1.4, V AVDMEZILCO.. o n( further intelligence-•- y nterest--fr?m,e,he'lr. 4 iikthersit is reliable or not 4 well as ourselves,— et' explanatory of thegol-, :lligence received last be- . [ony and forbode anything , oti and his bravo troops. Id it dissipated by what Irimble conjecture seems t mill not move upon' the 1 1 rteLnforced, which• is now t. eh clerity-and vigor: d., indecisive, neutralizing .ailat the Capital, which ehiracteristic of Mexican .tl4llg of those thirty thou ? with a valor opt:tiled by the troops of a ode ! ett who marched up and wore marehing out to at . Seat in ,hin quarters FELON We - give below St all that we find of a my and Mexico. the reader can judg We will state, howe lowing that the int fore this was very gl bat good to. Gen. St We are happy to S. follows. The most to be that Gen. • ... , capital until strong being done with m The salsa unsettl „policy, seems to pre has so long been policy. We hear ri ' sand ofatl army, W only:by that eVine liratnd King of Fra down an (mine= tack and annihila at Puebla. E/ Monitor Ile , contains a lengthy 'Dietateirship. Up " Wait not proclaime' Dictator. the idea th One. The rumor t "'in the Capital, is , .iyith and been pro the enemies of the The Monitor ass ' not to entirely fo as stated in some o ..new Ministers will predecessors. San out *full ministry and Finance, toget Bureau of Foreign 'for the time being, An article pu ' the 10th, - goes in s the war. • The Mexican C. on the 10th, and t recess, was Inst by El Republican°, 'great length, roc° .. are intended to, def well and pteperly they have plenty o army arrives there. Generals command take Oat pains in that the chieftains that is to be their ly no exertion to h' spared. El .Razonaci or, - it has recommend.. convinced that the • could not carry on time it approves S his resignation, an - saying that he is t who can keep alive • 'The Legislature ..'its vote to Gen. • jaca says that San .1 • measly nominated 'Mere of that Stet, • - Gen.' Valencia h at San Luis Potosi took immediate cot: al Sales had also charge of his post. ,it seems, from 1 ilif the 11th, that S ('made friends" on the examination of at Cerro Gordo • • vas reported that ernor of the State I •employed in the de El Estandarte d -ati San Luis Pot. -guerrillas has been twelve leagues fm were all Well srme. Gen. Alvarez se on the 11th, with c 'the possession of a ital to Puebla., T on the different pe that they should b whether or not the of which the Ame El Republican ' from Puebla, in Americin forces w isapitai before six w as they were aw heavy. artillery frdi of the same date, the writer Agee' that the whole fo pipits], in all fro they had resolve spend and...eclebe ital, . I 1 ,arb4cano of the 12th ult., 1 ,11 e on the Subject of the ! o ilthat date Santa An Wor had 'ho proclaimed !(feed, the Monitor ridi * designed .to become that effect which preVailed i l• lleol to havel originated dby his enemies and qtr. .rti that the new cabinet is ed‘f Puros, (Democrats,) Itll journals, and that the . rty oat the policy . of their Wm:a thinks that with- With - th't Ministers.of War erlitith the clerks in the I' elation—he will be able, iitirry - on the government. • Used in the same paper of ongly sor a' troseention of ini gtlcss et at the Capital le Oroposition of declaring a 00 vote of ;the Pith. in a 'leader of • dhds thatlhe forces which .nitthe Capital; .should be initructed and drilled, as tiihe before the Amrican eing chiefly recruits, the ug them, he says, should heir drill. The editor says :hnuld bear in mind that ast effort, and consequeut 'ref:it successful should be 13e 1. ,!peate paper,' says that p4ane only bicause it is ernment would not or braises him very much, e only man in the country war spirit. f Aguasealientes•had given obte. A letter from Oa : . a :Anna has been unani ;or 'resident by the Legis- 'hat we see in the Monitor.' not . Anna and Canalir.° had I • Lore/and, consequently, Itho latter for his conduct ps F. dropped. Although it e lira been appointed Gov , t Vera Jrua, be was to be etice of the capital. • ks Chinacates, published I s4vs that a aarge riumbei orianized Bocas, about n Luis, and that they I aiid equipped. t espreSs from Ameca, riespondence intercepted in coUrier going from the Cap ' e, Government had called . • o4z sending letters in order • okened and read, to show :; itontained any information mils could avail themselves. 4 the 11th, has accounts which it is stated that the tudd not move towards the reeks, (from the 10th June,) reinforcements • and m *era Cruz. Monitor, pub fishes a - letter in which he has been infornied .esiiwill move towards. the On 15th to the 20th, as *pd were determined to t t ite 4th of July at the cap- 'in, of 31st May, says ire so much frightened As they saw a vessel 'up they packed np their beds ; where they were assured in thii town. Iluazos.—Mbe schooner _Brazos it New Orleans on _Brazos Santiago, having e. 26th nit. • .I,lag -of the , 23d nit. re of the Ist Illinois rep , h trom Camargo-to Reyno vi4 Allem in the rear of stiacked by a,party of about diassoed and robbed-of thier L' them further. injury. , • the Mexicans, knowing - received their money ed! them on , the; March to el to pick up• stragglers , :snoceeded in eapturipg, o ver,one hundred dollars! The amide of Reynosa' ace the robbers or. refundi A letter from ibat,the ittliabitan titete,;.that as soo triad* the por sma,zas to Abe w' tbst ihOrtilra9 L .-111 . 1"I'Ll IRON t , a&futon; • doe 1 94 I otiomilhOwe -.. Mite- Afiftaw[V?,. _ loartohatoloor en the /4s; twarmed,ana theregi were iwenty idracans money, without d., Zt Toti,ld seem this WY of troop so c alu rgajoilo &gum, with a - v fioat the. cants, time fours obta in fig tit 4ical or 4 lialk°l4(lred to thei-PrIOP ....:.. 11 1 1 1 01 1 -0 ,13, of the 29th ult. co Willgokr,rW o msekt:en J.', 1106 4 04. z. , pe r 4m prozeg.tikayo wAtionilesing;% 'By iiitatt* te; Alit tha era, said tolsi one The -• j loiCutibizty eigirec tea o, war; bat at the same Li Anna's withdrawal of d ieported. having arrived ion:: the - sth June, where ho" 'mUnd of the army. Gener artived Chore, and taken PiCS7llnO 01:18 the follewing which 'it' ant credited at Vera erns: ' tees Cris - en the night of 'Gen. Csdiridakea coin= !itb a gnaille 0011..,i,thyr1 iinid`by't immanent lin- L," inceeeded in surl 1 .97 „ ...g *nit tir of Amu; *4ol* ; want tip .tinder - the (CI! * 1 - StOwAEe' at. Cal- Aden -; weredialiersed wilth th e , Ve ""std .tolliYo- bad 1 4=1 1 604 29 0 kilia; -.41.11-taild DlNCOVered.' r , '?' The,Neir Orleans Times asps ttkat Oaßtain Paulatia,ilf the panish 14.41riton; a feW`ditys after eating the West , India Nandi, on the 26th ?Mitch, iiiiilecienink, towards: sun t, the Weathfrclotidy,with thunder ind lightntng, every 614 set iptepistiadding nails - wind!. . S. E 4 otteiof the crewmfermed the captain that he could` ied land, !which terrt the could not boiler.; but onillckoking over the side he could see the : bettionn...: , The lead, was immediately hovo,' and :fond ten Tacked ship and iteereo! all '.. 'ht with o'l4l sail set, W. 13. rut s• *IA W.- 'at day ligh t , " "eked and E. MI I E., and soon saw the land direct, ahead ; anchor ed in a - 14,Y with Sandy bottom in seven fath oms. The captain went on shore, and walked around the island in about litaf an hour. , It Was covered with !green grass and bushes.— `the the', i Captaini was taking.. an , observation, trtii !the crew . ' `rune and told him they,lik discover (A the li, 'Sof 'a dead man. piOceeding to. the spot, he Onndit in a cave, z in • a perfect state apparel' ""'b ut deed up, with long whirlers and beat: ; and long yellow : hair . Ho found also an o', box, on which so me letters were in scribe:A, and a small boat parti'ally constructed, which.** fasteod together i i‘vith something, but could find no'nails. The, whole of these on being ' ' handled crumbled!, into dust. ;He found the latitude to be 33,1!9 N., and longi tude 429 W. by chronometer. 'ffe judged the islan ~ Ito be - from 60 to 70 feet in height. Planted; he Danish colors on it and proceeded on his vSYsgs• ' . LEGAL ; COUR:it:VI —A lawyer. whom we knew well, did his courting off-hand. He had got a good praCtice and-a high reputation, as well for What his noddle contained of Coke and Blacks e, as fob being a very eccentric phip in all hiOrays, doings and sayings. His, ec- I eentricithot him into the nntitin it wasn't! " meet that woman should be alone," and so, of a deligful summer's eve, when the roses smiled a d the cowslips laughed, Sunday eve ning, to ,I, mind Ye, gentle reader, that . , D tlghtfuj hour of 'witching love, 11 he eaug tup is bat, and was seen ascending theiatepkof the cottage beside the hill—vihere tripped • ! ' . Al l, levely damsel, bright and fair. Shei•oputibd the door, as be politely asked:' is the Chief! '..Tustide within ?" No,. sir,' said the pretty one, ' but will be shortly.' Ali, 1 that's no Matter,' said the Counsellor, as he was .eurtesied vrithirr the door; "I did not come to see t e father; my client is interested only in the stimony of ,the daughter. 