PAGE 4 THE DALLAS POST SUNDAY, MAY 12, 2013 ANNUAL FISH FOR FREE DAY AIMEE DILGER PHOTOS /THE TIMES LEADER Tux, the Wilkes- Barre/Scranton Pen- guins mascot, gets a lesson in attaching a meel worm to a hook by 7-year-old Conner Kubiski, of Hunlock Creek. I Township Police Of- ficer Wade Curtis helps Michael Battin, 8, of Shaver- town, unhook a fish. a — Lake-Lehman students recently brought home the Outstanding School Award at state History Day competition. From left, are Mr. Ryan Lindbuchler, Lake-Lehman Social Studies Department chair, associate History Day coordinator; Jasmine Moku, third place, group performance; Jenna Mortenson, third place, group performance; Brittany Mahoney, first place, group documentary; Ronnie Ziomek, third place, group performance; Katie Bartuska, first place, group documentary; Mr. Michael Novrock, (Lake-Lehman High School History Day coordinator; Shauna Leahy, second place, group exhibit; Lana Sicurella, first place, group documentary; Sela Fine, second place, group exhibit; Elana Herceg, first place, group documentary; Hannah Cross, second place, group exhibit; and Mr. Brian Gorski, Lake-Lehman High School associate History Day coordinator. HISTORY Continued from Page 1 exposé in which she faked insanity to study a mental institution from within. In addition to her writing, Cochrane was also an indus- trialist and charity worker. Third place in group performance was awarded to the team of Ronnie Ziomek, Jen- na Mortenson and Jasmine Moku who did their presentation on the Irish potato fam- ine which caused a period of mass starva- tion, disease and emigration between 1845 and 1852. First and second-place winners will ad- vance to national competition set for June 13 at the University of Maryland in College Park, MD while the third-place award win- ners will act as alternates in the event either the first or second-place winners cannot at- tend national competition. “We finished in second place last year,” Novrocki said of Lehman’s Outstanding School Award. “But no other school had a first, second and third-place winner this year. I had a good feeling about it this year because I knew we had some fantastic proj- ects going to states.” Novrocki was nominated for the state His- tory Day Teacher of the Year Award by Ryan Lindbuchler, chairperson of the history de- partment at Lake-Lehman. The award is presented to a teacher who is actively involved in History Day and has shown outstanding achievement in educa- tion through the use of the History Day pro- gram. Novrocki is now the Pennsylvania nomi- nee for the National History Day Teacher of the Year Award. SHAFFER Continued from Page 1 president of the Dallas Borough Council. He was an active member of the George M. Dallas Masonic Lodge 531 F&AM, where he served as worshipful master in 1995. He was a lodge trustee from 1996 until 2012. He was also a member, trustee and degree master of Caldwell Consistory in Bloomsburg, where he was awarded the Meritorious Service Award. Shaffer’s obituary appears in today’s Dallas Post. The casket of former volunteer fire chief Donald Shaffer sits atop a 1927 Mack firetruck as it makes its way from Disque Funeral Home to its final resting place in Chapel Lawn Cemetery. IIPS! Th F be “SAL ON on" 1 D. 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Lisa Zavada-Rizzo Insurance Agency Inc. 2570 SR 309 Highway, Dallas © Ph. 675-3530 © Fax 674-7054 lisa. § In hopes of increasing his odds of landing a fish , 6-year-old Colin Perkins, of Hunlock Creek, moves closer to the water. Fort & SERVICE OFF tue PURCHASE OF 2 TIRES OFF tHE PURCHASE OF 4 TIRES Any brand or size tire. Valid ad both locations. Expires 6/10/13. MOTORCYCLE MONDAYS At The Kingston Location Offering Inspections & Services - By Appt. Only 1097 Wyoming Ave 300 Pierce St. Forty Fort # 718-1501 | Kingston * 283-1504 Mon-Fri 7:30-6 «= Sat 8-1 Mon-Fri 8-5 « Sat 8-1 oe J.B www. 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