wy SUNDAY, MAY 12, 2013 THE DALLAS POST PAGE 5 _ Gordon Dershimer, a . Navy veteran from Harveys Lake, will reunite with his brother David, an Army veteran from Winter Haven, Florida, at the historic Mall in Washington, D.C. over emorial Day weekend, ay 24-26. The Dershimer brothers will join Vietnam veterans, friends, and fami- lies from various states as volunteers for the Memorial Day Foundation. The purpose of gather- ing is to participate in the Memorial Day Foundation’s annual flower decorating ceremony at the National ! War Memorials. Blood-red silk flowers will be rever- ently and with great dignity placed in honor and remem- brance of servicemen and servicewomen who made the ultimate sacrifice for | our freedom. Last year, vol- | unteers placed nearly 2,000 patriotic bouquets at the War Memorials. Following a service at the flagpole near the Three Servicemen Statue at the Vietnam Memorial on May 24, volunteers will proceed to the war memorials and respectfully place flowers as part of the foundation’s mis- sion of remembering Me- morial Day and our fallen heroes. Back Mountain residents can order Memorial Day Flower Bouquets to be sent to the National War Memo- rials for a donation of $15 per bouquet. Chose either online at http://memorial- dayfoundation.org. or mail to The Memorial Day Foun- dation, 33 Orient Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11211-2205. Choose the National War Memorial(s) and include the dedication or message, up to 30 words, you wish printed on the gift card. If you choose to dedicate a bouquet to a relative, friend or loved one, living or de- ceased, who served in a war please include (if known) their rank, name, branch of service, unit, ship or plane, war and, if killed in action, the date. Harveys Lake resident Gordon Dershimer is shown here at the Navy Memorial in Washington, D.C. ak Dershimer brothers volunteer for Memorial Day Foundation David Dershimer is shown here at the Vietnam Memorial in Washington, D.C. J. BRIEFS MEATLOAF DINNER A meatloaf dinner will be held from 4 to 7 p.m. on May 18 at the Alderson United Methodist Church, Pole 108, Harveys Lake. Menu includes meatloaf, baked potato, green bean casserole, cole slaw, roll and butter, pie and beverage. Tickets are $8 for adults and $4 for children under 12 years of age and are available at the door. Takeouts will be available. For more information, call 639-5688. CHURCH NOTES £140 YEARS sin The Maple Grove United Methodist Church, 5876 Main | “Road, Sweet Valley, will cel- ebrate its 140th aniveaery the | weekend of May 18-19. The movie, “Wesley,” a biographical film about John Wesley, the founder of Method- Saturday, May 18. Pentecost and confirmation will be celebrated on Sunday, May 19 as Jess Bynon, Ally Gordon and John Bynon be- come members of the church. A covered dish dinner, as well as church tours, will follow worship time. For more information, call 477-5216. CROSS CREEK WELCOMES SPEAKER Curtis W. Young, Ph. D. jom International Partnership ®/inistries will speak at 9 and ' 10:45 a.m. on May 19 at Cross BACK MOUNTAIN BOWL Sicilian Pizza » Wings B Hoagies and More! Eat in and Take Out! Memorial Hwy Dallas « 675-5026 «Discount Prices Everyday. «Large selection of national name brands. ism, will be shown at 4 p.m. on _ Home Th Creek Community Church, 370 Carverton Road, Trucksville. Dr. Young is the vice presi- dent of Specialized Ministries and Director of Deaf Ministries with IPM. A fully-staffed nursery will be available for children under 2 years of age and C4 Kids is available. For more informa- tion, call 696-0399. MEMORIAL DAY SERVICE A special Memorial Day service will be held at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday, May 26 at the Sweet Valley Church of Christ, 5439 Main Road, Sweet Valley. LCDR Brian Gallagher, USN (retired) will be the speaker rand patriotic music will-be played to honor men and women in the armed forces. For more information, call 477-2320. MASS/ FLEA MARKET St. Frances Cabrini Church, 585 Mt. Olivet Road, Carver- ton, will celebrate a Memorial Mass at 10 a.m. on Monday, May 27. This mass is in honor and memory of all the deceased loved ones laid to rest at the Mount Olivet Cemetery. Father Vincent Dang will be the cel- ebrant for this special mass. Following the mass, the parish Social Committee will sponsor its annual flea market and bake sale from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the church grounds, rain or shine. This year’s flea market will include a variety of household items, pictures, dishware, knickknacks, toys, DVDs, games and books. Picnic foods for purchase include clam chowder, haluski, pork barbeque, wimpies, hotdogs with sauerkraut or chili and beverages. The bake sale will feature fresh baked breads, cakes, pies, cookies and pastries. . A special “early bird” flea market will held from 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Sunday, May 26. RUMMAGE SALE The deacons of Trinity Presbyterian Church in Dallas have set May 31 and June 1 for their gigantic rummage sale in the fellowship hall of the church, 105 Irem Road, Dallas, across from the Country Club Shopping Center. The sale will be held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Friday, May 31 and from 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday, June 1. Saturday will be Bag Day - all you can stuff into a large brown grocery bag for only $2. Items available are clothing in good condition for men, women and children, costume jewelry, household items, knickknacks, collectibles, toys, books, holiday items and more. GET READY FOR VBS DARLING & SONS® FARMS & GREENHOUSES “Growing Quality Is A Family Business Since 1930” WJ CNT 1 NY Hanging Baskets * Gerber Daisy * Geraniums Herbs * Bedding * Veggie Plants Combination Pots * Cemetery Logs ® Potting Soil Humus * McCutcheon’s Canned Goods Oren MornER’S Day 9-4 MoN - Fri 9-6 © SAT 9 - 5 © 675-2080 1/2 Mile Off Rt. 309, Dallas, Hildebrandt Rd. (200 yards north of Dallas Elementary School) YW eatre Headquarters «Service after the sale. «Complete on site installation and explanation of operation. Choose from famous names like Sony, Toshiba, Yamaha, Klipsch, Bose, Denon, Infinity, Optoma, Pinnacle, NHT, or Acoustic Research. Varn 1313 Wyoming Ave. Exeter PA 655-8811 Call for a free in home consultation, or visit our showroom. Orange United Methodist Church invites all children ageds3-12 to get ready to dive into fun at “Operation Over- board: Dare to Go Deep with God” Vacation Bible School. Vacation Bible School will be held from 5:45 to 8 p.m. Sun- day, June 16 through Thursday, June 20 at Orange United Methodist Church, 2293 W. 8th St., Dallas. The adventures includes regular Deep Sea Voy- ages into Bible fun and creative crafts, hands-on mission work, water science and music. To be a part of the excite- ment, call Leslie at 333-4269. Walking Seminar Tours Thursday, May 16 | 10 a.m. Irem Clubhouse, 64 Ridgway Drive, Dallas, Pa. R.S.V.P. by May 13: 866-851-4243 If you cannot attend, we're happy to schedule a personal tour with minimal walking or send you a Masonic Village brochure. Walking can help you lose weight, ward off memory loss and much more! Take the first steps toward a healthier self during this seminar featuring practical tips for walking, stretching, safety, exercise intensity and staying motivated. Afterward, enjoy healthy snacks and a walking tour of Masonic Village at Dallas. This active 60+ community provides maintenance-free living so you can focus on more important things in life. Select villas are available immediately, and you can even customize yours with upgraded features for no additional cost! About the Presenters: Carrie Hapeman, MSOTR/L, is a geriatric occupational therapist with Genesis. She also serves as a program manager at the Mercy Center. Heather Witkowski, MSP, is a physical therapist with Genesis, where she works within skilled nursing, personal care and the outpatient clinic at the Mercy Center. Together, they have 17 years of Musto seeks seat on Dallas board Long-time Dallas Township resident Patrick P. Musto will vie for a Dallas School Board seat in the May 21 Primary Election. Musto is a family-owned business owner, having worked at Tuft-tex Flooring in Plains for 40 years. He is a 1971 King’s College graduate, where he received a BA in English /Education. experience in occupational and physical therapy. MASONIC4A VILLAGE The candidate is married to the former Valerie Hayden, a Dallas High School graduate. The couple has two children, who also attend Dal- las schools. Musto Enjoy Life Your Way OPEN FOR Find us on EVERYONE. = Facebook 36 Ridgway Drive, Dallas, Pa. | www.masonicvillages.org
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