MOUNT MN JOY SI THE SUBSCRIPTION LIST OF THIS PAPER NOW INCLUDES T} VOL "SE XLV. NO. 24 LETTERS FROM OUR SOLDIE INFORMATION WHICH TEREST ALI OUR LIKE THE LIFE WRITE US ABOUT WILL BOYS AND IT My that I an find you are not as rountry er beautiful, the also the trees. rains here pretty everthing is Tuesday evening afternoon over in America It is much harder to writ this side than what it although 1 am writing : suppose you card telling at home here, I'his are nice AL camp large as ) OV often prety here ar It why 1d was on states, as I can. I ceived the post gafe arrival over Dad ought to and engines they have They sure are some nice they call them carriages Well mother, I must that you folks are all well. Your son, Edward K. Dyer, 224th Aero Squadron, A. E. F. England kind of cars over here little car over here close hoping I remain, Somewhere in France, April 5, 1918. Parents, I am well and hope to and the rest of the I haven't heard from weeks or more last week and My Dear find that you family are well. you for about two I had written to you now am writing again. How are you? I suppose happy and taking life sible, going to the shows and laugh ing as heartily as you did when I was home. I wish I could be to enjoy a show with you. 1 my evenings reading and sitting on my bunk reading the letters I get from you folks at home, over and over again just to amuse myself. My bunk that 1 am sitting on 1s made of wood on the outside and for springs I have baled wire twisted around in all directions to keep from breaking down at night when 1 sound asleep. I often wonder to my- self what you are doing and what you are thinking of. I can imagine sometimes what you are think and if I could be there I would SO well and as cool as pos- spend am received the box but I suppose I time we get mail be before long ause in the trenches again (Continued on pa ——- Bucher- -MacDannald Frederick Brandt Bucher fithel Weeley MacDannald, both this place, were married Wednesday at noon by the father, Rev. I A. MacDannald. The ring ceremo was used. The wedding march was wyed by the bride’s sister, Pauline Miss MacDannald was attired in beautiful white chene and a veil of tulle caught with o blossoms, and caried white roses and sfeet peas. The bride is a graduate of the Shippensburg high school, Mil lersville Normal school, and for ] year was teacher the FI grammar school. Mr. Bucher graduate the Mount Joy school, Lancaster Business Colle Mercersburg Academy and took ymplete course in the Pennsylvani: ite College at agriculture After wedding trip to Niagara I Mr d Mrs. Bucher will reside the {illside farm, near this place. A ens Mothers’ and Daughters’ Day Sunday, May 12, will be a great day the Church of God at Landi lle. The occasion will be ved Mothers’ and Daughters’ day. A pecial program will be rendered Sunday School at 9:15 in morning, when a flower will be sented to each person to wear in hon or of mother. In the evening the pas- tor will preach a special sermon to mothers and daughters at 7:30. Ap- propriate music will be rendered by the choir. A token of ition will be given to all mothers and daughters who attend in the evening. Everybody is most cordially invited to attend these meetings. next will bec pack M of and bride’s 0Wn vore st of of alls, on obser in the pre tne recog More Fighting Men No. 1 County Board will following men on May 14: Bernard W. Ebersole, Mt. Charles A. Resch, Marietta. Gordon W. Geistweite, Bainbridge Irvin H. Neinman, Maytown. Adam E. Sweigart, Rowenna. ~~ Robert E. Zerphey, Elizabethtown Daniel A. Kautz, Rowenna. vin H. Dull, Lititz, R. 2. send the Joy. . Township Schools Closed The schools of East Donegal town- ship and Maytown are closed for the term, and the teachers report a much better attendance during the year and more work accomplished by pu- pils than for several years, which is a good showing to the community. The number at school and regular at- tendances were much better as com- pared with other years. For the Government Last