IN AND ABOUT DALLAS Mrs, George Frantz and: Miss Glen ice spent Thursday in Trucksville. and Mrs. Peorge Norton enter- Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Gibson of n spent Sunday with Mr. and ohn Anderson. and Mrs. Leslie Warhola enter- Friday evening at their thirty- redding anniversary. T.ewis, Loren Edwards wand s Turpin of Kingston spent v with Mr. and Mrs, Frederick Mr. ‘and Mrs. Wesley Barbar, Mrs. e Meirs and Charlotte Mintzer nt a few days in Ovid, N. Y, here ‘they visited Miss Mintzer’'s andmother, Mrs. John Coleman, who been quite ill, but is much im- Mr. and ‘Mrs. Lawrence Swartwood t Sutton Creek spent Sunday with and Mrs, James Wrisler. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Matukaitis of Fast Dallas entertained a large num- of friends from Scranten Sunday. re. XH. B. Lynn of Philadelphia spent the week-end with her parents, air. ‘and Mrs. W. M Spencer at Hays Corners. Ir. and Mrs. C, N. Booth enter- I over the week-end Mr. and Harvey Vincent of Norfolk, Va. a Tr. and Mrs. Nelson Booth of Mt. armel. alter and. William Rose attended thday party at the home of Mar- ie ‘Mann in Kingston last Thursday ening. , and Mrs. John Cummings en- ed Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ro- zelle ande children of Wilkes-Barre on Friday, 1 © Miss Ruth Martin of Wilkes-Barre spent last week at the home of Mr. nd Mrs. John Cummings. Mrs. Jennie Fitch is on the sick list his week. Mr. and Mrs. William Wilson ‘visited Mr. and Mrs. Archie White at Wilkes- arre Sunday. A Miss Gertrude Wilson spent Sunday evening with her ant, Mrs. Wesley Hoover. i . and Mrs. J, B. Scott spent Tues- elia Keiper visiting her sister, per. ih Mr. and Mrs. Janes Franklin en- sitained on Sunday ‘Mrs. evans of Wyoming and Mr. and Mrs. § .obert Bevens and two children, Mr, Mrs. Wilkam Franklin, Mr. and Arthur Franklin and son, James, Mrs. James ‘Mr. and Mrs. Bernice McNelis and ehi aren, Billy and Alice, visited the and Mrs. Jacob Gosart of Shawanese visited Mr. and Mrs. Wes- Kush Pembleton visited Wesley Hoover Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hoover spent ‘Wednesday afternoon in Willces- Barre on business. Irs, Gilbert Sutton ‘and sons, ~ Rebert and Billy, spent Saturday in Wilkes-Barre. Mr. and Mrs. James Franklin en- tained on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Fred ~ Franklin and daughter, eJan, of King- ston, and in the afternoon they mo- tored to the Hayfield Farm at Leh- i ~ span, where they were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kinsman. Mr. and Mrs, J. Elston of Forty Fort and Mrs. Henrietta Elston of Shaver- {own visited Mr. and Mrs Wesley Hoover Sunday evening. James Franklin shot a fine grey fox ast ‘week down in, ‘Broadway. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Oberst of Kingston visited Mr. and Mrs. Peter «Oberst Sunday. J B. Scott is improving his house Tit with a coat of paint which adds much to the appearance. Mrs. Frank Moore of East Dallas has been quite ill and is not much im- proved, {ieorge Stroh of Dallas township, © who is now past seventy-six years of age, stopped in to visit the Post this week and tell us that since the death of ‘his wife three weeks ago he has decided to give up housekeeping. Mr. Stroh has been a resident of Dallas township for ‘more than thirty-three years. On Saturday, November 30, he wil hold a public auction of his house- hold effects. Included in the furniture fox sale’ are a number of antiques. Among them several walnut tables, a walnut bedroom suite, sideboard and miiror. The sideboard is more thau 120 years old. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Himmler en- tertained on Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Smith of Kingston. The Ladies’ Aid Society of East ‘Dallas held its regularly monthly meeting at the Dallas parsonage. Plans were made for the chicken supper and bazaar to* be held Decem- per 11 at the Kast Dallas church. - Supper, 75 cents for adults and 25 cents for children, A delightful time ig assured all who attend. ‘Epworth League of East Dallas church held its regular business ‘meet- ing at the East Dallas church Friday evening. Harold Swank, infant son of Mr. and Mre. Lawrence Swank, is much im- ‘proved at this writing at theGeisinger hospital at Danville. ~ New Church Has Successful Event The new Church of the Prince of Peace in the Dallas district, held a very successful bridge-diner on Tues- day evening at the Bridge Inn, ‘Prucksville. The event was the first of a series to be given for the benefit of the new Episcopal congregation, which has been meeting in the Shavertown school and a substantial ‘amount was realized. Nearly a hundred members and friends enjoyed the delicious dinner which was followed by cards. Prizes rs. Fred Tucker, Mrs. Thomas, Miss iby Miss Bess Leach, Mrs. George , J. C. Lewis, Edgar Morgan, Ben S iowar and Mr. Ferguson. A num- guests attended from Scranton, Kingston and Wilkes- of Forty Fort William | Classmates F ollow On A A POEM Here's another one. This one is by Mildred Kocher, a Lake township senior: When you have attained the name of Senior : And your school days you are looking back o’er, May you have in your heart the feel- ing That through hard work you" have earned your goal. Oh, Juniors of the present day, The Seniors ask you to win your own fight, Through one more year of toil And stand on the platform of success And say, “I fought my own fight.” Sophomores oif this prosperous term, May you receive heaven’s reward And fight your way through two more years