BRIEF CHRONICLES AND SEA Ticks and Flashes Which Bul- | letin in Condensed Style the News of the World. BY LAND PARAGRAPHIC WAR HISTORY Everts at Washington Which Loom Large as Crucial Happenings— | Weovseoorvvirorscees JAR BULLETINS NE DDO PPPOE L&D an English new Spaper yr, who now are er won German positions on I'rench reinforce- the Messines Ridg and the British ady » which General Maurice reported is regarded as of Messines ridge. George announced in the house of com- adding that this made the pas- * bill imperative, ans a commanding posi- DOPEIIPPOF FOE EOE SOF PT EOS 0800F; WASHINGTON Kiesorovroesrorss the message of to the country wergency Fleet Corpora als to increase the fixed price house, partly through the resident's opposition to the naximum price for ld by the Pr ducer tent with all I the power the fuel “adn Mnistr ition railroads to pay the government's price ne put on road work at once. death as the penalty { proposed in a bill introduced by 11, Wanont the st ihe President's s Foreign Relations Committee if | LPO E CS TIEIE OD GENERAL DEBE CEES POOREST ISOC ooo | immediate = | Board government must fix prices to { was originally placed in Class 4-A by tion's food according to | *ittshurgh Press Club, granted to 5,000 addressing the I > President to electrie line or to the building or juipping of ships has been passed 1} | MONS, has been of suf- ing planted crops | h need for addi- | sed a “porkless’ + appropriation ays “the American | oldier in F rance is making good.” A midnight curfew for girls under eighteen is being considered in New; according to an intimation | of Assistant District Attorney Smith, in the scheme to clean up the city. en dance halls also are contemplated. The greatest contert far world trade in history is now being prepared for hy the larger nations, members of the Exports Cone in their report, Even formulating big schemes on the war, they Committee National trol declared Germany while cur on is rying de- clare Other including New York, act to curb the sales of German | languag newspapers following the | ban placed upon such sheets in Hack- ensack, N, J, communities, © Indications in shipbuilding circles are that the advent of Charles M, Schwab as director general of ship- building will result in important changes in the personnel of the fed- fon of affairs at Hog eral administra Island A Cit on the sale of German language news- | papers in N. J, and the izens' Committee placed a ban Hackensack, dealers obeyed. Other towns are *o take similar action, The Railread Commission completed mendations for wage in- ea Iroad employees, Japanese marines are in Vladive stok merely to help police the city and not for any or international reason, by the report ol political was shown Ambassador Francis, The food administration In New York ordered 19 bakeries to close their shops for three days as the result of violations of the food regulations, Sev: shed for hoarding wheat Beercoos ION ievs serene rs rivet 6 #* German-American War CHIP EPI OO POE0O0G 8 SEOS PPPOE SO0020W, most eroie deeds of the te Doctor Patton of special cable dispatch New York Herald correspondent with the American Doctor Patton saved the lives 1s victims, operating without a himself collapsed. Americen War has been awarded to Lieutenants Winslow and Campbell, who brought down two Ger- man avia One cf the war is credited New York from Don in a Martin, army. 20 { ol { mask until he ihe Cross ors, About forty German prisoners, one of whoni was said to have commanded | a U boat, were brought to this side on a former ‘German liner. It was report- i ed that some of the prisoners were capture¢ by American soldiers on the battle front in France, Germun reports place the number of American troops now engaged in trench warfare at 210,000, This may not in- clude the Americans fighting in Pic- ardy. The repulse by American troops, outnuinbered two to one, of 400 picked German shock troops on the River Meuse becomes a German victory by the stroke of a pen. Three thousand young men are tak- ing examinations of the N Naval Acade- my, double the number of any pre- vious examination, Yoovecvee. esses sre @ 9 i SPORTING : 4 ie OO POPOL EOE YE POP 089 ’ Monte Carlo Mona Lisa, owned by ] Fangmann, won pr for d at tenth annual show of dog Club of America. ht championship fi Fulton Willard and Fred in Twin Cities providing ticn of $10,000 is raised hy Minneapolis. notice summoning Alexander, star ahs, to go wit 1 Howard county, Neb., Funston April 30 sent + by Alexander's draft bo: William 1 i“ago Nationals, eland Indians obtai famous baseball clown, York Giant ter t ‘quard’s appeal for deferred | classification in the draft list on the that he rendent w child wa ppeal Boa > srooklyn rround a dey the Feder 1 body the s refused by noted his re- of Paris have laid seball dMionds in the Te de Boulogne for the use of the an Expeditionary IY Killifer, wrce League, mate of V illiam hattery Grover Clevelan Alexander of the | Chicago Cubs, who was drafted recent. was placed in Class 1-A, subject to 11, by the District Draft amazoo, Mich. Killifer land at Ka d at Paw Paw. the case the local hoar ernment appe The gov- FOREIGN 3 | Hove Si Sirietrresosizersonsosmsol of the rian cabinet Count ion of ap- resigna and as the pointment of Tisza premier | was received in London. Bonar Law, speaking in the said he expected conseriy before August 1 com- 1011 to Ire- in enforced Milner to succeed was appointed minister , Lord Derby, me to Paris as ambassador, 1 Rawlinson, a Vv in the Somme battle, has vritten a letter commending the Amer engineers who formed an impor- part the improvised army who commanding int of th a which filled the gap in the allied line. The losses io British shipping by nine or submarine in the last week taled 15, according to the admiralty a Eleven of the merchantmen sunk were 1,600 tons or over and four under that tonnage. Twelve were unsuccessfuliy attacked. MOUNT JOY STAR AND NEWS, MOUNT JOY, PA. POT OOPPOPPOPOP PLONE OEOOIO0SY DAVID LLOYD GEORGE Brivish Unl 0, S WILL RUN | ee BARGE CANAL McAdoo Seizes $100,000,000 Waterway to Relieve Railroad Stra | Will Resign { ess Ireland Gets Home Rule, Premier EB rrvavereveceer CORES PIPPI POL OEOOOL OO OPOOOPOITIEN, BIG FLEET TO BE BUILT. | | | 3. A. Tomlinson of Duluth to Be Gen- | eral Manager—Grain and Coal to | Be Carried—Whitman Ap- ! | proves of Plan, | Me- ! York taken Wa Adoo ordered state shington.—Director General the Erie and New canal to over the railroad administration, I'o relieve freight trafiic the general announced that “he had ed to y as possible barge be by system director decid construct as quickl and put into operation a line of barges to be operated by the government on he canal.” “The barges,” the announcement continued, “will be of modern con- struction of the most approved type and will be operated in conjunction with and as .. part of the general rail road and waterways transportatior system of the country under the con- trol of the director general of rail- roads.” Several hundred steei barges of fbout 700 tons each will be ordered im- mediately from construction compa- nies on the Great Lakes, and the first of these probably can be completed in tive or six weeks. Each will cost about George N, Barnes, Labor member of the Dritish war cabinet, without port- folio, announced in the house of com- mons that the government intended to $60,000. The intensive use of the new | introduce a home rule bill immediate- parges in the late summer and fall is |1y and would use every pressure to planned, and investigation is being pass it. Mr. Barnes anncunced that made of the practicability of concrete [the Lioyd George government would barges which, it is said, can be built resign if the house of lords refused to pass the new home rule bill, | AA AAAAAAAAAAAAANAS AAA A, | (CAPTIVES AT CAPITAL quickly and cheaply. In his announcement Mr, Mec: said: “AG. Adoo A. Tomlinson of Duluth, Minn, 1 man of large practical experience in take navigation, has heen appointed ! - zeneral manager of the Erie canal op- ’ > : : a : a iD 5 (cell erations, includiyg the construction of Red Patch on Hip an Excelient the barges and genera! equipment.” This the first inland waterway A hose operation under the railroad ad- ministration has been decided on as a result of the extensive investigation made by the Committee on Inland Wa- te rways of the railroad administration, ithin a few weeks, however, the di- rec to? general is expected to order sev- Target for Marksmen. Is | Under Heavy Guard, Officers and Men of Captured SN U-58 Are Sent to a Georgia Prison Camp. { Washington, Thirty-eight other ci systems and navigable | sneering, well fed and alert Germans, | rivers, including the Chesapeake and | the captured crew of the subanarine Ohio canal, the Black Warrior river, in U- taken by the United States ie- Alabama. stroyers anni ing and Nicholson last The canal system running from Buf- | November, passed through Washington, fado to Waterford, near Trey, on the | Their appearance was startling Few ffudson river, is capable of carrymg | persons in the great union station, | about 10,600,000 tons of Frolgl a sea- | used to the constant stream of sol- | a probably half of amount | diers, realized that these were the first | be ted this year. ain from | prisoners of war captured by Ame | cans, | of trim i from Ithaca and \Wat- ill be the principal com- inlo and coal N.Y. wn They kl were under heavy guard d United States regu- ki ela transported, lars, commanded by a captain, who | —— | plainly indicated he meant business, |! The captives came off the Southern to the Canal Stays With State. A iv. N. Y.