PAGE 8 THE DALLAS POST Sunday, September 15, 2013 CIVIC BRIEFS FALLEN OFFICERS REMEMBERED FUNDRAISER To celebrate its fifth anniversary, Brooks & Co. will hold a fundraiser for Fallen Officers Remembered from noon to 4 p.m. today, Sept. 15 at 75 S. Wyoming Ave., Kingston. There will be a cut-a-thon, raffles, give-aways, ribbons, face painting and light refreshments. PRESENTATION ON OCEANS “Oceans of North America” will be present- ed at 7 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 16 at Trinity Presbyterian Church, Iren Road, Dallas, by John Dickinson, a teacher at Wyoming Seminary High School who previously spent many years as an oceanographer. His work took him from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean to the Artic. His presenta- tion will take us to the many places he’s traveled revealing everything from ice-cores to a huge marine life. For information, call 570-479-0400. IREM WOMEN PLAN LUNCH The Irem Women’s Auxiliary invites the pub- lic to attend the last summer luncheon that the group will host beginning at noon on Sept. 19 at the Irem Country Club, Dallas. Prizes will be awarded. Cost to attend is $18 and reservations must be made no later than 11 a.m. on the Monday preceding the luncheon with Bernice West at 256-3031 or Sally Wagner at 675-2325. cost includes parking and lunch. The Irem Country Club is handicapped acces- sible. Janet Stritzinger is president of the Women’s auxiliary. Suanne Moses is general chairperson of the luncheons and Janet Augustine is co- chairperson. CHICKEN AND BISCUIT DINNER A fall chicken and biscuit dinner will be served from 4:30 to 7 p.m. or until sold out on Friday, Sept. 20 at the Dallas Chapter Eastern Star Building Association, Foster Street, Dallas. Takeouts start at 4 p.m. Tickets will be sold at the door and are $8 for adults, $4 for children and free for pre-school ers. For information, call Dianne Corby at 675- 4893. BINGO SLATED Bingo will be held on Monday, Sept. Bernard Walter to be honored Bernard Walter, Esq. recently joined best-sell- a former assistant district 23 at the Northmoreland Twp. Fire Hall In Centermoreland. Doors open at 5 p.m. and early birds start at 6:30 p.m. Food and beverages will be available. For more information, call Jim at 333-4906. ROAST BEEF SUPPER A roast beef supper will be held from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 25 at the Northmoreland Twp. Fire Hall in Centermoreland Tickets are $8 for adults and $4 for children 12 years of age and under and may be purchased at the door. Takeouts will be available. For more information, call Jim at 333-4906. HAM DINNER The Sweet Valley Volunteer Fire Company will hold a family-style ham dinner from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 28 with takeouts beginning at 4 p.m. Cost is $9 for adults, $5 for children between the ages of 6 and 11 and free for children under 6 years of age. LANTERSN OF HOPE The Huntsville Christian Church will spon- sor Lanterns of Hope from 4 to 9 p.m. on Sept. 28 at the beach club at Sandy Beach, Harveys Lake. There is a donation of $5 per lantern and all proceeds will go to the Hope Center which provides medical, legal, pastoral, dental, vision, audiology and chiropractic services for those who do not have insurance or are unable to afford. Food and beverages will be provided. There will be a bake sale, Hillside ice cream truck, a basket raffle and live music. For more information, contact Sherry 362- 4576. . SOUP BUFFET A buffet of homemade soups, complete with bread and butter, beverage and dessert, will be served from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 29 at the Noxen United Methodist Church, Route 29, Noxen. A free will offering will be taken. FLU VACCINES Influenza vaccinations will be administered from 9 a.m. to noon on Tuesday, Oct. 1 at the Irem Clubhouse, 64 Ridgway Drive in Dallas. Register and pick up a registration form in the Irem Clubhouse business office by Sept. 26. You must complete and return the form in advance the Free Back Mountain Medical/Legal Clinic in Bestsellers Academy ; in Hollywood in the last week in September by Bestsellers or bring it on Oct. 1. Participants will need a Medicare or health insurance card when returning the registration form. For those without health insurance, the cost is $25.99. Influenza vaccines are provided by Walgreens. For more information, call the Masonic Village Administration Office at 675-1866. CONTRA DANCE SET A New England Contra dance featuring music by the band “Unbowed” with Henry Koretzky on mandolin and dulcimer and accompanied by Todd Clewell on guitar, along with calling by Bob Isaacs will be held at 7 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 5 at the Church of Christ Uniting, 776 Market St., Kingston. ; No partner or previous experience is neces- sary. Admission to the dance is $9 for adults with reduced admission for families. For information, call 333-4007. HERITAGE DAY Frances Slocum Heritage Day will be held from noon to 5 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 13 at the park, 585 Mount Olivet Road, Wyoming. There will be old time demonstrations, music, live animals and crafts for children. The event is free. Call 696-9105 for more information. CARD PARTY SET Irem Women’s Auxiliary will host a card party at the Irem Country Club from noon to 4 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 17. Tickets are $12 and may be purchased from Hope Beisel at 675-1652, Marie Miskel at 288- 6341, Suanne Moses at822-4976, from any member or at the door. There will be lunch and prizes. Handicapped parking is available. For those who don’t play cards, there is Pokeno (played like Bingo) or participants can bring a game of their choice. PRESENTATION SLATED “Lake Malawi, Where Fishes Behave Like Birds” will be presented at 7 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 21 at Trinity Presbyterian Church, Irem Road, Dallas. Dr. Bill Loftus will present a travelogue about the African country of Malawi. Lake Malawi is the third largest and second deepest lake in Africa and is reportedly the habitat of more spe- cies of fish than any other body of fresh water. Learn about this amazing lake, the people who depend on it, and the incredible colors and behaviors of the fishes that live there. For information, call Craig Yarrish at 479-0400. ed to Entrepreneur's International Foundation, ing author Jack Canfield; named by Time maga- zine as the “Publishing Phenomenon of the Decade” and a select group of America’s leading exports, to co-author the book titled “Dare to Succeed: The World's Leading Experts Reveal their Secrets to Success in Business and in Life - and Dare You to Succeed.” The book was released on Aug. 29 by Celebrity Press. “Dare to Succeed” show- cases Walter and a group of experts who share their secret strategies to deal effectively with competi- tion in any field and bring ongoing abundance into life. Walter contributed the chapter titled “Doing the Right Thing for Success.” Walter is a best-selling author, a former monk and vice crimes. H is now a resident of Harveys Lake and an attorney in private practice in Pennsylvania, California and Nevada. He is a member of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum for attorneys who have won jury verdicts in excess of $1,000,000. He founded the legal side of 1996 and the Elder Law Committee of the local bar association. He serves on the Elder Abuse Task Force and recently worked with two members of the Dallas School District to estab- lish the Career Awareness/ Mentoring Program to focus high school students on optical career choices. Walter will be recognized DARLING & SoNS’ FARMS & GREENHOUSES “Growing Quality Is A Family Business Since 1930” FRESH FRUIT & VEGETABLES HOME GROWN CORN AND TOMATOES Garden Mums, Home Grown Pickles, Cucumbers, Potatoes, Carrots, Onions, Peppers, Cabbage, Red Beets, Squash, McCutcheon’s Canned Goods, Canning Accepting FARM MARKET NuTRITION PROGRAM CHECKS M-F 9-5 « Sat 9-4 « Sun 9-2 « 675-2080 1/2 mile off rt 309, Dallas, Hildebrnadt Rd. (200 yds north of Dallas Elementary School) Tomatoes ‘Academy, an organization a not-for-profit orgas that honors - authors from many of the leading indepen- unique launch campains dent best-seller lists. to raise money and aware: Royalties from this ness for charitable caus publication will be donat- ation dedicated to creating Pinnacle Rehabilitatio Kevin M. Barno, MPT ¢ K. Bridget Barno, PT Sharon Marranca, MPT + Hal Glatz, MPT Maria Hall, PTA « William Montross, MPT Ime Feel Better, Hit It Further i and Win Your Match! » Treatment for all golf injuries or any injury that is affecting your game * Golf specific flexibility and strengthening programs available QNAC, Expert physical therapy close to home 520 Third Ave. 201 S. Main St. ngston * 714-6460 Pittston * 602-1933 18) LENDER MEMBER FDIC lo “Investment products: Not DIC Insured. No Bank Guarantee. May Lose Value. First Liberty Bank & Tryst is a division of Community Bank, N.A. : i Puzzles can be found on pg. 2 -—— G0 Figure! — answers — King Crossword — Answers Solution time: 25 mins. 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