PAGE 4 THE DALLAS POST Sunday, July 1, 2012 A Bazaar time! I: was a beautiful weekend for a bazaar and the good folks at Gate of Heaven Church in Dallas took advantage of the weather to have a great time at their annual event. CHARLOTTE BARTIZEK PHOTOS/ FOR THE DALLAS POST George Hrubowchak turns the chance wheel at Gate of Heaven's annual bazaar. Stephen, Ted and Diane Ruch, of Shavertown, buy tickets at the annual Gate of Heaven Bazaar. Loved ones remembered with books The following memorial/ honor books have been placed in the Back Mountain Memo- rial Library, 96 Huntsville Road, Dallas for the month of June 2012: In memory of Fred Krohle, “The Hare with Amber Eyes” by Edmund de Waal, presented by Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Mo- ran; “Worth Every Penny” by Sarah Petty, presented by Joanne Runner In memory of Gloria K. Hill, “Stolen Prey” by John Sand- ford, presented by Karen Lyons In memory of Ryan Paul Schuler, “The Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding” by Robert Ken- nedy, presented by Ken and Sa- rah Kashatus In memory of Mary Mohr, “Zen” (DVD), presented by Eleanor Bucknavage; “Mom- mom”, “The Complete Inspec- tor Lewis” (DVD), presented by Erin, Rich, Chance and Maycee Yanoski The following DVDs are in memory of Mary Mohr and are presented by FANN: “I, Claudi- us” and “The Song of Lunch” The following DVDs are in memory of Mary Mohr and are presented by Ronald and Joy Whitby: “Oceans” and “Mars: The Red Planet” In memory of M. Evelyn Hopkins Love, “A Tale of Two Cities” (DVD), presented by Mrs. Marcella Marlin; “Little Dorrit” (DVD), presented by Harry Nageli; “Let Love Find You” by Johanna Lindsey, pre- sented by Florence and Robert Sherwood; “Birdsong” (DVD), presented by Shirley Zimmer- man The following DVDs are in memory of Evelyn Hopkins Love and are presented by Donna and William Hall, Jr. “Page Eight,” “Wuthering Heights” and “Any Human Heart” The following books are in memory of Martha Wheeler and are presented by the board of directors of BMML: “First Flight” by Noriko and Don Car- roll and “Tanagers, Cardinals, & Finches of the U.S. & Cana- da” by David Beadle Library sets children’s programs © The following children’s pro- grams are scheduled for July by the Back Mountain Memorial Li- brary: “The Night Sky” will be presented by Dr. Michael Orleski, of Misericordia University, from 1 to 2 p.m. on Wednesday, July 11in the Children’s Room. Learn the wonders you can see in the night sky. All ages are welcome. “Kathy’s Nocturnal Friends” will be presented from 2 to 3 p.m. on Thursday, July 19 in the Chil- dren’s Room. Kathy Kelchner, En- vironmental Educator at Frances Slocum State Park, will present and explain the animals that are active at night. All ages are wel- come. “Night Shivers with Deadtime Stories Authors” will chill your bones from 2 to 3 p.m. on Tues- day, July 24 in the Children’s Room. Children ages 8 and older are invited to meet the authors, Gina and Annette Cascone. Watch their books come to life in a movie and learn what it takes to be an author. “Owl Adaptations” is sched- uled for 1 to 2 p.m. on Tuesday, July 31 in the Children’s Room. Bill Williams of the Pennsylvania Game Commission will discuss the owls of Pennsylvania, where they live, what they eat and how they help us. All ages are wel- come. Registration will begin two weeks before each special pro- gram date. CHARLOTTE BARTIZEK/ FOR THE DALLAS POST Fred the Bear, mascot of the Children’s Wing of the Back Mountain Memorial Library, and his friend Jacob Yatsko, of Harveys Lake, are still welcoming children and teens to the summer reading program, “Dream Big! READ!" CHURCH BRIEFS Spanish Bible Study every Sunday Back Mountain Harvest As- sembly offers a Spanish Bible Study from 9:45 to 10:45 a.m. every Sunday at the church, 340 Carverton Road, Trucksville. For more information, call the church office at 696-1128 or Luis/Stefano Rosario at 706- 1005. LIUM Church plans summer services The Lehman-Idetown United Methodist Church Summer Worship Services will be held from July 8 to August 19. This will include an 8:30 a.m. contemporary worship service and a traditional service at 10 a.m. A coffee break will be from 9:30 to 9:55 a.m. Book Fair will raise funds for school Orange United Methodist Church, West Eighth Street, Dallas, will host a Scholastic Book Fair from 6 to 8 p.m. on Wednesday, July 11; 10 a.m. to noon on Thursday, July 12 and Friday, July 13; 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, July 14; and 6 to 7:30 p.m. on Sunday, July 15. The Book Fair will feature a special Community Event witl read-alouds from 10:30 to 11:2 a.m. on Thursday, July pi | SOR Chicken barbeque at Trucksville UM Trucksville United Methodist Church Annual “Take Out” Summer BBQ will be held from 4:30 to 7 p.m. on Friday, July 13 at the church’s Educational Building, 40 Knob Hill Road, Trucksville. Tickets are now on sale at $8 for adults and $4 for children. The dinner includes a half chick- en, all the fixings and home- made dessert. To reserve tickets, call the church office at 696-3897 be- tween 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. Monday through Friday. Breakfast at HUMC The Huntsville United Metho- dist Church will host a breakfast from 8 to 11 a.m. on Saturday, July 14. Children and seniors eat free. Adult ticket, price is $7. Chil dren and seniors eat free. Strawberry social planned for July 15 The Orange United viene) Church in Dallas will host a strawberry social from 6 to 7:30 p. m, on July 15. For directions and tickets, call 855-9693 or 675-1513. OBITUARIES DENMON - Josephine Erma, 85, of Beaumont, died Thurs- day, June 21, 2012, in the Gold- en Living Center, East Moun- tain, Plains Township. She was born in Vernon and educated in Tunkhannock area schools. For many years, she was self-employed cleaning homes. She was a former member of the Beaumont Union Gospel Church where she taught Sun- day School and was involved in the Good News Club, which would meet in the Beaumont School. Surviving are children, Rus- sell Jr., Washington, N.J.; Phillip James, Dushore; Sandra Sim- mons, Alberton, Mont.; Jo Ann Stasik, Forty Fort; Howard, Cin- cinnati, Ohio; Donald, Mehoo- pany; Kevin, Sweet Valley; 17 grandchildren; 15 great-grand- children; two great-great-grand- children; sister, Loretta Thomp- son, Wooster, Ohio; nieces and nephews. Memorial donations to the Alzheimer’s Association, 57 N. Franklin St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701-1309. GREY - Betty Lou, 65, of Ben- ton Township, died Sunday, June 24, 2012, at her home. She was born December 8, 1946, in Bridgewater Twp., N.J. She owned and successfully op- erated Master Maid Cleaning business for 27 years. Surviving are her husband, Donald Robert Grey; sons, James, of Benton; Thomas, of Sweet Valley; daughter, Denise Farver, of Huntington Mills; six grandchildren; nieces and neph- ews. JURISH - Ruth M., 89, Dallas, died Monday, June 18, 2012, at Wilkes-Barre General Hospital after being stricken earlier. She was a graduate of Meyers High School, Wilkes-Barre, class of 1941. She had attended Gate of Heaven Church. Surviving are sons, John T., Wilkes-Barre; Thomas, Wilkes- Barre; daughter, Pamela Lipski, Shavertown; five grandchildren; two great-grandchildren; broth- ers, Charles Rollman, Shaver- town; Frank Rollman, Dallas; sisters, Catherine Monroe, Wer- nersville; Helen Rollman, Wilkes-Barre; Elizabeth McGui- gan, Laurel, Md.; Joan Hof- mann, Mt. Airy, Md.; Claire Kot- ula, Camillus, N.Y.; and Marga- ret Thomas, Dallas. Memorial donations to CEO Weinberg Food Bank, c/o P.O. Box 1277, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 18703-1277. LYNE - Paul Henry, a native of Trucksville, died Saturday, June 23, 2012, at the Meadow View Nursing Home in Montrose. He was born February 18, 1924 and attended Kingston Township High School. He was a member of St. Ste- phens Episcopal Church in Wilkes-Barre and also sang with the Lyric Boys’ Chorus led by Alfred Camp, doing guest per- formances in such places as St. Bartholomew’s Church in New York City and other local ven- ues. In late years, he was a charter BACK MOUNTAIN BOWL Sicilian Pizza Wings Hoagies and More! Eat in and Take Out! Memorial Hwy Dallas * 675-5026 member of the Endless Moun- tains Barbershop Chorus in Tunkhannock, where he also sang bass with a quartet called “The Neighborhood Boys.” He was drafted, received basic training at Camp Croft in South Carolina, shipped out along with some 14,999 others on the Queen Mary for Liverpool, En- gland. He traveled by land and sea to LaHavre, France, where his unit, the 78th Lightning Di- vision, headed on foot to Schmidt, Germany. From there, after encountering some serious fighting, they arrived at the Rhine River. Their unit was the first ordered to cross the river on the Remagen Bridge, which was under siege by the German Air Force. After being wounded in ac- tion, he recovered after several surgeries and returned to Mesh- oppen, where he received an ap- pointment to the Postal Service and carried mail on Rt. No. 2 for 32 years, retiring on November 15, 1980. During the ’70s and "80s, he installed carpet for Ken Mar Home Furnishing. He was a 4-H Horse and Pony Leader, worked with Scoutmas- ter Whitie Craige and the Boy Scouts, was a Past Master of Franklin Lodge #263, F&AM, The Valley of Bloomsburg Con- sistory and the Irem Shrine. Surviving are his wife of 62 years, Inez Roberts Lyne; his three children, Larry S., of South Auburn; Cris A. Wiswell, of Tunkhannock; and Tim R., of Mechanicsburg; six grandchil- dren; three great-grandchildren; nieces, nephews and cousins. Memorial donations to the Meshoppen United Methodist Church, PO Box 159, Church St., Meshoppen, PA. 18630 or the Franklin Lodge #263, PO Box 86, Laceyville, PA 18623. NOTHEN - 1st Sgt. Hank W. Nothen, United States Marine Corps, Ret., (Sarge), of Dallas, died Wednesday, June 20, 2012, at Wilkes-Barre General Hospi- tal. He was born on August 1, 1953, in Utrecht, Netherlands and raised in Paterson, N.J. He joined the Marine Corps on January 31, 1972. His service included duty in Marine Corps Aviation as Crash, Fire and Res- cue, Drill Instructor and Instruc- tor Drill Instructor School, MCRD Parris Island, S.C. He then served as 1st Sgt. Inde- pendent Instructor Staff, Marine Corps Training Center, Wyom- ing. He was a Vietnam Era veteran and Gulf War veteran, retiring in LANDSCAPING AND DCF. \.N] |) [cl COMPLETE LANDSCAPING NEW LAWNS - YARD PROJECTS TOP SOIL, FILL & GRAVEL SPREAD PAVERS, FIELD STONE, FLAGSTONE AND CONCRETE SHRUBS & BUSHES REMOVED 760-4797M LOTS CLEARED - TREES REMOVED DRAINAGE PROBLEMS SOLVED WALLS, WALKS & DRIVEWAYS DEMOLISHED SPECIALIZING IN - INGROUND POOL FILL - IN 1993. After leaving the Marine Corps, he was employed by Martz Trailways, the Luzerne County Sheriff's Department and, most recently, with the law firm of Hourigan, Kluger and Quinn. He was a member of V.EW. Post 283, Kingston and the Ma- rine Corps League, Northeast * Eliminate Green Stains * Eliminate Chlorine » Eliminate Bad Odors * Filtering WATER PROBLEMS? WE CAN HELP! Commercial & Industrial Water Treatment REMOVE IRON, RUST, BACTERIA, MANGANESE, SULFUR, LEAD, GIARDIA, TOXIC CONTAMINATION ALL WATER PROBLEMS SOLVED * Eliminate Methane * Correct Hard Water Detachment, Scranton. Surviving are his wife, Rosalie Baran Nothen, formerly of Nan- ticoke; son, Shonne, Lititz; daughter, Amanda Nothen Ca- prari, Dupont; four grandchil- dren; sister, Gerrie Salleme, Beaufort, S.C.; brother, Jimmy, Wyoming; nieces, a nephew and cousins. * Bacteria Protection « Ultra Violet Disinfection * Reverse Osmosis systems Toll Free: 888-442-0349 ¢ Local: 570-586-4436 www. Water Medic Inc. 501 Pittston Blvd. * Dupont, PA 18641 / 3 RehabiBsstion Assocdstes, PC Most Insurances «Mac. Pinnacle Rehabilitation Associates Kevin M. Barno, MPT ¢ K. Bridget Barno, PT Sharon Marranca, MPT ¢ Hal Glatz, MPT ¢ Maria Hall, PTA 520 Third Avenue * Kingston DO YOU HAVE ARTHRITIS OF THE SPINE OR HERNIATED DISCS? WE DON’T NEED MIRACLES! Our expert hands-on treatment will improve your mobility, strength and decrease your pain. cepted. Most Insurances Do NOT Require A Referral CALL 714-6460 TODAY!
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