PAGE 4 THE DALLAS POST Sunday, February 10, 2013 DUNTAIN BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Customer service stressed at Humphreys Bootery Business that started in 1940 as Humphrey's Kiddie Shop in Kingston is now located in Back Mountain Shopping Center. By ELIZABETH BAUMEISTER ebaumeister Since its inception in 1940 as Humphreys’ Kiddie Shop in Kingston, the business now known as Humphreys’ Bootery, located in the Back Mountain Shopping Center, Shavertown, morphed through many stages until becoming what it is today. Third generation owner Jay Humphreys, 52, of Dallas, took over the shop from his father, Ed- ward “Buzz” Humphreys, in 1988. He said one of his favorite parts about running the store is putting out new products as they come in. In addition to women’s, men’s, children’s and infants’ footwear, the store features women’s hand- bags, hats, scarves, gloves, jewel- ry and other accessories, a prod- uct line that is constantly grow- ing. Humphreys’ favorite part of the job is the customers. “The thing that keeps me com- ing back day in and day out,” he said, “is the people.” And what keeps the people coming back, according to Hum- phreys, is a combination of three things: service, quality and com- fort. “We take good care of our cus- tomers,” he said. “They know if they have a problem, they can come talk to us and we'll take care of it.” But he said problems are rare, as the staff sets out to make the FAVORITE PAIR OF SHOES Merrell casuals FAVORITE BUSINESS QUOTE ET THE OWNER - JAY He (Jay Humphreys) also stressed the importance of shopping local, as it is becom- ing more difficult for the local business world to survive due to the rise of online shopping. He pointed out that money spent in the local community stays in the local community, while money spent elsewhere is gone for good. customers happy from the begin- ning. And part of making custom- ers happy is providing them with an excellent product that fits. That's where the “quality and comfort” come in. The shop features brands such as UGG, Birkenstock, Merrell, Dansko, Brighton and more. According to Humphreys, those seeking a similar selection and service will have to travel far to find them. He also stressed the importance of shopping local, as it is becoming more difficult for the local business world to sur- vive due to the rise of online shopping. He pointed out that money spent in the local commu- nity stays in the local community, while money spent elsewhere is gone for good. That is one reason Humphreys appreciates his customers so much. “We thank the people who stop and think and decide to shop lo- cally,” he said. HUMPHREYS “There's always room” - Edward “Buzz” Humphreys (referring to the limited amount of space available in the shop in comparison to the large variety of products offered). 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