3lg client, madam, ions the mansion you see from yon der, and fle,pith of the suit is to ascertain if you woa have any objection to becoming its mistress i I'll call peat Sabbath evening for Your b.br.' i Whys sir, it won't be necessa ry to su pend the suit. Jthink your client's case is funded in justice, lad I am sure he will win is point without any special pleading, but as tliii father , has been twenty-one years upon the 'bench, it would be decorous to see if 1 his opinicii does not confirm mine! ' Celtain ly, madalm,' said the lawyer, as the father en tered t' 4partment. It is needless to say that the ftill court did not reverse the decision, , and the appy pair kigned the bonds and went i into pos ession n four weeks from that night. ! —Eng-ii• h. paper:. TUE " specula their o r.r.eut,,vrons.--Sonake of the N. York ITS have established a telegraph of to Halifax, and by, the aid of fire- m the &boo& MM.. , from the Cher s, froth Blue 1111,1 and from. some he vicinity of Belfast, Maine, they ca s te the rise and fad of the markets n, 1 whenee it is telegraphed to New The Belfast Journal says some of the 'hts can be seen a distance of seventy 'he Albany Journal, in commenting works fr ryfield h hills in coalman to Bost 1 York.' signal miles. above fact, says violate no pledge to secrecy when we t more than six months since we were ;f a projected beacon telegraph, to be along the high lands from Halifax to or Boston. As then described tows, upon th. •..W e state the advised extende Portlan. the plan seemed practicable. The topography' of the a untry,' is said, by a gentleman who has i taken s are pains to inquire into the matter, to I be well dapted to the scheme. IS this is so, ', ,a syste of signals could easily be devised.— For ins ante ,' a red signal, would indicate a rise. his, followed' by a single white rocket,', or othe. 'signal, would indicate an advance of a shilling i ' two, , of two shillings, &c. A blue signal utould indicate a fall—the extent of the frill t°similarly expiessed. We bare but . 1: 3 little do bt that this plan has been already int in o eration, or that these fire-works upon 1 the hills' are to test the practicability of the plan. - Dealers in produce must govern them selves accordthgly." I - 1 i 1 Mraame ACCOUNTED FOR.—The religions joernala:of Canada have been warmly engaged in a controversy for some time past, in refer ence to a miraculous cure in the Hotel Dien NunneiT at Montreal. One" of the - nuns of that eitablishmeat was raised to perfect health from the lowest state of disease, by putting on a soap , IT, aged a century or two since, by Jaques Oliver, the founder of that institution. She w given over by the physicians,land ex pected , . , • Warily to breathe, her last. But' as soon ' she placed the holy garment to her breast, he - began to recover, and in three days was pe ' y . restored. The cure, of course, made a greet noise ; and to satisfy, the incro- alone,:c4 Bishop instituted a high commission corn.... i ef all the dignitaries of the church and too down all the testimony to that point. The . te of the patient was fully described by the inedieal attendants, and all the circum stances of the case detailed at great length by T i n the pat 'Olt herself and her nurses. The com mission were unanimous in the conclusion that th eureias miraculous. Still the peo ple we incredulous, and the testimony was published, when it was discovered that - the 7 phys . i . 1 , s;4li:toning : the case hopeless; had le ft off ' ' her medieme. a day or two before she be to i, iinprore. The people , , contend that ill Inifielem Well accounted for. If the . dacta' 'bid liontirmed giving - their "stntr say they; 't ' ,poor nun Would have died; but they held, ' *adobe got well. What was a seri , oat ' , bitter controversy, bee, ended in good 4 humor ' but it . must be confessed ' that the conel on bears rather hard upon' thi profet-. „ . . • A& ustrios Tia WoWearrkw R -Roan A - j 6 - f '' '4 . i Monday ._ a It , o u r .0. 015 .' , m00n, a l a .. comititire ftathe Worcester t- . ! came in 6 : 41 : 4 4 IF4k $ hseko:wh . .. , iirset :::crossing the Ilalltimd on 4/10 MRI- .: , :,-, Inlltiliack were 8 1 8 * 4 °N7 - bor ' , iii4antliAillek and , all ti 4 ,.90#0. , ~' i g thilireemortl-Or Tessin: itu4 . 1 , !' • • 4losimi weiel4W. wed •i l the • ear ;1090414 completely oriler,lo)lL.—itottos vi .- 100; --- ' - ' l .' - 1 •--,- -, - . • 1- ' -Mae- .. ' ohnateetireafiVote: - _Below is t 4 lacc s s's qnotod from the official ie co rds, by *eh the l right4if suffrage is secu red. _, ti - 1"; '".3 V . , 11, td,; the VI .1 i teera.from 4his S tate, now in illexin6. -1 .:: Of, s import theie cat be no doubt T. —=so look olfor a majority from Brio , the " Ri ll s the Vontcsuiliaa" f, ; , _ • .9E6r. Xl4I. Whetieveriny of the citizens of thiii eduimihwea/th, qualified is herein be fore. providedPishill be': in =4 actual military Iservice in la4fy detachment - of the militia or oorpal,ofyikitteers, under a requisition from - the presidengof U. S. or by the authority of this commontealth, on the day of the general election, as aforesaid, such citizens may exer cise the rightof suffrage at such place as may be appointegy the commanding officer of the troop, or company to Which they shall respec- 1 tively belong; as fully as if they were present at the usual 'lace of erection . Provided, Tha no member o any such troop or company, shall be permittedilto vote at the place - so appointed, if at the timelof such election, he shall be with in 10 miles of the place at which he would be entitled to nate, if not in service as aforesaid. SEcr.. XLIV. The proceedings for conduct ing such eleellions shall be, as far as practice -Ible, in all relipects the same as are herein di rected in thd,`C. ase of general elections, excep that the captain or commanding officer of eau company or creep, ,shall act as judge, and tha , the first lieutenant or officer second in coin wand; shall ict as inspector at such election so far as shall relate to such company or troop and in case 4 the neglect or refusal of such of ficers or eith,ir of them, to serve in such capac ity, the offic er or officers next in command, ii such company or •troop, shall act as judge o inspeetor,lascrthe case may be. - Escm4. . MIDSHIPMAN ROGERS, PROBA nLy.-A letter from and of the Arkansas vol unteers, riovetreacherously detained as a pris oner in the city of Mexico, has the following paragrapli: OThe Lieut. referred to must b Midshipmaniißogers. His escape from the cit of Mexico, we fear, expose him to mori peril than if the had remained in the city : " There as a lieutenant brought up as prisoner froth Gen. Scott's army, the other day and chargecilwi, th being a spy. He was unde the charge 0 . Ampudia, and a guard of Mexi can officers, itind brought in the mail stage. When they 4rrived; they were so overjoyed a meeting the' friends, that whilst they wer: bugging am kissing each other, -the Yanke , " left for parts unknown," and has not bee heard of siiee." A I , IIOBAILE REASON.—The N. 0. Pica ynne says that several officers of Col. Doni phan's vemipand, impute the insubordinatio and dissipatlon at Santa Fe, of which such de plorable acciilunts have been received of late to the corrupting influence of the. society o that town upon the soldiery. They say tha in all New Mexico, society is organized upo. the loosest 4tious of domestic fidelity. Ther is little marmage or giving in marriage there Unrestrainettl concubinageis a recognised fea ture, of the social system, and the manners o the people 4re not formed Upon any acknowl edged right' or obligation pertaining to wed CF.3:§ OF THE UNlON.—Cheering. The intellb) nee in relation to the crops is 4il of the most lfavorable character. Not a doub is now felt is to a general average' of wheat while the pifospectin reration to 'corn is •st . more encoragiug. Thank Providence w.. shall have epough and.to spare. We shall no only realize *'sufficiency for our own people but surphin of millions of bushels of corn an wheat for e*portation to the Old World. Bu let us turn ft moment to our exchanges, an thus favor Oar readers with , a glance at th prospect. i'rofit Indiana we learn that th wheat is likely to be fair, while corn and oat: present a !link, flattering appearance.—Bick izelts I?erawcr. DIVORCIi.OF BANK , AND STATE.-" The-di voree of Bank and State," remarks the N. Evening Pest, is complete. The are no depos ites of the linked States in any bank in th draft of tlxii Treasurbr. Some sums yet re main in the'banks for Which drafts have bee. issued; but the Money has not it appears, bee as yet taken out. Never was the Treasury o the United.tates -in a more impregnable posi tion. It is..beyond the reach of all those infin ences, which banks and bankers use in order t make a profit. And we may as Well say nev er were theittnited States so independent az on this day; With seVen millions of money in the treas nry—ber smock above par in any market in th countryal, the".same time carrying on, with tender of Once, a most triumphant war wit. one nation, and furnishing food to stay th famine thi4 is wasting other nations—her o citizens contented , prosperous and happy, a. presents a/pectacle more splendid •and glor ous than any that has-ever yet been witnesse s on earth. ?If` these are the fruits of the p triples we, pofess, no sacrifice can be too gre, t to preservObetn, and no estimation can du • appreciate nur indebtedness to those who t cared to uti, these principles. We• may intle say, witheitt, boasting, that ours is, the land freedom. CONVENONT.-A London church, build: provides Wood and iron churches for transm . sion to tha' z 'C' (Joules. He offers a church wi , stained-Os windows, bell, Sze., capable seating eight hundred persons, at five hund guineas. But if you cannot afford to buy church, he Sill let you have one " on hire." TrrE Snip FevEft.—We learn that there about 150 patients in the Alms House, sick the ship fr' - ° Et ut- t°ilx) Delinquent an Sin yerl havelemob fro tuasaise fpr,7 Uow 'hiliftewing mast be the hag* of thee lelbuinefit ettbseribeTe" readattgle -Wye tarKitant. parstnaplaf, .16,14mashine haibeen invested' and` nor inopirstion at l New Haven and - New , To* for dresiinginovet stioes. •• It .iludge-isevell *mind unsh stsvetcor four • hogshead staves, in .ten house. - WHAT CAS met Nair The:Federal party is jtit,new in • 1 fortable piredustment of a man, perfh rounded by it hOst of enemies, Wfth of escape beforii him, and' no hope fe: but in unconditional surrender: Notwi, ing all the .strategetio /efforts of the j the party is alniost withotit hepe, or, t pest of hope. Even the nomination al Taylor is tol them a (1 1 Oubtful e, without reference to is most equivoc (sl position.; They look ttround the.' for the meads 13f succor SiA defence,, the drowning man Who clutches at a s too apt, in their fooiish desperation, upon expedients which only serve still-further; their extremity, onto more to their irremediable difficnltie, lack the courage to make a bold en? redeem themselves : for they fear t tempted coup de main would end in tal annihilation In this plight they I mournfully upon. the Pait, and de: forward into the Future. They have, exhausted their treaso jeetions to the war, and now they are not only at the,denunciatiens they re the people at home, but also from th in our army abroad. They Took terri the hacked and battered warriors who ed on the stricken field of Buena scene of General Taylor's greatest that very field burning the proude chiefs of Federalism in effigy, and r , to the attacks upon the President _Democratic party, " as the authors of by the bitterest curses against_ th'. leaders, and the most fearful prop( of their fast-ceming retribution. A the subject of the, war, they are bein. ally compelled to spike their guns: The debt which was to' pass upon ,11 shoulders of the masses _like the mountains, according to the Fedora tions, they see, with horror, reduced below their foolish estimates. ' Eve subject the loud war of misrepresent already dwindled to the low whimper tion anditmendo. They witness, with equal' mortifi .. chagrin, that, in the midst of an cape sire war, waged against a people : and upon ; theatre thousands of miles distant from t 0 seat of government, and requirin ,, large qu , 'ntities of the precious metals to conduct, our xchanges are equal, the government bonds ove par and really better than gold, ,and t e people, feeding their starving feliow-creatursin other lands. This renders the heretofor effective battery against " the odious . sub-tre, sury," so utterly useless as to be truly content Aible The Tariff, after being long so va itab le an aiPto them, like a pet lion in a mem erie for getting their crocodile :tears in behhlf of the dignity of labor, turns upon and retds them with ungrateful and insatiate ferocity. They see that thelaw which they denounced as worse . than " war, pestilence, and fantine.'q has filled the country with blessings—made tail happy in the field and the workshop—and heapened the articles necessary to comfort and adorn. ment, at the same time that it has aided -in feeding a hungry world. Arid with tears in their eyes, they find their trusty w& ipon use less and faithless at last, and so cast it from them. ! - If they denounce _" the acquisitin of terri tory " as opposed to the policy of t eir peliti cal creed, and as sure to destroy t..,e • Union, the bold frank letter of General T4lor", their candidate for the presidency, is ()retied before them, in which he goes for taking sik or seven . States from Mexico, "as the line ode still ac apt by nego tiation." - - • If they Large the President with having " admitted Santa Anna . into Mexico f)r the purpose of giving to our enemies a leader," they are also - proved to have a , _•eused. General Taylor with having given to Mexicoii an army, ammunition, and leader too. If they allege that the war grew out of the annexation of Texas. they are shown.-that the an most anxious t•-) consummate that act, and in regard to which he manifested such indecent haste, was the Vice President eledted in [the bard- : - eider timpest of 16.10. • If they declare that the march fp the Rio 'Grande began the war, they are shown that ; General Taylor suggested it. j. I if they assert that the President 4clared the war, they are shown that they themselves asked him to do so. 1, , If they deny that Mexico, by her, own act, began the war, they are shown to have declar ed that she did so, by their votes in Congress. If they deny our title to the Rio Grande, they are shoWn that Mr. Clay advociated it. If they cry out for peace, they are proved to have been the most effective in preventing it. Everywhere they are met--ever ' ere ()Nor thrown. There is not a single sn sect upon ,which they can hope to make a s . nd. The same fate awaits them upon'every isue which they raise. Is it surprising that a party tbu insolvent in the means of defence or reply— r attack: or criminotion—should be Compelled t$ resort to e - _ —..., Loo apL, Lug his good deeds known. fle_will, realize the truth of the expression, we think,thab it the people dislike anything ,in the world, it is this business of trumpeting one's own Vanevolenee. I —Pennsylvanian. The last midmost *using gro w of the op- Position Tresses is that, i. Mr. Polk $l3 appoint ing . Mexicans -to •-uffice!" The ea blood hounds had rMver half sa keen a sent ad these.' Whigs for °Sec.—Dos* Post. ' P. ' "The only fault we' hid to find with 'James X. Polk was'f that he npgleeted t 4 turn out the Mexicans; (Federal is ts) who re now in office.' If hel,Would set! a regimen of ; Cabs . , bloadhotilds to work at? dragging them out it would Ns-the:crowning Pic t of hii Etc.—Easton i . , A' . ' ' ladii( Lirrzla lanai ,Gairz.—The fern teo in St. Louis - afe• busily em` Toyed in tbe rnanufae tnie cifboitidi'shella for he . GoverMuentAav- Mg made sinee the war tommeneeill 420 tons. Oolonel - Dnn i tranbas' arrived at St. tords. , i he city Mitherities oted $.l for the espouses-of their public , .recOtiomr 11 e corn+ ly stir• avenu4 his,life hstand ileaders, , e pros= Clener riment, 1 pollti . ECM nd like w, 8.113 to seize b expose 1, ad still :ray FOil GOVERN() FRANCIS IL S ' OF ALLE G HENY OCT 'FOR CANAL COMMI MORRIS LONGS . They eavor to t an at- their to iolz back ipairingly .1. OF MO TOOMERY CO ' NOTICE. • The 'Democratic Standing 1, ommittee, of this_ County will pleale meet at the House, of Gen, D. D. Warner, in , the borough Of Montrose, of Thursday the 22d inst., at l c'elock, in : the aft ternoon, for the 'tiansaction .ofbusinesi. 1 ; aye ob alarmed, ivo from • soldiers ed to see triumph- I stn—the !Tory—on 14 of the lospondiug Is ,and the he war," • ,F. B. OREETEB, Cbm'n of Cum. , Montrsise, Julr :16, 1847, lir. Hon. ti.;WlLmov, has our thanks for the bound volume of the " Congressional Globq and Appendix," %f the last' session, which he has kindly forwarded us. Federal •tications d so, on gritdu- Shank, Irvin and nankin. 