week A. Buch Sons at Eliza- bethtown, shipped a carload of wheel- barrows to be used by the govern- ment. They will be exported. the there | ROHRERSTOWN R BOYS IN. Westbroo and Mrs. A. B I'he Mennonite Sewing thi town met n Wedne noon at | nome Bushong. S ant erg Stanley home from Camp Meade, on a end visit to his sister, Mrs Newcomer He attached Mortar Battaery No. 304. The Young ladies Glee Club lentown, Pa., gave a very interest um in the Salem Reforn church on Saturday evening The al in the choir on ind Miltor is to Trench of Al progi 50 sang morning. I'he Young People’s Society Church of God held a very interest ing service last Thursday evening The organization was completed by electing M Clara Bell Kunkel, treasurer and Miss Frances Hershey organist. They will hold their meeting May 9th, 7:30 p. m. Miss Gertrude Rupp, a returned missionary from Africa, will speak in the Church of God at Rohrerstown, next Saturday evening, May 4th at 7:46 p. m. The pastor, Rev. F. W McGuire will preach on Sunday at 10:30, Theme, ‘The Last Battle, Armageddon” and at 7 p. m. on “Sweet Meditations.” The church will hold an ordinance meeting May 19th at 7 p. m eel COMPANY 01 the next TURNPIKE SELLS OLD TOLLHOUSES Through Auctioneer Jonas L. Min nich, with B. Frank Kready as atto ney, the Lancaster, Elizabethtown and Middletown turnpike Company Tuesday offered at public sale all the tollhouses and other buildings along that thoroughfare owned by the com pany. The sale commenced at 9 o’clock in the morning and continued until the afternoon Follow the purchasers: No. 1, one-story {frame stable and one-quarte: John K. Shreine No. 2, two-story and outbuildings ite in ing were Tollgate frame acre of i Tol house, He house, $650 Frame John lgate stable nn, $67 I'ollgat ble , house, No. 3, one-story frame yutbuildings—=Scott Nis 1; John Hamilton, barn, Shoff, outbuilding, $4 No. 4, two-story frame frame stable—Amos Cc and op . 3600 loll building Toll lo: No. 4% small fi Koser, $27. No. 5, two-story fr ill stable—Norman Ezra Ney, te H. gate | Ni bar frame log J.D Tollgate No. 7, one story table and outbuildings $R0) nou Sr A CHARGED WITH MAKING THREATS AGAINST WILSON aged 55H years, farmer and coal dealer West Hempfield town arrested Wednesday by eputy United Marshall Kelly, Philadelphia, charged with having bodily harm to President I'he warrant for his arrest 1 by United States Com Howard J. Lowell, of Lan complaint of Matthew F. United States ser- t Other service in were: and Kir prominent of 1 Sprir States secret secret the ca John F S terested MeT ishington. bei imney Commis for his ore Mr. sser is ng held Lowell, in $2,000 ince at a hearing uesd M by bail bef sionel appear Lowell, Your Boro Tax Fellenbaum, tax notices and they will distributed. The rate 50 very hundred dollars valu ation. If said tax be paid to T. M. Breneman, Collector, on or before July 1st, ots an abatement of five per cent. will be allowed; if paid dur- ing July, August, Septe >mber and Oc- tober, the full amount will be re- quired; if unpaid on November 1st, 1918, an addition of five per cent. will be made thereto. The day of ap- ] be May 6th,- 1918, at the il Chamber, Mt Joy Borough, een the hours of 8 and 9 p. m., you can attend if you think Mr. is the soon R boro preparing be is cents on ¢ betw where proper. etl Eee Deeds Recorded Michael Maurer to Har- Nolt, 17 acres and 53 perches land in West Hempfield township, S W. Gingrich to Shearer, Nissley’s Mill property, partly in Dauphin county and partly in Conoy township, this county, $3,250. David M. Wolgemuth to Annie E., and Mary L. Landis, property in Flor- in, $600. ree tl eee Executor of Frank Ephraim A Special Meeting Friday evening Mount Joy Boro Council held a special meeting for the , purpose of considering investing part 'of the money in our sinking fund in | Liberty bonds. MOUNT JOY, PA, SAT I DEATH RECORD FOR THE WEEK LIST OF THOSE WHO HAVE RE. CEIVED THEIR FINAL SUM. MONS TO THE GREAT BEYOND. Ros s died tion A Columbia ASeS