| SUNDAY, APRIL 14, 2013 THE DALLAS POST PAGE 5 CHURCH BRIEFS MISSION FAIR SET The Lehman-Idetown United Methodist Church will hold a mission and ministry fair from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, April 21 at the church, 1011 Mountain View Drive, Lehman. Participants will be given e opportunity to hear about ¢ upcoming missions and istries that are open to our church and the wider com- munity. Some upcoming events featured will be a Ladies Tea, Night at WBS Railriders, Kingdom Rock Vacation Bible School for children, as well as family camping and outdoor worship at Frances Slocum. ~ YARD SALE The Huntsville United Meth- odist Church, 2355 Huntsville Road, Shavertown, will hold a community yard sale from 8 am. to4 p.m. on Saturday, April 27. Vendor space is avail- able at $10 each. ~The kitchen will also be open with homemade foods and desserts. Call 477-3748 for more information. Trucksville United Meth- odist Church Chicken BBQ, May 3 & May 4, 2013, a Back Mountain Tradition! @ =: SLATED e annual spring barbeque will be held from 5 to 7 p.m. on Friday, May 3 and Satur- day, May 4 at the Trucksville United Methodist Church, 40 Knob Hill Road, Trucksville. Takeouts begin at 4:30 p.m. The meny includes a half chicken, baked potato with all the fixings, homeamde des- serts and beverages. Ticket prices are $8 for adults and $4 for children. Reservations can be made by calling 696-3897. RUMMAGE SALE The deacons of Trinity Pres- byterian Church in Dallas have set May 31 and June 1 for their gigantic rummage sale in the fellowship hall of the church, 105 Irem Road, Dallas, across from the Country Club Shop- ping Center. The sale will take place from 0 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Friday, May 31 and from 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday, June 1. Saturday will be Bag Day - all you can stuff into a large brown grocery bag for only $2. Items available are clothing in good condition for men, women and children, cos- tume jewelry, household items, knickknacks, collectibles, toys, books, holiday items and more. Seminary honor roll announced Dr. Claire Hornung, Dean of Wyoming Seminary Lower ool, has announced the Yk Mountain students named to the Academic High Honor Roll and Academic Honor Roll for the second trimester of the 2012-2013 academic year. HIGH HONOR ROLL Grade 6: Michael Doggett, Shavertown; Kyle Hromisin, Dallas; Zane Nardone, Shaver- town; Benjamin Paglia, Shaver- town; Mia Raineri, Shavertown. Grade 7: Bobby Austin, Dal- las; Duncan Lumia, Dallas; Ol- ivia Meuser, Shavertown; Dan- iel Paglia, Shavertown; Samuel Sweitzer, Dallas. Grade 8: Avery Conyngham, Shavertown; Andrew Kim, Dal- las; Michael Kim, Dallas; Nicole Lukesh, Wyoming; David Nape, Shavertown; AndrewSchukraft, Dallas; Gabriella Soper, Shaver- town; Dominic Wright, Dallas. HONOR ROLL Grade 6: Nicolas Bufalino, Dallas; Robert deLuna, Dallas; Tristram Ravenscroft, Shaver- irade 7: Madeline Arthur, Wyoming; Arianna Bufalino, Dallas; Olivia Ostrowski, Dallas; Levi Sunday-Lefkowitz, Shaver- town. Grade 8: Carly Clemente, Dallas; Payton McCormick, Dal- las; Mei Snow, Dallas; Spencer Stirewalt, Shavertown. BACK MOUNTAIN BOWL SWE Ndr 2 RTE GUETEREN RCL EIALEL RELIC IT Memorial Hwy Dallas » 675-5026 Ross Students of the Building announced Nominees for the Ross Elementy School Students of the Building Program for the month of March demonstrated the value of being responsible during the month and were nominated by their teachers. From left, first row, are Dana Post, Meagan Judge, Elizabeth Blaski, Adora Shannon, Dustin Heinrich, Kayla Lettieri, Cortney Guastella, Hunter Lee. Second row, Mrs. Costello, fifth-grade teacher; Bryant Bidding, Derrick Lanning, Brianna Hodle, Morgan Marchakitus, Jacqueline Davenport, Ceaira Smith, Donald James, principal; Jennifer Martin, Laura DePrimo, first-grade teacher. WVCA walk steps off April 27 Wyoming Valley Children’s Asso- ciation annual “Do it for the Kids” Walk-a-thon and Festival will be held on Saturday, April 27 at the agency, 1133 Wyoming Ave., Forty Fort. Registration begins at 9 a.m. and the walk begins at 10 a.m. The event will be held rain or shine. TUX, Ronald McDonald and a juggler will kick off the event. Ad- ditionally, the SWB RailRiders mascot will make an appearance. There will be pony rides, a moon bounce, face painting, balloon ani- mals and children’s games in addi- tion to raffles, food, a disc jockey and vendors galore. Every walker who registers will receive a t-shirt, a chance to win a 24” youth bicycle and a voucher for food. Additional food items will be available for purchase. For more information, call 714- 1246 Super Crossword Answers BE/[L/[LIMuU[S[AU[s SIHIA[LT oN L YrlOL LO HA LER CIRIA[S|S|C|U|T TIE AS ONE HloME SIllT/H RU RAFTS C/LIAIDIT/OJH|E AIR ET TOS ols 's V|OlA cLIEIFIlcC MEMO I RIllo rR YIIIWE T M C/RIA|T/E D|C|H E|E|S A MI CIlo READIRT UT SIH AL LIE AINIE[LBOoW CREASES oOwWS Bll: os sl sAYMenNoOLAMSEA AlBlO[L|1[S[H CIR|A|VIE/I|L|LINE[S|S RENALIMORO ME RJIFIOUR TH CILITINT I IN[THEEY EM [TIT BE C = ss NA Oo 1s DIS T PIAIS[S[K|E|Y P THERAPY EL MER SIC TOs EGA L AlL ElV 0 S'S|Y|S TARE S|AIL|E M TI EAMER EIN TIR B os/TIG ADS eee 00 Figure! See PUZZLES, Page 2 answers — King Crossword — Answers Solution time: 25 mins. S wn U|L _et = T|IO|O|O nliH|>|m m{ID|IO|O |>|m > > C|O|>»|D > ©) IT|IO(n|O|w W|>»|—|To|m x 1 A O|—+{=Z NIo|mm|2 > m Z|Z>|IN|D| >| 3 wn = T|(O|>|T|H @ makgu~2 3rd 0a r|l—|<|m —1O|—|Z —S|N]|— n|ITIHIXIZ oe) > >|2Z2|0]|— Z10|—|0 >i12Z orm BMT students. named to Seminary dean's list Wyoming Seminary Dean Jay Harvey has announced the Back Mountain students named to the Upper School Dean’s List for the winter tri- mester of the 2012-2013 aca- demic year. DEAN’S LIST HIGH HONORS Sai Abhishek, Shavertown; Emma Bertram, Dallas; Isabel- la Del Priore, Dallas; Samarth Desai, Shavertown; Matthew Doggett, Shavertown; Lau- ren Fernandez, Dallas; Jamie Goldstein, Dallas; Gabrielle Grossman, Shavertown; Tyler Harvey, Trucksville; Chris- topher Kim, Dallas; Andrew Levandoski, Dallas; Tyler Mar- tin, Shavertown; Danielle Mel- nick, Dallas; Kristen Mericle, Shavertown; Elijah Miller, Dal- las; Madison Nardone, Shaver- town; Adam O’Brien, Hunlock Creek; Kelly Platt, Dallas; Jacob Ridilla, Shavertown; Adam Rinehouse, Shaver- town; Amanda Schall, Hunlock Creek; William Thede, Dallas; Alannah Trombetta, Dallas; Zachary Wise, Shavertown. DEAN’S LIST Corinne Conyngham, Shavertown; Dominique Cos- lett, Harveys Lake; Gabrielle Coslett, Harveys Lake; Ryan Frania, Shavertown; Frank Hen- ry, Dallas; Michael Kelly, Dal- las; Jake Kolessar, Shavertown,; Emily Mackesy, Shavertown; Nadine Malik,Shavertown; Katherine Paglia, Shavertown,; Leana Pande, Shavertown; Alexis Quick, Shavertown; Alaina Schukraft, Dallas; Jason Schwartz, Shavertown; Kate- lyn Stemrich, Sweet Valley. LANDSCAPING AND 2D (7. \"7.11 |) [c COMPLETE LANDSCAPING NEW LAWNS - YARD PROJECTS TOP SOIL, FILL & GRAVEL SPREAD PAVERS, FIELD STONE, FLAGSTONE AND CONCRETE SHRUBS & BUSHES REMOVED 760-4797 LOTS CLEARED - TREES REMOVED DRAINAGE PROBLEMS SOLVED WALLS, WALKS & DRIVEWAYS DEMOLISHED SPECIALIZING IN - POOL FILL - IN el VL Pro essional Work That Is uaranteed! Mec. Pinnacle Rehabilitation Kevin M. Barno, MPT e K. Bridget Barno, PT Rebaldfitation Gusodates, PC Kevin M. 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This active 60+ community provides maintenance-free living so you can focus on more important things in life - like friends, family, hobbies and community involvement. Select villas are available immediately, and you even have the opportunity to customize yours with upgraded features for no additional cost! Peter has more than 30 years of experience as a financial consultant and portfolio manager. He works with a highly skilled team with nine office locations to provide financial services. EVERYONE. OPEN FOR =) Find us on ) or Facebook 36 Ridgway Drive, Dallas, Pa. | www.masonicvillages.org
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