§ i | { a) § 4 | 3 Sunday, July 1, 2012 THE DALLAS POST PAGE 9 BOYLE IS RED JONES AWARD WINNER Lake-Lehman High School graduate Kristen Boyle, right, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Boyle, receives the Red Jones Award from Lake-Lehman High School Principal Doug Klopp. The award is presented to a male and female student | who represents leadership. KATCHKO IS RED JONES AWARD WINNER Lake-Lehman Senior Class President Kevin Katchko, right, receives the Red Jones Award for his leadership abilities from Doup Klopp, Lake-Lehman High School principal. Katchko is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Katchko Sr., of Sweet Valley. BENNETT IS CITIZENSHIP AWARD WINNER Lake-Lehman High School graduate Lindsey Bennett, right, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Bennett, of Noxen, receives the Citizenship Award from Doug Klopp, high school principal. Locals among Sem Lower School award Wyoming Seminary present- ed awards to 24 outstanding Lower School students at the annual eighth-grade graduation ceremony held recently on the ' Lower School campus in Forty Fort. Back Mountain residents who received awards were: | Alexandra Cuddy, Shavertown, The Mary Mazzitelli Memorial Music Leadership Award; Ga- brielle Grossman, Shavertown, The Marjorie Harvey Smith Award (outstanding conduct, blue team), The Bessie G. At- wood English Award, The John Hughes Memorial Mathe- @: Award, The Margaret M. ck Memorial Award (Latin) ‘and The Wilkes-Barre Day School Trustees Prize (best | scholastic performance of the year. Jake Kolessar, Shavertown, winners The Dean’s Award (all-around student and school loyalty). Alex McCarthy, Dallas, The Irma Meyer Award (excellence in art). Jacqueline Meuser, Shaver- town, The Marjorie Harvey Smith Award (outstanding con- duct, white team) and The Ha- rold and Mollie Cruikshank Award (service and character). Elijah Miller, Dallas, The Margaret M. Stack Memorial Award (Spanish). Leana Pande, Shavertown, The Irma Meyer Award (excel- lence in art); Jacob Ridilla, Sha- vertown, The Dean’s Award (all-around student and school loyalty). Megha Sarada, Dallas, The Anna M. Olcott Award (scholar- ship and conduct); Memorial Science Award. GORSKI IS CITIZENSHIP AWARD WINNER Doug Klopp, left, Lake-Lehman High School principal, pre- sents Matthew Gorski with the Citizenship Award during com- mencement ceremonies. Gorski is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Brian Gorski, of Shavertown. TALACKA IS JAMES NICHOLAS AWARD WINNER Lake-Lehman High School graduate Taryn Talacka, right, re- ceives the James Nicholas Award from Doug Klopp, high school principal. icholas was a principal at Lake-Lehman Senior High School during the 1970s. Each year, his family donates a mone- tary award to a deserving student in his memory. Talacka is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Steven Talacka, of Dallas. Wyoming Seminary Lower School graduates are, from left, first row, Kira Zack, Dupont; Courtney Sminkey, Laurel Run; Megan Obeid, Pittston; Kaelyn Hassey, Exeter; and Elizabeth Kulick, Bear Creek Township. Second row, Jacob Schall,Hunlock Creek; Richard Hughes IV, Mountain Top; | Jacqueline Meuser, Shavertown; Leana Pande, Shavertown; Dominque DiLeo; Lindsey Lacomis, | Bear Creek Twp.; Gabrielle Grossman, Shavertown; Emily Peairs, Clarks Summit; Katherine Pa- | glia, Shavertown; Andrew Sarnevitz, Kingston; and Jared Godlewski, Pittston. Third row, Jody Karg, Pittston; Alexandra Zaloga, Moosic; Isabella Cordaro, Moscow; Dominique Coslett, Harveys | Lake; Alexandra Cuddy, Shavertown; MeghaSarada, Dallas; Louise Cornell, Mountain Top; Miranda Pace, Noxen; and Marissa Lacomis, Bear Creek Twp. Fourth row, Satyasasran Sreeharikesan, | Wilkes-Barre; Gokulan Gnanendran, Clarks Summit; Sujay Murthy, Larksville; Alexander Grosek, | Kingston; Robert Mericle, Shavertown; Connor Graham, Shavertown; Andrew Alday, Mountain Top; Stefan Olsen, Pittston; and Alexander McCarthy, Dallas. Fifth row, Joseph Gaudino, King- ston; Kevin Platt, Dallas; Garrett Boyd, Sugarloaf; Morgan Ravenscroft, Waverly; Kyle Hall, Sha- vertown; Jacob Ridilla, Shavertown; Samuel Parente, Tunkhannock; Hunter Hughes, Kingston; Elijah Miller, Dallas; and Jake Kolessar, Shavertown. Lower School students graduate Wyoming Seminary Lower School recently held a gradua- | tion ceremony for its class of 44 eighth-grade students. The Rev. Charles Carrick, ' Wyoming Seminary chaplain, | gave the invocation and bene- \ diction, and awards were pre- sented by President Kip P. Ny- | gren, Interim Dean of Middle ' School William Davis and Mid- dle-School Coordinator Eddie Plaksa. Richard Hughes IV, of Moun- tain Top, gave the graduation address, while Dean of Upper School Jay Harvey gave the fac- ulty response. Bernardine Vojtko, Lower School creative movement teacher, received the Frances and Louis Maslow Lower School Award for excellence in teaching, while eighth-grade sci- ence teacher Lisa Iskra received the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry of the United Methodist Church Ex- amplary Teacher Award. The ceremony ended with a traditional punch and cookies reception for the graduates on the front lawn of the Lower School. Send items for publication in The Dallas Post to news@mydallaspost.com SCHOOL BRIEFS Theatre camp registration This is the final week to regis- ter for the annual Misericordia University Theatre Camp for children ages 7-15 set for July 9-13 in Lemmond Theatre. Under the direction of Gina Major and a staff of professional and experienced actresses, choreographers and character development coaches, the camp offers students with or without experience on stage, the chance to hone their skills in theatre arts: acting, singing, theatre movement, interpretation, char- acter development, on stage expression, as well as skills that serve students well in all areas of their lives such as public speaking, confidence, improvisa- tion, language and reading pro- gress. Call 674-6289 for information. Concert slated The Wyoming Seminary Per- forming Arts Institute (PAI) will present a special appearance by the Power of Ten Little Big Band at 7 p.m. on Monday, July 2 at the River Commons, Wilkes-Barre. The performance is free and open to the public. For more information, call 270-2186. SLIC club will honor veterans The Student Leadership in Civics Club at Dallas will honor purple heart and gold star recip- ients at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, July 3 at the Dallas High School. For more information, email slic@dallassd.com. Chamber Recital planned at Seminary The Wyoming Seminary Per- forming Arts Institute (PAI) will present a Student Solo and Chamber Recital at 8 p.m. on July 5, July 11, July 18, July 25, July 31 and Aug. 1 in the Great Hall of Wyoming Seminary, 228 Wyoming Ave., Kingston. The recitals are free and open to the public. For more informa- tion, call 270-2186. Student solos set The Wyoming Seminary Per- forming Arts Institute (PAI) will present a Faculty Solo and Chamber Recital at 8p.m. on Tuesday, July 3 and Monday, July 23 in the Great Hall of Wyoming Seminary, 228 Wyom- ing Ave., Kingston. The recitals are free and open to the public. For more informa- tion, call 270-2186. Concerts slated The Wyoming Seminary Per- forming Arts Institute (PAI) will present music by the Wind Ensemble and the Jazz En- semble at 8 p.m. on July 6, July 13, July 20 and July 27 in the Buckingham Performing Arts Center on the campus of Wyom- ing Seminary, North Sprague Avenue, Kingston. The recitals are free and open to the public. For more informa- tion, call 270-2186. Music programs set The Wyoming Seminary Per- forming Arts Institute (PAI) will present a special performance by its Masterworks Chorale, Chamber Orchestra, Institute Chorus and Symphony Orches- tra at 8 p.m. on July 7, July 14, July 21 and July 28 at the Great Hall of Wyoming Seminary, 228 Wyoming Ave., Kingston. The performances are free and open to the public. For more information, call 270-2186. PAI presents Cabaret Recital The Wyoming Seminary Per- forming Arts Institute (PAI) will present a Cabaret Recital at 8 p.m. on Thursday, July 12 in the Buckingham Performing Arts Center on the campus of Wyom- ing Seminary, North Sprague Avenue, Kingston. The performance is free and open to the public. For more information, call 270-2186. Lake-Noxen Class of 1959 will meet The Lake-Noxen Class of 1959 will meet at 6 p.m. on Thursday, July 12 at Grotto Pizza, Harveys Lake. The class will celebrate those turning “70” at 6 p.m. on August 10 at Grotto Pizza, Harveys Lake. Karaoke and open mike will be available for sharing songs, poems, jokes, stories, etc. Open house at King’s College King’s College will host an on-campus open house from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, July 14 for area high school students and their families. Participants will have an opportunity to attend three 45-minute sessions on the di- verse academic majors at King’s. Sessions on financial aid, career planning and placement, as well as honors, study abroad and internship programs, as well as a panel discussion of student life at King’s. To register, log onto www.kings.edu/admissions/ admission_events. For more information, contact Thomas Landon, associate director of admissions, at 208-8389. Jazz concert slated The Wyoming Seminary Per- forming Arts Institute (PAI) will present nationally-acclaimed jazz drummer, educator, author and percussion product design- er Steve Fidyk in a special con- cert of jazz music at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, July 17 at the River Commons in Wilkes-Barre. The concert is free and open to the public. For more informa- tion, call 270-2186. Dance program set The Wyoming Seminary Per- forming Arts Institute (PAI) will present the annual PAI Dance Company Production at 3 p.m. on Sunday, July 22 in the Buck- ingham Performing Arts Center, on the campus of Wyoming Seminary, North Sprague Ave- nue, Kingston. The performance is free and open to the public. For more information, call 270-2186.
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