—Under the constitu- | Railway train in column of twos, led | tion of the state the of the Erie | by their commander, Capt. Lieut. Gus- | anal property must remain with and tave Ansberger, and his other officers, | ie maintained by the state. Director | Otto von Ritgen, Paul & ‘'oether, | Gener McAdoo's announcement s | Frederick Muller and Hen Ropke. | nterpreted to mean that the railroad Following them were 33 of the crew. | admin ion would simply direct the | The officers were neatly dressed in | peration of freight and the dispos:- | their blue, with gold insignia. They | tion of barges and boats, | glanced around the great station and | Little construction work remains to | grinned at each other. Back of them | ve don the canal, it is expect- | came the 33 men of the crew. They el that within a few weeks the entire | were in well worn and weli used | system will be oven to na gation, and the lieavy canvas clothes of the = = | machinists. All of the men svere un- | CHICAGO FEARS ICE FAMINE. [me and the crew seemed com- | —_— posed mostiy of boys from eighteen to Hospitals and Private Homes Supplied | twenty, while the officers were not | First, Dealers Agree. more than twenty-five to thirty-five, | Chicago.—Ice will be served to Chi- On the back of the right leg of each, cago hotels i saloons only after hos- | hetween the hip and the knee, was a | pitals and private homes have been | large oval patch of red, eight inches | sapplind. This agreement has bee high and six inches : his could LCI'GSS, 1c reached by Chi ago ice ceale be scen easily a mile av announced by John P. Boyle, Chicago “What's that for?” i’ sergeant secretary of the Association | gsked | | | | was been | { | the elections were and in which 18 had gone dry the cities held showed that 21 wet. PITH OF THF WAR NEWS HOOIOSIINTIOI IPOS IIOP OPI OOOET HE ierresenpey PASS DOLLAR SILVER MEASURE. Forced by the German drive across = | the Lys, the British voluntarily | Will Aid Britain in Paying Trade Bal- | withdrew from the dangercus Ypres | ances in India. | salient, that curved around from Washington. — The Pittman silver | Passchendaele ridge, but still retain | bill, which will use $350,000,000 of sil- | the town. The Germans paid dearly | ver dollars to pay trade balances, was | for occupying the vacated slopes, | passed by the senate. The $350,000, | which were left = desert. 000 will be taken from a reserve of The British have withdrawn $476,000,000 dellars of siiver now held | Sout treasur in the slightly east of Ypres. It will be melted into | sent town the British reca bullion and abroad to ps: war schaete and Meteren in 3 redits. For every ounce of the silver but were forced to retire again in | taken out new silver will be purchased the afternoon. it “not more than $17 per ounce. Piles of enemy dead are Stren in the —— fields and villages and ev 6 U BOAT TOLL FIFTEEN SHIPS. roofless houses, where they I tered around broken machir but at Meteren the siaugi Tweive Other Vessels Are Un fully Attacked. uccess- vessels | from Ypres. ok jin ings, 2,456. neavy CALL of mission has peal i minister I must ask you one to { freedom of TWO BRITISH Purpos arrived New YX | Kovooos i WASHINGTON.