PAGE 4 THE DALLAS POST Sunday, October 13, 2013 Bill Tarutis|For The Dallas Post Linda Monelli of Dallas arranges items on the dessert table. Michelle Sowga, left, snatches a sample of chicken from her mom Jennie Metzgar, both of Shavertown. Bill Tarutis|For The Dallas Post vin’ up some grub at TUMC The annual fall chicken barbeque has been held in October at the Trucksville United Methodist Church for as long as most people can remember. the menu includes a half chicken, baked potato, fixings, homemade desserts and beverages. Bill Tarutis | The Dallas Post Bill Tarutis|For The Dallas Post Rich Dougal of Shavertown sinks his teeth into a piece of chicken at the Trucksville United Methodist Church chicken barbeque dinner. Gale of Heaven society hosts Nearly attended 230 people Christ” and this year’s “Our First Christmas Together.” annual Birthday Tea emceed by Dede Scafella. Some of the women wore Birthday Tea hosted by the Altar and Rosary Society of Gate of Heaven Church in Dallas. Thirteen tables were decorated for each month of the year with themes like “A Birthday Celebration,” “Frosty’s Wonderland,” “Happy Birthday to Our Founding Fathers,” “Eggstravagent Easter,” “April Showers, Rev. Daniel A. toomey opened the festivities with a blessing,. Altar and Rosary President Renee Benedetti welcomed the crowd and introduced offi- cers, chairwomen, tables and table hostesses. Entertainment began with the signing group “Changing Habits” per- forming “Goin’ to the Chapel” which led to a “We their own dresses, includ- ing Carol Yezilski whdj after 46 years of marriage, modeled her own gown. The “brides” proceeded to do a bridal processi around the guest tab After, a raffle was hel and door prizes were awarded. In addition to Benedetti, chairwomen for the event were Kathy Selner, Sharon Lumbis, Marianne Cogan, Dolly re Hostesses for the Annual Birthday Tea sponsored by the Gate of Heaven Church Altar and Rosary Society are, from left, first row, Rev. Daniel A. toomey, Sharon Lumbis, Ruth Hartzel, Rose Schmid, Linda Traver, Marianne Cogan. Second row, Renee Benedetti, Carol Carroll, Pat Manorek, Barbara Strazdus, Abby Zondlo, Sarah Strazdus. Third row, Mary Ann Roberts, Valerie Aiello, Cindy Brin, Kathy Selner, Amy Huntington, Maria Walp. Fourth row, Sheryl Yeust, Debbie Konnick, Tricia Strazdus, Ann Marie Gries, Angie Murray. Fifth row, Kippie Morgan, Karen DeCesaris, Marilyn O'Connell, Bonnie Lenker, Judy Adams, Barbara Edwards. Sixth row, Florence, Lahey, Shelia Bonawitz, Joan Keating, lisa DeGrabba and Pat Makara. Brides modeling wedding dresses at the Gate of Heaven Church Altar and Rosary Society Birthday Tea are, from left, Kathy Selner, Lori Marshall, Susan Maloney, Renee Benedetti, Sara Pizzo, Sarah Pugh, Sabrina Scotto, Courtney Lahey, Carol Yezilski, Jessteen Adams and Holly Daubert. CHURCH BRIEFS PASTIE SALE The Maple Grove United Methodist Church will hold its last pasty sale of the year on Thursday, Oct. 17. Orders for pasties, at $5 each with out without onions, will be taken until Monday, Oct. 14 by call- ing Karen Scott at 570-477-2450. TRUNK OR TREAT The Shavertown United Methodist Church will sponsor “Trunk or Treat” from 5 to 7 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 20 in the church parking lot, Pioneer Avenue, Shavertown. Children are invited to come dressed in their Halloween cos- tumes, see the decorated trunks and collect treats. Think of it as “Trick or Treating without the door knocking.” CHRISTIAN MUSICIAN Randy Stonehill, an American singer/songwriter from Stockton, Calif. best known as one of the so-called “fathers of contemporary Christian music,” will perform at 9:45 and 11 a.m. on Sunday, Oct. “My Wedding Memories,” Said ‘Yes’ to the Dress,” a “Goin” to the Chapel,” wedding memories fash- “The Glory Days of ion show featuring 11 Summer,” “Summertime models displaying wed- Blessings” “Back to ding dresses from 1937 School, “The Bride of to 2003. The show was 20 at the Harveast Cafe at the Back Mountain Harvest Assembly, Carverton Road, Trucksville and at 5:30 p.m. that evening in the Back Mountain Harvest Assembly main sanctuary. For more information, call 570- 696-1128. HALLOWEEN PARTY The Maple Grove United Methodist Church will host a Halloween party from 6 to 8 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 25 at the Church, 5880 Main Road, Sweet Valley. Participants are encouraged to dress up but asked not to be scary. Donations will be accepted for the Noxen Food Pantry. FALL FESTIVAL A Children’s Fall Festival will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. on Sturday, Oct. 26 at Fellowship Church, 45 Hildebrandt Road, Dallas. Children from kindergarten to fifth grde are invited to wear their Halloween costumes. thee will be candy, games, pumpkins and s’mores. CHICKEN AND BISCUIT Hoffman, Linda Traver, Bette Gillespie, Judy. Adams, Florence Lahey and Barbara Michaels. 4 DINNER Members of the Men’s Club of Trinity Presbyterian Church, 105 Irem Road, Dallas will sponsor a chicken and biscuit dinner includ- ing homemade desserts and bever- ages from 5 to 7 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 26. Takeouts will be available at 4 p.m. Cost is $7 for adults in advance and $8 at the door and $4 for children. Children 3 years and younger eat for free. Tickets may be purchased in advanceby calling the church office at 570-675-3131 or at the door. ‘LIGHT THE NIGHT’ “Light the Night” featuring a variety of indoor amusements and the annual chili cook-off will be held at 6 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 31 at the Rock Rec Center, Carverton Road, Trucksville. Chili contestants should have their chili available no later than 6 p.m. There will be special prizes for first, second and third place. For more information, call 570- 696-1128.
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