age atl of dise: ymplic Florence M. Westman M. Westman, Widow George T. Westman, in Bainbridge yrning from the effect aged 74 years. The husband died about 24 years survived only by one Smith, of Wash tiorence Dr. home on s of b i ised ) o and she other, Middletown ton, D. C. The funeral was held Thursday afternoon at 1 o’clocl the Bainbridge Methodist church terment made in the Bain cemetery. iS al f1 S was Benjamin E. Brandt Benjamin E. Brandt, a well-known resident of Manheim, died his home West High street, that borough, on Tuesday night. He was Is seventy-fifth year of his life i and his death was due to paralysis. In early life he had been a farmer, but he had been retired for some years, and for the past four years he had, en a resident of Manheim. He was | ember of the view Brethren te in Rapho township. at at on n the < m ( hurch, Besides | wife, who was Miss Fanny Young before marriage, he is survived by the following children: Mrs. Amos Ear Elizabethtown; Mrs. Henry art, Elizabethtown; Harvey Y Manheim; Mrs. John Bruba pho township; Clayton, of S and Phares of this place brother, David Brandt, of Eliza-! survives. The funeral Saturday morning at at the home and at 10 the Fairview Brethren! R: ipho township. Interment (Continued on page 5) — his One wi K Ww Flitted on Wednesday Mr. Ralph J. Cromer moved household effects to Pottstown, Wednesday since he contemplates go- in ekeeping Miller, his on S 1 hou stationed at , spent a short fur Thursday with his ler he slater. son Colum ". Eshleman Give a will be Lancaster, 9, 1918, at the aged, home. The by Mr. Ralph F. Esl lace, ably sted Jameison, a popular vic Zimmerman, piani Rightner, soprano, Miss Blanche E is place The the home cordially tors to attend thi ogram in Bulletin ee ee © — Sold at Public Sale The directors of the Lar Elizabethtown Turnpike Co sold at public sale on Wednesd road making gquipme nt oller and scarifi tank xtinguishe scraper and ars wer ite a bit vy Mr. J. Clarence Reist f fire s the outfit that spond and » Main street recentl auto t - > assist Will ale home in May of the music V on oioht c ( hono! who a of musica assl A Slight Fire : scare about timely town dis Mr. fired up his © . p ne ak ¢ ; from corn fodder et of 11 barn from the quar about th fire 1Ca mer the ladies oluntee1 Iv e u The alter q burned. was Don’t Forget This Suppe t forget the chicken and to be held in the ba rch God at Lz: mg under inders’ em ional Shoe” Day ; rvatior ent Da May 5,} 1 L Govel that we andisy “Low the LAN of Ycloch Inaay will be both Hold an Opening Rice, proprietor e, in this 1 ning on Fr 1e Ci irnish declare + high shoes and, tive 1X, adopt doing rand oj half ! comfort cour and the Get ones. will SO Zens music In ¢ both (providing 'r permits) vernment. +1 he or ¢ of eet Attachment for $120 ir Sherts, attorney fc ple, has issued ar tt: $120 against H. S. Peter Apple low a — Class Met embers on Thursday of the Ladies angelical church n ening at the home of to transact the ’ Q The meeting ha ler & Bro's. Next Sal week. Those in . J. B. Keller & Mrs. Joseph Web ir next public lor, Mrs. Irvin W Greenleaf, M 1a Fetter, Misse ther Weber, Mar nd Sara Kramer was had. Reading the features of the luncheon was served and The 3ib Class on Thur Mrs. A {ramer monthly been postponed a tendance re Mrs. An ters, Mrs busine sa May 10, when d of Lancaster 2 vifers and bulls 10ats. If you nee be on hand at 1:¢ nda A mz A Preacher Editor ire in receipt of Record, a month nterests of St. Ma ish at the study of klyn. Rev. Lewis B.A., a former rec in chief ee AQ x Wwe a Mfark’s Packed House the 1lly held in the Pre Thursday ever addressed by speaker, Dr Los Angeles before a crowd >» who heard Dr well worth he byteriar ing, May most able and eloquent James S of California e spoke ed house McGaw ing. Walter G. Loraw, the n the East Ward h been so fortunate ervice, tendered his re stmaster J. Willis Freed, ffect May 1st. [———- Fire Company Met P The monthly meeting Friends "ire Company was he in