i A PAGE 6 EDITORIAL Sunday, December 9, 2012 Joe Butkiewicz EXECUTIVE EDITOR 829-7249 jbutkiewicz@timesleader.com The Dallas Post www.mydallaspost.com Community Newspaper Group THE TIMES LEADER 15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 18711 ® 570-675-521 news@mydallaspost.com Diane McGee ADVERTISING 970-7153 dmcgee@timesleader.com Dotty Martin EDITOR 970-7440 dmartin@mydallaspost.com Wilkes-Barre/Scranton Penguins mascot Tux is shown here with Ben Carpenter, of Shavertown, a past story hour participant, who enjoyed last year's program at the Back Mountain Memorial Li- brary. Tux will visit Library Mike O’Brien, Tux and star play- ers from the Wilkes-Barre/Scran- ton Penguins hockey team will take part in a Christmas reading pro- gram at the Back Mountain Memo- rial Library. All ages are welcome to attend at 5p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 18. Space is limited so families are asked to call the library at 675-1182 to reserve seats. The players will talk to the fam- ilies about the importance of read- ing, about being a team player and about their careers as professional hockey players. Tux will then enter- tain the children with his antics as the players read to the children. Wear your Santa caps, bring your memorabilia to be signed and get ready to have some fun reading and singing with the Penguins. STRANGE BUT TRUE By Samantha Weaver * |t was British biologist and author Richard Dawkins who made the following sage observation: “When two opposite points of view are expressed with equal intensity, the truth does not necessarily lie exactly halfway between them. It is possible for one side to be simply wrong.” * |f you're like 20 percent of American women, you think your feet are too big. * Did you ever wonder why we say, “I smell a rat” when we sense that something is amiss? The phrase dates back to a time before effective means of pest control, when it was not uncommon for a home to be infested by rodents. If a rat died inside a wall, the resi- dents wouldn't be aware of it until the smell of the decaying body became noticeable. e |f you'd like to have a festive New Year's Eve but don’t want to deal with the crowds in New York City for the iconic ball drop, consid- er heading to Mount Olive, N.C. Every year the town hosts a cele- bration in which a 3-foot lighted pickle is dropped into a barrel at midnight. * Ancient Romans believed that a sneeze was the body's way of expelling evil spirits that caused disease. Thus, if one tried to sup- press a sneeze, it was regarded as an invitation to illness and death. * The 14-foot model of the Starship Enterprise that was used dur- ing shooting of the original “Star Trek" series is now displayed in the Smithsonian. YOUR During a recent rainstorm, this Blue Heron decided to wait it out on the boathouse roof at the home of Pat Giordano, of Harveys Lake. "YOUR SPACE" is reserved specifically for Dallas Post readers who have something they'd like to share with fellow readers. Submitted items may include photo- graphs or short stories and should be sent via e-mail to news@mydallaspost.com, by fax to 675-3650 or by mail to The Dallas Post, 15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711. Information must include the submitting person's name, address and telephone num- ber in the event we have questions. Readers wishing to have their photos returned cation. should include a self-addressed/stamped envelope. der in which they are received. The editor of The Dallas Post reserves the right to reject any items submitted for publi- Items will be published in the or- 20 YEARS AGO -1992 The Lake-Lehman High School Band again set a new re- cord at the Atlantic Coast Cham- pionship Tournament of Bands Competition held at the Lacka- wanna County Multi-Purpose Stadium at Montage last month. Lake-Leh- man is the first band in the 20 year ) history of ACC com- petition to win 8 titles. It was also the seventh consecutive win, an- other accomplishment no other band has ever done. Along with the Group II title, the band also won specialty awards for Best Percussion, Best Music and best Woodwinds. YESTERDAY 30 YEARS AGO -1982 Association of Trinity United Presbyterian Church in Dallas recently entertained at a Christ- mas Tea. Featured at the Tea was the singing group “The Meadow Larks” from the Meadows in Dal- las under the direction of Don Williams. Planning committee members for the Tea were: Bar- bara Barakat, Meryl Davis, Ra- chael Hale, Mary Moses and Catherine Bolinski. Dallas Intermediate School re- cently held a Foul Shooting Con- test. Finalists were: Heather Langdon, first place winner; Sue Wells, first runner up; Jay Che- rup and Phillip George. 40 YEARS AGO -1972 Eleven Dallas High School se- niors were hostesses of a formal dinner-dance last Friday night. They are: Barbara Schaeffer, Car- ol Britt, Jan Bigelow, Patricia Rosnick, Nan Pfeiffer, Carol Sip- ple, Patti VanEtten, Brenda Gel- schleichter, Mindy Bloomer, Ma- rilyn Miller and Julie Evans. Scott Neyhard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Skyles Neyhard of Trucks- ville, and Robert Baird, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baird of Trucksville, received their Eagle Scout Awards at a Court of Hon- or held at the Educational Build- ing of the Trucksville United Methodist Church. 50 YEARS AGO - 1962 Kiwanis honored Dallas Area High School football team, West Side Conference champions, at the weekly meeting last night. Speaker was James Moran, Coach of King’s College football team, and the entire Dallas team was there. Three members of Trinity Youth fellowship, Beth Pillarel- la, Beth Burkert and Sarah Bobo, attended a two-day Youth Fel- lowship Rally of Lackawanna Presbyterian last week. They were guests in the homes of Westminster Presbyterian Church families in Scranton. 60 YEARS AGO -1952 Back Mountain Town and Country Y.M.C.A. added three new board members to its offi- cial roster at their meeting in the Headquarters Building in Sha- vertown on Tuesday evening. The new members were an- nounced by Chairman LW. Le- Grand as Dr. Carl E. Hontz, Rev. Robert d. Yost and Herbert A. Smith Jr. The Senior Class of Lake-Nox- en High School will present their senior play entitled, “DANGER- Willie at Work” tonight. Richard Patton is playing the leading role. Other members of the cast are: Jessie Armitage, Virginia Price, Carol Bialogowicz, Nancy MacMillan, Shirley MacMillan, Thelma Burkhardt, Frances Ste- fanowicz, Joyce Martin, Ernest Phillips, Carl Gailey and Robert Engelman. 70 YEARS AGO -1942 Fred M. Kiefer was elected president and Fred Hughey was made vice president at the reor- ganization meeting of the Dallas Township Board Tuesday Y Donald Coughlin was re Vi as solicitor. The State Liquor Control Board has approved the applica- tion of Robert Hislop Jr., for the transfer of his liquor license from the Dallas Inn to his new lo- cation in the Tally-Ho Grille on Main Street. Opposition to the transfer developed when a group of local citizens disapproved the location of two liquor places on Main Street. Information for “Only Yester- day” is taken from back copies of The Dallas Post which is 121 vears ago. The mformationgs z 1s printed exactly as it i) ) appeared. The History Channel e On Dec. 16, 1811, the great- est series of earthquakes in U.S. history begins in the Mis- sissippi River Valley near New Madrid, Mo., when a quake of an estimated 8.6 magnitude slams the region. The earth- quake raised and lowered parts of the Mississippi Valley by as much as 15 feet and changed the course of the Mississippi River. ® On Dec. 10, 1915, the one- millionth Ford car rolls off the assembly line at the River Rouge plant in Detroit. Be- tween 1908 and 1927, Ford sold more than 15 million Model Ts in all; they initially cost $850 (about $20,000 in today’s dol- lars). e On Dec. 11, 1946, the Unit- ed Nations votes to establish the United Nations Interna- tional Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) to provide re- lief and support to children. Only two countries have failed to ratify the treaty - Somalia and the United States. ®* On Dec. 15, 1973, Sandy Hawley becomes the first jock- ey to win 500 races in a single year. Hawley achieved his his- toric win aboard Charlie Jr., in the third race at Maryland's Laurel Park race track. e On Dec. 12, 1989, hotel magnate Leona Helmsley re- ceives a four-year prison sen- tence, 750 hours of community service and a $7.1 million tax fraud fine in New York. “All football and sports shows, espe- cially the Steelers. They're doing fair but could be better.” George Ondish Dallas “| like westerns, the ‘Godfather’ and come- dy but there's very little of it on TV.” Vivian Ondish Dallas “I like ‘American Pick- er.’ | like seeing all the old stuff to see what it's really worth.” Mike Rolliman Shavertown WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE TELEVISION SHOW "NCIS," a Navy crimi- nal investigative ser- vice. A detective ser- vice, | go for that.” Val Rothrock Shavertown “‘Inkmasters.’ It's about up and coming tattoo design artists. | like to see who has the coolest ones.” Corey Monk Trucksville “Right now ‘Nashville.’ It's about two country singers, one young and one old, trying to find their way rol life." Elizabeth Stanton Harveys Lake
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