With diligence and undying honesty. And now to the ones who have just started this life, The freshmen of this year, May your footsteps lead you to the Senior door, ‘And may you say “The class of '30 urged us on.” Oh, classmates of this dear school, Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors, We, the Seniors, pray that The hand above guide you To a greater understanding. And as you pass from out these doors May you reverently bow your head, And soy a prayer to the class of '30, And say, we followed in their foot- steps and won, May God forever bless them. —MILDRED KOCHER. Lake Township Senior Reporter. -Noxen- Mr. and Mrs, Elwood May and daughter, Mildred, visited in Allen- town Sunday. . Mrs. Arthur Jones of Noxen has re- turned home from a three weeks’ stay in Pittston. A, I. Meeker and family have moved into their apartment over the store. Irvin Newberry has treated his house 10 a coat of paint together with the addition the property is much improved. The bazaar held by the Lutheran Ladies’ Society was a great success in every way. Miss Murial Lutes and Elinore Pogar are expected from Mansfield State Teachers’ College, for Thanks- giving vacation. b Mr, end Mrs. Clarence Theomix vigited at Alderson Wednesday eve- ning and attended the chicken pie supper at the M. E. Church of that place. tr nr WATCH FOR AN ARIZONA COWBOY Dec 11 and 13 High School Auditorium Classified Advertisements Watch For AN ARIZONA COWBOY Dec. 11 and 13 High School Auditorium HAY FOR SALE Loose and baled, also three iron kettles and butchering Weiss Farm, Dallas 174-R-15. large outfit. 2t FOR SALE Because I am closing my house for the winter, I will sell new dining rocm suite, used three months; walnut buf- fet, china closet, serving table, six chairs and diningroom table. Mrs. James Calladine, DeMuns, Dallas 372-R-13. 11-23-1t LOST fold pocketbook, containing Friday night at high school; Reward. Phone Small money; fraternity seal face. Dallas 283-R-2. Organize N ew School League Without Dallas Boys’ and Girl’ Teams to Represent Each School in Newly-Formed Bi- County League A second meeting was held at Hig- gins’ College Inn Wednesday night to organize a rural basketball league. Five schools were represented and officers were elected for the season as follows: President, Calvin McHose of Lake township; secretary, Mr. Gir- ton of Dallas township. The league is composed of the fol- lowing schools: Lake township, Leh- man township, Xingston township, Dallas township, and Kingston town- ship. A motion was made and carried to extend the time to December 1 for | other teams in the vicinity to become | members. After considering various | names it was decided that the league | will be caleld the Bi-County Basket- ball League since schools of both Lu- zerne and Wyoming county are mem- bers.. It is planend to have both a The principals of the schools are to act as a committee on eligibility of players and other problems that may arise. Mr. Aurand of Lehman town- ship and Mr. Austin of Monroe town- shop will arrange the schedule. Inter-scholastic rules for 1929-30 will be used in the league. A home and a visiting game will be played between all teams. 'All games will start at 7:45 p. m. The price of admission will be 15 cents for pupils below the eighth grade and 25 cents for high school pupils and all others. Reports of the game will be sent to the local newspaper and to M. J. Gir- ton, secretary of the league, Dallas, Pa. Mr. O’Malley, of Plains, gave a talk on basketball equipment and exhibited several samples. He will be glad to visit any school to help solve any athletic problems which they may have. - lene ee OPENS NEW SHOP John Williams of Kingston has opened an up-to-date barber shop over Leonard’s store in Trucksville. All Of The Fixings For Your Thanksgiving Dinner ® Swteet Potatoes Cranberries Celery Parsley Iceberg Lettuce Turnips Parsnips Tomatoes Onions Tokay Grapes Walnuts Chestnuts Cream Nuts Sweet Cider Strictly Fresh Eggs Fancy Cookies Oysters Fresh Fish of All Kinds 20 ——e TRY A POUND OF DREW’S OLD-FASHIONED : VERMONT SAUSAGE (Made in Tunkhannock) We Are Exclusive Dallas Agents For This Great Sausage 0 Evergreen Market WILLIAM LABAR, Proprietor Main St. Dallas AK] QUILTS The ladies of the Lutheran Society ; of Noxen have just quilted five quilts for Mrs. John Thomas of Deposit, N. Y. Three of these will be sent to the State of Washington for Christ- mas. Among those who visited the bazaar recently held at Noxen were Rev. and Mrs. Ruff of Shavertown, Mr. and Mrs. James Fields and daugh- ter, Mrs. James Bunnell and Miss Powers of Tunkhannock and Mrs. Duphenia Lutes of Bowman's Creek. UNUSUAL VALUE 500 Pairs Of Shoes Regular Prices 35. 00 $2.08 All latest novelties in a variety of styles, leathers and colors. Dis- tinctive patterns, color combina- tions to harmonize with every cos- tume. THE SPANIER SHOPPE 69 MAIN STREET LUZERNE = Open Evenings Till Nine Poultry and Meats Place Your Order Now For Thanksgiving Dinner Chickens, Ducks, Geese and Fancy b Meats W. S. MOORE BUTCHER | Main Street boys’ and girls’ team from each school. || (Formerly Freshman Radio) ANNOUNCES The Season’s Greatest Radio Value An Eight-Tube Radio With An Inductor Dynamic Speaker Complete With Tubes For A VARIETY OF CABINETS AND MODELS MODEL 31-C.A. And Radios ‘Last Word" Receiver Possessing a four-screw grid tube circuit with the C. A. Earl CENT RA-MATIC Tone Finder at the pricelof! $207 .00 (Complete With Tubes) / onk Hardware HAVERTOWN, PA. A
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