TL 2 Lin M AIN T HING ON MAIN STREET” | rm Ruz STREET'S FOREMOST NEWSPAPER MAIN CUROSITY ON MAIN STREET : THE EXPRESS MAM i STOPPED AT THE SMITHS YESTERDAY WITH A PACKAGE. — So DD T™E REST OF THE NEIGHBORS. THE EXPRESS MAN ) JUST STOPPED ONER AT THE SMITHS — CMON VER AN’ LES SEE WHAT THEY'RE a . GETTIN’ 8 WAIT TiLL I Z] GO CALL MILLY womeMBER THE FUNNY OLD TABLE THEY GOT T= LAST TiME TRE YAS THERE ? NES — SOME ONE SAID \T "HAD SucH PRETTY LEGS AN’ MY MAN HADTA EXPRESS MAN RUN. RIGHT OVER AN’ TAKE A GOSH, YA CAN'T BUY A NEW SUIT OF UNDIES IN THIS BURG FORE THE WHOLE Town KNOWS (T Christmas Letter to Dallas ost—Is Missionary in China ~ C. P. O. Box 1234, Shanghai, China, November 7, 1929. I er Editor: Christmas is coming before long en people feel as much like children they ever do, and think as much about them, ‘so lot me tell you a bit n after coming to China I went missionary to see an idol tem- he missionary preached to the ddhist priests. They didn’t seem ressed with the message. The mis- said to me: “There is not ne for these old priests. They ‘med idol worshippers.” I surprised at. his - remark, feeling ned priests. Leaving the “had to pass ' through "a sate-keepers,” fierce, savage, ith hands upraised ready to hose mother was bringing it ple to worship. As we * by the little one was th fright; but the mother one’s hands up and made e "1 med idolaters. They are taught to worship idols ‘even when hina was: wot. in preaching | « : riests, though that must not lected—but was in getting the So as soon as I could talk / se and a missionary lady sug- ested starting a Ragged Sunday S 1 for the street kiddies not far “her home, I was ready to help. ked the dairyman if we could’ ve his shed. He consented. So we hal first Ragged Sunday school and crowds of little people came. How i they ‘did delight to sing “Ya-su-ai-ngo”’ 2 (Jesus Loves Me). Many of that cow-shed Sunday school came to love Jesus and became useful 'members of the church. When I came to Shang: and went {0 bout preaching, children a-plenty were on the strets. I remembered that Sunday school and wanted these “yaller’ people to have the same joys. x rented a room and started a Sunday ~ school with no pupils! I stood inside and sang, “Jesus Loves Me.” Chil- dren came to the door, I was glad and said “Come in,” The kiddies ran for home as fast as their legs could y ‘They had heard that fore gners use eyes and hearts of ese children to make medicine for tern children. I sang again and g people came to listen. The wee ones took courage and peeped in. I talked of Jesus and His love for little d big people, and gave the kiddies ‘cards, asked them to cone again and bring their friends and I would give all’ cards. Next Sunday ten 1e and the next twenty, then forty .” They learned to sing and sing and we literally sang the into their hearts. Now Jesus lots of little friends in Shanghai. hey do not run from me any more, n to me shoulting, “Jesus man ) and grasping my fingers lead me to the Sunday school. wish: Fou could know my wee ¥ rownies.” I am sure you would e them as I do. Every (Christmas I A ry to give them a jolly time, friends at home sending me money for their reat. Christmas is not far away and 7 am “already getting ready for the day. No Chinese kiddies will up their stockings and no home 1 have a Christmas tree. Christmas & ili be cold and bare for millions of ddies, but I like to bring brightness the lives of more than 800 of my es. They will delight as much ome foolish little toy as some n- ups at home do in a 'motor car. they receive the gifts their eyes le and they say a sweet “Zia-zia Thank, thank you. tI pays f giving and who knows how little hearts will be opened to g (iift through these little ‘Enclosed Christmas card— al piety. all have a Merry Christ~ Dallas Socials Mr. and Mrs. Elston Adelman spent Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ide. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ide and son Dean have returned home after motoring to New Jersey and New York. Mrs. Elwood McCarty and sons of Lehman and Mrs. Clifford Ide spent the day with their mother, Mrs. Wai- ter Brown. Rev. Anthony Iveson, pastor of the Primitive Methodist Church at Fern- brook, will deliver a sermon at the Fre Methodist Church in Dallas at 2:30, Sunday, December 18. Rev. Ive- son is an able preacher and the people of this community should take advan- tage of this opportunity to hear this wel known pulpit orator. Dallas M. E. Services at Dallas M. E. Church for the coming week will be as follows: Sunday morning worship, sermon theme, “The Mind of Christ;” follow- ing sermon there will be reception of new members into the church fellow- ship. Epworth League devotional ser- vice will be at 6:30 p. m.; the sub- ‘of the evening sermon at 7:30 will be “The Lost Crown.” Thig Sunday is “Christian Advocate Sunday.” Be sure to bring your renewals with you.. ‘The price of the Advocate is $2.50 per year. Tuesday night at 7:30 the offi- cial board will '‘neet at the church. All members of the board are urged to he present. Mid-week Bible study ser- vicerwill be held ‘Wednesday night at 7:30; choir rehearsal will be held Thursday at 7:30 p. m., all those in- terested in Christmas music should at- tend. On Friday night the Queen Esther Society will meet at._the home of Miss Elizabeth Culbert. The spirit of Christmas will be ushered in at the Huntsville Christian Church at the 9:30 service Sunday morning when the pastor will speak on “The Before-Christmas Anthem.” Bible school will immediately follow the morning service. A chicken supper and bazaar will be held on Wednesday, December 11, by the ladies of the Kast Dallas Church, beginning at. 5:3 a —— HIMMLER THEATRE TONIGHT “Thunderbolt” With GEORGE BANCROFT TUESDAY NIGHT “Forgotten Faces” With MARY BRIAN THURSDAY NIGHT “Fashions In Love” : With ADOLPH MEN JOU ‘NEXT SATURDAY NIGHT “China Bound” "With KARL DANE 53 FEO EE PE PR FE PE PER EA PER EE 3 PE PEPE bE Classified Advertisements WANTED Reliable man with references to sell Penn State Food Company products to stockmen. Closed territory. Steady of Digtributor, Box 29, paying business to live man. Apply Trucksville. | fione Dallas hi R-1. L GE aa I [IIIT Xmas Suggestions HIGH UALITY Electrical Equip For The Home Electric Cookers—Electric Heaters—Heating Pads—Electric Whippers— Toasters—Waffie Irons—Electric Kitty Kurlers—innumerable other objects, all designed to save time and trouble and produce a maximum of efficient work at a. minimum of cost. TIT home. Why stick to old-fashioned methods? ALSO AUTO EQUIPMENT SUCH AS HEATERS WINTER FRONTS WEED CHAINS PRESTONE AND ALCOHOL “Visit Our ED El a ECCT UM Liberate yourself from many irksome tasks by coming here and seeing how many things electricity can do for you that you now do yourself—you will be surprised at the low prices of the very finest grades of electrical equipment. You owe it to yourself to use as many electrical aids as possible in the ALSO ALUMINUMWARE GLASSWARE PYREX SKATES TOYS WATCHES CLOCKS AND OTHER USEFUL GIFTS SLEDS James R. OLIVER Main Street, Dallas
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