Sunday, September 15, 2013 THE DALLAS POST PAGE 7 - Best Of The Back Mountain We want to know your top picks for our 2013 Readers Choice Awards. Vote for your favorite Back Mountain teacher, coach, restaurant, sandwich, store, etc. Nominate them by writing their name and location after each of the subjects listed below. Example: Teacher Mr. . ) - Leg . At least 25 categories must be submitted. your ballot. 240) IR’ Readers @ glo) (ve PANY 21 16 IS ‘Rules. are as s follows: « Full name, address and daytime phone must be included on « One ballot per mailed envelope will be tabulated. = One entry per person - NO EXCEPTIONS « Completed forms must be received by noon on Thursday, Sept. 26,2013 « Results will be featured in the October 27. 2013 edition of The Dallas Post. = Fill out the following INformation mor sor putiication Full name: Address: ant Ah Phone number: (__) Email: Ballots available in editions of The Dallas Post, The Yimes Loader and online at and, NO frrchase nacessary. Prizes have nd Cash value and are non raralonable. Waners agree 10 : if a Hoprrss used Re pobliody. Copies may be eared at « MN. Man Thug NEWSDAPe! CANNOL answer OF respon 10 telephone calls or tellers 2 Pho Speeds and thelr smenpdiate families are not eigbie 10 enter Local Flavor Round Pizza__ Tanning Salon__ Photographer Square Pizza Dry Cleaner Artist (Any Form) Wings Tire Store Elected Official Caterer__ Convenient Store_ igh School i Take Out i School ese Year Ethnic al Professionals High School Teacher _ Seafood. Audiologist College Campus Steak____ Chiropractor - College Professor Fast Food _ Eye Care Center__ Child Care Program General Dentist = Fitness Facility Goods and Services Cosmetic Dentist Place for Family Fun Beer Distributor Physical Therapy Facility pnd Nursing/Retirement Home Family Doctor ____ Golf Customer Service Pediatrician_ - Organized Event Auto Repair/Service insurance Agent Locally Made/ Grown Product Unique Gift Store... .... Attorney poi | Grocery Store Realtor Accessory Shop Real Estate Agency Clothing Shop. Home Builder/Contractor___ Dining Out Landscaper/Garden Center Veterinarian Atmosphere/Décor Heavy Equipment Store_ Place for a First Date Butcher Nightlife Place for a Snack Attack Antique Shop. i Bar_ Menu Selection. Home Improvement Center Bartender Chef _ Fireplace/Stove Company Bar Food Hot Dog Stand Bank Happy Hour Dessert Florist Maris Sandwich/Sub Pharmacy Winelist___ Breakfast Hair Salon Place to Hang Out___ Burger Nail Salon Place for Night Time Entertainment SARA Shoe Store. STATE FARM INSURANCE Standing: Christine Crosbie, Kimberly Rose Sitting: Lisa Zavada-Rizzo, Parker J. “The Magnificent,” Dale Baumes Vote online at or at If you prefer to mail your ballot send it to: The Dallas Post, Best of the Back Mountain, 15 North Main Street, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711. 4 — = re me CEES Os 00 Xo The 1 | we : HA WC CHER NE SRASIR SR Ve DALLAS POST. Providing Insurance and Financial Services We Appreciate Your Business. Lisa Zavada-Rizzo f Insurance Agency Inc. | 2570 SR 309 Highway, Dallas Ph. 675-3530 @ Fax 674-7054 lisa. www. BackMountainDental com Fog ne oo for all of the support mn over the past years for e) Best of Back Mountain! un welcoming our associate to our practice | jr Meghan Tpakalos Back: Mori Donal AMEN FINNIY, DIMI 210 Carverton Road, Trucksville ¢ 570-763-4364 | TE RR EW NF RN ® RE 8 % 8 8% % XI a SN SN SE a SS
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