THE DALLAS POST Sunday, September 15, 2013 DHS class of 1971 celebrates 60th birthday Members of the Dallas High School Class of 1971 gathered to celebrate their 60th birthdays at Rice’s Pool House to enjoy a pig roast catered by “The Pigmeister” on July 13. From left, first row, are Gerry Fritzges, Debbie Price Hadzor, Sandy Long Zoeller, Carla Dunham Lynn, Kim English, Jill Daron Tomek, Michele Swingle Butts, Diane Chadwick Coslett, Arlene Kozich, Maryanne Sickler Grado, Emilie Peters, Barb Rice Goldsmith, Chris Govin, Candie Wismer Levanda, Diane Morgan Gonzales, Roxanne Beseiglia Voitek and Debbie Bessmer Wilk. Second row, Patty Burke Gibson, Kitty Vernon Alber, Linda Doughton Kroski, Dave Kulick, Cathy Grieshaber Policare, Reba Brody Witko, Carol Kaleta, Don Atkinson, Dave Katyl, Gary Stearn, Keith Barber and Ray Kuderka. Third row, Bob Shoemaker, Jim Roman, Tom Burkhardt, Sheldon Jones, Donnie LaBar, Don Wallace, Steve Goode, Joe Yenason, Dave Johnston, Steve Crispell, Woody LaBar, Larry Hilbert, Harry Owens, Dennis McCartney and Roy Walter. Absent at the time of the photo were Lorraine Brown Hadsall, Bruce Goeringer, Michele Masoner Steele, Tom Morenko, Drew Taylor and Lauren Wills Kaiser. MU HOSTS PROGRAM Misericordia University will host the program, “Bringing in the Bystander: Engaging Men and Women in the Prevention of Sexual Violence,” by Patrick Rushton, outreach and education manager of the Victims Resource Center, at 8:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 18 in Dudrick Room 216 of Sandy and Marlene Insalaco Hall. The program is free and open to the public. “Bringing in the Bystander” provides par- ticipants with information on the incidence of sexual violence on college cam- puses and in local commu- nities; identifies barriers to bystander intervention and ways to overcome these barriers, and pro- vides participants with skills to intervene safely in those situations that can lead to sexual assault. DHS CLASS OF 1968 REUNION The Dallas High School Class of 1968 will hold a 45-year anniversary reunion in September. There will be a mixer at Grotto Pizza, Harveys Lake on Friday, Sept. 20 and a reunion evening at Leggio’s, Dallas, on Saturday, Sept. 21. Classmates are encour- aged to log onto Facebook at “Dallas High School Class of 1968” or call Lucy at 674-5673 for more infor- mation. STEM SATURDAY AT SEMINARY Children in elementary aChildren in elementary and middle-school grades are invited to attend a special STEM Saturday at Sem Event to take partina program titled “Cardboard Challenge/A Global Day of Play” from 9 to 11:30 a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 5 at Wyoming Seminary Lower School, 1560 Wyoming Ave., Forty Fort. The event is free and open to the public. Children who take part in the program will explore the interactions between science, tech- nology, engineering, art and mathematics by playing games designed and constructed from reused cardboard. They Get The Benefits You Deserve! Social Security Disability Claimants represented by attorneys are more successful in obtaining benefits. Call me for a FREE CONSULTATION. | can help. Member of the National Organization of Social Security Claimants’ Representatives Janet A. Conser Attorney At Law 1575 Wyoming Ave., Forty Fort 570-283-1200 Over 30 Years Experience are encouraged to begin building their own card- board projects in advance and bring their creations to the event to share with the group. During the pro- gram they also will have the opportunity to cre- ate cardboard games and interactive structures. Craft fair at WSCTC The West Side Career and Technology Center SkillsUSA student orga- nization will be hold a fall craft fair from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 5 at the school, 35 Evans St., Pringle to raise funds for community service projects and to assist stu- dents in local, state, and national competitions. Various vendors and crafters from jewelry and clothing items to wood crafts and housewares will be featured. There will also be food ‘prepared by culinary arts students and plenty of parking. SkillsUSA is a student organization that provides students with profes- sional development, ser- vice opportunities and an opportunity to compete in their area of studies at local, state and national levels. Vendor spaces still available. For more infor- mation, contact Frank Vandermark at fvan- or 881.1882. DHS CLASS OF 1983 REUNION Dallas High School Dallas High School Class of 1983 is planning a 30th anniversary reunion for Oct. 26. Any classmate who has not yet received informa- tion about the reunion and who wishes to attend is asked to send their cur- rent email address to dal- or call Sharon at (610) 737- 0042. 