; L Page 6 Sunday, April 14, 2013 The Dallas Post www.mydallaspost.com Community Newspaper Group THe Times LEADER 15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 18711 - 570-675-5211 news@mydallaspost.com Dotty Martin EDITOR 970-7440 dmartin@mydallaspost.com Joe Butkiewicz EXECUTIVE EDITOR 829-7249 jbutkiewicz@timesleader.com Diane McGee Advertising 970-7153 dmcgee@timesleader.com As part of National Library Week at Misericordia University, the Mary Kintz Bevevino Library staff has scheduled a slate of events. Staff members who participated in the planning are, from left, Colleen Newhart, National Library Week coordina- tor; Jean Dobinick, circulation; Beth Spaciano, acquisitions; Jennifer Luksa, collection resource management; Susan Lazur, senior secretary, and Sameera Redlear, electronic resources librarian. Bevevino Library celebrates National Library Week The Mary Kintz Bevevino Library at Misericordia University has scheduled a slate of events to celebrate National Library Week, April 14-20. The theme of the 2013 national celebration is “Commu- nities Matter @ your Library” with events planned to help students and the community learn about the services offered at the library. The Friends of the Mary Kintz Bevevino Library at Misericordia University will present “Importance of Keeping Records for Librar- ies and National Archives” by William J. Bosanko, chief operating officer (COO) for the National Archives and Records Administra- tion in Washington, D.C. from 4:30 to 6 p.m. on Tuesday, April 16 in the McGowan Room. A Book Swap from April 16-18 will offer the chance to trade gen- tly-used books for others that have been donated. Members of the Misericordia community have also been invited to tell their personal stories through their shoes at an exhibit en- titled “Walk in My Shoes” which will be on display on the second floor of the library throughout the week. “Think Outside the Book,” a workshop on crafting with book pages will be held from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Thursday, April 18 in the McGowan Room. Anyone signing up during the week as a Friend of the Library will be eligible for list of great prizes, including a gift certificate at Mohegan Sun at Pocono Downs and a basket from the Nimble Hill Winery, Tunkhannock, grandstand tickets to the Pocono 500, Martz Trailways bus tickets to Atlantic City and tickets to the Northeast- ern Pennsylvania Philharmonic. Other events throughout the week include a decorating contest for MU clubs and departments, a bake sale and a costume jewelry sale. In addition, an indoor bowling contest, faculty lectures, and a paper airplane contest are scheduled for members of the Misericor- dia community. For more information, call 674-3036. for the first time. Millions of MOMENTS IN TIME The History Channel * On April 23, 1954, Hank Aaron hits the first home run of his Major League Baseball ca- reer. Twenty years later, Aaron became baseball's new home- run king when he broke Babe Ruth’s long-standing record of 714 career homers. * On April 22, 1970, Earth Day, an event to increase pub- lic awareness of the world’s environmental problems, is celebrated in the United States Americans participated in ral- lies, marches and educational programs. * On April 25, 1983, the So- viet Union releases a letter that Russian leader Yuri Andropov wrote to Samantha Smith, an American fifth-grader from Manchester, Maine, inviting her to visit his country. Andropov’s letter came in response to a note Smith had sent him in December 1982, asking if the Soviets were planning to start a nuclear war. YOUR SPACE Students in Miss Burgess’ 1953 first-grade class at the Trucksville Elementary School are shown here. Can you identify any of these people? "YOUR SPACE" is reserved specifi- cally for Dallas Post readers who have something they'd like to share with fellow readers. Submitted items may include photographs or short stories and should be by fax to 675-3650 or by mail to The Dallas Post, 15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711. Information must include the submit- ting person's name, address and telephone number in the event we have questions. returned should include a wo stamped envelope. Items will be published in the order in which they are received. The editor of The Dallas Post reserves the right to reject any items submitted for sent via e-mail to news@mydallaspost.com, Readers wishing to have their photos publication. 20 YEARS AGO - 1993 Elementary School with a Fun Night for benefit of Jack Donahue, general chair- Two Dallas students recently boom through the combined Lake-Lehman Band and Ath- man; program, James Duffy learned that their entries last efforts of P.T.O., parents and letic Banquet is scheduled for and John Bush. Paul Monahan year in a drug and alcohol friends. The school is the only ~~ Friday night at Lake-Lehman will be in charge of publicity. awareness poster contest elementary school in the Dallas High School. First attraction 70 YEARS AGO - 1943 sponsored district to have computers. is a basketball game between A special Lenten Musical by the Drug Some of the first students to PTA and faculty, followed by arranged by the Senior, Junior and Alcohol try out the new computers games between eighth and and chancel choirs will be pre- Administra- were Tracy Stahl, Howard Post, ninth, tenth and eleventh grade sented at the evening service tion of the Chris Kurchinski and Jason teams. There will be a wres- of Dallas Methodist Church Pennsylvania Prokopchak. tling demonstration. Dancing on April 18. Mrs. Raymond B. Liquor Con- Local basketball sharpshoot- will follow the games. Harry Wall Sr. will be guest soloist; ONLY trol Board ers recently received trophies Swepston Jr. is chairman. Mrs. Wesley Oliver, pianist and YESTERDAY wereamong for their efforts in the recent Thirty-ninth annual banquet = Lewis LeGrand, violinist. six posters Rotary Basketball Shootout. of Dallas Chapter No. 396 Mrs. Peter Berry entertained featured on a calendar distrib- Awardees included Paul Order of Eastern Star, honor- members of her card club uted statewide. Anna Lloyd's Catrombone, Lee Wagner, Joe ing the Worthy matron, Mrs. at the home of Mrs. Grant entry from Dallas Elementary Phillips, Eric May and Todd Betty Meeker, will be at the Shaner of Parrish Street last School encouraged people to Krupa. Irem Temple Country club Wednesday. Guests were Mrs. “Get high on life.” John Shaskas 40 YEARS AGO -1973 this Friday. Mrs. Evelyn Smith ~~ Sterling Meade, Mrs. Charles Jr. from Westmoreland School entitled his winning entry, “Al- cohol tears people apart.” Dallas Area Federated Wom- en’s Club inducted two new members at their meeting last week. Welcomed to the club by Mary Perugino, membership chairman, were Carol Mayeski and Tina Richards. Lake-Lehman High School students Jennifer Booth and Jeffrey Gold were named Commended Students in the National Merit Scholarship Program. The senior students were honored for their out- standing performance on the 1992 PSAT/NMSQT, which places them in the top five per- cent of more than one million students who entered the 1993 Merit Program by taking the qualifying test. 30 YEARS AGO -1983 The students of Gate of Heaven School recently partici- pated in their annual Gertrude Hawk Easter Candy sale. First prize was one by Marla Ann Sholtis. Kristin Elechko was second, Michael Paraschek was third, and Tara Jones came in fourth. Microcomputers have entered Dallas Township Cub Pack 132, Dallas, recently held their annual Pinewood Derby at the Trinity United Presbyterian Church. First place in the race was won by Frank Michael and second by David Smith. The Dallas Woman’s Club will hold a Salad Luncheon and Fashion Show on April 25 at the Shavertown United Methodist Church. The Marilyn Gauntlett Modeling Agency will provide models for fashions by Bergman's. Mr. Robert Maturi has been named chairman and Mrs. L.L. Richardson, co-chairman. They will be assisted by the follow- ing committee: Mrs. Leonard Cowett, Mrs. Sheldon Evans, Mrs. James Huston, Mrs. Dan- iel Richards, Mrs. Raymond Flick, Mrs. Michael Yozviak, Mrs. William Schilling and The following students were winners in the Dallas Junior Woman’s Club Senior High Art Contest: Raelene Daring, first prize; George Otto, second prize; Ruth Daley, third prize; Lynn Peterson, Cynthia Beline and Rich Ricards, honorable mention. 50 YEARS AGO - 1963 and Mrs. Mildred Bronson, chairmen, are being assisted by Bethia King, Elsie Jolley, Doro- thy Dodson, Myrtle Rineman, Gertrude Davies, Elma Price, Oce Beryl Austin, Mildred Lutes and Virginia Swanson. 60 YEARS AGO -1953 Altar and Rosary Society of Saint Therese’s Church will hold a card party in the church auditorium on the evening of April 29. Mrs. Willard Garey is chairman assisted by Mrs. Algert Antanaitis and Mrs. Clinton Johnson, tickets; Mrs. J.H. Gabel and Mrs. Jacob Beline, baked goods; Mrs. Paul Laux, prizes; Mrs. James Si- mon, door prizes; Mrs. Edward Jackson, publicity, Mrs. Albert Pesavento and Mrs. Edward Miller, candy; Mrs. Philip Coniglio and Mrs. Paul Laux, refreshments; and Mrs. John Stenger Jr., door. Plans for a Mother’s Day breakfast to be held at the American Legion Home, Dallas, were perfected at the monthly meeting of Gate of Heaven Holy Name Society. Robert Laux, president, presid- ed and appointed the following committees: Rev. Francis Kane, honorary chairman, assisted by Stookey, Mrs. William Wilson, Mrs. Edwin Nelson and Mrs. Clifford Ide. Members of the Dallas Rota- ry entertained their wives and friends at their annual Charter Night dinner and dance at Lun- dy’s last evening. An informal program and music for dancing were enjoyed. Present were: Mr. and Mrs. Paul Warriner, Mr. and Mrs. John Nicholson, Mr. and Mrs. L.L. Richardson, Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Dick, Dr. and Mrs. Robert Bodycomb, Mr. and Mrs. Nesbitt Garinger, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Payne, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Yeisley, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jurchak, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hallock 8 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eck, Mr. aff: Mrs. Warren Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Sutch, Mr. and Mrs. John Durbin, Mr. and Mrs. James Huston, Miss Jean Rock- efeller, Miss Marion Veitch, Dr. JW. Ehrhart, Mr. and Mrs. L.E. Kingsley, Dr. and Mrs. W.L. Lanyon and Mr. and Mrs. George Metz. The Dallas Post has been in existence for 122 years. Infor- mation for “Only Yesterday” is taken from back issues of the newspaper and reprinted here exactly as it first appeared. “The Phillies, of course, because it's Pennsylvania. | re- member seeing Pete Rose play there.” Debbie Baer Dallas od “The Evans Falls Jenks. | used to play for them when | was young.” Elmer Daley Dallas “The Misericordia men’s Cougars base- ball team.” Becky Kahn Dallas “WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE BASEBALL TEAM?” “I lived in Manhattan for four years and had season tickets to the Yankees but they are starting with too many injuries this season.” Steven Devens Harveys Lake ws ho “Got to be the Durham Bull Dogs because I'm from Oak Island, North Carolina.” Deb Groblewski Chase “I've been a Phillies fan since | was 8 and my dad Jack took me down there." Alan Vivian Kingston
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