• .VOiIJME IV. ri Ehe Democrat , -i. , 0 PUBOSRED EVERY THURSDAY MORDINH, i v * FULLER arIIENIPSTEW 1 ,i . I . . .:i. T E'R M S.' ' 1 shim spear,lf *din advance, or SB 4 OO If paid silt tiesenfibe tilu . • • " - t 5 crs c *red for postage if carried at the publishers , - Piw e • Dlscoetialstrces optional, oxeye when arnearegra are paid. Aarateruilltaraurs*one dollar per squire df twelvellnel. or g m r ot dielszutrhren insertions, and twenty-ere cents fo ev ery su!ielp;lainosertion. A liberal &mutt will be' marts trt those irlso efeestise by the year. CT Busier leave and conunanicatkins for the piper mot , b“'OST rant' _to ensure attention. POETRY. ;dad-set Dreams. I BY B. G. W. JEWELL , Therels a charm in yonder cloud— Yom cloud of purple hoe, ' With Odge of purest liquid gold, An veins of brightest blue, • That iibems so like a favorite-haunt, [ So beautiful and rare, Near *bleb I spent my boyhood's years= I ahnost,wish me there: • I think . rd love to roam again, _ With mind as full of glee, And 134 art as void of sick'ning care • , And boundless Is the sea, The atiepy side of either mount Thai forms that lovely dell, Whereinought is heard but.lowing herds The;:bird and light-sheep-bell. I think; I'd love to climb those rocks, Whete grows the graceful pine, And mike again that simple,siving Of the new sapp'd grape-vine. I thidird love to stand again tp that little mound, 0n.w14 . h I sported when a child. Froth which I used to bound. Yonder a the stream that laved the base Of illy old elMsnut bill— And there's the spot where I did build Myoyialk water mill Or toiling on an August day, - Whin there at eve, to float, Of shhigle mink, with paper sail, My fumy-little boat. My' yo4thful days ! . 'i call ye . back rd Vie once more a child— , rd chaige for your imagin'd woe; My tp a nhoo cr . s grief, so wild For, slime I left you happy. Nide So ttieek, wstafe, so kind— My lift has heed a troubled Wh4se surges,' 'whelm my MISCELLANY. ' ,iFruen the N. Y. Illustrated Magazine. LITTLE MAR* THORNTON, OR THE XELLOW YEVER IN NEW YORK IN 17 BY SM.& SMITH j -.- (Concl*ded.) , But where was her father all this while /=-- We shaMsee. ' When he returned to the hump at Greet*ich Village at noon, ;Mary had knit been missed, and there was ,great eonste k.- tion and great inqiiiry to kilo* wha4ad e wine of tier. The,honse 149 searched fr m garret t 4 cellar, and the garden and ev ry pita aboid the premises, but no satisfact on wasebtained. Inquiry was then made thro gh the neighborhood far and near, , still she co d not be fund. - 1 After teveral hours' fruitless search, as it. i drew n:ui night, Mrs. Thornton happene d to miss the*ey, and the truth flashed - upon or mind. 1 'Mercy preserve us" said she, 'that e dd has gone' to Liberty street after her . 4%; d she'll neter get back aliye k ' . Mr. Thornton did not stop to argue the m t.• ter, bid kastening out,ppeured the first Sa e horse be.*lll find, jumped upon his back ' lid rode fullipeed for the city. It was very n r lywansetwhen he reached Liberty street, ;d i u be rode up to his house, Mr. Steel was j •t l coming mitt of his own door, and the dog , Lilo 1 with * ? i ' Where is 4 ch il d ?' said Thornton,' i muc h 1 agitalelP4 1 ' I hate not seen her,' said , SteeL ' • ,', ll\ , li ss ‘t she been re ? said Thornton, 4d 7 n't she lit that dog on of the cellar?' , ' I baits not seen ; said Steel,.' an 'as for the 4g, I let him o myself. T. beard " howßlinitifully, and IFocured ti ladder, A found I ,ould get in at a chamber Window ro the backyard, so I went down into the and toos the dog out.' • ' Well t hen the ' child is lost,' said 'II ' - tan; !or been killed, or stolen; , or . en meet somewhere on the way ;'' - itid :he eaiihr ed 1 briefly the circumstances . He juipped 'f om his i l horso and examined - the ,door. ;If acs I li ed„ and there was ne key to be seen : rtfa: ' ni r ti to. the elnelnaion that Mary had :X0 iiiff 'ecl itreet I.4 l erty, , , and was probably hiii - iii 1 lie - Iray..' iving Steel directions to . make ii 'at limit: : 4 could in the city, he tiOiiitii4 - hja home s, in and hastened back to, 'GreetimaiN No ti thags had been . reeeived - there, - oft li r Maly, skid thelonse was turned inta ion sad isotOti ng . t -Diligent search :said ingil tiOntfituAd to iti'made for days andireelA; sdrartishenenta ',eine inserted in. the '' i al **at onj-aysil, and the sorrolin . Ism etOitelisd in the ` bitterness of Our.' te We that slta was lost; to them Aire l eil* - ikein*"how - , - Ared. it . itith 1 • 'Nay? IPIII4 poet ehild - slept V longti me il knew not how law; .abe ., had 'been !shod; bins i • thellurney .int.terror and ' NA ekeiGiffe dli,sica t iz,,,.4 tin e. she `sient,e the neat' divihi4.jeit4inen **day preiious floated idois'ihiir ' mind tbirspfe impressions of a painful I dream :i ~' - . ' ,:,."