Faily Buzz PUNKINVILLE'S LEADING NEWPAPER [ciean, even w PoLoTicS” [DOTTY COYNE HAS ANOTHER BEAU SRM SLICK THE TOWN DUDE] ATTEMPTED To TAKE DOTTY COYNE THE BANKERS [DAUGHTER HOME ON HIS TANDEM BICYCLE , SAM LOST CONTROL OF THE FOOL CONTRAPTION £ WAS [FORCED To ABANDON IT AT] THE FOOT OF PUTTS HILL, POLICE £ COURT NOTES $736 TS WEEK FROM ERRING MOTORISTS. “J. VAN RENSALEER. THE G PROCEDURE =I OHER A AGRANT [Man SIREET]/ “THE MAIN THING ON MAIN STREET” YA READ fat THE SIGNS ( SE Wii 0; a SHERIFF'S SALE Saturday, Sept. 14, 1929, At 10 A. M. By virtue of a writ of Fi Fa No. 232, October Term, 1929, issued ~ out of the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County, to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale by ven- due to the highest and best bidders, for cash, at the Sheriff's Sales Room, Court House, in the City of Wilkes- Barre, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, the 14th day of Septem- ber, 1929, at ten o'clock in the fore- noon of the said day, all the right, title and interest of the defendants in and to the following described lot, piece or parcel of land, viz: All that certain piece or parcel of land situate near Holcomb’s Grove, Kingston Township, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows: ~~ Beginning at the southeast corner of Levi Harris’ land on the North side of Maple street; thence Ncrth ten degrees fifty-five minutes West, one hundred: eighty-one and five-tenths (181.5) feet to a corner in line of land of H. H. Shaver; thence along land of H. H. Shaver, North seventy-nine degrees five minutes East, one hundred twenty (120) feet to a corner; thence South ten degrees fifty-five minutes East one hundred eighty-one and. five- . tenths (181.5) feet to the North line of ~ said Maple street; thence along same South seventy-nine degrees five minutes West one hundred twenty (120) feet to the place of beginning, contain- ing 21,780 square feet of land, be the same more or less, and being a part of larger premises conveyed to Asa FP. Shaver by deed of other heirs of Louis R. Shaver, dated August 2, 1917, re- corded in Deed Book 516 at page 478 and being same premises that were conveyed to Albert C. Lightcap et ux. by deed of said Asa P. Shaver and Julia E. Shaver his wife, dated March 13, 1923, and recorded in Deed Book No. 583, at page 22, with the ap- purtenances. Improved with a frame dwelling, outbuildings and fruit trees. Seized and taken'into execution at the suit of D. S. Lauderbaugh vs. A. G. Lightcap and Dorothy J. Lightcap, and will be sold by JOHN MacLUSKIE, : Sheriff. Arthur Davenport, Attorney. 0 SHERIFF'S SALE Saturday, Sept. 14, 1929, At 10 A. M. By virtue of a writ of Fi Fa No. 263, October Term, 1929, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County, to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale by ven- due to the highest and best bidders, for cash, at the Sheriff's Sales Room, Court House, in the City of Wilkes- Barre, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, the 14th day of Septem- ber, 1929, at ten o'clock in the fore- noon of the said day, all the right, | title and interest of the defendants in and to the following described lot, piece or parcel of land, viz: ALI that certain piece, parcel or tract of land situate, lying and being in the Township of Kingston, County of Luzerne and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described, to-wit: BEGINNING at a point in the Pub- Jic Road running from Hays, to Ketcham at a point in line of land now or late of Martin Sezeck: thence along the line of land of said Martin Sezeck South 36 degrees East, one hundred forty-six and eighty-five hundredths (146.85) perches to a post in line of land of P. O. Barney; thence along line of land of P. O. Barney, North 34 degrees East. to a stone in line of land now or late of Porter Michael; thence along line of land of said Por- ter Michael North 34 degrees 30 miutes West, one hundred fifty-eight and forty-eight hundredths (158.48) parohes to a point in said Public Road; thence along sald Public Road South 23 degrees 15 minutes West, twenty- nine and four-tenths (29.4) perches to a point still in said Public thence still along said Public Road South 20 degrees 50 minutes West, seventeen and one-tenth (17.1) perches to the point or place of beginning. Con- taining thirty-one and seventy-three hundredths (31.73) acres and being a portion of lot No. 33 in the back tier of . the Fourth Division of the Certified Township of Kingston. Being the samme premises conveyed to John S. Duda and Susan Duda, his wife, by deed of Charles W. Spencer and Agnes Spencer, his wife, dated July 29th, 1927, and recorded in Deed Book 662, page 140. Improved with frame dwelling house. barn and other outbuildings. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Pennsylvania Joint Stock Land Bank of Philadelphia vs. John S. . Duda and Susan Duda. and will be sold by JOHN MacLJUSKIE, 1 Sheriff. Donald O. Coughlin, Attorney. Road; | SHERIFF’S SALE Saturday, Sept. 14, 1929, At 10 A. M. By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias- sur Mortgage, No. 245, October Term, 1929, issued out of the Court of Com- ‘mon Pleas of Luzerne County, to me directed, there will be exposed to pub- lic sale by vendue to the highest and best bidders, for cash, at the Sheriff's Sales Room, Court House, in the City of Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, the 14th day of September, 1929, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of the said day, all the right, title and interest of the defen- dants in and to the following described piecé or parcel of land, viz: All that certain lot and land sutuate on the easterly side of Main street in the Borough of Dallas, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: On tht North by land of J. J. Bulford Estate; on the East by land of the Lehigh Val- ley Railroad Company; on the South by land of Coray Frantz, and on the West by Main street aforesaid. Being the same land conveyed to Wesley T. Daddow by deed of Benja- min Hall, et al, dated November 23, 1904, and recorded in the Recorder's Office of Luzerne County in Deed Book 422, page 141. ( Excepting and reserving two parcels of land heretofore conveyed to the Wilkes-Barre, Dallas & Harvey's Lake Railway Company by the two follow- ing deeds, to-wit: | (1) Deed of William E. Bond and | wife, dated June 19, 1899, and re- corded .in said Recorder’s Office in Deed Book 377, page 216. (2) Deed of Wesly T. Daddow and wife, dated March 28, 1922, and re- corded in the Recorder's Office afore- said in Deed Book 560, page 565. Improved with the following build- ings: One two-story frame garage, one two-story frame dwelling, with store front. attached to garage; one \ -Kunkle- Mrs. who were ill recently, have recovered. Mrs.. Griffith Hughson and Mrs. Boyle of Wilkes-Barre called on Mrs. Olin Kunkle, Miss Margaret Kunkle and Mrs. Fred Kunkle on Wednesday. Mrs. Charles Herdman and Mrs. Viec- tor Rydd entertained at dinner on Wednesday Mrs. Sherman Wardan, Misses Elizabeth, Abeline and Kay Wardan of Shavertown and Mrs. W. H. Conden. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Hess entertained at dinner on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brace and son Wayne of Cen- termoreland and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith of Beaumot. Harry Levalley is suffering from blood poisoning in his leg, caused by a burn he received while fighting forest fires. Mr. and Mrs. George Sayre have returned to Kunkle and are again liv- ing ‘with + Mr. Sayre’s George Weaver. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rydd tained recently Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rydd and Mrs. Crawford of Kingston and Misses Helen and Antoinette Rydd of Philadelphia. Mrs. M. C. Miers returned on Tues- day from Homeopathic Hospital, where she had been a patient for about two weeks following an operation. Mrs. Miers is recovering rapidly and is able to be about the house. . Mrs. Arthur Updyke and daughter, Bertha, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Kunkle, Mr. and Mrs. William Brace and chil- dren and Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Devens were callers at the M. C. Miers home Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Conden, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Herdman and Mr. Mrs. Victor Rydd spent Monday eve- ning with Mr. and Mrs. Sherman War- dan of Shavertown. Frances Sayre, six-year-old daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Sayre, was seriously ill a few days the past week with convulsions caused by an attack two-story frame dwelling, with store front: one one-story frame building occupied as wa shoemaker shop, and one two-story frame dwelling on rear of lot. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of John Morrett, assignee of J. E. Hildebrant, who was assignee of Clark S. Hildebrant vs. Wesley T. Daddow. and will be sold by JOHN MacLUSKIE, Sheriff. Joseph P. Flanagan, Attorney. tl ge DE SHERIFF'S SALE | Saturday, Sept. 14, 1929, At 10 A. M. By virtue of two writs of Fi Fa, Nos. 250 and 251, October Term, 192%, issued out of the Court of Com- mon Pleas of Luzerne County, to me directed, there will be exposed to pub- lic sale by vendue to the highest and best bidders, for cash, at the Sheriff's Sales Rcom, Court House, in the City |of Wilkes-Barre. Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, the 14th day of September, 1929, at ten o’clock in the forenoon of the said day, all the right, title and interest of the defen- dants in and to the following described lot, piece or parcel of land, viz- All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land situate, lying and being in the Township of Franklin County of Lu- zerne, State of Pennsylvania, bounded land described as follows, to-wit: | BEGINNING at a hickory tree cor- Iner on the northerly side of an unim- | proved road in the Township of Franklin. County of Luzerne, said hickory tree being corner of land of Milton White and George Zevadski; thence along land of Milton White, North 28 degrees 12 minutes East 523.29 feet to a corner in a stone wall; thence still along land of Milton White North 60 degrees 56 minutes West 150.72 feet to a corner in a stone wall; thence still along land of Milton White north 29 degrees 52 minutes jtast 719.21 feet to a pitch’ Pine Stump Cor- ner, said corner being corner of land of Milton White and William He:tsman; thence along land of William Heits- | man North 60 degrees 441% ‘minutes (East 1066.17 feet to a Red Oak Cor- | ner, said corner being corner of land of Willtam Heitsman and Fred Dpy- mond thence along land off Fred Dy- 'nond South 9 degrees 5 minutes East 1168.79 feet to a -Rock Oak Corner, said corner being a corner of land of Fred Dymond; thence along said Dy- mond’s land South 63 degrees 1 minute West 400.76 feet to a corner in a stone wall, said corner being a corner of land of Fred Dymond; thence along land of Fred Dymond and Paul Brace South no degrees 8 minutes West 1756.50 feet to a Red Oak Corner, said corner being a corner of land of Snell Estate; thence along sald Snell Estate North 82 de- grees 56 minutes West 502.69 feet to a corner in a stone wall; thence still aalong Snell Estate South 8 degrees 14 minutes West 352.50 feet to a corner in a stone wall, said corner being a cor- ner of land of Snell Estate and of indigestion complicated by the ef- | fects of vaccination. She was so ser- Jiously, ill that she was taken to General | Hospital for a couple of days for treatment but is now almost fully re- covered. Mr. and Mrs. Olive Ellsworth, Mrs. Emma Miller and daughter Jean and Mr. and Mrs. William Brace and daughter Caroline attended the Ells- worth reunion wut Meshoppen last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Achuif of Shavertown and Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Ellsworth of Idetown also attended. Marvin Elston, Ralph Elston, Sant, ley Elston, Ralph Hess and Owen Ide drove to Syracuse, N. Y., on Wednes- day last where they enjoyed two days of sightseeing at the New York State fair, returning home on Saturday. They: report a most enjoyable trip. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Conden enter- tained on Thursdaya evning last Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Wardan, Misses Elizabeth and Kay Wardan, Sherman Kunkle, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Herd- man and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rydd. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Herdman enter- tained at dinner on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Harry Doll ad daughters, Hil- {dreth and Lucile, of Evans Falls, Mr. and Mrs. George Landon and daugh- ters, Lois and Althea, and son Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Cragg Herdman and daughters, Jane and Rebecca. Misses Emily Honeywell and Leona Smith called on Mrs. Olin Kunkle Tuesday evening. Miss Smith, who has been enjoying a two weeks’ vaca- tion at her home here, returned to her [employment in Wilkes-Barre Wednes- | day. Mrs. Clarence Root and son Francis made a business trip to Wilkes-Barre on Thursday. Sheldon and Junior Mosier and Miss Lois Mosier spent Sunday with their aunt, Miss Blanche Mosier. | Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kunkle enter- | tained at dinner on Sunday Mrs. Fred | Makinson of Forty Fort, Mr. and Mrs. | Stanley Durland, Mrs. Etat Kocher and Miss Margaret May of West Wyoming. William Baird of Trucksville was the guest of the