4 ' Not " Honest John 13anks;',' of hard-cidc fame—for between him and Irvin we are told; there exists little or no fellowihip—but tha i tl odious swindling invention of Federal 0404 which is suffered to flood the country 'witli' trashy p;omise 7 to-pay thin s called "notes' ~ or" bths." Not that we are iabout. to assail wholesome, judicious banking system, but tht banking system of this Stati as it at present exists. We need hardly repeat what that sysi tern is. Everyone knows it to be the ver 's, quintessence of knavery and corruption—esi peoially when in the handS of those in this slightest degree tainted with I dishonesty—an 4 by far too' n! any know it by. tad experience. Unlike individual or co-partbership enterprij ses, those institutions are created at first wit l. comparatively a fictitious capital, and then ad ,i ded and saperadded to this wrong is that of i' complete exemption of the individual stocki 1 holders from a just liability to I redeem the notes of the institution when it shall cease ,to lie for their interests so to do. This is not theory of 1 I humbug but FACT. Let ten I individuals unite,) their ten thousand dollars each in a co-partnerl :114 business, no matter otl what' character let them throw out their pomises-tolpay, o 1 l i in other words,-their notes, a dif they excee4 the capital, and the company beComes bankrapt, those individuals, sevrally as s dell alg jointly, arc holden to their cr ditors for cver i. I demand agailst the firm. lut let. them g el' incorporated Into a Bank,' wi h that amount of capital, and how will it be ? • First,:aec,ordinf ho broad eight of predie millions on this tion has ion and to the system too long tole, (and never chee'ked until Got deed with the veto power,) known . only to capital, that' pronounced doubled; and se share-holders Would be abs , bility redeerri their•compar the beautiful syStem of bankh a system which lis not only p grossest wrongs, but which, the unqualified approval of aristocratic Federalism. Ii therefore, of nolordittary mo SeS, who are ofbenest the ; v grant Wrongs, whether tha longer tolerated, mu* mo mented upon. On lookii we are app FlFTirlq of Bible ir!stiti multiplied witlmut: ex trol of the taking prep: neving chr conditio e will not BINE system of legi•' their approba rosponse ; an the question b whether they atod, Or old o VIDUAL,LIABI ly engiafted t to one. ' I ; i t i Hercs then, I the questio arises, what cab be done to pr o/cult it ? 'T at the Federali+l , at the last se sion of the _, egislaturb passed every bank an. corporation bill that *as ast4l ed; with almo i k telegraphic ! despatch ;, and that they vo,ed en massagainst the indibidual ii-i ability irovi . whenever the Democrats pri,-!,, t i posed it, I(whi, was on every occasibb,) is 4. cry where no :ous. Wh at t;liby.._tlion` iiid4 i ma y b e l aa f e , I infer they l i do agabi. Upon the-41,ethesii, then, that t ,ey should , by Itoill or by crook , bi. so fortunate as to secure a 041 ern e r- and Legidative map , ty, (of Which, heir.' ever, we have hcit AO Plight;. st 'apircibensloto What ht vnwe to expect that those ",fif444u,l and prpbablyl, as, many .; ore, i*isponsible,l swindli4g concerns will b. saddled.upon the people Of this Oetninonsreal h ? l iodotibt iiia to Ovintie'a Sivi l pidity or stii ibornneiia! unparf; Wed. ; ; ~ ..L - ,- , ~- , i . _4l - Ther ' , .'1 ' ' 'i• -1 f iuestle f ...aboTe i thireforeos fully .an , swbred.l Th - evils:4W ogitintata fruitso FedertdriegisCtionoar ' Y - .. 1- • be i I T Ph iett 1) 'the re-N I ; echo ofP!" 1 1P'!' 4* sliv , !• q ;svAg hlin in .04e Ex: entlie chair the CigOuntive4ll , . UNKI !STONER, REM :• ated in this Statl, . Stitsk was ini• y • sommagic art t capital would ondly, each" of t* f)lved from all liar . s notes. This ng of this State-f edicated - upon tit moreover, meet capital-fostering, is a question, ent with the ma - ;etiits of these fld- ig or rii- session 14 ilist& the people crthis coup y her such a policy,. and suchi,:a cation and goVernmentivill melt. . ion. We can anticipate thqir will further predict, that, could 1 submitted to them to-morrow, ould have any more banks-m.O - re-charterol, except the INDi dTY PR INCIPILE were thoroug- I terein, they *ould say : NO, ten , . , 1 ,• . , i s sa fe against . inch, undne eneroaihments , capital. me mine into OfAce the wisp red foe of i l l " corporate institutions not based upo n res . • risible principles,: `or Which enditngered the tereets of the people to his:everla z zfi lt praise be it said, belies not flinched or waver. rd. when that opposition-has been tested. E n )rip vetoes oithe most abominable F e d. )sitid measures of this dais, during the last see, 'iion of the Legislatire, fully atteat this, , cad ittoild as monuments of Ni; Snit *sd truly re. übliesin principles; Some of his Messages Ire üblished, and maj pesSibly Our readers will remeinber thenvitildsthe te a . sons --cogent andlinvincible reaitone—eid e h: he urged in justification ; ; f emphatic NO! The absence of that only guaranty to: the pub. lie—the individual liability elauset-was mod as the - chief, and in insuperable 'abjection...