . Editors Dem,,crat: Will von allowme 1.112 - 911gh your paper. to - thank each one %vho :helped to make t - Pur Diy" th '2.rand stteces; :t Ha- - , proved to he. o..mmit tee.. v,.11, ;;erred:-' 'faithfully.the 4olleetor3, Pf,.l Ilosterinan and his abl . i.; corps of -teaclier, Prof. Stearn, NV. IL, tkier who ha, - a;sisted- 11. - ;iit so many WIIVS, • each 1%:::•.;er ;:ho worked with heart' gond. and Yr,'!ur :paper for lielpiflg ti in_every posible WAy.. We have z3 , ;2.-..,anda little more may yet ix rcih in. Say we are de li i; put . it,mildiy,,' 11'. want to c6r.grataJate each oone: upon the .splen did-effort put iotth. put invi books means seNteral traveling : librar (f.. for Stara. Cv. Very cordially . • .AusEs P. LITTLE:, Ch4irrnan., `Three Cents Postage. The postag .3 on single r c vies of this Special Edition of the:Democrat (.2S pages) is three (s) cenk which must be prepaid in full int - . trtinsmission, through the mails to ans address in the 'United States, Canada 'Or Mexico. we give this notice .that -people may not lose their papers.,. • . - . • • • DANCE.' r. „. • There will he a danie aj.„FriendsVille the night of Washikionl birthday, Feb, 22. for the bent of St.'Patrick's chureh*,-Mici4letown. 4 - A chicken supper will be served by theladies of the parish, and a three-piece orPlestra_ will furnish music. All are invi:ed to attend, and a good time is assured. . • - • : By order 4)'f the committee. LUNCH ROOMS. • :We have Onlargd our lunch rooms, tint in the latest: ectuipment. Here you can get a hot3ootlg.ome lunch, or meal, on short notice.. F. F. SPROUT. "Dr. Thimas' Electric Oil is the best remedy- for that 'often fatal desease— croup. Has beenfused with success in our family for eight years.'..!—Mrs. L Whiteacre, BuB'sl4, N Y. Timely Bsinas Tips. Fresh butter milk at L. P. Potter & Co's. New styles in ladies' neckwear. belts. hat pins, buckles, Br.c., reasonably priced, at. G.. R. Horton's. • A splendid:line of sc. and roc. and 25C. goods at HOrton'S. Hundreds of handsome and useful articles at saving' prices. „ ,' TurnedporchColurans, $1.40. South Montrose. Mill Co. f..; • Have lOu seen our fine line ofLadies, ?Aisles and Children's Coats ? Dessauer. Fulljine of ladies' underwear, mur and gauze. at . Hotfoot.. See the nevi' roc. handkerchiefs Horton!s. Alst? new line of hosiery. The Four Musical Artists, . Court House, Saturday night Come and enjly the finest concert given in Montrose aud help out the High School Course: Tickets at. Morris'. 13ap_ereleor—Geo. W. Bayless. Dem 145., Collector—F. , Wells, Rep. 68; W. B.Steph ens, D. 14d. - , Auditor—G. F Decker. Z. 98; L W. Bunnell. D. 103. 1 _ 184ihool Dinoetorti- F. Z. Barron. R. 94; C. n. Fawner. It, 84; 14.. D, Walla. B. 86: W. O. Plan, Rit, JOilti McDonald. D. 97;4, F. Buttartabl, D. 121; J. M.Bablwin. D, Mk; T. A:Grid/us. D. B. Judas of Xlectlanit-e. H. Jones. R. IA; Wattle , Leiria. D. leL et illectione-d.M.ltobarta. 113; Join ins t i reardaer. I 4. St Tows Clerk-A. W. Chainbeffitn, B. ILL earl Aldrich., 91. • Town Tromenrer-Jerome Shannon, R. 96; John 11. Crawls. D. 111. Voce Dt.ector-A. IL Conklin. on both tick et*. 183. Men have special gifts and special in clinations: It there are "natural his torians,.! we have at least one in Sus quehanna county, Pruf. W. L. Thach er. of Harford, a man gifted as a histor ian. and an indefatigable worker, who takes great pleasure in searching for and recording countless items of value to the present and future generations, and whose writings are always of absorbing interest. 