Olin Kunkle family on Sunday. North 64 degrees 26 minutes West 1634.30 feet to a stake an stone .cor- ner. said corner being corner of land of Rozelle and Milton White; thence along land of Milton White North 30 degrees 10 minutes East 1157.70 feet to a corner in a stone wall on: the northerly side of an unimproved road; thence still along land of Milton White South no degrees 59 minutes East 176.25 feet to a Hickory Tree Corner, the place of beginning. Con- taining ninety-six (96) acres. Together with all buildings and fen- ces situate thereon , also all ths farm- ing implements. Seized and taken into execution at the suits of George Zawacki and Julianna Zawacki vs. Franw Drobnicki and Senia Drobnicki and Terra Ten- ants Athoy Smydola and Stefania Smydola, and will be sold by ' JOHN MacLUSKIE, Sheriff Rozelle; thence along Rozelle land Paul J. Schmidt, Attorney. Sherman ' Hoyt and children, | grandfather, | | to Philadelphia recently. enter- | and | ~Trucksville- Miss Leona Smith of Dallas spent Sunday with Mrs. Mabel Mahoney. Miss Helen Reynolds has returned home after spending a few weeks in Buffalo, N. Y. Mrs. John Drake submitted to an operation recently at General Hospital. Mrs. G. W. Reynolds is visiting her son at Pittsburgh. Trucksville schools began September 3 with: a large enrollment. Miss Grace Dean is visiting her sister, Miss Bessie Dean, at Scranton. Miss Blanche Atherholt has returned home after a vacation in Endicott, NAY Harry Keller returned home on La- bor Day after spending some time with Sam VanScoy at Chase. : Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Heel of Pitts- ton spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hutchison. Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Graves motored Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Reed have re- turned home after a two weeks’ vaca- tion in the New England States. Miss Sarah Werner of Pen Argyl Pa., spent the week-end with Mrs. Susan Palmer of Orchard street. Support Our Local Candidate For Prothonotary : G. Harold Wagner of Dallas “12 SCREEN GRID many distant stations. This Neutrodyne-Pius LOWBOY, only Tubes Lxita Finished in birds-eye maple znd Crientel walnut Equipped with genuine’ E &:¢~5-Dynamic Speaker and Acoustic Equalizers, aid baiknced to take TWO of the wonderful new 243 power tubes, push-pull Other Models from $67.00 to $205.00 NO AERIAL NEEDED Neutrodyne-Plus models need no aerial for local and Many other features. 0) 0 02 0 0) S00 0 0 9 Qofefederlododefieddodededs FOR SALE Brookline side of Dallas borough, 9 room home, all improvements, with 3 Tots, shop, fruit, shade, flowers, shrub- bery. Priced at $5500. Shavertown, 8 rooms, main road, homey place, ,shade and flowers, lot 60x235. Cheap at $5700. 18 acres, Dallas borough, on hard street, near school, lights and water. $3000. Terms. 20 acres, Sutton Creek Road, $1200. Terms. h 20 acres, Huntsville, $1800. Terms. 40 acres, Bunker Hill, $1000. Terms. 4 acres, small house, near Ambrose West's, $1400. 162 acres, cose mile off concrete, 9 room house, large bank barn, 10 acres timber, four springs, fruit, crops; about 90 acres can be ploughed with tractor. $2,500. Near Wyalusing. ELMER PARRISH, Dallas Qroleade ade efeedeateadefesleiirleoie British Possessions The British empire comprises one- fourth of the world’s habitable sur- face, an area of 13,226,749 square miles. THEATRE TONIGHT Bellamy Trial ‘WITH LEATRICE JOY TUESDAY NIGHT The Wedding March A Big Special” WITH ERICH VON STROHEIM THURSDAY NIGHT Lawless Legion WITH KEN MAYNARD NEXT SATURDAY Wolf Song WITH GARRY COOPER CREB ESP EEE EP EA BP PPR ER EE 1 in your cwin home 30 FEAL Easy o income. them. details. ALL-ELECTRIC \/ ES, XL superb Philco Lowboy to your home on absolutely FREE TRIAL. You can then prove for yourself its matchless tone, mar- velous selectivity and amazing distance range. we will deliver this No obligation Do not hesitate to ask for this free trial. It places you under no obligation whatsoever. noyments, too! If yoy decide to buy this splen- “hilco after the free trial, you mevely make a small down pay- ment; bzlance mont ly out of Call at our store Requests for free trial are being taken care of as rapidly as pos- sible, in the order we receive You owe it to yourself to telephone us, or call at our store as early as possible for full BALANCED-UNIT Dallas Hardware & Supply Company MAIN STREET Be sure to hear the new Philco before you buy any radio » FIRE TRIAL DALLAS, PA.
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