570-655-2811 WAHS Class of 1973 celehrates 40th The Wyoming Area High School Class of 1973 recently celebrated its 40th anniversary reunion weekend. An ice breaker was held Friday, Aug. 30 at Cooper’s Pub, Pittston. A clambake was held on Saturday, Aug. 31 at the Swoyersville American Legion Pavilion with entertainment by Twins DJs. A memorial mass for deceased classmates was held on Sunday, Sept. 1 at St. Barbara's Parish in Exeter, followed by breakfast at Avenue Diner in Wyoming. Classmates in attendance at the clambake are, from left, first row, Gloria Castellani Sekusky, Elizabeth Rutkowski, JoAnn Barletta Pellegrini, Denise Maffei McGlinsey, Maria Nilson Pacchioni, Diane Amato, Raline Mastruzze Center, Rebecca Rowlands, Jill Smith Space, Theresa Zibuck Guarino, Bonnie Edwards, Gloria Cavello Kolbeck. Second row, Fred Melvin, Mariella Bravyak Confair, Andrea Budash Prokopchak, Mary Orzewski, Nancy Krause LaNunziata, Linda Hughes Thorne, Lou Palmeri, class secretary; Alan Freed, class president; Joyce Palum Mashinski, Joyce Matreselva Kubiak, Mary Kay Carchilla Embleton, Mariann ‘Alfano Liberati, Maria Leandri Yonki. Third row, Mark Lacina, Andy Hergan, Bob Yonki, Mike Marancik, Frank Gubbiotti, John Grabowski, John Cenera, Alvin'Bauman, Dotty Martin, Mike Lizza, John Jurosky, Joe Bartoletti, Elmer Hurrey, Warren Stahl, Bernie Serbin. Fourth row, Frank Goryl, Stan Rushefski, Gary Hughes, Mike Venetz, Dave Sokach, Wayne Lewis. Absent at the time of the photo was Lou Degnan. TWILIGHT ' DINNER SPECIALS Starting at 15°99 gl Yony in ach 4 i 2 id hone: 096-3580 www. FIREandICEnTOBYCREEK, wy RT 309, Trucksville - Just North of Sheetz (Former Yesterday's Location) | Kitchens A NTERSTATE Building Materials, Inc. Pittston psa Habersky receives honors at University of Scranton Elena Marie Habersky, of Dallas, was among just 25 members of The University of Scranton’s Class of 2013 to graduate from the Jesuit university’s Honors Program. Habersky also partici- pated in the Special Jesuit Liberal Arts Honors Program, placing her among the select few students able to graduate from two honors programs. She received a bachelor of science degree, magna cum laude, in interna- tional studies, with minors in philoso- phy, Arabic and theology, and a concen- tration in peace and justice studies. She received the Excellence in International Studies Award at graduation. Habersky’s research project, “The Fate of Egypt’s Coptic Christians as a Result of the Arab Spring,” examined the security and freedom of Egypt's Christian minority following the fall of President Mubarak. She was mentored by William J. Parente, Ph.D., a profes- sor of political science at the Jesuit uni- versity. Habersky was among the five members of the university’s Class of 2013 select- ed for Fulbright U.S. Student Program awards. She earned a Fulbright English | Teaching Assistantship to Jordan. She is a member of Alpha Lambda Delta (the national honor society for first-year students), Alpha Mu Gama" (the national honor society for % eign languages), Phi Alpha Theta ( national honor society for history), Theta Alpha Kappa (the national honor society for religious studies and theol+| ogy) and Alpha Sigma Nu (the honor! society for Jesuit universities and col leges). She was a named to “Who's Who Among Students in ld Universities and Colleges.” 4 A graduate of Dallas High School, Habersky was a member of the Justice Club, United Students for Fair Trade, the Royal Historical Society, Scranton! Emerging Leaders I & II, and a Staffs Writer for the student newspaper, the’ Aquinas. Habersky studied abroad in Ecuador, Jordan and Egypt where she taught English and had a summer. internship at Better World, NGO. She_ was awarded the Provost Grant to study | Christianity in Uganda and the Magis | and World Youth Day in Madrid, Spain. | DHS Class of 1963 enjoys 50th reunion The Dallas High School Class of 1963 held its 50th anniversary reunion recently. From left, first row, are! Marjorie (Baird) Kishbaugh, Carol (Sutton) Swanson, Cinda Dymond, Gloria (Dolbear) Williams, Charlotte: Roberts, Sandra (Hoover) Whitesell, Dorothy (Cleasby)! Ladamus, Carl Daubert, Betsy (Turner) Anderson.! Second row, Don Anderson, John Wardell, Nancy (Sieber) Menapace, Linda (McClary) Austill, Harry Schooley, Ellen (Dudascik) Chopyak, Peter Lauderbaugh, Marjorie (Davis) Goldsworthy, Barbara (Urban) Dougherty, Howard Dover, Paul Haradem, Carl Miers, William Cooper, Robert Nekrasz. Third row, Archie Paltrineri, Larry Piatt, Andrew Germick, Richard Williams, Mr. Robert Dolbear (age 97), class advisor; Jon ‘Schaffer, Alice (Newberry) Williams, Barbara (Kozick) Mears, Stephen Chisarick, Ruth (Croman) Piatt and John Zarno. Absent at the time: of the photo were Ron Cross, Paul Siket, Gary Smith, Andy’ Unger and Ralph Wall. AUTO DALLAS auto PARTS 688 Memorial Hwy. Dallas,. PA 18612 6/5-2143 Come Celebrate With Us... Friday, September 20 8am-3pm First 30 customers will receive a FREE gallon of washer fluid d, {r (~ Sign up to win a NAPA VIP NHRA race package at Maple Grove Raceway October 6, 2013 wm Food and Raffle Prizes Available Stop by and show off your Antique or Hot Rod! Building? Remodeling? . - See Voitek’s for all the top names, and many of the Te premium brands you won't find anywhere else. | Discount prices everyday! Free layaway! LET US HELP YOU MAKE ; - YOUR DREAM KITCHEN A REALITY! |} ore NC. 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