., , .. , • - . ,,, ,. t....?pr.7.7_, - 5:1-7.._?„.71.... ,- •:r - .: , .••:- - . 1 1 , - Tfe•••'" , e-r:frilf,i•-•7"..,!.74,.. f.iT=1•MT,:nr;',6- 4.,..40 , 3 , -‘s.ter. , '''' 4 4... ,, '" f t''' '' :.. ---•-, --: - -----, ----;---. , - • '',--,-. ----• L....f.,.......•:„...f.-:-'t 4t "-....„...e r iW• 4 *-„,• .- • ' 4,a 0, 01. -- -4 4,, T , :: 1.•'..,•";_ V . - - ITTIgr '. ,:,.•7 r 4-VA, ."' 4----- -4- -- N.filiz.vstA :TIC ratef.4 'MI rP7.;',31 , : ••,; 1•,, • , ..-4- , ,,... , ' , - ' ,-:,-, -• •.$ -• '.•,•<l ( - 1 . . • ..„ .., ~.,,,,,,,,., ~., ..., •.. ~: ~ • 7 .., 7 7 ,, '1 . 7 -;•:':.;*.:". % 1 - ' 7 - •.! . 1 %-,... •.. ' • - .' ' ''. 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' ~ • 1 .- ~,.„ ...... ,4 1: .• • 4 ....,..' • ; ••• • fLfff.' f.:. , ...'!..,41: ..- . -...f-4, . .." , . = IMI There' was a little gray' light in the back cell girl, turned her husband round--; let, which straggled through 'a single pane of in a sort of playful-manner, 'if thick glaSs inserted in the underpinning of th , ver, yon must bury me there,' pause t and by this, when she was fairly a 4 spot. The next day she was e, she was enabled to see with telerable: on Friday, the twentieth, he bur ' tinetness the objects • around her, kati stilt A book might be filled in this m re distinctly as her eyes become accustomed is enough to show the nature to', the darkness. She perceived that' she wawitnessed by Steel, and the val inMdo's room and on Fido's couch, and feelin; services. the meal r ea lity of her situation, she jnmpe : The disease continued to ra pp' And ran instinctively to the head of the c 014 ,1 violence slavin g the month of 5 lei steirs and'tried in vain to open ;the 'door. ! a part of Octo ber, when it begat 'lie drilled aloud 'for help, but cettld hea -, .; decline, and before the middle of !mind except her own voice. - Eterything a ; had so, far subsided, that the ii Solana seemed as silent and solemn , as It tomb sioners .issued a circular inviti She groped about the cellar to seeif she cou: citizene to return to their dwellii meet with anything .to afford the !east' hope of as ibis intimation was spread escape, but the more she looked and the morq: sands hastily returned to the t She thought, the more she felt the Solitude and homes, and among the earliest Certainty of her confinement. She returned ai. • and Burdett. When Thornton's gain to Fido's room and _sat down upon Mal up to the door, Fido came 'unit cone!}. This room afforded some relief to her, house, apparently in the great loheliness. The objects were familiar and th 4 excitement. As Mr Thornton associations pleasant, for here she had beetil the carriage, he jumped up to hi; accustomed to uiake a visit almost every eveil him, caressing his hand: and el ning to bid Fido good night. - ' -'I affecting evidences of delight. After awhile she began to feel a sense off' Thornton ,alighted, she received hunger, and she grew frightened nt the •though tation, and the servant girl also 1 of starvation, which now for the first time enq recognition. Then Fido turner terediher mind. She rose and began to exam wistfully at the carriage door ' ine the cellar to see if she could find any kinit and jumped, and barked; and ti of fooll. - Affterit little Search-she found a bail thought he leapt into the earria l ,rel in one corner of the cellar, which, on remoti diately left it again with a' mom Ming the cover , proved to be nearly full of apt which Mrs. Thornton burst into s pies ;4 and on further examination; she discovil for the thoughts and affection erect on the hanging shelf, a basket of biscuiil creature were too plainly exprei and a couple of leaves of bread. ; With thee* understood. artieles she soon Made a comfortable meal, andli paving no key, Mr. Thomt; 1 was'‘lieved from the terrible fear of starva.9 the door, and the sorely stricket tion. -.. When she was tired of walking aboutF A l took possession of their mansion She kid down to rest on the conch lof Fide —;:l_tott was Mitch afflicted ; she had When she was sleepy she slept, and when shill sed in mourning, for they had was tired of lying down she rose up and • walki child as lost. The servant girl x led Shout. When she was hungry she et, kitchen to raake a fire and prepa bread and apples, and sometimes she holloweJl i Presently she came running in In for help, but no help came. And thus livet to the parlor, declaring that son fir diys , and weeks that lonely little tenant o;! the cellar ; she heard them as the 'cellar • ' In the meantime the fever was making tireadil b e. Oh,' said Mr. Thornton, 'ni ful ravages through the city, and the heroi4 you'll be full of superstitions and and:benevolent Steel. often assisted by his deil kind; but there's nothing the voted wife, was employing his whole time anoil dont be se week, but go and do energies for the aid and comfort of the sick.