oR Sunday, September 15, 2013 THE DALLAS POST PAGE 5 Roast beef supper planned at St. Paul's sos. The Lutheran Brotherhood and St. Paul’s Lutheran Church of Dallas will hold its first family-style roast beef supper for the fall from 4 to 6:30 p.m. on Saturday, Sept. 21 with takeouts available from 3:30 p.m. at the church, Route 118, Dallas. Cost is $9 for adults and $4 for children with tickets available at the door. St. Paul’s is a totally accessible building. From left, seated, are Don Carey, Vernon Crispell, Joe Hardisky, Lee Fett and Bob McGuire. Standing, Brad Ide, Howard Shafer, Dave Kowalek, Bill Peiffer, Mark Walters and Larry Corpus. Dallas Rotary Club sponsors students at leadership camp a . ¥ wa a 5 = The Rotary Club of Dallas recently sponsored three Back Mountain students to attend their Rotary Youth Leadership Camp held annually in July at Keystone College. The week-long event focuses on life skills that the students can take with them as they go on to college and their careers. The students each gave a presentation at a recent Rotary meeting on what the program meant to them as they prepare for the next steps in their lives. From left, are Dallas Rotary Club President Todd Buckley, Lake-Lehman student Jason Field, Dallas student Allison Rismondo, Lake-Lehman student Philip Hettes, Rotarian and Program Chairperson Melissa Saxon. Programs target seniors and caregivers As part of its Coffee & Conversation series, the Social Justice Committee of St. Therese’s Church, Shavertown is conducting a two-part program for seniors and their care- givers to recognize issues facing loved ones as they age and to focus on resources that can help. The first program, “Local Senior Resources: A Primer,” will be held at 1 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 9. Colleen Jones, are‘ manager from the Area Ageney on Aging, will present information on local resources and organizations available fo assist seniors with in-home support, family caregiver qupport, housing, legal assistance and more. Just Us Girls is a free non-denominational girl's group or first through sixth graders, grouped first through third grades and fourth through sixth grades, learning about our- selves, bullying, self esteem and so much more. * The group does hands-on healthy snacks and learns new age appropriate crafts, including quilting, painting, embroi- dery and jewelry making. Members then share an open discussion during snack at lhe end of each meeting. Guests join during certain weeks and teach topics such as dance, zumba, yoga and exercise. i YOGA CLASSES Yoga Alliance 200 hour certified yoga teacher Alyssa filler will teach one yoga class weekly at 5:30 p.m. on luesdays at The Rock Recreational Center, Carverton Road, frucksville. Classes will be an hour long. _ Cost is $5 per class. | PASTIE SALE i The Lehman-Idetown United Methodist Church Women ill hold their monthly pastie sale on Thursday, Sept. 26. rders are to be called in to Bob at 477-5219 or the church ffice at 675-1216 by Friday, Sept. 20. Leave your name, i of order and phone number. | Pasties will be $5 each. Pick up will be from 8 a.m. to noon on Thursday, Sept. 26. | COMMUNITY YARD SALE ! The Shavertown United Methodist Church will sponsor community yard sale from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, ept. 28 in the church’s parking lot. Various items will be vailable. A variety of food will be available also. A bake sale ill also be held to help sponsor a mission trip to Africa. ' YARD SALE AT HUMC pod Huntsville United Methodist Church, 2355 Huntsville oad, Shavertown, will hold its last community yard sale of "WW the year from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m on Saturday, Sept. 28. | Vendors are asked to call 477-3748. Space is $10. LANDSCAPING AND £F 3, (7.17.11 |) [cs COMPLETE LANDSCAPING LOTS CLEARED - TREES REMOVED NEW LAWNS - YARD PROJECTS DRAINAGE PROBLEMS SOLVED TOP SOIL, FILL & GRAVEL SPREAD WALLS, WALKS & DRIVEWAYS PAVERS, FIELD STONE, FLAGSTONE DEMOLISHED AND CONCRETE SPECIALIZING IN - INGROUND SHRUBS & BUSHES REMOVED POOL FILL - IN 760-4797 The second program, “Compassionate Senior Care: Looking Out for Our Loved Ones,” will be held at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 6. Guest speaker will be James Siberski, MS, CMC, Coordinator and Assistant Professor of Gerontology Education and Director of the Geriatric Care Management Program at Misericordia University. He will offer tips for family members and caregivers. Both programs will be held in Fr. Sammons Hall in the church basement and are free and open to the public. For more information, call the rectory at 696-1144. ust Us Girls starts fourth year at TUMC Grade school young ladies gain confidence in themselves and learn individual and team building skills that help pre- pare them for their middle school and high school years. The group meets from 6:30 to 8 p.m. on the third Tuesday of the month at the William & Melba Dickson Educational Facility, 40 Knob Hill Road, Trucksville (off Route 309 at Carverton Road). The first meeting is set for Oct. 15. For more information, call Carol Hadsall at 690-7295 RUMMAGE SALE The United Methodist Women of the Lehman-Idetown United Methodist Church will hold their annual Fall Rummage Sale on Oct. 11 and 12. Clean and gently-used items may be dropped off at the church after Friday, Sept. 27. Hours of the sale will be 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Friday and 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday which is Bag Day. Lunch and a bake sale will be held on Friday. The women will make homemade vegetable soup at a cost of $5 per quart. CHICKEN BARBEQUE AT TUMC The annual fall chicken barbeque will be held from 5 to 7 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 4 and Saturday, Oct. 5 at the Trucksville United Methodist Church, 40 Knob Hill Road, Trucksville. Takeouts begin at 4:30 p.m. Ticket prices are $8 for adults and $ for children for a half chicken, baked potato, fixings, homemade desserts and bev- erages. Reservations are required. Call 696-3897 for reservations. DALLAS AREA ANNOUNCES | its indoor full court heated gymnasium is | now available to individuals and groups for basketball, soccer, hockey, softball, lacrosse, birthday parties and much more j with plenty of parking. For more information call Rick Evans, JCC Camp & Community Outreach Director at 870-947-6766 or e-mail jeccrevans@hotmail.com. OBITUARIES HEBDA - Richard James, of Short Road, Tunkhannock, died Wednesday, Sept. 4 2013, at his home. He was born in Luzerne on Aug. 9, 1937, was a 1955 graduate of Luzerne High School and a U.S. Army veteran. He had worked for Kurlancheek and Feinberg Furniture Stores, retiring from Blue Ridge Communications in Tunkhannock after 25 years of service. Surviving are sons, Richard and Jeffrey, both of Tunkhannock; brothers, Robert, Luzerne; and George, Plymouth; sister, Lauretta Amos, Luzerne; three grandchildren; nieces and nephews. MOONEY - Holly J., 35, of Dallas, died Saturday, Sept. 7. 2013, at her home. She was born in Wilkes-Barre, was a graduate of Wyoming Valley West High School and a graduate of Wilkes-Barre Vocational School of Nursing, receiv- ing her degree as a Licensed Practical Nurse. Before moving back to Dallas, she was a nurse with Ascera Care Hospice of Harrisburg. She was a member of St. Theresa’s Church, Shavertown. Surviving are her husband of 10 years, Michael; son, Ethan, of Dallas; father, Paul Zukoski and stepmother, Mary Ann Zukoski, of Olympia, Wash.; mother, Karen Urzen and stepfather, Albert Urzen; brother, Ryan Urzen, Swoyersville; and sister, Annie Zukoski, Salt Lake City, Utah; paternal grand- mother, Patricia Zukoski, Askam; mater- nal grandmother, Cecil Sitar, Ashley. Memorial donations to Candy’s Place, 190 Welles St., Forty Fort, PA 18704. RHOADS - Dorene B., 69, of Dallas, died from ovarian cancer on Tuesday, Aug. 27, 2013, at her residence. She was born in Berkeley, Calif., was a graduate of Berkeley High School and attended Westmont College. She was a graduate of Chico State University with a Bachelor of Science in nursing. She worked in San Francisco, Berkeley and Pittsburgh hospitals, in the U.S. Army hospital in Bad Canstatt, Germany, and at Hershey Medical Center. She was a member of the Trucksville United Methodist Church. She attend- ed Bible studies, taught Sunday school and vacation Bible school in Berkeley, Pittsburgh, Annville and Trucksville. She was among the charter members and was active in The Guild of American Papercutters for 25 years. In 2006, she went to Mississippi as a Salvation Army disaster volunteer post- Hurricane Katrina. Surviving are her husband, Dr. John M. Rhoads, Dallas; sons, Jonathana, Pittsburgh; and Christopher, Portland, Ore.; sisters, Donna Anderson, Colorado Springs, Colo.; and Doris Morgan, Sacramento, Calif.; nieces and nephews. Memorial donations to the American Cancer Society. SIMONCAVAGE - Thomas P., 58, of PEOPLE BRIEFS HL RESIDENT ACCEPTS POSITION Dr. Stephen R. Cheskiewicz, of Harveys Lake, has accepted the posi- tion of Associate Academic Dean at Lehigh Carbon Community College in Schnecksville. STUDENT AMBASSADOR Andrea Carr, of Dallas, is a Misericordia University student ambas- sadors and will provide tours to students and parents during the Sept. 28 open house program. LOCALS GRADUATE FROM PSU The following Back Mountain students have graduated from the Pennsylvania State University: Virginia C. Baird, Dallas, BA, University Park campus; Gregory C. Davis, Dallas, BS, Wilkes-Barre cam- pus; Molly B. Murphy, Shavertown, BS, Wilkes-Barre campus; Thomas M. Perry, «Discount Prices Everyday. Home Theatre Headquarters +Large selection of national name brands. Choose from famous names like Sony, Toshiba, Yamaha, Klipsch, Bose, Denon, Infinity, Optoma, Pinnacle, NHT, or Acoustic Research. Vorin Dallas, died unexpectedly Thursday, Sept. 5, 2013, at Wilkes-Barre General Hospital. He was born in Nanticoke, Jan. 6, 1955, was a graduate of Nanticoke High School, class of 1972, and was a mem- ber of the former St. Stanislaus Church, Nanticoke. He was employed by McClure Mechanical Co., Wilkes-Barre, for approximately the past 11 years as an HVAC service manager. Surviving are his parents, Leon and Olga Simoncavage; his wife of 36 years, Karen Golanoski, of Nanticoke; daugh- ter, Stefanie Fisher, Dallas; two grand- children; and a brother, James, Wilkes- Barre. Memorial donations to Valley with a Heart, 7 Alden Road, Nanticoke, PA 18634. WALL - Harold E. Jr, 77, of Centermoreland, died Sunday, Sept. 1, 2013, in Geisinger Wyoming Valley Medical Center, Plains Township. He was born in West Wyoming, and was a graduate of Dallas Township High School, class of 1954. He was a veteran of the U.S. Marine Corps, serving for eight years. For many years, he was employed at Interstate Dress Carriers. Prior to retire- ment, he was employed by Penns Best for 35 years. He was amember of the Centermoreland United Methodist Church. Surviving are his wife of 55 years on Sept. 7, the former Shirley Marie Shupp; children, Sharon, Mountain Top; Greg, Mehoopany; Brian, Dallas; two grand- children; brother, Ralph, Shavertown; sisters, Dorothy Shotwell, Shavertown; Shirley Gashi, Robesonia; nieces and nephews. Memorial donations to the Franklin- Northmoreland Ambulance, 329 Orange Road, Dallas, PA 18612 or the American Cancer Society , 712 S. Keyser Ave., Taylor, PA 18517. ZIBUCK - Arlene, 80, of Dallas, died Wednesday, Sept. 4, 2013, at Geisinger Wyoming Valley Medical Center, Plains Township. She was born in Plymouth on Sept. 26, 1932, and attended Larksville High School, where she was recognized for her outstanding dedication in collecting items for the war effort. Later, she was employed by the VA Medical Center in nursing, General Cigar Co. and several dress factories where she worked as a seamstress. She was a member of Holy Family Parish, Luzerne. Surviving are her daughters, Kathy Smith and Sandy Humko; sons, Frank Hodle, Daniel Hodle Sr., Richard Hodl and John Hodle Sr.; 17 grandchildren; 24 great-grandchildren; sisters, Vera Papula and Evelyn Bowen; brother, Jacob Corney; nieces and nephews. Hunlock Creek, BS, University Park campus; and Amy J. Scafella, Dallas, BS from Mont Alto campus. CAIN COMPLETES BASIC TRAINING Army Reserve Pvt. Cody L. Cain has graduated from basic combat training at Fort Jackson, Columbia, S.C. During the nine weeks of training, the soldier studied the Army mission, history, tradition and core values, physi- cal fitness and received instruction and practice in basic combat skills, military weapons, chemical warfare and bayonet training, drill and ceremony, marching, rifle marksmanship, armed and unarmed combat, map reading, field tactics, mili- tary courtesy, military justice system, basic first aid, foot marches and field training exercises. Cain is the son of Vanessa Cain, of Shady Lane, Dallas. «Service after the sale. Complete on site installation and explanation of operation. 1313 Wyoming Ave. Exeter PA 655-8811 Call for a free in home consultation, or visit our showroom.
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