930 3.5 0 630 11.60 21.71 9 03 4 05 r 1 00 . 21 85 ' )0.67 ', SUFFERERS WHO SAY they have ^tried everything without benefit are the people we are looking. 'We want them to know from glad experience that Ely's . Cream Balm will conquer Cold in the Head, Hay Fever and obstinate forms 61 Nasal Catarrh. This remedy acts di. rectly on the inflamed, sensitive mem braves. Cleansing, soothing and heal. ing. One trial will convince you of its ' healing poWer. Price .soc. All drug hat', or mailed by Elk Bros. 56 Warren , New York. • • 1 51,03 , . f 1 Mrs. hatherme Clarke s 3 i ßoarding House , 0 Corncr Church and Ch,rry Smet4 sso o, Montrose * - - Best of Aeco.mrnodations for . Visitorp -at ReasOnable Prices. t • BARGAINS! ') A new line of elli..oes and ging; " hams at 6 and 7 cents • 20-7 0 discoUnt on all underwear and 12 cent outing flannels at only 8 cents.. EMI BridgeNiater Elections: 'A Natural 'Historian. Come. to Beautiful Montrose. Write for Particulars. lop Men's Shirts at 8 , 3 c. soc. and 75c Legging 1 , 4 price. t Gloves and Mittens. 20 % dis count oo Sweet:.Orr ex , rduroy pants only Sa•so. • I 0 % discount on all shoes. • A large and fine line of Ladies' • Men's and Cr ildren's tine shoes.. A New anti Complete Line of Groceries. Try our mixed teas, 220 per e l t pound, s t lbs for a Sz.oo. D. R. ROGERS; SOUTH MONTROSE, PA. ae3a-xyzioac2B44-It4sfaipetiKsva 40. a Cali YouSFE 6 K ,14 clearly without , k4' PA) strain? a If not, better have 2, V your eyes examined, and WY YMA glasses fitted if neces „, 1171 ,,„' • No' Charge for • 094 Sclentlfle Examination. x , t • • .. A TRs OP THE TICIAN, • MONTROSE, - PENN'A.. • • ".Z •ti***4l/**** ;"1. GOOD BAKERY " 0 Watrous' Store IS THE ACKNOWLEDGED STORE 'FOR NEMST and LATEST NOVELTIES in Dress Goods, 94; C. B, the Moq Attractive Wash CroO4s - . ----- --- ` Notions in great varieties; Ladies' and Children's shoes. MONTROSE, WIDE AWAKE WILKES BARRE ORDER. The International Protective Asso. ciation chartered under the Insurance laws of 'Pennsylvania in'ioB7, recently issuecra , combination policy for sick-. ness, accident and death, that meets a long felt need. The piemiums are paid according age and the - benefitk paid are from S$ to $l5 a week, the death benefit from_ S too to Um>. At the expiration'of five years if no benefits are paid. seventy five per cer.taf the m premiti paid is re . - This being a new Order .will profit by the mistakes of thei old one. No gold -. bricks are offered The John's Quick! Lunch, T 133. Che iiangci street, Binghamton, near t . e depots and also con ~),enient to business and shr.pping d;stricts. Fine r enu. The Philadelphia Health Bread.' Quick service—polite attention. Never closed. Flower & Judd Prop'rs, Give them a call.' , ' ' Sheriff's Salei l Retil *Estate • • li} vf.tup nr • writ' r FMrl Twit. i. Ile l out nt the C` curt of romMon 0f140.106. hasten Cnuntr. St+lte of et.niylvai , i3. - tn me dirt etetl,l will e1:6 , 1.4.10 WINO. t tha-Cburt. liousi• In Mcmtro •tm Saturday, Mairch 13 1909, ' at lo o'clock a. in. sharti. • • , The one-eighth intere4 of the defers lant,W. H. Oakley, In all that ctrtaln en reel of land situate andlying !In the township of Har, ford. County of Susgnehistitiu and State -cf Peniasylvants, bounded and drscribed as tot lows. t.l wit— ' On the northwest by lands Of Harry Smith; on the northwest by lands of t usene Conrad: on the Southeast by !amis.° , F.Ligene Conrad and-R. •D. McNa.Mara, tin. the southwest by ndsot the•Drinkr e s tate r . - and Harry !