® Sunday, November 25, 2012 Tue DALLAS POST PAGE 9 Sports 5%, oo & 4 Crews work well into the night to put new dirt on the upper fields. od Little League gets facelift By TOM ROBINSON Dallas Post Correspondent a Back Mountain Baseball rou- tinely uses the offseason to make improvements to its fields. This year, the league is mak- ing a larger investment to make those improvements more ex- tensive. Work is underway to upgrade the fields, driveway and parking lot... Lael “It is in our capital budget to always put $5-10,000 ito the fields for things like fencing, dirt, a tractor, based on need,” said league presideni Steve Skammer. “This year, we're do- ing new dugouts and a new @ on the Major League field and were refinishing the fields up top, fixing drainage. In- stead of $10,000 this year, it will be in the range of $60-70,000 to re-do all the fields.” Skammer said the expendi- tures are split nearly in half be- tween the lighted Major League field, which also serves as the home of the Dallas High School baseball team, and the ¢combina- tion of the four upper fields used for Minor Leagues. Back Mountain Baseball has a history of more than 50 years working with the Dallas School “This year, we're doing new dugouts and a new backstop on the Major League field and we're refinishing the fields up top, fixing drainage. In- stead of $10,000 this year, it will be in the range of $60-70,000 to re-do all the fields.” Steve Skammer President, Back Mountain Baseball District, which owns the land. The Little League organization uses the fields and takes respon- sibility for their maintenance. Skammer said the league has looked into the possibility of ob- taining its own fields, but has determined that doing so in the Back Mountain would cost well over a million dollars, outside the reach of a youth sports orga- nization. Instead, it took money raised through the years to in- crease its commitment to the current fields. “We kind of have a gentle- men’s agreement with the school district,” he said. “We take care of the fields and up- Richard Hiedacavage,of Harding, and his construction crew pour concrete and assemble new du- gouts at Kubis Field in Dallas. date them. It works well.” Skammer said the league pre- sents its plans to the school board each year. It also consult- ed Dallas softball coach Joyce Tinner to make sure changes on the Major League field work well for her team. The Little League’s 15-mem- ber board came up with the lat- est plans. Those plans need to be completed during October and November because the fields are used from March to October and field work is diffi- cult after the weather becomes too cold. “The good thing about our board is that we have CPAs on it, we have attorneys, we have some people who are involved in construction and we have people who work for the town- ship,” Skammer said. “We have a good mix of people who under- stand funding, understand bank- CHARLOTTE BARTIZEK PHOTOS/ FOR THE DALLAS POST Richard Hiedacavage, left, of Harding, and his son, Joshua, pour concrete for new baseball dugouts at Kubis Field in Dallas. ing and understand fields.” The deteriorating retaining wall of the rightfield fence at the Major League field has been re- placed. At the same site, work is being done to replace the du- gouts and backstop. “Eventually, everyone in our program will get to play there,” Skammer said. “It’s kind of our showcase. It's where we have district playoffs. “We haven't had new back- stops and dugouts down there in 15 or 20 years.” Up above, on the four Minor League fields used by more than 500 youngsters each year, more work is being done on the fields and their drainage. Skammer said the use of earli- er fundraising money ineans there will be no additienal fees to families to participate in the league and there will not be any increase in sponsor costs. MICHAEL-BARBOSE TEAM WINS TOURNAMENT DALLAS JUNIOR HIGH CHEERLEADERS CAPTURE FIRST PLACE The Dallas Junior High Cheer team captured first place at the College Misericordia Cougar The Dallas Tuesday Night at Twin Oaks Mens League held its end-of-the-year tournament at rem Temple Country Club. Prizes were awarded and the overall champions of this year’s league play were recognized by President Dennis Wagner. The winners were Clarence J. Mi- chael and Jack Barbose, who also won last year. From left, Jack Barbose, Dennis Wagner and Clarence J. Michael. Challenge Cheer Competition. The girls performed a two and a half minute routine which involved dance, cheer, stunting and tumbling. From left, first row, are Captain Angela Bendick, Captain Ashlie Alves, Captain Brianna Rinehimer. Second row, Kiley Brittain, Maddie Hurst, Lauren Alves, Ariyonna Martin, Sara Schwartz and Aneilia Cummings. Third row, Erica VanEtten, Marissa Ro- berts, Tori Landon, Jayden Dinardi, Frankie Treslar, Savannah Goechel, Mia Greenwood, Katelyn DeAnthony, Olivia Rinaldi and Coach Jenny Sorber. In addition, the squad had a stunt group place second in its division. The stunt group consisted of Flyer Lauren Alves, Bases Marissa Roberts and Brianna Rinehimer and back spot Savannah Goechel.
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