th on Thursday evening sixteen ers being present. Five new were elected and tw proposed Routine matters ' transacted, paid ete. Our New Mail Carrier ry E. Smith was appoint in the East Ward t« JLoraw, who s position May 1 membe wer bills 1918 their yards in tl lace on will York Co. few 's resigned. ye le bv ir ; st and musicale. tf week. ster muy ay, used i r wa fle ent of ille, on auspices Supper e Rr Bro. of sell Local Carrier Resigns ed malt] succeed | He |p | Ho use or ( | This German success cuts a deep griiiainnl in the allied line to the south- | of Ypres .and completely out- the British on the northern | slopes of Messines ridge, to which they were forced by the German assaults ; weeks ago. The line to the puthwest, toward Bailleul, apparently ports $10 particular danger at pragent, cluding ithe village of Dranens v.vL I'he Bacio the eonocolate C ompany | | Ball: repol but not yet turned in, F Hei 350.00, the bulk of which will belong | : The Mount Joy borough. capable I'he committee feels the last | the campaign closes, vr of 5 “Over the Top.” tel ot wimmsantemaet tee { for the pe The ne dorsement dent; M. nich, i Ww 00d: Mr. El hsh 1m able to be tive te Wilson function the icons for put { which, | poses noteh west flanks PF 11 Q Or two ? committe ¢ 0 A sure that! q Mount Joy 0 Ye Celebrated Their Birthdays yirthday surprise party was held he home of Mr. Irvin Geistweit Saturday evening in honor of Florence Kaylor and Mabel | who celebrated their | inniversaries. Miss Kaylor | atly surprised. An elegant! was served and all had a evening. Those | Misses Mae and Esther Sweigert, and Esther Mabel and A Soc Following t meeting o people of Mildred evening it a B presen of will ty W Th | sisted The Graduated at Meade Y PB ng the many men gr: wluated] WRF IE amp Meade, who will be com- +. »d second lieutenants as va- me yecur, are the following from | County: Alex M. Falken-; Prayer zabethtown, infantry; Ben- The Ministerial Hipple, Marietta, infantry; ‘place at its regular Kilgore, Landisville, in | afternoon decided Ellsworth M. MeMullen, [Roon hour prayer infantry; Karl R. Zuch, | week. The service fantry. | held Thursday in the EE ifrom.12:30 to 1 P. { cordially invited to att join your prayers w ith | “Boys The various | requested to read this : {in their prayer serv {day evening. etl A enjoyable were: Eshleman, Webon Fannie Sara Kramer, "Geistweit, Florence Kaylor, Kaylor, Mrs. Irvin Wal-| and Jacob Grogg and Mrs. Geistweit. They | the birthday wishes of friends. et tiene "rs. ‘n bast 01 \ ii il Service Associat to ser this Chur M. Entertained His Friends Groff entertained the | of the basket ball team and , twenty-four in namber, r kraut supper at the Far- on Tuesday evening. All| 'y enjoyable evening. | ell | Mr Ben Held Quarterly Conference : The quarterly r of the Bethel churches of , Co { umbia, Wrightsville, place, | was held Sunday in the Bet N Marietta, with morning, {and evening sessions. R Wichter, pastor of the Bought a Tractor { church, presided. The C. Greider of West Hemp- various churches assiste d 5 near Landisville | jpg. and rendered special International eight- | celebration of love feast Wi nder tractor fromJ.|the evening at which service ter. ilargest congregation of the | A Deed of Assignment Y Scott Longenecker, of | n borough, has assigned for nefit of creditors to Charles E. f Lancaster. a choir _Raporss of Frost Real Estate Transferred several residents of | Harvey H. Nissley to Hattie Rich that there was frost | |ter, two lots of ground in East Hemp- ght. As far as could | field township, $1,000. was no damage to; Amanda M. Swarr to Enos K 22 acres and 66 perches of land East Hempfield township, $8,000. Another Beautiful Flag Displayed Heirs of Jacob E. Witmer to Emma A large American flag has Ton { K. Hassler, forty-one acres and 146 lace ed ¢ on the flag staff of the Engine | | perches of land in East Donegal “ouncil Chamber. | township, $1. from Frv .
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