—Standing by Pres. | ident down a message to the ary “speed up the transport of the remain: der are chequer query he would | perished ship steamship War sion off SET BRITISH LOSE ~ MESSINES RIDGE + Fall Back Before Forces on a Nine-Mile Front. NOTHING VITAL [IS LOST. | Wytschaete and Spanbrockmclen Seiz. ed in Fresh Enemy Onslaught. Wulverghem and Baii- leul Taken. London. The Germans in furious Plumer's A¢ assaults drove General men t r r part of off the greater ssines ridge, the northern bulwark of the British line, Wytschaete and Spanbroekmolen fell, and the enemy won a footing ip and the heights to Meterer the east were lost Mond night The ene nced on an eleven mile front, the northern gide of the Ar salient, to an aver- » depth of about tw ‘he British are cli Se to the western slopes of Me ridge Farther west they seem falling back across the Douve Mount Kemmel, A al point i been reached. The defenders frust on Critic n the battle ing desperate efforts to ite the foe's evident Ypres and to railroad center, design to drive in below the i Hazebrouc portant k, about sis capture miles west of Meteren, Between Bailleul and the B Neuve Egli the enemy forward by sh po Se sitions behind won his way throwing inte the fray three fresh picked divisions Len enormous forces were throwr against Messines ridge from the south and it carried by storm ir I Wits fierce hand to hand fighting The Germans also attucked opposite the northeast corner of the Nieppe forest, but were repulsed. They be gan a spirited local speriaen age Boyelles, south of Arras, which at last accounts had not ha! much pr] bu Was continuing. A German Wolff Bureau dispatci | reveals that the location of the en gagement in which Americar fough north of St. Mihiel Sunday was jus’ southeast of Maizey, on the St. Mihiel Rouvrois road. The st allies fought brave suffered casualties, BRITONS AND CANADIANS Minister of Militia Says Every Mar Is Needed. York.—Brig. W. A. White British and Canadian recruiting; 'ived the following ap C. E. Newburn itia, Ottawa: New the Gen. 1 Maj of mi “The call from overseas is su fro Gen. ch that and all not merel; carry on, but to do so with renewed mankind. IONS COMING miss e of One Secret, But Said to Be Important. adian Atlantic missions the U and will proceed snon t Port.—Twa States itish to nited here ork. Tce TOTTI pa PIG riven snl; {ihe : . bores 5 x : o f Ice Industries. The agreement also | I'hat’s what the Heinies ve The purpose of one, headed by Gen: iacludes a provision tl 00 cents a | aski he replied. “Let any of [ eral Hutchinson, was not made public h odd 3 y be mavimnn vice ; 3 . hundred Is to be the maximum price | (hem try to run and he will find out | Its plans were declared to be impor harced nitals ¢ "ivate y pa tir 1 y . % charged hospitals and private con- | pretty quick. Red is the best thing in | tant. General Hutchinson is head of sumers, elthough the price charged | (he world to shoot at.” i organization in the British war officé hotels and saloons may rir Rn hs | the event of a serious ic Wets Win 21 New York Cities i ' Siwy iar xr 3 ? | Yeorrorseaes POSPPEPOCOIF IY] i Albany, N. Y.—Wets and drys ran | = POPS POC rD : | me k and ne k in the two-day special } WORLD'S NEWS IN ex election. Returns 1 39 of CONDENSED FORM the house voted 2.50 Wilson's desires, proposals for PAR!S.—Secretary of War Baker in American expedition: public promises {( force made of the great army, of which the vanguard.” LONDON. — Chancellor of the Ex Bonar Law, replying to the house 1018, that ption be enforced before August 1. LIVERPOOL. — Thirty-seven men when the American steam: DB. Jennings and Knight the British coast. You { 1 OoL comin saiu Irish in expected conse >» Brit oO. were in colli to have been unprecedented. Bodies ondon.—The losses to British ship-| NEW YORK.—Charles M. Schwak are piled on the roadside, and hedges | ping by mihe or subn in the past | says his success in his new work as are lined with them. week totale a ling to the ad- head of government s uilding w General Haig reports the niralty rej ven of the mer- |depend on the support he receives ¥rench troops to aid chantinen su vere 1,600 tons or over | from the public. north of the Lys. and four under that tonng One LONDON. — While Nationalist Ire. Germans in a new drive czcupy Pas | {ishing vessel also was sunk. | land is arranging to resist conscrip- schendaele on the ridge northeast of Twelve vessels were unsuccessfully | tion, the rest of the United Kingdom Ypres and push forward, taking Poe). | attacked. lis anxious to see Great Britain pass capelle and Langemarck, six miles { The arrivals numbered 2,211; s=ail- | the home rule bill to which the Lloyd | George government is pledged. Overwhelming mmr grep eee eee eee are Forerscesss wheat, Seven hours of heated debate preceded the decision. There 18 more Catarrh in thigfectdon ol 1 the itry than all put | r, and until are was supposed to be . great many Years Re ocal disease rel dies, and hy with local treatment gronounced it fr Y able. Science 3 ppoven Catarrh to be a constitutional diseg®e, und therefor 8 re= ulres constitutighis treatment Hall's atarrh Cure, manufactured by 1 J. Cheney & Co.p Toledo, Ohio, Is the only | Constitutional) cure on the marke t is taken interndlly, It acts directly ol the blood and ptucous surfuces of the system. They offey¥ one hundred dollars for any case it falls to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials, Address: F J. CHENEY & CO, Bold by Drugslsts, 706c Take Hall's Family Pil)" for constipation. More Proof. | Will you accept the advice of cther citi gens of Lancaster County who tell wha Pioneer Health Herbs has done for them} Mr. W. S. Murr, Christiana, Pa., says: “Pioneer Health Herbs hat given me a new stomach My trouble was indigestior, in its worst form. There was pain, gas and vomiting and my liver and bowel were inactive. Pioficor Health Herbs changed all. can even eat boiled gabbage whereas before I could nos even take soup with cabw My general health has sever bees Toledo, O, bege in it. better.” Mr. Frank E. Witmer, Lampeter, Pa., sayy since using Pioneer [Health Herbs his bowel} move like clock work. Mr. F. G. Slick, Ephrata, Pa, says he has enjoyed the beat of health for over t.wo years | all due to Pioneer Heslth Herbs. Nothing like Pioneer Health Herbs in a¥ the OE of medicine. Best for blood, stomach, bowels, liver, kidneys, constipa tion, rheumatism, catarrh and skin discases, 200 Tablets $1,00 and 80 Tablets 50 cents, Money back if not satisfied. Ask fora 191% Pioneer Almanac. Read in it about Indias Com Leaf the common-sense corn remover, price 20 cénts. Both remedies made by E C. Tottén, Washington, D. C. ‘Samuel Austin, 361 South Ann Street; Lancaster, Penna. is sole agent for Pion eer Health Herbs and Ind'an Corn Lea’ Both Phones. Mail or Phone order promptly £i"\ed. CHIGHESTER SPILLS | DIAMOND | ot ® §8' se pet gto’ cov LADIES ¢ fsx your Druggtst fof CHI-CHES-TER 8 AMOND ERAND PILLS in Reo and \ GoLDp metallic bexes, sealed with Blue Ribbon, TAED XO OTHER. Buy of your sk for CHY-CHES.TERS DPrugcist and DIAMOND BRAND PILLS, for twenty-five years regarded as Best, Safest, Always Reliable, SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS 0% EVERYWHFRE ¥ouzm) “"STED [=>>"The Jroslmest You Fina} OLD DR.TH 1719 Sprin PHIL A. Ph. on ¥ “ Air Tg aw ed elas hero ina year! Hoecially TOBY VI A 78, VARICOGE th Rr iti (no cutiin 8 ( orang Bor fe In 10 Gag! Si, Rader & Kine Touults fn’ ** BLOOD POISO ter-cffects from Mereyry Ited, After Sh es tos cio thod, aft)» 80 Jars, shu Rife 1865 SOyrs 1915 iP Hee ks one Susranteey tem ni Worse: ST a AE w have © only Cafondsbio io hevise fe. Get cide for Alling free. Avoid Shs ap Sam t's y Si or sara godr outh: oLD THEEL' grt cured me er ¥ used me also latest 6 injection treat: he killed mo. A total wreck uncle Fred | {9 & : | o! Whosured {him 8 from 8 he worst fic Elo Fier, 1 Ww ars oh Eis and special vigor, Be Sa Po hg Jobapp “ISvery man of military age is need rk i Tras. sind Tor fi; Men & Wooo ed, and needed now, Faith must be kept with those who are fighting, as | | well as with those who have fallen, _{ y “Nav = Tit: . \ tint, | OR EE FASE, ray i May every Britisher and Canadian | J firs t in the United States take to himself | PILES" un op ; or) Hp ol ler e rind elm dg the Relief of Bilet @ Sir Douglas Haig's special order of | Mott. Thompson, Supt. | the day addressed ta all ranks and de | Graded Bchonls, States lips N. rites: ee . y He | say they doall you claim for them.’ termine that it is his privilege and | vore, Raven Rock, WV, writes: 1 h 3 3.3 i nied versal satisfactiom®™ Dr. H. D. duty to seize this opportunity and join | burg, Tenn., wrise#: *‘In a practice of 2 1 reid £ y 1 = : | bave found ne remedy to equal yours.” the ranks of those who are fighting | cents. Samples Froe. Sold by Druggists. for the safety of our homes and the | PRR ne » Sold In Mt fos by E.\ W. Garber and Candis & a Call for Free Sample 3 preierabie to Balsgen adi Cu- ebs, etc, and give reliet for Gon- ORRHOEAADA GLEET withoutin gos 3 venience, Will send themontri to be paid for when relieved, Fy by leadiffg druggists or sent prepaid B83 for seCents. J “rie United Medical Company, Be Fe. H > 3 Sold in Mt. > by E Ww. Garber and Chandler & Co. Sticking Type is one thing and Artistically Designed Advert ising is another. We specialize in the latter — the kind that will make your letterheads, station. ery and advertising matter a credit to your business. { See us the next time you need something in the printing line.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers