PAGE 6 EDITORIAL Sunday, February 19, 2012 | Joe Butkiewicz EXECUTIVE EDITOR 829-7249 The Dallas Post Community Newspaper Group THE TIMES LEADER 15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, Pa. 18711 ® 570-675-521 Diane McGee ADVERTISING 970-7153 Dotty Martin EDITOR 970-7440 Advice to teen drivers Dear Editor: I have been following the letters in the newspaper by the young drivers and the new laws they have to conform to and don’t like. There is a law they should understand and have a complete un- derstating of and it’s not written in any driving manual, Bible, To- rah or Koran. It’s in a physics book. It is Sir Isaac Newton's third law of motion that stays “For every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction.” It’s caused by the push of gravity and affects everyone 24/7. Learn it, understand it and don’t drive until you do! It will save someone’s life, if not your own. I cannot think of a more insulting act of humiliation than being killed in an auto crash by some know-it-all who slipped through the cracks at driving school. Fred F. Murray Shavertown The paintings of Charles G. Weidemann are currently on display at the Back Mountain Memorial Library. Library displays paintings The Back Mountain Memorial Library, 96 Huntsville Rd., Dal- las, is displaying a collection of paintings by renowned artist, Charles G. Weidemann, as the Art Wall exhibit for the month of February. Weidemann lived in many dif- ferent places, including Trucks- ville, before his death in 2010. He was a passionate artist and shared his enthusiasm of paint- ing by studying with famous art- ists Frank Schoonover and N.C. Wyeth. He showed and sold his work at exhibits and galleries in Sioux Falls and Sioux City, IA. Weide- mann also entered his paintings in various competitions and has won several prizes. He was happy to be able to share his love of art by teaching classes for adult edu- cation. The five paintings currently on exhibit have been generously do- nated to the Back Mountain Me- morial Library and are now avail- able for purchase with all pro- ceeds benefiting the library. The paintings may be viewed during normal library hours from 9:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday and from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Friday and Sat- urday. Where summer and winter collide - on a deck with a little ice at Harveys Lake. This photo is courtesy of Jill Spencer, of Lehman. "YOUR SPACE" is reserved specifically for Dallas Post readers who have something they'd like to share with fellow readers. Submitted items may include photo- graphs or short stories and should be sent via e-mail to, by YOUR SPACE fax to 675-3650 or by mail to The Dallas Post, 15 N. Main St., Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711. Information must include the submitting person's name, address and telephone num- ber in the event we have questions. Readers wishing to have their photos returned cation. should include a self-addressed/stamped envelope. der in which they are received. The editor of The Dallas Post reserves the Items will be published in the or- VU right to reject any items submitted for publi- J 20 YEARS AGO -1992 Members of six Back Moun- tain churches met last Friday to plan “Russia with Love,” a food collection for Russia. The com- mittee includes Jason Bland- ford, Karla Narkiewicz, Jean Brennan, Cindy Ursiak, Morag Michael, Rev. Michael Bealla of YESTERDAY UMC, Deb Blandford, Dotti Markoski and Linda Festa. Pack 155 sponsored by Trucks- ville UM. Church recently held their Boat Races at the Educa- tional Building. Winners were: 1st place, Kevin Yurko; 2nd place, C.J. Tyrell; 3rd place, Mike Ferko; and 4th place, Gary Youngblood. 30 YEAR AGO - 1982 The Liva family, led by their fa- ther Ferdinand R. Liva, conduc- tor of Sinfonia de Camera, the professional orchestra in resi- dence at College Misericordia, recently presented a classical music concert for students of Dallas Junior High. Liva was as- sisted by his children, Ferdi- nand, Jr., Victor, Mark and Nina. Dallas Kiwanis Club is com- pleting plans for a Valentine’s Day Dance to be held Friday eve- ning at Irem Temple Country Club. Walter Roberts is chair- man of the affair; Maurice Lind- quist is cochairman. 40 YEARS AGO -1972 Brett Slocum received his God and Country award recently dur- ing services at the Dallas United Methodist Church. John J. Juris, scoutmaster of Troop 281, and the Rev. Douglas N. Akers con- ducted the ceremonies. Brett, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Slocum, earned his award fol- lowing a year-long program of study and service in the church. District Chorus members who will represent Dallas Senior High School Saturday night in concert are Nancy Pichert, Bruce Dodson, Linda Wentz, Paul Jordan, Patti Lewis, David Voelker, Debra Philo and Judith MacAvoy. Director is Mrs. Sher- wood. 50 YEARS AGO -1962 Back Mountain Horseshoe 4-H met on Saturday at Lehman Fire Hall for election of officers and the showing of two films en- titled, “Howe To Catch A Cold” and “The County Agricultural Agent.” Officers elected were Tom Estus, President; Lee John- son, Vice-President; Judy Cris- pell, Treasurer; David Spencer, Recording Secretary; and Stuart Lacy, Corresponding Secretary. Mrs. Alva Eagleston, presi- dent of Dallas Senior Woman’s Club, Mrs. M..J. Brown, and Mrs. Joseph Schneider were hostesses at the Club’s Annual Valentine’s Dance held at the Irem Temple Country Club Sat- urday. Mrs. Sherman Harter was General Chairman and Mrs. Jack Stanley, Co-Chairman. 60 YEARS AGO -1952 Co-Captains Bob Bellas and Jack Williams accepted the Old Shoe Trophy, which is symbolic of the Back Mountain area scho- lastic - football championship, from Sheldon Mosier of the Dal- las Rotary Club. Dallas Town- ship captured the title by upset- ting the favored Westmoreland High School eleven on Thanks- giving morning. Jackson Township Volunteer Fire department celebrated its fourth anniversary at a dinner served in Trucksville Fire hall by Trucksville Auxiliary Saturday evening. Louis Wilcox was toast- master. 70 YEARS AGO -1942 A luscious rose satin comfort- er which will be chanced off by Dallas Township Parent teacher Association was completed by ladies of the East Dallas Metho- dist Church at an all-day quilting at the home of Mrs. John Hilde- brandt Tuesday. Those who helped put the final stitches in the comforter on Tuesday wee; Mrs. Robert Hislop, Mrs. Geof Snyder, Mrs. Harry Martin, MI Miles Lamoreaux, Mrs. Jennie Moore, Mrs. Ben Brace and Mrs. Heildebrandt. ; Mrs. W.H.J. McIntyre of Pio- neer Avenue is chairman of the annual public ensemble recital which will be given in the Marga- ret Memorial Chapel in King- ston by the Mozart Club Mon- day evening. Compositions of Beethoven, Grieg and Strauss ar- ranged for two pianos will be played by Ruth Dorothy Wil- liams and Lillian Rood Oliver, by Mrs. Gaylord Smith and Mrs. McIntyre, and by Mrs. Lloyd Gea orge and Mrs. Wayne Gordon) Information for “Only Yester- day” is taken from past issues of The Dallas Post which is 122 vears old. The information is printed here exactly as it ap- peared in the newspaper vears ago. MENTS IN The History Channel e On Feb. 28,1940, Mario An- dretti, whose name will become synonymous with American au- to racing, is born in Montona, Italy. He officially retired from racing in 1994 as the only driver to ever win the Indianapolis 500, Daytona 500 and a Formu- la One championship. ® On March 4, 1966, a John Lennon quotation that was ig- nored in England set off a media frenzy in America: “We're more popular than Jesus now.” Bible Belt disc jockeys declared Len- non’s remarks blasphemous and vowed an eternal ban on all Beatles music. e On Feb. 29, 1980, the iconic glasses worn by rock 'n’ roll pio- neer Buddy Holly, lost since his death in a plane crash in 1959, are found in Mason City, Iowa. The plane wreckage was strewn across snow-covered cornfields, and the glasses weren't found until the snow melted. “Because they helped the country fight in wars and keep the country safe in peace time.” Lukas Volpetti Shavertown “WHY DO WE CELEBRATE PRESIDENTS’ DAY?" “To thank the presi- dents who helped our country in war and the ones who help fix the economy." Shelly Carr Dallas “To honor them be- cause they did such a great job. Well, they all tried to do a good job." Paige Boyle Dallas “It's nice to honor our history and the things the presidents accom- plished. It's a patriotic thing.” Samuel Reinert Dallas "To honor the presi- dents. After all, they did a lot of good things for us and they give good speeches.” Elaina Tomaselli Trucksville “Because they made our country free and: send our soldiers to , % war. } Lenny Kelley Dallas A i ER
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