- We repeat, therefore, thet by his re- - election alone can the public hope to' escapt the plication 'of such' loose , . irresponlible instit a . tions. Elect Irvin, and you. isrO Certain to sanction and perpetual° this evil Otem. D e you doubt it? - We ask Whose cauditlate heal Is he the standard r bearer of the common or of theiristeerac . i i `g Of latter moo, : assuredly: . His netaina(tien was~eanrad mu ifestly by the intrigue of the Philitaelphis no. bility against:the 'undoubted 'visit of a lar ge of hisown• majority party. He comes into the canvass a. 4 the Candidate (ghat:Oxen, suet. jobbers and- the aristocracy. ...His name was I brought forward by that. same clais of his par. ty which mulishlroppesed the individual Da. bility principle - in eorpOration_ bids at the last , session of our Zegisl4ture. And hence it is superlative folly to Cnieludi otherwise than that if placedin the Executive ciiair, he would become the pliant! and *Ming tool in their hands to fasten almost any institution, it matters lit. ,tle how irresponsible pi dangert6;, upon the people, that their insatiate thirst? for legaliz e d plunder might ask. .We submit lit to the co 'tirs of this county to decide whether such i man is worthy of theirfsuffrages fbr',an office on momentous—whether !they are willing that the evils of a loose banking system shall. be quad rupled by the ereatibn of a score or more of these dangerous 'engines of capitiL Which 'baled' The "leaden-hbaded Inliber"T(we - use own words, dcdr render) of the .oegister *lv always ktiows more than all creation, iu his own way, asserted last week that "the dent and hisparty pushed this country into s needless war" Sco. Let us see, his Simon pure "Whigs" being jndges.. - Congress, upon being apprised that hostili• ties had commenced on the Rio. Grande de clared that "liar;Clista by the ac 4 of Mexico," and what is further evidence in this case,•there was but two of, three Whigs", in Ilongres3 who did not vote for that resdhition. Nos which is right, almost the entire delegation is Congress, or the clericai-vping.: leather-heat who indited thei, falebood - aboie quoted. ' Again. Take the -fell& i fe G got . rejf your Dictator, Paredesf and our Minister of peace,,whom yoUr had weed to reran has been , refused a tearing. I He. has been treated with indignity I and instilt, and PAR EDES has annOtineed that war exists -between us. This war, FIRST PROCLAIMED 131 111 - M,has been rOcnnirledied as in existing fart by our President mull Congress.-with tie& unanimity." - We submit iito the public, therefore, -to say which has the hest means of knowing, the net t. , voua granny of the !organ, or Congress, Gia Scott and Gen. Tapor. Which'-is right? " State 11016. of Pennsilvaiiia." eertainli t the coli. ,iiireatSy We have recently-been preiesited with ass work bearing tbd above titic,, by. hon. Tna • H. Bunnowas,l: l with the requeit that wg - ek amine the same .and pass judgealmot upon our columns. Fro+ the . duriory cranial• tion which we have made we-aie well pleased with the work; and . believe it to be a desiders• tun in the catalogue of Penrisllvania Behoi Books. But as opportunity.of reustei it has been rathei limited, we live thougto that the follnwiag,-retoMmeta from th at ;Skunk, who is known; to be.clgsely - identifei with' -educational: systems ari: works, taken from the workiitaell might be more acceptible than anything lan - Might pay: ' " The arraitgeaMaf.,, of the k e e gr epq and history of cnir:4o6, is, so , the fern is so engaging, the facts,are so jWilCiagi' lly set forth,;;nit the stint.Ofeaith county r;well, so , cOnprehenareli hold, as otiliktp ' i tliairerk not only highly :alt.. lable as aco 'n Oita took, lint interestiet. abounding # ll dPes :in useful knowledge, i° the citizens goiseraW,, .In.iddition„ii has the ,merit, which is too rat:a in aOh4l books, of be' ling a Petiniilvaiii*ork, - written by one oilier own eitiseha ai,MlTeet - belt 'wail calculated to Instruct the leaf**, - blit 10 . 4 11,8trong fop elation Ma; l'a4Meieut t o? -t4 state in a l 'aac'!irat4i the eloments,of her ireatnesi: SUPL" ab,ivek we are gag ed 14) kavii thikttbil'.lll4hal Dired6rs of:this . Vil• ber bwie;u4apiprifiky isnot:Mended the Beek to' steed under,` Pub' it 4 4. 14 )reiess - e th - t ie tiw iP ate: Vl* 14 ,1 10 9g 1 PN1 t i)11 in:tliiii, county selling - bS --; _ ,worka. 1111 11
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