•-snith. emtainlng one hundred and twenty Six acres of land, be the' same more •.n• less, with the ap purtenances, one frame -dwelling house, two barns, end other outbuildings. in•Jtly Im provee Seised and taken In eteentlon at .the sult of Edwin H. Oakley vs. W'. H. Oakley:., • . • Tate Notice ..411 bids and .enits. rtili.t be paid on day °t ante or deed will bet be ac knowledged H. S. CCSRI-IN. Sheriff nfflets, . flA)ruary i 4, 12_n The Grocery Marin Alas ready to serve yoa with best Groceries lowest price. . The Shoe Man: -• A full line of W. L. Douglass shoes for men; worn .• and children. Call and see our fall:styles. The' Dry Goods Man: A line of Staple Dry Goods, :Notions, Sweaters Coats, Underwear, Hosiery,; also table' an b ' - . floor Oilcloth. :: , . . \ I The Rubber Goods Man: Our 'Rubber Goods are the twilit MaptAci nred and this year they are guarantee. .. _ . ,The Bake Goods Man: The fainons Russell-Spaulding, Bake Goo. , 'Fresh Every Morning. • ' The Ftve . and Ten Cent Counter: Contains many useful uticl • of interest to the home keeps Micl - WirJter Clea v ratlte. - ,52,1 A: Great Money Saving .:E,yent., the year and will prove of inestimable importance to economy seekers everywhere. Nothing that brains and push and clever Merchandising can - accomplish has been omitted to make it it welcome' bargain event to all: On every floor in every depart; ment you will find High Grade Merchandise at from 20 to 50. per cent. less than the usual prices. - 3.50 Willow Rocker at $ .1.95 2.75 Axminister Rugs at $1.79 5.50 Steel Couches 4.95 7;00 Dinner Sets ' 4.89 25.00 Brass Beds 16.95 L 75 Nickleiamps 1.29 7.50 Library Tables - 5.35 2.75 Decorated Toilet set 1.9'0 18.00 Sideboards 12.35 All Lamps at '40% This is the Big Bargoin-Buying Chance COME. of the Year . - CO The Fair Aidd - digestion, Saves the Women Work, Makes Welcome the neat Hour, Obviates. Fuss, Worry, Expense. - Our Bakery Department will Save you money: is Dress Trimmings, Ladies Neckwear, Muslin Underwear, - LaceikEnl)roideriets, White-Goods and You will find little less than elsewhere. GEO - ...ILWATROUS. %T 4l Aid , r e - r LN • YOU WILL FIND OUR This great.-tiale is as usual ofbring : the 'greatest values o F. F. SprOut. rice here, a •./7tiliteksmithing ' Hiving engaged the senices'of So a Otis; a well-known blacksmith, I, am better prepared than ever to wait upon my customers promptly and satisfalt. only. Bring in your horses. Reason• able. prices. No' scab work. • . of Montrose. a United Stares Government DepoSitory ' CAPITAL • - $50,000. SUR PLUt„(EaTned)sloo.,ooQ. Wits•orgunlzed• to Vebroury. 1575, -and Tiilrtf-Three. Y ars' ba.4 etematly endeay. ' to provide Safe Convenient, Satiety canging fat-410es for tld. community • maroon:Ting , umntry; with a degree lit Smece that la iitteitted by our Growth; r , trength a• 104 Its!' of rontentel The 'gamy lies Two • 'IMPARTMENTS : • A ill - .SI NESS DEPARTM FNT SA VINGS. DET!_eatTME,SiT In the Business Department you will find the taelli ties for your Conbenlenee to be to • iu a progyeAce, e , ..nervative. efficient Ban tug Institutt 0 CI, I he Savinze Department we pay t pet' cent. INTEREST on ' all sums start•• three months or longer' • Prlvite cafe Deposit Boxes For Rent." : If you we not, a customer we invite yon become' one. H. L BEActf, Pretident; . H. F. MA.NERR, Vice Pres.; Wtn. H. WARNER. Cashier. BISSELL--- , 1 PENN'A. N. J. North, - THE I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers