EE — Sunday, October 14, 2012 THE DALLAS POST PAGE 3 £5] 3X al \ ® Russ Coolbaugh, of Kunkle, sits with Moto, an 1-week-old Amer- ican Bulldog at the Dallas Township Fall Roll Out. officer Aron at the Fall Roll Out. wR @® Culver, 9, of Plains Township, gets his face painted by Dalia Amico, of Shavertown. Rs Rollout offers residents chance to learn what's available in their town The Dallas Township Fall Roll Out held Oct. 7 at the Dallas Township Municipal Building was held to acquaint residents with the township’s municipal and emergency services person- and equipment which were site and on display throughout the afternoon. Participating in the event were the Dallas Township EMA, Dal- las Township Police Department, Dallas Fire & Ambulance, Kunkle Fire & Ambulance and the Dallas Township Road Department. Al- so participating were the Dallas Township supervisors, tax collec- tor, zoning/ code enforcement of- ficer and roadmaster. There were giveaways and goodies for the children who also had the opportunity to meet K-9 Aron, Dallas Township’s canine police officer. Aron is a 4-year-old German Shepherd who was born on Oct. 26, 2007 in Slovakia. He arrived in the United States in August 2009 and was sworn in as a Dallas Township police canine officer on Now. 9, 2009. Aron’s handler and keeper is Officer Brian Feeney, with whom Aron lives. His police duties in- clude narcotic, drug detection, protection, building searches and obedience. He has been involved in numerous drug investigations and arrests and is credited with the removal of thousands of dol- lars in drugs from the streets in the Dallas Township community. Dallas Township firefighter Dean Fitch, left, checks on Jacob Thomas, 10, his sister Carleigh, 6, and his brother Ethan, 10, all of Dallas Township, as they investigate the inside of Rescue Engine No. 4 at the Dallas Township Fall Roll Out. Jake Harriger, 2, of Kunkle, meets Dallas Township K-9 police ] nia r 5 4 : y Township Fall Roll Out. \ gE #. Brad Artley, of Plains Township, takes a picture of a fire truck as aH his daughter Emma, 2, waits patiently. Ben Higgins, 8, of Dallas Township, climbs into the 1927 Mack fire fruck on display at the Dallas hi BILL TARUTIS PHOTOS/ FOR THE DALLAS POST Dallas United Methodist Church Sunday School children who will participate in the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer of Wyoming Valley Walk are, from left, fist row, Audrey Stam- baugh, Erika Doran, Tanner Manzoni, Allison Lanza and Sydney Bolesta. Second row, Thomas Doran, Amber Zimmerman, Katie Zimmerman, Alexis Lanza, Taylor Woodeshick, Shawn Coates and Logan Stambaugh. Third row, Kim Donlin, Sunday School teacher; Madison Stambaugh and Leeann Coates, Sunday School teacher. DUMC children support walk e Dallas United Metho- Church Sunday School cnildren will participate in the “Making Strides Against Breast Cancer of Wyoming Val- ley Walk” at 8 a.m. on Oct. 20 at Kirby Park. The children are raising money by selling scarves, hair ribbons, candy and conducting a bake sale. They are also seek- ing donations and sponsors for their walk. Anyone interested in spon- Fe LE 3 soring or donating is asked to call the church office at 675 0122. The children will all wear a pink ribbon to represent the person for whom the donation was made Bridge project gets extension By MEGAN SCHNEIDER Kingston Township Board of Supervisors approved a request from Fabcor Inc. for a time ex- tension on the East Center Street Bridge Project at its meet- ing on Oct. 10. Township Manag- er Kathleen Sebastian stated that Fabcor plans to have the bridge open to the public in De- cember. The board adopted a resolu- tion to secure a Tax Anticipation Note not exceeding $500,000 as an emergency contingency. The township does not plan to use the money unless it does not re- ceive anticipated tax revenue. Supervisor Chair James Reino Jr. stated the money is being se- cured only to ensure that the township can pay bills and meet payroll without delay. A pay- ment of $2,500 will be made to the Bond Counsel but the town- ship plans to regain these funds when the time comes. The board also scheduled a public hearing at 7 p.m. on Now. 14 prior to its regular meeting to discuss the 2013 budget, levying taxes for 2013 and adopting a Capital Program for 2013-2017. Resident Paul Kowalik re- _ quested the do something about the UGI compressor sta- tion being planned near his home. The station is currently in the planning phase and is out- side the boundaries of Kingston Township. Kowalik stated that, although the station is in nearby West Wyoming, it is near to his home and would cause him hard- ship. He told supervisors he has concerns that fumes emitted from the compressor station would have adverse effects on his health and pressed supervi- sors to get involved. The board informed Kowalik that, since the station is not in the township, it has no legal right to confront the issue. In other business, supervi- S075... e Authorized the township manager to write a letter sup- porting the request of Korstein Realty for PennDOT to relin- quish its right-of-way at the old Rave’s building. e Adopted an ordinance com- plying with the PA Flood Plain Management Act and FEMA reg- ulations. e Approved payment for the East Center Street Bridge Pro- ject to PennDOT in the amount of $76,610.37 and Kingston Township in the amount of $19,152.59, for a total payment of $95,762.96. e Approved United Water's re- quest for a water main on North Lehigh Street Extension, as long as the project is started after April 1 e Approved the sale of a sur- plus spreader at L.A.G. auction. e Scheduled Fall Leaf Pick up for Nov. 5-16. e Approved the use of the Wil- liam Tippett Meeting Room by Woodridge II. e Approved the use of the Wil- liam Tippett Meeeting Room by the Homeowner’s Association from 7 to 8 p.m. on Now. 15. e Announced the Annual Hal- loween Parade will be held at 1 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 27 at the East Center Street Park Field. e Announced budget work sessions will be held at 6:30 p.m. on Oct. 25 and Oct. 29 to discuss the 2013 budget. e Announced that a referen- dum vote will be on the Novem- ber ballot regarding the King- ston Township Home Rule Char- ter and ordinance 0-2012-3. More information on the ordinance is available at the township admin- istrative office. e Announced the next King- ston Township superviors meet- ing will be held at 7:30 p.m. on Nov. 14 in the administrative building on East Center Street.
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