PAGE 4 THE DALLAS POST Sunday, October 14, 2012 CIVIC BRIEFS All-day Bingo planned All day Bingo will be held at Northmoreland Township Fire Hall on Oct. 14. Doors open at 12:01 p.m. and early birds start at 1:30 p.m. Dinner will be served at ap- proximately 4:30 p.m. Snacks and drinks are available. For reservations, contact Jim or Carol at 333-4906. Coast Guard vets meet Members of the NEPA Coast Guard Veterans Assoc. will meet at 6:30 p.m. on Oct. 17 at the Dallas American Legion Post on the Dallas Highway. For more information, call Neil Morrison at 288-6817. Irem Auxiliary hosts card party Irem Women’s Auxiliary will host a card party from noon to 4 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 18 at the Irem Country Club. Tickets are $12 and can be bought from Hope Beisel (675- 1652), Marie Miskel (288-6341), Lorraine Hastie (654-3755) or at the door. There will be lunch, prizes and a fun afternoon. Handicapped parking is avail- able. President is Janet Stritzinger and general chairperson is Edna Morgan. For those who don’t play cards, there is Pokeno (played like Bingo) or you can bring a game of your choice. Masonic Village plans Octoberfest Masonic Village Octoberfest will be held from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 19 at Irem Clubhouse, 64 Ridgway Drive, Dallas. Seniors may invite their family to explore this communi- ty together. There will be live music, an array of vendors offering fresh produce, pumpkins, baked goods and more. For details and to make a reservation, call 866-851-4243. “TV Guide Musical comes to Music Box “The TV Guide Musical,” a new musical comedy revue featuring favoritre theme songs from the beginning of TV to the present, will be held Oct. 19-21 and 26-28 at the Music Box Dinner Playhouse, 196 Hughes St., Swoyersville. Bar opens at 6 p.m., dinner is served at 6:30 p.m. and curtain is at 8 p.m. on Fridays and Sat- urdays. On Sundays, bar opens at 1 p.m., dinner is served at 1:30 p.m. and curtain is at 3 p.m. For more information, call 283-2195. Dance will benefit Blue Chip Farm SENIOR CENTER MENU Senior Citizens Centers sponsored by the Area Agency on Aging for Luzerne and Wyoming Counties offer hot noon meals Monday through Friday to people 60 years of age or older. Donations from partic- ipants are gratefully accepted and needed in order to expand this program. The following is the menu for the week of Oct. 15: MONDAY: Beef cabbage bake, mashed potatoes, vegeta- ble medley, whole wheat dinner roll, Oreo pudding parfait, mar- garine, milk and coffee. TUESDAY: Chicken and bis- cuits, corn chowder, snap peas, crackers, biscuits, rice pudding, margarine, milk and coffee. WEDNESDAY: Baked pork chop, sauteed cabbage and on- ion, buttered noodles, rye bread, sugar cookie, cinnamon applesauce, margarine, milk PROPERTY TRANSFERS The following transfers of Back Mountain properties have been recorded in the Luzerne County Recorder of Deeds for the week of Oct. 1-5, 2012: Dwight D. Weidaw to Carolyn J. Dorshefski, 1432 Main Road, Hunlock Township; $65,000 Lee, Leland and Carol Sorbers to Janet C. Schleeter, Lot 158, Warden Place, Harveys Lake Borough; $112,000 Robert M. and Mary M. Paley to Robert P. Jr. and Cara B. Long to Charles N. Jr. and Sheila M. Burns, Kingston Township; $250,000 Susan Schneider to Carey Alan and Melissa Roberts, Lots 28A & 29, Meadowcrest subdivi- sion, Kingston Township; $143,000 Gloria J. McAdara to Chris- topher and Amber Marie Yanik, Lot 128, Midway Manor, King- ston Township; $180,000 Judi M. Newhart, Judi M. and Michael Rencavage to Robin E. and Andrea J. Gwynn, Lot 116, Orchard View Terrace, Dallas Township; $183,502 Natalie Van Horn and Natalie Fiore to Anthony M. Powell, Lot 44B, Northview Plot, Harveys Lake borough; $3,000 Anthony M. Powell to William A. Wylie and Stacy L. Meigs, Lot 44B Northview Plot, Harveys Lake Borough; $3,000 Terry G. and Joann Jones to Ronald D. and Nicole Scavone, Lake Township; $27,500 Krishnakant A. and Priti K Patel to Michael and Theresa Gatusky Tomalis, Lot 9, Deer Meadows Estate, Dallas Bor- ough; $385,000 Jeffrey D. Longaven to Samara Mitkowski, 1725 Chase Road, Jackson Township; $102,000 Bank of New York Mellon and Ocwen Loan Servicing LLC to Kevin Smith, 149 Pinecrest Ave., Dallas Borough; $93,199 and coffee. THURSDAY: Salisbury steak, gravy, roasted beets, scal- loped potatoes, whole wheat dinner roll, carrot cake, marga- rine, milk and coffee. FRIDAY: Hamburger, lettuce, tomato, sautéed onions, broc- coli salad, oven fries, bean soup, - crackers, ketchup, sandwich roll, birthday cake, margarine, milk and coffee. The Fourth Annual Blue Chip Farm Animal Refuge Benefit Dance will be held from 6 to 11 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 20 at the Wilkes-Barre Township Fire Hall Ticket price is $25. Tickets can be ordered by calling 333- 5265, at the farm or at the door. There will be food, snacks, re- freshments and music by The Sperazza Band. This is a BYOB event. There will also be a Chinese Auction, a 50/50 drawing, door prizes and basket raffles. Breakfast buffet set The Noxen Fire Co. will hold a breakfast buffet from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 21 at the fire hall, Stull Road, Noxen. Price is $8 for adults and $4 for children under 12 years of age. Legion officers will be installed Daddow-Isaacs Dallas Amer- ican Legion Post 672 will install officers at 2 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 21. Refreshments will be served. District Commander John Emil Sr. will conduct the installation. Join Nittany Lion for brunch at [rem Have brunch with Penn State University’s mascot, the Nittany Lion, and the Lion Ambassadors from 9 a.m .to 2 p.m. on on Sunday, Oct. 21 in the Irem Clubhouse Restaurant, 64 Ridg- way Drive, Dallas. Wear your blue and white and take pictures with this furry celebrity. The buffet includes the chef’s omelet station, a pastry station featuring the famous “grilled stickies a la mode.” Cost is $11.95 per person or $6.95 for children under age 12. Reservations are recommended and may be made by calling 675-1134, ext. 102. Mercy Center hosts fine arts show Mercy Center Skilled Nursing & Personal Care will hold an October Fest and Fine Arts Show from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Oct. 23. The public is invited to attend and participate in this free event as there is no charge to display works. Space is available in the Rivers Room of the facility. Refreshments will be served. For more information, call 674- 6945 Chamber luncheon set for Oct. 23 William Lewis, CFP, AEP, Vice President and Managing Director of Peoples Wealth Management, and Alan Dakey, President and CEO of Peoples Neighborhood Bank, will speak at the Wyoming County Cham- ber of Commerce Economic Luncheon from 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Oct. 23 at The Comfort Inn & Suites. Lunch from Re- mington’s Restaurant will be provided. To reserve seats, contact Deborah by phone at 875-8325 or by e-mail at Debo- Seating will be limited to one representative per business. Pow-Wow program comes to BMML Back Mountain Memorial Library will host the Common- wealth Speaker, Candace Kintz- er Perry’s presentation, “The Pow-Wow Principle: Pennsylva- nia German Folk Healing” at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 24. Explore the heritage of Pow- Wow or the practice of folk/ faith healing that was common among Pennsylvania Germans in the 19th and 20th centuries. This presentation is a pro- gram of the Pennsylvania Hu- manities Council supported in part by National Endowment for the Humanities. EAL ESTATE www. 4 aS 3138 Memorial Hwy., Dallas Long Across From Agway (570) 675-4400 DALLAS BOROUGH Great Location for Family living- Great Condition, 3 Bedroom 2 & 1/2 Bath, Heated Garage, LG Corner Lot Across from Park, 18 x 36 Pool. Asking $209,900 Call Richard Today for Showing 570-406-2438 DALLAS - JACKSON ST. Great home in great location. Paved drive, oversized garage, new stainless steel appliances and new patio. A must see! $179,900 Call Richard for private showing 570-406-2438 Dallas resident Ma Bank, Forty Fort. ggie Fannick displays artwork at Citizens Si i i Maggie Fannick displays artwork at Citizens Bank The Forty Fort branch of Citizens Bank is hosting an art exhibit by Maggie Fan- nick of Dallas. Fannick, a junior at Dallas High School, works in col- ored pencil, acrylic, ink, graphite, watercolor, mixed media and her personal fa- vorite, pastel. Among the artworks are landscapes, still lifes, illus- trations, eight colorful flo- rals, an eye-catching still life of gift bows and her personal favorites of several animal portraits. Her sense of humor is cap- tured in two pen and ink il- lustrations. Fannick, who plans a ca- reer in engineering, has studied art for many years with Sue Hand, Dallas as well as professional illustra- tor Michael Hiscox, of Kutz- town. She is a consistent prize- winning artist in various competitions and exhibi- tions. Fannick is also a prize-win- ning distance runner and is currently working on an acrylic action portrait of her- self while in competition with the Dallas track team. The public is invited to view the exhibition which will continue through Nov at the Citizens Bank on @ corner of Welles Street a Wyoming Avenue, Fort. For more information, con- tact Sue Hand at 675-5094. Forty 605 APPLETREE ROAD, HARDING Looking for a brick ranch that needs nothing? This one has it all. Beautiful over 1 acre lot, detached 3 car garage and attached 2 car garage. Modern kitchen with center island, gas fireplace, Ir/dr combo, modern bath, central air. MLS #12-3522 Call Luann 602-9280 $224,900 Atlas Realty, Inc. 829-6200 » i Slagle Niew Why wait... Rates are good, the view is breathtaking severi FOUR Jenkins Township | lots just south of Pittston are the nicest you'll find. Buy a lot home package very reasonably priced } between $325,000 and $350,000 Brokers welcome. Spec Home available for viewing at River Shores, corner of Susquehanna and Erie St in West Pittston. Open House on Sunday between 12 and 3. NM These 881-2144 | Atlas Realty, Inc. 829-6200 « 310 LOCKVILLE RD., HARDING Enjoy the serenity of country living in this beautiful two story home on 2.23 acres. Surrounded by nature the property has its own private driveway from 91. Kitchen opens to new family room, three car attached garage PLUS another 2 car detached garage. A MUST SEE!! MLS #12-3496. Call Nancy 237-0752 or Melissa 237-6384 $289,900 We Sell Happiness! RE i I sD A CE A re AA I, ee SL Ll... a, ., a.
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