x vo / go John DeWitt, of Main street, who es been confined to his bed for the past four weeks, is improving. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Major were callers at the home. of Mr. and Mrs. ‘W. W. Brace on Tuesday. The firemen will meet at the school ouse Monday evening at 8. The en- rtainment committee has a fine pro- gram arranged. The speaker will be William Bodmer of Kingston. Local residents were given a real aerial exhibition” Tuesday afternoon when a Bird plane from the Wyo- ming Valley airport did a number of hair-raising stunts. "Mr. and Mrs. /Russell Engle and daughter Irene spent the week-end at ‘Mt. Carmel. ; . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hess and son Wayne of Kingston were dinner guests of Rev. and Mrs. Harry Henry HEH © on Sunday. , Miss Lena York of New York will give a reading in Methodist Church next Sunday evening. She is a guest .of Rev. and Mrs. Henry. About eighty people registered at the Dallas district Sunday school con- _wention at Methodist Church on Sat- ~urday. The junior choir furnished .music in the afternoon. Miss Irene Hicks gave an organ recital in the © evening and the Vercoe sisters sang. «A football game will be played Thanksgiving day afternoon on the local school house grounds when the "married men and single men . will clash. The Kellar class was entertained recently at the home of Mrs. Edward .P. Whitby by Mrs. Gritfith, Mrs. Bo- gart and Mrs. Whitby. The annual ~ rummage sale will be held in Luzerne + the first ,week in December. More than $160 was taken in at the meet- ing. Plans for the annual Christmas party are well under way. Four new members were welcomed, Mrs. W. W. Brace, Mrs. G. Harold Lloyd, Mrs. Ar- t _thur Spears and Mrs. Stephen John- son. | ~ Mrs. Corwyn Baptiste entertained the Search Lights at her home on Tuesday evening. Plans were com- ~ pleted for the dinner which was held ~~ last evening at the Kingston M. E. Church. A number of local people at- tended. Benefit Card Party A card party for the benefit of St. Therese’s Church, Shavertown, was given in the parish house on Fri- ; day evening, November 29. The parish . has been under heavy expense the last 3 months beautifying the property. Concrete walks and approaches have been entirely completed. i Marriage Announcement ~ Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Lohman of Pioneer avenue announce the mar- - riage of their daughter, Margaret, to Albert Antanaitis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Antanaitis, of Nagatuck, Conn. ~The ceremony was performed Satur- day, November 4 at St. Therese’s Church with Rev. J. J. O'Leary offi- __ciating. Miss Helen Lohman was ' pridesmaid and Ernest Johnson of Wilkes-Barre, best man. After an ex- . tended wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. N © church, will preach the sermon. new $110 shot gun. Antanaitis have moved into a newly furnished home at Mt. Airy Terrace. . A number of local people attended "the card party held by the Shaver- town branch of the Memorial West Side Hospital Wednesday evening at «~+«the Dallas high school. The funds : sderived from the card party will be pa used to furnish a room at the hos- © pital. 2 TR Sprains Ankle _ While out hunting on Thursday, George Shaver, of Shaver avenue, : ‘sustained a_ sprained ankle when he fell over a fence while chasing a rab- pit that he had shot. He was hunt- ing at Dushore with I.ott Thompson, who brought him home. Despite the njury George got the rabbit. Union Service Union Thanksgiving service M. E. Church Rev. G. The ‘will be held at the Thanksgiving day morning. Hilson Ruff, pastor of the Lutheran The * three local churches which form the union are M. E., P. M. and Lutheran. . Dr. and Mrs. Sherman Schooley at- ‘tended the Penn iState-Bucknell foot- ball game at Penn State on aSturday. Miss Esther Thomas, sight was dangerously much improved. Miss Emily Reed of Forty Fort was a recent caller at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Freeman. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Inanders and family of Pioneer avenue are tmoving to Fernbrook. ° Rev. C. B. Henry attended the ministerial meeting at Ransom Poor House during the week. Mrs. John Alden of Plymouth is spending a few days at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Charles Ayers. . Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Brace, Harry Headly and John Gay spent Sunday in Forty Fort, the guests of Mr. and * Mrs. Peery Coolbaugh. impaired, is Card of Thanks Mys. George L. Malkemes wishes to thank those who assisted in her re- ‘cent bereavement; also those who sent flowers. SEEN AND HEARD «By Will Wimble Watch the deer fall now is all that can be heard around town these days since Herm VanCampen bought that ‘What say, Herm? We wander how George Shaver will whose eye-’ -Trucksville- Norman Ringstone has been quite ill with grippe and tonsilitis. Mrs. John Drake recently spent a week visiting her granddaughter at Bloomsburg. Miss Palmer is back at school after an attack of grippe. Mrs. Cronk and daughter of Wilkes- Barre have started to build their néw home on Orchard street. The members of the Epworth League are planning to have their annual Thanksgiving breakfast in the church on Thanksgiving morning. Queen Esthers Meet The Queen Esther Standard Bearer Society met with Marion Reese Mon- day evening. It was decided to pack a Christmas box at Mrs. Newhart’s on November 29. All girls are asked to bring crayons, tablets, pencils or some other gift for the box. A short play was given by June Palmer, Charlotte Stroud, ‘Anna Adams and Emily Lewis. Refreshments were served to the following: Ruth Hewitt, Beatrice Drake; Eleanor Parsons, Lea Richards, Minerva. Perkins, Betty Cole, Charlotte Parsons, Keletia Parsons, Ruth Mathers, Thelma Bulford, Ruth Hoover, Betty DeBolt, Florence Rich- ards, | Edith ‘Weidner, Matilda Roushey, Charlotte Stroud, June Pal- mer, Emily Lewis, Mrs. Ziba Howell, Mrs. Moyle, Mrs. Bennett, Mrs. Reese and Marion Reese. : The Trucksville Missionary Society met last week at the home of Mrs. T. R, Evans of Wilkes-Barre. There were about twenty present and the first three chapters of the study book were given. » On Wednesday afternoon the Home and Foreign Missionary Society had a birthday tea at the home of Mrs. C. F. Lewis. The Ladies’ Aid Society held an all day quilting meeting on Thursday with a covered dish luncheon. A Girl Scout rally of all the troops in the valley was held at St. Stephen's on Wednesday evening. Ruth Mathers and Della Riddle represented the Trucksville troop in the drill given by members from the different troops. Mrs. Charles Trein has heen spend- ing some time in Montrose at the home of her parents. manage to help the married men in the football garme with the single men Thanksgiving Day. "When you talk football nowadays, don’t fail to mention Bucknell Uni- versity when Doc Schooley is around. “Doc” says that Bucknell has the best team in the East. Earl Monk has been busy the past week installing the famous Bremer- Tully radio sets in the homes of Ed. Avery and Charles Wilmer. We wonder if the lady who backed her car into the telephone pole on Sunday knew she knocked the . fire alarm box loose. We know, Florence. It's beginner's luck. Lott Thompson says that he saw many a man fall for a woman, but never saw a man fall over a fence for a rabbit. What say, George? It is said that a certain local man has dropped $80,000 in the recent stock market crash. A certain man about town went to the home of Senator A. J. Sordoni for appointment to-the office of: Justice of the Peace. The Senator responded by: telling him, that he should have enough respect for the diceased before getting in a hurry for ment. The firemen were very slack in get- ting rid of the tickets for the recent band concert. It is rumored about town that “Red” Schwartz will get the appoint- ment. of Justice of the Peace. But when speaking to “Red” he said he wasn’t a bit interested. 5 o First U. S. “Regulars” first regiments of the United recular army were formed i The States 170 the appoint-| New Drug Store ‘At Shavertown Sheldon® Evans, Former Kingston Athlete, Purchases Kuehn’s Shaver- town Pharmacy and Will Add Many New Features “Evans’ Pharmacy” is the name of Shavertown’s new drug store opened during the week in the store formerly occupied by Kuehn’s drug store on the Main street next to the Atlantic & Pacific store. The pharmacist in / charge of the new store is Sheldon T. Evans, former Dorrancetony and /Forty Fort high schools athlete. / Mr. Evans is a graduate of Philadelphia, College of Pharmacy and Science, class of 1926, and since graduating from college and coming a registered pharmacist, he has been engaged by ‘two large hos- pitals and several prominent drug stores of Philadelphia, = Wilkes-aBrre and the West Side. The new store will add many fea- tures. The management will also en- deavor to give the people of Shaver- town, Trucksville and surrounding communities real service. Orders over the telephone will be promptly de- livered. The store will carry a full baccos, a good line of candy, both loose and in boxes; a complete foun- tain service; an entire new line of drugs and merchandise; a circulating library; street car tickets; radios; in brief, everything the modern, up-to- date drug store shrould have. In stocking this drig store, the management has made a special effort to have an hand anything a patron wants rather than a large quantity of one thing and nothing of something else. On top of this the store will advertise as its motto “The Store of Personal Service.” The people of this district may go into the new drug. store’ and obtain competent, reliable advice from a registered pharmacist. They want their patrons to feel that a friendly service awaits them. The formal opening of the store will take place in about ten days. Arrivals of additional fixtures, stocks and ap- paratus are expected shortly. All week the electricians, carpenters, ‘linoleum layers, cleaners and other tradesmen have been busy revamping the pharmacy The people of Trucks- ville and Shavertown will be invited to attend the formal opening. In the meanwhile, a ready and friendly ser- vice is available by calling Dallas 222. Ain’t Science Wonderful? Veterinarians have discovered, ac- cording to Farm and Fireside, how to remove the bark from a dog and the bleat from a goat. It remains only for them to eliminate the mosquito’s bite and the bee’s sting-to make coun- try life practically 100 per cent per- fect. First National Bank DALLAS, PA * * x Members American Bankers’ Association * x >» DIRECTORS R. L. Brickel, C. A. Frantz, D. P. Honevwell, W. B. Jeter, Sterling Machell, W. R. Neely, Clifford W. Space, Wm.. Bulford, George R. Wright. OFFICERS George R. Wright, President D. P. Honeywell, 1st Vice-Pres. C. A. Frantz, 2nd Vice-Pres. W. B. Jeter, Cashier ® * ® Shree Per Cent. on Savings Deposits No account too small to assure careful attention Deposits Payable on Demand Vault Boxes for Rent Self-Registering Saving Bank Free L ¢ Leaving Buffalo 8 DIRECT BUS SERVICE Leaving Fort Durkee Hotel Daily a TQ New York 8 A. M.—12:30 P. M.—6 P. M. Leaving New York 8 A. M.—1 P. M. To Buffalo, Detroit, Chicago 8 A. M.—2:30 P. M. With Direct Connections for All Points West Thru Coaches—No Changes To Philadelphia and Atlantic City—S8 A. M.—6 P. M. Leaving Philadelphia 8 A. M.—5 P. M. Make Reservations at Fort Durkee Hotel Or Frank Martz Coach Co., Inc. 5 P. M—1 A. M. A. M.—8:30 P. M. MAIN OFFICE tiff 12 billion gallons, and distri Al Water Ser 30 NORTH FRANKLIN STREET The Scranton-Spring Brook Water Service Company The water supply of the entire Wilkes-Barre district, comprising 52 separate civil divisions, with an area approximately 90 square miles, is furnished by Scranton-Spring Brook Water Service Company. The total population is estimated at 371,000, which is served through 82,500 taps in the distribution system. The water, obtained from virgin mountain springs and streams, from 15 separate sources in forested watersheds, is impounded in 89 reservoirs, providing a total storage o buted through 705 miles of distribution mains. : ved To Consumers Is Carefully Sterilized. WILKES-BARRE, PA. line of fresh cigars, cigarettes and to-g NZ ® NOVEMBER 23, 1929 Must Be the Climate Brown Trout grow to thirty pounds or more in New Zealand, and aver- age more than double the size of the same fish in English waters. Yet all New Zealand's brown trout came ori- ginally from Great Britain. Peckoning Light Two lights are seen on the horizon —one the fast fading marsh light of power; and the other the slowly ris- ing sun of human krotherhood.—John P. Altgeld. MASSAGING SHAMPOOING Ladies’ and Children’s HAIR BOBBING Floyd Wells SANITARY BARBER SHOP Next to Johnson’s Store Main Road Trucksville il Pete Says: — How about finishing that attic room now for the children’s winter play room. We can fur- nish sheet rock for it now af $25.00 per thousand. Peter O. Lutz + Dallas 270-R-16 First National Bank PUBLIC SQUARE WILKES-BARRE, PA. , United States Depository: Capital Stock . $750,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits earned ...........$2,000,000.00 Officers and Directors: Wm. H. Conyngham, President © C. F. Huber, 1st Vice President Geo. R., McLean, 24 Vice President Francis Douglas, Cashier F. W. Innes, Assistant Cashier Directors Richard Sharpe C. F. Huber C. N. Loveland Francis Douglas W. H. Conyngham T. R. Hillard Geo. R, McLean Tea Hunt F. O. Smith Edward Griffith Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent 3 Per Cent Interest Paid On Savings Deposits $1.00 Will Start An Account | wd L Short Time in Canal A vessel proceeding directly th ough the Panama canal without delays re quires only 10 to 12 hours for passage. - Of this time 3 hours is occupied in he ing lifted ard lowered through the 'ocks. Abo o Bed is a bundle of parado go to it with reluctance. yet | it with regret; we make up ou | every night to leave it early. | make up our bodies every mornir | keep it late - Colton. Ag BERIT For MAIN STREET formal opening. munity as we want to serve them 32) ee ee ee ee Ro ee store. HIVE PE DE PPE BE Trucksville - - and CE eC BEE CB aoe Se BEBE SB BE FB Be BE Be Be Baa ae Announcing A New Drug ‘Store Shavertow Evan's Pharmacy (Formerly Kuehn’s) SHAVERTOWN, P In a few days the management will make announcement of. / We shall then be in a position to serve the people of the com © know that is what the people of this growing community want. In The Meanwhile We. are ready to furnish you with prompt, accurately compounded, double-checked prescriptions or to deliver to you any article from our: merchandise, our fountain department or any other department in the i “The Store of Personal Service” BE CR ERE Ra ee Be BR Ee Be pee Be EBB Ee BEB BRIE ea ee] SBOE 0 oole @. ® sooo fooled ® &, 0, 6. © CN 00d 2pP 00 45 o*% / O Os 0 0% 2% X Xa Xa XEN $e oil Joed NNN a? 469 09059059 059059 06% 4 9 4 9s 0% 2 0% o* eee ped COOK / $090 9, + OO 0, 0 Sala Xa Xe? 0430430 + A 9. 9. 0, ho +» Instrument: 0, 0. 0, 0. OO 0 9b Ob 0 0 0 0 TO 9.0 0 0 6 9 6 6 6 7 OLY 20 afee O00. 0 & 00 0 0. OL 0 60 0 bb OO Qedededoddodedododed oS GGT BREMER: BREMER-TULLY 00 Br Or Fe Be Be Os Be BODO (O60 0490S 00 0H OI 05F UH 00 06% 963 00% TS Tr + A Hundred and One N ights —in ONE American Nights Entertainment requires no enchanting story teller—when there’s a Bremer-Tully Radio in the house. For this perfected instrument, with its super-sensitive Micro-Balanced Chassis, literally brings you the artists of a hundred and one studios for any evening’s entertainment. Distance . . . you said it, with a Special Fine-Tuning Control that gives rich voice to far away stations never logged before. Hear it here and you’ll want one for your own Model 82—De Luxe French Door Console. All electric. 9 tubes including rectifier and voltage regulator. Single Control. 10 inch tone-true Super-Dynamic Speaker. Hand finished period walnut cabinet MONK HARDWARE Shavertown, W/ 0 0, 0. 6 0 0 0 WN O00 Kaa a a XERXES Pa. 6%-6% 0% 0% +2 0% 6% 0% 0% + 2% OPIS CII EP LIAO, othe Stes So egeagrefeeds Sr uf 9, o¥ "e* %% 9 Oe > Po +%.% Ze5r Soles * ’ be o% 6% <% o% o% ¢ 9 HGH EGE SH O00 RS ’ ~ 0, 0 0 967 %° 2% % BR 4 a 9 be? 4 2 I Se. 3 LW WN (0059 069 040969 00% 06% 9% 26% 264% 0 00 egos
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