—i ' Oh, but there is, Mr. T To show the nature of the labors and ;seeneSil knocked on the cellar door and i he *ent through, we cannot do better than ttfl body speak ! givn two or three brief extracts from ;his own At that ?Mrs.-Thornton grew memorandums. , tj ; begged Mr. Thornton, before go . A respectable shOe-maker,' says 'he, ' livinlitlar, to call in Mr. Steel and at the corner of Pine and front streets, remove;! ; ' Mr. Thornton from tenderness with his wife and younger children. His son ; feelings complied with this requ 1 abont twenty-one, with a con fi dential young, minutes the three -families war townsman, and an old. colored woman, request ; Thornton's kitchen, the men bri ed permission to stay, as they said they vrent with them, lest the visitor migi not ;afraid of the fever. In a few days, illl thre : of a kind to render them neeess were taken sick. I was intimate in the &lei{ knocking was heard at the eel ly. t I procured a doctor and nurse, and gave. soft voice, but what it said, co whdt ;attention I could. On the fifth day ithtil tinguimel Mr. Thornton op son idled. Early ,next morning I found : the and little Mary, pale and somew house locked up , end the key gone. _I madi, jumped into his arms. The se; an entry through a lower window; the nurs 7, lowed, the fainting of Mrs. The; hadledleher fright, and taken somb of the; ecstasies of }ld°, must be left i Smog moveables by way of comperisation.--ii imagination; we cannot deseribi The black woman had rolled from 'her bed if the 'agonies of death and was lying on the floor; . Being unable to lift her, I put 'a pillow under; head, covered her with a sheet, and entered thcl next room wheremy friend lay, his eyes clot Oil tug fast in the sleep of death. In two hours; the woman died. I procured a hearse, an& then watchedhy my friend till ‘ eight in the eveil ninewhen he also died. 1 ' 'At the sank time a young man of my ael ipiaintancelay bin house in Liberty street i* Ali Same s i tuation. ' I nursed him ; and he re l . 4 covered. ii ' il 'At the corner. of Dove;f and Water street Tap 'three' brothers. I procured a doctor— . • urine I could not' . find. When the doctor ea r tiered and saw one laid on a mattress on , thk fieok, one on a cot in the same room,und onto a bed , in another room, he seemed struck ;vial fear. He asked 'if there was any be iir, the louse.. - 1 procured some ;. he lit - a - sege and' smoked most ' profusely. Ho *opose . ; bleeding. ' I took the basin, but for some min or utes,his hand trembled so, that be could not strike tini . ,ivin. 'When he had finished, I well with him to the door. Says he, 'you run al great risk;'. says 1., ' there is no retreating:—= l This was on Monday, the 17th' of Septembi Be called the nett day . ; • but Wednesday Thursday 'did not call. I called at his hous# on Friday about 10 o'clrk in the foroboo* and was informed! that his corpse wail now oil the road te'retter!s flea': - The next morningthe elder brother"died, aged twenty; tbe yortnt‘l . ger les recovered. 'The doetor's name wa# B— , ;—r , and kept his office in Cherry street. ? 7, Itetiirning one, night at eleven o'clOCk• from visiting my patients,' the night was; dark, 4 thick wetting =mist was falling, and the lampit; tiinliledlist enough to-showdarknesi•visiblei Deiceridingibe hipfrom the corner of Dove street`' in Pearl, I met two- hearses With th . I dead;;ene'iras -- -'istining out of Peck' slip, the I other coming out,. from' Ferry, street. - They i4ined. up" Feint toward I.olrathain street, os their way to Potter's 'Field. :Each; hearse had ald,rivoi iia'bii *3)4E404 with , o.lant/wn beg tween their feet, iiitting,inifroet.' 'Being hear, ill laden, they 'drove' slowly Up -'the liill ; fill Wheels and .springs creaked - ind.-groanediindet ° , theweight of dead mortality.: The.drivq B sl is dumb ,asmutei; the pale light l of ;Abeit! lanl -ifrioraPheFing across their.,stapid - _,#4 - iin toFfite* o o s . Their , faces looked IS.Whlti iclidlthe•fice of Samneljnst , pee 01)& 4 6 ph* vaSre Isles called - by the Witch E4?i'cr 6 4 the msnek 4 4 l- of the'dead.,,, , c ,,, :.'..i:-: .. 4 Mb). ~ tthe r tiabbath,.fifteenth Of geOenl* , 4l tbe l ehnrehialiown tewm.known , hl4o4!"T e t of Orthodox and Reforzeklelniabstnp,:, ol . l 1,-„ .1,1 t mr, : pr .t w , co,,,. no t wer, ;, ,yen, glad to,:piesi Iwkat bttleriMiniief gospel Comfofttlifto.4 Wiiii:A4,4/0, 1 ,9 1 4,,0harc1i; Of Vii.,l,Tihrikt Wiliel4as. /pia.: Ai:4l444th'; ' } AS the ' le l ilia:Ulliiiir, foi;:iirailic6d*i i iitli;',lCTlit" , hi I s . irite: 'whn VIA iiiin.uutielia iotiii4 "-- were walking among the tombs,'',l4`the` tiiiii ned the east corner , 'Mrs, T. who was a lir& . _ MONTROS FaUs_of St.l.4nthony—in These Falls ars more famous ble. They were first visited by pin in 1689, who gave them name, out of respect to his /3 Their original name, hi 'the Si was Owah-Menah, meaning f They owe their reputation prig fact that they " veto" the nav Upper Mississippi They are s prairie, and therefore easily ap every direction. The river h half a mile wide, and the entire Falls, including the upper and I. said to measure 'some twenty. feet, and they are consequently posing feature. The line of tilt ly straight, but broken near thi large island, and just below thi than,seven smaller but more p ands, which are looked down u bluffs on either side of the river mile before the waters make the' glide swiftly across a slanting, flat bed of rock; and after they' the lower level, they create a pt foam, as if venting their wrath which impede their progress ; hi meats they murmur themselves then glide onward toward the fa{ in perfect peace. • These Fali seem to be the gr; ters for the eagles of the wilt congregate here in great bumf moment a hungry individual in struggling with a bass or trout, pure foam ; and then another, crop, high up in heaven, *mid his tireless pinions. At anothei might, see a perfect crowd of 4 over some floating animal which life while attempting to cross th andlearful intlee&icas the, shri between these warriors .of the an 4 :;'Associated with the Falls of-' the following - , Indian legend... woman, the daughter of a chief; a'avarrior,' has been cruelly t faithless - htuthand: She , Wras no young andlirond, and•thei moth - daughter-Child.. abided; to th : .4- ,, irrongsothe finallY 'resol he ;fromzevery treubki, and , evil friends, by departing 'for tit and the Fills were to be the , ga premised'eiveir2 - : 'lt-w4aw eivening; and initnrivraebtudie , ''' -- The - th litulibee ~pose. . reo er , e in thelt" , wittwaiii, within sight , ' the Fill ii and 'ttio, fattier . was litintiet tripeditionl'-'llierinot , caressed her' darling, ind thew -, 411.40 0 19 4 1 1 , nts , in lie :-P0.0 14 . kher'oit,peraci4;slio: wet . : -. . ii,i , clothing which` she `dad . re - iti3d bans; and iiiiiyeat4seu,i # ii`ii which she had made with her e' , PA. THURSDAY; JULY 8,1847. hfull 1 ten obtaineda , -b own y, n erns mg its petals add 'breaking its stem;title placed% it on a mat iwthe centre Of her lodge,. as me morial of, ha wrongs. All thine' beint'retuly, she seized the child, hastened to the river, launched lief frail canoe, and in a I moment more was floatini on the treacherous stream. Ac cording to the universal Indian, custom, she sang a wild death-song—for a moment he canoe treinbled on the'brow of tlit watery pre T cipice, and in an instant more do, mptlier and Child were forever lost in the fdani Lanman's Summer in, the' ilderness--Nelo York: Aieetan 4 Co. nd exclaimed die of the fe-,.. tinting to the eported ;. and ed her there.' way, but thii3 f the scones e of his noble e with great 4ptember; and gradually to November , it , 1 alth commis ; g the absent gs. As soon ;From the Scientific Atnerieirn. The ills we leave behhid Oh ! Whatis the use of looking back, ' As o'er life's road - we travel; Or pausing for a moment to , • Some mystery unravel, • The better way's to , go ahead-- Let, Fortune miss, or find us, • 0 4, And never cast a glance upon The ills we leave behind us. When ; sickness and sore toed combine Iroad, "titcru,- 4ty and their *ere Thornton tirriage drove g from Steel's st ecstasy of stepped from and around ibiting most When Mrs. similar Sabi- To make u . s'sad told weary, . I),'e plight to keep our spirith up, Northink that life is dreary ; But mist at ranee from off our soul. . most hearty , and looked r He started, . en as quick as e; but imme , ful whine, at flood of tears, la of the dumb !4sed' not to be The chains of grief that bitid us, Ana bid a last farewell untd Thd ills wo - leave• behind ns. This world bath pleasure for us all, As well as care and sorrow, And though the skies may weep to-day,;. They may wipe up to-morrow. Then why should we let,present woes • Of former qnes remind us? (get 4 They're past—they're gone;—so let's for= The ills we leave behind us, in broke open family again , Mrs. Thorn •eturned dres iven up their as sent to the e for supper. eatbless haste ebody was in plain as could Then let Old Time remove the stones Where all our griefs are covered, lina frighten Memory's bird away, Which o'er them long.has hovered; For when within ia fatal net . Grin death has once entwined us, Well cease to think-of present joys And ills we leave behind us. w I suppose fears of this e, Margaret ; our work.' o,rnton ; they heard some- terrified, and g 'l3to the eel- Ir. Burdett.— to his: wife's st,,and in two i assembled in ging weapons t prove to be ry. A slight ar.door, and a d not be dis ned the door, r iat emaciated, 1 nes that fol.- ) nton, and r the the, reader's ) then). My friend . Tom has a natural affection for dirt, or rather dirt has a natural affection for Tom. is to him what. gold ; WaS to MI! das Whativer he touches turns to dirt. NO unipter how, white the cravat—no matter hew iminuaculate the vest., the moment that itcomes within the sphere of Tom's influence, its white nessl is gone ; it is immaculate !no longer.—, Dogs, amps, and lamplighters, never . pasS him 4 without leaving unequivocal marks of presence. Once, and onlx once, I saw, him cross the street without enco'ftterinit they wheels of-a 'carriage. I opened my mouth to congratulate him, and before I could utter l i one word it was filled with -mud, The care-I less blockhead lay stilly feet; full length in .the ;gutter.s At my darnest solicitation, once purchased a snit of precisely mud color., It was a good idea. He ercissed the street, three times he Walked a halta mile, and turned,irt appearances at feastVanseathed. The ; thing was unprecedented. - True, he ' was wel comed by the affectionate caresses Of a dog that had' been' enjoying the eixdoess of a; neighboring horse-pond;- truck he received a shower-bath- from theiwheels - of an omnibus. ; But to plaster mud on Tom's new coat, was to, gild refined gold—to' paint Tom; will be a neat man -yet,' I said, its I witnessed, the success of my j3lan, ; '• ' an Legend. ban remarka- ather 'Jenne- their present tron saint.— ux language, ling water.— lipallY to the 'gation of the rounded with roaehed from tire is perhaps• height of the t wer rapids, is - five or thirty thout an im- . Falls is hear centre by a s are no less etnresque isl- A n by• steep : . For half a' 1 , plunge, they . but perfectly] . . In about t , half an hour, it meet, a gentleman with' seven . on bis iick;—it was my friend leaning On Some new,lYPaillio His shoehlack declares that c , use in Meeting his boots when, umin r black and his wiishcrwo proper regard for her own repu compelled to discharge him, asolie declared with ; 'ff any esti should as, we if) Smith's clothes, what could I But there were veryfew thin] with which Tom could have M pensed 'with, than the services' have reached, Meet sheet of i Ipon the -rooks t in a few mo o sleep, and distant ocean woman. Haying no other amusement. o e mornini, I strolled over to Tomta.rocitus. rtascen ed the stairs; I heard his voice ind verit decided tone-'-' But; it must be done, and so' there' is au end to it,' , ' Really,' was the any thing utithin the limits of pclisibility' r but,to'inalte ti . cnit ten hours-II will promise anything` :in the world, but I really think I willibe unable to perform.' a ; / 1 - If double your - price would.he any Objeet-=', said Tom: 4 , „ 1 .Certain • sir, , if you - insist ' Japon l iti. cep.] tainli I • -N. ad head- quai derne:;!s, which ,era. At one ight seen, directly in the with well-filled le floating on 'time, too, you.. alhem hovering . had lost its upper rapids, k of qoullict. 7. _ nil put every man- in any shop,_ bn it;. it shall be done; in time, F ,..*(i0d. : . - .loorp. Ins' sir.' . , • -•., . j , ,. -r, , 1 !_i ,- . ' i tl , d The door , opened, and A fella* :.. With sheers and- measure's passed nut: iWkat coald, ?Rem lle ,, daing.vith a tailor '4, ,rl-k - i I^i,':'• "`" L' , ""' l ' ‘ just' the man .Ltranted to ; 04;04 .be exel,sial -ed. ' i'Lrognite Irony idvien ligoil ,a :Neu, ho tortaiit'arair ;, whiia lf , these Oavatai, do: ou. hink moat becoming r,.4 ha S i pread. ;before_ /14.1_mlizp/ halc dos, on, of every brie i and ,fasiiion., l 1 .".'Nowi , iihat ini,he - #llad,'or'Eal `that , firm -, 1 4Orkuc. ,__,loili itil'Aeilir i r.4l.?{'Aliti'ol l ' al t , 'l3s.it 2,, ; Y.04114,/edbieif pniteeilljit disguise ; 79 1 1 r leetie4t I. 4 6 Wwitiliief 1 47 1 3*',1 , i1ti l' A ' P 404 ';,oooitfthoAY**it.-;'.itionqi4l I t talic,t4if ea.,olmo .:*0,1),,,h 1 b* t'.: .l f, .4 thli t would . bitl l Ve - tn:too' it ti*. , ?0 mi: . yuy., gli, *hat 4sies,'Al tin Aiiiiiirg,::, - i ;'‘ 1 .Thy.... l 4;fot . ip';'._ 'l4;:ytilli?bti hkiid srali Olielikli 1 444:/: 6 1 014 o' . itaiver , .:;l,4 4 o 0001dc , 44--T) , bitlg'!l vi l atu'i:littlit , ' iti.o. ineio;,ofv,i4 . 4•;:.:Yeli,' good advice - ritn . jai° o'iiiioWaiitee;',i, has had an excellent etect, I assure you !''''''-s 1: ' Now it hipiteued, that all the good advice 1 It. Anthony is QhiPPQwaYi and the wife of Mated by her, bea j lt ralvy 4 l O b e r 'quick ;by re ed'. to, release Ail& from Spirit Laud, °way to that dian enmuter into al deep ;la irere'alone d'imariugrof ou si *heed `ilia ou r whilafrom r aitiole of I Nur, heiiima; er' 'orients hands. Bh9 TIIE DISGUISED LOVER. SSETCIt FRON LIFE EMI bad-ever given Torn -this was , 4l, very lust in,;; i !.stance in ivhieklfet - haltie,!! l - 'fi.'r ei 4 :4 9l lc'w. it-4 ,:. I SO; I could:pot attribute tne. - .m .. ,e s amorphosis of my friend troimy.ologtionce ,. . , , 1YA9• 111 4 , - - W:ivq.z man ever-changed a,,slOsen to Slop? ~_ ...'' ' . - . ' Pray, Where .are, yen..going .tliis. evening,' I) continued, !'that yon...;inustplaiie, a line,,iiew ,coat so suddenly .?' . .;; 4.., , ,, ~-, A ...:. •:: • ; -'Going ? .nowhereiit,partierillr.' . I had, in =I Ldeed, some , idwof . .calling , on .ilky old frien d, IMr. Murry; noharm in,that,,l,llOpc; i .... Conviction began..te; flash itMi.tne..-. / , ~ • 'Your. old. , friend, i., -Mr. •Mtitry'.: ) and his 1 young . niece, Miss Julia, has no%hate. in 3i,cl l ;t:. visit, I. suppose? I heard tli't she •nriive4 . last night in town.'.. , i .. .! - - 1 , ..i , ' Now, upon my word,,Frank4-you :mistake me.entirely. .1 did •not.know. ilci3 l was in tcrie_ last night---I-4hat, is;: when 1 7 , 4 did not know any.thing about ite.,... 5 .. ~i- , 1 ' And so. you were there last knight, too !- 7 ,-, Really, this is getting eking braVely: , , • ' Why, the fact. is VrAnk; yo 4 ~ must , know. everything.-: I called last evening !W. see Mur, ray on some businesaationt that' real estat y ou know. , I bad he mo re idedef ineeting a woman than a boa constrictor- T -iny beard was, three days. old, my. collar.. ditte 7 4 , ; ana.the rest ! of my dress in excelleht keeping. i .I. became,• engaged in. conversation, and sorneihow or oth er I forgot all about, the real eitlite! ~ - ' And so you are gOing again iOt.night--and that is the secret of yOur new Coil • e .- - - 'By no means---I *anted :tile coat, , and 1 tailors are,always so long, youlkft w. ~.- D o you think blue' will .- become . me? _ Blue is her fa vorite—that is ,, l mean blue--44. . ' ' Oh, go on--don't stamnierti-blue is her favorite color, isit ?' -;. , , ..,,T i • '.I ' The-fact is, Prark—tatte anttlier glass of this Wine- . -the fact 4—goo,d;. ria' se is'atit? . , -been two voyages to the,T,ndiee r stlie fact is, I• . suppose---I rather faiey,-I am 4 fifile in - love. Try some of that . sherry. ;S hat are the'. symptoms, Frank—a i queer fe eling about the heart, and sornething . that 'driVes the • blood . through one like lightn i ng- I ;j • ' ' ... ' Exactly ! like _ Ihave seiti Julia; short and chUbby, isn't she-;with re,dihair, and a little squint-eyedl'. .1 ''Prank, I never did knock 'yen down, the' I have been.temptedl.to do so lh,great many times; but.if .you don t stop , thitt nonsense I . . Quite .Valiant in ;defence - Ofiyour Well, .Torn, I will, ;defence cohles.s that ahe is a lovely ; girl, and to-morrow will come find' learn your success.. So good , Well, Tom, what ;success.? • • Would .you Nid not re..' I cognise me.' ( . . Not reouguiseyoU . • if No, '.ltou.knew what a quiz, --that. MurrX is. As Soon is dressed Such style; im.came4pl 8 1 1 94.1i4ncis with me and without -giving me a ,ehanOe t to say one: word,, introduced rep .ito Julia ag.,Mr._ Freder ick Somebody.. And, would yin beiieve the little i . vitchdid iiot.know ate„ I. thinkl should not ,forget her jso easily. j Nor was that' all. Murry said, something. al4aM the. , felloW, who called -there the,previyus i oy*ing--a count, consin,lie said, clean enough -.but an in corrigible sloven. .4a Julia said, lie dressed like, a barbarian —j* think ot, that, Frank; barbarian!' She. shall pay f d, s that yet.— Such eyes—and she, Steps like ,atqueen.. Welk Frank, a".elean collar #01)§ Make 4 vast differ: - once to a man's apppearenee.. as Hebe herself: Terrible difference cleati litommalmS: •. • The last tune I saw .Tom,, hews scolding his•. eldest son for coining into :the draWillg room With inuddy.boet. `A SAVOY " entered .a store in Lottilon;•yeis ago; wlii h. has for its Sign "'The :Tl,po Bibocms," and addressing himself to the proprietor, be "I wish to>See yoni partner." "I hare no partner; sir." 4 , 1 beg yOut: pardon, sir, and ig:lpe'you will excuse the mistake." I' - ' r Oh:there's no harts aerie ; 'Tint what Made. yon think titere were, 'two of us •1 4 ;- " • Your The TiviZatiotine • ;as my fate to stripes of green , 1 7'9m*: . be bad, tslindow blinds. ; he can't' see nol t ribey never re n,‘ with a very ation,, lias,been ot froM, any ill ] luidifted, ~ bandki l l' *ad:o ' Mr. 1 ten 6 i?' ige in this wail& Gore, 4£isily dis- :' °Ails' washer-, ConE TOIL A NlEAvar IrLiar..4Thefollowiug method of " drivingdall care awity," - was me, ,ommended by Howard, the celeb b reed' - philan, - - thropist : "Set about doing kodd to sintiebody. Pat 'on your hat, - and' visit tbasick "and'the poet; innuireinto.tAirwabtiCaild minister to ahem. Seek' ont the &ablate' oppreased, 'ind tell thezii of the4onsolationskef j have often tried ~this medicin4 . and always find it the beet intiante for le leiy?beart." . Three cheers for fthiii; Mr. Holard." cone good to think 'ait mo good to f'CI ow stich,advite: tlit Will fitCsoVniny-,Vii ly'ingared'ilgitilit - drawninehindelror nhootinehis neighbor, '' 41fdo `so; capi *der Way thiet - by'sfiy pitiray.,- !Kim noblest., put p !friend iimihoneeilbeia - nese in the,notifirip,,,k Rforrars.. ; ,l443 Allatinifs me of Llionght vim - ithfr - f , _ t ., ..dIC . X arll .11 0 - lir7 4, .66 - , ti; 3 / 4 at, ~ ~_ 33 1 gge4-- ~- g-, ~,- , p, tit of Olierkwilitt sit44andean-10 4 4 man_t9l4),_._.___4**,,oor Je. 1 4 11 :tag f.4i B Alo* Pr4"4. 1 ,1-Mmig P° 911. 44.4 ‘ ," -kO,;. : Iv ~,, -t ' . °lion? cii93*iiiiitoti'l° l 4M-in told BioUji*th'e*Po tiand l • Megbie daliktfoi•arihiiga:ol - idthe mss ontsterday movintro rgitf Igidn 1 41 1 41 q'Orkd i Vt7- 1 1 1 40Miquoil fSC-Par*MPA i lltql.M-thteiiq tinitiosiWtionpihiitbs impunity? ig No, J9#; 1 altiyteistritt.withi spoon.' NM •.''' , ” En . - , r, I MI MEE .f 4 MEM NEE —, 'i-- , - 7-- 77" ~- . 7 - ;. r . " - . ...7" -- . . ARO* atTO_ITHEATAIIIINVIINI. 1 '! . "1 4 , AV `l,llllllriellollW erli' To Ae - POif :Pell . , iranzfrri —d- • To ...F l : l2 o*i z • = lV4tieili ' ' - :41 1, 61!, • iiiV beiii UrPotiiliiitid"iir,diel. ' - - • . part Y,!. aPPOt 1 - 6117;14;.' ifeltifOth U1:14i0tV34,0,' - }iventiou dee it. as ,f4 l- !1* - Ttiffilti4etitthe, t i object of ir.:_Of ti?itt . it, `fo'hilOtiViviin relatiiiit td'the' ii - iiii ' ?eon ._troll try; itnl-'i - o,call•yairf i'te - OntiiiitlViheitipor- `e 4r Pf thd l it!pptia t cfii i'eleitithil:, tiaf:jtki'v '.. Neter at ooyliridd speo thOVliiii4beiiimit l ' 1 , Of 04, history basiti_e (jioplifg.friesti'..-and' especially :the - 121eint4tic pall' litittriCotiglim6 t to congratulate eiWothii 110,611.W'''' , 'ilitilogimos of free principles in; impioillf thel 6661111tifs':. .and tending the - 1 happincs , !`,4 isittlltThe people of *se' United-Statei-itif ilill,i. , 1,.. respo(:t to party or' Oct,* the.fiAlild - & - ful enjoyment Of the most`' enlifilia ~, to p .religious rights, which' are not 0nW140611611 tr. constitutional provi4ona but'-hyllitt ;VIA ji,l much stronger, the good sense snit sotukdilidge:: ment of as enlightebed andliberid, ty; It also git , e's-ih s nafeignedl:o=o se join in - congratulatidOl upon the Ms« Oihriil ii petity , , which pervad e s ii* all the btiatuesipe. eanuqyrelations'Oft e people: -- NOtwitb*uk mg the piedietioris of our leading) 'Federal", ponents of the'ruin and desolal which- !was to follow die electiol 'of the Demo - tie iiiadid-, nE ti ates,in . 1.844, our prosperity has . ' -'-' oiniati ever - knee, and - talk, period; of our` - exi as a people; ha'e all- the-deparinfentiQ.Of in dustrt7agrieulture,l, meebanieal,l ',. eont and 'lnannfactnring . , eenin a 'mdilisfortieterotut and *thy . condito , at&Taborintore. mond at 'fair rateet eonipepsiticitrthinit-th 'present :time. It isl,when lalifkr - '6inninanda it gnat' reward that ell honeAlndOtriotii Itouf- mnnitY is always the`moklippyir '..---T! ,, 'A' o ,.. • ~ Thi i i condition 'o, thirigs. frilii:4- I "ltit to helie7errests on , a sti stintill - basivinitli the reaulf;4l a greet, ' -'Of a ilotitid tiitkliber al sy ste m of poli cy'founded nilOa 'AA Odd ples of commercial intercourse and reciprOtity, in connexion with 61 constitutional Oytteuil of , ; finance on the part Of thol - generalttivernaitat, calculated to pre.vent'excessive issues of liepei money, and maintain a sound cuirenoyi-V -, ) Our' Federal friepdf. - however;" wit& have._ you lieliere'that ailjbur present' . -presperityre. suite - from the scarcity of pro'visont in' , Eurtope. . and the consequent high prices in, this'eoUittry.; ' - That i!the scarcity %fil Europe of brinulatiifir Ilia tended to raise pricer in this'eonntry;flirifitill not deny.. Everyi man of CommoOetnialionws 1 this to be a fact.' - Bnt every pers6n- of intelli genee'atid Candor is' also honndie 14iiit'7,:tAt reduCtion of the Ant c'on oiny.'ilbii ` tff-A0 1 " ' in thii 'English po ' ; with Alte - t • ' of 'our 4:4i-it - int:Mon - tip ir, litodOctioils; ii‘eitoolv tea to eulaige tile , de liet,ion theitilitAinn triesciraid increase' the eiport - Af oti=sititiT4na flonrlioenrinetitlYi . l and •as - this tWfil Aitiettiamo the:ability of mil. 6ttiaenilo'ffirah'.l44 411613." inine knanufactures 0 , arilliiitht 1 ty- of ev.ry bianch of indilatyy iw/tbe tointry. :In .regard to the iron and eoalliithiWsilley will be 6speci4y by tW: - 'denfanit loft troll to makey4ilroads to eery the iiiidictatiflititul inieltimarket andicf supply the ,rwatitritsn enlaried internal asi - elliw. extignilbOntiht*e.. In=faCf, ive •regard oly"dotnei& toiiittfaittares as so 'well -establisho that - withz.inodatitierbut. ' - certain duties prop . e arrangedAliereatijiith- stand the competit ion Of PA I,l444;ltk*iiis opinion we are confirmed by the judgement of , i'toolio llll o who . engaged in , enlarging bled; and building new " - itablishinent.V•indetA.he present tariff,' witho f any iedionablea hope of s. an - immediate Iltirig:`. ' -..-, , ` - ,= - .- - Ftr*'- ,,, ,, 2 - iliiPepionentii, ho ewer; hitinibeini'diiien I,ii lid . knee of thel cotintryirtOn - sethiirqpia positi *Fin 'regit",i'd , Ito - a''llUtili oftlit'illailea ;State; zihigh pretativeliiriff,' , o4Andio4o-, giiditlid tbd -Indep6nderif ,. 'oriflonit4titiokal Treasnry, noivseek to - find '404 of - 04' id tbd t Veinociatifi'imity*the*t:ita ,- co. ', , Tii , iegie4 to th e tiaidc ttlief,i6kl the rio- 1 , iddlbi4 "it; was indispetiiableVii-- tYI-eand thirthe courttycOliWilbilfidiri,,,Trif.li out it. They -4 even txeittidr !Uh: piiislikilatto iiiidnisi'ana encouraged a revolitim*yratirit, anOiStthePle"aj dimsoO'it - i ngAasi Jickson dia fiiaet•seit , ltfii4e*ll4 4 l4l - dppesiti(mitty• iitonitei UAL 4134 7, 40 - ligiit to place`itself' ithoietlie '-'Cortatittittatift:itbtuitimi of the linition', - atilth'cOntrOlittiOiortituiftt. li.' ili4itigitishid - iiielOC'eofitheit64ol.llo.ll - On`thilli becision'addpilled the populace at'Bid-i tinioicni slinday,'lnd bi +ll4 encour aging 'o i nalustifying ' their kondieVAiielired -1 ( that; inievOlitionar7 titn therot l ifirolne albathi.", ,bl i s oao'itte: lini6,.parti anti bat'Abit 4 ainirof [ thilliatea 'States 'lid an!' bb , aolete :idialf- U - ' -1 Beriii eoinoaifi - 61tioulsofltbeqaiif 0ft1842,1 they' declared that if the ', tapt iitlB44*.iik * lair, that .nearly' al l tbe firpaced, Pii3W ma . thisiAotefies• of th 6 county : :!,,dild _ to t , itilii .;-• Oat DIO ifould. - I(ste tti 'fit tcriMittelit i ilf iitapioyi4rit'to , ratarve4 an "Ahatogyi 'lta tie. ; l i - 06, 1 \of the'farmbr douldiet vi iiis4iiikibr, want I dt i lioineibai4et?'' . 4', 4 .. 4 , _ ._*.sqVii4 9 :/ilva `'' 'l*.itiege;l 3 ridie49 l4ll- beet the irdaiiitiOditioiCif iiiii'iOnbitilairoll . :44 I. lied°, _the liko*AlitiOtEolie , i'lft -14. - 0 - 11 i I liviivemity , the pfeliti9iii or P i .J. C '? 4 t it ' I T -' - - ' ri ret'i.6 has beetilVo iationitb6tvr iVeyal*ft therotr has riot ,on 4 )6yed: ii- . , ! _ . 4 dryitilLsOify??- - - s ': - '-, 4:4 , t3. -0.4 . Ir , F'Thetr : - Oparlit4 - T Ifiel*Anoti 1 144 3.° 1 f T 'account gielleii 'fillitttstiiiti*ebiimist-' 1 otfrifty forife tcliiatiwati4Vilidife s 1 - { i li t i,o lo 4 4 1 0 Vl , fkiiiiiiiiii*ifil , toil pailatia4. all thenil yltlicirfr . . , - ~ - ,:nidifellif - Figiiiiitsti4=ffliir - i riiidri 41.1' 14noextfint, be use; M 1 154 00:. tekt.heitiqii 14.thePiiiireiiblp l , o tilitj i, , . ' L ibielOglh iiiiiilitfittl'itiltallik ' ' ' aiiiiitrofli;k 416106iyi .1 ifeiiiibleWtibilie• ' i la thittfilt Olit l abOlat- 0tt5_41......0,11,1„...,,44.6445t-t • - t. fact- - lidipiiitOthOittkotib:i ~-.Th".,; , . no-: , '. . glithinigabit+l 4 thellseet**** . hiiiiinniligillitibi'iiiirioytii iyikrAmitiviloteat**o 6 * i i ,ioir if thfiii . 'fib I. . 410 # 4 04 1 tliel, tatretialr it*** l 4 4s *, tOtteit..- i i ii_ .._ 'ilelfitiii' u .'"-' , !-- 4.1 h1 gtlt:W.bet*** ) . l clhfill.il44olll*Vlo* I i ner i'4446 ) 2otion - ei the mink '=. 'lnv hoTo irk . MEM =-• 49 , -J;to . 'b. , s m\Jttiii,o2l,loi 0 . 0 * *VT • I 7 2Kit to, IR ,31 :1A.11);.4%1 - 241.0417: tat A^ , t ,* E<y;, - • • ; • sti• i pi t litMel• • • k - 411.41 1 .„:, , W6 - f7 ‘1,4! MSEE =EI r Pa in MEE ..,..,,: ,i MIME EMI , • k.at, , '"lnotit EMS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers